August 2020, Volume 33, Issue 8
- 1997-2025 Annual reporting by social enterprise organizations: “legitimacy surplus” or reporting deficit?
by Ciaran Connolly & Martin Kelly - 2027-2051 International accounting standards in French companies in the 1990s: an institutionalization contested by US GAAP
by Philippe Touron & Peter Daly - 2053-2076 Examining the accounts of oil spills crises in Nigeria through sensegiving and defensive behaviours
by Osamuyimen Egbon & Chijoke Oscar Mgbame
July 2020, Volume 33, Issue 8
- 1909-1941 Sustainability reporting after the Costa Concordia disaster: a multi-theory study on legitimacy, impression management and image restoration
by Laura Corazza & Elisa Truant & Simone Domenico Scagnelli & Chiara Mio - 1943-1967 The COVID-19 office in transition: cost, efficiency and the social responsibility business case
by Lee D. Parker - 2077-2110 Intellectual heritages of post-1990 public sector accounting research: an exploration
by Hans-Jürgen Bruns & Mark Christensen & Alan Pilkington
March 2020, Volume 33, Issue 7
- 1671-1703 Framing sustainable development challenges: accounting for SDG-15 in the UK
by Madlen Sobkowiak & Thomas Cuckston & Ian Thomson
July 2020, Volume 33, Issue 7
- 1481-1504 Accounting for work conditions from modern slavery to decent work
by Katherine Leanne Christ & Roger Leonard Burritt & Stefan Schaltegger - 1505-1534 Organisational responses to mandatory modern slavery disclosure legislation: a failure of experimentalist governance?
by Michael Rogerson & Andrew Crane & Vivek Soundararajan & Johanne Grosvold & Charles H. Cho - 1535-1567 Subpolitics and sustainability reporting boundaries. The case of working conditions in global supply chains
by Carla Antonini & Cornelia Beck & Carlos Larrinaga - 1569-1594 Private governance responsibilisation in global supply chains: the case of Rana Plaza
by Javed Siddiqui & Kenneth McPhail & Sharmin Shabnam Rahman - 1595-1626 Multiple control mechanisms for employee health and safety integration: effects and complementarity
by Emilio Passetti & Massimo Battaglia & Francesco Testa & Iñaki Heras-Saizarbitoria - 1627-1655 Accounting for the “uncounted” workers: a dialectical view of accounting through Rancière
by Da Yang & John Dumay & Dale Tweedie - 1657-1670 Advancing research into accounting and the UN Sustainable Development Goals
by Jan Bebbington & Jeffrey Unerman - 1705-1730 Legal personality in Aotearoa New Zealand: an example of integrated thinking on sustainable development
by Mereana Barrett & Krushil Watene & Patty McNicholas
June 2020, Volume 33, Issue 7
- 1731-1759 SDG 13 and the entwining of climate and sustainability metagovernance: an archaeological–genealogical analysis of goals-based climate governance
by Robert Charnock & Keith Hoskin
August 2020, Volume 33, Issue 6
- 1303-1333 Accountants’ perceptions of communication in not-for-profit organisations: inhibitors, enablers and strategies
by Lyn Daff & Lee D. Parker
April 2020, Volume 33, Issue 6
- 1219-1246 The spectacle of research assessment systems: insights from New Zealand and the United Kingdom
by Bikram Chatterjee & Carolyn J. Cordery & Ivo De Loo & Hugo Letiche
May 2020, Volume 33, Issue 6
- 1193-1218 What you see depends on where you look: performance measurement of Australian accounting academics
by Ann Martin-Sardesai & James Guthrie & Basil P. Tucker
June 2020, Volume 33, Issue 6
- 1177-1192 Measurement and assessment of accounting research, impact and engagement
by Brendan Thomas O'Connell & Paul De Lange & Ann Martin-Sardesai & Gloria Agyemang - 1277-1302 Impact of research assessment exercises on research approaches and foci of accounting disciplines in Australia
by Brendan T. O'Connell & Paul De Lange & Greg Stoner & Alan Sangster - 1335-1366 Deployment of whistleblowing as an accountability mechanism to curb corruption and fraud in a developing democracy
by Oliver Nnamdi Okafor & Festus A. Adebisi & Michael Opara & Chidinma Blessing Okafor - 1367-1393 The limits of environmental accounting disclosure: enforcement of regulations, standards and interpretative strategies
by Juliette Senn & Sophie Giordano-Spring - 1395-1422 The persistence of accountant beancounter images in popular culture
by Mark Christensen & Sébastien Rocher - 1423-1445 Comparative analysis of online accountability practices in three sectors: private, public and nonprofit
by Asya Cooley - 1447-1476 Institutional work in the birth of a carbon accounting profession
by Delphine Gibassier & Sami El Omari & Philippe Naccache
April 2020, Volume 33, Issue 5
- 965-989 Monopolistic professional closure, family credentials and examination procedures in the Venetian college of accountants (16th−17th century)
by Massimo Sargiacomo & Christian Corsi & Luciano D'Amico & Tiziana Di Cimbrini & Alan Sangster - 1019-1046 Institutional logics and institutional work: radical reform of the Chinese public accounting profession in the 1990s
by Helen Yee - 1047-1075 Do United States accountants' personal values match the profession's values (ethics code)?
