June 2022, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 348-377 Envisioning legitimacy: visual dimensions of NGO annual reports
by Alpa Dhanani & Denis Kennedy - 378-402 Resisting accounting in the name of discipline
by Ludivine Perray-Redslob & Jeremy Morales
May 2022, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 24-62 From the abacus to enterprise resource planning: is blockchain the next big accounting tool?
by D. Dulani Jayasuriya & Alexandra Sims - 146-176 The anatomy of tragedy: Starbucks as a politics of displacement
by David B. Carter & Rebecca Warren & Anne Steinhoff - 238-266 Competing institutional logics and power dynamics in Islamic financial reporting standardisation projects
by Ahmad Abras & Kelum Jayasinghe - 295-322 Impact valuations in social finance: emic and polyvocal stakeholder accounts
by Kate Ruff & Pier-Luc Nappert & Cameron Graham - 323-347 Self, ethics, morality and accountability: a case of a public university
by Kate Thuy Mai & Zahirul Hoque
May 2022, Volume 35, Issue 9
- 81-108 Centers of data appropriation: evidence from a Nordic hotel chain
by Dan-Richard Knudsen & Anatoli Bourmistrov & Katarina Kaarbøe
August 2022, Volume 35, Issue 9
- 272-303 The fate of accounting for public governance development
by Giuseppe Grossi & Daniela Argento
February 2022, Volume 35, Issue 9
- 204-233 Exploring blockchain in the accounting domain: a bibliometric analysis
by Alessandra Lardo & Katia Corsi & Ashish Varma & Daniela Mancini - 234-271 The stereotype of accountants: using a personality approach to assess the perspectives of laypeople
by Fernanda Leão & Delfina Gomes
June 2022, Volume 35, Issue 9
- 109-135 Artificial intelligence based decision-making in accounting and auditing: ethical challenges and normative thinking
by Othmar Manfred Lehner & Kim Ittonen & Hanna Silvola & Eva Ström & Alena Wührleitner
November 2022, Volume 35, Issue 9
- 382-411 Methodological insights: interview quotations in accounting research
by Niamh M. Brennan - 412-441 Sustainability and technology: the contribution of “managerial talk” to the three pillars framework
by Olga Golubeva
April 2022, Volume 35, Issue 9
- 330-358 Critical race theory, counter-accounting, and the emancipatory potential of counter-stories
by Erin Jade Twyford & Farzana Aman Tanima & Sendirella George
July 2022, Volume 35, Issue 9
- 136-167 Exploring the “theory is king” thesis in accounting research: the case of actor-network theory
by Kari Lukka & Sven Modell & Eija Vinnari
October 2022, Volume 35, Issue 9
- 359-381 Public-private partnership in Alberta, Canada: a path dependence perspective
by Michael Opara & Robert Rankin & Ran Ling & Thien Le
September 2022, Volume 35, Issue 9
- 304-329 How accounting creates performative moments and performative momentum
by Carl Henning Christner & Ebba Sjögren
February 2022, Volume 35, Issue 8
- 1775-1802 Emerging from the shadow of the Soviet Union: the case of the accountancy field in Latvia
by Arturs Praulins & Crawford William Spence & Georgios Voulgaris - 1803-1829 The commercialist identity of mid-tier firm auditors: a precarious balancing of priorities
by Michael Harber & Gizelle D. Willows
March 2022, Volume 35, Issue 8
- 1830-1861 Boundary work at the margins of politics and auditing: rationalising advertising probity in Ontario
by Paul Andon & Clinton Free & Vaughan Radcliffe & Mitchell Stein - 1862-1891 Hybridity in a hotel chain: designing a package of controls to sustain a hybrid mission
by Lies Bouten & Sophie Hoozée
January 2022, Volume 35, Issue 8
- 1745-1774 Model of integrated reporting “concept in practice” in the light of pragmatic constructivist paradigm: case studies of life science companies
by Joanna Dyczkowska & Justyna Fijałkowska
July 2022, Volume 35, Issue 7
- 1493-1506 Blockchain in accounting, accountability and assurance: an overview
by Rosanna Spanò & Maurizio Massaro & Luca Ferri & John Dumay & Jana Schmitz
February 2022, Volume 35, Issue 7
- 1625-1655 Understanding accountability in blockchain systems
by Bridget Tyma & Rina Dhillon & Prabhu Sivabalan & Bernhard Wieder - 1714-1742 How can NGO accountability practices be improved with technologies such as blockchain and triple-entry accounting?
