- 213 Alternative approaches to general equilibrium modeling of exchange rates and capital flows: the MCM experience
by Richard D. Haas & Peter Hooper & Lois E. Stekler & Steven A. Symansky - 212 Wage contracting, exchange rate volatility, and exchange intervention policy
by Matthew B. Canzoneri & John M. Underwood - 211 The risk premium in the market for forward foreign exchange
by Anne C. Sibert - 210 The demand for Swiss monetary assets
by Karen H. Johnson - 209 The Canadian sector of the multi-country model
by Howard Howe - 208 Formulation and estimation of a dynamic model of exchange rate determination: an application of general method of moments techniques
by Thomas C. Glaessner - 207 The behavior of monetary aggregates in major industrialized countries
by David H. Howard & Karen H. Johnson - 206 The modern theory of forward foreign exchange: some new consistent estimates under rational expectations
by Thomas C. Glaessner - 205 The Swedish economy in the 1970's: the lessons of accommodative policies
by Gerard Caprio - 204 The out-of-sample failure of empirical exchange rate models: sampling error or misspecification?
by Richard Meese & Kenneth S. Rogoff - 203 How to borrow reasonably
by Yves Maroni - 202 The role of intervention policy in open economy financial policy: a macroeconomic perspective
by Dale W. Henderson - 201 A model of stochastic process switching
by Robert P. Flood & Peter M. Garber - 200 An accounting framework and some issues for modelling how exchange rates respond to the news
by Peter Isard - 199 Structural lags and stability in international macromodels
by Richard T. Freeman - 198 J-curves and stability of the foreign-exchange market
by Richard T. Freeman - 197 Dynamic instability in rational expectations models: an attempt to clarify
by Jo Anna Gray - 196 Estimating the hedging effectiveness of Treasury bill futures: an alternative approach
by Patrick M. Parkinson
- 195 Speculative hyperinflations in a maximizing models: can we rule them out?
by Maurice Obstfeld & Kenneth S. Rogoff - 194 Transitory terms-of-trade shocks and the current account: the case of constant time preference
by Maurice Obstfeld - 193 Exchange-rate regimes in transition: Italy 1974
by Robert P. Flood & Nancy P. Marion - 192 The information content of the interest rate and optimal monetary policy
by Matthew B. Canzoneri & Dale W. Henderson & Kenneth S. Rogoff - 191 The role of the current account in exchange rate determination: a comment on Rodriquez
by Michael P. Dooley & Peter Isard - 190 Gold monetization and gold discipline
by Robert P. Flood & Peter M. Garber - 189 Primary energy demand and its allocation among energy sector shares
by Laurence R. Jacobson & Alice Loftin & Stephan S. Thurman - 188 Estimation of portfolio-balance functions that are mean-variance optimizing: the mark and the dollar
by Jeffrey A. Frankel - 187 Capital mobility and the scope for sterilization: Mexico in the 1970s
by Robert E. Cumby & Maurice Obstfeld - 186 The vicious circle argument and its relevance for the Italian economy
by Raymond Lubitz - 185 Inflation, indexation, and the oil-price shock: the British experience
by David H. Howard - 184 Empirical exchange rate models of the seventies: are any fit to survive?
