- 27468 Selected statistical indicators of Caribbean countries, vol. XII, 1999
by - - 27461 Recent global economic developments
by - - 27460 Report of the workshops on the Free Trade Area of the Americas, competitiveness and standards
by - - 27459 The impact of trade liberalization and fluctuations of commodity prices on government finances: the case of Saint Lucia
by - - 27458 Competitiveness of the manufacturing and agro-industrial sectors in the Caribbean with a focus on Dominica, Guyana, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Trinidad and Tobago
by - - 27457 The impact of trade liberalization on government finances in Jamaica
by - - 27451 A study evaluating the effectiveness of science and technology networks operating in the subregion
by - - 27449 Caribbean implementation of WSSD+5
by - - 27448 Major statistical publications: abstracts
by - - 27447 The promotion and adoption of new technologies within the context of sustainable development
by - - 27446 A programme for science and technology management in the Caribbean-2000
by - - 27445 Technological dimensions of economic diversification and development in the Caribbean with specific reference to the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS)
by - - 27444 Renewable energy in the Caribbean: where we are: where we should be
by - - 27443 Report of the Inter-Agency Collaborative Group Meeting Preparatory to the Review and Appraisal of the Implementation of the World Summit for Social Development
by -
- 27441 The impact of immigration on Caribbean microstates: Bahamas, British Virgin Islands, Saint Maarten, United States Virgin Islands
by - - 27440 Plan of Action for the Eradication of Poverty in Belize
by - - 27439 Selected statistical indicators of Caribbean countries, vol. XI, 1998
by - - 27438 Intra-CDCC trade in the 1990s
by - - 27437 Directions for the reform process in the Caribbean
by - - 27436 A study of return migration to the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) territories and the British Virgin Islands in the closing years of the twentieth century: implications for social policy
by - - 27435 The contribution of remittances to social and economic development in the Caribbean
by - - 27434 A review of global economic developments: with comments regarding their impact on Caribbean policies, 1997
by - - 27433 Summary of Caribbean economic performance, 1997
by - - 27432 Selected statistical indicators of Caribbean countries: vol. X, 1997
by - - 27427 Revised draft work programme of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean for the biennium 2000-2001: subprogramme 12: subregional activities in the Caribbean
by - - 27426 Subprogramme 12: subregional activities in the Caribbean: biennium 2000-2001
by - - 27425 Revised draft work programme of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean for the 1998-1999 biennium: Subprogramme 11: subregional activities in the Caribbean
by -
- 38882 Report of the seminar on integrated water resource management: institutional and policy reform
by - - 38881 Report of the workshop on alternative uses of banana and banana products
by - - 27688 The Caribbean quest; information paper
by - - 27429 Interim report on administrative support arrangements for the Caribbean Council for Science and Technology
by - - 27428 Proposed activities of the CCST Secretariat for 1998
by - - 27421 Proposals for the liberalization of trade and investment in the Association of Caribbean States (ACS)
by - - 27419 Summary of global economic developments, 1996
by - - 27418 Major statistical publications: abstracts
by -
- 27430 Disaster assessment in the subregion: ECLAC's methodology
by - - 27424 Draft work programme of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean for the 1998-1999 biennium
by - - 27423 Proposed draft work programme of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean for the 1998-1999 biennium
by - - 27422 Working Group on Non-Independent Caribbean Countries (NICCs): report on activities related to NICCs
by - - 27417 Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA): a report on the progress of the preparations for negotiations
by - - 27416 Review of Caribbean economic performance, 1996: based on data for the period January to June 1996
by - - 27415 Financial liberalisation: its relevance and experiences in the Caribbean
by - - 27414 Selected statistical indicators of Caribbean countries: vols. VIII and IX
by - - 27413 Intra-ACS trade: an overview of CDCC trade with non-CDCC groupings
by - - 27412 Summary of Caribbean economic performance, 1995
by - - 27410 Strengthening development, interactions between macro and microeconomics: a summary, with comments on the Caribbean
by - - 27407 Summary of global economic developments, 1995
by -
- 38909 Summary of Caribbean Economic Performance
