- 411 Explaining the volume of intraindustry trade: are increasing returns necessary?
by Donald R. Davis - 410 How pervasive is the product cycle? The empirical dynamics of American and Japanese trade flows
by Joseph E. Gagnon & Andrew K. Rose - 409 Anticipations of foreign exchange volatility and bid-ask spreads
by Shang-Jin Wei - 408 Re-assessment of the relationship between real exchange rates and real interest rates: 1974-1990
by Hali J. Edison & B. Dianne Pauls - 407 Argentina's experience with parallel exchange markets: 1981-1990
by Steven B. Kamin - 406 PC-give and David Hendry's econometric methodology
by Julia Campos & Neil R. Ericsson & Hong-Anh Tran - 405 EMS interest rate differentials and fiscal policy: a model with an empirical application to Italy
by R. Sean Craig - 404 The statistical discrepancy in the U.S. international transactions accounts: sources and suggested remedies
by Lois E. Stekler - 403 In search of the liquidity effect
by David B. Gordon & Eric M. Leeper - 402 Exchange rate rules in support of disinflation programs in developing countries
by Steven B. Kamin - 401 The adequacy of U.S. direct investment data
by Lois E. Stekler & Guy V. G. Stevens - 400 Determining foreign exchange risk and bank capital requirements
by Michael P. Leahy - 399 Precautionary money balances with aggregate uncertainty
by Wilbur John Coleman - 398 Using external sustainability to forecast the dollar
by Ellen E. Meade & Charles P. Thomas - 397 Terms of trade, the trade balance, and stability: the role of savings behavior
by Michael K. Gavin - 396 The econometrics of elasticities or the elasticity of econometrics: an empirical analysis of the behavior of U.S. imports
by Jaime R. Marquez - 395 Expected and predicted realignments: the FF/DM exchange rate during the EMS
by Andrew K. Rose & Lars E. O. Svensson - 394 Market segmentation and 1992: toward a theory of trade in financial services
by John D. Montgomery
- 393 Post econometric policy evaluation: a critique
by Beth Ingram & Eric M. Leeper - 392 Mercantilism as strategic trade policy: the Anglo-Dutch rivalry for the East India trade
by Douglas A. Irwin - 391 Free trade at risk? An historical perspective
by Douglas A. Irwin - 390 Why has trade grown faster than income?
by Andrew K. Rose - 389 Pricing to market in international trade: evidence from panel data on automobiles and total merchandise
by Joseph E. Gagnon & Michael M. Knetter - 388 Is the EMS the perfect fix? An empirical exploration of exchange rate target zones
by Robert P. Flood & Donald J. Mathieson & Andrew K. Rose - 387 Estimating pass-through: structure and stability
by William R. Melick - 386 International capital mobility: direct evidence from long-term currency swaps
by Helen Popper - 385 Is national treatment still viable? U.S. policy in theory and practice
by Sydney J. Key - 384 Three-factor general equilibrium models: a dual, geometric approach
by Douglas A. Irwin - 383 Modeling the demand for narrow money in the United Kingdom and the United States
by Neil R. Ericsson & David F. Hendry - 382 The term structure of interest rates in the onshore markets of the United States, Germany, and Japan
by Helen Popper - 381 Financial structure and economic development
by Ross Levine - 380 Foreign currency operations: an annotated bibliography
by Hali J. Edison - 379 The global economic implications of German unification
by Lewis S. Alexander & Joseph E. Gagnon - 378 Computers and the trade deficit: the case of the falling prices
by Ellen E. Meade - 377 Evaluating the predictive performance of trade-account models
by Neil R. Ericsson & Jaime R. Marquez - 376 Towards the next generation of newly industrializing economies: the roles for macroeconomic policy and the manufacturing sector
by Catherine L. Mann - 375 The dynamics of interest rate and tax rules in a stochastic model
by Eric M. Leeper - 374 Stock markets, growth, and policy
by Ross Levine - 373 Prospects for sustained improvement in U.S. external balance: structural change versus policy change
by Catherine L. Mann - 372 International financial markets and the U.S. external imbalance
by Deborah J. Danker & Peter Hooper - 371 Why hasn't trade grown faster than income? Inter-industry trade over the past century
by Joseph E. Gagnon & Andrew K. Rose - 370 Contractionary devaluation with black markets for foreign exchange
