May 1985, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 169-186 The Political Economy of Imperfect Competition
by Etzioni, Amitai - 187-213 From the Dark to the Light: The Open Government Debate in Britain
by Bennett, Colin - 215-239 Local Government Reorganization and the Development of the Welfare State
by Kjellberg, Francesco - 241-265 Laws as an Instrument of Policy: A Study in Central-Local Government Relations
by Page, Edward - 267-280 Can the President Steer the American Economy?
by Rose, Richard - 281-283 John W. Kingdon, Agendas, Alternatives, and Public Policies, Boston: Little, Brown, 1984, xi + 240 pp., $9.95
by King, Anthony - 283-284 David Dery, Problem Definition in Policy Analysis, Lawrence, Kansas, University Press of Kansas1984, 160 pp, $19.95
by Windhoff-Hérifier, Adrienne - 284-285 D. Jaques and J. Richardson (eds.), The Future for Higher Education. Guildford, Surrey: SRHE and NFER-Nelson. 1985. xxi + 239 pp, £11.95
by Halsey, A. H. - 285-287 Michael T. Klare, American Arms Supermarket, Austin, University of Texas Press, 1984, 312 pp. $24.50 hard, $10.95 paper
by Mughan, Anthony
February 1985, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-21 Public Expenditure and Economic Performance in OECD Countries
by Saunders, Peter - 23-67 Curbing Public Expenditure: Current Trends
by Tarschys, Daniel - 69-85 When is a Policy Instrument not an Instrument? Fiscal Marksmanship in Britain, 1951–84
by Mosley, Paul - 87-105 The Penetrability of Policy Systems in a Developing Context
by Hofferbert, Richard I. & Erguder, Ustun - 107-120 The Structure and Organization of Government: Concepts and Issues
by Peters, B. Guy - 121-122 Charles Weiss and Nicholas Jéquier, Technology, Finance and Development: an analysis of the World Bank as a technological institution, D.C. Health, Lexington, Mass., 1984, 353 pp. $37.00
by Strange, Susan - 122-124 A. M. Gamble and S. A. Walkland. The British Party System and Economic Policy 1945–83: studies in adversary politics. Clarendon Press Oxford. 1984, x + 1–196 pp., £17.50 hard, £6.95 paper
by Bosanquet, Nick - 124-125 William B. Eddy (ed.), Handbook of Organisation Management, New York and Basel, Marcel Dekker Inc., 1983, 548 pp., $14.95 ($9.95 paperback)
by Rhodes, R. A. W. - 125-126 Tom Davies, Charlie Mason with Liz Davies: Government and Labour Market Policy Implementation, Gower, 1984, xi + 245 pp., £15.00
by Woodall, Jean - 126-128 David Lewis and Helen Wallace eds., Policies into Practice: national and international case studies in implementation, Heinemann Educational Books, 1984, x + 234 pp., £17.00(£7.50 paperback)
by Dunsire, Andrew - 128-129 Doreen Massey, Spatial Divisions of Labour, Macmillan, 1984, 339 pp., £22.50 (paperback, £8.95)
by Saunders, Peter - 129-132 Edward C. Page, Political Authority and Bureaucratic Power, Harvester Press, Wheatsheaf, 1985, pp. 193, £18.95
by Lane, Jan-Erik
November 1984, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 277-306 Incremental Budgeting: Antecedents of Change
by Greenwood, Royston - 307-332 Technology-Based Small Firms and Regional Innovation Potential: The Role of Public Procurement
by Rothwell, Roy - 333-350 Management of Industrial Change in a Small Country: The Netherlands
by Tulder, Rob Van - 351-358 The Nationalisation of the Banks in Mitterand's France: Rationalisations and Reasons
by Cobham, David - 359-360 Leon S. Robertson, Injuries: Causes, Control Strategies, and Public Policy, Lexington Books, 1983, 219 + xiv, £22.50
by Hogwood, Brian W. - 360-364 K. Dyson and S. Wilks (eds.), Industrial Crisis: A Comparative Study of the State and Industry, Martin Robertson, 1983, 283 pp., £19.50. - G. Shepherd, F. Duchêne, and C. Saunders (eds.), Europe's Industries: Public and Private Strategies for Change. Frances Pinter, 1983, 276 pp., £16.00
by Young, Stephen - 364-365 R. D. McKinlay and A. Mughan, Aid and Arms To the Third World: An Analysis of the Distribution and Impact of US Official Transfers, Frances Pinter, London, 1984, 280pp. £14.75
by Hartley, Keith - 365-367 Thad L. Beyle and Lynn Muchmore (eds.), Being Governor – The View from the Office, Duke Press Policy Studies, 1983, pp. 220. $29.75
by Regan, David
August 1984, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 163-179 Bureaucrats and Budgeting Benefits: How do British Central Government Departments Measure Up?
