- 06-2025 Development of the Near-Term Forecast of Inflation for Uzbekistan: Application of FAVAR and BVAR models
by Temurbek Boymirzaev - 05-2025 Forecasting Banking System Liquidity Using Payment System Data in Uzbekistan
by Shakhzod Abdullaevich Makhmudov - 04-2025 Shockwaves from Ukraine: Trends and Gaps in Agricultural Commodity Prices
by Olga Bondarenko - 03-2025 Monetary policy and real estate asset prices in Morocco
by Hassnae Hammou Ou Ali - 02-2025 Measuring Natural Rate of Interest in Uzbekistan
by Islomjon Inkhomiddinov - 01-2025 Nowcasting Peru's GDP with Machine Learning Methods
by Jairo Flores & Bruno Gonzaga & Walter Ruelas-Huanca & Juan Tang
- 22-2024 Prepayment, Salience, and Welfare
by Imelda & Anna Lou Abatayo & Budy Resusodarmo - 21-2024 The impact of climate, socio-political and COVID-19 shocks on Tunisia's potential growth
by Kamel Dridi - 20-2024 The Effects of Business Credit Support Programs: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design
by Balila Acurio & Alessandro Tomarchio - 19-2024 Perceived abilities and gender stereotypes within the household: experimental evidence from Bangladesh
by Carlotta Nani - 18-2024 Crime in the Dark: Role of Electricity Rationing
by Imelda & Xiaoying Guo - 17-2024 Is Foreign Exchange Intervention through derivative instruments effective? An analysis of the Peruvian case
by Flavio Abanto Salcedo - 16-2024 Distress Prediction and Stress Testing of Nonfinancial Firms: Case of Mongolia
by Davaasukh Damdinjav & Dulamzaya Batjargal & Ninjin Batmunkh - 15-2024 Robust Assessment of External Vulnerabilities in an Emerging Market During Stress Scenarios
by Diego Alejandro Martínez Cruz & Philip Rory Symington Alzate - 14-2024 Back to normal? Assessing the Effects of the Federal Reserve's Quantitative Tightening
by Francesco Casalena - 13-2024 International investment income: patterns, drivers, and heterogeneous sensitivities
by Giovanni Donato & Cedric Tille - 12-2024 Public Investment Quality and its Implications for Sovereign Risk and Debt Sustainability
by Amat Adarov & Ugo Panizza - 11-2024 Public Spending, Green Growth, and Corruption: a Local Fiscal Multiplier Analysis for Italian Provinces
by Matteo Ficarra - 10-2024 Interest Rate Pass-through under a Currency Board Regime: Evidence from Bosnia & Herzegovina
by Emina Milišić & Emina Žunić Dželihodžić - 09-2024 Market Distance and Household Income: Quasi-experimental Evidence from Mongolia
by Tseveenjav Lkhanaa - 08-2024 Environmental Damage News and Stock Returns: Evidence from Latin America
by Eduardo Cavallo & Ana Cepeda & Ugo Panizza - 07-2024 "Delicate and Embarassing": U.S. Loans To Suppress Haitian Independence
by Mitu Gulati & Kim Oosterlinck & Ugo Panizza & Mark C. Weidemaier - 06-2024 IMF programs and borrowing costs: does size matter?