by Sanjaya Chinthana Kuruppu & Dinithi Dissanayake & Charl de Villiers
February 2022, Volume 35, Issue 6
- 1462-1484 Methodological Insights Accounting talk: developing conversation analysis in accounting research
by Max Baker & Jane Andrew & John Roberts
January 2022, Volume 35, Issue 6
- 1375-1401 On the legitimacy and apoliticality of public sector performance audit: exploratory evidence from Canada and Denmark
by Mouna Hazgui & Peter Triantafillou & Signe Elmer Christensen - 1402-1430 Avoiding Whig interpretations in historical research: an illustrative case study
by Angélica Vasconcelos & Alan Sangster & Lúcia Lima Rodrigues - 1431-1461 Accountability and governance in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals in a developing country context: evidence from Tanzania
by Sarah George Lauwo & John De-Clerk Azure & Trevor Hopper
August 2021, Volume 35, Issue 9
- 168-203 Blockchain in the accounting, auditing and accountability fields: a bibliometric and coding analysis
by Silvana Secinaro & Francesca Dal Mas & Valerio Brescia & Davide Calandra
December 2021, Volume 35, Issue 9
- 1-27 Calculative practices, social movements and the rise of collective identity: how #istayathome mobilised a nation
by Matteo La Torre & Patrizia Di Tullio & Paola Tamburro & Maurizio Massaro & Michele Antonio Rea - 28-56 The language of profit warnings: a case of denial, defiance, desperation and defeat
by Victoria C. Edgar & Niamh M. Brennan & Sean Bradley Power - 57-80 Hospital accreditation systems and salience of organisational tensions
by Geraldine Robbins & Breda Sweeney & Miguel Vega
October 2021, Volume 35, Issue 7
- 1507-1533 Blockchain in accounting research: current trends and emerging topics
by Tatiana Garanina & Mikko Ranta & John Dumay - 1656-1684 Client use of blockchain technology: exploring its (potential) impact on financial statement audits of Australian accounting firms
by Maria Cadiz Dyball & Ravi Seethamraju - 1685-1713 Toward an omniopticon: the potential of blockchain technology toward influencing vulnerable populations in contested markets
by Heather Carrasco & Andrea M. Romi
May 2021, Volume 35, Issue 7
- 1534-1565 The disruption of blockchain in auditing – a systematic literature review and an agenda for future research
by Rosa Lombardi & Charl de Villiers & Nicola Moscariello & Michele Pizzo
December 2021, Volume 35, Issue 7
- 1566-1597 Blockchain technology design in accounting: Game changer to tackle fraud or technological fairy tale?
by Piera Centobelli & Roberto Cerchione & Pasquale Del Vecchio & Eugenio Oropallo & Giustina Secundo - 1598-1624 Standard setting in times of technological change: accounting for cryptocurrency holdings
by Paola Ramassa & Giulia Leoni
December 2021, Volume 35, Issue 6
- 1353-1374 Space for accounting and accountability: realising potential management accounting research contributions to the space sector
by Basil P. Tucker & Hank C. Alewine
December 2021, Volume 35, Issue 5
- 1239-1261 Call to service: The Register of Australian Accountants for National Service 1940–1944
by Phillip E. Cobbin & Warwick Funnell - 1262-1286 “Fumifugium: Or the inconvenience of the Aer and Smoake of London Dissipated”: emancipatory social accounting in 17th century London
by Jill Atkins & Karen McBride - 1287-1315 Combining accountability forms: transparency and “intelligent” accountability in a public service organization
by Brianna O'Regan & Robyn King & David Smith - 1316-1348 Understanding reporting boundaries in annual reports: a conceptual framework
by Lyndie Bayne
October 2021, Volume 35, Issue 5
November 2021, Volume 35, Issue 5
- 1212-1238 The unfolding rationales surrounding management accounting innovations: a balanced scorecard case
by Claudio de Araujo Wanderley & John Cullen & Mathew Tsamenyi
October 2021, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 1035-1060 Accounting articles on developing countries in ranked English language journals: a meta-review
by Olayinka Moses & Trevor Hopper - 1093-1120 The dramaturgy of earnings guidance: an institutional analysis of a soft landing
by Thomas A. King & Timothy J. Fogarty - 1154-1181 The development and application of a decision-useful measure of environmental best practice for the mining industry
by Glen Hutchings & Craig Deegan
September 2021, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 1009-1034 Can “sin industries” prove their legitimacy through CSR reporting? A study of UK tobacco and gambling companies
by Asahita Dhandhania & Eleanor O'Higgins - 1061-1092 Exploring accountability of Australia and New Zealand's temporary labour mobility programmes in Samoa using a talanoa approach