by Hood, Christopher & Huby, Meg & Dunsire, Andrew - 181-207 Market Strategies as Policy Tools: The Search for Alternative Approaches to Urban Revitalization
by Hula, Richard C. - 209-235 Business Associations and Public Policy: a Comparison of Organisational Development in Britain and Canada
by Coleman, William & Grant, Wyn - 237-259 From Social Theory to Policy Design
by Linder, Stephen H. & Peters, B. Guy - 261-262 Douglas Wass, Government and the Governed, BBC Reith Lectures 1983, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1984, pp. viii + 120, £3.95
by Wildavsky, Aaron - 262-264 Christopher Pollitt, Manipulating the Machine: Changing the Pattern of Ministerial Departments 1960–83, London, Allen and Unwin1984, 269 pp., £18
by Hood, Christopher - 264-265 Jean-Luc Bodiguel and Jean-Louis Quermonne, La haute fonction publique sous la Ve République, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1983, 270 pp., Ffr 90.00. - Francois Dupuy and Jean-Claude Thoenig, Sociologie de l'administration française, Paris: Armand Colin, 1983, 206 pp., Ffr 145.00
by Page, Edward - 266-267 T. M. Clark and L. Ferguson, 1983, City Money: Political Pressures, Fiscal Strain, and Retrenchment, New York: Columbia University Press, lx + 440 pp., $49.00 cloth, $19.50 paper
by Bennett, R. J. - 267-268 Theodore R. Marmor, Political Analysis and American Medical Care: Essays, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1983, 304 pp., £25
by Alaszewski, Andy - 268-271 Mancur Olson, The Rise and Decline of Nations, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1982
by Lane, Jan-Erik - 271-273 J. Richardson (ed.), Policy Styles in Western Europe, London: Allen & Unwin, 1982, 213 + x pp., £15
by Kjellberg, Francesco - 273-275 C. Offe (J. Keane, ed.), Contradictions of the Welfare State, London: Hutchinson, 1984, 310 pp., £6.95 paper. - M. L. Harrison, ed., Corporatism and the Welfare State, Aldershot: 1984Gower, 155 pp., £13.50. - C. Ham and M. Hill, The Policy Process in the Modem Capitalist State, Brighton: Wheatsheaf Books, 1984, 210 pp., £6.95
by Jordan, A. Grant
May 1984, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 85-102 Why Have Government Statistics? (And How to Cut their Cost)
by Thomas, Ray - 103-110 Tax Subsidy of Home Ownership
by Ittig, Peter T. - 111-113 Taxation and Housing: A Comment
by Barrell, R. - 114-114 Reply
by Ittig, Peter - 115-138 The Costs and Benefits of Foreign Students in United States Higher Education
by Winkler, Donald R. - 139-151 Whither Environmental Regulation?
