December 1971, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 108-115 An Outline of a Generalization — started by E. Sparre Andersen — of the classical Ruin Theory
by Thorin, Olof - 116-128 On Risk Processes with Stochastic Intensity function
by Grandell, Jan - 129-133 On the Calculation of the Ruin Probability for a finite time Period
by Beard, R. E. - 134-146 Contributions to the Theory of the Largest Claim Cover
by Kupper, J. - 147-152 Exemplification of Ruin Probabilities
by Wikstad, Nils - 153-156 A Short Note on Overall Risk Management in an Insurance Concern
by Borch, Karl - 157-162 Risque et Rentabilite
by Croset, Gérard - 163-177 A Mutual Reinsurance Scheme
by Bohman, Harald & Grenander, Ulf - 178-179 Risk Theory. R. E. Beard, T. Pentikäinen and E. Pesonen, Methuen & Co Ltd., London1969
by Bühlmann, Hans - 179-181 Remarks to Seal's review in Astın Bull VI on my paper ‘A Review of the Collective Theory of Risk’ (Suppl. to Astın Bull. V)
by Philipson, Carl
September 1971, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-17 Random processes and their application to demography and insurance1
by Gnedenko, B. W. - 18-24 L'assurance de la propriété de l'état dans la République populaire de Pologne
by Banasinski, Antoni - 25-30 An analysis of the development of the fire losses in the northern countries after the Second World War
by Andersson, Hans - 31-41 Distributions des sinistres incendie selon leur coût
by Ferrara, Giovanna - 42-46 On a transformation of the weighted compound Poisson process
by Bühlmann, Hans & Buzzi, Roberto - 47-53 Remarques sur la transformation d'une famille de lois de poisson composées en lois de poisson par grappes
by Thyrion, Paul - 54-65 Analytical steps towards a numerical calculation of the ruin probability for a finite period when the riskprocess is of the Poisson type or of the more general type studied by Sparre Andersen
by Thorin, Olof - 66-68 The ruin probability in a special case
by Bohman, H. - 69-70 Mathematical Methods in Risk Theory by Hans Bühlmann, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York1970. pp. XII + 210
by R.E.B, - 71-72 A Review of the Collective Theory of Risk by Carl Philipson, (Suppl. to Astin. Bulletin, Vol. 5)
by Seal, Hilary L.
February 1971, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 307-313 Some statistical aspects of catastrophic risks
by Anantapadmanabhan, C. S. - 314-327 Some aspects on reinsurance profits and loadings
by Benktander, G. - 328-373 A note on some compound poisson distributions
by Philipson, Carl - 374-387 A discipline for the avoidance of unnecessary assumptions 1
by Roberts, Lewis H. - 388-392 Estimation of the number of excess claims by means of the credibility theory
by Straub, E. - 393-401 Insurance as a cybernetic institution of self-regulation of the national economy
by Banasinski, Antoni
May 1969, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 157-165 Experience rating and credibility
by Bühlmann, Hans - 169-176 Introductory report
by Jansen, J. H. C. - 177-198 Technical reserves in non-life insurance with particular reference to motor insurance
by Beard, R. E. - 199-209 Sur la détermination de la réserve pour sinistres en suspens dans l'assurance automobile
by Molinaro, Luigi - 210-212 Estimating incurred claims
by Benedikt, V. - 213-226 Approximations of the generalised Poisson function
by Kauppi, Lauri & Ojantakanen, Pertti - 227-238 Procedures and basic statistics to be used in magnitude control of equalisation reserves in Finland
by Hovinen, Esa - 239-248 Estimation of the coefficient of variation of the excess of loss by means of Jensen's inequality for convex functions. The connection with the theory of life times
by Van Klinken, J. & Groenenberg, C. J. - 249-266 On a class of measures of dispersion with application to optimal reinsurance
by Ohlin, Jan - 267-273 Methods of studying the risk process in disability insurance
by Lundberg, Ove - 274-279 “Estimating incurred claims”
by Benedikt, V. & Feay, Herbert L. - 280-292 The rescue of an insurance company after ruin
by Borch, Karl - 293-297 The optimal reinsurance treaty
by Borch, Karl - 298-302 Comments on different deductions of expressions for conditional expectations
by Philipson, Carl
May 1968, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 7-14 Experience rating and credibility
by Braakman, T. C. - 15-24 La théorie du comportement et la credibility theory américaine
by Franckx, E. - 25-32 The unearned no claim bonus
by Welten, C. P. - 33-40 A practical application of credibility to experience rating plans for hospitalization and medical-surgical insurance
by Kormes, Mark - 41-48 On automobile insurance ratemaking
by Jung, Jan - 51-61 Applications of methods of operations research and modern economic theory
by van Klinken, J. - 62-86 Driving with markov-programming
by de Leve, G. & Weeda, P. J. - 87-117 Utilisation pratique de la methode de simulation dans l'assurance „non life”
by Franckx, & D'Hooge, & Gennart, - 118-131 Dynamic decision problems in an insurance company
by Borch, Karl - 133-136 Methoden dey Unternehmensforschung im Versicherungswesen. Karl H. Wolff, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 1966
by van Klinken, J.
