October 1989, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 425-428 Social Indicators and Social Reporting in Germany
by Glatzer, Wolfgang & Noll, Heinz-Herbert - 429-432 Disappointments and Legacies of Social Indicators
by Innes, Judith Eleanor - 433-436 Some Reflections on the United States
by Johnston, Denis F. - 437-438 Policy Indicators: a Continuing and Needed Field
by Macrae, Duncan - 439-444 Social Indicators: A Swedish Perspective
by Vogel, Joachim - 445-450 Social Indicators: a Third World Perspective
by Ward, Michael - 451-465 Improbable Implementation: The Pressman–Wildavsky Paradox Revisited
by Alexander, Ernest R. - 467-491 Pension Policies in OECD Countries: Background, Trends and Implications
by Holzmann, Robert - 493-507 The Transformation in Gender Inequality in Tertiary Education
by Castles, Francis G. & Marceau, Jane - 509-512 Between Profit and State: Intermediate Organizations in Britain and the United States by Alan Ware (London Polity Press1989) £32.50. - Charities and Government edited by Alan Ware (Manchester University Press1989) £29.95
by Douglas, James - 512-514 A European Central Bank? edited by Marcello de Cecco and Alberto Giovannini. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 371 pp. £12.95 paperback
by Holoman, Christopher - 514-516 Carol H. Weiss and Eleanor Singer, with the assistance of Phyllis Endreny, Reporting of Social Science in the National Media. New York: Russell Sage Foundation1988296 pages
by Tunstall, Jeremy - 516-517 Dieter Helm, ed. The Economic Borders of the State, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1989, 323 pp. £35.00 hard, £9.95 paper, hard, £9.95 paper
by Furstenberg, George M. von - 517-518 Public Sector Deficits in OECD Countries, edited by Henry Cavanna, Macmillan, 1988. 173 pp. £35.00
by Hemming, Richard
July 1989, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 233-240 Signals for Steering Government
by Rose, Richard - 241-259 Stars to Steer By: The Political Impact of Moral Values
by Goodin, Robert E. - 261-286 Charges as Contested Signals
by Rose, Richard - 287-306 The American Legislative Process as a Signal
by Katzmann, Robert A. - 307-336 Setting and Firing Policy Triggers
by Weaver, Kent - 337-353 Interpreting the unexpected: the case of AIDS policy making in Britain
by Day, Patricia & Klein, Rudolf - 355-369 Management Accountability: The Signals sent by Auditing and Evaluation
by Rist, Ray C. - 371-397 Social Steering and Household Strategies: the macropolitics and the microsociology of welfare states
by Therborn, Göran
April 1989, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 127-155 Aging, Savings, and Pensions in the Group of Seven Countries: 1980—2025
by Heller, Peter S. - 157-178 Popular versus Elite Views of Privatization: The Case of Britain
by McAllister, Ian & Studlar, Donley T. - 179-205 Agendas, Alternatives, and Public Policy: Lessons from the U.S. Foreign Policy Arena
by Durant, Robert F. & Diehl, Paul F. - 207-216 Fighting Political Terrorism by Refusing Recognition: A Critique of Frey's Proposal
by Friedland, Nehemia - 217-221 R. A. Katzmann, ed. Judges and Legislators: Towards Institutional Comity, Brookings Institution, Washington D.C.200 pages 1988
by Jacob, Joseph M. - 221-223 Joseph M. Jacob Doctors and Rules: A Sociology of Professional Values, London: Routledge1988, 250 pp
by Klein, Rudolf - 223-224 Alan A. Tait. Value Added Tax – International Practice and Problems. International Monetary Fund, Washington DC, 1988. $29.50
by Sandford, Cedric - 224-225 Effective Social Science: Eight cases in economics, political science and sociology. Bernard Barber, ed. Russell Sage Foundation, New York, 1987, 205 pp. $17.50