by Stephanie Perkiss & Tautalaaso Taule’alo & Olivia Dun & Natascha Klocker & Asenati Liki & Farzana Tanima - 1121-1153 The effects of strategic choices and sustainability control systems in the emergence of organizational capabilities for sustainability
by Karola Bastini & Fares Getzin & Maik Lachmann
December 2021, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 577-597 Accounting, performance and accountability challenges in hybrid organisations: a value creation perspective
by Giuseppe Grossi & Jarmo Vakkuri & Massimo Sargiacomo
January 2021, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 658-680 Regulation as a force for hybrid organization: evidence from the Bonneville Power Administration (1980–2012)
by Amanda M. Convery & Matt Kaufman - 681-705 (Counter) accounting for hybrid organising: a case of the Great Exhibition of the North
by Laurence Ferry & Richard Slack
June 2021, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 706-733 Accounting in and for hybrids. Observations of the power of disentanglements
by Gustaf Kastberg Weichselberger & Cristian Lagström - 734-769 Ambidextrous sustainability, organisational structure and performance in hybrid organisations
by Joshua Maine & Emilia Florin Samuelsson & Timur Uman - 917-949 What is good work in a hybrid organization? On the efforts of sequencing registers of valuation
by Ida Schrøder & Emilia Cederberg & Amalie M. Hauge - 950-980 The impact of hybridity on PPP governance and related accountability mechanisms: the case of UK education PPPs
by Anne Stafford & Pamela Stapleton
July 2021, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 801-829 Hybridity and the use of performance measurement: facilitating compromises or creating moral struggles? Insights from healthcare organizations
by Agathe Morinière & Irène Georgescu
August 2021, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 627-657 Hybridization as practice: clinical engagement with performance metrics and accounting technologies in the English NHS
by Christos Begkos & Katerina Antonopoulou - 863-886 Accounting, microfoundations, hybridization and longitudinal conflict in a Finnish health care organization
by Antti Rautiainen & Toni Mättö & Kari Sippola & Jukka O. Pellinen
March 2021, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 830-862 Biased by design – the case of horizontal accountability in a hybrid organization
by Tomi Rajala & Petra Kokko
April 2021, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 770-800 Competing logics in a hybrid organization: ICT service provision in the Italian health care sector
by Laura Maran & Alan Lowe
July 2021, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 385-412 The disclosure of the materiality process in sustainability reporting by Spanish state-owned enterprises
by Mercedes Ruiz-Lozano & Marta De Vicente-Lama & Pilar Tirado-Valencia & Magdalena Cordobés-Madueño - 413-438 Democracy, accountability and audit: the creation of the UK NAO as a defence of liberty
by Laurence Ferry & Henry Midgley - 439-462 Professionalisation of accounting in developing countries: 25 years of research
by Prem W. Senarath Yapa
September 2021, Volume 35, Issue 2
August 2021, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 463-491 Balancing unity and diversity in a not-for-profit inter-organizational partnership through lateral accountability mechanisms
by Jinhua Chen & Graeme Harrison & Lu Jiao - 492-517 Accounting for the “transcendent self”: spirituality, narcissism, testimony and gift
by Giulia Achilli & Cristiano Busco & Elena Giovannoni - 518-546 Strategising management accounting: liberal origins and neoliberal trends
by Chandana Alawattage & Danture Wickramasinghe
June 2021, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 241-270 The “accountant” stereotype in the Florentine medieval popular culture: “galantuomini” or usurers?
by Jonida Carungu & Matteo Molinari - 271-299 “What a wonderful world!”: human relatedness, social space and accountability through action in a top-level amateur choir
by Ivo De Loo & Pieter Kamminga - 300-324 Larson and socio-economic closures in public accountancy professionalization
by Thomas A. Lee - 325-354 The influence of organisational culture on corporate accountants' ethical judgement and ethical intention in Vietnam
by Lan Anh Nguyen & Steven Dellaportas & Gillian Maree Vesty & Van Anh Thi Pham & Lilibeth Jandug & Eva Tsahuridu - 355-384 Century plus journeys: using career crafting to explore the career success of pioneer women accountants
by Mohini P. Vidwans & Rosalind H. Whiting
March 2021, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 35-47 Public engagement and dialogic accounting through social media during COVID-19 crisis: a missed opportunity?