by Richard Meese & Kenneth S. Rogoff - 183 Reserve requirements on Eurocurrency deposits: implications for the stabilization of real outputs
by Dale W. Henderson & Douglas G. Waldo - 182 The impact of an oil price increase on aggregate supply
by Karen H. Johnson - 181 Oil price shocks in a portfolio-balance model
by Gerard Caprio & Peter B. Clark - 180 Oil price indexing versus large price shocks: macroeconomic impacts
by Laurence R. Jacobson & Stephan S. Thurman - 179 Some consequences of U.S. taxation of foreign banks
by Allen B. Frankel - 178 New foreign asset positions and stability in a world portfolio balance model
by Dale W. Henderson & Kenneth S. Rogoff - 177 The implications of the internationalization of banking for the definition and measurement of U.S. credit and monetary aggregates
by Michael P. Dooley - 176 The British banking system's demand for cash reserves
by David H. Howard - 175 International portfolio disturbances and domestic monetary policy
by Jeffrey R. Shafer & Edwin M. Truman - 174 Exchange intervention policy in a multiple country world
by Matthew B. Canzoneri - 173 The implications of a floating exchange rate regime: a survey of Federal Reserve Systems papers
by Jo Anna Gray & Jeffrey R. Shafer - 172 Transversality conditions in infinite horizon models
by Jo Anna Gray & Stephen W. Salant
- 171 Factors determining exchange rates: the roles of relative price levels, balances of payments, interest rates and risk
by Peter Isard - 170 Three roles of the forward foreign exchange market
by Masahiro Kawai - 169 A cross country study of the relationship between discount rate changes and exchange rate movements
by Kathleen H. Brown - 168 Fluctuations in the dollar: a model of nominal and real exchange rate determination
by Peter Hooper & John E. Morton - 167 Endogenous technological change and international technology transfer in a Ricardian trade model
by Thomas A. Pugel - 166 Foreign assistance programs and policies of the United States
by David P. Dod & Henry C. Wallich - 165 Rational expectations, risk premia, and the market for spot and forward exchange
by Richard Meese & Kenneth J. Singleton - 164 Reserve requirements on Eurocurrency deposits: implications for Eurodeposit multipliers, control of a monetary aggregate, and avoidance of redenomination incentives
by Dale W. Henderson & Douglas G. Waldo - 163 Modeling bilateral exchange rates in a multi-country model
by Richard Berner & Peter K. Clark & Ernesto Hernandez-Cata & Peter Hooper & Howard Howe & Sung Y. Kwack & Guy V. G. Stevens & Ralph W. Tryon - 162 Restricting the scale of government in a small open economy
by Ronald Johnson - 161 Stability in financial and labor markets: is there a tradeoff?
by Matthew B. Canzoneri - 160 Expectations and the adjustment of trade flows under floating exchange- rates: leads, lags and the J-curve
by Wendy E. Takacs & John F. Wilson - 159 Private sector effects of government expenditures on nontraded goods versus direct employment of labor in a small open economy
by Ronald Johnson - 158 Wealth effects in the new neoclassical models
by Matthew B. Canzoneri - 156 Expected and unexpected changes in exchange rates: the roles of relative price levels, balance-of-payments factors, interest rates and risk
by Peter Isard - 155 Sticky nominal wages and the optimal employment rule
by Douglas G. Waldo - 154 U.S. banks: the slowdown in international lending
by Rodney H. Mills - 153 Dynamic factor demand schedules for labor and capital under rational expectations
by Richard Meese - 151 U.S. banks, exchange markets, and the dollar, Sept.-Nov. 1978
by Barbara R. Lowrey & Ralph W. Smith
- 157 Rational destabilizing speculation and exchange intervention policy
by Matthew B. Canzoneri - 152 Stabilization policy and vicious and virtuous circles
by Jo Anna Gray & Henry C. Wallich - 150 Protection, real wage resistance and employment: an analysis of some proposals of the Cambridge Economic Policy Group
by Barry Eichengreen - 149 A test of the existence of the risk premium in the foreign exchange market vs. the hypothesis of perfect substitutability
by Jeffrey A. Frankel - 148 A technique for extracting a measure of expected inflation from the interest rate term structure
by Jeffrey A. Frankel - 147 A simple model of the welfare effects of central bank intervention in the foreign exchange market
by Frank McCormick - 146 The U.S. sector of the multi-country model and its multipliers
