2024, Issue 58
- 7-36 From Manufacturing Decline to the Rise of Consultancy:A Framework for Time-Consistent Industry Analysis in Portugal (1986-2018)
by Ernesto Nieto-Carrillo - 37-62 Growth and Convergence in Portugal: Historical and Policy Experiences at National and Metropolitan Level
by Lúcio Vinhas de Souza & Daniel Diaz - 66-94 Fiscal Instruments, Welfare and Inflation: A HANK Approach
by Daniel Mugeiro da Silva - 96-116 Exploring the Individual, Socioeconomic and Contextual Determinants Associated with Daily Tobacco Consumption in Portugal
by Laura Almeida & Carla Teotónio & Micaela Antunes - 116-124 The Economic Study of Politics: Insights and Reflections
by Laura Adão Félix & Francisco Nunes-Pereira & António Portugal Duarte & Pedro Bação
2023, Issue 57
- 7-56 Macroeconomic Uncertainty Indices for European Countries
by Spyridon Boikos & Eirini Makantasi & Theodore Panagiotidis - 57-70 Management and Human Capital Employment: An Overlooked Relationship
by Marcelo Santos & Susana Garrido & Tiago Sequeira - 71-85 Native Market Factors for Pricing Cryptocurrencies
by Tomé Lima & Helder Sebastião - 87-97 Inflation in Portugal Through the Lens of the Fair Model
by Pedro Bação & José Diogo Silva
2023, Issue 56
- 8-32 Evaluation and Assessment of Sustainability Policies
by Giuseppe Munda - 33-64 Trading REDD Credits in International Carbon Markets:Interactions among International Trade, Carbon and Agricultural Markets
by Renato Rosa & Ramiro Parrado & Francesco Bosello - 67-90 Responding to the Global Challenges of ‘Too Much,Too Little and Too Dirty’ Water: Towards a Safer and More Just Water Future
by R. Quentin Grafton & Safa Fanaian - 90-110 The Determinants of Trade Credit During and After the 2008 International Financial Crisis
by Carlos Carreira & Pedro Silva - 110-132 Intangible Capital and Productivity of Portuguese Firms in the Last Decade (2010-2019)
by Nuno Gonçalves & Carlos Carreira
2022, Issue 55
- 9-47 The Changing Roles of Young Single Women in Jordan Before the Great Recession: An Explanation Using Economic Theory
by J. Ignacio Conde-Ruiz & Eduardo L. Giménez - 47-66 Business Cycle Accounting for the COVID-19 Recession
by Daniel Gomes Fernandes - 69-99 The 2011-2014 Economic Adjustment Programme for Portugal: A Plausible Counterfactual Scenario
by Manuel Correia de Pinho & Maria Manuel Pinho - 99-112 Market Power in Manufacturing and Services Industries
by Leonor Mesquita & Carlos Carreira & Rita Martins - 115-131 Innovation and the Financial Performance of Firms during the Great Recession and Recovery Period
by Nelson Gomes & Nuno Gonçalves - 131-142 The Role of Different Types of Creditors on Zombie Firm Creation
by Carlos Carreira & Joana Lopes
2022, Issue 54
- 9-29 The Inflation-Unemployment Trade-Off: Empirical Considerations and a Simple US-Euro Area Comparison
by Vasco J. Gabriel & Young-Bae Kim & Luis Martins & Paul Middleditch - 29-54 Effects of In-School Marketing Actions on Consumption Behavior
by Ana Afonso & Óscar Afonso & Ana Maria Bandeira - 57-70 Fiscal Sustainability in the PALOP Economies
by António Afonso & Emanuel Reis Leão & Dilson Tiny & Diptes C. P. Bhimjee - 73-86 A Real-Business-Cycle Model with Endogenous Discounting and a Government Sector
by Aleksandar Vasilev
2021, Issue 53
- 7-10 Introduction
by Andrea Guerrini & Rita Martins - 11-30 Is There Still a Role for Independent Regulators?