by Salim Chahine & Ugo Panizza & Guilherme Suedekum - 05-2024 Obscure contract terms: an inadvertent pricing experiment
by Stephen J. Choi & Mitu Gulati & Ugo Panizza & Robert E. Scott & W. Mark C. Weidemaier - 04-2024 Modelling Risk-Weighted Assets: Looking Beyond Stress Tests
by Josef Sveda & Jiri Panos & Vojtech Siuda - 03-2024 Firm Support Measures, Credit Payment Behavior, and Credit Risk
by Camilo Gómez & Daniela Rodríguez-Novoa - 02-2024 Impact of interoperability regulation on the use of digital payments in Peru
by Celene Ancalle & Maria Gracia Garcia - 01-2024 Impact of the central bank's communication on macro financial outcomes
by Tetiana Yukhymenko & Oleh Sorochan
- 19-2023 Local Currency Sovereign Debt Markets, Global Financial Conditions and the Role of Foreign Investors
by Guilherme Suedekum - 18-2023 Impact of the Loan Guarantees Program Reactiva on the Performance of Peruvian Companies
by Marcos Ceron & Gerald Cisnero & Rafael Nivin - 17-2023 Measuring the link between cyclical systemic risk and capital adequacy for Ukrainian banking sector
by Alona Shmygel - 16-2023 Corporate credit growth determinants in Ukraine: bank lending survey data application
by Anatolii Hlazunov - 15-2023 Sparse Warcasting
by Mihnea Constantinescu - 14-2023 Assessing the macroeconomic impact of weather shocks in Colombia
by Jose Vicente Romero & Sara Naranjo-Saldarriaga & Jonathan Alexander Munoz - 13-2023 The 2012 Greek Retrofit and Borrowing Costs in the European Periphery
by Patrick Bolton & Ugo Panizza & Mitu Gulati & Xuewen Fu - 12-2023 The Role of Foreign Investors and Local Agents in the Derivatives Market and their Impact on the Exchange Rate in Colombia: A Wavelet Analysis
by Fredy Gamboa-Estrada - 11-2023 FX intervention and domestic credit in a partially dollarized economy: Evidence using microdata from Peru
by Marcos Ceron & Rafael Nivin & Diego Yamunaque - 10-2023 The Impact of the Basel III banking regulation on Moroccan banks
by Mohammed Mikou - 09-2023 Credibility and Bias: The Case for Implementing Both a Debt Anchor and a Balanced Budget Rule
by Marcela De Castro-Valderrama & Nicolas Moreno-Arias & Juan Jose Ospina-Tejeiro - 08-2023 Inequality and Social Unrest in India
by Mathieu Couttenier & Jeremy Laurent-Lucchetti & Lore Vandewalle - 07-2023 Bank Ownership Around the World
by Ugo Panizza - 06-2023 Effects of Banking Sector Cleanup on Lending Conditions: Evidence from Ukraine
by Yuliya Bazhenova - 05-2023 An Estimated Model of a Commodity-Exporting Economy for the Integrated Policy Framework: Evidence from Mongolia
by Gan-Ochir Doojav & Munkhbayar Gantumur - 04-2023 Estimating the Output Gap After COVID- An Application to Colombia
by Camilo Granados & Daniel Parra-Amado - 03-2023 Exportweltmeister- Germany's Foreign Investment Returns in International Comparison
by Franziska Hunnekes & Maximilian Konradt & Moritz Schularick & Christoph Trebesch & Julian Wingenbach - 02-2023 Effect of caps on interest rates in Peru
by Walter Cuba & Eduardo Diaz - 01-2023 Do pension funds reach for yield? Evidence from a new database
by Maximilian Konradt
- 31-2022 Market Power and Price Exposure- Learning from Changes in Renewable Energy Regulation
by Natalia Fabra & Imelda - 30-2022 Investment and Patent Licensing in the Value Chain
by Gerard Llobet & Damien Neven - 29-2022 Price Authority and Information Sharing with Competing Principals
by Enrique Andreu & Damien Neven & Salvatore Piccolo - 28-2022 Yet it Endures The Persistence of Original Sin
by Barry Eichengreen & Ricardo Hausmann & Ugo Panizza - 27-2022 Sovereign Debt Puzzles
by Patrick Bolton & Mitu Gulati & Ugo Panizza - 26-2022 The Elusive Link Between FDI and Economic Growth