by Sung Y. Kwack - 145 Expected and unexpected changes in exchange rates
by Peter Isard - 144 Impact of changes in the discount rate on the dollar's foreign exchange value
by Kathleen H. Brown - 143 Balance-of-payments adjustment from a U.S. perspective: the lessons of the 1970s
by Edwin M. Truman - 142 The dynamic effects of exchange market intervention policy: two extreme views and a synthesis
by Dale W. Henderson - 141 The portfolio-balance model of exchange rates
by Michael P. Dooley & Peter Isard - 140 U.S. direct investment receipts and payments: models and projections
by Lois E. Stekler - 139 Testing for rational expectations in foreign exchange markets
by Ralph W. Tryon - 138 Assessing international interdependence with a multi-country model
by Richard Berner & Peter K. Clark & Ernesto Hernandez-Cata & Howard Howe & Sung Y. Kwack & Guy V. G. Stevens - 137 Wage indexation, flexible exchange rates, and macro-economic policy
by Jeffrey D. Sachs - 136 The real rate of interest on international financial markets
by David H. Howard - 135 The apparent effects of recent IMF stabilization programs
by Thomas A. Connors - 134 U.S. banks and the North American Euro-currency market
by Rodney H. Mills & Eugenie D. Short - 133 Financial policies in open economies
by Dale W. Henderson - 132 Covered-interest arbitrage: unexploited profits: comment
by Frank McCormick - 131 The Japanese sector of the multi-country model
by Ernesto Hernandez-Cata - 130 Monetary policy under alternative exchange-rate regimes: simulations with a multi-country model
by Richard Berner & Peter K. Clark & Ernesto Hernandez-Cata & Howard Howe & Sung Y. Kwack & Guy V. G. Stevens - 129 Optimal international borrowing with default
by Richard T. Freeman - 128 Impact of the dollar depreciation on the U.S. price level: an analytical survey of empirical estimates
by Peter Hooper & Barbara R. Lowrey
- 127 The role of central banks in the development of securities markets
by Yves Maroni - 126 Distributed lag order determination
by Richard Meese - 125 Capital controls, political risk and interest disparities
by Michael P. Dooley & Peter Isard - 124 U.S. offices of foreign banks: the recent experience
by Sydney J. Key & Henry S. Terrell - 123 A portfolio-balance rational-expectations model of the dollar-mark rate, May 1973-June 1977
by Michael P. Dooley & Peter Isard - 122 The effect of exchange rate changes upon international price discrimination
by Eliot R. J. Kalter - 121 The macroeconomic effects of commodity market disruptions in open economies
by Carl Van Duyne - 120 The Italian economic crises of the 1970's
by Raymond Lubitz - 119 The stability of income and price elasticities in U.S. trade, 1957-1977
by Peter Hooper - 118 The short-run relation between growth and inflation in Latin America: a quasi rational or consistent expectations approach
by James A. Hanson - 117 The effects of foreign aid on optimal savings and debt
by Richard T. Freeman - 116 U.S. demand for imported and domestically-produced foods: an investigation of intertemporal and cross substitution
by Peter Isard & Barbara R. Lowrey & P. A. V. B. Swamy
- 115 A multi-country model of the international influences on the U.S. economy: preliminary results
by Richard Berner & Peter K. Clark & Ernesto Hernandez-Cata & Howard Howe & Sung Y. Kwack & Guy V. G. Stevens - 114 Inflation and unemployment in open economies
by Betty C. Daniel - 113 The U.S. activities of foreign banks: an analytic survey
by Sydney J. Key & Henry S. Terrell - 112 Approaches for assessing the risk involved in lending to developed countries
by Yves Maroni - 111 Transfers and the price level under fixed, free, and indexed exchange rate: a monetary approach
by James A. Hanson - 110 Staving off the backstop: dynamic limit-pricing with a kinked demand curve
by Stephen W. Salant - 109 Interest rates and inflation in Argentina
by Yves Maroni - 108 Cyclical fluctuations in the share of corporate profits in national income
by Scott B. Brown - 107 Critical determinants of the effectiveness of monetary policy in the open economy
by Lance Girton & Dale W. Henderson - 106 On testing the significance of a subset of coefficients in a set of seemingly unrelated regressions using mixed estimation
by Richard Berner & P. A. V. B. Swamy - 105 Estimating consumer import demand equations
by Richard Berner - 104 Differential responses to price and exchange rate influences in the foreign trade of selected industrial countries
