November 2018, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 482-504 The EU market abuse regulation, where does it leave us?
by Andrew Haynes - 505-525 Analysis on corporate governance compliance standards in New Zealand – a qualitative study on disclosures using content analysis and interviews
by Allan Chang - 526-542 Determinants of bank loan charge-off rates: evidence from the USA
by Amit Ghosh
July 2018, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 334-350 Conflicts of interest in finance
by Morten Kinander - 351-364 CCP recovery and resolution: preventing a financial catastrophe
by Randy Priem - 365-381 Firm characteristics associated with concurrent disclosure of GAAP-compliant financial statements with earnings announcements
by Thomas D’Angelo & Samir El-Gazzar & Rudolph A. Jacob - 382-405 A review of credit scoring research in the age of Big Data
by Ceylan Onay & Elif Öztürk - 406-424 Perspective of corporate governance and ethical issues with profit sharing investment accounts in Islamic banks
by Salah Alhammadi & Simon Archer & Carol Padgett & Rifaat Ahmed Abdel Karim - 425-441 Regulatory non-compliance and performance of deposit money banks in Nigeria
by Ismaila Yusuf & Damola Ekundayo - 442-459 The determinants of anti-money laundering compliance among the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) member states
by Emmanuel Senanu Mekpor & Anthony Aboagye & Jonathan Welbeck
May 2018, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 190-202 Global financial regulatory reforms and sovereign’s exemption
by Chiara Oldani - 203-226 Is commercial bank lending in South Africa procyclical?
by Foluso Abioye Akinsola & Sylvanus Ikhide - 227-245 The use of efficiency measures to compute welfare improving: an application for competition policy
by Gustavo Ferro & Sonia León - 246-270 Impact of regulatory reforms on compliance with mandatory disclosures by savings and credit co-operatives in Kenya
by David Mutua Mathuva & H. Gin Chong - 271-286 Institutional framework in developing economies
by George Okello Candiya Bongomin & Charles Akol Malinga & John C. Munene & Joseph Mpeera Ntayi - 287-299 Household leverage and consumption during the Great Depression
by Kim Abildgren - 300-330 Capital structure, ownership and crisis: how different are banks?
by Saibal Ghosh & Goutam Chatterjee
February 2018, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 2-19 Multiple banking relationships and exposure at default
by Lucia Gibilaro & Gianluca Mattarocci - 20-34 Banks, private money creation, and regulatory reform
by Gerry Cross - 35-57 A European banking business models analysis: the investment services case
by Paola Musile Tanzi & Elena Aruanno & Mattia Suardi - 58-71 The Federal Reserve and retail payments: a historical review
by Ashish Lall - 72-86 The European rating fund
by Dirk-Hinnerk Fischer - 87-102 Revised standardised approach for credit risk in practice
by Lukasz Prorokowski - 103-119 Market structure in the Vietnamese banking system: a non-structural approach
by Thao Ngoc Nguyen & Chris Stewart & Roman Matousek - 120-134 An empirical investigation into the corporate culture of UK listed banks
by Paul Cox & Diandra Soobiah - 135-169 How firms borrow in international bond markets
by Alberto Fuertes & Jose María Serena - 170-186 Capital regulatory pressure, charter value and bank risk-taking: empirical evidence for China
by Jinyi Zhang & Hai Jiang
November 2017, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 334-359 Macroprudential policy – closing the financial stability gap
by Stephan Fahr & John Fell - 360-380 An approach for initiating interventions for bank recovery
by Charles A.E. Goodhart & Miguel A. Segoviano - 381-395 Systemic banking crises: completing the enhanced policy responses
by Olivier Frecaut - 396-412 The measurement and regulation of shadow banking in Ireland
by Jim Stewart & Cillian Doyle - 413-421 European NPLs through the crisis: a policy review
by Nadege Jassaud & Edouard Vidon - 422-434 Emergence of Fintech and cybersecurity in a global financial centre
by Artie W. Ng & Benny K.B. Kwok
July 2017, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 236-240 Has regulatory reform been misdirected?