by Thomas, Patricia - 225-226 Nathan Glazer The Limits of Social Policy, Cambridge, Mass. Harvard University Press, 1988, 215 pp
by Jones, Catherine - 226-227 M. H. Pesaran. The Limits to Rational Expectations. Oxford, Basil Blackwell. 1987
by Collard, David - 227-228 Linda Challis , Joint Approaches to Social Policy, Cambridge University Press, 1988; 284 pp
by Donnison, David - 228-231 Barry Eichengreen and T. J. Hatton, eds., Interwar Unemployment in International Perspective. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1988
by Zimmermann, Ekkart
January 1989, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-33 European Community Labour Market Harmonisation
by Teague, Paul - 35-58 Instruments of Government: Perceptions and Contexts
by Linder, Stephen H. & Peters, B. Guy - 59-82 Social Insurance as an Efficiency Device
by Barr, Nicholas - 83-108 Domestic Political Preconditions of US Trade Policy: Liberal Structure and Protectionist Dynamics
by Nelson, Douglas - 109-112 Sidney Verba and Steven Kelman, Gary R. Orren, Ichiro Miyake, Joji Watanuki, Ikuo Kabashima, G. Donald FerreeJr.,, Elites and the Idea Equality: A Comparison of Japan, Sweden, and the United States, Cambridge, Massachusetts and London: Harvard University Press, 1987. £23.95 and $35.95
by Krauss, Ellis S. - 112-114 Burton A. Weisbrod, The Nonprofit Economy, Cambridge, Mass, and London, Harvard University Press, 1988. ISBN 0-674-62625-7
by Ware, Alan - 114-115 Aaron Wildavsky, Searching for Safety, New Brunswich N.J.: Transaction Books, 1988, 253 pp
by Collard, David - 115-117 William Julius Wilson, The Truly Disadvantaged, University of Chicago Press, 1987; pp. 254
by Donnison, David - 117-120 Samuel P. Hays, Beauty, Health, and Permanence: Environmental Politics in the United States, 1955–1985. Cambridge: Cambridge University. Press, 1987, 630 pp
by Sabatier, Paul - 121-122 James M. Rogers, The Impact of Policy Analysis. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1988
by Weiss, Carol H. - 122-124 Barry Cooper, Allan Kornberg, and William Mishler (eds), The Resurgence of Conservatism in Anglo-American Democracies, Durham, North Carolina, Duke University Press, 1988, vii + 464, $12.95 paperback
by McAllister, Ian - 124-125 David Levine. Needs, Rights, and the Market. Boulder and London: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1988. pp. ix + 158
by Goodin, Robert E.
July 1988, Volume 8, Issue 3-4
- 229-233 International Monetary Cooperation, Domestic Politics, and Policy Ideas
by Odell, John S. & Willett, Thomas D. - 235-263 National Macroeconomic Policy Preferences and International Coordination Issues
by Willett, Thomas D. - 265-286 Capital Politics: Creditors and the International Political Economy
by Frieden, Jeffry A. - 287-315 From London to Bretton Woods; Sources of Change in Bargaining Strategies and Outcomes
by Odell, John S. - 317-333 From Neglect to Activism: American Politics and the 1985 Plaza Accord
by Henning, C. Randall & Destler, I. M. - 335-352 Devaluation and Domestic Politics in Developing Countries: Indonesia in 1978
by Woo, Wing Thye - 353-374 Obstacles to International Macroeconomic Policy Coordination
by Frankel, Jeffrey A. - 375-401 Organization and Cooperation: International Institutions and Policy Coordination
by Kahler, Miles - 403-407 The GLOBUS Model: Computer Simulation of Worldwide Political and Economic Developments edited by Stuart A. Bremer. Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag and Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 944 pp. $98.50