by Agustin Benetrix & Hayley Pallan & Ugo Panizza - 25-2022 Measuring Uncertainty and its effects in a Small Open Economy
by Miguel Cabello & Rafael Nivin - 24-2022 Pandemic-induced increases in container freight rates: Assessing their domestic effects in a globalized world
by Jose Pulido - 23-2022 Using National Payment System Data to Nowcast Economic Activity in Azerbaijan
by Ilkin Huseynov & Nazrin Ramazanova & Hikmat Valirzayev - 22-2022 House Price Bubble Detection in Ukraine
by Alona Shmygel - 21-2022 Estimating the natural rate of unemployment for Ukraine
by Artem Vdovychenko - 20-2022 Weather Shocks and Inflation Expectations in Semi-Structural Models
by Jose Vicente Romero & Sara Naranjo Saldarriaga - 19-2022 A Mixed Duopoly in Interbank Payment Services
by Carlos A. Arango-Arango & Yanneth Rocio Betancourt-Garcia - 18-2022 Unravelling the Narratives Behind Macroeconomic Forecasts
by Marcela De Castro-Valderrama & Santiago Forero-Alvarado & Nicolas Moreno-Arias & Sara Naranjo-Saldarriaga - 17-2022 Real-Time Pricing and the Cost of Clean Power
by Imelda Imelda & Matthias Fripp & Michael J. Roberts - 16-2022 Interest Rate Caps in an Economy with Formal and Informal Credit Markets
by Jorge Pozo - 15-2022 Sovereign Spreads and Corporate Taxation
by Hayley Pallan - 14-2022 Do Investors Care About Consumption Taxes? Evidence from Equities in Advanced and Emerging Economies
by Hayley Pallan - 13-2022 The Colonial Legacy of Education: Evidence from of Tunisia
by Mhamed Ben Salah & Cedric Chambru & Maleke Fourati - 12-2022 A Touch of Violence - Welfare Outcomes under Bride Exchange and Child Brides
by Maria Kamran - 11-2022 Clean Energy Access: Gender Disparity, Health, and Labour Supply
by Anjali P. Verma & Imelda Imelda - 10-2022 A Counterfactual Analysis of the Effects of Climate Change on the Natural Interest Rate
by Jair Ojeda-Joya - 09-2022 Enough Potential Repudiation: Economic and Legal Aspects of Sovereign Debt in the Pandemic Era
by Anna Gelpern & Ugo Panizza - 08-2022 Nowcasting Bosnia and Herzegovina GDP in Real Time
by Antonio Musa - 07-2022 Long-Term Debt Sustainability in Emerging Market Economies: A Counterfactual Analysis
by Ugo Panizza - 06-2022 Do Countries Default in Bad Times? The Role of Alternative Detrending Techniques
by Ugo Panizza - 05-2022 Immigration Quotas and Anti-Immigration Attitudes: An Evaluation of Swiss Migration Policy
by Qingyang Lin - 04-2022 Import Shock and Local Labour Market Outcomes: A Sino-Indian Case Study
by Feiyang Shi - 03-2022 Electrifying Nigeria: the Impact of Rural Access to Electricity on Kids' Schooling
by Enrico Nano - 02-2022 Nowcasting real GDP in Tunisia using large datasets and mixed-frequency models
by Hagher Ben Rhomdhane & Brahim Mehdi Benlallouna - 01-2022 Liquidity Risk and Interdependence in Payment Systems: The Case of Peru
by Jushua Baldoceda & Anthony Meza
- 18-2021 On the Benefits of Repaying
by Francesca Caselli & Matilde Faralli & Paolo Manasse & Ugo Panizza - 17-2021 Carbon Taxation and Greenflation- Evidence from Europe and Canada
by Maximilian Konradt & Beatrice Weder di Mauro - 16-2021 The Odious Haitian Independence Debt
by Kim Oosterlinck & Ugo Panizza & W. Mark C. Weidemaier & Mitu Gulati - 15-2021 The Seen and the Unseen: Impact of a Conditional Cash Transfer Program on Prenatal Sex Selection
by Sayli Javadekar & Kritika Saxena - 14-2021 Unconventional Credit Policy in an Economy under Zero Lower Bound
by Jorge Pozo & Youel Rojas - 13-2021 Role of the Media in the Inflation Expectation Formation Process
by Tetiana Yukhymenko - 12-2021 Fundamentals vs. policies: can the US dollar's dominance in global trade be dented?