by José Amado da Silva & Eduardo Cardadeiro - 31-48 Novas Perspetivas para a Regulação do Setor Elétrico
by Vítor Marques - 49-72 Défice Tarifário, Rendas Excessivas e Privatizações
by João Confraria - 73-83 The Effect of Intermittent Renewable Energy Generation on Electricity Prices: A Literature Survey
by Blandina C. R. Oliveira & Adelino Fortunato - 85-102 Tarifa Social de Energia: Génese, Incidência e Lições
by Rita Martins & Micaela Antunes & Patrícia Pereira da Silva & Adelino Fortunato - 103-121 Autonomous Vehicles and Public Transportation
by Daniel Murta - 123-142 Aggregation in the Portuguese Water Industry:The Case of Retail Service Operators
by Sérgio Hora Lopes
2021, Issue 52
- 7-53 Export-Led Growth after COVID-19: The Case of Portugal
by Wim Naudé & Martin Cameron - 53-73 Intra-Industry Trade: Economies of Scale Revisited
by Óscar Afonso & Carlos Pinto & Paulo Beleza Vasconcelos - 75-98 Global Knowledge and Wealth with National Human Capital and Free Trade
by Wei-Bin Zhang - 99-112 How Quantitatively Important are the Shocks to the Time Endowment for Business Cycle Fluctuations? Lessons Learnt From Bulgaria (1999-2018)
by Aleksandar Zdravkov Vasilev - 113-135 Tourism Resources, Tourism Specialization and Economic Growth
by Nino Fonseca - 137-155 IPO Patterns in Euronext After the Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2008
by Nuno Silva & Helder Sebastião & Diogo Henriques
2020, Issue 51
- 7-20 Modern Macroeconomics and Heterogeneity
by Pedro Brinca - 21-38 The Impact of Labor Income Tax Progressivity on the Fiscal Multipliers in the Context of the Fiscal Consolidation
by Mariana Santos - 39-67 Fiscal Consolidation: Welfare Effects of the Adjustment Speed
by Miguel Fonseca - 69-89 Asset Liquidity and Fiscal Consolidation Programs
by Tiago Bernardino - 91-107 Skill-Biased Technological Change and Inequality in the U.S
by Ana Ferreira - 109-132 Universal basic income and skill -biased technological change
by José Coelho - 133-166 Routinization and Covid -19: A Comparison Between the United States and Portugal
by Piero De Dominicis - 167-185 Optimal Taxation and Investment-Specific Technological Change
by Valter Nóbrega
2020, Issue 50
- 7-8 Democracia, Desenvolvimento, Desigualdade: Introdução
by José Reis & Paulino Teixeira - 9-22 When a Generally Valued Discourse is Unwelcome: The Case of Belief in a General Expression by a (Fictitious) Member of the Finance Elite
by Hélder Vinagreiro Alves & José-Miguel Fernández-Dols - 23-42 Redistribution Policy and Inequality in Portugal (2008-2017)
by Carlos Farinha Rodrigues & Isabel Andrade - 43-62 A Erosão Drástica da Segurança de Rendimento na Reforma em Portugal: O Efeito Cumulativo dos Ajustamentos Incrementais
by Maria Clara Murteira - 65-83 Decomposição do Salário Mínimo:Uma Análise Comparativa Internacional
by Elsa Oliveira & Helge Jörgens & Pedro Nogueira Ramos - 85-101 Acerca da Repartição Funcional do Rendimento na Economia Portuguesa
by Alexandre Abreu - 103-114 Economia da Saúde, Inovação e Desigualdades Globais
by João Maia
2019, Issue 49
- 7-9 Regulation and Economic Integration: Introduction
by Luís Aguiar Santos & Alice Cunha - 11-33 Corruption and Economic Growth: The Case of Portugal
by Pedro Bação & Inês Gaspar & Marta Simões - 35-46 The European Logistics Space: On Jean Monnet and the Integration of Europe
by Mattia Frapporti - 47-61 EU Trade and Regulation: Economic and Political Dynamics
by Annette Bongardt & Francisco Torres - 63-82 Are CO2 emissions converging in the European Union? Policy implications