by Donald L. Ariail & Katherine Taken Smith & L. Murphy Smith
June 2020, Volume 33, Issue 5
- 1077-1112 Institutional work and infrastructure public–private partnerships (PPPs): the roles of religious symbolic work and power in implementing PPP projects
by Mhamed Biygautane & Stewart Clegg & Khalid Al-Yahya - 1113-1141 Shifting the focus of sustainability accounting from impacts to risks and dependencies: researching the transformative potential of TCFD reporting
by Brendan O'Dwyer & Jeffrey Unerman - 1143-1167 Office design processes, strategizing and time intermingling: an agenda to shape spaces and minds in public accounting firms
by Claire-France Picard & Sylvain Durocher & Yves Gendron
May 2020, Volume 33, Issue 5
- 913-938 Contesting conformity: how and why academics may oppose the conforming influences of intra-organizational performance evaluations
by Hans Englund & Jonas Gerdin - 939-964 Dissensus and democratic accountability in a case of conflict
by Matthew Russell Scobie & Markus J. Milne & Tyron Rakeiora Love - 991-1018 Space accounting
by Hank C. Alewine
April 2020, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 681-698 A research agenda for problematising profit and profitability
by Alan Lowe & Yesh Nama & Alexandru Preda - 887-911 Corporate governance in practice: the role of practitioners' understanding in implementing compliance programs
by Riccardo Stacchezzini & Francesca Rossignoli & Silvano Corbella
January 2020, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 795-824 Contending institutional logics, illegitimacy risk and management accounting
by Monika Łada & Alina Kozarkiewicz & Jim Haslam
March 2020, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 825-855 Bridging the gap between corporate social responsibility performance and tax aggressiveness
by Eduardo Ortas & Isabel Gallego-Álvarez - 857-886 The impact of external pressures (gaiatsu) and internal pressures (naiatsu) on Japan's accounting reforms since the late 1990s
by Noriyuki Tsunogaya & Chris Patel
March 2020, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 529-558 How do governments cope with austerity? The roles of accounting in shaping governmental financial resilience
by Carmela Barbera & Enrico Guarini & Ileana Steccolini - 666-674 In defence of critical realism: a reply to Baxter and Chua and Andrew and Baker
by Sven Modell
February 2020, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 501-528 The influence of firm performance and (level of) assurance on the believability of management's environmental report
by Mark D. Sheldon & J. Gregory Jenkins - 588-619 Measuring the unknown
by Christos Begkos & Katerina Antonopoulou - 641-653 For emancipation: a Marxist critique of structure within critical realism
by Jane Andrew & Max Baker
February 2020, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 472-495 Extracting transparency: the process of regulating disclosures for the resources industry
by Corinne Cortese & Jane Andrew - 498-499 Three workplace poems
by Geoffrey Aitken
June 2019, Volume 33, Issue 6
- 1247-1275 The question of research relevance: a university management perspective
by Basil P. Tucker & Lee D. Parker
July 2019, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 699-726 Counter accounts of profit: outrage to action through “just” calculation
by Darlene Himick & Kate Ruff
November 2019, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 727-751 Profitability calculations under trial of strength
by Aziza Laguecir & Christopher S. Chapman & Anja Kern
October 2019, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 655-665 Using critical realism in critical accounting research – a commentary by two ANTs
by Jane Baxter & Wai Fong Chua
December 2019, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 559-587 Understanding power-related strategies and initiatives
by Massimo Contrafatto & John Ferguson & David Power & Lorna Stevenson & David Collison
July 2019, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 621-640 For structure