by Georgios Georgiadis & Helena Le Mezo & Arnaud Mehl & Cedric Tille - 11-2021 Nowcasting in Tunisia using large datasets and mixed frequency models
by Hager Ben Romdhane - 10-2021 The Growth-at-Risk (GaR) Framework: Implication For Ukraine
by Anastasiya Ivanova & Alona Shmygel & Ihor Lubchuk - 09-2021 State-Owned Commercial Banks
by Ugo Panizza - 08-2021 A Generation of Italian Economists
by Enrico Nano & Ugo Panizza & Martina Viarengo - 07-2021 Evaluating Growth-at-Risk as a tool for monitoring macro-financial risks in the Peruvian economy
by Diego Chicana & Rafael Nivin - 06-2021 Empirical estimation of REER trend for Ukraine
by Artem Vdovychenko - 05-2021 A BVAR Model for Forecasting Ukrainian Inflation
by Nadiia Shapovalenko - 04-2021 The misalignment of real effective exchange rate: Evidence from Tunisia
by Ahmed Derbali - 03-2021 The relationship between non-performing loans, banking system stability and economic activity: The case of Tunisia
by Dorsaf Elbir Merhbene - 02-2021 Does Intangible Asset Intensity Increase Profit-Shifting Opportunities of Multinationals?
by Roberto Crotti - 01-2021 Update to Figure 1 in "Macroeconomic Shocks and their Propagation"
by Edoardo Chiarotti
- 18-2020 Non-US global banks and dollar (co-)dependence: how housing markets became internationally synchronized
by Torsten Ehlers & Mathias Hoffmann & Alexander Raabe - 17-2020 Fiscal Risk and its Drivers An Empirical Analysis
by Ugo Panizza - 16-2020 Legal Air Cover
by Patrick Bolton & Mitu Gulati & Ugo Panizza - 15-2020 A New Financial Stress Index for Ukraine
by Vladyslav Filatov - 14-2020 Uncovered interest parity with foreign exchange interventions under exchange rate peg and inflation targeting: The case of Ukraine
by Anton Grui - 13-2020 Credit-to-GDP gap: Local versus foreign currency credit
by Gjergj Legisi - 12-2020 The impact of real economic activity on the effectiveness of monetary policy transmission: The case of Tunisia
by Ons Mastour - 11-2020 Do Sticky Wages Matter? New Evidence from Matched Firm-Survey and Register Data
by Anne Kathrin Funk & Daniel Kaufmann - 10-2020 The Political Competition over Life and Death - Evidence from Infant Mortality in India
by Anders Kjelsrud & Kalle Moene & Lore Vandewalle - 09-2020 Local Currency Denominated Sovereign Loans - A Portfolio Approach to Tackle Moral Hazard and Provide Insurance
by Ugo Panizza & Filippo Taddei - 08-2020 MAKE-WHOLES IN SOVEREIGN BONDS (not sure why they are there, but they may be free)
by Mitu Gulati & Ugo Panizza - 07-2020 Forecasting inflation in Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Elma Hasanovic - 06-2020 An estimated DSGE model with financial accelerator: the case of Tunisia
by Hager Ben Romdhane - 05-2020 Does Leverage Predict Delinquency in Consumer Lending? Evidence from Peru
by Walter Cuba - 04-2020 A fistful of dollars: Transmission of global funding shocks to EMs
by Shekhar Hari Kumar & Aakriti Mathur - 03-2020 Zombie International Currency: The Pound Sterling 1945-1973
by Maylis Avaro - 02-2020 Alternative Solutions to the Odious Debt Problem
by Mitu Gulati & Ugo Panizza - 01-2020 Modeling Azerbaijan’s Inflation and Output Using a Factor-Augmented Vector Autoregressive (FAVAR) Model
by Vugar Rahimov & Nijat Guliyev & Vugar Ahmadov
- 19-2019 Uncertainty as a Predictor of Economic Activity
by Martina Hengge - 18-2019 Euro Area Sovereign Debt: Restructuring Options
by Theresa Arnold & Mitu Gulati & Ugo Panizza - 17-2019 Spillover Effects of Foreign Monetary Policy on the Foreign Indebtedness of Banks and Corporations