by Daneke, Gregory A. - 153-154 Christopher C. Hood, The Tools of Government, Macmillan, 1983, viii + 178pp. £12.50 hbk, £6.50 pbk
by Thoenig, Jean-Claude - 154-155 Richard J. Zeckhauser and Derek Leebart (eds.), What Role for Government?, Duke University Press, 363 pp., $31.95
by Peters, B. Guy - 156-158 Michael L. Wachter and Susan M. Wachter (eds.), Toward a New US Industrial Policy, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1983
by Hills, Jill - 158-160 Ken Young and Liz Mills, Managing the Post-Industrial City, Heinemann, 1983, 168 pp., £15.00. - OECD, Managing Urban Change: Vol. 1. Policies and Finance, HMSO for OECD publications, 1983, 149 pp., £8.50
by Jefferies, Roger - 160-162 W. Magnusson and A. B. Sancton (eds.), City Politics in Canada, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1983, 338 pp. Paperback £12.75. - E. J. Feldman and J. Milch The Politics of Canadian Airport Development: Lessons for Federalism, Duke University Press, Durham, North Carolina, 1983, 261 pp, Hardback £24.25
by Goldsmith, Mike
February 1984, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-17 Large Firms and Public Policy in Britain
by Grant, Wyn - 19-38 Personal Information Policies in the United States and Britain: The Dilemma of Implementation Considerations
by Regan, Priscilla M. - 39-56 The UK Monetarist Experiment
by Arestis, P. - 57-71 Select Your Social Scientist with Care
by Wyatt, Ray - 73-75 Charles K. Wilber and Kenneth P. Jameson, An Inquiry into the Poverty of Economics, Notre Dame and London: University of Notre Dame Press, 1983, x + 289 pp., £17.60 cloth, £7.20 paper
by Diesing, Paul - 75-77 Robert Delorme and Christine André, L'Etat et l'économie: un essai d'explication de l'évolution des dépenses publiques en France 1870–1980. Paris: Seuil, 1983, 764 pp., 260FF
by Pickvance, C. G. - 77-78 R. A. Bryer, T. J. Brignall and A. R. Maunders, Accounting for British Steel: A Financial Analysis of the Failure of the British Steel Corporation, and Who Was to Blame, Gower, 1982, 303 pp., £15
by Richardson, Jeremy - 78-80 John E. Chubb, Interest Groups and the Bureaucracy: The Politics of Energy, Stanford: Stanford UP, 1983, 319 pp., $29.50
by Jordan, Grant - 80-81 William N. Dunn (ed), Values, Ethics, and the Practice of Policy Analysis, Lexington Books, 1983, 243 + ix pp., £22.00
by Studlar, Donley T. - 82-83 P. C. Ordeshook and K. A. Shepsle (eds.), Political Equilibrium, The Hague: Kluwer-Nijhoff, 1982, $35.00
by Whiteley, Paul
July 1983, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 353-386 Political Mobilization and the Underground Literature of the Quit India Movement, 1942–44
by Greenough, Paul R. - 387-412 The Demise of the Revenue Farm System in the Federated Malay States
by Butcher, John G. - 413-435 Changing Planning Perspectives of Agricultural Development in Malaysia
by Rudner, Martin - 437-453 Subcommunal Participation and Leadership Cohesiveness of the Chinese in Nineteenth-Century Singapore
by Fong, Mak Lau - 455-476 Life and Work in Colonial Cities: Harbour Workers in Java in the 1910s and 1920s
by Ingleson, John - 477-488 Merchants and Society in Tokugawa Japan
by Sheldon, Charles D. - 489-517 The Pacific War Controversy in Britain: Sir Robert Craigie Versus The Foreign Office
by Agbi, S. Olu - 519-527 Caste Conflict and Elite Formation: The Rise of a Karāva Elite in Sri Lanka, 1500–1931. By Michael Roberts. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1982
by Bayly, Susan - 527-528 Twilight of the Pepper Empire: Portuguese Trade in Southwest India in the Early Seventeenth Century. By Anthony R. Disney. Harvard Historical Studies, Vol. 95, Harvard University Press: Cambridge, Mass., 1978. Pp. ix, 220. $18.50
by Nagarajan, K. V.
