May 2014, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 75-99 The Determinants of Chemical Input Use in Agriculture: A Dynamic Analysis of the Wine Grape–Growing Sector in France
by Aubert, Magali & Enjolras, Geoffroy - 100-103 DAVID KENNARD (Director): A Year in Burgundy. Written by David Kennard. InCA Productions, 2013, 91 minutes
by Stavins, Robert N. - 103-107 RALF FRENZEL (Ed.): Riesling, Robert Weil. Tre Torri, Wiesbaden, Germany, 2013, 255 pp., ISBN 978-3-941641-94-5 (English), €49.90
by Schiller, Christian G.E.
December 2013, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 243-243 Introduction to the Issue
by Anonymous - 244-284 The Political Economy of European Wine Regulations
by Meloni, Giulia & Swinnen, Johan - 285-293 The Demand for Expert Opinion: Bordeaux Wine
by Ashenfelter, Orley & Jones, Gregory V. - 294-317 Robust Demand Elasticities for Wine and Distilled Spirits: Meta-Analysis with Corrections for Outliers and Publication Bias
by Nelson, Jon P. - 318-334 On the Information Content of Wine Notes: Some New Algorithms?
by Klimmek, Martin - 335-354 Alcohol Consumption and Political Ideology: What's Party Got to Do with It?
by Yakovlev, Pavel A. & Guessford, Walter P. - 355-357 DAVID ROACH and WARWICK ROSS (Directors): Red Obsession. Written by David Roach and Warwick Ross. Lion Rock Films, 2013, 75 minutes
by Stavins, Robert N. - 357-359 JAMES THORNTON: American Wine Economics: An Exploration of the U.S. Wine Industry. University of California Press, Berkeley, California, 2013, 368 pp., ISBN 978-0520276499, $39.95 (cloth)
by Jaeger, David A. - 359-360 HUGH JOHNSON and JANCIS ROBINSON: The World Atlas of Wine, 7th edition. Mitchell Beazley, London, 2013, 400 pp., ISBN 978-1-845-33689-9, $55 (cloth)
by Anderson, Kym
November 2013, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 129-130 Introduction to the Issue
by Anonymous - 131-158 Modeling Global Wine Markets to 2018: Exchange Rates, Taste Changes, and China's Import Growth
by Anderson, Kym & Wittwer, Glyn - 159-188 Red Wines of Médoc: What is Wine Tasting Worth?
by Ginsburgh, Victor & Monzak, Muriel & Monzak, Andras - 189-197 Reversals in Wine Auction Prices
by McManus, Ginette & Sharma, Rajneesh & Tezel, Ahmet - 198-224 Intangibles, Export Intensity, and Company Performance in the French Wine Industry
by Amadieu, Paul & Maurel, Carole & Viviani, Jean-Laurent - 225-234 Is There Consensus Among Wine Quality Ratings of Prominent Critics? An Empirical Analysis of Red Bordeaux, 2004–2010
by Ashton, Robert H. - 235-238 THE SMITHSONIAN NATIONAL MUSEUM OF AMERICAN HISTORY, Wine for the Table: The Smithsonian National Museum of American History's Wine Exhibition. Smithsonian National Museum of American History, Kenneth E. Behring Center, Washington, DC
by Chaikind, Stephen - 238-241 JASON WISE (Director), Somm, written by Jason Wise. First Run Features, 2013, 94 minutes
by Stavins, Robert N.
May 2013, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-28 Is Georgia the Next “New” Wine-Exporting Country?
by Anderson, Kym - 29-48 The Price Premium for Organic Wines: Estimating a Hedonic Farm-Gate Price Equation
by Corsi, Alessandro & Strøm, Steinar - 49-68 Do Fine Wines Blend with Crude Oil? Seizing the Transmission of Mean and Volatility Between Two Commodity Prices
by Bouri, Elie I. - 69-82 Valuing Vineyards: A Directional Distance Function Approach
by Cross, Robin & Färe, Rolf & Grosskopf, Shawna & Weber, William L. - 83-102 What Is Making Vineyard Investment in Northwest Victoria, Australia, Slow to Adjust?
