2014, Issue 4
- 103-107 Theoretical Basis of Credit Support as a Factor of Economic Growth of Agricultural Enterprises
by Halyna Korniychuk - 108-114 Evaluation of Investment and Crediting Capacity of Agricultural Sector Enterprises
by Oleksandr Petruk & Iryna Hryhoruk - 115-122 Financial Aspects of Social Infrastructure Development in Ukraine
by Maria Trofymenko - 123-127 Organizational Forms of Audit of Efficiency of Business Partnership
by Anna Shavliuk - 128-132 Evaluation of Performance Indicators of Field Fodder Production
by Svitlana Dyakonova - 133-139 Indicators of Information and Analytical System of Enterprise Management
by Oleksandr Kostenko - 140-145 Controlling of Expenses in Crisis Financial Management
by Dmytro Savchuk - 146-153 Strategic Controlling as Methodological Tool for Strategic Management of Expenses
by Valentyna Khodzytska
2014, Issue 3
- 8-14 Methodological Bases of Creating the Enterprise's Integrated Reporting
by Kostyantyn Bezverkhiy - 15-20 Change of Management Paradigm as a Factor in Development of Accounting: Strategic Aspects
by Ruslan Bruhanskyy - 21-28 Concept of Accounting of Tour Operator Business on the Basis of Logistics-Information Approach
by Oleh Vysochan - 29-35 Creating Accounting Numbers Using Designed Choices: A Case Study of Indian Hotel Industry
by Sandeep Goel - 36-41 Accounting Support of Biological Capital Use
by Tetyana Kaminska - 42-46 Evolution of the Institute of Accounting
by Oleh Kantsurov - 47-51 Role of Accounting Reporting as an Information Source in Attracting Investments
by Svitlana Kucherkova - 52-58 Nature of Work in Progress as an Accounting Category
by Dmytro Kushnirenko - 59-64 Source of Income of Condominiums and Diversification Thereof: Accounting and Classification Profile
by Tetyana Monastyrska - 65-70 Peculiarities of Preparation of Non-financial Corporative Reporting
by Nataliya Orlova - 71-76 Organization of Accounting of the Costs for Processing of Agricultural Products
by Viktoriya Rozhelyuk - 77-84 Place and Role of Accounting in Management of Budgetary Institutions
by Danyyil Firer - 85-89 Practical Aspects of Assessment of the Synergistic Effect of Mergers & Acquisitions of Companies
by Kostyantyn Afanasyev & Iryna Hanechko - 90-95 Theoretical Aspects of Development of Socially Responsible Investing in Ukraine
by Alla Ivashchenko - 96-101 Comparative Analysis of the Declaration for Corporation Tax in Russia and Ukraine
by Oleksandr Malyshkin - 102-109 Foreign Debt of Ukraine as a Factor Affecting Economic Security in the Age of Globalization
by Inha Miroshnychenko - 110-116 Management of Enterprise Solvency: Theoretical and Practical Aspects
by Petro Stetsyuk & Olena Hudz - 117-124 Agriholdings With Assets in Ukraine at World Stock Markets
by Olena Shvab - 125-135 Modifications to the Auditor's Opinion & Emphasis of Matter Paragraphs in the Auditor's Reports of Ukrainian Public Companies Whose Shares are Listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange
by Oleh Pasko & Mykola Hordiyenko - 136-141 Assessment of the State of Information Support of Enterprise's Operation Analysis
by Lyudmyla Stetsyuk - 142-146 Information Potential of Management of Socio-Economic Objects
by Oleksandr Kostenko - 147-151 Basic Rules of European Stock Relationships Regulation and Practice of Their Use in Ukraine
by Oksana Sydorenko - 152-159 Analysis of the Components of Economic Potential of Agricultural Enterprises
by Vyacheslav Skobara & Volodymyr Podkopaev
2014, Issue 2
- 8-13 Specifics of Accounting under National and International Standards: Comparative Aspect
by Kostyantyn Bezverkhiy - 14-18 Some Aspects of Developing Company Accounting Policy in Relation to Production Costs
by Oresta Bodnar - 19-23 Institutional Analysis of Accounting Development Trends
by Oleh Kantsurov - 24-31 Improvement of Incomes, Outcomes and Financial Results Accounting in On-Line Commerce Enterprises
by Maksym Koryahin & Iryna Plotnichenko - 32-40 Issues of Adequacy of Accounting Method Principles and Elements to Information Society Development Terms