by Nicolson, Michael - 407-409 Empirical Macroeconomics for Interdependent Economies, eds. Ralph C. Bryant, Dale W. Henderson, Gerald Holtham, Peter Hooper, and Steven A. Symansky. Washington, DC: the Brookings Institution, 1988. Two volumes: vol. 1, hardcover, 342 pp.; vol. II, paper, 347 pp
by Hughes, Barry B. - 409-410 Yoichi Funabashi, Managing the Dollar: from the Plaza to the Louvre Washington, 1988, Institute for International Economics. 248 pp plus annexes of major documents
by Strange, Susan - 410-411 Margaret Reid, All-Change in the City: The Revolution in Britain's Financial Sector, London, Macmillan Press, 1988, 288 pp., £16.95
by Moran, Michael - 412-413 Kozo Yamamura and Yasukichi yasuba (eds.), The Political Economy of Japan, Vol. I, The Domestic Tramsformation, Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1987, 666 pp
by Boltho, Andrea - 414-415 Amitai Etzioni, The Moral Dimension: Toward A New Economics. New York: The Free Press-Collier Macmillan, 1988. xvii, 352 pp, $24.95
by Swedberg, Richard - 416-417 Why Economic Policies Change Course: Eleven Case Studies. Economics and Statistics Department. Paris: OECD, 1988, 122 pp. ISBN 92-64-13099-3, £7.50
by Rose, Richard - 417-419 The European Monetary System. Edited by Francesco Giavazzi, Stefano Micossi, and Marcus Miller. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. 424 pp
by Goodman, John B.
April 1988, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 111-124 International Coordination of Fiscal Policies
by Tanzi, Vito - 125-149 Do Institutions Make a Difference? Financing Systems of Labor Market Policy
by Schmid, Günther & Reissert, Bernd - 151-173 The Economic Content of Security1
by Luciani, Giacomo - 175-194 Explaining Policy Failure: Japan and the International Economy, 1969–1971
by Angel, Robert C. - 195-212 Deregulation and Privatization in Germany
by Vogelsang, Ingo - 213-214 Terence Daintith, ed., Law as an Instrument of Economic Policy: Comparative and Critical Approaches. Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1988, European University Institute Series A, No. 7
by Willke, Hellmut - 214-216 Jameson W. Doig and Erwin C. Hargrove, eds., Leadership and Innovation: A Biographical Perspective on Entrepreneurs in Government, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1987, pp. xii + 459. ISBN 0–8018–3442–2
by Jones, G. W. - 217-218 David Braybrooke, Meeting Needs, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1987, ISBN 0–691–07727–4
by Weale, Albert - 218-220 P. S. Atiyah and Robert S. Summers, Form and Substance in Anglo-American Law: A Comparative Study of Legal Reasoning, Legal Theory, and Legal Institutions, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987, 437 pp
by O'Brien, David M. - 220-222 Elim Papadakis and Peter Taylor-Gooby, The Private Provision of Public Welfare: State, Market and Community, Brighton: Wheatsheaf Books1987. £30.00 and £12.95
by Kamerman, Sheila B. - 222-223 Alicia H. Munnell, ed. Lessons from the Income Maintenance Experiments. Boston: Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Conference Series Number 30
by Grand, Julian Le - 223-225 Leonard A. Sagan, The Health of Nations: True Cause of Sickness and Well-being. New York: Basic Books, 1987
by Freeman, Hugh - 225-226 D. B. Bobrow and J. S. Dryzek Policy Analysis by Design, Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1987
by Hood, Christopher - 227-228 James Walter, The Ministers' Minders: Personal Advisers in National Government, Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1986, 237 pages
by Meltsner, Arnold J.