by Seyoum-Tegegn, Emayenesh & Chan, Chris - 104-106 BENJAMIN LEWIN: In Search of Pinot Noir. Vendange Press, Dover [Delaware], 2011, v + 424 pp., ISBN: 978-0-9837292-0-4, $45
by Haeger, John Winthrop - 106-109 JANCIS ROBINSON, JULIA HARDING and JOSÉ VOUILLAMOZ: Wine Grapes: A Complete Guide to 1,368 Vine Varieties, including their Origins and Flavours. Ecco (Harper Collins), New York, October 2012, xxxvii + 1242 pp., ISBN 978-0062206367 (hardback), US$175
by Anderson, Kym - 109-110 ROBIN VON HOLDT: Top 100 South African Wines and Wine Lists, 2012/2013. Wine Appreciation Guild: San Francisco, 2012, 288 pp., ISBN 978-0620529907, $24.95
by Vink, Nick - 110-111 ELMARIE SWART AND IZAK SMIT: The Essential Guide to South African Wines: Terroir and Travel. Wine Appreciation Guild, San Francisco, 1st ed., 2008 (first published in 2006 by Cheviot Publishing: Cape Town, SA, updated in 2009), 201 pp., ISBN 978-0-620-35500-1, $29.95
by Vink, Nick - 111-112 PHILIP VAN ZYL (ed.): Platter's South African Wine Guide 2013. John Platter Ltd: Hermanus, South Africa, 2012, 600 pp., ISBN 978-0987004611. Not available in the U.S.; (South Africa), R 169.00; SA Wines Online (United Kingdom), £ 14.99; Namibiana Buchdepot (Germany), €19.95
by Vink, Nick - 113-116 JOHAN F.M. SWINNEN (ed.): The Economics of Beer. Oxford University Press: Oxford and New York, 2011, 352 pp., ISBN 978-0199693801 (hardback), $45
by Kwoka, John - 117-120 SKY PINNICK (Director and Producer), Boom Varietal: The Rise of Argentine Malbec, Executive Director Kirk Ermisch. Rage Production, Inc. and Southern Wine Group, LLC, 2011, 72 minutes
by Hoaas, David J. - 121-124 CLIFFORD P. OHMART: View From the Vineyard: A Practical Guide to Sustainable Winegrape Growing. Wine Appreciation Guild: San Francisco, 2011, 192 pp., ISBN: 978-1-035879-90-9, $34.95
by Coia, Lawrence R. - 124-128 SIMONE CINOTTO: Soft Soil, Black Grapes: The Birth of Italian Winemaking in California. New York University Press, New York, NY, 2012, 267 pp., ISBN 978-0814717387, $35 (hardcover), $15.40 (Kindle Edition)
by Nowak, Zachary
November 2012, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 143-151 The Judgment of Princeton
by Taber, George M. - 152-154 Comments on the Judgment of Princeton
by Quandt, Richard E. - 155-168 A Graphical and Statistical Analysis of the Judgment of Princeton Wine Tasting
by Ward, Daniel L. - 169-180 Shapley Ranking of Wines
by Ginsburgh, Victor & Zang, Israël - 181-191 804 Tastes: Evidence on Preferences, Randomness, and Value from Double-Blind Wine Tastings
by Bodington, Jeffrey C. - 192-212 The Demand for California Wine Grapes
by Fuller, Kate B. & Alston, Julian M. - 213-225 The Role of Viticulture and Enology in the Development of Economic Thought: How Wine Contributed to Modern Economic Theory
by Chaikind, Stephen - 226-240 Competition and Price Wars in the U.S. Brewing Industry
by Gokhale, Jayendra & Tremblay, Victor J. - 241-244 Comment on “A New Method to Obtain a Consensus Ranking of a Region's Vintages' Quality”
by Hulkower, Neal D. - 245-248 Condorcet versus Borda, a response to: Comment on “A New Method to Obtain a Consensus Ranking of a Region's Vintages' Quality”
by Borges, José & Real, António C. & Sarsfield Cabral, J. & Jones, Gregory V. - 249-254 KATHERINE COLE: Voodoo Vintners: Oregon's Astonishing Biodynamic Winegrowers.Oregon State University Press, Corvallis OR, 2011, 182 pp., ISBN 978-0-87071-605-8, $18.95
by Musolf, Peter - 254-257 RICHARD G. LEAHY: Beyond Jefferson's Vines: The Evolution of Quality Wine in Virginia, Sterling Epicure, New York, 2012, 240 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4027-9774-3 (hardback), $19.95
by Hulkower, Neal D. - 257-259 JAMES SIMPSON: Creating Wine: The Emergence of a World Industry, 1840–1914. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2011, 344 pp., ISBN 978-0-6911-3603-5 (hardback), US$ 39.50