by Nataliya Kulikova - 41-55 Regulatory Convergence of Accounting Profession in the European Union
by Volodymyr Metelytsia - 56-65 Accounting for Agricultural Land Use: Present-Day State and Potential Possibilities of Its Improvement
by Serhiy Ostapchuk - 66-70 Concept of Construction a Modern Accounting System of the Agricultural Enterprise in the Conditions of Internet Technologies
by Mykola Pavlyukovets - 71-78 Floating Biological Assets and Agricultural Produce Accounting
by Leonid Suk & Petro Suk - 79-83 Asset Accounting According to National and International Standards
by Karina Utenkova - 84-90 Detection of Earnings Management: The Best Fit Model in India
by Sandeep Goel - 90-96 State and Prospects of Agrarian Insurance Development in Ukraine
by Oleksandr Vilenchuk - 96-101 Present-Day State and Problems of Solidary Pension System Development in Ukraine
by Inna Zhmurko - 102-107 Management of Agricultural Enterprise Cash Flows
by Tamara Kucherenko & Inna Tkachuk - 108-115 Financial Aspects of Identifying Present-Day Hidden Economic Processes
by Oleh Moroz & Volodymyr Semtsov - 116-120 Role and Objectives of Pension Management as Integral Component of Domestic Pension System Formation
by Volodymyr Rudyk - 121-125 Trends for Innovation Business Development in Lviv Region
by Tetyana Skrypko - 126-130 Econometric Modelling of Interrelation between Stock Market Functioning and Parameters of Social & Economic Development of Ukraine
by Olena Zotsenko - 131-137 Estimating Efficiency of Baking Business In-House Control System
by Svitlana Zubchyk - 138-143 Trend Analysis Method Application for Determining Risks of Crisis Occurrences in Business
by Nataliya Klymash - 144-154 Improvement of Internal Audit Planning Method through Application of Risk Card by the Indices of Value-Based Management System of Joint-Stock Company
by Oleksandr Smetanko - 155-159 Evaluation Experts Training Arrangements
by Viktor Zayats & Roman Zayats - 160-166 Regional Programmes for Small Business Development as Factor of Increasing Their Activity Efficiency
by Olena Lymar - 167-172 Institutional Provision of Agricultural Fixed Assets Revaluation Up-To-Date
by Maryna Mogylova - 173-178 Cluster Analysis of Bioenergetic Potential in Regions of Ukraine
by Bohdan Fedorchenko
2014, Issue 1
- 8-12 Enhancing Financial Security in Agricultural Business: Financial and Property Aspects
by Yuliya Bezdushna - 13-19 Disclosure of Intellectual Capital Components in Business Reporting in Ukraine
by Iryna Zhurakovska - 20-25 Financial Risk Management Accounting
by Tetyana Kaminska & Olena Kolesnikova - 26-29 Accounting Specifics of Foreign Currency Settlements with Persons Accountable
by Oksana Mykhasyk - 30-35 Economic Frameworks of Land Resources as Accounting Object
by Anna Pantyukhova - 36-43 Applied Aspects of Material Costs Accounting and Their Impact on Volatile Oil Produce Cost
by Olena Sorokina - 44-49 Scientific & Technical Production Cost Accounting and Calculation
by Nadiya Stolyarchuk - 50-55 Strategic Management Accounting Within Business Entities Integrated Management System
by Valentyna Khodzytska & Larysa Ivchenko - 56-63 Comparative Analysis of Accounting Methods for Reporting of Restaurant Business Production and Sales Activity
by Andriy Tsyutsyak - 64-70 Current Status and Enhancing Revaluation Capital Accounting
by Ihor Tsyutsyak - 71-77 Earnings Management Behaviour of Telecom India: A Review of MTNL and Bharti Airtel Ltd
by Sandeep Goel - 78-81 Financial Statements in Providing Financial Security of Agricultural Enterprises
by Olha Vdovenko - 82-88 Major Taxpayers Tax Control: Foreign Experience and Home Practice
by Iryna Leshchukh - 89-95 Status and Problems of Pension Insurance Financial Security in Ukraine
by Mykhaylo Malovanyy - 96-101 International Experience of State Investment Policy Development and Implementation
by Viktoriya Rudenko - 102-108 Mechanism for Implementing State Financial Support to Agricultural Producers
