2019, Issue 2
- 89-98 Simplified Tax System in the Context of Problems of Small Business in Ukraine
by Liudmyla Oleinikova & Iryna Tochylina - 99-108 Venture Financing of the Subjects of Agrarian Business
by Nataliya Trusova & Nataliya Tanklevska & Oleksandr Prystemskyi - 109-117 Implementation of Value-Based Budgeting System at Ukrainian Enterprises
by Maksym Chut - 118-123 Bank's Internal Control Based on the Model "Four Lines of Defense": Features and Benefits
by Inna Dominova - 124-133 Internal Audit as a Preventive Component in the Bank's Cybersecurity System
by Olena Krykliy & Liudmyla Pavlenko - 134-143 Procedural Provision of Evidence of Professional Judgment in the Context of Compliance with the Qualitative Characteristics of Financial Reporting
by Nadiia Manko - 144-153 Methodological Principles of Forming the Audit Model of Economic Security
by Karina Utenkova - 154-158 Formation of a Profit Management Mechanism for Commercial Enterprises
by Marharyta Honcharenko - 159-163 Methodical Approach to the Evaluation of the Endogenous Investment Potential of the United Territorial Communities
by Iryna Leshchukh - 164-172 Metallurgical Enterprises Performance Indicators in the Context of the Corporate Social Responsibility Model Implementation
by Hanna Yangol
2019, Issue 1
- 5-10 Control in the Management System
by Lyubov Hutsalenko - 11-19 Organizational Aspects of Internal Control and External Audit of Goods at Trading Companies
by Nina Dorosh & Alina Chechui - 20-27 Integrated Reporting: A Retrospective and Perspective in Ukraine
by Valeriy Zhuk - 28-34 Accounting in the Digital Age: Expansion of Terminological Boundaries
by Nataliya Kantsedal - 35-43 Accounting for Financing of the Enterprise's Innovation Activities
by Tamara Kucherenko & Liudmyla Melnyk & Olha Ratushna - 44-48 Cost Accounting and Calculation of the Cost of Feed in the Pig Industry
by Dmytro Liudvenko - 49-54 Transdisciplinary Approach to Increase of Company's Intellectual Capital Management Efficiency
by Hanna Mysaka & Ivan Derun - 55-62 Organizational and Accounting Aspects of the Operating of Scientific Institutions of Public Sector
by Kateryna Obykhod - 63-70 Organization and Methods for Assessing the Capital Reserves in Accounting
by Lyubomyr Pylypenko & Yuliya Demska - 71-82 Organizational and Methodical Aspects of Accounting for Capital Investments
by Olena Yarmolyuk & Roman Shyshka - 83-91 Analysis of Systemically Important Commercial Banks
by Oleksiy Kalivoshko - 92-98 Directions of Analysis of the Formation of Revenues and Expenditures by Budgetary Institutions
by Mariya Nashkerska - 99-104 Problems and Prospects of Excise Taxation
by Bohdan Stakhov - 105-113 Development of the Fiscal Consolidation of Local Budgets of Regional Level
by Nataliya Trusova - 114-138 New Methodology of Complex Assessment of the Insurance Services Market of Ukraine: Scale and Competition Factors, Trends and Comparisons
by Lada Shirinyan & Aram Shirinyan - 139-144 Tax Budgeting in the Enterprise in Conditions of the Variable Business Environment: to Be or not to Be
by Vitaliy Shkromyda & Taras Hnatiuk & Nadiia Melnyk - 145-151 Impact of Corporate Culture on the Company's Development
by Viktor Zamlynskyi - 152-158 Energy-Efficient Cars and Their Role in the Anti-Crisis Strategy of the Enterprises in Ukraine
by Oleksandr Kotenko & Maryna Domashenko & Serhii Serdiuk - 159-167 Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of State Regulation of Sustainable Development of Rural Areas
by Olena Kruplenytska & Oleksandr Hudenko & Oleksandr Volynets - 168-176 Methodical Approach to Evaluation of the Economic Security's Level of the Communications Company
by Olha Sosnovska - 177-186 Mechanism of Government Regulation of the Space Industry of Ukraine
by Stanislav Shapoval & Andrii Voznenko
2018, Issue 4
- 5-10 Accounting for Investment Property in the Transition to IFRS
by Serhiy Holov - 11-18 Rating Assessment of Debtors in the Enterprise's Receivables Management System