January 1988, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-19 Privatization: Towards a Concept for Comparative Policy Analysis
by Lundqvist, Lennart J. - 21-48 The Politics of Central Banks: Austerity and Unemployment in Europe
by Kurzer, Paulette - 49-60 Budget Deficits, Inflation Accounting, and Macroeconomic Policy: A Skeptical Note
by Catsambas, Thanos - 61-80 Systematically Pinching Ideas: A Comparative Approach to Policy Design
by Schneider, Anne & Ingram, Helen - 81-99 Hearing Objections? Evaluating Energy Planning Procedures in Scotland and Germany
by Clement, Keith - 101-103 Meinolf Dierkes, Hans N. Weiler, Ariane Berthoin Antal, eds., Comparative Policy Research: Learning From Experience. Aldershot: Gower, 1987, 531 pp
by Freeman, Gary P. - 103-105 Amartya Sen, with contributions by John Muellbauer, Ravi Kanbur, Keith Hart, Bernard Williams, The Standard of Living, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987 xiv + 125pp
by Peacock, Alan - 105-106 Robert D. Putnam and Nicholas Bayne, Hanging Together: Cooperation and Conflict in the Seven-Power Summits, revised and enlarged edition. London: Sage Publications, 1987, 293pp
by Odell, John S. - 106-107 Richard Rose, Ministers and Ministries: A Functional Analysis, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987, 287pp
by Kogan, Maurice - 108-109 Dennis F. Thompson, Political Ethics and Public Office, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1987
by Barry, Brian
October 1987, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 349-371 A Society without a ‘State’? Political Organization, Social Conflict, and Welfare Provision in the United States
by Skocpol, Theda - 373-387 The Growing Burden of an Ageing Population?
by Thane, Pat - 389-430 Outcomes of Nuclear Technology Policy: Do Varying Political Styles Make a Difference?
by Rüdig, Wolfgang - 431-449 Lumpy Goods and Cheap Riders: An Application of the Theory of Public Goods to International Alliances
by Thompson, Fred - 451-452 Margaret Garritsen de Vries, Balance of Payments Adjustment 1945 to 1986: the IMF Experience. IMF, Washington, 1987
by Cairncross, Alexander - 452-454 Paul F. Whiteley and Stephen J. Wingard, Pressure For The Poor: The Poverty Lobby and Policy Making. London: Methuen, 1987, pp. 174
by Willetts, David - 454-456 C. R. Ragin, The Comparative Method: Moving Beyond Qualitative and Quantitative Methods. Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1987, 71 pp
by Miller, William - 456-458 Peter Flora (ed.), Growth to Limits: The Western European Welfare States since World War II. Vol. 1 Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark. Vol. 2 Germany, United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1986, XXXIV + 383 pp. and XXXIV + 500 pp. respectively; DM 158 and DM202 respectively
by Klein, Rudolf
July 1987, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 219-226 INTRODUCTION The Politics of Unemployment 1
by Keman, Hans - 227-257 A Game-Theoretical Interpretation of Inflation and Unemployment in Western Europe
by Scharpf, Fritz W. - 259-284 Does Corporatism Really Matter? The economic crisis and issues of political theory
by Therborn, Goran - 285-305 The Political Appraisal of Employment Policies
by Rose, Richard - 307-335 Political Immobilism and Labour Market Performance: The Dutch Road to Mass Unemployment
by Braun, Dietmar - 337-338 François Duchêne and Geoffrey Shepherd, eds., Managing Industrial Change in Western Europe. London: Frances Pinter, 1987, pp. xii and 247. ISBN 086187 281 9
by Hall, Peter A. - 338-339 Maurice Kogan Education Accountability: An Analytic Overview, London: Hutchinson1986, £8.95
by Day, Patricia - 339-341 Brian Robson, ed., Managing the City, London: Croom Helm, 1987
by Wolman, Harold - 341-343 Paul E. Peterson, Barry G. Rabe, Kenneth K. Wong, When Federalism Works, Washington DC: The Brookings Institution, 1986, ISBN 0-8157-7019-7
by Bulpitt, Jim - 343-345 Ian Budge, David Robertson, Derek Hearl, (ed.), Ideology, Strategy, and Party Change: Spatial Analyses of Post-War Election Programmes in 19 Democracies. Cambridge University Press, 1987, pp. xvii + 494
