- 27769 Progress report for period April-August 1970
by - - 27768 Suggested criteria for revision of WISS Freight Tariff No 3
by - - 27767 Caribbean Regional Seminar on Central Services to Local Authorities: an aide memoire
by - - 27766 Draft legislation on insurance
by Husain, M. - 27765 Some areas for regional action in the field of human resources development
by - - 27753 Considerations concerning the introduction of the ECCM Tariff
by Liebich, F.K. - 27752 Social security planning in the Caribbean: contributory provident fund scheme with draft legislation
by Husain, M. - 27750 Suggestions regarding the principles which may be adopted by the Caribbean countries in negotiating agreements for the avoidance of double taxation with developed countries
by Husain, M. - 27651 Work programme as presented in ECLA budget estimated for 1971 and planning estimates for 1972 dated 16 December 1969
by - - 27377 Developments in the process of integration among the CARIFTA countries
by - - 27375 Note on the issue of treasury bills in Saint Lucia with the necessary draft legislation and forms
by Husain, M. - 27186 Small vessel shipping in the Eastern Caribbean: draft
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- 27401 Draft common external tariff for the East Caribbean Common Market
by - - 27400 Negotiating machinery for Caribbean countries: note on negotiations with overseas shipping interests
by - - 27399 Preliminary notes on shipping conference practices and methods of consultations
by - - 27398 Note on organization of inter-island shipping service in the CARIFTA area
by - - 27374 Trade policy questions related to the introduction of the ECCM tariff
by - - 27373 Some aspects of community development in the Caribbean
by - - 27372 Recent steps towards multilateral economic co-operation in the Caribbean
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