by Oksana Knyshek & Anastasiia Kika - 19-25 Methodical Aspects of Import Operations Accounting at the Enterprise
by Anna Kuzminska - 26-37 Consolidated Financial Statements: The Genesis of Normatively Regulating in Ukraine
by Petro Kutsyk & Volodymyr Shevchuk & Svitlana Holovatska - 38-42 Audit in the United Rural Communities
by Kateryna Melnyk - 43-55 Scientific Paradigm of Information Support for Management of Biogenergy Development in Ukraine
by Nataliya Pravdyuk & Svitlana Alieksieienko - 56-63 Implementation of Terminology in the Field of Audit of State Finance: The Problem of Conventionality of Definitions
by Yuliya Slobodyanyk - 64-69 Internal Operational Reporting as a Means of Control in the Industrial Enterprise Management
by Olha Starenka - 70-76 Accounting for Capital Expenditures in the Intellectual Property Objects
by Nadiya Stolyarchuk - 77-83 Corporate Governance Principles and Accounting: Ways of Harmonization
by Vasyl Tsaruk - 84-93 Features of the Ukrainian Fiscal Space: Theoretical and Practical Reflections of Formation
by Halyna Vasylevska - 94-101 Diagnostics and Systemization of Basic Signs of Banking Crisis
by Oleksiy Lysenok & Lada Shirinyan - 102-107 Tax Audit: Contents, Invariance of Approaches and Perspective of Development
by Karina Nazarova & Larysa Mykhalchyshyna - 108-113 Transformation of Fiscal Policy and Fiscal Space under Conditions of Digital Technologies Expansion
by Nataliya Synyutka & Anatolii Lutsyk - 114-123 Methodical Approaches for Expert Monetary Valuation of Real Estate Objects
by Olena Zharikova & Oksana Pashchenko - 124-130 Methodological Bases of Research the Infrastructure of Financial and Credit Market
by Oleksiy Kalivoshko - 131-136 Determination of the Synergistic Influence of Crisis Phenomena on the Personnel Development of Domestic Enterprises and Innovative Indicators of Its Diagnosis
by Serhii Kapitula & Volodymyr Ilchenko & Atef A.F. Anani - 137-141 Interconnection of the Laws Regulating Scientific and Advisory Activities
by Nataliya Pohylenko - 142-148 Mechanisms for Improving the Foreign Trade by Agricultural Products
by Nataliia Sirenko & Kateryna Mikulyak
2018, Issue 3
- 5-12 Accounting Defectology: Classification and Diagnostics
by Oleh Vysochan - 13-18 Theoretical Aspects of Accounting for Enterprise Financial Results
by Viktor Hanin & Kateryna Lohvinenko - 19-28 Practical Aspects of Implementing the Accounting Policies Concerning the Further Expenses on Fixed Assets
by Liliana Goral & Sofiya Kafka & Olha Stepanyuk - 29-35 Software as the Enterprise Intangible Asset: The Accounting Aspect
by Olena Diadiun - 36-44 Transformation of Accounting Data about Fixed Assets While Transition to International Financial Reporting Standards (Case Study: Enterprises of the Mining and Metallurgical Complex of Ukraine)
by Oksana Knyshek & Kateryna Pasichnyk - 45-53 Financial Results: Retrospective Analysis of Bookkeeping Practice, Accounting Concepts and Methods
by Olesia Lemishovska - 54-59 Profit and Loss Report of Companies in Poland and Germany Against the Background of EU Norms: Experience for Ukraine
by Oleksandr Malyshkin - 60-68 Accounting for Profit or Loss from the Initial Recognition and Measurement of Biological Assets
by Olha Melnyk - 69-74 Theoretical Bases of Accounting for the Formation and Use of Enterprise Reserves
by Iryna Padii - 75-82 Place and Role of Management Accounting in the General Accounting System
by Olha Panchenko - 83-97 Factors of Improving the Accounting and Analytical Support System of the Enterprise Cash Flows Management: The Macroeconomic Aspect
by Rayisa Tsyhan - 98-104 Credit Unions in Ukraine: Membership Aspect
by Oleksiy Kalivoshko - 105-110 Current Conditions and Directions of Improving Tax Administration
by Svitlana Kucherkova - 111-117 Criteria of the Evaluation of Efficiency for Sanation Measures at Business Entities
by Nataliya Trusova - 118-123 Essence of Investments Regarding to the Acquisition and Modernization of Agribusiness Property
