April 2020, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 257-271 Digital trade facilitation and bilateral trade in selected Asian countries
by Normaz Wana Ismail - 303-316 Do foreign banks in India respond to global monetary policy shocks? A SVAR analysis
by Ameen Omar Shareef & K.P. Prabheesh - 339-360 Global value chain embeddedness, labour productivity and employment in the Asia-Pacific countries
by Bhushan Praveen Jangam - 361-383 Institutions, human capital and economic growth in developing countries
by Md Akther Uddin & Md Hakim Ali & Mansur Masih - 384-399 Testing deviations from PPP and UIP: evidence from BRICS economies
by K.P. Prabheesh & Bhavesh Garg
December 2020, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 86-113 Empirical analysis of dynamic spillovers between exchange rate return, return volatility and investor sentiment
by Tihana Škrinjarić & Zrinka Lovretin Golubić & Zrinka Orlović
November 2020, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 50-66 Modeling the optimal diversification opportunities: the case of crypto portfolios and equity portfolios
by Florin Aliu & Artor Nuhiu & Besnik A. Krasniqi & Gent Jusufi
June 2020, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 32-49 The relationship between psychopathy and financial risk and time preferences
by Corey A. Shank & Brice Dupoyet & Robert Durand & Fernando Patterson
October 2020, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 777-798 Monetary policy uncertainty and stock market returns: influence of limits to arbitrage and the economic cycle
by Jessica Paule-Vianez & Camilo Prado-Román & Raúl Gómez-Martínez
September 2020, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 697-723 Oil and risk premia in equity markets
by Satish Kumar & Riza Demirer & Aviral Kumar Tiwari - 753-776 Bad or good neighbours: a spatial financial contagion study
by Matteo Foglia & Alessandra Ortolano & Elisa Di Febo & Eliana Angelini
June 2020, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 605-623 Real effects of real estate: evidence from unemployment rates
by Can Dogan & John Can Topuz - 625-672 Review on behavioral economics and behavioral finance
by Wing-Keung Wong - 673-696 Dynamic co-movements and directional spillovers among energy futures
by Sercan Demiralay & Nikolaos Hourvouliades & Athanasios Fassas
May 2020, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 413-428 Assessing the relationship between closing prices and trading volume in the US livestock futures markets
by Dimitrios Panagiotou & Alkistis Tseriki - 429-455 Hedging positions in US wheat markets: a disaggregated data analysis
by Nam Hoang & Terrance Grieb - 457-473 Returns and volume
by Panos Fousekis
April 2020, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 475-495 A framework for screening and portfolio selection in corporate venture capital
by Tim Alexander Herberger & Felix Reinle
June 2020, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 497-511 Spoofing: effective market power building through perception alignment
by Viktoria Dalko & Bryane Michael & Michael Wang - 513-543 The spillover effects of economic policy uncertainty on financial markets: a time-varying analysis
by Canh Phuc Nguyen & Thanh Dinh Su & Udomsak Wongchoti & Christophe Schinckus - 545-560 One size does not fit all: external driver of the cryptocurrency world
by Yaman Omer Erzurumlu & Tunc Oygur & Alper Kirik - 561-582 Interrelation and spillover effects between stocks and bonds: cross-market and cross-asset evidence
by David G. McMillan
March 2020, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 361-389 Time series momentum trading in green stocks
by Gagari Chakrabarti & Chitrakalpa Sen
May 2020, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 293-309 Asymmetric effect of extreme changes in the exchange rate volatility on the US imports
by Bisharat Hussain Chang & Suresh Kumar Oad Rajput & Niaz Ahmed Bhutto & Zahida Abro - 311-321 Testing the efficiency of metal's market: new evidence from a generalized spectral test
by Rajesh Pathak & Ranjan Das Gupta & Cleiton Guollo Taufemback & Aviral Kumar Tiwari - 347-360 A weighted Fama-MacBeth two-step panel regression procedure: asymptotic properties, finite-sample adjustment, and performance
by Kyuseok Lee
June 2020, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 323-346 The information content of US stock market factors
by Mohammed M. Elgammal & Fatma Ehab Ahmed & David G. McMillan
April 2020, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 391-410 Impact of financial liquidity and solvency on cost efficiency: evidence from US banking system
by Kekoura Sakouvogui & Saleem Shaik
February 2020, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 89-109 A tale of two coffees? Analysing interaction and futures market efficiency
by Mark J. Holmes & Jesús Otero - 110-133 Monotonicity, linearity and symmetry in the price volatility–volume relationship
by Panos Fousekis & Dimitra Tzaferi
July 2019, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 583-600 Behavioral analysis of long-term implied volatilities
by Min Xu & Hong Xie & Yuehua Wu - 601-618 Overconfidence and forecast accuracy
by Bin Liu & Monica Tan - 640-658 Investing in lottery-like stocks in India
by Udayan Sharma & Madhumita Chakraborty
August 2019, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 659-674 Effectiveness of filter trading as an intraday trading rule
by Ling Xin & Kin Lam & Philip L.H. Yu
May 2019, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 562-582 The stock-bond nexus and investors’ behavior in mature and emerging markets
by Refk Selmi & Rangan Gupta & Christos Kollias & Stephanos Papadamou
June 2019, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 619-639 Does personality drive price bubbles?
