December 2003, Volume 22, Issue 6
- 639-640 Rejoinder
by Ruggiero, John - 641-643 Charters, Vouchers, and Public Education: edited by Paul E. Peterson and David E. Campbell, Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution, 2001, 322 pp., US$19.00 (paperback)
by Kim, Sunwoong - 643-644 A Notion at Risk: Edited by Richard D. Kahlenberg. New York, NY: A Century Foundation Book. 2000. pp. x+356. Price: $15.95 (paper)
by Rivkin, Steven G. - 644-645 Reallocating Resources: How to Boost Student Achievement Without Asking for More: By Allan Odden and Sarah Archibald. Corwin Press, Thousand Oaks, CA., 2001. Pages, viii + 106. Price, $21.95 (paper), $47.95 (library ed.)
by Frey, Donald E. - 645-646 Market Education: The Unknown History: Andrew J. Coulson. New Brunswick, USA: Social Philosophy and Policy Center and Transaction Publishers. 1999. pp. 471. Price $24.95 (paper)
by Adnett, Nick - 646-647 Education, Training and Employment Dynamics. Transitional Labour Markets in the European Union: Edited by Klaus Schomann and Philip J. O'Connell. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. 2002. pp. xi+388. Price $125.00 (cloth)
by van Ham, Maarten - 647-648 Repay As You Earn: The Flawed Government Program to Help Students Have Public Service Careers: Phillip G. Schrag, Westport, Connecticut: Bergin & Garvey Publishing, 2002, pp xiv + 156, Price US$55.00 (Cloth)
by Cooper, Sam - 648-649 Financing a college education: how it works, how it's changing: Edited by Jacqueline E. King. Westport, CT: Oryx Press. 1999. pp. xix+216, Price $34.95 (paper)
by St. John, Edward P. - 649-649 The costs and financing of education: trends and policy implications: Mark Bray (Ed.), Hong Kong: Asian Development Bank and Comparative Education Research Centre, University of Hong Kong, 2002. pp. viii + 77, Price: $12.00 (paper)
by Kingdon, Geeta Gandhi - 650-650 The global market for higher education: sustainable competitive strategies for the new millennium: Tim Mazzarol and Geoffrey Norman Soutar, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2001. pp. vii+200, Price US $65 (hard cover)
by Ram, Rati - 650-651 Managing vocational training systems: a handbook for senior administrators: By Vladimir Gasskov. Geneva, Switzerland: International Labour Office, 2000. Pp. Xiv + 278. Price: $34.95 (paper)
by Mane, Ferran - 651-652 Improving educational productivity: Edited by David H. Monk, Herbert J. Walberg, and Margaret C. Wang. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing, 2001. pp. 243. Price: $63.95 (paper)
by Wassmer, Robert W. - 652-653 Working in the twenty-first century: policies for economic growth through training, opportunity, and education: David I. Levine. Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe, 1998 286pp. Price: US$36.95
by Leonard, W. Patrick - 653-654 Education and national development: priorities, policies, and planning: By Don Adams; Education in Developing Asia, Vol. 1, Mark Bray (Ed.) Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines, and Comparative Education Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2002, pp. vi+81. Price: US$12.00 (paper)
by Ng, Ying Chu
October 2003, Volume 22, Issue 5
- 449-449 Foreword to special issue in honour of George Psacharopoulos
by Cohn, Elchanan - 451-454 Curious George: the enduring Psacharopoulos legacy on the economics of education in developing countries
by Jimenez, Emmanuel & Patrinos, Harry Anthony - 455-467 On the mechanics of progress in primary education
by Mingat, Alain & Tan, Jee-Peng - 469-480 The complementarity of language and other human capital: immigrant earnings in Canada
by Chiswick, Barry R. & Miller, Paul W. - 481-502 Efficiency and equity in schools around the world
by Hanushek, Eric A. & Luque, Javier A. - 503-510 Education and earnings in a transition economy: the case of Vietnam
by Moock, Peter R. & Patrinos, Harry Anthony & Venkataraman, Meera - 511-521 Numeracy, literacy and earnings: evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
by Dougherty, Christopher - 523-536 Child labor and school enrollment in Thailand in the 1990s
by Tzannatos, Zafiris
August 2003, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 343-352 The impact of grading standards on student achievement, educational attainment, and entry-level earnings
by Betts, Julian R. & Grogger, Jeff - 353-366 The early employment and further education experiences of high school dropouts: a comparative study of the United States and Australia
by Rumberger, Russell W. & Lamb, Stephen P. - 367-377 The supply of public school quality
by Brasington, D. M. - 379-388 Determinants of school enrollment and completion of 10 to 18 year olds in China
by Connelly, Rachel & Zheng, Zhenzhen - 389-394 Overeducation: a short or long run phenomenon for individuals?