by Steven B. Kamin
- 369 Exchange rate variability and the level of international trade
by Joseph E. Gagnon - 368 A substitute for the capital stock variable in investment functions
by Guy V. G. Stevens - 367 An empirical assessment of non-linearities in models of exchange rate determination
by Richard Meese & Andrew K. Rose - 366 Equilibrium in a production economy with an income tax
by Wilbur John Coleman - 365 Tariffs and the Macroeconomy: Evidence from the USA
by Jonathan D. Ostry & Andrew K. Rose - 364 European integration, exchange rate management, and monetary reform: a review of the major issues
by Garry J. Schinasi - 363 Savings rates and output variability in industrial countries
by Joseph E. Gagnon & Garry J. Schinasi - 362 Determinants of Japanese direct investment in U.S. manufacturing industries
by Catherine L. Mann - 361 The U.S. and U.K. activities of Japanese banks: 1980-1988
by Robert S. Dohner & Barbara R. Lowrey & Henry S. Terrell - 360 Policy rules, information and fiscal effects in a \"Ricardian\" model
by Eric M. Leeper - 359 A forward-looking multicountry model: MX3
by Joseph E. Gagnon - 358 Implications for future U.S. net investment payments of growing U.S. net international indebtedness
by William L. Helkie & Lois E. Stekler - 357 U.S. policy on the problems of international debt
by Edwin M. Truman - 356 International economic policy: the role of exchange rates
by Edwin M. Truman - 355 An econometric analysis of UK money demand in MONETARY TRENDS IN THE UNITED STATES AND THE UNITED KINGDOM by Milton Friedman and Anna J. Schwartz
by Neil R. Ericsson & David F. Hendry - 354 Encompassing and rational expectations: how sequential corroboration can imply refutation
by Neil R. Ericsson & David F. Hendry - 353 The United States as a heavily indebted country
by David H. Howard - 352 External debt and developing country growth
by Robert B. Kahn & Steven B. Kamin & Ross Levine - 351 An algorithm to solve dynamic models
by Wilbur John Coleman - 350 Implications of the U.S. current account deficit
by David H. Howard - 349 Financial integration in the European Community
by Sydney J. Key - 348 Exact and approximate multi-period mean-square forecast errors for dynamic econometric models
by Neil R. Ericsson & Jaime R. Marquez - 347 Macroeconomic policies, competitiveness, and U.S. external adjustment
by Peter Hooper - 346 Exchange rates and U.S. external adjustment in the short run and the long run
by Peter Hooper - 345 U.S. external adjustment: progress and prospects
by William L. Helkie & Peter Hooper - 344 Domestic and cross-border consequences of U.S. macroeconomic policies
by Ralph C. Bryant & John F. Helliwell & Peter Hooper - 343 The profitability of U.S. intervention
by Michael P. Leahy - 342 Approaches to managing external equilibria: where we are, where we might be headed, and how we might get there
by Edwin M. Truman - 341 A note on \"transfers\"
by David B. Gordon & Ross Levine - 340 A new interpretation of the coordination problem and its empirical significance
by Matthew B. Canzoneri & Hali J. Edison - 339 A long-run view of the european monetary system
by Hali J. Edison & Eric Fisher
- 338 The forward exchange rate bias: a new explanation
by Ross Levine - 337 Adequacy of international transactions and position data for policy coordination
by Lois E. Stekler - 336 Nominal interest rate pegging under alternative expectations hypotheses
by Joseph E. Gagnon & Dale W. Henderson - 335 The dynamics of uncertainty or the uncertainty of dynamics: stochastic J-curves
by Jaime R. Marquez - 334 Devaluation, exchange controls, and black markets for foreign exchange in developing countries
by Steven B. Kamin - 333 International banking facilities
by Sydney J. Key & Henry S. Terrell - 332 Panic, liquidity and the lender of last resort: a strategic analysis
by R. Glen Donaldson - 331 Real interest rates during the disinflation process in developing countries
by Steven B. Kamin & David F. Spigelman - 330 International comparisons of labor costs in manufacturing
by Peter Hooper & Kathryn A. Larin - 329 Interactions between domestic and foreign investment
by Robert E. Lipsey & Guy V. G. Stevens - 328 The timing of consumer arrivals in Edgeworth's duopoly model
by Marc Dudey - 327 Competition by choice