by - - 38892 Caribbean Meeting of Experts on Implementation of SIDS Programme of Action : Notes on agenda and documentation
by - - 38891 Summary report of the Caribbean meeting of experts on Implementation of the SIDS Plan of Action
by - - 27692 Social development and Social Summit (a report of Guyana, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago)
by Thomas, Clive Y - 27684 A critical review of the manufacturing sector in Trinidad and Tobago
by Toney, Hayden - 27406 Activities at the Caribbean subregional level in relation to the World Summit for Social Development
by - - 27404 Foreign direct investment in the Caribbean
by - - 27396 Factores que afectan a la participación de los países del Caribe en el Area de Libre Comercio de las Américas = Factors affecting the participation of Caribbean countries in the Free Trade Area of the Americas
by - - 27371 Intra-CDCC trade
by - - 27370 Offshore financial centres in the Caribbean
by -
- 27683 The business climate in Trinidad and Tobago through the eyes of the private sector
by Bibo, Clemens J - 27369 Major statistical publications: abstracts
by - - 27368 Summary of Caribbean economic performance for 1994 and overview of economic activities for 1993
by - - 27367 Selected statistical indicators of Caribbean countries: vol. VII
by -
- 27366 Structural adjustment and privatization: an examination of their relationship in four Caribbean countries
by - - 27365 Selected statistical indicators of Caribbean countries: vol. VI
by - - 27363 Agricultural statistics: Caribbean countries, vols. X and XI = Statistiques agricoles: pays des Caraïbes, vols. X et XI = Estadísticas agrícolas: países del Caribe, vols. X y XI
by -
- 27682 Social equity and changing production patterns: an interpretation of the integrated approach
by Henry, André - 27411 Women in development bibliography
by - - 27362 Revised compendium of institutions and agencies with activities or interests in science and technology
by - - 27361 Selected statistical indicators of Caribbean countries: vol. V
by - - 27360 Overview of economic activities in the Caribbean 1991
by - - 27359 Agricultural statistics: Caribbean countries, vol. IX = Statistiques agricoles: pays des Caraïbes, vol. IX = Estadísticas agrícolas: países del Caribe, vol. IX
by - - 27347 List of Caribbean Ministers of Planning and Heads of Planning Offices
by - - 27346 Forecasting tourist arrivals in the Caribbean
by -
- 44161 National population policy for St. Lucia
by - - 27551 Caribbean population and development trends and interrelations: a 1990-1991 assessment, volume 2
by - - 27550 Caribbean population and development trends and interrelations: a 1990-1991 assessment, volume 1
by - - 27549 Regional digest of selected demographic and social indicators 1960-1990
by - - 27358 Overview of economic activities in the Caribbean: 1990
by - - 27356 The ninth Annual Report of the Caribbean Council for Science and Technology (CCST)
by - - 27355 Population and development in St. Lucia
by - - 27354 Caribbean patents index: No 2
by - - 27351 Savings in the Caribbean
by - - 27350 CCST work programme 1991-1992
by - - 27349 Compendium of institutions and agencies with activities or interests in science and technology
by - - 27345 Preliminary examination of possibilities for increased trade between CARICOM and non-CARICOM CDCC countries: draft
by - - 27344 Selected statistical indicators of Caribbean countries: vol. IV
by - - 27343 Women workers in the Caribbean: a selection of ECLAC research
by - - 27338 Major statistical publications: abstracts
by - - 27337 The evolution of services in Caribbean economies 1980-1989: some reflections on past performance and prospects for the future, with special emphasis on tourism services
by - - 27336 Summary of ongoing extrabudgetary projects undertaken by the CDCC Secretariat for the biennium 1990-1991
by - - 27334 Situación comparativa de la mujer en algunos países del Caribe según determinados parámetros sociales, económicos, demográficos y legales = Comparative status of women in selected Caribbean countries as indicated by selected social, economic, demographic and legal parameters
by -
- 27690 The use of computer software in the research on women in trade
by Maughan, Wayne - 27685 Participation of women in Caribbean development: inter-island trading and export processing zones
by St. Cyr, Joaquín - 27357 Overview of economic activities in the Caribbean: 1989
by - - 27352 Trade procedure guide (part XV): Montserrat
by - - 27348 Intercensal estimates by age and sex for Caribbean populations 1970-1980
by - - 27333 Selected statistical indicators of Caribbean countries: vol. III
by - - 27330 Development planning: reflections and reconsiderations
by - - 27329 Export trends and performance for Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago, 1980-1987
by - - 27328 Resource flows to the Caribbean in the 1980s