by Rubb, Stephen - 395-407 School quality and the distribution of male earnings in Canada
by Bedard, Kelly - 409-420 The effects of state policies, individual characteristics, family characteristics, and neighbourhood characteristics on grade repetition in the United States
by Corman, H. - 421-432 Can vocational education improve the wages of minorities and disadvantaged groups?: The case of Israel
by Neuman, Shoshana & Ziderman, Adrian - 433-438 The cost of specialized human capital
by Perri, T. J. - 439-443 Costs of asynchronous distance ventures
by Rothkopf, Ernst Z. - 445-446 Education and earning in Europe: Edited by Colm Harmon, Ian Walker, and Niels Westergaard-Nielson. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2001. ix+332 pp. Price: $95.00 (hardback)
by Blackburn, M. L. - 446-447 Meritocracy and Economic Inequality: Edited by Kenneth Arrow, Samuel Bowles, and Steven Durlauf. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2000. pp. xv + 348. Price $21.95 (paper)
by Owen, John D.
June 2003, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 223-235 The sources and uses of annual giving at selective private research universities and liberal arts colleges
by Ehrenberg, R. G. & Smith, C. L. - 237-247 Who benefits from a GED? Evidence for females from High School and Beyond
by Tyler, John H. & Murnane, Richard J. & Willett, John B. - 249-264 Measuring the determinants of school completion in Pakistan: analysis of censoring and selection bias
by Holmes, Jessica - 265-274 Design, evaluation, and sustainability of private schools for the poor: the Pakistan urban and rural fellowship school experiments
by Alderman, Harold & Kim, Jooseop & Orazem, Peter F. - 275-284 A study of the impact of public school spending on postsecondary educational attainment using statewide school district refinancing in Kansas
by Deke, John - 285-289 Technology adoption and labor training under uncertainty
by Gander, James P. - 291-305 Does cost of schooling affect enrollment by the poor? Universal primary education in Uganda
by Deininger, Klaus - 307-315 A new twist in the educational tracking debate
by Zimmer, Ron - 317-328 Economic transition and returns to education in China
by Li, Haizheng - 329-335 School resources and student achievement revisited: new evidence from panel data
by Hakkinen, Iida & Kirjavainen, Tanja & Uusitalo, Roope - 337-338 The Emerging Markets and Higher Education: Development and Sustainability: RoutledgeFalmer Studies in Higher Education, Volume 24. Edited by Matthew S. McMullen, James E. Mauch, and Bob Donnorummo. New York: RoutledgeFalmer, 2000. Price: $75.00 (cloth)
by Plank, David N. - 338-339 World Employment Report 2001: Life at Work in the Information Economy: Geneva: International Labour Office, 2001. pp. xv+371. $34.95 (paper)
by Weber, William L. - 339-340 Dollars, Distance, and Online Education: The New Economics of College Teaching and Learning: Martin J. Finkelstein, Carol Frances, Frank I. Jewett and Bernhard Scholz (Editors). Phoenix, AZ: The Oryx Press for The American Council of Education, 2000. xvii + 373pp. Price $39.95 (hardback)
by Roth, Andrew P. - 340-341 School Choice and Social Controversy: Politics, Policy and Law: S.D. Sugarman and F.R. Kenerer (Eds.); Washington, DC; Brookings Institution Press. 1999. pp. viii + 378. Price $19.95 (paper)
by Brasington, David M.