by Marc Dudey - 326 The determinants of the growth of multinational banking organizations: 1972-86
by Robert S. Dohner & Henry S. Terrell - 325 Econometric modeling of consumers' expenditure in Venezuela
by Julia Campos & Neil R. Ericsson - 324 Income and price elasticities of foreign trade flows: econometric estimation and analysis of the U.S. trade deficit
by Jaime R. Marquez - 323 Money, interest, and capital in a cash-in-advance economy
by Wilbur John Coleman - 322 The simultaneous equations model with generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity: the SEM-GRACH model
by Richard Harmon - 321 Adjustment costs and international trade dynamics
by Joseph E. Gagnon - 320 The capital flight \"problem.\"
by David B. Gordon & Ross Levine
- 319 Modeling investment income and other services in the U.S. international transactions accounts
by William L. Helkie & Lois E. Stekler - 318 Improving the forecast accuracy of provisional data: an application of the Kalman filter to retail sales estimates
by B. Dianne Pauls - 317 Monte Carlo methodology and the finite sample properties of statistics for testing nested and non-nested hypotheses
by Neil R. Ericsson - 316 The U.S. external deficit: its causes and persistence
by Peter Hooper & Catherine L. Mann - 315 Debt conversions: economic issues for heavily indebted developing countries
by Lewis S. Alexander - 314 Exchange rate regimes and macroeconomic stabilization in a developing country
by David H. Howard - 313 Monetary policy in Taiwan, China
by Robert F. Emery - 312 The pricing of forward exchange rates
by Ross Levine - 311 Realignment of the yen-dollar exchange rate: aspects of the adjustment process in Japan
by Robert A. Johnson & Bonnie E. Loopesko - 310 The effect of multilateral trade clearinghouses on the demand for international reserves
by Ellen E. Meade - 309 Protection and retaliation: changing the rules of the game
by Catherine L. Mann - 308 International duopoly with tariffs
by Eric Fisher & Charles A. Wilson - 307 A simple simulation model of international bank lending
by Robert S. Dohner & Henry S. Terrell - 306 A reassessment of measures of the dollar's effective exchange value
by William L. Helkie & B. Dianne Pauls - 305 Macroeconomic instability of the less developed country economy when bank credit is rationed
by David F. Spigelman - 304 The U.S. external deficit in the 1980s: an empirical analysis
by William L. Helkie & Peter Hooper - 303 An analogue model of phase-averaging procedures
by Julia Campos & Neil R. Ericsson & David F. Hendry - 302 A model of exchange rate pass-through
by Eric Fisher - 301 The out-of-sample forecasting performance of exchange rate models when coefficients are allowed to change
by Garry J. Schinasi & P. A. V. B. Swamy - 300 Financial concentration and development: an empirical analysis of the Venezuelan case
by Jaime R. Marquez & Janice Shack-Marquez - 299 Deposit insurance assessments on deposits at foreign branches of U.S. banks
by Jeffrey C. Marquardt
- 298 The international debt situation
by Edwin M. Truman - 297 The cost competitiveness of the Europaper market
by Rodney H. Mills - 296 Germany and the European disease
by John Davis & Patrick Minford - 295 The United States international asset and liability position: a comparison of flow of funds and Commerce department presentations
by Guido E. Van der Ven & John F. Wilson - 294 An international arbitrage pricing model with PPP deviations
by Ross Levine - 293 The structure and properties of the FRB multicountry model.Part I: Model description and simulation results
by Hali J. Edison & Jaime R. Marquez & Ralph W. Tryon - 292 Short-term and long-term expectations of the yen/dollar exchange rate: evidence from survey data
by Jeffrey A. Frankel & Kenneth A. Froot - 291 Anticipated fiscal contraction: the economic consequences of the announcement of Gramm-Rudman-Hollings
by Robert A. Johnson - 290 Tests of the foreign exchange risk premium using the expected second moments implied by option pricing
by Richard K. Lyons - 289 Incomplete insurance, irreversible investment, and the microfoundations of financial intermediation
by Robert A. Johnson - 288 The yen-dollar relationship: a recent historical perspective
by Manuel H. Johnson & Bonnie E. Loopesko - 287 Should fixed coefficients be reestimated every period for extrapolation?