by Rafael Morales-Lage & Aurelia Bengochea-Morancho & Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso
2019, Issue 48
- 7-37 Exchange-traded funds as an alternative investment option
by António Afonso & Pedro Cardoso - 39-54 Impact of double taxation treaties on cross-border acquisitions
by Catarina Pinto & Miguel Sousa - 55-67 A morte saiu à rua
by Pedro Lopes Ferreira
2018, Issue 47
- 1-30 Afetação de recursos, produtividade e as reformas estruturais da economia portuguesa
by Pedro Bação & Marta Simões & Ana Pinto Xavier - 31-45 Baixa produtividade: Afetação de recursos e obstáculos ao crescimento das empresas na economia portuguesa
by Bruno Trancoso da Rocha - 47-58 Overall Assessment of Environmental Sustainability: The Portuguese Water Industry Case
by Sandra S. Tralhão & Rita Martins & João Paulo Costa - 59-73 Young and healthy but reluctant to donate blood: An empirical study on attitudes and motivations of university students
by Tiago Henriques & Carlota Quintal
2018, Issue 46
- 7-15 Affect, Reason, Risk and Rationality
by Paul Slovic - 17-48 An Introduction to Other-Regarding Preferences with an Application to Contract Design
by João Eira - 49-70 Sovereign Credit Rating Mismatches
by António Afonso & André Albuquerque - 71-98 Investimento Empresarial em Portugal: Crise e Recuperação
by Fernando Alexandre & Pedro Bação & Carlos Carreira & João Cerejeira & Gilberto Loureiro & António Martins & Miguel Portela - 99-115 The Business Plan in the Context of Corporate Entrepreneurship: A Literature Review
by Sara Cerdeira
2017, Issue 45
- 7-25 Where is the Information on USD/Bitcoin Hourly Prices?
by Helder Sebastião & António Portugal Duarte & Gabriel Guerreiro - 27-48 The political economy of pension systems with low-skilled labor mobility: a crossss-country analysis
by Ana Fontoura Gouveia - 49-64 Panel analysis of the FDI impact on international trade revisited
by Manuela Magalhães & Ana Paula Africano - 65-81 O mercado de crédito especializado ao consumo em Portugal
by Teresa Garcia & Paulo Vieira - 83-95 As reformas monetárias e o euro
by João Sousa Andrade
2017, Issue 44
- 3-19 Forecast errors in prices and wages: the experience with three programme countries
by Francisco José Veiga - 25-46 Esforço fiscal em Portugal: uma avaliação no período 1995-2015
by Manuel Correia de Pinho & Maria Manuel Pinho - 47-64 A utilização da experiência de escolha discreta na valoração de estados de saúde
by Patrícia Antunes & Pedro Lopes Ferreira & Lara N. Ferreira - 65-90 A small open economic growth model with imported goods, tourism, and terms of trade
by Wei-Bin Zhang
2016, Issue 43
- 07-20 Como Pensar na Globalização? Contributo Sociológico para um Modelo de Análise Interdisciplinar
by Augusto Santos Silva - 21-41 The Role of Financial Constraints in the Services Sector: How Different is it from Manufacturing?
by Filipe Silva & Carlos Carreira
2015, Issue 42
- 8-29 Optimum Currency Areas, Real and Nominal Convergence in the European Union
by João Sousa Andrade & António Portugal Duarte - 30-48 Perceções dos Consumidores Domésticos acerca das Faturas de Água
by Patrícia Moura e Sá & Rita Martins
2015, Issue 41
- 7-15 A Modest Proposal for Resolving the Eurozone Crisis
by Yanis Varoufakis & Stuart Holland & James K. Galbraith - 19-24 False Start for the Juncker Recovery Proposals
by Stuart Holland - 25-27 Europa em Questão: Comentário
by Manuel Lopes Porto - 28-38 Time-Varying Stock Return Predictability: The Eurozone Case
by Nuno Silva
2014, Issue 40
- 7-25 Combining Observed and Contingent Travel Behaviour: The Best of Both Worlds?