April 2003, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 109-120 Alumni giving to elite private colleges and universities
by Clotfelter, C. T. - 121-130 Patterns of giving to one's alma mater among young graduates from selective institutions
by Monks, James - 131-141 Peer effects on student achievement: evidence from Chile
by McEwan, Patrick J. - 143-156 Education and earnings: a multilevel analysis: A case study of the manufacturing sector in Iran
by Naderi, A. & Mace, J. - 157-166 Fast track or failure: a study of the graduation and dropout rates of Ph D students in economics
by van Ours, J. C. & Ridder, G. - 167-178 The effects of parents' psychiatric disorders on children's high school dropout
by Farahati, F. & Marcotte, D. E. & Wilcox-Gok, V. - 179-192 Earning differences by major field of study: evidence from three cohorts of recent Canadian graduates
by Finnie, Ross & Frenette, Marc - 193-201 School district size and student performance
by Driscoll, Donna & Halcoussis, Dennis & Svorny, Shirley - 203-212 The education and wages of immigrant children: the impact of age at arrival
by Gonzalez, Arturo - 213-220 Education, technical progress, and economic growth: the case of Taiwan
by Lin, T. -C. - 221-221 Oversold and underused: computers in the classroom: Larry Cuban. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press: 2001. 250 pp. Price $ 27.95 (cloth)
by Leonard, W. P. - 222-222 Revitalizing federal education research and development: improving the R&D centers, regional educational laboratories, and the "new" OERI: Maris A. Vinovskis. University of Michigan Press, USA, 2001, pp. xv + 273 Price $54.50 Cloth
by Leonard, W. P.
February 2003, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-10 Minimum wages and skill acquisition: another look at schooling effects
by Neumark, David & Wascher, William - 11-21 Minimum wages and school enrollment of teenagers: a look at the 1990's
by Chaplin, Duncan D. & Turner, Mark D. & Pape, Andreas D. - 23-30 Do community colleges really divert students from earning bachelor's degrees?
by Leigh, D. E. & Gill, A. M. - 31-43 Wage and test score dispersion: some international evidence
by Bedard, Kelly & Ferrall, Christopher - 45-57 Why have public university professors done so badly?
by Zoghi, Cindy - 59-67 Perceptions of female faculty treatment in higher education: which institutions treat women more fairly?
by Robst, John & VanGilder, Jennifer & Polachek, Solomon - 69-78 Intradistrict equity of public education resources and performance
by Iatarola, P. & Stiefel, L. - 79-88 A comparison of initial and early life course earnings of the German secondary education and training system
by Cooke, L. P. - 89-97 The efficiency of Australian universities: a data envelopment analysis
by Abbott, M. & Doucouliagos, C. - 99-107 Vocational education in Thailand: a study of choice and returns
by Moenjak, Thammarak & Worswick, Christopher
December 2002, Volume 21, Issue 6
- 523-541 Education and poverty in rural China
by Brown, Philip H. & Park, Albert - 543-556 How do young people choose college majors?
by Montmarquette, Claude & Cannings, Kathy & Mahseredjian, Sophie - 557-577 Determinants of salary growth in Shenzhen, China: an analysis of formal education, on-the-job training, and adult education with a three-level model
by Xiao, Jin - 579-588 The effects of school quality on income
by Wilson, Kathryn - 589-598 Where the boys aren't: non-cognitive skills, returns to school and the gender gap in higher education
by Jacob, Brian A. - 599-607 The effect of block scheduling high school mathematics courses on student achievement and teachers' use of time: implications for educational productivity
by Rice, Jennifer King & Croninger, Robert G. & Roellke, Christopher F. - 609-622 Changes in returns to education in India, 1983-94: by gender, age-cohort and location
by Duraisamy, P. - 623-633 Free-education in Sri Lanka. Does it eliminate the family effect?