by Heorhiy Khioni - 124-132 Enterprise Economic Security: The Essence and Features
by Olha Sosnovska & Maksym Zhytar - 133-139 Management of Efficient Use of Agricultural Waste for Biogas Production
by Dina Tokarchuk - 140-145 International Projects as a Tool to Promote the Development of Territorial Communities
by Liudmyla Umanets - 146-156 Characteristic of Functional Components of Economic Security
by Karina Utenkova
2018, Issue 2
- 5-10 Legal Regulation of Accounting for Joint Arrangements: Domestic Practice and International Experience
by Vasyl Hyk - 11-15 Accounting for Forestry Enterprise's Activity: State and Perspectives
by Iryna Zhurakovska & Vitaliy Chudovets - 16-23 Scientific Interpretation of the Accounting Methodology in the Works of the Coryphaeans of Accounting
by Nataliya Kantsedal - 24-30 Ensuring a Full-Fledged Economic Turnover of Agricultural Land: The Role of Accounting
by Serhiy Ostapchuk & Antonina Korinenko - 31-36 Influence of Parameters of Agricultural Enterprises Activity on the Organization of the Managerial Accounting
by Oleksandr Panadiy - 37-46 Theories of Regulation in the Context of Modern Practice of Accounting Regulation
by Oleh Pasko - 47-53 Investment in Human Capital: Problems of Accounting
by Vitaliy Pokynchereda - 54-60 Repair and Improvement Non-Current Assets before Recognition Them as Held for Sale
by Mariya Shyhun & Nataliya Mychak - 61-68 Prospects for the Implementation of Blockchain in Accounting
by Nataliya Shyshkova - 69-75 Regulatory and Legal Framework for Control of Value Added Tax in Agriculture
by Yuriy Hershman - 76-83 Analysis of Business Models of Ukrainian Banks
by Alina Derkachenko & Yuliya Khudolii - 84-88 Some Aspects of Administration of Taxes
by Svitlana O. Kucherkova - 89-95 Dialectic of Fiscal Sociology: From Ambivalence to Synergetics
by Yuriy Myskin - 96-101 Peculiarities of the Development of Ukraine's Financial Potential in the Period of Military Conflict
by Andriy Polchanov - 102-110 Forms to Express an Independent Auditor's Opinion according to the Results of Compulsory and Initiative Audit in Ukraine
by Viktoriya Fabiianska - 111-117 Organization and Methods of Internal Control of the Land Resources Which Received on the Use Rights
by Tetyana Yurchenko - 118-124 Strategic Principles for Strengthening the Economic Security of Agricultural Enterprises
by Anna Grytsenko - 125-129 Organizational and Legal Form of the State System of Agricultural Extension Services
by Nataliya Pohylenko - 130-140 Dissemination of Institutional Changes: Internal Planning, Import and Spontaneous Formation
by Volodymyr Semtsov
2018, Issue 1
- 5-12 Peculiarities of Accounting for Assets and Liabilities in Contracts with Customers that Contain a Significant Financing Component
by Viktoriya Ambarchian - 13-20 Practical Implementation of the Strategic Focus and Future Orientation Principle in the Integrated Reporting of Ukrainian Corporate Enterprises
by Kostyantyn Bezverkhiy - 21-27 Behavioral Context of the Innovative Development of Accounting Concept in Ukraine
by Tetyana Bochulya & Iryna Korobkina & Nadiia Kovalevska - 28-33 Features of Accounting for Political Parties: The Membership Fees Accounting
by Oleh Vysochan & Olha Vysochan - 34-38 Accounting and Analytical Tools for Improving the Enterprise Business Processes
by Inna Herasymovych - 39-44 Fixed Asset Inventory Number: The Procedure of Assigning and Using
by Nataliya Gres & Kateryna Nedostup - 45-52 Internal Audit and Management of Exchange Differences in the Process of Foreign Economic Activity
by Valeriya Fesenko & Denys Dubytskyi & Viktoriya Nikolenko - 53-58 Improvement of the Documentary Support for Fixed Assets Accounting in the Agricultural Enterprises
by Vasyl Korytnyy - 59-63 Methodical Bases of Accounting and Commercial Use of the Intellectual Property Objects
by Vyacheslav Naberukhin - 64-71 Accounting Policy Concerning Wages