by Nataliya Trusova - 109-114 Monitoring of Developing Regional Agrosphere Assimilation Potential
by Lesya Volyak - 115-119 Improving Information Base for Audit of Financial Results from Agricultural Activity
by Victor Mazur - 120-126 Econometric Modelling of Working Capital Effective Use in Agribusiness
by Mykola Ohiychuk & Stanislav Vasylishyn - 127-132 Concept of Global Anti-Carbon Fund for Financing Sustainable Low-Carbon Development
by Ivan Gaidutskiy - 133-137 Organic Crop Production Market as Part of Agrarian Market of Ukraine
by Oksana Hutsalenko - 138-143 Development of Tourism as One of Solutions to Problem of Rural Youth Employment in Republic of Karelia
by Mariya Dyakonova & Svitlana Stepanova - 144-148 Human Capital Components: Traditional and Alternative Approaches
by Dmytro Melnychuk
2013, Issue 4
- 8-14 Accounting & Analytical Data in the Context of Company's Financial Strategy
by Tetyana Bochulya - 15-19 National Accounting Regulatory Support Update upon IFRS Introduction
by Olena Boyarova & Nataliya Kuzyk - 20-23 Distribution Costs in Accounting and Analysis of Non-production-related Costs
by Vasyl Deriy - 24-31 Ways for Accounting Policy Improvement of Non-current Assets at Industrial Enterprises (by Ferroconcrete Structures Plant Example)
by Ivan Derun - 32-38 Accounting Techniques in Providing Investment Appeal and Financial Security of Agricultural Enterprises
by Valeriy Zhuk & Yuliya Bezdushna & Olha Vdovenko - 39-51 Predecessors of Double-Entry Accounting
by Mykhaylo Kuter & Maryna Gurskaya & Artem Musaelyan - 52-59 Conceptual Approaches to Review of Corporate Governance Information Accounting Systems
by Petro Kutsyk - 60-70 Accounting Support Fee: Scheme of Independent Funding for U.S. Accounting and Audit Regulators
by Oleh Pasko - 71-74 Recognition Inventories in Governmental Sector Accounting
by Nataliya Pryadka - 75-78 Formation of Professional Accounting Judgment
by Tetyana Storozhuk - 79-86 Nature of Expenses – Institutional Approach
by Lina Chudak - 87-93 Dynamic and Static Evaluation of Financial Liquidity in Family Farms
by Joanna Berezhnitska - 94-98 Development of Treasury Service for National Economy Agricultural Sector
by Serhiy Kuzmenko - 99-106 Modern Concepts for Pricing Analysis in Imperfect Competition Production Factor Market
by Oleksandr Perekhozhuk - 107-113 Improving Auditor Relationship with Highly Autohrized Customer Representatives
by Svitlana Drach - 114-120 Systems Approach to Development of State Audit in Ukraine
by Valentyna Maksimova & Yuliya Slobodyanyk - 121-129 Preparation of financial statements under international standards and its audit specifics
by Andriy Melnyk - 130-135 State Financial Control Essence and Components
by Olha Tkachenko - 136-140 Conceptual Bases of Forming Strategic Grain Reserves in Ukraine
by Oleksandr Lavrynchuk - 141-147 Formation of National Social Statistics as Social Foundation for Budgeting
by Mykhaylo Malovanyy & Bohdan Huzar - 148-152 Economic Value, Specifics and Problems of Fodder Market in Ukraine
by Iryna Petrychenko - 153-156 Forecasts for Public Welfare Level at Rise in Prices
by Volodymyr Puhachov - 157-160 Factors of Labour Potential Management System Effectiveness
by Olha Ratushenko
2013, Issue 3
- 25-28 Certain Issues of Making National Financial Statements for Businesses under Legislative Changes
by Konstyantyn Bezverkhiy & Tetyana Bochulya - 29-34 Scientific Grounds for Brand New Institutional Accounting Theory
by Valeriy Zhuk - 35-47 International Approaches to Regulation of Accounting Profession
by Volodymyr Metelytsia - 48-56 Development of Accounting Theory in English-Speaking Countries: On the Way to Multi-Paradigmatic Discipline
by Oleksandr Petruk & Serhiy Legenchuk & Nataliya Koroliuk - 57-61 Role of Accounting in Maintaining Concept of National Economy Steady Development
by Ludmyla Khoruzhiy - 62-68 Method for Complex Analysis of Banking Group Member Efficiency Rate