by Veseth, Mike - 259-264 ROGER SCRUTON: I Drink Therefore I Am. A Philosopher's Guide to Wine, London: Continuum International Publishing Group, 2009, 214 pp., ISBN 978-1-4411-7067-5 (paperback), $19.95
by Ginsburgh, Victor - 264-268 TADASHI AGI and SHU OKIMOTO: The Drops of God, vol. 1-5, New York: Vertical Inc., 2011, 432 pp., ISBN 978-1935654278 (vol. 1) (paperback), $14.95. 2011, 416 pp.; ISBN 978-1935654292 (vol. 2) (paperback), $14.95. 2012, 416 pp.; ISBN 978-1935654360 (vol. 3) (paperback), $14.95. 2012, 392 pp.; ISBN 978-1935654391 (vol. 4) (paperback), $14.95
by Heil, Mark - 269-270 MADELEINE PULLMAN AND ZHAOHUI WU: Food Supply Chain Management: Economic, Social and Environmental Perspectives. 2011, 312 pp., ISBN 978-0415885898 (paperback), $89.95
by Thompson, Gary
May 2012, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-33 Wine Economics
by Storchmann, Karl - 35-48 Public Finance, Special Interests, and Direct Wine Shipping Laws in the United States
by Gokcekus, Omer & Nottebaum, Dennis - 49-69 Seller Reputation: Individual, Collective, and Institutional Factors
by Castriota, Stefano & Delmastro, Marco - 70-87 Reliability and Consensus of Experienced Wine Judges: Expertise Within and Between?
by Ashton, Robert H. - 88-107 A New Method to Obtain a Consensus Ranking of a Region's Vintages’ Quality
by Borges, José & Real, António C. & Cabral, J. Sarsfield & Jones, Gregory V. - 108-125 Grapevines of Innovation: Ozone as a Cleaning Agent in the California Wine Industry
by Bar-Am, Calanit & Lapsley*, Jim & Mueller, Rolf A.E. & Sumner*, Daniel A. - 126-129 RONALD J. CLARKE and JOKIE BAKKER: Wine Flavour Chemistry. 2nd ed.Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK, 2011, 440 pp., ISBN 978-1-4443-3042-7 (cloth), US$199.95
by Coia, Lawrence R. - 129-133 KEN BURNS and LYNN NOVICK (Directors): Prohibition. PBS/Florentine Films, 2011, DVD $39.99
by Ashenmiller, Josh - 133-135 ALICE FEIRING: Naked Wine: Letting Grapes Do What Comes Naturally, Da Capo Press, Cambridge, MA, 2011, 240 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0306819537, $24.00
by Postman, Jeffrey D. - 136-138 GEORGE M. TABER: A Toast to Bargain Wines: How Innovators, Iconoclasts, and Winemaking Revolutionaries Are Changing the Way the World Drinks, Scribner, New York, 2011, 320 pp., ISBN: 978-1-4391-9518-5 (paperback), $15.00
by Hulkower, Neal D.
October 2011, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 135-159 Too Much of a Good Thing? Causes and Consequences of Increases in Sugar Content of California Wine Grapes
by Alston, Julian M. & Fuller, Kate B. & Lapsley, James T. & Soleas, George - 160-178 Improving Experts' Wine Quality Judgments: Two Heads Are Better than One
by Ashton, Robert H. - 179-192 Eco-Labels as a Signal of Quality
by Kwong, Lester M.K. - 193-195 Guest Editors' Introduction to Symposium
by Swinnen, Johan F.M. & Vandemoortele, Thijs & Vanormelingen, Stijn - 196-216 From Monasteries to Multinationals (and Back): A Historical Review of the Beer Economy
by Poelmans, Eline & Swinnen, Johan F.M. - 217-230 The U.S. Beer Industry: Concentration, Fragmentation, and a Nexus with Wine
by Elzinga, Kenneth G. - 231-251 Beer in Good Times and Bad: A U.S. State-Level Analysis of Economic Conditions and Alcohol Consumption
by Freeman, Donald G. - 252-277 W.S. Gosset and Some Neglected Concepts in Experimental Statistics: Guinnessometrics II
by Ziliak, Stephen T. - 278-281 Alcohol in Wine
by Postman, Jeffery - 282-282 Book Reviews
by Anonymous - 282-284 Stephen Brook: The Finest Wines of California: A Regional Guide to the Best Producers and Their Wines. The University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 2011, 320 pp., ISBN 978-0-520-26658-2, $34.95
by Haeger, John Winthrop - 285-287 James L. Watson and Melissa L. Caldwell (eds.): The Cultural Politics of Food and Eating: A Reader. Blackwell Publishing, Malden MA, 2005, 320 pp., ISBN 978-0-631-23093-9, $47.95