by Stefano Landi & Antonio Costantini & Marco Fasan & Michele Bonazzi
April 2021, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 20-34 How to communicate and use accounting to ensure buy-in from stakeholders: lessons for organizations from governments' COVID-19 strategies
by Charl de Villiers & Matteo Molinari - 48-60 Turning around accountability
by Yingru Li & John McKernan & Meiyi Chen - 61-73 Public universities and impacts of COVID-19 in Australia: risk disclosures and organisational change
by Garry D. Carnegie & James Guthrie & Ann Martin-Sardesai
August 2021, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 199-215 Emotions, moods and hyperreality: social media and the stock market during the first phase of COVID-19 pandemic
by Arianna Lazzini & Simone Lazzini & Federica Balluchi & Marco Mazza - 216-228 COVID-19 and global clothing retailers' responsibility to vulnerable workers: NGO counter-rhetoric
by Nglaa Ahmad & Shamima Haque & Muhammad Azizul Islam
June 2021, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 108-119 Paradoxical tensions of the COVID-19 pandemic: a paradox theory perspective on the role of management control systems in helping organizations survive crises
by Ralph Kober & Paul J. Thambar - 131-145 Big4 responses to the COVID-19 crisis: an examination of Bauman's moral impulse
by Maryam Safari & Eva Tsahuridu & Alan Lowe - 146-157 Supreme emergencies and public accountability: the case of procurement in the UK during the Covid-19 pandemic
by S. Sian & Stewart Smyth - 169-185 Dynamic accountability and the role of risk reporting during a global pandemic
by Chiara Crovini & Stefan Schaper & Lorenzo Simoni - 186-198 The rhetoric of New Zealand's COVID-19 response
by Binh Bui & Olayinka Moses & John Dumay
December 2021, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-19 The pervasive role of accounting and accountability during the COVID-19 emergency
by Giulia Leoni & Alessandro Lai & Riccardo Stacchezzini & Ileana Steccolini & Stephen Brammer & Martina Linnenluecke & Istemi Demirag
July 2021, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 97-107 Assessing and managing the impact of COVID-19: a study of six European cities participating in a circular economy project
by Cristiana Parisi & Justyna Bekier - 120-130 Accounting for biosecurity in Italy under COVID-19 lockdown
by Valerio Antonelli & Michele Bigoni & Warwick Funnell & Emanuela Mattia Cafaro - 158-168 Practical expedients and theoretical flaws: the IASB's legitimacy strategy during the COVID-19 pandemic
by Nicola Moscariello & Michele Pizzo
October 2021, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 229-239 Accounting and gender equality in (times of) crisis: toward an accounting that accommodates for emotional work?
by Ludivine Perray-Redslob & Dima Younes
May 2021, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 74-84 Old ways and new means: Indigenous accountings during and beyond the pandemic
by Glenn Finau & Matthew Scobie - 85-96 The view from the front line: shifting beneficiary accountability and interrelatedness in the time of a global pandemic
by David Yates & Rita Maria Difrancesco
June 2021, Volume 34, Issue 9
- 182-194 Hypocrisy and legitimacy in the aftermath of a scandal: an experimental study of stakeholder perceptions of nonfinancial disclosure
by Marco Bellucci & Diletta Acuti & Lorenzo Simoni & Giacomo Manetti
September 2021, Volume 34, Issue 9
- 250-283 Unpacking dialogic accounting: a systematic literature review and research agenda
by Giacomo Manetti & Marco Bellucci & Stefania Oliva
October 2021, Volume 34, Issue 9
- 218-249 Accounting and disciplinary methods in fishery management
by Stefania Servalli & Antonio Gitto
April 2021, Volume 34, Issue 9
- 80-103 Understanding political accountability in a strong structuration framework
by Jean Claude Mutiganda & Janne T. Järvinen - 104-134 Management accounting change as an amplifier of a leadership dispute: an ethnography of convergent and divergent leader–follower relations
by Gaia Bassani & Jan A. Pfister & Cristiana Cattaneo - 135-161 Institutional logic and scholars' reactions to performance measurement in universities
by Kirsi-Mari Kallio & Tomi J. Kallio & Giuseppe Grossi & Janne Engblom
February 2021, Volume 34, Issue 9
- 57-79 Inscriptions without boundaries: how action at a distance is enabled on social media
by Cecilia Gullberg & Noomi Weinryb
November 2021, Volume 34, Issue 9
- 284-314 Institutional entrepreneurship: collaborative change in a complex Canadian organization
by Michael Opara & Oliver Nnamdi Okafor & Akolisa Ufodike & Kenneth Kalu
July 2021, Volume 34, Issue 9
