- 38783 Preliminary overview of Caribbean economies 2005
by - - 38782 Meeting of the expanded core group for the establishment of a Regional Coordinating Mechanism for the implementation of the Mauritius Strategy
by - - 38779 Changing population age structures and their implications on socio-economic development in the Caribbean
by - - 38765 Economic survey of the Caribbean 2005-2006
by - - 38760 Guyana: the impact on sustainable livelihoods caused by the December 2005 - Feburary 2006 flooding
by - - 38759 Report of the workshop on indicators for follow up of the Agro 2015 plan for the improvement of agricultural and rural life in the Summit of the Americas
by - - 38755 The operation and management of agencies and institutions working in the field of science and technology in selected CDCC member countries
by - - 38540 Report of the twenty-first session of the Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee (CDCC)
by - - 38437 Challenges to Caribbean Tourism
by - - 38436 Cruise ship tourism in the Caribbean: Is the tail wagging the dog?
by - - 38429 The Costs and benefits of Financial Globalization in the Caribbean Subregion
by - - 38428 The new United States Farm Bill and its implications for the Caribbean
by - - 38419 Should the Caribbean seek a US-CARICOM Free Trade Agreement?
by - - 38418 An Analysis of Trade Flows Between Puerto Rico and CARICOM
by - - 38417 Free Trade between CARIFORUM and the European Union: Potential Impacts
by - - 38416 Industrialisation Strategy in the Caribbean: Lessons from the Puerto Rican Experience
by - - 38415 Wither the Agricultural Sector in the Caribbean?
by - - 38414 The Group of 8 External Debt Cancellation: Effects and implications for Guyana
by - - 38413 The Fourth Summit of the Americas and its Relevance to the Caribbean
by - - 38412 Free Trade between CARIFORUM and the European Union: Potential Impacts
by - - 38410 200 Million Migrants Worldwide
by - - 38409 A Passage to Hope: Women and International Migration
by - - 38385 The girl child and boys in the Caribbean: progress and challenges
by - - 27625 Selected statistical indicators of Caribbean countries, vol. XIX, 2006
by - - 27615 Debt accumulation in the Caribbean: origins, consequences and strategies
by Pérez Caldentey, Esteban - 27614 Challenges in implementation of the Mauritius Strategy for further implementation of the Small Islands Developing States Programme of Action (MSI) in the Caribbean
by - - 27613 Migration in the Caribbean: brain-drain, remittances, diaspora
by - - 27598 Guyana: the impact on sustainable livelihoods caused by the December 2005-February 2006 flooding
by - - 27596 The operation and management of agencies and institutions working in the field of science and technology in selected CDCC member countries
by - - 27595 Fiscal policy and tax reform in the Caribbean
by - - 27594 Caribbean priorities in implementation of the Small Island Developing States Programme of Action (SIDS/POA)
by - - 27592 Exploiting the potential of the Caribbean information society as an enabler of human development in the region
by - - 27591 Nutrition, gender and poverty in the Caribbean subregion
by - - 27590 Economic survey of the Caribbean, 2005-2006
by -
- 38826 An assessment of social vulnerability and resilience in poverty reduction strategy papers (PRSPS/I-PRSPS) of selected Caribbean SIDS
by - - 38825 Economic survey of the Caribbean 2004-2005
by - - 38824 Reproductive health and rights: HIV/AIDS amd gender equality
by - - 38823 Agricultural transformation and Gender considerations in Caribbean Economics
by - - 38822 Preliminary overview of Caribbean economies 2004-2005
by - - 38819 Major statistical publications- abstracts. Vol VIII
by - - 38815 Guyana: socio-economic assessment of the damages and losses caused by the Janurary-Feburary 2005 flooding
by - - 38811 Tobago yachting study
by - - 38810 Report on the national training workshop in the ECLAC methodology for estimating the socio-economic and environmental effects of disasters. 19-21 April 2005, Cayman Islands
by - - 38807 Report of the Expert Group Meeting: A Caribbean perspective on the summit of the Americas: employment, poverty and democratic governance
by - - 38806 Issues in the development of a regional mechanism/consultative framework for effective coordinated and coherent implementation of the Barbados Programme of Action/ Mauritius Strategy in the Caribbean
by - - 38805 Migration in the Caribbean- What do we know?: an overview of data, politics and programmes at the international and regional levels to address critical issues
by - - 38804 Report of the meeting on developing an agenda to address equity gaps in Caribbean SIDS