by Charles Goodhart - 241-252 What happened to global banking after the crisis?
by Dirk Schoenmaker - 253-270 The impacts of financial regulations: solvency and liquidity in the post-crisis period
by Colleen Baker & Christine Cummings & Julapa Jagtiani - 271-306 Effectiveness and channels of macroprudential policies: lessons from the Euro area
by Yuanyan Zhang & Thierry Tressel - 307-317 Impact of regulatory changes on government bond market liquidity
by Hans Blommestein - 318-332 Recent changes in US regulation of large foreign banking organizations
by Larry D. Wall
May 2017, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 114-132 Dynamic lag structure of deposits and loans interest rates and business cycles formation
by Bijan Bidabad & Abul Hassan - 133-148 The influence of board characteristics on corporate illegality
by Gundeep Kaur Virk - 149-175 Tax compliance of small and medium enterprises: a developing country perspective
by Doreen Musimenta & Stephen Korutaro Nkundabanyanga & Moses Muhwezi & Brenda Akankunda & Irene Nalukenge - 176-195 A probabilistic approach to IT risk management in the Basel regulatory framework
by Semir Ibrahimovic & Ulrik Franke - 196-208 Regulatory issues in blockchain technology
by Peter Yeoh - 209-226 Risk culture and banking supervision
by Alessandro Carretta & Vincenzo Farina & Paola Schwizer
February 2017, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 2-21 Self-regulation and compliance enforcement practices by the Investment Dealers Association in Canada
by Mark Lokanan - 22-38 The value relevance of intellectual capital disclosure: empirical evidence from Kuwait
by Mishari M. Alfraih - 39-55 Prospects of an online dispute resolution framework for Islamic Banks in Malaysia
by Umar A. Oseni & Sodiq O. Omoola - 56-72 Evolution of financial reporting of life insurers
by Rudolph A. Jacob & Samir El-Gazzar & Scott McGregor - 73-85 Forensic accounting: a blend of knowledge
by Reshma Kumari Tiwari & Jasojit Debnath - 86-104 Tax havens: conduits for corporate tax malfeasance
by Akanksha Jalan & R. Vaidyanathan - 105-112 Insurance and financial stability
by Shinya Kobayashi
November 2016, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 366-382 Bad apples or corrupting barrels? Preventing traders’ misconduct
by Wieke Scholten & Naomi Ellemers - 383-401 An international comparison of regulatory capture and regulatory outcomes
by John Turner & Gerard Hughes & Michelle Maher - 402-419 Bank regulation and stock market stability across countries
by Walaa Wahid ElKelish & Jon Tucker - 420-429 Limit Up–Limit Down: an effective response to the “Flash Crash”?