by Musolf, Peter - 287-289 Mike Veseth: Wine Wars: The Curse of the Blue Nun, the Miracle of Two Buck Chuck, and the Revenge of the Terroirists. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., Lanham, MD, 2011, 255 pp., ISBN 978-0-7425-6819-8, $24.95. (google ebook $14.39)
by Chaikind, Stephen - 289-294 Elisa Giuliani, Andrea Morrison and Roberta Rabellotti (eds.): Innovation and Technological Catch-up. The changing geography of wine production. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA, 2011, 232 pp., ISBN: 978-1 84844 994 7 (hardback), US$ 115, google ebook US$ 31.20
by Mueller, Rolf A.E. - 294-297 Ian Taplin: The Modern American Wine Industry: Market Formation and Growth in North Carolina. Pickering & Chatto (Publishers) Limited, London, 2011. xi + 204 pp., ISBN 978-1-848-93136-7 (hardback), $99
by Lima, Tony & Schroder, Norma
January 2011, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-14 The Value of Terroir: Hedonic Estimation of Vineyard Sale Prices
by Cross, Robin & Plantinga, Andrew J. & Stavins, Robert N. - 15-36 Reconsidering the 1855 Bordeaux Classification of the Médoc and Graves using Wine Ratings from 1970–2005
by Thompson, Gary M. & Mutkoski, Stephen A. - 37-66 Why is there a Home Bias? A Case Study of Wine
by Friberg, Richard & Paterson, Robert W. & Richardson, Andrew D. - 67-82 Alcohol Consumption and Liver Cirrhosis Mortality: New Evidence from a Panel Data Analysis for Sixteen European Countries
by Bentzen, Jan & Smith, Valdemar - 83-110 Wine in Your Knapsack?
by Conrad, Jon M. & Gómez, Miguel I. & Lamadrid, Alberto J. - 111-121 When Does the Price Affect the Taste? Results from a Wine Experiment
by Almenberg, Johan & Dreber, Anna - 123-123 Book Reviews
by Anonymous - 123-125 Bart Jackson: Garden State Wineries Guide: The Traveler's Handbook to the Wineries and Vineyards of New Jersey, Wine Appreciation Guild, San Francisco, 2011, 156 pp., ISBN: 978-1934259573 (paperback), $14.95
by Taber, George M. - 125-127 Evan Dawson: Summer in a Glass: The Coming of Age of Winemaking in the Finger Lakes. Sterling Epicure, New York, 2011, 266 pp., ISBN 978-1-4027-7825-4, $19.95
by Straus, Jacob R. - 128-130 Benjamin Lewin: Wine Myths and Reality. Wine Appreciation Guild, San Francisco, 2010, 636 pp., ISBN 1934259519, $60.00
by Veseth, Mike - 130-133 Kolleen M. Guy: When Champagne Became French. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD and London, 2007, 245 pp., ISBN: 080188747X (paperback), $27.00
by Ginsburgh, Victor
April 2010, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 219-235 Estimating the Supply Elasticity of California Wine Grapes Using Regional Systems of Equations
by Volpe, Richard & Green, Richard & Heien, Dale & Howitt, Richard - 236-255 What is Making Investment in the Texas Vineyard Industry Tick? A Real Options Analysis of Entry and Exit
by Cyr, Don & Hanagriff, Roger D. & Kwong, Lester M.K. - 256-269 Economic Feasibility of Wine Grape Production in the Arid US: A Northwest Nevada Example
by Curtis, Kynda R. & Bishop, Carol D. & Harris, Thomas R. - 270-309 Varietal Intensities and Similarities of the World's Wine Regions
by Anderson, Kym - 310-326 The Dynamics of Advertising and Contract Choice on the Champagne Wine Market
by Lanette, Hervé & Steichen, Daniel - 327-338 The Market Share of Wine in Denmark
by Milhøj, Anders - 339-339 Book Reviews
by Anonymous - 339-341 Daniel Okrent: Last Call: The Rise and Fall of Prohibition. Sribner, New York, 2010, 468 pp., ISBN 978-0-7432-7702-0, $30.00
by Ashenfelter, Orley - 341-345 Tom Standage: An Edible History of Humanity. Walker and Company, New York, 2009, 270 pp., ISBN 978-0-8027-1588-3, $45.00 (paperback: ISBN 978-0-8027-1991-1, $18.95)
by Storchmann, Karl - 346-347 Wiglaf Droste, Nikolaus Heidelbach And Vincent Klink: Wein. DuMont Buchverlag, Köln, 2008, 149 pp., ISBN 978-3-8321-8077-5, €24, 90
by Musolf, Peter
April 2010, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 3-21 Natural Endowments, Production Technologies and the Quality of Wines in Bordeaux. Does Terroir Matter?