by Olena Podolianchuk - 72-79 Preparation, Presentation and Auditing of Financial Statements: The Trajectory of Changes
by Yuliya Slobodyanyk & Nataliya Syrotenko - 80-86 Financing of the Public Health Services at the Level of Local Budgets
by Valentyna Glukhova & Larysa Skrypnyk - 87-92 Comparability Analysis in Transfer Pricing
by Inna Karpenko - 93-98 Justification of the Land Tax Structure in the Context of Efficient Use of Land Resources
by Oleksandr Kramarov - 99-103 Improvement of State Regulation of the Ukrainian Stock Market in Accordance with European Standards
by Yulia Lupenko - 104-113 Influence of Trends in Demographic and Social Development on the Budgetary Fiscal Policy
by Andriy Nikitishyn - 114-123 Influence of Tax Burden on Economic Development of Regions: The Cluster Approach
by Tetyana Odintsova - 124-131 Debt Burden of the Financial System of Ukraine and European Union Member-States
by Nataliya Trusova & Andriy Sihaiov - 132-142 Methodology of Study of the Internal Imbalances in the Activities of Credit Institutions as a Prerequisite for Ensuring Their Financial Stability
by Myroslava Khutorna - 143-147 Conceptual Basics of the Essence and Content of the Concept of 'Personnel Management'
by Mykola Koval & Anatoliy Benzar - 148-153 Formation of the Proper Personnel Potential of Commercial Banks
by Mykola Koval & Bohdan Melnyk - 154-160 Integral Assessment of Efficiency of the Intellectual Property Objects Commercialization
by Iryna Martyniv - 161-175 Institutional Architectonics of the State Anti-Crisis Regulation of the Ukraine's Agrarian Sector of Economy
by Serhiy Petrukha - 176-180 Evolution of Technology Transfer Models
by Nadiya Stolyarchuk
2017, Issue 4
- 6-12 Information Support of Management of the Agrarian Sector of Economy: State and Prospects of Improvement
by Yuliya Bezdushna - 13-19 Solution of the Problems of Interpersonal Relations in the Accounting Organization Process to Prevent Fraud and Strengthening of Enterprise's Economic Safety
by Viktor Zamlynskyy & Ruslana Varicheva - 20-27 Using Managerial Accounting Tools for Analysis, Control and Operative Regulation of the Foreign Trade Activities of Trading Enterprises
by Mariya Vladychyn - 28-32 Accounting Policy of Entities of Public Interest in the Terms of Reforming the Accounting System
by Yuliya Zolotnytska - 33-39 Valuation of Biological Assets as the Element of Accounting Method
by Yevheniya Kaliuha & Yuliya Shenderivska - 40-45 Documentary Support for Accounting of Land Use Rights
by Antonina Korinenko - 46-52 Preparation of Balance Sheet of Ukrainian and Polish Enterprises According to the Requirements of Directive 2013/34/EU
by Oleksandr Malyshkin & Anastasiya Protsepova - 53-57 Implementation of EU Accounting Standards into Ukrainian Enterprises' Accounting Policy
by Yuliya Moroz & Yuzef Tsal-Tsalko - 58-65 Approaches to Accounting of the Capitalization of Rights to Use Land Assets
by Tetyana Ostapchuk - 66-74 Impact of Calculative Practices on Innovation
by Oleh Pasko - 75-80 Necessity of Fundamental Changes of Accounting Theory
by Vita Semanyuk - 81-89 Modeling of Paradigm of Accounting and Analytical Support for Agricultural Enterprises' Reporting on Sustainable Development
by Oleh Sokil - 90-97 Accounting of Capital Costs for Improving Land
by Tetyana Yurchenko - 98-106 Value Added Tax: Certain Features of Its Administration in Ukraine
by Nataliya Gres - 107-111 Ensuring the Financial Stability of Insurance Companies
by Anton Hrytsenko - 112-118 Enhancing Objectivity of the Taxation System of Agricultural Enterprises in the Terms of Legislation Transformation
by Oleksandr Kushnirenko - 119-126 Kinds of Financial Services, Taking into Account the Methodology of the Investigation of the Securities Market Essence
by Zoryana Matsuk - 127-138 Environment of Multifactorial Risk in the Financial System of Agribusiness Enterprises
by Nataliya Trusova - 139-146 Economic Essence of Infrastructure