by Luís Cruz & Paula Simões & Eduardo Barata - 26-42 Participação em Saúde: Conceitos e Conteúdos
by Mauro Serapioni & Pedro Lopes Ferreira & Patrícia Antunes
2014, Issue 39
- 9-35 Doctor-Nurse Teams, Incentives and Behavior
by Aida Isabel Tavares - 36-47 The Silence at the Stands: Agony in the Portuguese Market for Taxis
by Daniel Murta - 48-72 A Quantile Regression Analysis of Growth and Convergence in the EU: Potential Implications for Portugal
by João Sousa Andrade & Adelaide Duarte & Marta Simões - 73-83 Linkages and Performance Comparison among Eastern Europe Stock Markets
by José Soares da Fonseca
2013, Issue 38
- 9-28 The Structure and Evolution of Production, Employment and Human Capital in Portugal: an Input-Output Approach
by João Carlos Lopes & João Ferreira do Amaral - 29-45 Contexto Socio-Económico e o Conhecimento Sobre Economia
by Celeste Amorim Varum & Abigail Ferreira - 46-67 Estudo do Endividamento da Administração Local Portuguesa: Evidência Empírica USando Modelos de Análise de Dados em Painel
by Nuno Ribeiro & Susana Jorge & Mercedes Cervera
2013, Issue 37
- 5-6 Paul Krugman's Triple Doctorate
by Jorge Braga de Macedo (editor) - 7-10 Economista Militante
by Jorge Braga de Macedo - 11-22 Economics in the Crisis
by Paul Krugman - 23-32 La Monnaie et ses Singularités
by André Chaîneau - 34-49 Financiamento Público à I&D Empresarial em Portugal
by Adão Carvalho - 50-74 A Competividade e a Diversificação da Fileira Florestal Portuguesa
by Elsa de Morais Sarmento & Vanda Dores & Guida Nogueira
2012, Issue 36
- 6-22 The Dynamics of Employer Entreprise Creation in Portugal Over the Last Two Decades: A Firm Size, Regional and Sectoral Perspective
by Elsa de Morais Sarmento & Alcina Nunes - 23-46 Measuring Firms’ Financial Constraints: A Rough Guide
by Filipe Silva & Carlos Carreira
2012, Issue 35
- 10-19 The Scientific Contribution of Leonor Vasconcelos Ferreira
by Aurora Teixeira & Sandra Silva & Pedro Teixeira - 20-39 Monetary Poverty, Material Deprivation and Consistent Poverty in Portugal
by Carlos Farinha Rodrigues & Isabel Andrade - 40-58 Micro Credit and Territory: Portugal as a case study
by Joana Afonso & Isabel Mota & Sandra Silva - 59-73 Social Insertion Income: the contribution of the association Qualificar para Incluyir towards enhancing this policy
by Maria Cidália Queiroz & Marrielle Christine Gros
2011, Issue 34
- 08-34 Input-Output Modelling Based on Total-Use Rectangular Tables: Is This a Better Way?
by Ana Sargento & Pedro Nogueira Ramos & Geoffrey Hewings - 35-56 Financial Constraints and Exports: An Analysis of Portuguese Firms During the European Monetary Integration
by Filipe Silva & Carlos Carreira - 57-66 1848: A Primeira Crise da Teoria Económica
by Carlos Bastien
2011, Issue 33
- 06-19 External dependency, value added generation and structural change: an inter-industry approach
by João Ferreira do Amaral & João Carlos Lopes & João Dias - 20-43 Structural transformation of Portuguese exports and the role of foreign-owned firms: A descriptive analysis for the period 1995-2005
by Miguel Lebre de Freitas & Ricardo Paes Mamede - 44-61 Understanding the transition to work for first degree university graduates in Portugal
by Aurora Galego & António Caleiro
2010, Issue 32
- 06-21 Empresas Estrangeiras e Capital Humano nos Serviços Intensivos em Conhecimento
by Helena Maria Ferreira Rêgo & Celeste Amorim Varum & Anabela Carneiro - 22-43 Mind the Gap: Education Inequality at the Regional Level in Portugal, 1986-2005
by João Gabriel Fidalgo & Marta Simões & Adelaide Duarte - 44-55 On the Empirical Separability of News Shocks and Sunspots
by Marco M. Sorge
2010, Issue 31
- 06-23 Relevância informativa das Despesas de Investigação e Desenvolvimento: um estudo para o caso português
by Ana Cunha & José Moreira - 24-46 From Governmental Accounting to National Accounting: Implications on the Portuguese Central Government Deficit
by Maria Antónia Jesus & Susana Jorge
2009, Issue 30
- 6-28 Aggregate and sector-specific exchange rate indexes for the Portuguese economy
by Fernando Alexandre & Pedro Bação & João Cerejeira & Miguel Portela - 29-40 Marxismo e economia política: ‘o caso Caraça’
by Carlos Bastien
2009, Issue 29
- 8-25 Tomás Cabreira: um economista político num país de finanças avariadas
by Ana Bela Nunes - 26-40 Gender wage differentials and occupational distribution
by Raquel Vale Mendes - 41-53 Equidade: a chave para explicar os tarifários de água em Portugal?