July 1967, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 199-207 Experience Rating and Credibility
by Bühlmann, Hans - 208-209 Experience Rating When the Company Aims to Increase the Volume of its Business
by Bohman, Harald - 210-227 Experience Rating in Subsets of Risks
by Bichsel, Fritz - 231-235 Contrôle des opérations d'assurance dans les branches non-vie
by Bichsel, F. - 236-247 On the solvency of insurance companies
by Pentikäinen, T. - 248-251 Magnitude control of technical reserves in Finland
by Pesonen, Erkki - 252-264 The economic theory of insurance
by Borch, Karl - 265-268 Markov chains and the determination of fair premiums
by Vajda, Stefan - 269-271 Les Lois Exponentielles Composées - P. Thyrion, Bulletin de l'Association Royale des Actuaires Beiges, no 62, 1964
by Rutz, R. - 271-271 Reinsurance optimization by means of utility functions, C P Welten, Actuariele Studien Afl 6, februari 1964, 's-Gravenhage
by Klinken, J v
February 1967, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 87-105 Regards sur le Développement récent de la Théorie du Risque
by Thyrion, P. - 106-119 The recent Development of Risk Theory and its Applications
by Kupper, J. - 120-128 On the Calculation of the Generalised Poisson Function
by Pesonen, Erkki - 129-135 A Procedure to Compute Values of the Generalised Poisson Function
by Hovinen, Esa - 136-169 Modern General Risk Theory
by Almer, Bertil - 170-174 Some Problems Connected with the Calculation of Stop Loss Premiums for Large Portfolios
by Esscher, Fredrik - 175-176 On Optimal Properties of the Stop Loss Reinsurance
by Pesonen, Erkki - 177-190 A Combination of Surplus and Excess Reinsurance of a Fire Portfolio
by Benktander, Gunnar & Ohlin, Jan - 191-192 Note on the Relation Between Compound and Composed Poisson Processes
by Philipson, Carl
January 1966, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 3-3 Rules for the Astin Section of the Permanent Committee
by Anonymous - 4-4 Statuts Pour la Section Astin du Comité Permanent
by Anonymous - 6-10 Collective Theory of Risk and Utility Functions
by Wolff, Karl-H. - 11-18 Distribution Free Approximations in Applied Risk Theory
by Andreasson, Gunnar - 19-28 The Random Walk of a Simple Risk Business
by Seal, H. L. - 29-38 On Optimal Reinsurance
by Verbeek, H. G. - 39-48 A Study in Credibility Betterment Through Exclusion of the Largest Claims
by Derron, Marcel - 49-58 Une note sur des systémes de tarification basés sur des modéles du type Poisson composé
by Lundberg, Ove - 59-71 Control of a portfolio of insurance Contracts
by Borch, Karl - 72-80 The insurer's ruin
by de Jongh, B. H.