by Ranasinghe, Athula & Hartog, Joop - 635-640 Absolute risk aversion and the returns to education
by Brunello, Giorgio - 641-642 Privatizing Education: Can the Marketplace Deliver Choice, Efficiency, Equity, and Social Cohesion?: Henry M. Levin (Ed.), Cambridge, MA: Westview Press, 2001, pp. xii + 359, index, Price $35.00 (paper)
by Getz, M. - 642-643 Improving the Odds: Increasing the Effectiveness of Publicly Funded Training: Burt S. Barnow and Christopher T. King (Eds.). Washington, DC: The Urban Institute Press, 2000. pp. xviii + 363 Price $24.00 paperback
by Robst, J. - 643-644 Cost-effectiveness analysis, 2nd Edition: Henry M. Levin and Patrick J. McEwan. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc., 2001. xx + 308 pp. Price: $32.95 (hardback)
by Brent, Brian O. - 644-645 The migration of knowledge workers: second-generation effects of India's brain drain: Binod Khadria. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1999. pp. 240. Price: [UK pound]27.50 (cloth)
by Carvajal, Manuel J. - 645-646 The states and public higher education policy: affordability, access, and accountability: Edited by Donald E. Heller. Baltimore, MD: The John Hopkins University Press, 2001. pp. ix+271. Price: $38.00 (cloth)
by Brown, William O. - 646-648 Catholic schools: private and social effects: William Sander. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001, xiv + 138 pages. Price $100.00 (hardback)
by Lee, V. E.
October 2002, Volume 21, Issue 5
- 401-414 Learning and earning in the middle, part II: state and local studies of pre-baccalaureate education
by Grubb, W. Norton - 415-429 Is a broader curriculum better?
by Dolton, P. J. & Vignoles, A. - 431-443 Does the choice of university matter?: a study of the differences across UK universities in life sciences students' degree performance
by Bratti, Massimiliano - 445-454 Merit, need, and student self selection: is there discretion in the packaging of aid at a large public university?
by Singell Jr., Larry D. - 455-470 Determinants of school attainment of boys and girls in Turkey: individual, household and community factors
by Tansel, Aysit - 471-480 A nested logit model of the choice of a graduate business school
by Montgomery, Mark - 481-489 On the dynamics of quality student enrollment at institutions of higher education
by Mayer-Foulkes, David - 491-496 Hedonic wage equations for higher education faculty
by Graves, Philip E. & Marchand, James R. & Sexton, Robert L. - 497-512 Student loans in Canada: an analysis of borrowing and repayment
by Schwartz, S. & Finnie, R. - 513-521 Growth and educational levels: a comparative analysis
by Petrakis, P. E. & Stamatakis, D.
August 2002, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 299-321 Learning and earning in the middle, part I: national studies of pre-baccalaureate education
by Grubb, W. Norton - 323-330 Market-based reforms of public schooling: some unpleasant dynamics
by Adnett, Nick & Bougheas, Spiros & Davies, Peter - 331-340 Intergenerational mobility, sibling inequality and borrowing constraints
by Gaviria, Alejandro - 341-351 Public university in Argentina: subsidizing the rich?
by Gonzalez Rozada, Martin & Menendez, Alicia - 353-365 Staying-on at school at 16: the impact of labor market conditions in Spain
by Petrongolo, Barbara & San Segundo, Maria J. - 367-380 Financing student loans in Thailand: revolving fund or open-ended commitment?