by - - 38797 Information and communications technology in the Caribbean: Stocktaking report
by - - 38795 The Contonou Agreement: Selected issues, effects and implications for Caribbean economies
by - - 38791 Growth, debt and finance in the Caribbean
by - - 38789 Financial intermediation and its impact on capital formation in the context of the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME)
by - - 38788 Issues and challenges in Caribbean cruise ship tourism
by - - 38787 Caribbean tourism and agriculture: Linking to enhance development and competitiveness
by - - 38786 Restructuring Caribbean industries to meet the challenge of trade liberalisation
by - - 38388 Gender and HIV/AIDS
by - - 38387 Combatting violence against women: actions and strategies
by - - 38386 Integrating gender into macroeconomic policy and The use of gender indicators in public policy-making
by - - 38384 Gender and the Millennium Development Goals
by - - 27589 Major statistical publications: abstracts
by - - 27588 Issues in the development of a regional mechanism
by - - 27587 Needs assessment of economic planning units in gender analysis in selected Caribbean countries
by - - 27585 Comparison of the socio-economic impacts of natural disasters on Caribbean societies in 2004
by - - 27584 The Cotonou Agreement: selected issues, effects and implications for Caribbean countries
by - - 27583 Report on science and technology infrastructure and policy in selected member and associate member countries of the CDCC
by - - 27582 Grenada: a gender impact assessment of hurricane Ivan - making the invisible visible
by - - 27581 Labour market trends and implications of regional integration
by - - 27580 New technologies and methodologies for intervention to promote development
by - - 27579 Gender review and assessment of HIV
by - - 27578 Long term growth in the Caribbean: a balance of payments constraint approach
by - - 27577 Information and communications technology in the Caribbean: stocktaking report
by - - 27576 Caribbean small states, vulnerability and development
by - - 27574 Social security in the English-speaking Caribbean
by - - 27573 The statistical infrastructure of Caribbean countries
by - - 27572 Strategies of "industrialization by invitation" in the Caribbean
by - - 27571 Social security reforms and their implications for the Caribbean
by - - 27570 Guyana: socio-economic assessment of the damages and losses caused by the January-February 2005 flooding
by - - 27569 Selected statistical indicators of Caribbean countries, vol. XVII, 2004
by - - 27568 Measuring the information society in the Caribbean: an assessment of the capabilities of statistical offices in CDCC member states
by - - 27567 Preliminary overview of Caribbean economies, 2004-2005
by -
- 38846 Disaster assessment training manual for SIDS
by - - 27566 Population ageing in the Caribbean: longevity and quality of life
by - - 27565 Sustainable agriculture and the development of the Amerindians in Guyana: the case of the marabuma/hosororo organic cocoa project
by - - 27563 Free trade and the development of sustainable agriculture in the Caribbean
by - - 27562 Economic survey of the Caribbean, 2003-2004
by - - 27561 Major issues in the management of enclosed or semi-enclosed seas, with particular reference to the Caribbean Sea
by - - 27559 The convergent/divergent economic trajectories of Puerto Rico and the United States
by - - 27558 Survey of potentially new technologies that will impact on Caribbean development
by - - 27557 Youth, unemployment and the Caribbean information society: a challenge and an opportunity
by - - 27554 Challenges in meeting the monitoring requirements of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs): an examination of selected social statistics for four Caribbean small island developing states
by - - 27552 Issues, effects and implications of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) Agreement for CARICOM economies
by - - 27548 Preliminary overview of Caribbean economies, 2003-2004
by - - 27547 Yachting in the Eastern Caribbean: a regional overview
by -
- 38861 Population ageing in the Caribbean: An inventory of policies, programmes and future challenges
by - - 38860 A review of energy policies in the subregion and the impediments to introduction of new and renewable energy sources in the region
by - - 38859 Eliminating gender-based violence ensuring equality: ECLAC/UNIFEM assessment of actions
by - - 38391 Regional Conference on Gender-based Violence and the Administration of Justice held in Port-of-Spain
by - - 38389 Domestic Workers in Jamaica