April 1965, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 196-203 Sur la Combinaison des evenements et les resultats aleatoires quantitatifs qui en resultent
by Franckx, - 204-214 Colloque Astin 1963 de Trieste Rapport introductif sur le 2e thème, partie a
by Thyrion, P. - 215-238 A Generalized Model for the Risk Process and its Application to a Tentative Evaluation of Outstanding Liabilities
by Philipson, Carl - 239-250 Methode de sondage pour l'etude de l'influence de nouveaux criteres sur le tarif “automobile”
by Montreynaud, B. Dubois De - 251-271 Tarification du risque individuel d'accidents d'automobiles par la prime modelee sur le risque
by Delaporte, Pierre J. - 272-277 Colloque Astin 1963 de Trieste Rapport introductif sur le 2e thème, parties b et c
by Sousselier, Jean - 278-285 Reserves in Sanatorium Insurance
by Welten, C. P. - 286-313 Possibilite d'etablir des bases techniques acceptables pour le calcul d'une marge minimum de solvabilite des entreprises d'assurances contre les dommages
by De Mori, Bruno
August 1964, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 116-131 La théorie des plus grandes valeurs et son application aux problèmes de l'assurance
by Finetti, M. Bruno De - 132-143 Note Concerning the Distribution Function of the Total Loss Excluding the Largest Individual Claims
by Ammeter, Hans - 144-152 A Distribution Free Method for General Risk Problems
by Bühlmann, H. - 153-162 Formulation Bayesienne du probleme des valeurs extremes en relation à la réassurance en “excedent de sinistres”
by Fürst, Dario - 163-177 Theorie des valeurs extremes et la tarification de l'excess of loss
by D'Hooge, L. - 178-184 On the Use of Extreme Values to Estimate the Premium for an Excess of Loss Reinsurance
by Jung, Jan - 185-186 Studies in Risk Theory with Numerical Illustrations concerning Distribution Functions and Stop Loss Premiums by H. Bohman & F. Esscher
by Anonymous - 186-188 Casualty Actuarial Society - An Introduction to the Negative Binominal Distribution and its Applications by LeRoy J. Simon - Homeowners—The First Decade by Frederic J. Hunt Jr. - Size, Strength and Profit by LeRoy J. Simon - Reformulation of Some Problems in Theory of Risk by Karl Borch. - The Low Valued Risk—A Study of the Premium Required for Habitational Risks of Various Policy Amounts by Philip G. Buffinton - The Latest Reported Stock Insurance Company Expenses for1961 by Frank Harwayne. - Negative Binominal Rationale by Thomas O. Carlson
by Anonymous - 188-189 Society of Actuaries - Actuarial Application of Monte Carlo Technique by Russell M. Collins Jr. - An Introduction to Collective Risk Theory and Its Application to Stop-Loss Reinsurance by Dr.Paul M. Kahn
by Longley-Cook, L. H. - 189-190 Society of Actuaries - Austauschbare stochastische Variabeln und ihre Grenzwertsätze by Hans Bühlmann. University of California Press, Berkeley1960
by Kupper, J. - 190-191 The Objectives of an Insurance Company by Karl Borch. Skandinavisk Aktuarietidskrift1962 (p. 162). - A Contribution to the Theory of Reinsurance Markets by Karl Borch. Skandinavisk Aktuarietidskrift1962 (p. 186)
by Derron, M. - 191-191 Application of Mathematical Models in General Insurance by Paul Johansen. Forsikringsaktieselskabet Nye Danske af1864. Centenary 19th April 1964
by Ammeter, Hans
December 1963, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 6-12 Some Notes on the Statistical Theory of Extreme Values
by Beard, R. E. - 13-19 Premium Rates in the German Motor Insurance Business
by Mehring, Johannes - 20-42 On the Numerical Calculation of the Distribution Functions Defining Some Compound Poisson Processes
by Philipson, Carl - 43-61 Bonus ou Malus?1
by Gürtler, Max - 62-74 A Theoretical Study of the No-Claim Bonus Problem
by Derron, Marcel - 75-84 Reassurance du Cumul D'Accidents
by Sousselier, Jean - 85-103 Some Aspects of Cumulative Risk
by Kupper, J. - 104-106 Reserves for Reopened Claims on Workmen's Compensation by Rafal J. Balcarek - A Study of the Size of An Assigned Risk Plan by Frank Harwayne. - Cost of Hospital Benefits for Retired Employees by Murray W. Latimer - Fitting Negative Binomial Distributions by the Method of Maximum Likelihood by LeRoy J. Simon - Experience Rating Reassessed by Robert A. Bailey - Recent Trends and Innovations in Individual Hospital Insurance by M. Eugene Blumenfeld. - Observations on the Latest Reported Stock Insurance Company Expenses for1960 by Frank Harwayne. - Patterns of Serious Illness Insurance by Mark Kormes. - Mathematical Limits to the Judgment Factor in Fire Schedule Rating by Kenneth L. McIntosh - An Actuarial Analysis of a Prospective Experience Rating Approach for Group Hospital-Surgical-Medical Coverage by George E. Mclean
by Longley-Cook, L. H. - 106-108 The Causation of Bus Driver Accidents by W. L. Cresswell and P. Froggatt, Oxford University Press, 1963
by Beard, R. E. - 108-109 Sul calcolo dei premi nel'assicurazione danni by Bruno Tedeschi, Giornale dell'Istituto Italiano degli attuari, Rome1960
by Derron, M. - 109-110 Introduction to Insurance, by Allen L. Mayerson, The Mac Millan Company, New York1962, 438 pages
by Derron, M. - 110-110 Hans Ammeter, Das Maximum des Selbstbehaltes, Verzekeringsarchief1958, pp. 219–246, Actuariëel Bijvoegsel 1958, pp. 101–106, 's-Gravenhage
by van Klinken, J.