October 1983, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 345-367 Don't Toss Coins in Garbage Cans: A Prologue to Policy Design
by Dryzek, John S. - 369-395 Appraising Selective Financial Assistance to Industry: A Review of Institutions and Methodologies in the United Kingdom, Sweden and West Germany
by Grant, R. M. - 397-418 Planning Systems and Policy Implementation
by Hambleton, Robin - 419-434 Center–Local Linkages: The Impact of Policy Planning Systems
by Skelcher, Chris & Hinnings, Bob & Leach, Steve & Ranson, Stewart - 435-436 P. M. Jackson The Political Economy of Bureaucracy, Philip Allen, 1982, 296pp., £12.50. - W. S. Pierce Bureaucratic Failure and Public Expenditure, Academic Press, 1981, $12.50
by Peters, B. Guy - 436-437 Gerald E. Caiden and Heinrich Siedentopf Strategies for Administrative Reform, Lexington Books, 1982, 272pp., $37.50
by Olsen, Johan P. - 438-439 Arnold J. Meltsner and Christopher Bellavita, The Policy Organisation, London: Sage, 1983, 253 pp. £9.75
by Rhodes, R. A. W. - 439-440 Michacl J. Prince, Policy Advice and Organizational Survival: Policy Planning and Research Units in British Government, Gower, 1983, xi + 244 pp. £13.50
by Hawker, Geoffrey - 440-443 Royal Institute of Public Administration, Management Information & Control in Whitehall, RIPA, 1983, 52 pp. £3.50
by Jenkins, William - 443-445 J. D. Stewart, Local Government: The Conditions of Local Choice. Published for INLOGOV, University of Birmingham by George Allen & Unwin. 230 pp. £12.95 hardback, £5.95 paperback
by Jefferies, R. D. - 445-446 Royston Greenwood, Kieron Walsh, C. R. Hinings & Stewart Ranson, Patterns of Management in Local Government, Martin Robertson, 1980, 185 pp. £5.95
by Ashford, Douglas E. - 446-448 Roger Friedland, Power and Crisis in the City, Macmillan, London, 1982. - Brian Elliott and David McCrone, The City, Macmillan, London, 1982
by Goldsmith, Mike - 448-449 Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique and Groupement de Recherches Co-ordinées sur 1'Administration Locale, Annuaire des Collectivités Locales, 1982. Paris: Librairies Techniques, 902 pp
by Keating, Michael - 449-451 S. Weintraub, and M. Goodstein (eds), Reaganomics in the Stagflation Economy, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1982, 200 pp. £6.75
by Green, Diana - 451-452 Karel Williams, John Williams and Dennis Thomas, Why are the British Bad at Manufacturing?, 1983, Routledge and Kegan Paul, xiii + 288 pp., paperback. £5.95
by Grant, Wyn - 452-454 A. Robinson and C. T. Sandford, Tax Policy Making in the United Kingdom, London: Heinemann, 1983, xi + 256 pp. £15.00
by Barnett, Foel - 454-455 Stewart MacPherson, Social Policy in the Third World, Wheatsheaf, 1982, 220 pp. £16.95
by Wallis, Malcolm - 455-456 Y. Mény (ed.), Dix Ans de Regionalisation on Europe. Bilan et Perspectives 1970–1980, (Paris: Cujas1982), 336 pp. 90 French francs
by Keating, Michael
August 1983, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 245-263 Understanding Local Government Responses to Fiscal Pressure: a Cross National Analysis
by Wolman, Harold - 265-283 Between Pluralism and Corporatism German Business Associations and the State
by Streeck, Wolfgang - 285-300 The Influence of Financial Measures on UK Railway Policy
by Lapsley, Irvine - 301-330 Policy Change in Direct Government Responses to UK Unemployment
by Moon, Jeremy - 335-336 Social Policy - T. Wilson and D. J. Wilson (eds), The Political Economy of the Welfare State, Allen and Unwin, 1982, 240 pp, £15.95 hardback; £5.95 Paper
by Grand, Julian Le - 336-339 Jean-Jacques Rosa (ed.), The World Crisis in Social Security, Paris, Bonnel Editions, 1982, 238 pp, $9.95. - Carolyn L. Weaver The Crisis in Social Security, Duke Press Policy Studies, 1982, 249 pp, $36.75
by Klein, Rudolf - 339-340 Policies to revitalise local economies - F. Stevens Redburn Terry F. Buss (eds), Public Policies for Distressed Communities, Lexington Books, 1982, 267 pp. £19.50
by Keating, Michael - 340-341 Stuart M. Butler, Enterprise Zones: Greenlining the Inner Cities, Heinemann, 1982, 168 pp. £4.95
by Keating, Michael - 341-344 French public policy - Stephen S. Cohen and Peter A. Gourevitch (eds), France in the Troubled World Economy, Butterworths, 1982, 199 pp. £18.50
by Green, Diana
May 1983, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 149-168 Don't Blame the Bureaucracy!