by Gamble, Andrew - 345-346 Peter J. Higgs, Adaptation and Survival in Australian Agriculture, Oxford, Oxford University Press
by McCorriston, Steve
April 1987, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 103-134 Individual Irrationality and Public Policy: In Search of Merit/Demerit Policies
by Walsh, Cliff - 135-177 West Germany: The Policy of the Middle Way
by Schmidt, Manfred G. - 179-188 Fighting Political Terrorism by Refusing Recognition
by Frey, Bruno S. - 189-208 The Medical Profession and the State in France
by Steffen, Monika - 209-210 Richard Portes and Alexander K Swoboda, eds., Threats to International Financial Stability, Cambridge University Press, 1987, 307 + xviii pp., £9.50 paper
by Moran, Michael - 210-211 Modem Welfare States: A Comparative View of Trends and Prospects, Robert R. Friedmann, Neil Gilbert and Moshe Sherer, eds. Brighton: Wheatsheaf Books, 1987
by Castles, Francis G. - 212-213 Maurice Mullard, The Politics of Public Expenditure, London: Croom Helm. 1987, 220 pp., £25.00
by Higgins, Michael O' - 213-214 Jolyon Howorth and George Ross (ed.) Contemporary France: A Review of Interdisciplinary Studies, London: Frances Pinter, 1987, pp. £218
by Cazes, Bernard - 214-216 Donald W. Light and Alexander Schuller, eds. Political Values and Health Care: The German Experience. Cambridge, Mass. MIT Press, 1986, pp. 605
by Heidenheimer, Arnold J. - 216-217 HMI by Dennis Lawton and Peter Gordon, Routledge & Kegan PaulLondon £14.95
by Kogan, Maurice
January 1987, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-32 Income Security Policies in the United States: The Inevitability and Consequences of Retrenchment
by Palmer, John L. - 33-42 Social Experiments and the Habitual Force of Law
by Rhoads, Steven E. - 43-70 Market and Non-Market Failures: Comparison and Assessment1
by Wolf, Charles - 71-92 Capturing Quality?: The Quality Issue in British and American Health Policies
by Pollitt, Christopher - 93-95 Mary Douglas,How Institutions Think, London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1987, 146 pp., £7.95
by Hood, Christopher - 95-96 T. Scitovsky, Human Desire & Economic Satisfaction, Wheatsheaf, Brighton, 1986, xii + 207 pp., £32.50
by Lewis, Alan - 96-98 I. M. Destler, American Trade Politics: System Under Stress, Institute for International Economics and the Twentieth Century Fund1986. 366 pp
by Strange, Susan - 98-101 L. Cerych & P. Sabatier: Great Expectations and Mixed Performance. The Implementation of Higher Education Reforms in Europe (1986) Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham books
by Lane, Jan-Erik
October 1986, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 341-370 Popular Sovereignty and the Search for Appropriate Institutions
by March, James G. & Olsen, Johan P. - 371-398 The Politics of Blame Avoidance
by Weaver, R. Kent - 399-430 The Middle Classes and the Welfare State under Conservative and Labour Governments
by Grand, Julian Le & Winter, David - 431-445 Good Blood, Bad Blood, and the Market: The Gift Relationship Revisited
by McLean, Iain & Poulton, Jo - 447-448 John L. Palmer (ed) Perspectives on the Reagan Years. Washington DC: The Urban Institute Press (1986), 215 + xii pp
by Page, Edward C. - 448-450 David Vogel. National Styles of Regulation: Environmental Policy in Great Britain and the United States. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, N.Y. (1986)
by Douglas, James - 450-452 Peter A. Hall. Governing the Economy. London: Polity Press (1986) Pp.341. ISBN 0 7456 03726
by Holmes, Peter - 452-455 Paul Wilding (ed.), In Defence of the Welfare State, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1986, 152 pp., £14.95
by Heald, David - 455-456 Jill Hills, Deregulating Telecoms: Competition and Control in the United States, Japan and Britain, London: Frances Pinter (1986) pp. 220, £20
by Pitt, Douglas - 456-458 Tony Travers, The Politics of Local Government FinanceLondon: Allen & Unwin (1986) 241 pp
by Lee, Eugene C.