by Ziderman, Adrian - 381-392 Immigrant status, race, and institutional choice in higher education
by Hagy, Alison P. & Staniec, J. Farley Ordovensky - 393-394 All together now: creating middle-class schools through public choice: Richard D. Kahlenberg. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press. 2001. pp. xviii+379. Price: $29.95 (cloth)
by Binder, Melissa - 394-395 Book review: Youth unemployment and employment policy: a global perspective: Niall O'Higgins. Geneva: International Labour Office, 2001. pp. xii+212. Price: 27.50 Swiss Francs (paper)
by Lassibille, Gerard - 395-395 The price of admission: rethinking how Americans pay for college: Thomas J. Kane. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 1999. ix+164 pp. Price: US $36.95 (hardback), $15.95 (paperback)
by DesJardins, Stephen L. - 396-397 The market approach to education: an analysis of America's first voucher program: John F. Witte. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2000. pp. xiv+221. Price $ 29.95 (hardback)
by Mulligan, James G. - 397-398 R&D, education and productivity: a retrospective: Zvi Griliches. Cambridge Massachusetts, Harvard University Press, 2000. 127 pp., Price: $39.95, (hardback)
by McMahon, Walter W. - 398-399 Land-grant universities and extension into the 21st century: renegotiating or abandoning a social contract: George R. McDowell. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 2001, pp. xviii + 214. Price $ 59.95 (hardback)
by Cooper, Samuel - 399-400 Conflicting missions? Teachers unions and educational reform: Tom Loveless (Ed.). Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 2000. pp. vi + 328. Price: $44.95 (cloth), $18.95 (paper)
by Frey, Donald E.
June 2002, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 195-210 Estimating the return to investments in education: how useful is the standard Mincer equation?
by Bjorklund, Anders & Kjellstrom, Christian - 211-219 Model uncertainty and race and gender heterogeneity in the college entry decision
by Tobias, Justin L. - 221-229 Educational mismatch and wages: a panel analysis
by Bauer, Thomas K. - 231-243 Schooling, basic skills and economic outcomes
by Ishikawa, Mamoru & Ryan, Daniel - 245-262 Revisiting economies of size in American education: are we any closer to a consensus?
by Andrews, Matthew & Duncombe, William & Yinger, John - 263-275 The effects of overeducation on productivity in Germany -- the firms' viewpoint
by Buchel, Felix - 277-286 The demand for higher education: Pennsylvania's nonresident tuition experience
by Noorbakhsh, Abbas & Culp, David - 287-294 The underdetermination of instructor performance by data from the student evaluation of teaching
by Sproule, Robert - 295-296 Economic Principles for Education: Theory and Evidence: Clive R. Belfield, Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc., Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA, 2000, pp. x + 252, Price $90.00 cloth
by Cohn, E. - 296-297 Myth, reality, and reform: higher education policy in Latin America: Claudio De Moura Castro and Daniel C. Levy; Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, D.C., 2000, pp. vi+116, price US $19.95 paperback
by Hosni, Djehane - 297-297 High School Career Academies. A Pathway to Educational Reform in Urban School Districts?: Nan L. Maxwell and Victor Rubin, W.E. Upjohn Institute: Kalamazoo, Michigan, 2000. pp. ix + 237 Price $15.00 paperback
by Belfield, C.