by Viktoria Dalko - 430-452 Interaction among funding liquidity, liquidity creation and stock liquidity of banks
by Muhammad Umar & Gang Sun - 453-472 Basel disclosure by private and public sector banks in India: assessment and implications
by Prodyot Samanta & Mohinder Dugal
July 2016, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 230-247 The insurance agents’ intention to make inappropriate product recommendations
by Lu-Ming Tseng & Yue-Min Kang & Chi-Erh Chung - 248-267 The efficacy of market abuse regulation in the UK
by Brendan John Lambe - 268-291 Impact of ethical screening on risk and returns
by Issam Bousalam & Moustapha Hamzaoui - 292-316 Corporate governance mechanisms and audit delay in a joint audit regulation
by Mishari M. Alfraih - 317-342 How the unremunerated reserve requirement by the Bank of Thailand affects IPO underpricing and the long-run performance of IPOs
by Kulabutr Komenkul & Dhanawat Siriwattanakul - 343-362 Estimating defaults in organized security lending markets
by Latif Cem Osken & Ceylan Onay & Gözde Unal
May 2016, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 106-139 Assessing the Basel II internal ratings-based approach
by Silvio Tarca & Marek Rutkowski - 140-153 The retail distribution review
by Patrick Ring - 154-176 The effectiveness of board of directors’ characteristics in mandatory disclosure compliance
by Mishari M. Alfraih - 177-196 The Law relating to syndicated loan agreements and its application in commercial practice
by Norman Mugarura - 197-212 Empirical evidence on disclosure and risk-taking of banks in Ghana
by Lydia Kuranchie-Pong & Godfred Alufa Bokpin & Charles Andoh - 213-226 Overview of the Greek value at risk (VaR) legislation framework
by Evangelos Vasileiou
February 2016, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 9-23 Short selling and the development of anti-shorting laws in the UK
by Azhar Mohamad - 24-40 Revisiting the effect of regulation, supervision and risk on banking performance
by Houssem Rachdi & Faten Ben Bouheni - 41-59 International accounting standards and accounting quality in code-law countries
by Ibrahim El-Sayed Ebaid - 60-73 Investment funds, shadow banking and systemic risk
by Elias Bengtsson - 74-89 Uncoupling the relationship between corruption and money laundering crimes
by Norman Mugarura - 90-103 A conceptual framework for the Basel accords-based regulation
by Jaffar Mohammed Ahmed
November 2015, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 322-337 How important is territorial bias in prudential supervision and regulation?
by Katia D'Hulster - 338-353 Strengthening credit rating integrity
by Mark Adelson & David Jacob - 354-368 Stricter microprudential supervision versus macroprudential supervision
by Larry D Wall - 369-382 Understanding decoupling in response to corporate governance reform pressures
by Mario Krenn - 383-402 Supervision of financial institutions
by Georgios L Vousinas - 403-414 Evaluation of post-GFC policy response of New Zealand
by Syrus M. Islam & Noel Yahanpath - 415-430 Greek fiscal crisis and measures to safeguard financial stability
by Spyridon Repousis
July 2015, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 210-229 Sovereign wealth fund investments and policy implications: a survey
by Chen Meng - 230-251 CVA: the first sign of BCBS strategic change?
by Mika Veli-Pekka Viljanen - 252-270 Re-examination of the banking window dressing theory
by Evangelos Vasileiou - 271-284 Adoption of Basel norms: a review of empirical evidences
by Mandeep Kaur & Samriti Kapoor - 285-297 HSBC Swiss bank accounts-AML compliance and money laundering implications
by Mohammed Ahmad Naheem - 298-318 To Basel or not to Basel? Banking crises and contagion
by Aristeidis Samitas & Stathis Polyzos
May 2015, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 106-114 The changing landscape of retirement rules of thumb
by Naomi E. Boyd & Davide P. Cervone & Presha E. Neidermeyer & Adolph Neidermeyer - 115-134 Risk-based capital regulation revisited: evidence from the early 2000s
by Thomas L. Hogan & Neil R. Meredith & Xuhao (Harry) Pan - 135-160 Shariah supervisory systems in Islamic finance institutions across the OIC member countries
by Rihab Grassa - 161-178 Compliance and determinants of US-listed foreign firms’ 20-F filings under the new Securities and Exchange Commission accelerated deadline
by Kam C. Chan & Samir El-Gazzar & Rudolph A. Jacob & Picheng Lee - 179-195 Risk quanta: an approach to understanding modern financial risk
by Jong Ho Hwang - 196-206 MiFID II compliance – are we ready?