by Milward, H. Brinton & Rainey, Hal G. - 169-190 Problems of Expedited Implementation: The Strategic Petroleum Reserve
by Weimer, David Leo - 191-207 The Politics of Industrial Training in the United Kingdom
by Anderson, Malcolm & Jurue, John Fairley - 209-231 Flood Control Policy in China: The Policy Consequences of Natural Disasters
by Ross, Lester - 233-234 House of Commons, Third Report from the Treasury and Civil Service Committee: Efficiency and Effectiveness in the Civil Service London: HMSO, 1982; Vol. I, Report, xlix pp., £3.95, HC 236–I, 1981–2; Vol. II, Minutes of Evidence, 507 pp., £12.85, HC 236–II, 1981–2; Vol. III , Appendices, 210 pp., £7.65, HC 236–III, 1981–2
by Hawker, Geoffrey - 234-235 Catherine Hakim, Secondary Analysis in Social Research: A Guide to Data Sources and Methods with Examples, Allen & Unwin, 1982, 202 pp. £5.95
by Miller, W. L. - 237-239 David Coombes, Representative Government and Economic Power, Policy Studies Institute and Heinemann Educational Books, 1982 pp., £6.95
by Leruez, Jacques - 240-241 Wyn Grant, The Political Economy of Industrial Policy, London: Butterworths, 1982, 160+xii pp., £15.00
by Cox, Andrew - 241-242 Gerhard Lehmbruch and Philippe C. Schmitter (eds.), Patterns of Corporatist Policy-Making, Sage, 1982, 292 pp., £17.00(£7.95 pb.)
by Cox, Andrew - 242-243 Richard C. Rich (ed.), The Politics of Urban Public Services, Lexington: D.C. Heath, 1982, 249+xv pp., £19.00
by Newton, Kenneth - 243-244 Charles Debbasch, L'Elysée Devoilée, Paris: A. Michel, 1982, 201 pp., 59 French francs
by Hayward, Jack
February 1983, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-11 Industrial Policies in OECD Countries: An Overview
by McKay, David & Grant, Wyn - 13-28 British Indutrial Policy: Structural Change, Policy Inertia
by Grant, Wyn & Wilks, Stephen - 29-48 Industrial Policy and Non-policy in the United States
by McKay, David - 49-61 Danish Industrial Policy: Persistent Liberalism
by Sidenius, Niels Chr. - 63-80 The Industrial Policy of Japan
by Hills, Jill - 81-95 Irish Industrial Policy: The Constraints and Opportunities of an Open Economy
by Girvin, Brian - 97-117 Regional Implications of Industrial Policy: The Italian Case
by Faini, Riccardo & Schiantarelli, Fabio - 119-130 Economic Success without an Industrial Strategy: Austria in the 1970s
by Müller, Wolfgang C. - 131-148 French Planning and Industrial Policy
by Estrin, Saul & Holmes, Peter
October 1982, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 319-346 Two Cheers for the Welfare State: Public Opinion and Private Welfare
by Taylor-Gooby, Peter - 347-363 Strike costs and public policy
by Enderwick, Peter - 365-378 The Home Office and Race Relations Policy: Coordinator and Initiator?
by Nixon, Jaqi - 379-394 Decision rules and regulatory reform
by Linder, Stephen H. - 395-411 Marketable Permits: What's all the Fuss About?
by Supa, Robert W. Hahn - 413-417 George W. Jones (ed.), New Approaches to the Study of Central-Local Relationships, Gower, £11; - R. A. W. Rhodes, Control and Power in Central-Local Government Relations, Gower, £11.50
by Wright, Deil S. - 417-419 Jerome J. Hanus (ed.), The Nationalization of State Government, D. C. Heath, pp. 169+xiii
by Croisat, Maurice - 419-421 Amarjit Singh Sethi and Stuart J. Dimmock (eds.), Industrial Relations and Health Services, Croom Helm, £15.95, 370 pp
by Beaumont, P. B.