by - - 27650 Social policy in the Caribbean, its history and development: the evolution of social policy and its modern influences in the Caribbean
by Brown, Dennis A.V. - 27560 Global economic developments, 2001-2003
by - - 27546 Fiscal trends and policy issues and implications for the Caribbean
by - - 27545 Progress made in the implementation of the CARICOM single market and economy
by - - 27544 Economic overview of Caribbean economies, 2002-2003
by - - 27543 Caribbean tourism, trends, policies and impact, 1985-2002
by - - 27541 The Netherlands Antilles: trade and integration with CARICOM (revisited)
by - - 27540 The yachting sector: Dominica
by - - 27539 Selected statistical indicators of Caribbean countries, vol. XVI, 2003
by - - 27538 CARIBTRADE, trade statistics database: user manual
by - - 27537 Export promotion policies in CARICOM Caribbean economies
by - - 27536 Conceptual and definitional approaches to sustainable development
by - - 27535 Comparative study of policies on technology and industry in the Caribbean and their effects on development
by - - 27534 Criteria for the efficient coordination of the activities for data collection and the design of instruments for mapping and data collection applicable to countries of the Caribbean
by - - 27533 Review of the implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States in the Caribbean subregion, 1994-2003: summary
by - - 27532 Emigration of nurses from the Caribbean: causes and consequences for the socio-economic welfare of the country, Trinidad and Tobago: a case study
by - - 27530 Manual for the compilation of science and technology indicators in the Caribbean
by - - 27529 Major statistical publications: abstracts
by - - 27528 Report of the Grenada national yachting consultation
by - - 27527 A review of Caribbean tourism in the 1990s and at the beginning of the new century
by - - 27526 Developments in relation to the proposal for securing the international recognition of the Caribbean sea as a special area in the context of sustainable development
by - - 27525 Analysis of trade flows between Puerto Rico and CARICOM and prospects for integration
by - - 27524 Impact of new technologies on the development process in the Caribbean region
by - - 27522 The impact of foreign direct investment on patterns of specialisation in the Caribbean
by - - 27521 The development of services in the Caribbean
by - - 27518 Exchange rate regimes in the Caribbean
by - - 27517 Domestic violence and the law in the Turks and Caicos Islands: directions for law reform
by - - 27512 Preliminary overview of Caribbean economies, 2002
by -
- 38869 Saint Lucia: the Yachting Sector
by - - 38868 Jamaica: Macro-socio-economic assessment of the damage done by flood rains and landslides May 2002
by - - 38867 St. Maarten the yachting sector
by - - 38431 The Doha Ministerial and its Implications for Caribbean Economies
by - - 38430 The United States and Central America proposed Free Trade Agreement implications for the Caribbean region
by - - 38420 Implications of the Liberalization of Telecommunications for the Caribbean
by - - 38393 Welcome to new Heads of the Gender Department
by - - 38392 Attitudes to Domestic Violence in Dominica: Some research findings
by - - 27523 Adoption and application of information technology in the Caribbean and its contribution to scientific, technological and human resource development
by - - 27511 The production of statistical data and information in the Caribbean: proposals for increasing efficiency in this sphere
by - - 27510 Notes on the economic perspective for the Caribbean subregion
by - - 27509 Economic overview of Caribbean countries
by - - 27507 The development of science and technology indicators in the Caribbean
by - - 27506 Intra-CDCC trade and investment
by - - 27505 Incorporation of special and differential treatment in international trade agreements and the implications for Caribbean economies
by Leslie, Winsome L. - 27504 Data collection system for domestic violence
by St. Bernard, Godfrey Christopher - 27503 Global economic developments, 2000-2001
by -
- 38434 The efficacy of Caribbean industrial policy in the new era of globalization
by - - 38433 The Implications of the European Union's EBA for the Caribbean
by - - 38396 Violence against women and “Male Marginalisation” in the Caribbean
by - - 38395 Thirty-third Board of Presiding Officers Meeting to be held in Port-of-Spain
by - - 38394 The Invisible Majority: what feminist economics can offer
by - - 27516 Assessment of the damage caused by flood rains and landslides in association with hurricane Michelle, october 2001: implications for economic, social and environmental development