by Wendy E. Takacs & John F. Wilson - 103 J. Laurence Laughlin and the quantity theory of money
by Lance Girton & Don E. Roper - 102 The denationalization of money: a review
by David H. Howard - 101 The process of exchange-rate determination: a survey of important models and major issues
by Peter Isard - 100 The identification of destabilizing foreign exchange speculation
by Steven W. Kohlhagen
- 99 Forecasting U.S. export and import prices and volumes in a changing world economy
by Peter Hooper - 98 Price determination in the multi-country model
by Howard Howe - 97 The goods market and the labor market of the multi-country model
by Richard Berner - 96 Alternatives for modeling the world outside the United States
by Guy V. G. Stevens - 95 Balance of payment equations and exchange rate determination
by Guy V. G. Stevens - 94 Asset markets and interest rate determination in the multi-country model
by Peter K. Clark & Sung Y. Kwack - 93 Modeling the international influences on the U.S. economy: a multi- country approach
by Richard Berner & Peter K. Clark & Howard Howe & Sung Y. Kwack & Guy V. G. Stevens - 92 A monetary model of exchange market pressure applied to the post-war Canadian experience
by Lance Girton & Don E. Roper - 91 The effect of exchange rate uncertainty on the prices and volume of international trade
by Peter Hooper & Steven W. Kohlhagen - 90 Personal saving behavior in five major industrialized countries
by David H. Howard - 89 The past, present, and future of the international monetary system: a review essay
by Edwin M. Truman - 88 Total import and gross output demands in the context of a multisector general equilibrium model
by Richard Berner - 87 Transaction costs and interest arbitrage: tranquil versus turbulent periods
by Jacob A. Frenkel & Richard M. Levich - 86 Theory and implications of currency substitution
by Lance Girton & Don E. Roper - 85 Linking the MPS price sector to international price disturbances
by Sung Y. Kwack & Stephan S. Thurman - 84 How far can we push the \"law of one price\"?
by Peter Isard - 83 Central bank operations in foreign and domestic assets under fixed and flexible exchange rates
by Lance Girton & Dale W. Henderson - 82 Have geometric lag hypotheses outlived their time? some evidence in a Monte Carlo framework
by John F. Wilson - 81 Market anticipations, government policy, and the price of gold
by Dale W. Henderson & Stephen W. Salant - 80 Note on interest parity, Eurocurrencies and capital controls
by Michael P. Dooley - 79 Note on key currency intervention systems
by Michael P. Dooley - 78 The strength of U.S. machinery exports in 1975: an analysis of price competitiveness and special demand factors
by Peter Hooper & Peter Isard - 77 Rules for intervention without fixed parities
by Michael P. Dooley & Jeffrey R. Shafer - 76 Analysis of short-run exchange behavior: March, 1993 to September, 1975
by Michael P. Dooley & Jeffrey R. Shafer - 75 Hirshleifer on speculation
by Stephen W. Salant - 74 The current status of economic integration in the European Community
by Raymond Lubitz
- 73 No end to the 'age of zinc': the length of the optimal program when depletion affects extraction costs
by Stephen W. Salant - 72 Gains from trade under uncertainty, once again
by Laurence J. Kotlikoff & Stephen W. Salant - 71 The Asian dollar market
by Robert F. Emery - 70 Estimation of a dynamic demand function for gasoline with different schemes of parameter variation
by J. S. Mehta & G. V. L. Narasimham & P. A. V. B. Swamy - 69 Foreign exchange operations of U.S. banks
by Robert C. Bradshaw - 68 Monetary correction and interest rates
by David H. Howard & Yves Maroni - 67 The analysis of exchange rate movements: neutrality results and the role of expectations
by Peter Isard & Michael G. Porter - 66 Risk in foreign and domestic lending activities of U.S. banks
by Fred B. Ruckdeschel - 65 A data base improvement for analysis of U.S. imports and exports: price indices by end-use, 1958:1-1974:4
by Sung Y. Kwack - 64 Output, inflation, and the balance of payments in a small, fixed- exchange rate economy: tests with data for Korea, 1960-1973
by Sung Y. Kwack - 63 Nash-Cournot equilibrium for an exhaustible resource like oil
by Stephen W. Salant - 62 The allocation of \"oil deficits\"
by Robert Solomon - 61 Theory and estimation of the demand for imports of consumer goods
by Peter Isard & Barbara R. Lowrey & P. A. V. B. Swamy - 59 Simultaneous determination of the U.S. balance of payments and exchange rates: an exploratory report