by Marharyta Ambarchyan - 69-75 Valuation of Agriculture Competitiveness and Investment Prospects of Agrarian Sector Industries in Kyiv Region Economy
by Violeta Heraymovych - 76-80 Tax Leverage of Financial-and-Economic Mechanism for Stimulating Development of Agricultural Industry in Ukraine
by Hennadiy Mazur - 81-87 Direct Taxation of Small Business Entities
by Olena Nepochatenko & Petro Borovyk & Bohdan Huzar - 88-91 Insurance Mechanisms and Management of Agricultural Company Accounts Receivable
by Petro Stetsyuk & Olena Hudz - 92-98 Organizational Aspects of Business Receipts and Expenditures Analysis
by Nataliya Hurina - 99-106 Business and Auditing Risk Assessment During Shipping Company Costs Audit
by Yuliya Ostapenko - 107-112 Specifics of Formation and Integration of Internal Audit System into Joint Stock Company Corporate Management System
by Oleksandr Smetanko - 113-117 Farm Productivity Depending on Economic Size
by Miroslaw Wasilewski & Tomasz Felczak - 118-124 Grain Crop Production in Ukraine as Significant Element of Global Food Problem Solution
by Svitlana Golyk - 125-130 Management of Small Agricultural Enterprise Development
by Vasyl Horovyy & Anna Zbarska - 131-135 Work Incentives for Accountants as Factor of Enhancing Efficiency of Accounting Procedure in Government-Financed Organizations
by Iryna Ksonzhyk & Rehina Nikitina - 136-142 Analysis of Guarantying Food Security of Ukraine
by Maryna Lysak - 143-148 Competiveness of Business Entities: Subject, Methods and Criteria of Valuation
by Oleksandr Tranchenko - 149-154 Planning Social Expenses by Product Life Cycle Stages
by Ludmyla Shvets
2013, Issue 2
- 8-12 First National Regulation (Standard): What Will Be Ahead?
by Konstyantyn Bezverkhiy - 13-15 International Approaches to Financial Instruments and Their Application in Ukraine
by Viktor Zamlynskyy - 16-24 Improvement of Farm Enterprises Financial Statements Regarding State Support
by Natalia Zdyrko - 25-36 Scientific Principles of Accounting Personnel Management in Schools and Management Theories
by Volodymyr Metelytsia - 37-42 Control System Query Oriented Accounting Tasks
by Mykhaylo Prodanchuk - 43-47 Substantiation of Biological Assets Classification Indexes for Enhancing Their Accounting Efficiency
by Rayisa Tsyhan & Olha Chubka - 48-53 Concept of Tax Advising Within Tax Optimization
by Svitlana Bychkova & Makarova Nadiya - 54-63 The Dependence Between Volatility of Share Prices and Shareholder Return of the Companies from WIG-Ukraine Index of Warsaw Stock Exchange
by Miroslaw Wasilewski & Serhiy Zabolotnyy - 63-68 Formation of State Investment Policy in Agrarian Sector of Ukraine
by Violeta Heraymovych - 69-86 Scientific & Methodological Support for Company Financial Policy Formation and Implementation
by Olena Hudz & Petro Stetsyuk & Stepan Navrotskyy & Volodymyr Aleksiychuk - 87-93 Financial Architecture of Dairy Processing Plant Innovation Development
by Iryna Kryukova - 93-99 State Finance Statistics and its Harmonization with International Standards
by Lyudmyla Momotyuk - 99-105 Providing Credit Guarantee Scheme in Agriculture of Ukraine
by Olena Oliynyk - 106-112 SWOT Analysis of Automation for Cash and Accounts Control in Construction
by Mariya Deriy - 112-117 Problems of Production Costs Analyses for Bakeries
by Antonina Chyrva - 118-122 Efficiency of Agricultural Enterprise Profit Control
by Olha Babytska - 123-128 Market Budgeting Approaches and Their Impact on Marketing Cost Efficiency Evaluation
by Yaroslava Bakharyeva - 128-133 Evolution of the Concept of Profit: Theoretical Aspect
by Inna Dynko - 134-136 The Japanese Economy: A Historical Review and Prospectus
by Yoshikhiko Okabe
2013, Issue 1
- 8-14 Accountability and the Public Interest in the Nonprofit Sector: A Conceptual Framework
by Vladislav Valentinov - 15-22 Unification of Financial Statements for Presentation of Government Support Funds by Farm Enterprises
by Natalia Zdyrko - 22-27 Problems of IFRS Implementation in Ukraine and Their Solutions