by Paola Morales-Acevedo - 16-2019 Forecasting the Albanian short-term inflation through a Bayesian VAR model
by Meri Papavangjeli - 15-2019 Le «fardeau» de la dette publique suisse : Eclairages des recherches scientifiques et pistes pour le futur
by Cédric Tille - 14-2019 The «burden» of Swiss public debt: Lessons from research and options for the future
by Cédric Tille - 13-2019 A Macro-Model to Monetary Transmission Analysis in Tunisia
by Aymen Makni - 12-2019 Assessment of interest rate and credit transmission channels in a context of banking heterogeneity
by Sinda Morsi Fattoum - 11-2019 Merchant's Card Acceptance: An extension of the Tourist Test for Developing Countries
by Jose Aurazo & Jose Vasquez - 10-2019 Tracking Foreign Capital: The Effect of Capital Inflows on Bank Lending in the UK
by Alexander Raabe & Christiane Kneer - 09-2019 Access to Banking, Savings and Consumption Smoothing in Rural India
by Vincent Somville & Lore Vandewalle - 08-2019 Analysing monetary policy statements of the Reserve Bank of India
by Aakriti Mathur & Rajeswari Sengupta - 07-2019 When Governments Promise to Prioritize Public Debt: Do Markets Care?
by Mitu Gulati & Ugo Panizza & W. Mark C. Weidemaier & Gracie Willingham - 06-2019 Smart Development Banks
by Eduardo Fernández-Arias & Ricardo Hausmann & Ugo Panizza - 05-2019 Distance(s) and the Volatility of International Trade(s)
by Arnaud Mehl & Martin Schmitz & Cédric Tille - 04-2019 Firm Decisions under Jump-Diffusive Dynamics
by Neha Deopa & Daniele Rinaldo - 03-2019 Hit them in the Wallet! An Analysis of the Indian Demonetization as a Counter-Insurgency Policy
by Edoardo Chiarotti & Nathalie Monnet - 02-2019 Quantitative easing in the euro area and SMEs' access to finance: Who benefits the most?
by Anne Kathrin Funk - 01-2019 The Impact of Exogenous Liquidity Shocks on Banks Funding Costs: Microevidence from the Unsecured Interbank Market
by Miguel Sarmiento
- 13-2018 Volatility Spillovers and the Global Financial Cycle Across Economies: Evidence from a Global Semi-Structural Model
by Javier G. Gómez-Pineda - 12-2018 Maduro Bonds
by Mitu Gulati & Ugo Panizza - 11-2018 Trade Linkages and Firm Value: Evidence from the 2018 US-China “Trade War”
by Yi Huang & Chen Lin & Sibo Liu & Heiwai Tang - 10-2018 The Bank Lending Channel A Time-Varying Approach
by Richard Varghese - 09-2018 Foreign Currency Bank Funding and Global Factors
by Signe Krogstrup & Cédric Tille - 08-2018 Does Public Debt Crowd Out Corporate Investment? International Evidence
by Yi Huang & Ugo Panizza & Richard Varghese - 07-2018 Trade with Benefits: New Insights on Competition and Innovation
by JaeBin Ahn & Hyoungmin Han & Yi Huang - 06-2018 Corporate foreign bond issuance and interfirm loans in China
by Yi Huang & Ugo Panizza & Richard Portes - 05-2018 Standards of proofs in sequential merger control procedures
by Gregor Langus & Vilen Lipatovz & Damien Neven - 04-2018 Things have changed (or Have they?) Tariff protection and environmental concerns in the WTO
by Petros C. Mavroidis & Damien Neven - 03-2018 Investment Gaps in IDB Borrowing Countries
by Francesca Castellani & Marcelo Olarreaga & Ugo Panizza & Yue Zhou - 02-2018 The Hausmann-Gorky Effect
by Mitu Gulati & Ugo Panizza - 01-2018 Structural Budget Balances in Oil-Rich Countries: The Cases of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Russia
by Vugar Ahmadov & Ulvi Sarkarli & Ramiz Rahmanov
- 23-2017 Fiscal Multipliers for Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Dragana Stanišic & Belma Hadžihalilovic-Kasumovic - 22-2017 Are fiscal rules helpful in mitigating the impact of oil market fluctuations?