by Rita Martins & Carlota Quintal & Ana Pimentel
2008, Issue 28
- 6-31 Multinational Corporations, Foreign Investment, and Royalties and License Fees: Effects on Host-Country Total Factor Productivity
by Argentino Pessoa - 32-55 Time Preference and Cyclical Endogenous Growth in an AK Growth Model
by Orlando Gomes - 56-75 A Reforma de 2007 do Sistema Público de Pensões em Portugal: Uma análise crítica das escolhas normativas implícitas
by Maria Clara Murteira
2008, Issue 27
- 6-22 António Oliveira Marreca: Um economista no parlamento
by Carlos Bastien & Cecília Campos - 23-38 Internal and External Factors on Firms’ Transfer Pricing Decisions: Insights from Organization Studies
by Dan Li & Manuel Portugal Ferreira - 39-56 O Efeito da Família Jurídica na Transposição da Directiva das Ofertas Públicas de Aquisição
by Carlos F. Alves - 57-80 Modernização Administrativa e Gestão da Qualidade: Um estudo empírico nos Municípios Portugueses
by Patrícia Moura e Sá & Olívia Sintra
2007, Issue 26
- 6-14 When Leisure Becomes Excessive: a Bifurcation Result in Endogenous Growth Theory
by Orlando Gomes - 15-26 Confidence and Unemployment in the European Union: A lesson from the 2004 enlargement
by António Caleiro - 27-41 Factores de alteração da composição da Despesa Pública: o caso norte-americano
by Paulo Reis Mourão - 44-53 Healthy state, worried workers: North Carolina in the world economy
by Edward Gresser
2007, Issue 25
- 6-26 A equidade na utilização de cuidados de saúde em Portugal: Uma avaliação baseada em modelos de contagem
by Óscar Lourenço & Carlota Quintal & Pedro Lopes Ferreira & Pedro Pita Barros - 27-41 Sobre a perda de ímpeto no processo de convergência da economia portuguesa: uma abordagem dogmática
by Miguel Lebre de Freitas - 42-58 Mobilidade Geográfica e Distância da Deslocação em Portugal
by João Pereira - 59-74 Inter-Household Private Transfers and Underlying Motives: Evidence for Bulgaria
by António Gomes de Menezes & Dario Sciulli
2006, Issue 24
- 8-19 Saturation in Autoregressive Models
by Carlos Santos & David Hendry - 22-47 What Type of Firm Forges Closer Innovation Linkages with Portuguese Universities?