- 195-217 Restoring an eroded legitimacy: the adaptation of nonfinancial disclosure after a scandal and the risk of hypocrisy
by Marco Bellucci & Diletta Acuti & Lorenzo Simoni & Giacomo Manetti
May 2021, Volume 34, Issue 9
- 162-181 The pre-history of sustainability reporting: a constructivist reading
by Carlos Larrinaga & Jan Bebbington
May 2021, Volume 34, Issue 8
- 1906-1931 The gilded path: capital, habitus and illusio in the fund management field
by John Millar
June 2021, Volume 34, Issue 8
- 1693-1713 Theoretical and methodological milestones in international accounting research: the contributions of Jill L. McKinnon
by Chris Patel & Graeme Harrison - 1851-1882 Corporate disclosures on curbing bribery and the UK Bribery Act 2010: evidence from UK companies
by Muhammad Azizul Islam & Shamima Haque & Sharon Henderson & Michael John Jones & Homaira Semeen - 1883-1905 Operationalising ethnicity in accountability: insights from an ethnic group within the Salvation Army
by Vassili Joannides De Lautour & Zahirul Hoque & Danture Wickramasinghe
April 2021, Volume 34, Issue 8
- 1740-1768 Sustainability rating and moral fictionalism: opening the black box of nonfinancial agencies
by Olivier Boiral & David Talbot & Marie-Christine Brotherton & Iñaki Heras-Saizarbitoria - 1802-1823 The diffusion of accounting reform in Sri Lanka: an analysis of two layers of diffusion among three levels of government
by Thusitha Dissanayake & Steven Dellaportas & Prem W.S. Yapa - 1824-1850 We are what we tell: an enquiry into NGOs' organizational identity and accountability
by Daniela Pianezzi
January 2021, Volume 34, Issue 8
- 1714-1739 The “long term” as an instrument for deploying neoliberalism: the case of the myth of long-term compensation
by Terhi Chakhovich
March 2021, Volume 34, Issue 8
- 1769-1801 Governance of professional accounting bodies: a comparative analysis
by Paul Andon & Conor Clune
July 2021, Volume 34, Issue 7
- 1513-1526 Accounting for (public) value(s): reconsidering publicness in accounting research and practice
by Enrico Bracci & Iris Saliterer & Mariafrancesca Sicilia & Ileana Steccolini - 1555-1580 Whistleblowing and accounting for the public interest: a call for new directions
by Annette Quayle - 1664-1691 Public health interventions in English local authorities: constructing the facts, (re)imagining the future
by James Brackley & Penelope Tuck & Mark Exworthy
May 2021, Volume 34, Issue 7
- 1608-1634 Strategic management, management control practices and public value creation: the strategic triangle in the Swedish public sector
by Linda Höglund & Maria Mårtensson & Kerstin Thomson
March 2021, Volume 34, Issue 6
- 1388-1403 The impact of a humanitarian disaster on the working approach of accountants: a study of contingent effects
by Jonida Carungu & Roberto Di Pietra & Matteo Molinari - 1445-1456 Organizing care during the COVID-19 pandemic: the role of accounting in German hospitals
by Christian Huber & Nadine Gerhardt & Jacob T. Reilley - 1484-1501 Accounting for modern slavery risk in the time of COVID-19: challenges and opportunities
by Katherine Leanne Christ & Roger Leonard Burritt
July 2021, Volume 34, Issue 6
- 1305-1319 Accounting, management and accountability in times of crisis: lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic
by Giulia Leoni & Alessandro Lai & Riccardo Stacchezzini & Ileana Steccolini & Stephen Brammer & Martina Linnenluecke & Istemi Demirag
April 2021, Volume 34, Issue 6
- 1345-1361 Evaluating performance management of COVID-19 reality in three European countries: a pragmatic constructivist study
by Falconer Mitchell & Hanne Nørreklit & Lennart Nørreklit & Lino Cinquini & Frederik Koeppe & Fabio Magnacca & Sara Giovanna Mauro & Morten Jakobsen & Tuomas Korhonen & Teemu Laine & Jakob Mathias Liboriussen - 1376-1387 Remote working, management control changes and employee responses during the COVID-19 crisis
by Gianluca F Delfino & Berend van der Kolk - 1404-1415 Pandemic turned into pandemonium: the effect on supply chains and the role of accounting information
by Ajantha Velayutham & Asheq Razaur Rahman & Anil Narayan & Michael Wang - 1471-1483 Accounting, inequality and COVID-19 in Australia
by Jane Andrew & Max Baker & James Guthrie - 1502-1512 (Job)Keeping up appearances
by Mona Nikidehaghani & Corinne Cortese
February 2021, Volume 34, Issue 6
- 1320-1331 Pushing the limits of accountability: big data analytics containing and controlling COVID-19 in South Korea
by Paul D. Ahn & Danture Wickramasinghe - 1362-1375 Testing times: governing a pandemic with numbers
by Salman Ahmad & Ciaran Connolly & Istemi Demirag
May 2021, Volume 34, Issue 6