July 1986, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 225-253 Policy Entrepreneurship in Government: An American Study
by Marmor, Theodore R. - 255-274 Creeping Universalism in the Welfare State: Evidence from Australia
by Goodin, Robert E. & Grand, Julian Le - 275-296 Mrs. Thatcher's Employment Prescription: An Active Neo-Liberal Labor Market Policy
by Robertson, David Brian - 297-318 Impacts of Policy Actions on the Family and Household
by Ermisch, John - 319-323 Madeleine Grawitz and Jean Leca, general editors. Traité de Science Politique (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. 4 volumes. 1985. Ffr 360 each. - Madeleine Grawitz and Jean Leca La Science Politique, Science Sociale, L'Ordre Politique. Volume 1, pp. 723 + xxviii. - Madeleine Grawitz and Jean Leca Les Régimes Politiques Contemporaries. Volume 2, pp. 714. - Madeleine Grawitz and Jean Leca L'Action Politique. Volume 3, pp. 713 + xiv. - Madeleine Grawitz and Jean Leca Les Politiques Publiques. Volume 4, pp. 558 + xix
by Page, Edward C. & Smith, Gordon - 323-324 Joseph A. Pechman, The Rich, The Poor and the Taxes They Pay, Wheatsheaf, Brighton, Sussex, 1986
by Robinson, Ann - 324-326 John Carswell Government and the Universities in Britain: Programme and Performance 1960–1980, Cambridge: The University Press1986, 181 pp + viii. £19.50
by Taylor, William - 326-327 Alan A. Auerbach and Martin Feldstein (editors), Handbook of Public Economics, Volume 1 published by North-Holland, Amsterdam, New York, Oxford (1985)
by Tait, Alan A. - 328-329 Hugh L. Freeman (ed.), Mental Health and the Environment, London, Churchill Livingstone, 1984, 490 pp., £40.00
by Willmott, Peter - 329-331 R. Kent Weaver, The Politics of Industrial Change, Washington DC: The Brookings Institution, 1985, 291 pp
by Davies, Phillip L. - 331-332 Francesco Forte and Alan Peacock (ed.), Public Expenditure and Government Growth, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1985
by Kennelly, Brendan - 332-334 Rod A. W. Rhodes, The National World of Local Government, London, Allen and Unwin, 1986. New Local Government Series 26, 441 pp., £40 cloth
by Mabileau, Albert - 334-335 Stan Openshaw, Nuclear Power. Siting and Safety. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1986. £9.95 paper. £20 cloth
by Keating, Michael - 335-336 Industrial Biotechnology in Europe: Issues of Public Policy. Edited by Duncan Davies. London, Francis Pinter, 1986, pp. 156 + xiv
by Sharp, Margaret - 336-337 Herbert Kaufman, Time, Chance and Organizations: Natural Selection in a Perilous Environment, Chatham NJ: Chatham House Publishers, 1985, xii + 180 pp. $22.00. ISBN 0–934540–40–3
by Dunsire, Andrew - 337-338 Jill Hills, Deregulating Telecoms: Competition and Control in the United States, Japan and Britain, London: Frances Pinter1986; 220 pp. price £20
by Pitt, Douglas - 338-340 Axel Hadenius, A Crisis of the Welfare State?. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1986. 152 pp. - Urban Laurin, På Heder och Samuete: Skattefuskets Orsaker och Utbredning. (Upon My Honour: The Causes and Extent of Tax Evasion). Stockholm: Norstedts, 1986. x + 463 pp. (including English summary)
by Peters, B. Guy
April 1986, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 121-135 Charity-State Relations: A Conceptual Analysis
by Deans, Tom & Ware, Alan - 137-158 Public Choice Theory Applied to National Energy Policy: The Case of France