August 1982, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 193-215 Inflationary Momentum and Stabilization Policy: A US Perspective
by Hemphill, William L. - 217-236 Towards a Craft of Energy Policy: Constraints upon and Opportunities for Strategic Planning in the US Department of Energy
by Daneke, Gregory A. - 237-262 Black Minority Participation in the USA and Britain
by Jacobs, Brian - 263-300 Organising for Health: The National Health Service in the United Kingdom
by Hunter, David J. - 301-308 Implementation Research — The Link Gone Missing
by Hjern, Benny - 309-310 Michael Dear and Allen J. Scott (eds.), Urbanisation and Urban Planning in Capitalist Societies, Methuen, 1981, 619 pp. £15 hardback; £7.50 paper. - Frank J. Popper, The Politics of Land Use Reform, University of Wisconsin Press, 1981, 309 pp. £13 hardback; £4.85 paper. - Ian Bracken, Urban Planning Methods: Research and Policy Analysis, Methuen, 1981, 400 pp. £18 hardback: £9.50 paper
by Goldsmith, Michael - 310-313 P. Hall (ed.), The Inner City in Context, Heinemann, 1981, 275 + ix pp., £5.50
by Wolman, Harold - 313-315 Andrew D. Glassberg, Representation and Urban Community, Macmillan, 1981, 232 pp., £20.00
by Leach, Steve - 315-316 Julian Le Grand, The Strategy of Equality: Redistribution and the Social Services, Allen and Unwin, 1982, 192 + xii pp., £4.95
by Donnison, David - 316-318 Patricia Apps, A Theory of Inequality and Taxation, Cambridge University Press, 1981, 132 + x pp. £16.50
by Donnison, David
May 1982, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 97-116 Inequlity, the National Health Service and Health Policy
by Maynard, Alan & Ludbrook, Anne - 117-144 Growth by Exception: or The Vain Attempt to Impose Resource Scarcity on the Danish Public Sector
by Christensen, Jørgen Grønnegård - 145-164 The Policy Analysis-Critical Theory Affair: Wildavsky and Habermas as Bedfellows?
by Forester, John - 165-177 Harnessing the Guinness Effect
by Hanson, Bertil L. - 179-181 Herbert Kaufman, The Administrative Behavior of Federal Bureau Chiefs, The Brookings Institution, 1981, 220 pp. $8.95 paperback
by Rose, Richard - 181-182 L. E. LynnJr and D. de F. Whitman, The President as Policymaker, Temple University Press, 1981, xiii and 351 pp., $19.95 cloth ($9.95 paper)
by Jones, G. W. - 183-184 Hans Gunter Hockerts, Sozialpolitische Entscheidungen im Nachkriegs-deutschland: Allierte und deutsche Sozialversicherungspolitik 1945 bis 1957. Stuttgart: Clett-Cotta, 1980, 463 pp., DM68
by Heidenheimer, Arnold J. - 184-185 John Fraser, Italy. Society in Crisis/Society in Transformation, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981, 307+vii pp., £10.95
by Ferrera, Maurizio - 185-187 Peter R. Baehr & Bjorn Wittrock (eds.), Policy Analysis and Policy Innovation: Patterns, Problems and Potentials, Sage Modern Politics Series, Volume 5, Sage Publications, 1981, 238 pp., £15.50 hardcover (£7.50 paper)
by Jenkins, W. I. - 187-188 D. J. Palumbo and M. A. Harder (eds.), Implementing Public Policy, Lexington Books, 1981, xvii+169 pp., £12.50
by Hill, Michael J. - 188-190 Dennis J. Palumbo, Stephen B. Fawcett and Paula Wright (eds.), Evaluating and Optimizing Public Policy, Lexington Books, 1981, 223+xv pp., £16.00
by Hogwood, Brian W. - 190-191 Charles T. Goodsell (ed.), The Public Encounter, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 267+x pp., £22.50
by Hill, Michael - 191-192 Nevil Johnson and Allan Cochrane, Economic Policy Making by Local Authorities in Britain and Western Europe, Allen and Unwin, 1981, 182+x pp
by McKay, David
February 1982, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-21 The Pressman-Wildavsky Paradox: Four Addenda or Why Models Based on Probability Theory Can Predict Implementation Success and Suggest Useful Tactical Advice for Implementers
by Bowen, Elinor R. - 23-30 Evaluation and Problem Redefinition
by Dery, David - 31-51 Crowding Out in the UK within an Optimal Control Framework
by Arestis, P. & Karakitsos, E. - 53-71 Discounting Discounting
by Goodin, Robert E. - 73-74 P. M. Jackson (ed.), Government Policy Initiatives 1979–80: Some Case Studies in Public Administration, Royal Institute of Public Administration, 1981, 253 pp., £3.80 (paper). - Joseph A. Pechman (ed.), Setting National Priorities: The 1982 Budget, The Brookings Institution, 1981, 275+xii pp., $19.95 ($7.95 paper)