by Andreas Oehler & Florian Wedlich & Stefan Wendt & Matthias Horn
November 2019, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 246-256 Crude palm oil prices and default risk: an analysis of Indonesia’s listed agricultural firms
by Arlyana Abubakar & Agung Bayu Purwoko & Hesti Werdaningtyas & Sulistiyo Kadam Ardiyono & Frida Yunita Sinurat
June 2019, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 189-206 Understanding Indonesia’s exchange rate behavior
by R. Eki Rahman
July 2019, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 227-245 Fiscal sustainability in India: evidence from Markov switching and threshold regression models
by Vaseem Akram & Badri Narayan Rath
August 2019, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 173-188 Construction of infrastructure index for Indonesia
by Sahminan Sahminan & Oki Hermansyah & Robbi Nur Rakhman - 207-226 Non-core deposit of Indonesian banking
by Cicilia A. Harun & Raquela Renanda Nattan
June 2019, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 13-31 Risk-adjusted pricing of project loans
by György Walter
November 2019, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 585-604 Market dynamics, cyclical patterns and market states
by Azza Bejaoui & Salim Ben Sassi & Jihed Majdoub
September 2019, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 725-752 The impact of financial regulation policy uncertainty on bank profits and risk
by Robert Neil Killins & David W. Johnk & Peter V. Egly
July 2019, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 201-227 Liquidity of financial markets: a review
by Abhinava Tripathi & Alok Dixit & Vipul - 229-242 Bitcoin, Litecoin, and the Euro: an annualized volatility analysis
by Cynthia Miglietti & Zdenka Kubosova & Nicole Skulanova
September 2019, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 243-265 Dynamic linkages among cryptocurrencies, exchange rates and global equity markets
by Eleftheria Kostika & Nikiforos T. Laopodis - 267-292 A new approach to forecast market interest rates through the CIR model
by Giuseppe Orlando & Rosa Maria Mininni & Michele Bufalo
September 2019, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-17 The interbank payment network and financial system stability
by Imaduddin Sahabat & Tumpak Silalahi & Ratih Indrastuti & Marizsa Herlina - 18-27 Excess liquidity premia of single-name CDS vs iTraxx/CDX spreads: 2007-2017
by Mariya Gubareva - 28-49 Stock market performance and cross-border mergers and acquisitions in South Africa
by Kasyoka Magdalene Wilson & Désiré Vencatachellum - 134-142 Interest rate option hedging portfolios without bank account
by Alberto Bueno-Guerrero
November 2019, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 71-88 Financial technology: a review of extant literature
by Vikas Sangwan & Harshita & Puneet Prakash & Shveta Singh
October 2019, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 143-159 Leverage, investment, and recovery from a financial crisis: the role of debt overhang
by Andreas Kuchler - 160-198 How did regulation and market discipline influence banking distress in Europe?
by Vitor Branco Oliveira & Clara Raposo
December 2019, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 50-70 Modelling industry interdependency dynamics in a network context
by Ya Qian & Wolfgang Härdle & Cathy Yi-Hsuan Chen
September 2019, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 492-516 Asset management with TEV and VaR constraints: the constrained efficient frontiers
by Giulio Palomba & Luca Riccetti - 517-546 The monitoring role of institutional investors
by Xiaoqiong Wang & Siqi Wei - 547-566 High-frequency trading and the weekly natural gas storage report
by Matt Brigida & William R. Pratt - 567-580 NFL betting market efficiency, divisional rivals, and profitable strategies
by Corey A. Shank - 581-599 Constructing cointegrated cryptocurrency portfolios for statistical arbitrage
by Tim Leung & Hung Nguyen - 637-661 The evolution of herd behavior: Will herding disappear over time?