April 2002, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 101-110 Financial resources, regulation, and enrollment in US public higher education
by Berger, Mark C. & Kostal, Thomas - 111-124 An analysis of the application and enrollment processes for in-state and out-of-state students at a large public university
by Curs, Bradley & Singell, Larry Jr. - 125-136 Tuition discounting: theory and evidence
by Martin, Robert E. - 137-152 High school career academies and post-secondary outcomes
by Maxwell, Nan L. & Rubin, Victor - 153-169 Higher education planning and the wages of workers with higher education in Taiwan
by Gindling, T. H. & Sun, Way - 171-184 Children from disrupted families as adults: family structure, college attendance and college completion
by Ver Ploeg, Michele - 187-187 Returns to Human Capital in Europe: A Literature Review: Edited by Rita Asplund and Pedro Telhado Pereira. Helsinki: ETLA, The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy, 1999, p. 368. Price: 250 FIM (paper)
by Groot, Wim - 187-188 When Schools Compete: A Cautionary Tale: Edward B. Fiske and Helen F. Ladd; Brookings Institution Press, Washington, DC, 2000, pp. vii+342, Price $47.95 cloth
by Rouse, C. E. - 189-189 The Roles of Evaluation for Vocational Education and Training: Plain Talk on the Field of Dreams: W. Norton Grubb and Paul Ryan; International Labour Office, Geneva, Switzerland, 1999, pp. v+195, Price $18.95 paperback
by Mane, F. - 189-191 Tuition Rising: Why College Costs So Much: Ronald G. Ehrenberg, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2000, pp. x+322, Price U.S.$39.95 cloth
by Cooper, Samuel - 191-192 Public Provision and Performance: Contributions from Efficiency and Productivity Measurement: Jos L.T. Blank (Ed.); Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 2000, pp. v+412. Price $95 cloth
by Zimmer, Ron W. & Brewer, Dominic J. - 192-194 The Overeducated Worker? The Economics of Skill Utilization: Lex Borghans and Andries de Grip (Eds); Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK 2000, pp. xvi+260, Price US$90.00 cloth
by Hartog, J.
February 2002, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-17 Implementing value-added measures of school effectiveness: getting the incentives right
by Ladd, Helen F. & Walsh, Randall P. - 19-27 Does employer-financed general training pay? Evidence from the US Navy
by Garcia, Federico & Arkes, Jeremy & Trost, Robert - 29-42 Critical mass in the production of Ph.D.s: a multi-disciplinary study
by Scott, Frank & Anstine, Jeff - 43-52 Can education expenditures reduce income inequality?
by Sylwester, Kevin - 53-62 Managing quality in higher education systems via minimal quality requirements: signaling and control
by Mizrahi, Shlomo & Mehrez, Abraham - 63-71 Stochastic frontier estimation of a CES cost function: the case of higher education in Britain
by Izadi, Hooshang & Johnes, Geraint & Oskrochi, Reza & Crouchley, Robert - 73-85 The value of education in a licensed profession: the choice of associate or baccalaureate degrees in nursing
by Spetz, Joanne - 87-100 Interstate variation in the use of fees to fund K-12 public education
by Wassmer, Robert W. & Fisher, Ronald C.
December 2001, Volume 20, Issue 6
- 517-531 Effects of key state policies on private colleges and universities: sustaining private-sector capacity in the face of the higher education access challenge
by Thompson, Fred & Zumeta, William - 533-543 Alumni giving at a small liberal arts college: evidence from consistent and occasional donors
by Wunnava, Phanindra V. & Lauze, Michael A. - 545-550 Loan burdens and educational outcomes
by Monks, James - 551-562 Redistributive fee increases, net attendance costs, and the distribution of students at the public university
by Hilmer, Michael J. - 563-576 The effect of grade retention on educational and labor market outcomes
by Eide, Eric R. & Showalter, Mark H. - 577-588 Examining the impact of capital on academic achievement
by Jones, John T. & W. Zimmer, Ron - 589-602 Measuring the relationship between resources and outcomes in higher education in the UK