by Oleksiy Kalivoshko - 147-152 Role of Structural Policy in Ensuring Sustainable Development of the Economy
by Olena Kovalova - 153-161 Analysis of the Social Component of Agrarian Formations' Activities
by Mykola Krushelnytskyy - 162-170 Strategy of State Regulation of the Agroholdings' Social Responsibility
by Lesya Sus & Yuriy Karpyshyn
2017, Issue 3
- 6-11 Development of Tasks of Enterprise's Integrated Reporting
by Kostyantyn Bezverkhiy - 12-20 Accounting and Disclosure of Information on Collateral in the Financial Statements when Transitioning to IFRS (Case Study: Enterprises of the Mining and Metallurgical Complex of Ukraine)
by Olena Vakulchyk & Kateryna Pasichnyk - 21-27 Controlling the Costs of Marketing of an Industrial Enterprise
by Volodymyr Voskalo & Olha Hrytsai - 28-37 Concept of Accounting and Analytical Provision of Cash Flow Management
by Alla Kasych & Rayisa Tsyhan - 38-45 Development of Accounting and Analytical Provision of Cost Calculation for the Stages of the Product Life Cycle
by Svitlana Kuznetsova & Iryna Tykhanska - 46-51 State of Accounting and Analytical Support for the Commercialization of Intellectual Property in Agricultural Sphere
by Vyacheslav Naberukhin - 52-58 Necessity of Assessing the Quality of Financial Reporting
by Maryna Pravdyuk & Tetyana Plakhtiy - 59-65 Legal and Regulatory Aspects of the Recognition and Accounting of Intangible Assets
by Mariya Chik - 66-71 General System of Taxation for Sole Entrepreneurs: Current State and Prospects
by Iryna Zhurakovska & Vitaliy Chudovets - 72-77 Adaptation of the Foreign Experience of Organization of the Efficient System of State Financial Control
by Anna Ivanova - 78-82 Methods and Pricing Tools Used in Banks' System
by Lesya Maryniuk - 83-90 Evaluation of the Financial Potential of Population Savings and Its Impact on the Region's Economic Growth
by Mykhaylo Odintsov & Tetyana Odintsova - 91-99 Development of the Financial System and Models of Financing Agricultural Enterprises: USA Experience
by Olena Oliynyk-Dunn - 100-106 Present-Day State of Development of the Ukraine's Financial Potential
by Andriy Polchanov - 107-111 Development of Agrarian Insurance in the Context of European Integration
by Svitlana Potiyko - 112-118 Agrarian Receipt as an Alternative Form of Lending of Agrarian Enterprise
by Ruslana Sodoma & Halyna Skhidnytska - 119-125 Structure of the Total Financial Potential of Agriculture: Regional Aspect
by Nataliya Trusova - 126-131 Components of the Enterprise's Competitiveness Potential
by Tetyana Khalimon - 132-139 Activity of Banking Institutions in the Ukrainian Insurance Market
by Lada Shirinyan & Kateryna Bagatska & Nataliya Klymash - 140-147 Development of Approaches to the Interpretation of Essence and Role of Documentation in Audit
by Yuliya Bondar - 148-153 Internal Audit in Agricultural Enterprises: Organizational and Managerial Aspect
by Tetiana Demyanenko - 154-162 Economic-Ecological Analysis of Conservation Measures for the Restoration of Forest Resources
by Maryna Tanasiieva - 163-168 Methodical Approaches to the Evaluation of Wheat Production Efficiency
by Zinayida Vidomska - 169-179 Theoretical Foundations of Modeling the Development of Rural Areas: Behavioral Aspect
by Valeriy Zhuk - 180-184 Estimation of Solutions to Plan Technological Objects of Open-Pit Mining According to Land-Preservation Criteria
by Yevhen Terekhov & Taras Mormul
2017, Issue 2
- 6-12 Accounting and Legal Aspects of Military Fee Administration
by Nataliya Gres - 13-20 Methods of Accounting Expenses in Plant Growing
by Anna Kostiakova - 21-26 Evaluation of Accounting Information for Making Management Decisions
by Svitlana Kuznetsova - 27-35 Tax-Based Calculations Applied by Agricultural Enterprises as Object of Accounting and Control
by Oleksandr Kushnirenko - 36-42 Diagnostic Assessment of Forest Management Accounting
by Anna Makarenko - 43-49 Regulatory Support of Accounting in Poland and Ukraine in Context of EU Directives