by Fuad Mammadov & Adigozalov Shaig - 21-2017 Acquirers and Financial Constraints: Theory and Evidence from Emerging Markets
by Rahul Mukherjee & Christian Proebsting - 20-2017 Fiscal Shocks and International Production Networks: An Empirical Investigation
by Isai Quispe - 19-2017 A Note on the Economics of Philanthropy
by Nathalie Monnet & Ugo Panizza - 18-2017 Identities and Public Policies: Unintended Effects of Political Reservations for Women in India
by Guilhem Cassan & Lore Vandewalle - 17-2017 The Cyclicality of International Public Sector Borrowing in Developing Countries: Does the Lender Matter?
by Arturo J. Galindo & Ugo Panizza - 16-2017 Exchange rate elasticity of exports and the role of institutions
by Aygun Garayeva & Gulzar Tahirova - 15-2017 Conditional FAVAR and scenario analysis for a large data: case of Tunisia
by Hajer Ben Romdhane & Nahed Ben Tanfous - 14-2017 The Changing International linkages of Switzerland: An Overview
by Cédric Tille - 13-2017 Factor Models for Non-Stationary Series: Estimates of Monthly U.S. GDP
by Martina Hengge & Seton Leonard - 12-2017 Non-linearities in the Relationship between Finance and Growth
by Ugo Panizza - 11-2017 The Determinants of Excess Liquidity in the Banking Sector of Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Elma Hasanovic & Tanja Latic - 10-2017 The Effect of Corporate Taxes on Investment: Evidence from the Colombian Firms
by Ligia Alba Melo-Becerra & Javier Ávila Mahecha & Jorge Enrique Ramos-Forero - 09-2017 Aggregate Uncertainty and Sectoral Productivity Growth: The Role of Credit Constraints
by Sangyup Choi & Davide Furceri & Yi Huang & Prakash Loungani - 08-2017 The Size of Fiscal Multipliers and the Stance of Monetary Policy in Developing Economies
by Jair N. Ojeda-Joya & Oscar E. Guzman - 07-2017 Forecasting Inflation in a Macroeconomic Framework: An Application to Tunisia
by Souhaïb Chamseddine Zardi - 06-2017 The Exchange Rate Pass-Through to CPI and its components in Oil-Exporting CIS Countries
by Vugar Rahimov & Nigar Jafarova & Fuad Ganbarov - 05-2017 Forecasting Inflation in Vietnam with Univariate and Vector Autoregressive Models
by Tran Thanh Hoa - 04-2017 Debt and productivity: Evidence from rm-level data
by Roger M. Gomis & Sameer Khatiwada - 03-2017 Firm dynamics and business cycle: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger?