by Sven Modell
October 2019, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 447-471 From monologic to dialogic
by Kylie L. Kingston & Craig Furneaux & Laura de Zwaan & Lyn Alderman
December 2019, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 357-390 The boundary of sustainability reporting: evidence from the FTSE100
by Samantha Miles & Kate Ringham - 391-416 Accounting for Napoleonic imperialism in Tuscany and the Kingdom of Naples
by Tiziana Di Cimbrini & Warwick Funnell & Michele Bigoni & Stefania Migliori & Augusta Consorti - 417-445 How sustainability assurance engagement scopes are determined, and its impact on capture and credibility enhancement
by Muhammad Bilal Farooq & Charl de Villiers
November 2019, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 285-308 Accounting as a tool of state ideology to control captive workers from a House of Correction
by Adriana Rodrigues Silva & Lúcia Lima Rodrigues & Alan Sangster - 309-334 Professionalizing the assurance of sustainability reports: the auditors’ perspective
by Olivier Boiral & Iñaki Heras-Saizarbitoria & Marie-Christine Brotherton - 335-355 Competence trust, goodwill trust and negotiation power in auditor-client relationships
by Daniela Maresch & Ewald Aschauer & Matthias Fink
October 2019, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 178-203 Shaping accountability at an NGO: a Bourdieusian perspective
by Sanjaya Chinthana Kuruppu & Sumit Lodhia - 204-232 Governmentality and performance for the smart city
by Daniela Argento & Giuseppe Grossi & Aki Jääskeläinen & Stefania Servalli & Petri Suomala - 233-255 Making up ideal recruits
by Florian Gebreiter
November 2019, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 152-177 Accounting and accountability in the Anthropocene
by Jan Bebbington & Henrik Österblom & Beatrice Crona & Jean-Baptiste Jouffray & Carlos Larrinaga & Shona Russell & Bert Scholtens
June 2019, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 256-280 Accounting, performance management systems and accountability changes in knowledge-intensive public organizations
by Giuseppe Grossi & Kirsi-Mari Kallio & Massimo Sargiacomo & Matti Skoog
September 2019, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-31 Biodiversity reporting for governmental organisations
by Silvia Gaia & Michael John Jones - 32-58 Improving accountability for farm animal welfare: the performative role of a benchmark device
by Josie McLaren & Tony Appleyard - 59-76 On theoretical engorgement and the myth of fair value accounting in China
by Christopher Nobes - 77-105 Watch that tone
by Richard Fisher & Chris J. van Staden & Glenn Richards - 106-123 Autobiographical vignettes in annual report CEO letters as a lens to understand how leadership is conceived and enacted
by Russell Craig & Joel Amernic - 124-151 Opening up the politics of standard setting through discourse theory: the case of IFRS for SMEs
by Rebecca Warren & David Bernard Carter & Christopher J. Napier
June 2019, Volume 32, Issue 8
- 2253-2281 Professionalization in Asia – whence and whither
by Wai Fong Chua & Maria Cadiz Dyball & Helen Yee - 2367-2394 Progress: engaging with organisations in pursuit of improved sustainability accounting and performance
by Carol A. Adams & Carlos Larrinaga
September 2019, Volume 32, Issue 8
- 2211-2252 Transforming the public sector: 1998–2018
by Irvine Lapsley & Peter Miller - 2421-2450 Accountants’ incessant insecurity
by Paul D. Ahn & Kerry Jacobs
July 2019, Volume 32, Issue 8
- 2307-2329 Legitimacy theory
by Craig Michael Deegan - 2353-2366 NGO accountability: retrospective and prospective academic contributions
by Gloria Agyemang & Brendan O’Dwyer & Jeffrey Unerman
August 2019, Volume 32, Issue 8
- 2330-2352 Theological perspectives on accounting: worldviews don’t change overnight
by Ken McPhail & Carolyn J. Cordery
November 2019, Volume 32, Issue 8
- 2193-2210 AAAJ, thematic special issues and research innovation: revisiting the next decade