by Feldman, David Lewis - 159-180 Innovation in Local Government and Fiscal Austerity
by Wolman, Harold - 181-210 Policy Recommendations for Multi-Actor Implementation: An Assessment of the Field
by O'Toole, Laurence J - 211-213 Ruut Veenhoven, Conditions of Happiness, Dordrecht, the Netherlands D.Reidel, 1984, pp. 461, £35.75; Databook of Happiness Reidel, 1984, pp. 580, £66.25
by Donnison, David - 213-215 OECD, Measuring Health Care, Paris: OECD, 1985, 162 pp
by Klein, Rudolf - 215-217 Legislating Bureaucratic Change: The Change Service Reform Act of 1978 Edited by: Patricia W. Ingraham and Carlyn Ban. Albany N.Y., State University of New York Press, 1984, 406 pp., paperback
by Ward, John - 217-219 Thomas T. Mackie and Brian W. Hogwood (eds.), Unlocking the Cabinet: Cabinet Structures in Comparative Perspective, Sage Publications, 1985, vi–186 pp. £25.00 hbk, £9.95 pbk
by Jones, G. W. - 219-222 The state and the market economy: industrial patriotism and economic intervention in France. By J. E. S. Hayward: Wheatsheaf Books, 1986, pp. xv + 267 £28.50 (Cloth)
by Delorme, Robert - 222-224 Phyllis Colvin, The Economic Ideal in British Government Manchester University Press, 1985, 232 pp., £22.50
by Self, Peter
January 1986, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-19 Government and the Voluntary Sector in an Era of Retrenchment: The American Experience
by Salmon, Lester M. - 21-48 Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches to Implementation Research: a Critical Analysis and Suggested Synthesis
by Sabatier, Paul A. - 49-71 Regulation and Regime: A Comparative Analysis
by Elkin, Stephen L. - 73-96 Satellite Broadcasting Policies and the Question of Sovereignty in Western Europe
by Dyson, Kenneth & Humphreys, Peter - 97-99 Harold Lever & Christopher Huhne, Debt & Danger: The World Financial Crisis, Penguin Special, Harmondsworth, England, (1985) £2.95. - Stephen Marris, Deficits and the Dollar: The World Economy at Risk, Institute for International Economics, Washington, D.C., USA, (1985) $15.00
by Tait, Alan A. - 99-100 Jan-Erik Lane (ed), State and Market. The Politics of the Public and the Private. London: Sage Publications, pp. 320, £25.00
by Keating, Michael - 100-102 Peter Self, Political Theories of Modem Government: its Role and Reform, London: George Allen and Unwin, 1985, xiii, 223 pp., £18.00 hardback, £7.95 paperback
by Smith, B. C. - 102-103 Elliot J. Feldman, Concorde and Dissent. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1985, 201 pp., £19.50
by Self, Peter - 103-105 Tomas Hammar (ed.). European Immigration Policy: A Comparative StudyCambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985, 319 pp., £30.00
by Freeman, Gary P. - 105-106 Rudolf Klein and Michael O'Higgins eds., The Future of Welfare, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1985, 253 pp. £19.50 hardback, £8.50 paperback. - Philip Bean, John Ferris and David Whynes eds., In Defence of Welfare, London, Tavistock, 1985, 282 pp. £8.95 paperback
by Parry, Richard - 106-109 Sanjay Banerjee, Dominant Classes and the State in Development: Theory and the Case of India. Boulder and London: Westview Press, 1985, 116 pp., £i5-75. - John R. Wood, ed. State Politics in Contemporary India: Crisis or Continuity?, Boulder and London, Westview Press, 1985, 257 pp., £17.50