- 1332-1344 Accounting and accountability practices in times of crisis: a Foucauldian perspective on the UK government's response to COVID-19 for England
by Thomas Ahrens & Laurence Ferry - 1416-1429 Coping with COVID-19: the role of accounting in shaping charities' financial resilience
by Ralph Kober & Paul J. Thambar - 1430-1444 Coping with the COVID-19 pandemic: the technical, moral and facilitating role of management control
by Emilio Emilio Passetti & Massimo Battaglia & Lara Bianchi & Nora Annesi - 1457-1470 COVID-19 and the governmentality of emergency food in the City of Turin
by Massimo Sargiacomo & Laura Corazza & Antonio D'Andreamatteo & John Dumay & James Guthrie
April 2021, Volume 34, Issue 5
- 1021-1050 Social and environmental accounting in developing countries: contextual challenges and insights
by Wei Qian & Carol Tilt & Ataur Belal
March 2021, Volume 34, Issue 5
- 1220-1245 Institutionalisation of weak conceptions of sustainability in the United Nations Clean Development Mechanism: empirical evidence from Malaysian organisations
by Ann Marie Sidhu & Jane Gibbon
January 2021, Volume 34, Issue 5
- 1137-1162 Emergence of corporate political activities in the guise of social responsibility: dispatches from a developing economy
by Javed Siddiqui & Melita Mehjabeen & Pamela Stapleton
January 2021, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 946-982 Corporate reporting to the crown: a longitudinal case from colonial Africa
by Sean Bradley Power & Niamh M. Brennan - 983-1012 The paradox of accounting for cultural heritage: a longitudinal study on the financial reporting of heritage assets of major Australian public cultural institutions (1992–2019)
by Paolo Ferri & Shannon I.L. Sidaway & Garry D. Carnegie
February 2021, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 701-730 Spirituality, happiness and auditors' commitment: an interbeing perspective
by Sujoko Efferin & Christopher Christian Hutomo - 731-756 NGO responses to financial evaluation: auditability, purification and performance
by Bruno Cazenave & Jeremy Morales - 757-785 Management controls and crisis: evidence from the banking sector
by Pall Rikhardsson & Carsten Rohde & Leif Christensen & Catherine E. Batt - 849-876 Triggering sustainability communication in a B2B context: combining action research and sensemaking
by Oana Apostol & Marileena Mäkelä & Katariina Heikkilä & Maria Höyssä & Helka Kalliomäki & Leena Jokinen & Jouni Saarni - 877-903 “Contra omnes et singulos a via domini aberrantes”: accounting for confession and pastoral power during the Roman Inquisition (1550–1572)
by Michele Bigoni & Valerio Antonelli & Warwick Funnell & Emanuela Mattia Cafaro
March 2021, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 786-818 Institutional work and the interplay of stability and change in public budgeting reform: the case of public universities in Iran
by Farzaneh Jalali Aliabadi & Muhammad Bilal Farooq & Umesh Sharma & Dessalegn Getie Mihret - 819-848 Into the woods of corporate fairytales and environmental reporting
by Leanne J. Morrison & Alan Lowe - 904-922 The impact of accounting disturbances on organizational micro-practices in the schools' sector in England
by Stuart Green & Laurence Ferry - 923-945 Accountability and governance in pursuit of Sustainable Development Goals: conceptualising how governments create value
by Subhash Abhayawansa & Carol A. Adams & Cristina Neesham
February 2021, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 489-504 Neoliberalism and management accounting: reconfiguring governmentality and extending territories
by Danture Wickramasinghe & Christine Cooper & Chandana Alawattage - 591-615 Managers' subtle resistance to neoliberal reforms through and by means of management accounting
by Elodie Allain & Célia Lemaire & Gulliver Lux
January 2021, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 531-557 Tax Credits as an accounting technology of government: “showing my boys they have to work, because that is what happens”
by Sara C. Closs-Davies & Doris M. Merkl-Davies & Koen P.R. Bartels
September 2021, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-30 The limits of institutional work: a field study on auditors' efforts to promote sustainability assurance in a trust society
by Hanna Silvola & Eija Vinnari - 31-53 Employees’ identification and management control systems: a case study of modern policing
by Suresh Cuganesan & Clinton Free - 54-57 On theoretical engorgement and the myth of fair value accounting in China: a reply
by Kathryn Bewley & Cameron Graham & Songlan Peng - 58-84 Global supply chains after COVID-19: the end of the road for neoliberal globalisation?