by Garry J. Schinasi & P. A. V. B. Swamy - 286 An empirical analysis of policy coordination in the United States, Japan and Europe
by Hali J. Edison & Ralph W. Tryon - 285 Comovements in aggregate and relative prices: some evidence on neutrality
by B. Dianne Pauls - 284 Labor market rigidities and unemployment: the case of severance costs
by Michael K. Gavin - 283 A framework for analyzing the process of financial innovation
by Allen B. Frankel & Catherine L. Mann - 282 Is the ECU an optimal currency basket?
by Hali J. Edison - 281 Are foreign exchange forecasts rational? New evidence from survey data
by Kathryn Dominguez - 280 Taxation of capital gains on foreign exchange transactions and the non- neutrality of changes in anticipated inflation
by Garry J. Schinasi - 279 The prospect of a depreciating dollar and possible tension inside the EMS
by Jacques Melitz - 278 The stock market and exchange rate dynamics
by Michael K. Gavin - 277 Can debtor countries service their debts? Income and price elasticities for exports of developing countries
by Jaime R. Marquez & Caryl McNeilly - 276 Post-simulation analysis of Monte Carlo experiments: interpreting Pesaran's (1974) study of non-nested hypothesis test statistics
by Neil R. Ericsson - 275 A method for solving systems of first order linear homogeneous differential equations when the elements of the forcing vector are modelled as step functions
by Robert A. Johnson - 274 International comparisons of fiscal policy: the OECD and the IMF measures of fiscal impulse
by Garry J. Schinasi - 273 An analysis of the welfare implications of alternative exchange rate regimes: an intertemporal model with an application
by Andrew Feltenstein & David E. Lebow & Anne C. Sibert
- 272 Expected fiscal policy and the recession of 1982
by William H. Branson & Arminio Fraga & Robert A. Johnson - 271 Elections and macroeconomic policy cycles Anne Sibert
by Kenneth S. Rogoff & Anne C. Sibert - 270 Assertion without empirical basis : an econometric appraisal of monetary trends in ... the United Kingdom, by Milton Friedman and Anna J. Schwartz
by Neil R. Ericsson & David F. Hendry - 269 Canadian financial markets : the Government's proposal for reform
by Garry J. Schinasi - 268 Was it real? : the exchange rate-interest differential relation, 1973 - 1984
by Richard Meese & Kenneth S. Rogoff - 267 The U.K. sector of the Federal Reserve's multicountry model : the effects of monetary and fiscal policies
by Hali J. Edison - 266 Optimal currency basket in a world of generalized floating : an application to the nordic countries
by Hali J. Edison & Erling Vardal - 265 Money demand in open economies : a currency substitution model for Venezuela
by Jaime R. Marquez - 264 Comparing costs of note issuance facilities and Eurocredits
by Rodney H. Mills - 263 Some implications of the President's tax proposals for U.S. banks with claims on developing countries
by Allen B. Frankel - 262 Monetary stabilization policy in an open economy
by Marcus Miller - 261 Anticipatory capital flows and the behaviour of the dollar
by Arnold Kling - 260 Simulating exchange rate shocks in the MPS and MCM models : an evaluation
by Arnold Kling - 259 Trade policy for the multiple product declining industry
by Catherine L. Mann - 258 Long memory models of interest rates, the term structure, and variance bounds tests
by Gary S. Shea - 257 Currency substitution and the new divisia monetary aggregates : the U. S. case
by Jaime R. Marquez - 256 The international transmission of oil price effects and OPEC's pricing policy
by Jaime R. Marquez - 255 U.S. banks' lending to developing countries : a longer-term view
by Rodney H. Mills & Henry S. Terrell - 254 Conditional econometric modelling : an application to new house prices in the United Kingdom
by Neil R. Ericsson & David F. Hendry - 253 Loan pushing : doctrine and theory
by William A. Darity
- 252 Postwar financial policies in Taiwan, China
by Robert F. Emery - 251 Foreign exchange constraints and growth possibilities in LDCs
by Jaime R. Marquez - 250 The determination of front-end fees on syndicated Eurocurrency credits