by Garry D. Carnegie - 2282-2306 Reflections on interdisciplinary critical intellectual capital accounting research
by John Dumay & James Guthrie - 2395-2420 Persuasive language of responsible organisation? A critical discourse analysis of corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports of Nigerian oil companies
by Uzoechi Nwagbara & Ataur Belal - 2451-2474 Causes and consequences of voluntary assurance of CSR reports
by Peter Clarkson & Yue Li & Gordon Richardson & Albert Tsang
October 2019, Volume 32, Issue 7
- 1861-1875 Accounting and the business of sport: past, present and future
by Paul Andon & Clinton Free - 2004-2030 Social inequity, taxes and welfare in Australasia
by Lisa Marriott & Dalice Sim
August 2019, Volume 32, Issue 7
- 1898-1925 Stumped! The limits of global governance in a commercialized world of cricket
by Javed Siddiqui & Sofia Yasmin & Christopher Humphrey - 1926-1955 The disparate roles of accounting in an amateur sports organisation
by Conor Clune & Roel Boomsma & Richard Pucci - 1982-2003 Economic inequality: problems and perspectives for interdisciplinary accounting research
by Dale Tweedie & James Hazelton
September 2019, Volume 32, Issue 7
- 2031-2061 Accounting for the “working poor”: analysing the living wage debate in Aotearoa New Zealand
by Peter Skilling & Helen Tregidga - 2062-2087 Gaining, maintaining and repairing organisational legitimacy
by Sanjaya C. Kuruppu & Markus J. Milne & Carol A. Tilt - 2088-2113 Auditors and regulatory work (1987–2013)
by David Collins & Ian Dewing & Peter Russell - 2114-2141 Postcolonial hybridity, diaspora and accountancy
by Gabriel Bamie Kaifala & Sonja Gallhofer & Margaret Milner & Catriona Paisey - 2142-2166 Visualising a “good game”: analytics as a calculative engine in a digital environment
by Erkki M. Lassila & Sinikka Moilanen & Janne T. Järvinen - 2167-2192 Corporate tax disclosure on a CSR basis: a new reporting framework in the post-BEPS era
by Marta De la Cuesta-González & Eva Pardo
November 2019, Volume 32, Issue 7
- 1956-1981 Accounting for the cost of sports-related violence
by Jane Baxter & Martin Carlsson-Wall & Wai Fong Chua & Kalle Kraus
June 2019, Volume 32, Issue 7
- 1876-1897 Assessing the effectiveness of financial regulation in the English Football League
by Richard Evans & Geoff Walters & Richard Tacon
August 2019, Volume 32, Issue 6
- 1617-1635 The role of accounting in mediating empathic care for the “other”
by Steven Dellaportas - 1742-1770 State investments and human rights? The case of the Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global
by Niklas Kreander & Ken McPhail - 1826-1854 Exploring the rationale for integrated report assurance
by Warren Maroun
July 2019, Volume 32, Issue 6
- 1636-1661 Management controls, heterarchy and innovation: a case study of a start-up company
by David Taylor & Robyn King & David Smith - 1662-1689 Journey or toolbox? Integrated reporting and processes of organisational change
by Colin Higgins & Wendy Stubbs & Dale Tweedie & Gregory McCallum - 1690-1713 Corporate social responsibility employment narratives: a linguistic analysis
by Zhongtian Li & Shamima Haque - 1714-1741 A longitudinal study of the textual characteristics in the chairman’s statements of Guinness
by Alonso Moreno & Michael John Jones & Martin Quinn - 1771-1800 Examining the dynamics of SER evolution: an institutional understanding
by Massimo Contrafatto & Ericka Costa & Caterina Pesci - 1801-1825 Institutions, situated rationality and agency in management accounting
by Henk J. ter Bogt & Robert W. Scapens
July 2019, Volume 32, Issue 5
- 1325-1357 Environmental innovation practices and operational performance
by Jacobo Gomez-Conde & Rogerio Joao Lunkes & Fabricia Silva Rosa - 1532-1557 Readability of integrated reports: an exploratory global study
by Gerard William Stone & Sumit Lodhia - 1558-1584 Agents of alienation: accountants and the land grab of Papua New Guinea
by Glenn Finau & Kerry Jacobs & Satish Chand
