2003, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 265-283 Productivity growth in the large-scale manufacturing of Greece: a non parametric approach
by Panos Fousekis - 284-296 International trade, religion, and political freedom: an empirical investigation
by Rock-Antoine Mehanna - 297-315 Capital mobility, intertemporal current account balance and currency crisis
by Ho-Don Yan - 316-332 New evidence on the rationality of exchange rate expectation
by Fazlul Miah & M. Kabir Hassan & M. Waheeduzzaman & Bassam Abual-Foul - 333-349 Determinants of demand for food in Greece: a microeconometric approach
by Andreas C. Drichoutis & Panagiotis Lazaridis - 350-368 Who are online shoppers?
by Bijou Yang & David Lester - 369-390 Macro issues in electronic commerce: the cultural divide
by Janet Aisbett & Guilherme Pires - 391-410 Risk and stability: a contribution to growth empirics
by Rock-Antoine Mehanna - 411-414 Book Review: Customer relationship management
by Greg Gibbon - 415-417 Book Review: Alliance capitalism and corporate management: entrepreneurial cooperation in knowledge based economies
by Howard Cox
2003, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 10-36 Hedging housing risk in the new economy: is there a connection, and should firms care?
by Nathan Berg - 37-55 Risk measures and the cost of equity in the new economy biotechnology industry
by Perry Sadorsky & Irene Henriques - 56-74 Market dominance options and asset structure: the case of Microsoft and Cisco
by Wojciech Grabowski - 75-99 Measuring knowledge spillovers in the new economy firms in Belgium using patent citations
by Ruslan Lukach & Joseph Plasmans - 100-110 Identifying the optimal capital structure for a second stage growth company using mezzanine financing
by John M. Clark & Randy I. Anderson - 111-128 Value creation efficiency in the new economy
by Ante Pulic & Marko Kolakovic - 130-131 Book Review: Ideology and the evolution of vital institutions: guilds, the gold standard, and modern international cooperation
by Forrest Capie - 132-133 Book Review: British Rail 1974-1997: from integration to privatisation
by Colin Divall - 134-136 Book Review: Environmental regulation in the new global economy: the impact on industry and competitiveness
by Dilip K. Das - 137-139 Book Review: Trade liberalization, competition and the WTO
by Dilip K. Das
2002, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 165-186 A new measure of comparative welfare
by Earl Thompson & Charles Hickson - 187-204 High performance work organisations in theory and practice
by Michael R. Smith - 205-222 Integrity capacity, business citizenship and Enron stakeholder remedies
by Joseph A. Petrick & John F. Quinn - 223-242 China's rapid transformation: the role of FDI
by James Angresano & Zhang Bo & Zhang Muhan - 243-260 Technology transfer, technological accumulation and firm economic performance: the case for Ellas
by Giannis Tselekidis - 261-276 R&D activities and firms' characteristics: some evidence from North East England
by H. R. Seddighi & M. W. Nuttall & J. Evans & K. A. Lawler - 277-295 The importance of being unimportant: small firms and small banks in Italy
by Maria Minniti - 296-324 Managing financial markets and exchange rate volatility arising from globalisation
by Dilip K. Das - 325-345 Greek exchange rate behaviour following German and US monetary policy shifts
by Nikiforos T. Laopodis - 346-369 The Polish pension reform
by Sylwia Gornik-Tomaszewski - 371-372 Book Review: Bootstrapping
by Janet Delve
2002, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-23 Market-adjusted options for executive compensation
by James J. Angel & Douglas M. McCabe - 24-52 Ideology and the evolution of vital institutions: a synopsis
by Earl A. Thompson - 53-80 The post-NAFTA influence of Trade Adjustment Assistance on the U.S. garment industry
by Lall B. Ramrattan & Michael Szenberg - 81-105 System dynamics: a learning and problem solving approach to development policy
by Khalid Saeed - 106-118 IPO underpricing in the main and second boards of the malaysia stock exchange
by Mahendra Raj & Mazida Abdul-Malik - 119-130 Emprical contributions to the theory of the firm
by Darlene C. Chisholm - 131-146 Externalities of electricity generation and renewable energy technologies
by Anthony D. Owen - 147-158 A note on the use of bicriteria decision trees in capital budgeting
by Pedro Cortesao Godinho & Joao Paulo Costa - 160-162 Book Review: Transnational corporations: fragmentation amidst integration
by Matias Ramirez
2001, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 175-185 The WTO, the IMF and the impact of their free-trade policies on developing nations
by Charles Hickson - 186-199 Why globalisation is good - some reflections on the ethics of globalisation
by Tibor R. Machan - 200-211 Aa adequate "financial architecture' for new economy firms
by Danny Cassimon & Peter-Jan Engelen - 212-232 Hedging against risk and the substitution of consumer issued assets by producer issued assets: the role of state specialisation of production processes
by Pedro J. Gutierrez - 233-257 A comparison of predictability of exchange rates between G7 and Asian developing countries: potential impact of government intervention
by Yuli Su & Yewmun Yip - 258-271 Auctions and retail price competition: a logit study of the North East
by Kevin A. Lawler & Kin Pui Lee & Chih Cheng Yang & Alfredo Moscardini - 272-286 Nonparametric estimation of Engel curves in Greece
by Panos Fousekis & Panagiotis Lazaridis - 287-311 An introduction to efficiency measurement using Bayesian stochastic frontier models
by Efthymios G. Tsionas
2001, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-19 Integrity capacity, organisational innovation and global technological challenges
by Joseph A. Petrick & John F. Quinn & Scott D. Williams - 20-43 The resource-based theory of the transnational corporation: conceptual and empirical issues
by Christos Pitelis - 44-67 A qualitative study of the determinants for the founding of web-based ventures
by Anthony Cantarella - 68-83 Making sense of e-business
by Bob Hartley & Brendan D'Cruz - 84-93 Online communites: stabilising e-business
by Jennifer Rowley - 94-110 Export growth of NAFTA members, intra-industry trade and adjustment
by Marius Brulhart & Michael Thorpe - 111-132 Global business and economics: towards a theory of the multinational corporation
by Anthony B. Lumby - 133-156 Does higher government spending depress private investment?