by Oleksandr Malyshkin - 50-56 Functions, Methods and Principles of Accounting in Improving an Enterprise's Economic Security
by Ilona Melnychenko - 57-62 Chinese Model of Land Use Accounting: Lessons for Ukraine
by Serhiy Ostapchuk - 63-69 Specifics of Allocation of Indirect Expenses by Construction Enterprises
by Lyudmyla Poslavska & Valentyna Yasyshena - 70-78 Methodological Issues of Accounting Intellectual Benefits in Context of Development of Modern Accounting Paradigm
by Volodymyr Shevchuk - 79-84 Improving Trust in Banks as Factor of Anti-Crisis Management in Banking Sector of Ukrainian Economy
by Mariya Holyk - 85-90 Generation of Local Authorities' Finances in Context of Ensuring National Financial Security
by Nataliya Kozhalina - 91-98 Assets Securitization in European Financial Scope
by Ihor Kravchuk - 99-106 Conceptual Foundations of Fiscal Decentralization in EU Countries
by Nina Petrukha & Tetyana Paliychuk - 107-115 Intensification of Capital Market in Financing Real Economy
by Mykola Stetsko - 116-126 Multiplicative Effects in System of Administering Taxes for Entities of Agricultural Business
by Nataliya Trusova - 127-132 Influence of Financial Factors on Improving of Enterprise Competitiveness
by Tetyana Khalimon - 133-140 Development of Audit of Foreign Economic Transactions According to Dynamics of Current Processes in Fiscal Control Area
by Olena Vakulchyk & Valeriya Fesenko - 141-152 Structural and Institutional Transformations in Agricultural Sector of Ukrainian Economy
by Serhiy Petrukha - 153-162 Production and Prospects of Using Biological Fuel in Vinnytsia Region
by Olena Skoruk
2017, Issue 1
- 8-16 Accounting of Formation and Use of Reserves on Banks' Financial Assets: The Expected Losses Model
by Viktoriya Ambarchian - 17-24 Peculiarities of Target Financing Accounting in Non-Budget Non-Profit Organizations
by Oleh Vysochan & Olha Vysochan & Alla Yasinska - 25-32 Mechanisms and Tools of Accounting and Financial Engineering in Enterprise Management
by Inna Herasymovych - 33-40 Economic and Accounting Methods of Fixed Assets Evaluation
by Sofiya Kafka - 41-47 Ensuring the Relevance of Accounting Information in Forestry Enterprises
by Tetyana Kovbasa - 48-56 Accounting of Export-Import Operations
by Nataliya Oliadnichuk & Olha Pidlubna - 57-67 Enhancement the Effectiveness of Management Accounting Using Computer Network Technologies (On the Example of Experimental Base of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine)
by Oleksandr Panadiy - 68-75 Perception of Accounting and Auditing Standards by Users in Context of Formation of Institutional Openness in Regulation
by Oleh Pasko - 76-84 Optimization of Accounting System Testing of Land Operations in Agricultural Formations
by Oksana Ponomarenko & Olha Leha - 85-92 Concept of Accounting for Sustainable Development
by Oleh Sokil - 93-102 Issues of Theoretical and Methodological Principles of Accounting of Environmental Costs with the Influence of Branch Peculiarities of Forestry Enterprises
by Maryna Tanasiieva - 103-111 Rational Credit Support of Investment Projects of Agricultural Enterprises of Ukraine
by Krystyna Anastasova - 112-119 Market Capitalization of Companies: World and Domestic Tendencies
by Kateryna Bagatska & Bohdana Piuro - 120-131 Financial Market in the Context of Globalization: Experience of Economic and Legal Analysis
by Aleksandr Baykov & Olha Pavuk - 132-144 Terminology Support of Financial Intermediation Theory: Key Terms Development
by Olena Honcharenko - 145-152 Foregone Capital Shortcoming as a Threat of Financing of Budget Deficit of Ukraine
by Nataliya Trusova & Volodymyr Ternovsky - 153-160 Condition and Development Tendencies of State Financial Control in Ukraine
by Nataliya Zdyrko - 161-167 Using Information Technologies for the Promotion of Small Business: Foreign Experience
by Svitlana Kucherkova - 168-173 Overview of Evaluation Parameters of Economic Effectiveness of Field Fodder Production
by Oleksandr Marynych