August 2019, Volume 32, Issue 5
- 1297-1324 Who gets all the PIE? Regulation of the statutory audit for private UK companies
by Iain Clacher & Alan Duboisée de Ricquebourg & Amy May - 1358-1383 Seeking an ecologically defensible calculation of net loss/gain of biodiversity
by Thomas Cuckston - 1384-1413 No more fairytales: a quest for alternative narratives of sustainable business
by Aideen O’Dochartaigh - 1414-1436 What is accounting? The “being” and “be-ings” of the accounting phenomenon and its critical appreciation
by Nihel Chabrak & Jim Haslam & Helen Oakes - 1437-1466 Close encounters and the illusion of accountability in the sharing economy
by Emma McDaid & Christina Boedker & Clinton Free - 1467-1499 Stakeholder engagement and dialogic accounting
by Marco Bellucci & Lorenzo Simoni & Diletta Acuti & Giacomo Manetti - 1500-1531 The financial health of Australian universities: policy implications in a changing environment
by Helen Irvine & Christine Ryan - 1585-1614 Discursive framing in private and public communication by pro-nuclear corporate, political and regulatory actors following the Fukushima disaster
by Annika Beelitz & Doris M. Merkl-Davies
June 2019, Volume 32, Issue 5
- 1210-1239 Exploring the transformative potential of management control systems in organisational change towards sustainability
by Venkateshwaran Narayanan & Gordon Boyce - 1240-1269 Understanding how managers institutionalise sustainability reporting
by Muhammad Bilal Farooq & Charl de Villiers - 1270-1296 Strategizing in English hospitals: accounting, practical coping and strategic intent
by Christos Begkos & Sue Llewellyn & Kieran Walshe
May 2019, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 930-956 Rethinking performativity
by Max Baker & Sven Modell - 957-983 Do sources of occupational community impact corporate internal control? The case of CFOs in the high-tech industry
by Junli Yu & Shelagh M.R. Campbell & Jing Li & Zhou Zhang - 984-1012 Institutional drivers of environmental management accounting adoption in public sector water organisations
by Mohammad Imtiaz Ferdous & Carol A. Adams & Gordon Boyce - 1013-1042 Substantive and symbolic strategies sustaining the environmentally friendly ideology
by Mohamed Chelli & Sylvain Durocher & Anne Fortin - 1043-1072 Matter of opinion
by Jenni Puroila & Hannele Mäkelä - 1073-1097 Enabling management control systems, situated learning and intellectual capital development
by Rodney Coyte - 1098-1116 Contesting commensuration
by Jonas Gerdin & Hans Englund - 1117-1145 Marching with the volunteers
by Miranti Kartika Dewi & Melina Manochin & Ataur Belal - 1146-1174 Accounting and the enactment of power: municipal reform by Peter Leopold 1774–1775
by Laura Maran & Warwick Funnell & Monia Castellini - 1175-1202 Environmental management accounting practices in Australian cotton farming
by Shamim Tashakor & Ranjith Appuhami & Rahat Munir
April 2019, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 710-726 Processes of hybridization and de-hybridization: organizing and the task at hand
by Gustaf Kastberg & Cristian Lagström - 727-749 Individual responses to competing accountability pressures in hybrid organisations
by Florian Gebreiter & Nunung Nurul Hidayah - 750-781 Rational and symbolic uses of performance measurement
by Dorota Dobija & Anna Maria Górska & Giuseppe Grossi & Wojciech Strzelczyk - 782-810 Multiple institutional logics and their impact on accounting in higher education
by Annemarie Conrath-Hargreaves & Sonja Wüstemann - 836-865 Accounting for modern slavery: an analysis of Australian listed company disclosures
by Katherine Leanne Christ & Kathyayini Kathy Rao & Roger Leonard Burritt - 866-896 Diverse accounting standards on disclosures of Islamic financial transactions
by Habib Ahmed & Faruq Arif Tajul Ariffin & Yusuf Karbhari & Zurina Shafii
May 2019, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 811-835 Under what conditions is mandatory disclosure most likely to cause organisational change?