by Kalugala Vidanalage Aruna Shantha
July 2019, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 465-491 Understanding the Flash Crash – state of the art
by Gianluca Piero Maria Virgilio - 600-615 A nonparametric Bayesian approach to term structure fitting
by Victor Lapshin - 616-636 European emission allowance and equity markets: evidence from further trading phases
by Murad Harasheh & Andrea Amaduzzi - 662-681 Mutual fund alpha and daily market-timing ability
by Qiang Bu - 682-699 Can energy commodities affect energy blockchain-based cryptos?
by Ikhlaas Gurrib
June 2019, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 334-347 The impact of major life events on household asset portfolio rebalancing
by Tracey West & Andrew Worthington - 348-364 Stock market, banking sector and economic growth
by Soumya Guha Deb & Sibanjan Mishra & Pradip Banerjee - 365-394 Bank-based and market-based development and economic growth: an international investigation
by Isaac Boadi & Daniel Osarfo & Perpetual Boadi - 395-407 Hedging performance and the heterogeneity among market participants
by Yihao Lai & Wei-Shih Chung & Jiaming Chen - 440-463 Portfolio optimization based on modified expected shortfall
by Deepak Jadhav & T.V. Ramanathan
July 2019, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 408-426 Price formation in call auctions with insider information
by Tobias Brünner - 427-439 Are hedge fund returns affected by media coverage of macroeconomic news?
by Sandip Dutta & James Thorson
June 2019, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 114-129 Sensitivity of economic policy uncertainty to investor sentiment
by Mobeen Ur Rehman & Nicholas Apergis - 130-153 Corporate social responsibility and bankruptcy
by Elizabeth Cooper & Hatice Uzun - 240-264 Do mergers and acquisitions create value?
by Krishna Reddy & Muhammad Qamar & Noel Yahanpath - 265-290 Liquidity hedging with futures and forward contracts
by Yong Jae Shin & Unyong Pyo - 291-310 Further insights into the oil and equity market relationship
by Olfa Belhassine & Amira Ben Bouzid - 311-332 Acquirer size, political connections and mergers and acquisitions performance
by Xi Zhao & Huanyu Ma & Ting Hao
April 2019, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 183-206 How well can investors diversify with commodities? Evidence from a flexible copula approach
by Panos Fousekis & Vasilis Grigoriadis
March 2019, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 154-167 Testing derivatives pricing models under higher-order moment swaps
by Ako Doffou
May 2019, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 168-182 Crude oil price and implied volatility
by Panos Fousekis
May 2019, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 8-31 Fair premium rate of the deposit insurance system based on banks’ creditworthiness
by Naoyuki Yoshino & Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary & Farhad Nili - 32-50 Investment performance and emotions: an international study
by Guy Kaplanski & Haim Levy - 51-62 Stock market stress from the central counterparty’s perspective
by Barbara Dömötör & Kata Váradi - 83-88 New methods of modeling and estimating preferences
by Moawia Alghalith
April 2019, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 63-82 Relative efficiency, industry concentration and average stock returns
by Giao X. Nguyen & Wikrom Prombutr & Chanwit Phengpis & Peggy E. Swanson
June 2019, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 89-111 Analyzing precious metals returns using a Kalman smoother approach
by Marco Erling
August 2018, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1-12 Exchange rate nonlinearities in India’s exports to the USA
by Somesh K. Mathur & Abhishek Shekhawat
October 2018, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 207-223 Availability of private credit – does culture matter?
by Bree Dority & Frank Tenkorang & Nacasius U. Ujah
November 2018, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 224-239 Test for volatility spillover effects in Japan’s oil futures markets by a realized variance approach
by Tadahiro Nakajima
October 2018, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 458-480 Beyond market timing theory
by Subramanian Iyer & Siamak Javadi - 525-541 Competition and exposure of returns to the C-CAPM
by Hussein Abdoh & Oscar Varela - 542-563 A territorial perspective of SME’s default prediction models
by Linda Gabbianelli
August 2018, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 481-504 Quantile forecasts using the Realized GARCH-EVT approach
by Samit Paul & Prateek Sharma - 505-524 Population composition and financial markets: evidence from Japan
by Hiroyuki Kawakatsu & Mikiko Oliver
August 2018, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 441-456 On the disappearance of calendar anomalies: have the currency markets become efficient?