by Clinton Free & Angela Hecimovic
May 2020, Volume 1233, Issue 4
- 753-793 Problematizing profit and profitability: discussions
by Alan Lowe & Yesh Nama & Alice Bryer & Nihel Chabrak & Claire Dambrin & Ingrid Jeacle & Johnny Lind & Philippe Lorino & Keith Robson & Chiara Bottausci & Crawford Spence & Chris Carter & Ekaterina Svetlova
December 2020, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 981-1005 Network control and balanced scorecard as inscriptions in purchaser–provider arrangements: insights from a hybrid government agency
by Nur Haiza Muhammad Zawawi & Zahirul Hoque
August 2020, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 887-916 Disaster governance and hybrid organizations: accounting, performance challenges and evacuee housing
by Massimo Sargiacomo & Stephen P. Walker
October 2020, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 598-626 Hybrid organizations and an ethic of accountability: the role of accountability systems in constructing responsible hybridity
by Lisa Baudot & Jesse Dillard & Nadra Pencle
September 2020, Volume 34, Issue 9
- 1-28 The influence of the Chinese government's political ideology in the field of corporate environmental reporting
by Hui Situ & Carol Tilt & Pi-Shen Seet - 29-56 Role and implementation of sustainability management control tools: critical aspects in the Italian context
by Katia Corsi & Brunella Arru
October 2020, Volume 34, Issue 7
- 1635-1663 “The frog in the pan”: relational transformation of public values in the UK tax authority
by Sara C. Closs-Davies & Koen P.R. Bartels & Doris M. Merkl-Davies
September 2020, Volume 34, Issue 7
- 1581-1607 Political interference in private entities' financial reporting and the public interest: evidence from the Spanish financial crisis
by Begoña Giner & Araceli Mora
December 2020, Volume 34, Issue 7
- 1527-1554 Public value and the planet: accounting in ecological reconstitution
by Hendrik Vollmer
September 2020, Volume 34, Issue 5
- 1275-1304 Understanding systemic change in the context of the social and environmental disclosures of a conservation organisation in a developing country
by Grant Samkin & Christa Wingard
December 2020, Volume 34, Issue 5
- 1051-1079 Exploring the evolving motives underlying corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosures in developing countries: the case of “political CSR” reporting
by M. Karim Sorour & Philip J. Shrives & Ahmed Ayman El-Sakhawy & Teerooven Soobaroyen - 1163-1189 Institutional logics and practice variations in sustainability reporting: evidence from an emerging field
by Zeeshan Mahmood & Shahzad Uddin
November 2020, Volume 34, Issue 5
- 1080-1108 Social accounting in the context of profound political, social and economic crisis: the case of the Arab Spring
by Muhammad Al Mahameed & Ataur Belal & Florian Gebreiter & Alan Lowe - 1109-1136 The past is never dead: the role of imprints in shaping social and environmental reporting in a post-communist context
by Nadia Albu & Cătălin Nicolae Albu & Oana Apostol & Charles H. Cho - 1190-1219 The houbara bustard: a thematic analysis of a bird's threatened extinction and a government's accountability failure
by Ralph Adler & Mansi Mansi & Rakesh Pandey - 1246-1274 The diffusion of sustainability key performance indicators in a developing country context
by Prabanga Thoradeniya & Aldónio Ferreira & Janet Lee & Rebecca Tan
December 2020, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 651-679 Unveiling a postcolonial neoliberalism: hybridised controls and emancipatory potentials for tea-plucking women in Sri Lanka
by Seuwandhi Buddhika Ranasinghe & Danture Wickramasinghe - 680-698 Methodological Insights Experiencing and knowing in the field: an autoethnographic account of conducting audit fieldwork in China
by Yanru Zou
November 2020, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 558-590 Toward an understanding of strategic control at a distance in public service delivery
by Salman Ahmad & Ciaran Connolly & Istemi Demirag - 616-650 The resistance in management accounting practices towards a neoliberal economy
by Padmi Nagirikandalage & Ben Binsardi & Kaouther Kooli & Anh Ngoc Pham