by - - 27515 Report on the production of trade statistics in the Caribbean region
by - - 27514 Economic survey notes, 1999
by - - 27513 Establishing social statistical databases for evidenced-based social policy formulation in the Caribbean
by - - 27502 The Netherlands Antilles: trade and integration with CARICOM
by Gonzales, Peter - 27501 Quality of life: a compendium of social statistics of five Caribbean countries (1995-2001)
by - - 27500 Progress made by Caribbean countries in the WTO built-in agenda on services and intellectual property rights
by - - 27499 Status of implementation of the System of National Accounts (SNA) 1993 in selected Caribbean countries
by - - 27498 Summary of resolutions recently adopted by the United Nations General Assembly which may be of special interest to member countries of the CDCC
by - - 27495 Information, information management and governance
by - - 27494 Caribbean policy response to the information age: a review of government information and communications technology policy and services in selected Caribbean countries
by - - 27493 Problems relating to technology transfer mechanisms in the Caribbean
by - - 27492 The impact of privatisation on the banking sector in the Caribbean
by - - 27491 Advancing gender equality in the Caribbean: legislative approaches to sex discrimination
by - - 27490 Trade, environment and development: implications for Caribbean countries
by - - 27489 Trade and investment flows between the Caribbean and the rest of the hemisphere in the context of the FTAA
by - - 27488 An evaluative study of the implementation of domestic violence legislation: Antigua and Barbuda, St. Kitss
by - - 27487 Summary of Caribbean economic performance, 2000
by - - 27485 Application of the concepts of agro-tourism, agricultural diversification and food and nutrition for the development of Caribbean communities with reference to standards and priority setting
by - - 27484 Development social policy for youth with special reference to young men in Saint Lucia
by - - 27483 New technologies in agriculture
by - - 27482 Major statistical publications: abstracts
by - - 27481 An analysis of economic and social development in Barbados: a model for Small Island Developing States
by Downes, Andrew S. - 27480 Recent developments in intra-CDCC trade
by - - 27479 The status of biodiversity and bioprospecting efforts in the Caribbean subregion
by - - 27478 The SIDS programme of action, agenda Twenty One: the road to Johannesburg, 2002
by - - 27476 Macroeconomic policies in the Caribbean
by - - 27474 Implementation of the ECLAC/CDCC work programme for the 2000-2001 biennium : up to January 2001
by - - 27473 Special and differential treatment in the FTAA
by - - 27472 Copenhagen +5: the Special Session on Social Development in 2000: issues of relevance to the Caribbean
by -
- 38398 Gender Dialogue : Message from the Editor
by - - 38397 Meeting held on engendering macroeconomic policy
by - - 27691 The CDCC into the new millennium: meeting the challenges of the future; a discussion paper
by - - 27477 Selected statistical indicators of Caribbean countries, vol. XIII, 2000
by - - 27471 Global economic developments, 1999
by - - 27470 Poverty and social integration in the Caribbean
by - - 27469 Reconceptualizing social indicators in the Caribbean: a review and discussion
by - - 27467 Belize: assessment of the damage caused by hurricane Keith, 2000: list of project profiles for the reconstruction process
by - - 27466 Belize: assessment of the damage caused by hurricane Keith, 2000: implications for economic, social and environmental development
by - - 27465 The failure of Seattle and its implications
by - - 27463 The phenomenon of ageing and the situation of older persons in the Caribbean
by - - 27462 Industrialization, new technologies and competitiveness in the Caribbean
by - - 27456 Study of gender mainstreaming in the Caribbean
by - - 27455 ECLAC/CDCC through the years : twenty-five years of Caribbean research
by - - 27454 The Caribbean in the decade of the 90s: summary
by - - 27452 Draft proposed programme of work of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean for the 2002-2003 biennium
by - - 27450 The vulnerability of the small island developing states of the Caribbean
by -
- 38876 Achieving gender equality: A preliminary documentation on the use of gender planning as part of the gender mainstreaming process among selected Caribbean countries
by - - 27496 Approaches and methodologies used in the preparation of economic projections in Caribbean countries: difficulties and suggestions for improvement
by -