by Satish Kumar
July 2018, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 386-406 The value relevance of capital expenditures and the business cycle
by Sungsoo Kim & Brandon byunghwan Lee - 407-425 Excess offer premium and acquirers’ performance
by Won-Seok Woo & Suhyun Cho & Kyung-Hee Park & Jinho Byun
June 2018, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 362-385 Market efficiency and the global financial crisis: evidence from developed markets
by Omid Sabbaghi & Navid Sabbaghi - 426-440 Industry-based equity premium forecasts
by Nuno Silva
May 2018, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 273-286 The performance of IPOs excluding the jump
by Stoyu I. Ivanov - 287-306 Assessing the effects of housing market shocks on output: the case of South Africa
by Bernard Njindan Iyke - 307-329 Cross-border merger and acquisition activities in Asia: the role of macroeconomic factors
by Yusnidah Ibrahim & Jimoh Olajide Raji - 330-339 Portfolio selection using the Riskiness Index
by Doron Nisani
June 2018, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 222-243 Are covered calls the right option for Australian investors?
by Scott J. Niblock & Elisabeth Sinnewe - 244-272 Terminal values for firms with growth opportunities: explaining valuation and IPO price behavior
by Tom W. Miller - 340-360 Global risk factors in the returns of listed private equity
by Jörg Döpke & Lars Tegtmeier
March 2018, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 2-24 Portfolio balance effects and the Federal Reserve’s large-scale asset purchases
by Thomas Emmerling & Robert Jarrow & Yildiray Yildirim - 25-43 Cap rates and risk: a spatial analysis of commercial real estate
by Florian Unbehaun & Franz Fuerst - 44-64 Informed trading around biotech M&As
by Lawrence Kryzanowski & Trang Phuong Tran - 65-80 Position adjusted turnover ratio and mutual fund performance
by Yuhong Fan - 81-96 Can stock market liquidity and volatility predict business cycles?
by Benjamin Carlston - 97-108 New results on the predictive value of crude oil for US stock returns
by Matt Brigida - 109-136 Retirement saving in the UK: a life-cycle analysis
by Roberta Adami & Andrea Carosi & Anita Sharma - 137-152 Do mutual fund ratings provide valuable information for retail investors?
by Andreas Oehler & Andreas Höfer & Matthias Horn & Stefan Wendt - 153-162 Corporate cash-pool valuation: a Monte Carlo approach
by Edina Berlinger & Zsolt Bihary & György Walter - 163-177 Fair-value accounting, asset sales and banks’ lending
by Jeff Downing - 178-195 Managerial implications of off-balance sheet items in community banks
by Gregory Mckee & Albert Kagan - 196-218 Order book microstructure and policies for financial stability
by Alessio Emanuele Biondo
October 2017, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 430-446 What determines the gold inflation relation in the long-run?
by Satish Kumar - 447-465 Global financial crisis, ownership structure and firm financial performance
by Ali Salman Saleh & Enver Halili & Rami Zeitun & Ruhul Salim - 466-484 Investigating the interlinkages between infrastructure development, poverty and rural–urban income inequality
by Varun Chotia & N.V.M. Rao - 485-505 Inter-dependencies among Asian bond markets
by Sowmya Subramaniam & Krishna P. Prasanna - 506-526 Value-at-risk and expected shortfall using the unbiased extreme value volatility estimator
by Dilip Kumar & Srinivasan Maheswaran - 527-554 Stress test of banks in India across ownerships: a VAR approach
by Sreejata Banerjee & Divya Murali - 555-579 Valuation of the worldwide commodities sector
by Marcelo Bianconi & Joe Akira Yoshino - 580-596 Asynchronous ADRs: overnight vs intraday returns and trading strategies
by Jamie Kang & Tim Leung - 597-631 Do Portuguese mutual funds display forecasting skills?