by Lukasz Prorokowski
February 2015, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 2-17 Effective regulatory regimes: a comparative analysis of GCC financial regulators
by Mohamed Aly Ramady - 18-30 Regulatory framework and deposit – investment guarantee fund in Greece
by Spyridon Repousis - 31-54 FVA – Sailing on the uncharted waters
by Lukasz Prorokowski & Hubert Prorokowski - 55-72 Mark-to-market and its effects on community banking during the financial crisis
by Hilde Patron & William J. Smith - 73-83 Approaches to financial regulation in view of the crisis
by Alexander Stöhr - 84-102 Transformation of the Ecuadorian financial system: regulation and response
by Luisa Ana Unda & Julie Margret
November 2014, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 286-299 Reputation risk management in financial firms: protecting (some) small investors
by Rasheed Saleuddin - 300-317 Meeting the rationale of deposit protection system
by Nikoletta Kleftouri - 318-327 Analyzing Russian compliance with anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism, insider trading and anti-corruption laws
by Maria Shalimova - 328-338 Evaluation of post-GFC policy response of New Zealand: non-banking perspective
by Noel Yahanpath & Mahbubul Islam - 339-348 Compliance with Basel 2.5: banks’ approaches to implementing stressed VaR
by Lukasz Prorokowski & Hubert Prorokowski - 349-364 Implications of online funding regulations for small businesses
by Peter Yeoh
July 2014, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 174-207 Economic freedom and bank efficiency: does ownership and origins matter?
by Fadzlan Sufian & Muzafar Shah Habibullah - 208-218 Bank capital: the case against Basel
by Karim Pakravan - 219-234 A proposal for an open-source financial risk model
by Jong Ho Hwang - 235-251 The Investment Dealers Association of Canada’s enforcement record
by Mark Lokanan - 252-270 Supervisory requirements and expectations for portfolio level counterparty credit risk measurement and management
by Michael Jacobs Jr. - 271-284 Comprehensive risk measure – current challenges
by Lukasz Prorokowski & Hubert Prorokowski
May 2014, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 78-95 Financial services education
by Richard Brophy - 96-114 Bank resolution costs, depositor preference and asset encumbrance
by Daniel C. Hardy - 115-127 Do key investor information documents enhance retail investors’ understanding of financial products? Empirical evidence
by Andreas Oehler & Andreas Höfer & Stefan Wendt - 128-146 Bank’s perspective on regulatory-driven changes to collateral management
by Lukasz Prorokowski - 147-158 Swap futurization
by Lisa Smack - 159-172 Distance-to-default measures and determinants for systemically important financial institutions
by Natalya A. Schenck
February 2014, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 2-14 Trustees and pension schemes in Ireland
by Jim Stewart & Bridget McNally - 15-25 Shareholding in EU: is “indirect holding” approach appropriate in achieving financial integration?
by Georgios P. Kouretas & Christina Tarnanidou - 26-42 The influences of sales compensations, management stringency and ethical evaluations on product recommendations made by insurance brokers
by Lu-Ming Tseng & Yue-Min Kang - 43-48 PMI: mortgage backstop from the Alger Report to Dodd-Frank
by Adolph Neidermeyer & Naomi E. Boyd & Presha Neidermeyer - 49-60 Stock price discreteness and clustering: decimals and ordered probit model
by Haksoon Kim - 61-76 Game theory and sovereign wealth funds
by Harry McVea & Nicholas Charalambu
November 2013, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 308-318 How to reduce implicit bank debt guarantees?