by Roger M. Gomis & Sameer Khatiwada - 02-2017 Quantitative Easing by the Fed and International Capital Flows
by Sameer Khatiwada - 01-2017 The Consumption Response to Minimum Wages: Evidence from Chinese Households
by Ernest Dautovic & Harald Hau & Yi Huang
- 18-2016 Trade Liberalization and the Great Labor Reallocation
by Yuan Zi - 17-2016 Exogenous Macroeconomic Shocks and their Propagation in Bosnia And Herzegovina
by Bojan Baskot - 16-2016 The Role of Exchange Rate in Supporting Trade Balance in Vietnam
by Lan Huong Hoang - 15-2016 Mortgage Credit: Lending and Borrowing Constraints in a DSGE Framework
by Elmer Sánchez León - 13-2016 Nonlinear Pass-Through of Exchange Rate Shocks on Inflation: A Bayesian Smooth Transition VAR Approach
by Hernán Rincón & Norberto Rodríguez - 12-2016 Impact of Corporate Governance on Peruvian Banks' Financial Strength
by Derry Quintana Aguilar - 11-2016 Witch Trials: Discontent in Early Modern Europe
by Chris Hudson - 10-2016 Public Debt and Private Firm Funding: Evidence from Chinese Cities
by Yi Huang & Marco Pagano & Ugo Panizza - 09-2016 Saving China's Stock Market
by Yi Huang & Jianjun Miao & Pengfei Wang - 08-2016 Firm Response to Competitive Shocks: Evidence from China’s Minimum Wage Policy
by Harald Hau & Yi Huang & Gewei Wang - 07-2016 Can Countries Rely on Foreign Saving for Investment and Economic Development?
by Eduardo Cavallo & Barry Eichengreen & Ugo Panizza - 06-2016 Trade Re(Im)Balanced: The Role of Regional Trade Agreements
by Maria V. Sokolova - 05-2016 Exchange Rates, International Trade and Growth: Re-Evaluation of Undervaluation
by Maria V. Sokolova - 04-2016 Global Population Growth, Technology and Malthusian Constraints: A Quantitative Growth Theoretic Perspective
by Bruno Lanz & Simon Dietz & Tim Swanson - 03-2016 Better More Than One: Portfolio Currency Pricing and Exchange Rate Hedging
by Maria V. Sokolova - 01-2016 Oil Price Pass-Through into Inflation: The Evidence from Oil Exporting Countries
by Tural Karimli & Nigar Jafarova & Heyran Aliyeva & Salman Huseynov
- 23-2015 Institutional Quality, Cyclicality of Macroeconomic Policies and the Effects of Macroeconomic Shocks: Evidence from Transition Economies
by Shaig Adigozalov & Vugar Rahimov - 22-2015 Current Account Determinants in Central Eastern European Countries
by Jonida Bollano - 21-2015 The second wave of global liquidity: Why are firms acting like financial intermediaries?
by Julian Caballero & Ugo Panizza & Andrew Powell - 20-2015 Survival of the Fittest: Corporate Control and the Cleansing Effect of Financial Crises
by Rahul Mukherjee & Christian Proebsting - HEIDWP19-2015 Riot Rewards? Study of BJP's Electoral Performance and Hindu Muslim Riots
by Rohit Ticku - 18-2015 Billions on the Sidewalk: Improving Savings by Reducing Investment Mistakes
by Ugo Panizza - 17-2015 On the roles of different foreign currencies in European bank lending
by Signe Krogstrup & Cedric Tille - 16-2015 Characteristics of the Tunisian Business Cycle and its International Synchronization
by Mehdi Bhoury & Mohamed Slim Mouha - 15-2015 The Transmission Mechanism of Monetary Policy in Vietnam: A VAR Approach
by Bui Van Hai & Tran Thi Minh Trang - 14-2015 Is the Monetary Policy Rate Effective? Recent Evidence from Ghana
by Nana Kwame Akosah - 13-2015 Modelling and Forecasting of Tunisian Current Account: Aggregate versus Disaggregate Approach
by Kamel Jlassi - 12-2015 Too Much Finance or Statistical Illusion: A Comment
by Enrico Berkes & Ugo Panizza & Jean Louis Arcand - 11-2015 The Macroeconomic Pass-through Effects of Monetary Policy through Sign Restrictions Approach: In the Case of Albania
by Gerti Shijaku - 10-2015 Empirical Evidence for the Bank Lending Channel in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Does Lending Differ Between Large and Small Banks?
by Dejan Kovacevic