by Gergaud, Olivier & Ginsburgh, Victor - 22-39 The Impact of Gurus: Parker Grades and en primeur Wine Prices
by Ali, Héla Hadj & Lecocq, Sébastien & Visser, Michael - 40-52 Predicting the Quality and Prices of Bordeaux Wine
by Ashenfelter, Orley - 53-68 Prohibition and Repeal: A Short History of the Wine Industry's Regulation in the United States
by Beliveau, Barbara C. & Rouse, M. Elizabeth - 69-86 Stock Market Reaction to Court Decisions Related to Differential Treatment of In-State and Out-of-State Internet Wine Sales
by Sharma, Rajneesh - 87-118 Wine as an Alternative Asset Class
by Masset, Philippe & Henderson, Caroline - 119-131 Wine Investment and Portfolio Diversification Gains
by Fogarty, James J. - 132-142 Evaluation of Wine Judge Performance through Three Characteristics: Bias, Discrimination, and Variation
by Cao, Jing & Stokes, Lynne - 143-163 Do Tasting Notes Add Value? Evidence from Napa Wines
by Ramirez, Carlos D. - 164-183 The Economic Impact of the Wine Industry on Hotels and Restaurants: Evidence from Washington State
by Storchmann, Karl - 184-187 Blind Tasting
by Postman, Jeffrey - 188-188 Book Reviews
by Anonymous - 189-192 Amy B. Trubek: The Taste of Place: A Cultural Journey Into Terroir. University of California Press, Berkeley, California, 2008, 318 pp., ISBN 9780520252813, $45.00 (paperback: ISBN 9780520261723, $18.95)
by Rohel, Jaclyn - 192-196 Ursula Hermacinski: The Wine Lover's Guide to Auctions. The Art and Science of Buying and Selling Wines. Square One, New York, 2007, 256 pp., ISBN 978–0–757–00275–5 (paperback), $17.95
by Heil, Mark - 196-201 Herve This: Building a Meal: From Molecular Gastronomy to Culinary Constructivism. Translated by Malcolm DeBevoise. Columbia University Press, New York, 2009, 135 pp., ISBN 978-0-231-14466-7, $19.95. - Gerard Liger-Belair: Uncorked: The Science of Champagne. Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2004, 152 pp., ISBN 0-691-11919-8, $27.97. - Jonathan Nossiter: Liquid Memory: Why Wine Matters. Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, New York, 2009, 262 pp., ISBN 978-0-374-27257-9, $26.00
by Musolf, Peter - 201-204 Benjamin Lewin: What Price Bordeaux?Vendange Press, Dover2009, 292 pp. ISBN 978–1–934259–20–7 (hardcover), $34.95
by Coia, Lawrence R. - 205-208 Robin Goldstein and Alexis Herschkowitsch: The Wine Trials 2010: The World's Bestselling Guide to Inexpensive Wines, with the 150 Winning Wines Under $15 from the Latest Vintages. Fearless Critic Media, New York, 2nd ed., 240 pp. ISBN 978–1608160075 (paperback), $14.95
by Baum-Snow, Nathaniel - 209-216 Robert M. Parker: Parker's Wine Bargains: The World's Greatest Wine Values Under $25, Simon & Schuster, New York2009, 512 pp., ISBN: 1439101906 (paperback), $17.99
by Goldstein, Robin
January 2009, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 125-151 Does Advertising Bias Product Reviews? An Analysis of Wine Ratings
by Reuter, Jonathan - 152-165 Brokers as Experts in the French Wine Industry
by Fares, M'hand - 166-184 On the Revelation of Provenance in Online Wine Auctions
by Kwong, Lester M.K. - 185-200 A Demand Analysis of the Korean Wine Market Using an Unrestricted Source Differentiated LA/AIDS Model
by Lee, Youngjae & Lynn Kennedy, P. & Hilbun, Brian M. - 201-218 Modeling Long-term Commodities: the Development of a Simulation Model for the South African Wine Industry within a Partial Equilibrium Framework
by Reynolds, Sanri & Meyer, Ferdinand & Cutts, Michela & Vink, Nick - 219-232 The Sideways Effect: A Test for Changes in the Demand for Merlot and Pinot Noir Wines
by Cuellar, Steven S. & Karnowsky, Dan & Acosta, Frederick - 233-241 How Expert are “Expert” Wine Judges?