by Sebastian Schich - 319-333 Bancassurance: an insurance concept from a Irish perspective
by Richard Brophy - 334-352 The effects of the 2008 short-sales ban
by Laurence Copeland & Joseph T. Elliott - 353-372 Occupy risk weighting: how the minimum leverage ratio dominates capital requirements
by Kersten Kellermann & Carsten Schlag - 373-396 The effectiveness of remuneration committees in European banks
by Antonio Dell'Atti & Mariantonietta Intonti & Antonia Patrizia Iannuzzi - 397-402 The case for a roadmap towards financial regulatory convergence
by Daniel Broby
July 2013, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 204-216 Information infrastructure for systemic regulation
by Sharada Alampalli - 217-240 Compliance function in Italian banks: organizational issues
by Giuliana Birindelli & Paola Ferretti - 241-258 Macro and micro prudential regulatory failures between banks in the United Kingdom and Australia 2004‐2009
by Alison Lui - 259-267 The decline in abandoned corporate acquisitions in the UK: regulatory influences
by Michael McCann - 268-283 Concentration and efficiency in the Vietnamese banking system between 1999 and 2009
by Thao Ngoc Nguyen & Chris Stewart - 284-304 Capital requirements for market risks
by Alberto Burchi
May 2013, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 108-120 Do loans fair value affect market value? Evidence from European banks
by Danilo Drago & Maria Mazzuca & Renata Trinca Colonel - 121-135 Regulation of funds in Malta: the challenges ahead
by Christopher P. Buttigieg & Martha Chetcuti - 136-149 Window dressing in mutual fund portfolios: fact or fiction?
by Seung Hee Choi & Maneesh Chhabria - 150-163 The conundrum of legislating risk reduction through financial regulatory reform
by James F. Gilsinan & Neil Seitz & James Fisher & Muhammad Q. Islam & James Millar - 164-187 The effects of legal protections and control‐ownership divergences on investor perceptions of foreign earnings
by Chen‐Lung Chin & Yu‐Ju Chen & Gary Kleinman & Picheng Lee - 188-200 Meta‐regulation of OTC derivatives contracts post reform
by Siona Listokin‐Smith
February 2013, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 4-15 Could we rely on market discipline as a substitute for insurance regulation?
by Fernando Castagnolo & Gustavo Ferro - 16-38 Bank failures and regulation: a critical review
by Mikael Petitjean - 39-50 Legally scored
by Wen Li Chan & Hsin‐Vonn Seow - 51-68 Managing compliance risk after MiFID
by Paola Musile Tanzi & Giampaolo Gabbi & Daniele Previati & Paola Schwizer - 69-83 Setting an institutional and regulatory framework for trading platforms
by Diego Valiante - 84-101 Co‐designing compliance to the Anti‐Money Laundering Act within the small and medium enterprise sector
by Ameya Kelkar & Asha Rao
November 2012, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 356-366 Will credit rating agency reforms be effective?
by Scott J. Boylan - 367-384 Banking regulation in China: what, why, and how?
by Wei Ping He - 385-401 Macroeconomic factors influencing UK household loan losses
by Minh T.H. Dinh & Andrew W. Mullineux & Peter Muriu - 402-416 Follow the money
by Paul Cavelaars & Joost Passenier - 417-432 Implementing CRD for investment firms: challenges for Malta
by Christopher P. Buttigieg - 433-450 Non‐bank financial institutions regulation and risk‐taking
by Isaac Ofoeda & Joshua Abor & Charles K.D. Adjasi
July 2012, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 248-263 Development of insurance regulation in Ireland
by Richard Brophy - 264-277 Bribery Act 2010: implications for regulated firms
by Peter Yeoh - 278-292 Bank informational opacity: evidence from the Tunisian stock market
by Lassaâd Mbarek & Dorra Mezzez Hmaied - 293-306 Risk management and Basel‐Accord‐implementation in Pakistan
by Omar Masood & John Fry - 307-321 Derivatives listing strategy
by George Karathanasis & Vasilios Sogiakas & Kenellos Toudas - 322-351 Bank failure and deposit protection in the Isle of Man
by Philip Morris
May 2012, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 116-146 The insufficiency of traditional safety nets: what bank resolution fund for Europe?