by Rodney H. Mills & Henry S. Terrell - 248 The macroeconomic implications of labor contracting with asymmetric information
by Matthew B. Canzoneri & Anne C. Sibert - 247 Cooperative policies among the North, the South, and OPEC : an optimal control approach
by Jaime R. Marquez & Paul Pauly - 246 International repercussions of the U.S. budget deficit
by Peter Hooper - 245 Can exchange rate predictability be achieved without monetary convergence? : evidence from the EMS
by Kenneth S. Rogoff - 243 Federal taxation and the domestic-foreign asset choice of a U.S. bank
by Allen B. Frankel - 242 Currency substitution, duality, and exchange rate indeterminacy : an empirical analysis of the Venezuelan experience
by Jaime R. Marquez - 241 Oil prices, welfare tradeoffs, and international policy coordination : an optimizing approach
by Jaime R. Marquez & Peter Pauly - 240 The effects of exchange rate variability on output and employment
by Matthew B. Canzoneri & Peter B. Clark - 239 The foreign sector in the U.S. flow of funds accounts
by John F. Wilson - 238 A Kalecki-Keynes model of world trade, finance, and economic growth
by William A. Darity & E. V. K. Fitzgerald - 237 Oil price effects in theory and practice
by Jaime R. Marquez - 236 The current account of the United States, Japan, and Germany : a cyclical analysis
by Peter Hooper & Ralph W. Tryon - 232 Exchange rate determination and real interest rate differentials under uncertainty
by Harvey Lapan
- 249 Monetary policy games and the role of private information
by Matthew B. Canzoneri - 244 Domestic saving, current accounts, and international capital mobility
by Gerard Caprio & David H. Howard - 235 Alternative financial strategies : the results of some policy simulations with the multi-country model
by Richard D. Haas & Steven A. Symansky - 234 Deficit-savings ratios as indicators of interest-rate pressure : a collection of notes
by Gerard Caprio & Dale W. Henderson & Peter Hooper & Raymond Lubitz & Steven A. Symansky - 233 Productive and counterproductive cooperative monetary policies
by Kenneth S. Rogoff - 231 A quantitative reassessment of the purchasing power parity hypothesis : evidence from Norway and the United Kingdom
by Hali J. Edison & Jan Tore Klovland - 230 The optimal degree of commitment to an intermediate monetary target: inflation gains versus stabilization costs
by Kenneth S. Rogoff - 229 The international transmission of oil price effects
by Jaime R. Marquez - 228 A strategy to resolve Mexico's liquidity crisis
by Yves Maroni - 227 An analysis of external debt positions of eight developing countries through 1990
by Michael P. Dooley & William L. Helkie & Ralph W. Tryon & John M. Underwood - 226 What's wrong with empirical exchange rate models: some critical issues and new directions
by Peter Isard - 225 The impact of supply side policy rules on exchange rates, interest rates and the terms of trade: an exploration under alternative price rules
by Colin Lawrence - 224 The rise and fall of sterling: testing alternative models of exchange rate determination
by Hali J. Edison - 223 Exchange rate dynamics with sluggish prices under alternative price- adjustment rules
by Maurice Obstfeld & Kenneth S. Rogoff - 222 Purchasing power parity and real after tax interest rate arbitrage
by David H. Howard & Karen H. Johnson - 221 Country risk, international lending and exchange rate determination
by Michael P. Dooley & Peter Isard - 220 Speculation and hedging using options on future contracts
by Laurence R. Jacobson - 219 Two essays on monetary policy in an interdependent world
by Matthew B. Canzoneri & Jo Anna Gray - 218 Capital accumulation and foreign investment taxation
by Anne C. Sibert - 217 An appraisal of the CHAPS payments mechanism
by Allen B. Frankel - 216 Payments systems: theory and policy
by Allen B. Frankel & Jeffrey C. Marquardt - 215 OPEC's surplus and real interest rates
by Jo Anna Gray & Peter Hooper - 214 Assessing dynamic properties of the MCM: a simulation approach
by Richard A. Haas & Steven A. Symansky