by Nuno Manuel Veloso Neto & Júlio Fernando Seara Sequeira da Mota Lobão & Elisabete Simões Vieira
August 2017, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 302-330 Linking distinctive management competencies to SMEs’ growth decisions
by Ahmad Raza Bilal & Muhammad Naveed & Farooq Anwar - 331-343 Output impacts of the interaction between foreign direct investment and domestic credit
by Hong Chen & Baljeet Singh - 344-362 Commodities returns’ volatility in financialization era
by Rangga Handika & Iswahyudi Sondi Putra - 363-382 The determinants of currency derivatives usage among Indian non-financial firms
by Praveen Bhagawan M. & Jijo Lukose P.J. - 383-406 The dynamic linkage between exchange rate, stock price and interest rate in India
by Malepati Jayashankar & Badri Narayan Rath - 407-426 Exchange rate risk and the bilateral trade between Malaysia and Singapore
by Muhammad Aftab & Ijaz Ur Rehman
June 2017, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 166-182 The “celebrities” in finance: a citation analysis of finance journals
by Angelito Calma - 183-193 Does investor sentiment affect price-earnings ratios?
by Boonlert Jitmaneeroj - 194-212 How does household debt affect financial asset holdings? Evidence from euro area countries
by Merike Kukk - 213-227 Joint liability in a classic microfinance contract: review of theory and empirics
by Bhawani Singh Rathore - 228-237 Water-depletion and single-state municipal bond fund risk
by Marta Álvarez & Javier Rodriguez - 238-259 Improved VaR forecasts using extreme value theory with the Realized GARCH model
by Samit Paul & Prateek Sharma - 260-280 The role of toeholds on asymmetric information in mergers and acquisitions
by Sebouh Aintablian & Wissam El Khoury & Zouhaier M’Chirgui - 281-298 Financial development, oil dependence and economic growth
by Ramez Abubakr Badeeb & Hooi Hooi Lean
March 2017, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 2-23 The impact of global financial market uncertainty on the risk-return relation in the stock markets of G7 countries
by Geoffrey Loudon - 24-48 Returns to acquirers of listed and unlisted targets: an empirical study of Australian bidders
by Pascal Nguyen & Nahid Rahman & Ruoyun Zhao - 49-61 Taxation in a mixed economy: the case of China
by Davidson Sinclair & Larry Li - 62-81 Determination of China’s foreign exchange intervention: evidence from the Yuan/Dollar market
by He Li & Zhixiang Yu & Chuanjie Zhang & Zhuang Zhang - 82-104 Short selling regulation, return volatility and market volatility in the Athens Exchange
by Charilaos Mertzanis - 105-121 The effect of holding company affiliation on bank risk and the 2008 financial crisis
by Krishnan Dandapani & Edward R. Lawrence & Fernando M. Patterson - 122-142 Credit ratings, relationship lending and loan market efficiency
by Keldon Bauer & Omar A. Esqueda - 143-164 Determinants of stock market development: a review of the literature
by Sin-Yu Ho & Bernard Njindan Iyke
October 2016, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 466-487 On the non-neutrality of the financing policy and the capital regulation of banking firms
by Rainer Masera & Giancarlo Mazzoni - 488-500 A new theory of innovation and growth: the role of banking intermediation and corruption
by João Tovar Jalles - 501-508 SME lending decisions – the case of UK and German banks
by Tony Stevenson & Keith Pond - 509-531 Classifying Chinese bull and bear markets: indices and individual stocks
by Wei Chi & Robert Brooks & Emawtee Bissoondoyal-Bheenick & Xueli Tang - 532-552 The “Backus-Smith” puzzle, non-tradable output, and international business cycles
by Soojae Moon - 553-575 Market liberalizations and efficiency in Latin America
by Sheung Chi Chow & Yongchang Hui & João Paulo Vieito & ZhenZhen Zhu - 576-594 Exploring exchange rate based policy coordination in SADC
by Mulatu Fekadu Zerihun & Martinus C. Breitenbach & Francis Kemegue - 595-624 Comparison of methods for estimating the uncertainty of value at risk
by Santiago Gamba-Santamaria & Oscar Fernando Jaulin-Mendez & Luis Fernando Melo-Velandia & Carlos Andrés Quicazán-Moreno - 625-637 Spillovers between output and stock prices: a wavelet approach
by David G. McMillan & Aviral Kumar Tiwari - 638-659 Growth options, dividend payout ratios and stock returns
by George Li - 660-678 Market participation in a two-sector Diamond-Dybvig economy
by Ettore Panetti - 679-687 The effects of securitized asset portfolio specialization on bank holding company’s return, and risk
by Kenneth A. Tah & Oscar Martinez - 688-703 Risk tolerance and rationality in the case of retirement savings
by Tchai Tavor & Sharon Garyn-Tal - 704-715 Why is insider trading law ineffective? Three antitrust suggestions
by Viktoria Dalko & Michael H. Wang - 716-734 A review of angel investing research: analysis of data and returns in the US and abroad
by Michael B. McDonald & Ramon P. DeGennaro - 735-754 Arbitrage opportunities, efficiency, and the role of risk preferences in the Hong Kong property market
by Chun-Kei Tsang & Wing-Keung Wong & Ira Horowitz
August 2016, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 338-358 Noisy information and stock market returns
by Gang Li - 359-376 Equity fund performance
by Bin Liu & Amalia Di Iorio & Ashton De Silva - 377-402 Earnings surprises and the response of CDS markets
by Paulo Pereira da Silva - 403-416 Does the sentiment of investors explain differences between predicted and realized stock prices?