by Nikiforos T. Laopodis - 157-174 The globalisation of business and economics
by Michael Rafferty
2000, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 123-142 Changes in international capital flows and monetary dominance: a study of small and large economies
by R. Kupchak & M. Monadjemi - 143-158 Dynamic interactions between stock and foreign exchange markets
by Gregory Koutmos - 159-171 Do bubbles and time-varying risk premiums affect stock prices? a Kalman filter approach
by Lii-Tarn Chen & C. James Hueng & Chien-fu Jeff Lin - 172-184 Termination and endgame scenarios in international joint ventures
by Ursula F. Ott - 185-200 Health, lifespan and economic activity: why poor nations remain poor and rich nations rich
by Charles E. Swanson & Kenneth J. Kopecky - 201-217 Determining the present value of losses resulting from injury
by Gary Baker - 218-234 The market narrative: the wrong story for "managing" the public sector
by Adrian Carr - 235-245 Why do politicians in developed nations prefer foreign trade policy to income redistribution to counteract income inequality resulting from globalisation?
by Marcus Marktanner
2000, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-25 Financial derivatives in international business - the case of Sweden
by Michael Rafferty - 26-38 Free trade, business strategy and globalisation
by Gavin C. Reid - 39-52 And justice for all: human rights policy and performance in foreign operations of US-based multinational firms
by Priscilla R. Reis & Angeli E. Weller - 53-66 Did the "shock therapy" approach work in the economic restructuring of Eastern Europe? Some evidence from Poland and Russia: a brief review
by Demetrios Giannaros - 67-84 International joint ventures: a common agency problem
by Ursula F. Ott - 85-103 Competition, contracting and cost-sharing in the NHS internal market
by Keith E. Gray & Deb Ghosh - 104-120 Did the property tax revolt affect local government wages and employment? Evidence from the States
by Ronald J. Shadbegian
1999, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 119-138 The management of subcontracted networks as an alternative to internalisation: the shift from the standardised to the specialised in frozen and chilled foods
by Howard Cox & Simon Mowatt & Martha Prevezer - 139-157 To what extent are American and Japanese managerial concepts and techniques converging?
by Leslie E. Grayson & Orson Watson - 158-163 Business ethics in Japan
by Robert Hsu - 164-171 Pricing practices in Japan
by Robert Hsu - 172-202 Exchange rate volatility and trade flows: evidence from the European Union
by Nikiforos T. Laopodis - 203-214 Savings, taxation and growth: the case of European Union countries
by Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee & Lorenzo Escot & Miguel-Angel Galindo & Farhang Niroomand - 215-246 The Hellenic contribution to economic thought
by George A. Petrochilos
1999, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-16 Employment: the political economic challenges
by Frank Stilwell - 17-30 Business leadership judgment integrity and sustainable competitive advantage in the global digital economy
by Joseph A. Petrick - 31-42 Entrepreneurial activity and economic growth
by Maria Minniti - 43-59 Controlling international capital flows
by Jeffrey Sheen - 60-75 Financial risk management: dynamic versus static hedging
by Gregory Koutmos - 76-92 A neural network approach to inflation forecasting: the case of Italy
by Jane M. Binner & Alicia M. Gazely - 93-107 The social wage and the Accord in Australia
by Warren Pat Hogan & Susan Elizabeth King - 108-118 Globalisation and rising inequality in developed countries
by Christine Meyer