by Hodgson, Robert T. - 242-247 A Proposed System for Awarding Medals at a Major U.S. Wine Competition
by Cicchetti, Domenic V. - 248-248 Book Reviews
by Anonymous - 248-250 Victor J. Tremblay and Carol Horton Tremblay: The U.S. Brewing industry: Data and Economic Analysis. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA., 2005, 397 pp. ISBN 978-0262201513, $45.00 (paperback: The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA., 2009, 400 pp., paperback ISBN 978-0262512633, $22.00)
by Elzinga, Kenneth G. - 251-252 George M. Taber: In Search of Bacchus: Wanderings in the Wonderful World of Wine Tourism. Scribner, New York, 2009, 320 pp., ISBN-13:978-1-4165-6243-6, $30.00
by Ashenfelter, Orley - 252-253 Hugh Johnson: Hugh Johnson's Wine Companion. 6th edition, revised and updated by Stephen Brook. Mitchell Beazley, London, 2009. 672 pp., ISBN 978-1845334574, $60.00 (hardback)
by Howard, Paul - 253-257 Jerome Tuccille: Gallo Be Thy Name: The Inside Story of How One Family Rose to Dominate the U.S. Wine Market. Phoenix Books, Beverly Hills, 2009, 269 pp., ISBN 978–1–59.777–590–8, $22.95
by Linnekin, Baylen J. - 258-260 Masanobu Fukuoka: The One-Straw Revolution. New York Review Books, New York, 2009, 184 pp., ISBN 978-1-59017-313-8, $15.95
by Musolf, Peter - 261-262 Natalie Maclean: Red, White, and Drunk All Over: A Wine Soaked Journey from Grape to Glass. Bloomsburg Publishers, New York, 2006, 279 pp., ISBN 13: 978-2-58234, $23.95
by Cicchetti, Domenic V.
April 2009, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-9 An Analysis of the Concordance Among 13 U.S. Wine Competitions
by Hodgson, Robert T. - 10-24 Consumer-Level Determinants of Wine Purchases in Canadian Restaurants
by Maynard, Leigh J. & Davidson, Kelly - 25-26 Guest Editor's Introduction to Symposium
by McCluskey, Jill J. - 27-45 Wine Taxes, Production, Aging and Quality
by Goodhue, Rachael E. & LaFrance, Jeffrey T. & Simon, Leo K. - 46-61 Globalization, Superstars, and Reputation: Theory & Evidence from the Wine Industry
by Gibbs, Michael & Tapia, Mikel & Warzynski, Frederic - 62-80 Dynamic Analysis of Brand and Regional Reputation: The Case of Wine
by Schamel, Günter - 81-93 Willingness to Pay for Sensory Properties in Washington State Red Wines
by Yang, Nan & McCluskey, Jill J. & Ross, Carolyn - 94-113 Wine Markets in China: Assessing the Potential with Supermarket Survey Data
by Lee, Hyunok & Huang, Jikun & Rozelle, Scott & Sumner, Daniel - 114-114 Book and Film Reviews
by Anonymous - 114-118 Cross Media: Dashi and Umami: The Heart of Japanese Cuisine. Eat-Japan/Cross Media, 2009, 160 pp., ISBN-13: 978-1-897701-93-5, $29.81
by Musolf, Peter - 119-121 Jonathan Nossiter (Director): Mondovino, Screenplay by Jonathan Nossiter, Velocity/Thinkfilm, 2004, 135 minutes
by Lima, Tony & Schroder, Norma
January 2008, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 105-113 An Examination of Judge Reliability at a major U.S. Wine Competition
by Hodgson, Robert T. - 114-131 Wine Quality, Wine Prices, and the Weather: Is Napa “Different”?