by Belfield, C. R. & Fielding, A. - 603-604 New Markets, New Opportunities? Economic and Social Mobility in a Changing World: N. Birdsall and C. Graham (Eds.);. Brookings Institution Press, Washington, DC, 2000, pp. vii+331, Price: U.S. $24.95 paperback
by McKeown-Moak, M. P. - 604-604 Unpaid Professionals: Commercialism and Conflict in Big-Time College Sports.: Andrew Zimbalist, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1999, pp. xii + 252, Price US $24.95 cloth
by Frey, Donald E. - 605-605 Schools for Sale: Why Free Market Policies Won't Improve America's Schools and What Will: Ernest R. House, Teachers College Press, New York, 1998, pp. 158, Price: $43.00 cloth
by Goldhaber, Dan D. - 606-607 Vouchers and the Provision of Public Services: C.E. Steuerle, Van Doorn Ooms, George Peterson, and R.D. Reischauer (Eds), Brookings Institution Press, Washington D.C., 2000, pp. viii+552, Price $22.95 paperback
by Galvin, Patrick - 607-608 Needs-Based Resource Allocation in Education: Via Formula Funding of Schools: Kenneth N. Ross and Rosalind Levacic (Eds.), UNESCO Publishing, Paris, 1999, pp. xi + 257, Price $80.00 cloth
by Cooper, Samuel T. - 608-609 The shadow education system: private tutoring and its implications for planners: Mark Bray; UNESCO, International Institute for Educational Planning, 2000, pp. 27, Price $15.00 paper
by Chapman, D. W. - 609-611 Making money matter: financing America's schools: Helen F. Ladd and Janet S. Hansen (Eds); National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1999, pp. iv+352, Price US $39.95 cloth
by Wassmer, R. W. - 611-612 Private education in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA): A re-examination of theories and concepts related to its development and finance: Igor Kitaev; International Institute for educational planning, Paris, France, 1999, pp. 195, Price: $10.00 paperback
by Siphambe, Happy - 612-613 Education and Development: Measuring the Social Benefits: Walter W. McMahon; Oxford University Press, New York, 1999, pp. xiv + 299, Price U.S. $55 cloth
by Leigh, J. Paul - 613-614 Globalization and Educational Reform: What Planners Need to Know: Martin Carnoy; UNESCO: International Institute for Educational Planning, Paris, 1999, pp. 96, Price U.S.$15 paperback
by Ram, Rati
October 2001, Volume 20, Issue 5
- 417-429 Estimating school efficiency: A comparison of methods using simulated data
by Bifulco, Robert & Bretschneider, Stuart - 431-442 Is participation in high school athletics an investment or a consumption good?: Evidence from high school and beyond
by Eide, Eric R. & Ronan, Nick - 443-457 Determining the optimal size of study fields in Flemish secondary education
by Smet, Mike - 459-473 Higher standards, more dropouts? Evidence within and across time
by Lillard, Dean R. & DeCicca, Philip P. - 475-484 The determinants of university dropouts: a bivariate probability model with sample selection
by Montmarquette, Claude & Mahseredjian, Sophie & Houle, Rachel - 485-493 Grade targets and teaching innovations
by Allgood, Sam - 495-501 Was higher education a quasi-fixed factor for firms in the 1980s?
by Huang, Li-Hsuan - 503-510 Measuring social returns to higher education investments in Hong Kong: production function approach
by Voon, Jan P. - 511-512 The Economics of Knowledge Production: Funding and the Structure of University Research: Aldo Guena; Edward Elgar, Northampton, MA, 1999. pp. xix +205, Price: U.S.$80.00 (cloth)
by Johnes, Geraint - 512-514 The Shape of the River: Long-Term Consequences of Considering Race in College and University Admissions: William G. Bowen and Derek Bok, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ: 1998, pp. ix+472, Price: $24.95 cloth
by McPherson, M. S. - 514-515 Who's Not Working and Why: Employment, Cognitive Skills, Wages, and the Changing U.S. Labor Market: Frederick L. Pryor and David L. Schaffer, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1999, pp. vii+300, Price: U.S.$34.95 cloth
by Hall, Peter - 515-516 The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research: Charles Teddlie and David Reynolds, Falmer Press, London and New York, 2000, pp. xiii+411, Price $44.95 paperback
by Unnever, James D.