by - - 27327 Sustainable development in the Caribbean
by Blommestein, Erik - 27325 Caribbean patents index: No 1
by - - 27324 Women in development bibliography
by - - 27321 Selected statistical indicators of Caribbean countries: vol. II
by -
- 44156 CARISPLAN: abstracting manual
by - - 27689 Aspects of law relating to the status of women in the Caribbean with particular reference to selected CDCC countries
by Forde, Norma Mónica - 27680 Export trends and performance for Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago, 1980-1987
by - - 27678 Export industrialization and women
by - - 27673 The international traders of Haiti: the Madam Sara
by Plotkin, Donna - 27332 The informal trade in the Leeward Islands
by - - 27326 Comparative status of women in selected Caribbean countries as indicated by selected social, economic, demographic and legal parameters
by - - 27323 Report on Conference on the Organization and Financing of Sewerage Sector Development
by -
- 27681 Co-operation among state trading organizations in the Caribbean
by Smikle, Conrad V. - 27677 Report of the Ad Hoc Group of Experts' Meeting on Trade Finance, Transnational Banks and External Finance
by - - 27319 Women as recipients of services in the national budget of Saint Christopher and Nevis
by Bishop, Myrtle - 27318 Women traders in Guyana
by Holder, Yvonne - 27316 Institutional Authority File
by - - 27315 Agricultural statistics: Caribbean countries, vol. VIII = Statistiques agricoles: pays des Caraïbes, vol. VIII = Estadísticas agrícolas: países del Caribe, vol. VIII
by - - 27314 Women traders in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
by Lagro, Monique - 27313 Las marchantas en la República Dominicana
by Piñeda, Magaly
- 27676 The United States, Latin America and the international debate on trade in services
by Rodríguez Mendoza, Miguel - 27674 Creole discourse and social development
by Carrington, Lawrence D. - 27605 Population policy formulation and integration of population in development planning in the Caribbean-Jamaica's experience
by Boland, Barbara - 27604 Preliminary results and tables from GUYREDEM
by - - 27603 Report on the Retrospective Demographic Survey of Guyana (GUYREDEM)
by - - 27317 Information science and the new information technologies: a bibliography
by - - 27295 The Caribbean in the context of the global economic crisis
by - - 27294 Selected statistical indicators of Caribbean countries
by - - 27293 Caribbean Information System for Economic and Social Planning (CARISPLAN): Institution Authority File
by - - 27290 La familia caribeña como agente del desarrollo
by Cuales, Sonia M. - 27288 Future orientations for the CDCC project for the removal of language barriers in the Caribbean
by Solomon, Denis - 27285 Agriculture sector policy and macro-economic planning
by - - 27283 Mujeres como beneficiarias de servicios financiados por recursos asignados en el presupuesto nacional de la República Dominicana
by Báez, Clara
- 27602 Report of the Second Regional Training Seminar on Population Policy Formulation
by - - 27600 Address to Regional Workshop on "Population and Development" for Family Planning
by Applewhite, Clyde - 27289 Agricultural statistics: Caribbean countries, vol. VII = Statistiques agricoles: pays de la Caraïbe, vol. VII = Estadísticas agrícolas: países del Caribe, vol. VII
by - - 27287 Preliminary report on population projections (1980-2015) for nine Caribbean countries
by Boland, Barbara - 27284 Women as the recipients of services from resources allocated in the national budget of Jamaica
by Davies, Rose - 27282 Women as the recipients of services from resources allocated in the national budget of Dominica
by Bishop, Myrtle - 27281 Joint ECLAC
by - - 27274 List of Caribbean Ministers of Planning and Heads of Planning Offices
by - - 27273 Towards a new planning approach in the small Caribbean countries
by Ortegón, Edgar - 27272 Questionnaire analysis special library units in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago establishment, location and orientation of units
by Busby, Lancelot A. - 27270 Towards bibliographic control in the Caribbean: the Caribbean Information System
by Modeste, Judith & Shepherd, Cathy - 27269 Environment in Caribbean development: a regional view
by Blommestein, Erik - 27268 Tourism-environment-development: the role of an environmental impact assessment and beyond
by Blommestein, Erik - 27267 Rules of procedure for regular and
by - - 27266 Mission report to the Caribbean countries implemented by the Joint ECLAC
by - - 27265 Survey of the preparation, publishing and printing of educational materials for the Caribbean
by MacPherson, John - 27240 Review of activities in transport and communications (1975-1985)
by -
- 27672 Report on the programme of work Caribbean Development and Co-operation Committee (CDCC) ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean: January-June 1985