by Ramirez, Carlos D. - 132-148 The Agricultural and Food Trade in the First Globalization: Spanish Table Wine Exports 1871 to 1935 – A Case Study
by Pinilla, Vicente & Serrano, Raúl - 149-171 Hedging Adverse Bioclimatic Conditions Employing a Short Condor Position
by Cyr, Don & Kusy, Martin & Shaw, Anthony B. - 172-184 Estimating the Demand for Wine Using Instrumental Variable Techniques
by Cuellar, Steven S. & Huffman, Ryan - 185-193 From Bayes to the Just Noticeable Difference to Effect Sizes: A Note to Understanding the Clinical and Statistical Significance of Oenologic Research Findings
by Cicchetti, Domenic V. - 194-204 The Importance of Australian Corporate Brand and Grape Varietal Wines: Hedonic Pricing in the British Columbia Wine Market
by Carew, Richard & Florkowski, Wojciech J. - 205-205 Book and Film Reviews
by Anonymous - 205-209 Alice Feiring: The Battle for Wine and Love or How I Saved the World From Parkerization. Harcourt, Orlando, 2008, 271 pp., ISBN 978–0–15–101286–2, $23.00
by Chaikind, Stephen - 210-211 Benjamin Wallace: The Billionaire's Vinegar: The Mystery of the World's Most Expensive Bottle of Wine. Crown, New York2008, 336 pp., ISBN 978–0–307–33877–8, $24.95
by Ashenfelter, Orley - 212-213 Tyler Colman: Wine Politics: How Governments, Environmentalists, Mobsters and Critics Influence the Wines We Drink. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 2008, 208 pp., ISBN 978–0–52–0255210, $27.50
by Veseth, Michael - 214-216 Randall Miller (Director), Bottle Shock, Screenplay by Jody Savin and Randall Miller. Freestyle Releasing, 2008, 110 minutes
by Valletta, Rob - 217-222 Tadashi Agi (writer) and Shu Okimoto (illustrator): Kami no Shizuku: Les Gouttes de Dieu, Vol. 1. Kodansha, 2005, 223 pp., ISBN 4–06–372422–0, ¥524
by Musolf, Peter - 223-225 Fritz Allhoff (ed.): Wine & Philosophy: A Symposium on Thinking and Drinking. Blackwell Publishing, Maiden MA, 2008, 308 pp., ISBN 978–1–40–515431–4, $19.95
by Hall, Joshua - 226-227 On Rating Wines with Unequal Judges
by Hodgson, Robert T. - 227-227 2008 Wine Valuation Analysis
by O'Donnell, James J.
April 2008, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-9 Do More Expensive Wines Taste Better? Evidence from a Large Sample of Blind Tastings
by Goldstein, Robin & Almenberg, Johan & Dreber, Anna & Emerson, John W. & Herschkowitsch, Alexis & Katz, Jacob - 10-29 Consumer Sensory Evaluations of Wine Quality: The Respective Influence of Price and Country of Origin
by Veale, Roberta & Quester, Pascale - 30-50 Analyzing Wine Demand with Artificial Neural Networks
by Gerolimetto, Margherita & Mauracher, Christine & Procidano, Isabella - 51-71 Bordeaux Wine as a Financial Investment
by Sanning, Lee W. & Shaffer, Sherrill & Sharratt, Jo Marie - 72-84 Determinants of Argentinean Wine Prices in the U.S
by San Martín, Guillermo J. & Troncoso, Javier L. & Brümmer, Bernhard - 85-94 The Wines of West Africa: History, Technology and Tasting Notes
by Noll, Roger G. - 95-95 Book Reviews
by Anonymous - 95-97 Barry C. Smith (ed.): Questions of Taste: The Philosophy of Wine. Oxford University Press, New York, 2008, 222 pp., ISBN 9780195331462, $27.95
by Hoaas, David J. - 98-102 Michelin Guide Tokyo 2008: Selection of Restaurants and Hotels. Michelin Travel Publications, Tokyo, 2007 (U.S. release in 2008), 411 pp., ISBN 2067130692, $12.95
by Musolf, Peter - 103-104 John V.C. Nye: War, Wine, and Taxes: The Political Economy of Anglo-French Trade, 1689–1900. Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford, 2007, 174 pp., ISBN 0–691–12917–4, $29.95
by Shepherd, James
October 2007, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 109-128 Ernest Gallo, 1909–2007: A Life in Wine
by Lima, Tony & Schroder, Norma - 129-135 On Wine Bullshit: Some New Software?
by Quandt, Richard E. - 136-144 Debunking Critics' Wine Words: Can Amateurs Distinguish the Smell of Asphalt from the Taste of Cherries?
by Weil, Roman L. - 145-167 Canadian Ice Wine Production: A Case for the Use of Weather Derivatives
by Cyr, Don & Kusy, Martin - 168-186 Protection Against Wine Price Risks: A Real Option Approach
by Viviani, Jean-Laurent - 187-195 Is Globalization Good for Wine Drinkers in the United States?