by Richard Berner & Peter K. Clark & Howard Howe & Sung Y. Kwack & Guy V. G. Stevens - 58 Some observations on the world-wide intensification of inflation
by Helen B. Junz - 57 The lagged adjustment of U.S. trade to prices and income: a commentary
by John F. Wilson
- 60 Dock strike adjustment factors for major categories of U.S. imports and exports, 1958-1974
by Peter Isard - 56 Price linkage in an interdependent world economy: price responses to exchange rate and activity changes
by Sung Y. Kwack - 55 International sources of domestic inflation
by Richard Berner & Peter K. Clark & Jared J. Enzler & Barbara R. Lowrey - 54 Profitable speculation, price stability, and welfare
by Stephen W. Salant - 53 Comment on 'The effects of exchange rate adjustment on international investment' by Dennis E. Logue and Thomas D. Willett
by Guy V. G. Stevens - 52 The effects of recent exchange rate changes on the U.S. trade balance
by Peter B. Clark - 51 The energy content of U.S. exports and imports
by Norman S. Fieleke - 50 Empirical research on financial capital flows
by Ralph C. Bryant - 49 Comparing U.S. company bond issue costs in the U.S. and Euro-bond markets
by Rodney H. Mills - 48 Simulations with a model of the U.S. balance of payments: the impact of the Smithsonian exchange rate agreement
by Sung Y. Kwack - 47 Two multi-level models of U.S. merchandise trade, 1958.I-1971.IV, and post-sample analysis, 1972.I-1973.II: an evaluation of a workable forecasting system
by Peter Hooper & John F. Wilson - 46 The emerging exchange-rate system (early 1974)
by Samuel I. Katz - 45 The price effects of exchange rate changes: models, empirical evidence, and notes on aggregation bias
by Peter Isard - 44 Exchange-rate flexibility and the efficiency of the foreign- exchange markets
by Norman S. Fieleke - 43 On the balance of payments effects of direct investment and the efficacy of controls: comments on and extensions of an article by Peter H. Lindert
by Peter H. Lindert & Guy V. G. Stevens - 42 The effect of changes in economic activity on U.S. trade flows
by Helen B. Junz & Barbara R. Lowrey - 41 Direct investment and trade: an analysis of the export displacement effect
by Michael Adler & Guy V. G. Stevens - 40 A model of arbitrage and short-term capital flows
by Michael P. Dooley
- 39 New trends in the energy-petroleum of Europe and Japan
by Alexander S. Lang - 38 Balance of payments aims and structures in the 1970s
by Helen B. Junz - 37 The energy crisis and the less-developed countries
by Alexander S. Lang - 36 A note on the monetary approach to the balance of payments
by Joanne Salop - 35 The effects of foreign inflation on domestic prices and the relative price advantage of exchange rate changes
by Sung Y. Kwack - 34 Investor evaluation of foreign and domestic risk
by Alan K. Severn - 33 Structural change in the Eurodollar market: evidence from a two- equation model
by Rodney H. Mills - 32 'Imported inflation' and the balance of payments
by Samuel I. Katz - 31 The rate of monetization in the less developed countries
by Robert F. Emery - 30 Direct investment, research intensity, and profitability
by Martin M. Laurence & Alan K. Severn - 29 The multinational firm and the determinants of investment
by Guy V. G. Stevens - 28 The distribution of West European trade under alternative tariff policies
by Stephen A. Resnick & Edwin M. Truman - 27 Devaluation and the balance of trade under flexible wages
by Joanne Salop - 26 SDRs, interest and the aid link: further analysis
by Peter Isard & Edwin M. Truman - 25 A review of current U.S. position in petroleum
by Alexander S. Lang - 24 A two country model of financial capital movements as stock adjustments with emphasis on the effects of central bank policy
by Lance Girton & Dale W. Henderson - 23 The foreign term-lending activities of U.S. banks
by Henry S. Terrell - 22 Price competitiveness in export trade among industrial countries
by Helen B. Junz & Rudolf R. Rhomberg
- 21 Postwar trends in income and deposit velocity and LDCs
by Robert F. Emery - 20 The financing of the multi-national firm: comment and extension
by Alan K. Severn - 19 The future of private enterprise in the developing countries
by Reed J. Irvine - 18 SDR creation and the real-bills doctrine
by Lance Girton - 17 A crisis in critical commodities
by Alexander S. Lang - 16 The Mckinnon portfolio balance model
by Lance Girton