by Peters, B. Guy - 74-77 Frank J. Thompson, Health Policy and the Bureaucracy: Politics and Implementation, MIT Press, 1981, 334pp., £15.50. - Christopher Ham, Policy-making in the National Health Service, Macmillan, 1981, 224pp. £18.00. - Michael Butts, Doreen Irving and Christopher Whitt, From Principles to Practice: A Commentary on Health Service Planning and Resource Allocation in England From 1970 to 1980, Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust, London, 1981, 200pp., £8.50
by Klein, Rudolf - 77-79 Robert Goodin, Manipulatory Politics, Yale University Press, 1980, 250+x pp., £11.80
by Mackenzie, W. J. M. - 79-81 Adam Podgórecki and Christopher J. Whelan (eds.), Sociological Approaches to Law, Croom Helm, 1981, 256 pp., £12.95. - Bob Fryer, Alan Hunt, Doreen McBarnet, Bert Moorhouse (eds.), Law, State and Society, Croom Helm, 1981, 234 pp., £14.95
by Griffith, J. A. G. - 81-83 G. Payne, R. Dingwall, J. Payne, M. Carter, Sociology and Social Research, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981, 321 pp., £14.50
by Saunders, Peter - 84-85 Mark Blaug, The Methodology of Economics: Or How Economists Explain, Cambridge University Press, 1980, 296 pp., £15.00
by Self, Peter - 85-88 Christopher Hood and Maurice Wright (eds.), Big Government in Hard Times, Martin Robinson, 1981, 240 pp
by Levine, Charles H. - 88-90 Christopher Hood and Andrew Dunsire with the assistance of K. Suky Thomson, Bureaumetrics: the Quantitative Comparison of British Central Government Agencies, Gower, 1981, 312 + xiv pp., £15.00
by Rhodes, R. A. W. - 90-93 Peter Szanton (ed.), Federal Reorganization: What Have We Learned?, Chatham House, 1981, 184 pp., $12.95
by Olsen, J. P. - 93-95 R. C. Fried and F. F. Rabinovitz, Comparative Urban Politics: a Performance Approach, Prentice-Hall, 1980, 220 pp
by Dunleavy, Patrick - 95-96 Thomas R. Dye and Virginia Gray (eds.), The Determinants of Public Policy, Lexington Books, 1980, 227+vii pp., £14.00. - Warren J. Samuels and Larry L. Wade (eds.), Taxing and Spending Policy, Lexington Books, 1981, 189 +xvi pp., £13.50
by Castles, F.
October 1981, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 413-431 Undesigned Consequences of Purposive Legislative Action: Alternatives to Implementation
by Dexter, Lewis Anthony - 433-464 The Determinants of Program Success and Failure
by Wolman, Harold - 465-479 Macroeconomic Policy Rules Versus Discretion: Some Analytical Issues
by Sayer, S. T. - 481-499 Analysing Public Expenditure: (2) Operating Purposes and Statistical Design
by Copeman, Harold - 501-522 Housing Policy: Towards a Public Choice Perspective
by Ricketts, Martin - 523-524 Carol H. Weiss with Michael J. Bucuvalas, Social Science Research and Decision Making, Columbia University Press, 1980, $28.10
by Jenkins, W. I. - 525-526 Douglas E. Ashford, Policy and Politics in Britain: The Limits of Consensus, Basil Blackwell, 1981 (Temple University Press, 1980), 330 pp., £12.00 (£4.95 paperback)
by Leruez, Jacques - 527-528 F. M. Zweig and K. E. Marvin (eds.), Educating Policymakers for Evaluation, London and Beverly Hills, Sage, 1981, 160 pp., £9.35 (£4.70 paperback)
by Jones, G. W. - 528-529 G. Rhodes, Inspectorates in Brithh Government: Law Enforcement and Standards of Efficiency, Allen and Unwin, 1981, 281 + xiii pp., £15.00
by Goldsmith, Michael - 529-531 SirCharles Carter (ed.), Industrial Policy and Innovation, Heinemann Educational Books, 1981, 241 + viii pp., £14.50 (£6.50 paper); Roy Rothwell and Walter Zegveld, Industrial Innovation and Public Policy, Frances Pinter, 1981, 251 pp., £13.50
by Grant, Wyn - 531-533 Jean G. Padioleau, Quand la France s'enferre. La politique sidérurgique de la France depuis 1945, Presses Universitaires de France (collection ‘Sociologies’), 1981, 232 pp
by Cazes, Bernard
August 1981, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 289-306 Analysing Public Expenditure: (I) Planning, Control and Price
by Copeman, Harold - 307-332 Entrepreneurship and Government Policy: The Case of the Housing Market
by Farmer, Mary K. & Barrell, Ray - 333-351 Promoting the Industries of the Future: The Search for an Industrial Strategy in Britain and France
by Green, Diana - 353-380 Applied Social Research? The Use and Non-use of Empirical Social Inquiry by British and American Governmental Commissions.