by Gokcekus, Omer & Fargnoli, Andrew - 196-202 Assessing the Reliability of Blind Wine Tasting: Differentiating Levels of Clinical and Statistical Meaningfulness
by Cicchetti, Domenic V. - 203-212 What Determines Port Wine Prices?
by Viana, Rui Couto & Rodrigues, Lúcia Lima - 213-213 Book Reviews
by Anonymous - 213-216 Elin McCoy: The Emperor of Wine. The Rise of Robert M. Parker, Jr. and the Reign of American Taste. Ecco, New York, 2005, 352 pp., ISBN 978-0060093684, $25.95
by Heil, Mark - 217-219 John Hailman: Thomas Jefferson on wine. University Press of Mississippi, Jackson, 2006, 457 pp., ISBN 1-57806-841-X, $38
by Cicchetti, Domenic V. - 220-221 Julia Flynn Siler: The House of Mondavi: The Rise and Fall of an American Wine Dynasty. New York: Gotham Books, 2007, 452 pp., ISBN 1-59240-259-3, $28
by Friedland, William H. - 222-223 Lawrence Osborne: The Accidental Connoisseur: An Irreverent Journey through the Wine World. North Point Press (Farrar Straus & Giroux), 2004, 262 pages, ISBN 0-86547-633-0, $25
by Quandt, Richard E. - 224-225 James M. Gabler: Wine into Words: A History and Bibliography of Wine Books in the English Language. 2nd revised edition, 2004. Bacchus Press, Hard Cover, xix, 503 pages, Illustrated, ISBN 0-9613525-5-8, $75
by Ashenfelter, Orley C.
April 2007, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 2-23 “Petit Déjeuner Compris” – Is It Really Free? Evidence from French and Italian Hotels
by Johnson, George E. - 24-39 Stardust over Paris Gastronomic Restaurants
by Gergaud, Olivier & Guzman, Linett Montano & Verardi, Vincenzo - 40-54 Product Information, Hedonic Evaluation, and Purchase Decision: an Experimental Study of Orange Juice
by Combris, Pierre & Lange, Christine & Issanchou, Sylvie - 55-74 French Wine and the U.S. Boycott of 2003: Does Politics Really Affect Commerce?
by Ashenfelter, Orley & Ciccarella, Stephen & Shatz, Howard J. - 75-83 The Military Action in Iraq 2003: Did the US Consumer Boycott of French Wines Have any Economic Effects?
by Bentzen, Jan & Smith, Valdemar - 84-97 Critical Exposure and Price-Quality Relationships for New World Wines in the U.S. Market
by Roberts, Peter W. & Reagans, Ray - 98-102 A Note on a Test for the Sum of Ranksums
by Quandt, Richard E. - 103-103 Book Reviews
by Anonymous - 103-105 Matt Kramer: Making Sense of Italian Wine: Discovering Italy's Greatest Wines and Best Values. Running Press, Philadelphia, PA, 2006, 280 pp., ISBN – 13: 978-0-7624-2230-2, $24.95
by Cicchetti, Domenic V. - 106-108 Jancis Robinson: Tasting Pleasure: Confessions of a Wine Lover. Viking Penguin: New York, 1997, 352 pp., ISBN – 13: 978-0670854233, (Paperback, Penguin: New York, 1999, ISBN: 0140270019, $17.00)
by Stavins, Robert N.
October 2006, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 95-113 Growers vs. Merchants Bargaining on the Price of Champagne Grapes and The Role of Contracts when Bargaining is Unbalanced
by Chambolle, Claire & Saulpic, Olivier - 114-124 Spatial Variations in Weather Conditions and Wine Prices in Bordeaux
by Lecocq, Sébastien & Visser, Michael - 125-140 The Paris 1976 Wine Tastings Revisited Once More: Comparing Ratings of Consistent and Inconsistent Tasters
by Cicchetti, Domenic V. - 141-161 What Determines the Future Value of an Icon Wine? New Evidence from Australia
by Wood, Danielle & Anderson, Kym - 162-172 Price Formation in the California Winegrape Economy
by Heien, Dale - 176-190 Price and Quality in the California Wine Industry: An Empirical Investigation
by Lima, Tony - 191-191 Book Reviews
by Anonymous - 191-194 Thomas Pinney: A History of Wine in America: From Prohibition to the Present. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 2005, 532 pp., ISBN 0-520-24176-2, $45.00
by Sumner, Daniel A.