July 2020, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 505-530 Peer-to-peer evaluations as narcissistic devices: fabricating an entrepreneurial community
by Penelope Van den Bussche & Claire Dambrin
November 2020, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 253-280 Exploring the programmability of management accounting work for increasing automation: an interventionist case study
by Tuomas Korhonen & Erno Selos & Teemu Laine & Petri Suomala - 338-369 “Green washing” or “authentic effort”? An empirical investigation of the quality of sustainability reporting by banks
by Habib Zaman Khan & Sudipta Bose & Abu Taher Mollik & Harun Harun
October 2020, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 281-306 Research environment and organisational learning mechanisms in the age of pandemics: the case of accounting research
by Indrit Troshani - 307-337 Logics, complexities and paradoxical tensions: management controls in a clustered firm
by Sujeewa Damayanthi & Tharusha N. Gooneratne & J.A.S.K. Jayakody
December 2020, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 370-396 Performance measurement in a transitional economy: unfolding a case of KPIs
by Shahzad Uddin & Boris Popesko & Šárka Papadaki & Jaroslav Wagner - 397-420 Facilitating accountability in corporate sustainability reporting through Spotlight Accounting
by Stephanie Perkiss & Leopold Bayerlein & Bonnie Amelia Dean - 421-450 Calculative measures of organising and decision-making in developing countries: the case of a quasi-formal organisation in Ghana
by Jacob Agyemang & Kelum Jayasinghe & Pawan Adhikari & Abongeh Tunyi & Simon Carmel - 451-479 Methodological Insights Theory development in qualitative management control: revisiting the roles of triangulation and generalization
by V.G. Sridharan
September 2020, Volume 34, Issue 1
October 2020, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 85-110 Accounting's role in resisting wage theft: a labour process theory analysis
by Da Yang & John Dumay & Dale Tweedie - 111-136 Dialogical and situated accountability to the public. The reporting of nuclear incidents
by Marie Kerveillant & Philippe Lorino - 164-193 Can databases facilitate accountability? The case of Australian mercury accounting via the National Pollutant Inventory
by Md. Hafij Ullah & James Hazelton & Peter F Nelson - 194-222 Accounting for control of Italian culture in the Fascist Ethical State: the Alla Scala Opera House
by Michele Bigoni & Warwick Funnell & Enrico Deidda Gagliardo & Mariarita Pierotti
June 2020, Volume 33, Issue 8
- 1761-1789 The interplay between home and host logics of accountability in multinational corporations (MNCs): the case of the Fundão dam disaster
by Maryam Safari & Vincent Bicudo de Castro & Ileana Steccolini - 1791-1813 Reflections on the progress in accounting for people and some observations on the prospects for a more successful future
by Eric G. Flamholtz & Ulf Johanson & Robin Roslender - 1815-1834 How director identification shapes accountability and scope of contribution
by Natalie Elms & Gavin Nicholson
September 2020, Volume 33, Issue 8
- 2111-2138 Domestic waste policy in Ireland – economization and the role of accounting
by Martin Quinn & Orla Feeney - 2139-2166 Multiple rationalities of participatory budgeting in indigenous communities: evidence from Indonesia
by Kelum Jayasinghe & Pawan Adhikari & Simon Carmel & Ana Sopanah - 2167-2193 Trends in environmental accounting research within and outside of the accounting discipline
by Mauricio Marrone & Martina K. Linnenluecke & Grant Richardson & Tom Smith
August 2020, Volume 33, Issue 8
- 1835-1870 TheNaturalist's Journalsof Gilbert White: exploring the roots of accounting for biodiversity and extinction accounting
by Jill Atkins & Warren Maroun - 1871-1907 Separating and integrating non-financial and financial measures: a case study of a sporting organization playing the value-in-kind (VIK) game
by Brian Anthony Burfitt & Jane Baxter & Jan Mouritsen - 1969-1996 Mapping of internal audit research: a post-Enron structured literature review
by Amr Kotb & Hany Elbardan & Hussein Halabi