by Shane Leong & James Hazelton - 897-922 Accounting and professional work in established NPM settings
by Ebba Sjögren & Karin Fernler
May 2019, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 378-400 Investigating the backstage of audit engagements: the paradox of team diversity
by Firdaus Amyar & Nunung Nurul Hidayah & Alan Lowe & Margaret Woods - 531-555 Implementing CSR activities through management control systems
by Lamia Laguir & Issam Laguir & Emmanuel Tchemeni - 612-631 Heritage reporting by the Australian public sector
by Peir Peir Woon & Bikram Chatterjee & Carolyn J. Cordery - 658-688 The portrayal of early accountants in nineteenth century Portuguese literature
by Fernanda Leão & Delfina Gomes & Garry D. Carnegie
March 2019, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 401-420 Power relations and the accounting system in the Archbishop’s Seminary of Siena (1666-1690)
by Michela Magliacani & Roberto Di Pietra - 421-455 CSR website disclosure: the influence of the upper echelons
by Patricia Everaert & Lies Bouten & Annelien Baele - 456-482 Time rationalities
by Terhi Chakhovich - 483-507 Control and empowerment as an organising paradox: implications for management control systems
by Rachael L. Lewis & David A. Brown & Nicole C. Sutton - 508-530 Social networks, corruption and institutions of accounting, auditing and accountability
by Joseph Phiri & Pinar Guven-Uslu - 556-580 Exploring diversity in sustainability assurance practice
by Charika Channuntapipat & Anna Samsonova-Taddei & Stuart Turley - 581-611 Australian corporate political donation disclosures
by Edward Tello & James Hazelton & Shane Vincent Leong
April 2019, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 632-657 Power and environmental reporting-practice in business networks
by Lyndie Bayne & Sharon Purchase & Ann Tarca
January 2019, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 2-25 What counts for quality in interdisciplinary accounting research in the next decade
by James Guthrie & Lee D. Parker & John Dumay & Markus J. Milne - 337-361 To speak or not to speak the language of numbers: accounting as ventriloquism
by Bertrand Fauré & François Cooren & Frédérik Matte - 364-376 100 PhD rules of the game to successfully complete a doctoral dissertation
by Niamh M. Brennan
November 2018, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 133-162 Transformation of accounting through digital standardisation
by Indrit Troshani & Joanne Locke & Nick Rowbottom - 280-306 New public management and the rise of public sector performance audit
by Lee D. Parker & Kerry Jacobs & Jana Schmitz - 307-336 The shaping of sustainability assurance through the competition between accounting and non-accounting providers
by Muhammad Bilal Farooq & Charl de Villiers
August 2018, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 55-74 Sartrean bad-faith? Site-specific social, ethical and environmental disclosures by multinational mining companies
by Sharif Mahmud Khalid & Jill Atkins & Elisabetta Barone
December 2018, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 101-132 Beyond the accounting profession
by Paul D. Ahn & Kerry Jacobs - 163-193 Exploring the quality of corporate environmental reporting
by Akrum Helfaya & Mark Whittington & Chandana Alawattage - 194-223 Exploring the role of accounting in the People’s Commune of China between 1958 and 1966
by Lina Xu & Eagle Zhang & Corinne Cortese - 255-279 Accounting and the post-new public management
by Ileana Steccolini
July 2018, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 26-54 Stakeholder interactions and corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices
by Obby Phiri & Elisavet Mantzari & Pauline Gleadle - 75-100 The history of accounting standards in French-speaking African countries since independence
by Jean-Guy Degos & Yves Levant & Philippe Touron - 224-254 Empathy, closeness, and distance in non-profit accountability
by Ericka Costa & Caterina Pesci & Michele Andreaus & Emanuele Taufer
August 2018, Volume 31, Issue 8
- 2165-2191 Accounting and the banality of evil
by Valerio Antonelli & Raffaele D’Alessio & Roberto Rossi & Warwick Funnell - 2218-2246 Making sustainability meaningful: aspirations, discourses and reporting practices
by Cristiano Busco & Elena Giovannoni & Fabrizio Granà & Maria Federica Izzo
October 2018, Volume 31, Issue 8
- 2135-2164 Analysing the accounting measurement of financial sustainability in local governments through political factors
by Manuel Pedro Rodríguez Bolívar & Andrés Navarro Galera & María Deseada López Subirés & Laura Alcaide Muñoz