August 2001, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 307-307 Preface to special issue: in honor of John Riew
by Cohn, Elchanan - 309-310 Introduction to the special issue in honor of Professor John H. Riew
by Ribar, David C. - 311-320 Do different dimensions of male high school students' skills predict labor market success a decade later? Evidence from the NLSY
by Murnane, Richard J. & Willett, John B. & Braatz, M. Jay & Duhaldeborde, Yves - 321-341 Household schooling behaviors and decentralization
by Behrman, Jere R. & King, Elizabeth M. - 343-357 Intergenerational conflict reconsidered: county demographic structure and the demand for public education
by Ladd, Helen F. & Murray, Sheila E. - 359-375 Gender, poverty, family structure, and investments in children's education in Kinshasa, Congo
by Shapiro, David & Oleko Tambashe, B. - 377-388 Student performance, attrition, and class size given missing student data
by Becker, William E. & Powers, John R. - 389-399 Public for private: the relationship between public and private school enrollment in the Philippines
by Jimenez, Emmanuel & Sawada, Yasuyuki - 401-413 The effects of local employment opportunities on youths' work and schooling
by Ribar, David C.
June 2001, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 201-209 Tiebout sorting, aggregation and the estimation of peer group effects
by Rivkin, Steven G. - 211-224 Genetic and environmental contributions to educational attainment in Australia
by Miller, Paul & Mulvey, Charles & Martin, Nick - 225-233 Unobservable family effects and the apparent external benefits of education
by Gibson, John - 235-244 A principal component analysis of the U.S. News & World Report tier rankings of colleges and universities
by Webster, Thomas J. - 245-262 Do parental income and educational attainment affect the initial choices of New Hampshire's college-bound students?
by Toutkoushian, Robert K. - 263-278 A comparison of alternative specifications of the college attendance equation with an extension to two-stage selectivity-correction models
by Hilmer, Michael J. - 279-287 Efficiency and costs in education: year-round versus traditional schedules
by Daneshvary, Nasser & Clauretie, Terrence M. - 289-295 Sources of funds and quality effects in higher education
by Brown, William O. - 297-303 Multi-product total cost function for higher education: a case of bible colleges
by Koshal, Rajindar K. & Koshal, Manjulika & Gupta, Ashok - 305-306 The Private Costs of Public Schooling: Household and Community Financing of Primary Education in Cambodia;: Mark Bray; International Institute for Educational Planning and UNICEF. Paris 1999. 127 pp. Paperback. $10.00
by Coyne, Geoffrey
April 2001, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 105-119 The effects of state political interests and campus outputs on public university revenues
by Lowry, Robert C. - 121-138 Dynamic rates of return to education in the U.S
by Arias, Omar & McMahon, Walter W. - 139-149 Youth transition from school to work in Spain
by Lassibille, Gerard & Navarro Gomez, Lucia & Aguilar Ramos, Isabel & de la O Sanchez, Carolina - 151-163 Transfer from two-year to four-year college: an analysis of gender differences
by Surette, Brian J. - 165-180 Educational attainment and the gender wage gap: evidence from the 1986 and 1991 Canadian censuses
by Christie, Pamela & Shannon, Michael - 181-191 Post-school-age training among women: training methods and labor market outcomes at older ages
by Hill, Elizabeth T. - 193-194 Social Choice and the Quasi-market.: Edited by Geoffrey Walford. Oxfordshire, UK: Triangle Books, 1996. pp. 144. Price: $38.00 (paper)
by Kiesling, Herbert - 194-195 The Economics of Education: An Analysis of College-Going Behavior.: By Kazuhiro Arai. Sokosha, Japan: Springer, 1998. pp. vii+201. Price: DM148 (cloth)
by Heller, Donald E. - 195-196 Education Policy Analysis 1998.: By Centre for Educational Research and Innovation. Paris, France: Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, 1998 84 pp. Price: FF 120; U.S.$ 20.00 DM 36 (paper)
by Leonard, W. Patrick - 196-197 Processes of Transition in Education Systems: Elizabeth McLeish and David Phillips (Eds.); Symposium Books, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, 1998, pp. 102, Price $38.00 paperback
by Mitter, Wolfgang