by Bulmer, Martin - 381-399 Inappropriate Comparisons as a Basis for Policy: Two Recent Examples from the Social Experiments
by Burtless, Gary & Greenberg, David - 401-402 Policy and Practice: The Experience of Government, Royal Institute of Public Administration, 1980, 103 pp. £5.50
by Polsby, Nelson W. - 402-404 Vito Tanzi, Inflation and the Personal Income Tax: An International Perspective, Cambridge University Press, xii + 176 pp. £12.50
by Sandford, Cedric - 404-406 Richard Coughlin, Ideology, Public Opinion and Welfare Policy, Institute of International Studies, University of California, Berkeley, 1980. 195 pp. $4.95
by Lewis, Alan - 406-409 Donald C. Rowat (ed.), International Handbook on Local Government Reorganization: Contemporary Developments, Aldwich Press, 1980, 626 pp. £27.50
by Kjellberg, Francesco - 409-410 Peter J. S. Dunnett, The Decline of the British Motor Industry, Croom Helm, 1980, 201 pp. £10.95
by Hogwood, Brian W. - 411-411 N. J. D. Lucas, Energy in France: Planning, Politics and Policy, Europa Publications, 1979, 220 pp. £15.00
by Hayward, Jack
May 1981, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 157-220 Theorizing About the Growth of Government: A Research Assessment
by Larkey, Patrick D. & Stolp, Chandler & Winer, Mark - 221-250 Territory and Public Employment: A General Model and British Evidence
by Parry, Richard - 251-267 Technical Information and Policy Choice: The Case of the Resource Recovery Nondecision
by Bozeman, Barry & Bozeman, J. Lisle - 269-270 Philip G. Cerny and Martin A. Schain (eds.), French Politics and Public Policy, F. Pinter, 1980, 300 pp., £12.50 hardback (Methuen University paperback £4.50)
by Hayward, J. E. S. - 270-272 John Maynard Keynes, Collected Writings, Vol. XXV, Activities 1940–1944, Shaping the Post-War World: The Clearing Union. Editor Donald Moggridge, Macmillan, Cambridge University Press, 1980, 522 pp
by Tait, Alan A. - 272-274 Richard Rose, Do Parties Make a Difference?, Macmillan, 1980, 176 pp. £15.00
by Sharpe, L. J. - 274-276 Lennart J. Lundqvist, The Hare and the Tortoise: Clean Air Policy in the United States and Sweden, The University of Michigan Press, 1980, 236 pp., $15
by Richardson, J. J. - 276-279 Kenneth Newton, Balancing the Books: Financial Problems of Local Government in Western Europe, Sage, 1980, 218 pp., £12.50 (paperback £6.25)
by Sbragia, Alberta - 279-282 Douglas Ashford (ed.), Financing Urban Government in the Welfare State, Croom Helm, 1980, £11.95
by Wolman, Harold - 282-283 Geoffrey Brennan and James M. Buchanan, The Power to Tax, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1980, 231 pp., £10.50
by Tait, Alan A. - 283-284 Walter Williams, The Implementation Perspective: A Guide for Managing Social Service Delivery Programs, University of California Press, 1980, 147 pp., $11.95 (paperback $3.95)
by Dunsire, Andrew - 284-286 Doug McEachern, A Class against Itself: Power in the Nationalisation of the British Steel Industry, Cambridge University Press, 1980, ix + 229 pp., £12.50
by Foster, John