by Mitra, Subrata - 109-111 Virginia Sapiro (ed), Women, Biology and Public Policy, London and Beverly Hills; Sage Publications, 1985, 272 pp., £31.00 hardback, £15.50 paperback
by Maschewsky, Werner - 113-113 Editing a Journal; a mini-symposium
by Anonymous - 113-115 On Being an Editor Twice
by Jones, Charles O. - 115-117 PAR: A Professional Journal for Practitioners and Academicians
by Newland, Chester A. - 117-119 Editing an International Interdisciplinary Journal
by Rose, Richard
October 1985, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 441-465 Comparative Public Policy at the Crossroads
by Heidenheimer, Arnold J. - 467-496 National Styles and Policy Sectors: Explaining Structured Variation
by Freeman, Gary P. - 497-519 Contention and Compromise: a Comparative Analysis of Budgetary Politics
by Cusack, Thomas R. - 521-539 State-owned Enterprises Between Autonomy and Dependency
by Anastassopoulos, Jean-Pierre - 541-560 The Efficient Diffusion of Steel Technology Across Nations
by Tarr, David G. - 561-562 Lex Donaldson, In defence of organization theory: a reply to the critics, London, Cambridge University Press, 1985. 196 pp, £8.95 paper, £25 00 cloth
by Pollitt, Christopher - 562-564 Richard L. Merritt and Anna J. Merritt (eds), Innovation in the Public Sector, Sage Publications, 1985. 312 pp, £27.50
by Jenkins, Bill - 564-566 François Dupuy and Jean-Claude Thoenig L'Administration en Miettes, Paris, Fayard, 1985. 316 pp, Ffr 85
by Duclaud-Williams, Roger - 566-567 Kenneth Newton and Terence J. Karran: The Politics of Local ExpenditureLondon, Macmillan, 1985, 165 pp, £18.00 cloth, £5.95 paperback
by Buinot, Jean
August 1985, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 289-320 Maximizing Tax Revenue While Minimizing Political Costs
by Rose, Richard - 321-348 Have Taxes Led Government Expenditures? The United States as a Test Case
by Von Furstenberg, George M. & Green, R. Jeffery & Jeong, Jin-Ho - 349-363 Citizens Strike a Balance: Discontent With Taxes, Content With Spending
by Hadenius, Axel - 365-386 The Determinants of Taxation in Britain: An Empirical Test
by Karran, Terence - 387-399 The Public Debt of French Local Government
by Derycke, Pierre-Henri & Gilbert, Guy - 401-411 The Subsidy as a Purely Normative Concept
by Ricketts, Martin - 413-431 Keeping Kosher: The Epistemology of Tax Expenditures
by Wildavsky, Aaron - 433-434 Howard Machin and Wright Vincent (eds.), Economic Policy and Policymaking under Mitterrand Presidency 1981–84, London, Frances Pinter, 1985, X 293 pp., £19.00
by Cazes, Bernard - 434-435 P. G. Cerny and M. A. Schain, Socialism, the State and Public Policy in France, London, Frances Pinter, 1985, 220 pp., £17.50
by Rhodes, Martin - 435-437 Geoffrey K. Fry, The Changing Civil Service, London: George Allen and Unwin, 1985, 162 pp. £15.00 cloth, £5.95 paperback
by Bodiguel, Jean-Luc - 437-438 Pascall Glenn, The Trillion Dollar Budget: How to Stop the Bankrupting of America. (with a chapter on ‘The Fiscal Collision’ by Dayna Hutchings), Seattle, University of Washington Press, 1985, 328 pp. $19.95 hard, $9.95 paper
by Hogan, Joseph J. - 439-440 Stephen Wilks, Industrial Policy and the Motor Industry, 1984, Manchester University Press, xviii + 318 pp., £18.95
by Hogwood, Brian
May 1985, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 133-168 Social Expenditure: 1960–1990: Problems of Growth and Control
by Anonymous