July 2018, Volume 31, Issue 8
- 2110-2134 Going beyond western dualism: towards corporate nature responsibility reporting
by Sonja Gallhofer
September 2018, Volume 31, Issue 8
- 2192-2217 Toward a political economy of corporate governance change and stability in family business groups
by Shaila Ahmed & Shahzad Uddin
September 2018, Volume 31, Issue 7
- 1904-1931 Accountability practices in microfinance: cultural translation and the role of intermediaries
by Lisa Marini & Jane Andrew & Sandra van der Laan - 1932-1956 Translation in the “contact zone” between accounting and human resource management
by Amanze Rajesh Ejiogu & Chibuzo Ejiogu - 2006-2030 Sites of translation in digital reporting
by Joanne Locke & Nick Rowbottom & Indrit Troshani - 2031-2054 Language at work in the Big Four: global aspirations and local segmentation
by Dominic Detzen & Lukas Loehlein - 2083-2107 The unspeakable truth of accounting
by Susan Bassnett & Ann-Christine Frandsen & Keith Hoskin
August 2018, Volume 31, Issue 7
- 1844-1873 Language, translation and accounting: towards a critical research agenda
by Lisa Evans - 1981-2005 Impaired translations: IFRS from English and annual reports into English
by Christopher Nobes & Christian Stadler
October 2018, Volume 31, Issue 7
- 1874-1903 Diagnosing the translation gap
by Rania Kamla & Naoko Komori - 1957-1980 Philosophy of language and accounting
by David Alexander & Hélène de Brébisson & Cristina Circa & Eva Eberhartinger & Roberta Fasiello & Markus Grottke & Joanna Krasodomska - 2055-2082 The semio-logic of financial accounting
by Shaul Hayoun
June 2018, Volume 31, Issue 6
- 1566-1592 Impression management in annual report narratives: the case of the UK private finance initiative
by Victoria C. Edgar & Matthias Beck & Niamh M. Brennan - 1749-1773 A “green” accountant is difficult to find
by Matthew Egan & Dale Tweedie
August 2018, Volume 31, Issue 6
- 1593-1617 Company responses to demands for annual report changes
by Thomas Riise Johansen & Thomas Plenborg - 1618-1643 Accounting and political parties: explaining the “why” of an Italian light touch regulation (1974)
by Marco Gatti & Simone Poli - 1644-1667 Management controls and pressure groups: the mediation of overflows
by Stephen Jollands & Chris Akroyd & Norio Sawabe - 1668-1690 The effect of cognitive reflection on the efficacy of impression management
by Ricardo Lopes Cardoso & Rodrigo de Oliveira Leite & André Carlos Busanelli de Aquino - 1691-1719 Accountants’ proactivity in intra-organisational networks: a strong structuration perspective
by Lyn Daff & Lisa Jack - 1794-1827 Textual construction of comparative space
by Zhiyuan Simon Tan
September 2018, Volume 31, Issue 6
- 1774-1793 SLAPPing accountability out of the public sphere
by Daniel Murphy & Lee Moerman
July 2018, Volume 31, Issue 6
- 1720-1748 Contracting, property rights and liberty
by David Oldroyd & Thomas Tyson & Richard Fleischman
May 2018, Volume 31, Issue 5
- 1381-1405 Integrated reporting and narrative accountability: the role of preparers
by Alessandro Lai & Gaia Melloni & Riccardo Stacchezzini
June 2018, Volume 31, Issue 5
- 1294-1318 Evaluating the integrated reporting journey: insights, gaps and agendas for future research
by Leonardo Rinaldi & Jeffrey Unerman & Charl de Villiers - 1319-1348 It is not always bad news
by Mary-Anne McNally & Warren Maroun - 1349-1380 “Integrated reporting is like God: no one has met Him, but everybody talks about Him”
by Delphine Gibassier & Michelle Rodrigue & Diane-Laure Arjaliès - 1406-1434 Integrated reporting as a test of worth
by Gillian Maree Vesty & Chao Ren & Sophia Ji - 1435-1460 Integrated thinking leading to integrated reporting: case study insights from a global player
by Khaldoon Al-Htaybat & Larissa von Alberti-Alhtaybat - 1461-1485 Implementing third-party assurance in integrated reporting
by Christian Rainer Briem & Andreas Wald - 1486-1509 Bridging the gap between theory and practice in management accounting
by E. Pieter Jansen - 1510-1541 Thirty years ofAccounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal
by John Dumay & Charl de Villiers & James Guthrie & Pei-Chi Hsiao - 1542-1562 From Cadbury to Kay: discourse, intertextuality and the evolution of UK corporate governance
by Michael Price & Charles Harvey & Mairi Maclean & David Campbell
May 2018, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 1026-1044 Governmental accounting practitioners: cardigan removed, research agenda revealed
by Mark Christensen & Dorothea Greiling & Johan Christiaens