by Aurora Teixeira & Joana Costa - 48-63 The Evolutionary Model of Entrepreneurial Firms' Dependence on Networks: Going beyond the start-up stage
by Dan Li & Manuel Portugal Ferreira
2006, Issue 23
- 6-34 Abnormal Returns in Privatization Public Offerings: The case of Portuguese firms
by Carla Vieira & Ana Paula Serra - 35-52 Ganhos em Saúde em Doentes com Cataratas
by Lara de Noronha e Ferreira & Pedro Lopes Ferreira & Maria Suzete Gonçalves - 53-71 Implicit Logic in Managerial Discourse: A Case Study in Choice of Selection Criteria
by Teresa Carla Oliveira - 72-82 Human Capital and Corruption: A microeconomic model of the bribes market with democratic contestability
by Pedro Vieira & Aurora Teixeira
2005, Issue 22
- 6-22 A Model of Firm Behaviour with Bankruptcy Costs and Imperfectly Informed Lenders
by Pedro Rui Gil - 23-50 Economias à Escala e Endogeneidade dos Factores Produtivos. Análise regional e sectorial ao nível das NUTs II portuguesas
by Elias Soukiazis & Vitor Martinho - 51-67 Tradeoff Between Marginal Welfare Costs
by Mário Silva - 68-81 The Choice of a Growth Path under a Linear Quadratic Approximation
by Orlando Gomes
2005, Issue 21
- 6-15 Escaping from poverty through compulsory schooling
by Aurora Teixeira & Pedro Vieira - 16-34 Measuring Human Capital in Portugal
by João Paulo Pereira - 35-56 Reforma Económica e Convergência
by Argentino Pessoa
2004, Issue 20
- 8-20 Economic Policy, Innovation and Growth
by Antoine d'Autume - 22-38 Short-term Deviations from Monetary Policy Commitment in a Monetary Union: The degrees of freedom of an independent Central Bank
by Muriel Dal-Pont & Dominique Torre & Elise Tosi - 39-62 Identification of Monetary Policy Shocks: A graphical causal approach
by Alessio Moneta - 63-88 Régimes Monétaires et Théorie Quantitative du Produit Nominal au Portugal (1854 1998)
by João Sousa Andrade - 89-101 Economic Policies and Elections. A principal-agent point of view
by António Caleiro - 102-134 Human capital, mechanisms of technological diffusion and the role of technological shocks in the speed of diffusion. Evidence from a panel of Mediterranean countries
by Maria Adelaide Duarte & Marta Simões - 135-144 The German Labour Markets - The case for more flexibility
by Peter Rühmann - 145-161 The Use of Cost and Time in Project Decision Trees: A model and an application
by Pedro Godinho & João Paulo Costa - 162-176 The Pricing of Systematic Liquidity Risk in Stock Markets
by José Miralles Marcelo & María Miralles Quirós & José Miralles Quirós - 177-191 Questioning Rationality: The case for risk consumption
by Maria Isabel Clímaco & Luís Moura Ramos - 192-218 Impacts des accords de libre échange Euro-tunisien: évaluation par un Modèle d’Equilibre Général Calculable en 1996
by Haykel Hadj Salem
2004, Issue 19
- 8-17 Tópicos para uma Reforma Fiscal Impossível
by Xavier de Basto - 20-34 Decisões de Localização e Crescimento Económico na Era Digital
by Orlando Gomes - 35-48 Estimation of Gender Wage Discrimination in the Portuguese Labour Market
by Amélia Bastos & Graça Leão Fernandes & José Passos - 49-64 Sentimentos e comportamentos em matéria ambiental: detecção de diferenças entre género e grupos profissionais
by Fátima Barreiros & Manuel P. Ferreira & Judite Vieira
2003, Issue 18
- 6-17 Inflation, Unemployment, Openness to International Trade and Income Inequality in Israel between 1967 and 1999
by Claude Berthomieu & Joseph Deutsch & Albert Marouani & Jacques Silber - 18-30 A Regional Model for the Portuguese Economy Based on a Regional Accounting Matrix
by Pedro N. Ramos - 31-45 Economics and Social Psychology on Public Goods: Experiments and Explorations
by José Castro Caldas & João Rodrigues & Luís Carvalho - 46-64 PMEs Portuguesas em Alianças de I&D no Âmbito do Programa CRAFT: Condições iniciais, problemas de cooperação e resultados
by Adão Carvalho
2003, Issue 17
- 6-34 Avaliação Social Multicritério: fundamentos metodológicos e consequências operacionais
by Giuseppe Munda - 36-51 Structuralism and development Economics in the european semi-Periphery
by Carlos Bastien & José Luís Cardoso - 52-69 Motivos para o lançamento de ofertas públicas iniciais em Portugal
by João Duque & Lígia Febra - 70-83 The adequacy of the traditional Econometric approach to non-linear Cycles
by Luís Aguiar-Conraria
2002, Issue 16
- 6-15 Sources of Regional Convergence: Theory and European Evidence
by José Pedro Pontes - 16-33 Testes de Alteração de Estrutura em Modelos Multivariados: uma visita guiada pela literatura
by Vasco Gabriel - 34-47 Modelos de Crescimento e Governação das Transacções no Sector das Embalagens: três casos portugueses
by Manuel Portugal Ferreira & José Esperança & Márcio Lopes - 48-60 A Contabilidade Financeira e o Conflito Social
by Manuel Castelo Branco