by Stella N. Spilioti - 417-436 The relative term structure and the Australian-US exchange rate
by Anh Tuan Bui & Lance A. Fisher - 437-464 Mergers and acquisitions: a review (part 2)
by Reza Yaghoubi & Mona Yaghoubi & Stuart Locke & Jenny Gibb
June 2016, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 190-208 Industry-specific determinants of shareholder value creation
by John Henry Hall - 209-221 Assessing foreign funds geographical focus timing skill
by Javier Rodríguez & Herminio Romero - 222-243 Foreign currency exposure within country exchange traded funds
by Owen Williams - 244-261 Analysis of the factors impacting ETFs net fund flow changes
by Stoyu I. Ivanov - 262-280 Labor income risk and households’ risky asset holdings
by Gideon Becker & Thomas Dimpfl - 281-301 Quality investing and the cross-section of country returns
by Adam Zaremba - 302-319 Business lending and bank profitability in the UK
by Victor Ekpu & Alberto Paloni - 320-335 Household micro-data, regulation and financial stability: the case of Denmark in the 1950s
by Kim Abildgren
March 2016, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 2-25 Option replication and the performance of a market timer
by Georges Hübner - 26-49 Dependence and extreme correlation among US industry sectors
by Kunlapath Sukcharoen & David J. Leatham - 50-68 A hybrid approach to exchange rates
by Guangfeng Zhang & Ian Marsh & Ronald MacDonald - 69-90 Does idiosyncratic volatility predict future growth of the Australian economy?
by Bin Liu & Amalia Di Iorio - 91-105 The inverse of a terror event? Stock market response to pro-active action
by Zvika Afik & Yaron Lahav & Lior Mandelzweig - 106-125 The manipulation of LIBOR and related interest rates
by Harald Braml - 126-146 The impact of capital shocks on M & A transactions
by Hongchao Zeng & Ying Huang - 147-188 Mergers and acquisitions: a review. Part 1
by Reza Yaghoubi & Mona Yaghoubi & Stuart Locke & Jenny Gibb
October 2015, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 398-421 Governance and long-term operating performance of family and non-family firms in Australia
by Enver Halili & Ali Salman Saleh & Rami Zeitun - 422-444 The cross-section of Johannesburg Securities Exchange listed equity returns (1994-2011)
by Jakobus Daniel Van Heerden & Paul Van Rensburg - 445-463 Forecasting stock index volatility with GARCH models: international evidence
by Prateek Sharma & Vipul _ - 464-484 Asymmetric cointegration and causality effects between financial development and economic growth in South Africa
by Andrew Phiri - 485-502 The impact of economic and financial development on environmental degradation
by Samia Nasreen & Sofia Anwar - 503-524 Financial constraints, bank concentration and SMEs: evidence from Pakistan
by Abubakr Saeed & Muhammad Sameer
August 2015, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 278-297 The golden target: analyzing the tracking performance of leveraged gold ETFs
by Tim Leung & Brian Ward - 298-321 FVA and CVA under margining
by Lixin Wu & Chonhong Li