by Maria J. Nieto & Gillian G. Garcia - 147-168 Towards a practical approach to responsible innovation in finance
by Margaret Armstrong & Guillaume Cornut & Stéphane Delacôte & Marc Lenglet & Yuval Millo & Fabian Muniesa & Alexandre Pointier & Yamina Tadjeddine - 169-181 The effects of corporate governance on performance and financial distress
by Hussein A. Hassan Al‐Tamimi - 182-195 Liquidity risk and performance of banking system
by Ahmed Arif & Ahmed Nauman Anees - 196-211 Effective delays in portfolio disclosure
by Seung Hee Choi & Maneesh Chhabria - 212-244 Central clearing for credit default swaps
by Stan Cerulus
February 2012, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 4-25 Bank regulation, governance and the crisis: a behavioral finance view
by Robert Grosse - 26-40 Does CEO duality affect corporate performance? Evidence from the US banking crisis
by Robert Carty & Gail Weiss - 41-55 Private action as a remedy against market manipulation in the USA
by Ahmad Alkhamees - 56-71 The effects of violating banking regulations on the financial performance of the US banking industry
by Mohamad Jamal Zeidan - 72-98 The efficacy of Regulation SHO in resolving naked shorts
by Clay M. Moffett & Robert Brooks & Jin Q. Jeon - 99-110 The impact of introducing a pre‐close on the New Zealand share market
by John F. Pinfold & Danyang He
November 2011, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 312-322 Learning from pondlife and fishermen: towards a modular financial services industry
by Aidan Walsh - 323-336 Post‐crisis financial reform: where do we stand?
by Alessandro Giustiniani & John Thornton - 337-354 Basel III's ability to mitigate systemic risk
by Stefan Schwerter - 355-369 The financial regulation of energy and environmental markets
by Ivan Diaz‐Rainey & Mathias Siems & John K. Ashton - 370-382 Chronology of banking reforms in Nigeria
by Ahmad Bello Dogarawa - 383-395 Systemic surcharges and measures of systemic importance
by Sigbjørn Atle Berg - 396-406 Legality of payment protection insurance compensation arrangements examined on judicial review
by Joanna Gray
July 2011, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 208-221 The sleeping watch dog: aka the Securities and Exchange Commission
by Frank S. Perri & Richard G. Brody - 222-243 The effectiveness of corporate governance policy in Greece
by Harilaos Mertzanis - 244-253 Corporate governance legal and regulatory framework's effectiveness in Greece
by Themistokles Lazarides - 254-270 Sarbanes Oxley's impact upon investor‐relevant risk types
by Nicholas V. Vakkur & Zulma J. Herrera - 271-289 Voluntary risk reporting to enhance institutional and organizational legitimacy
by Jonas Oliveira & Lúcia Lima Rodrigues & Russell Craig - 289-297 A macro‐prudential perspective of financial regulation
by Tristan Nguyen - 298-306 Legal commentary
by Joanna Gray
May 2011, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 100-110 Ethical and socially responsible investment funds
by Robert Watson - 111-116 Cause v. consequence‐based regulation: Basel III v. the Eurocodes
by Maximilian A. Vermorken & Alphons Th. Vermorken - 117-138 Discontinued German life insurance portfolios: rules‐in‐use, interest rate risk, and Solvency II
by Karsten Paetzmann - 139-155 Co‐operative and competitive enforced self regulation
by Marianne Ojo - 156-173 Compensating victims of bankrupted financial institutions: a law and economic analysis
by Robert J. Dijkstra & Michael G. Faure - 174-194 The institutional framework against money laundering and its underlying predicate crimes
by Norman Mugarura - 195-204 Judicial review of Financial Services Compensation Scheme's exercise of power to impose compensation costs levy
by Joanna Gray
February 2011, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 5-17 The reforms: a political safe haven or political suicide – is the Labour bubble bursting?
by Clare Chambers - 18-32 Global financial architecture, global imbalances and the future of the dollar in a post‐crisis world
by Karim Pakravan - 33-44 Banking consolidation, credit crisis and asset quality in a fragile banking system
by Abel E. Ezeoha - 45-57 The impact of M&A transactions from private equity and hedge funds
by Gerhard Wörtche & Tristan Nguyen