by - - 27671 Deepening the customs union relationship in the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States
by Clarke, Silbourne St. A. - 27670 Project proposal for the establishment of a Caribbean Cooperative Agricultural Research Network
by - - 27601 Training in demographic analysis; final report
by - - 27278 Declaración constitutiva y funciones y reglamento del Comité de Desarrollo y Cooperación del Caribe (CDCC)
by - - 27276 Report on a survey of agro-industrial activities in the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States
by - - 27263 Trip report vital statistics assessment and training programme British Virgin Islands, July 11-19, 1985
by Boxhill, Wally - 27241 Tourism and environment in Caribbean development with emphasis on the Eastern Caribbean
by - - 27238 Eclac
by - - 27237 Women traders in Trinidad and Tobago
by Phillips, Daphne - 27236 Women as the recipients of services from resources allocated in the national budget of St. Vincent and the Grenadines
by St. Cyr, Joaquín - 27235 Women as the recipients of services from resources allocated in the national budget of Saint Lucia
by St. Cyr, Joaquín - 27234 United Nations International Conference on Population, Mexico City, 1985: implications for population activities in the Caribbean
by Boland, Barbara - 27233 Resolutions on the establishment and functioning of the Caribbean Development and Co-operation Committee
by -
- 27669 View of the Caribbean
by Harker, Trevor - 27668 Customs union - effects, gains (losses): analytical considerations for the ECCM customs union operations
by Clarke, Silbourne St. A. - 27667 Towards fuller customs union operations within the OECS: preliminary overview
by Clarke, Silbourne St. A. - 27335 Trade procedure guide
by - - 27262 Caribbean maritime traffic model
by Rothengatter, Werner - 27260 Calendar of meetings of the Economic Commission for Latin America Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean, 1984
by - - 27259 Present state and trends in science and technology policies in the Caribbean
by - - 27257 Training Seminar on Community Participation Methodology (I), Port-of-Spain, 29 March 1984
by - - 27256 Guide to the presentation of typewritten correspondence and documents
by - - 27248 Conceptual frame of the ECCM customs union operations
by Clarke, Silbourne St. A. - 27243 Secretariat organization for eighth session CDCC, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, 6-12 June 1984: draft
by - - 27239 Agricultural statistics: Caribbean countries, vol. VI = Statistiques agricoles: pays de la Caraïbe, vol. VI = Estadísticas agrícolas: países del Caribe, vol. VI
by - - 27232 Proyecto de programa de trabajo del Comité de Desarrollo y Cooperación del Caribe, 1986-87 = Proposed programme of work of the Caribbean Development and Co-operation Committee, 1986-87
by - - 27225 Critical review of the rural agro-based industries project proposal
by Clarke, Silbourne St. A. - 27223 What of an agriculture / rural agro-industries continuum?
by Clarke, Silbourne St. A. - 27222 Integration and co-operation in the Caribbean 1981-1983
by -
- 27666 The role of women in agriculture in three Eastern Caribbean states: Grenada, Saint Lucia and St. Vincent
by Springer, Basil - 27665 Assessment of the use of the Caribbean Information System in Jamaica
by Ononaiwu, Arlene T.P - 27280 Proposed agreement establishing the Caribbean enterprise for the production and distribution of printed and audio-visual materials
by Draper, Gordon M. - 27279 Report of the joint CDCC
by - - 27254 Note on ECLA
by Clarke, Silbourne St. A. - 27247 Participation in the Caribbean Development and Co-operation Committee: juridical aspects
by Clarke, Silbourne St. A. - 27246 Note on CDCC Focus newsletter
by Clarke, Silbourne St. A. - 27230 Caribbean enterprise for the production and distribution of printed and audio-visual materials: a pre-feasibility study
by Draper, Gordon M. - 27226 Major statistical publications: abstracts
by - - 27224 Women as the recipients of services from resources allocated in the national budget of Trinidad and Tobago
by St. Cyr, Joaquín - 27221 CARISPLAN procedure manual: institutional author record card
by - - 27219 CARISPLAN procedure manual: for the use of the personal author record card
by - - 27216 Resolutions of the establishment and functioning of the Caribbean Development and Co-operation Committee
by - - 27213 Caribbean
by - - 27212 Manual for use of the bibliographic record card
by - - 27211 Updated information note on the Caribbean Council for Science and Technology
by - - 27210 Progress report priority project on the removal of language barriers
by - - 27208 Statutes of the Caribbean Council for Science and Technology
by - - 27206 Production of food for consumption and export: the need to achieve optimal balance
by Clarke, Silbourne St. A.