by Alla Kasich & Yaroslava Yakovenko - 28-32 Enhancing of Informational Support of Agricultural Holdings Activity
by Oleksiy Marinchenko - 33-39 Formation of Agricultural Segment in Accountancy
by Volodymyr Metelytsia - 40-45 Accounting Procedure Organization and Its Impact on Financial Information Quality
by Valentyna Oliynychuk - 46-51 Improvement to Biological Assets Valuation Documentation
by Evgeniya Popko - 51-55 Accounting & Information System in Economic Security Management for Different Business Behaviour Models
by Lubomyr Soroka - 56-60 Calculation of Biological Assets Fair Value and Their Transformations Results
by Ludmyla Khoruzhiy - 61-65 Current State and Prospects of Cost Accounting Development for Sugar Industry Enterprises
by Vitaliy Chudovets - 66-73 Assets as Accounting, Control and Analysis Objects: Ecology&Economic Identification and Interpretation
by Volodymyr Shevchuk - 74-79 Simulation Modeling of Internal Costs Control in Hop Industry
by Yuliya Zolotnytska - 80-91 Transformation of Auditor's Report Structure, Content and Scope in International Standards on Auditing
by Oleh Pasko - 92-98 Business Financial Stability Management in Tax System Reform
by Kateryna Bagatska & Olena Kovalenko - 99-104 Enhancing Financial Component of Economic Security
by Inna Hryshova & Tetyana Shabatura - 105-110 Complex Innovation Risks Assessment in Agrarian Sector
by Nataliya Dolgosheia - 111-118 Tax Culture as Tax Administration Staff Phenomenon
by Viktor Synchak - 119-125 Economic Security Within the State Complex Security System
by Vasyl Efymov - 126-129 Impact of Agricultural Land Concentration on Their Effective Use
by Mykola Zos-Kior - 130-136 Information & Consulting Support for Management of Agrarian Economic Sector Stable Development
by Olena Mazurenko
2012, Issue 4
- 8-12 Organization of Small Business Accounting
by Oksana Makarova - 13-17 Physiocratic Aspects of Accountancy Profession Development in Agricultural Sector
by Volodymyr Metelytsia - 18-20 Methods of Cost Accounting and Production Costs Calculation: Merits and Demerits
by Alla Pohosova & Olena Yarmolyuk - 21-24 Methodological Provisions for Analysis of Business Intangible Assets Use
by Olesya Romanenko - 25-29 Role of Institutional Theory in Management Accounting Methodological Basis Formation
by Iryna Sadovska - 30-34 Influence of Land Lease Contract Registration on Agricultural Company Accounting and Taxation
by Ella Sysak & Volodymyr Slobodian - 35-40 Factoring as a Form of Accounts Receivables Re-financing
by Tamara Hovorushko & Inna Sytnyk & Kateryna Stepanenko - 41-44 Development of Financial Security of Agro-Industrial Enterprises
by Iryna Kryukova - 45-49 Current Problems of Retirement Benefit Scheme: Foreign Experience and Home Realities
by Inha Miroshnychenko - 50-58 Development of Simplified Tax System in the Context of Small Business State Support and Stimulation of Employment
by Viktor Synchak - 59-62 Conceptual Framework of the State Land Bank Establishing and Operation
by Svitlana Skosyrska - 63-68 Mortgage Lending Risks Insurance
by Olena Hudz & Petro Stetsyuk - 69-73 Development of Financial Security Systems in Poultry Enterprises
by Tetyana Shabatura - 74-78 Grounds for Necessity of investing into Hop Manufacture in Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
by Vasyl Dovhalyuk - 79-83 Management of Financial and Investing Provision of Business Innovative Development
by Olena Moroz & Tetyana Piliavoz - 84-88 Indexes of Region's Financial Security Evaluation
by Yuriy Barsky - 89-92 Cluster Associations Activity as Prerequisite of National Economy Innovative Development
by Maryana Vyklyuk - 93-101 Impact of Retail Internationalization on Agribusiness: the Case of Ukraine
by Taras Gagalyuk & Jon Henrich Hanf - 102-106 Designing Information and Analytical System for Managerial Influence
by Oleksandr Kostenko - 107-112 Analysis of Ukrainian Fat-and-Oil Industry Labour Efficiency through Economic-and-Mathematical Modeling
by Vitaliy Pokynchereda