April 1963, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 322-341 Recent Developments in Economic Theory and their Application to Insurance
by Borch, Karl - 345-351 The Influence of Climate on Fire Damage
by Andersson, Hans - 352-355 Le risque de contiguite dans l'assurance incendie des batiments
by Johansen, Paul - 356-361 Estimation of Stop Loss Premium in Fire Insurance
by Welten, C. P. - 365-379 Individual Risk Theory and Risk Statistics as Applied to Fire Insurance
by Almer, Bertil - 380-386 Spreading of Exceptional Claims by Means of an Internal Stop Loss Cover
by Ammeter, Hans - 387-390 A Note on the Most “Dangerous” and Skewest Class of Distributions
by Benktander, Gunnar - 391-414 Recherches sur les gros sinistres en R. C. Automobile France 1948–1955
by Depoid, P. & Duchez, E. - 415-424 Sur la fonction de distribution du sinistre le plus eleve
by Franckx, Ed. - 425-444 Contribution a l'etude du comportement optimum de la cédante et du réassureur dans le cadre de la théorie collective du risque
by Lambert, H. - 445-451 On the Difference between the Concepts “Compound” and “Composed” Poisson Processes
by Philipson, Carl - 452-452 Casualty Actuarial Society - Two Studies in Automobile Insurance Ratemaking by Robert A. Bailey and Leroy J. Simon
by Anonymous - 452-452 Casualty Actuarial Society - The Negative Binomial and Poisson Distributions Compared by Leroy J. Simon
by Anonymous - 452-452 Casualty Actuarial Society - Any Room Left for Skimming the Cream? by Robert A. Bailey
by Anonymous - 453-453 Casualty Actuarial Society - Automobile Merit Rating and Inverse Probabilities by Lester B. Dropkin
by Anonymous - 453-453 Casualty Actuarial Society - A New Approach to Infant and Juvenile Mortality by Charles C. Hewitt Jr
by Anonymous - 453-453 Casualty Actuarial Society - The Negative Binomial Applied to the Canadian Merit Rating Plan for Individual Automobiele Risks by Charles C. Hewitt Jr
by Anonymous - 453-453 Casualty Actuarial Society - Multiple Coverage Experience Rating Plan by Eldon J. Klaassen
by Anonymous - 453-453 Casualty Actuarial Society - The Census Method by Laurence H. Longley-Cook
by Anonymous - 454-454 Casualty Actuarial Society - Coverage and Underwriting Aspects of Burglary Insurance by Walker S. Richardson and Richard J. Wolfrum
by Anonymous - 454-454 Casualty Actuarial Society - The Rating of Crop-Hail Insurance by Richard J. Roth
by Anonymous - 454-454 Casualty Actuarial Society - Seminary Reports
by Longley-Cook, L. H. - 454-455 Casualty Actuarial Society - Zur Beeinflussung des Hagelkornwachstums, by Roland List, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, Vol. XIII , Basle and Stuuttgart, 1962
by Anonymous - 455-455 Casualty Actuarial Society - Die Schadenstvuktur in der Kraftfahr-Haftpflichtveysicherung von Personenwagen, by Johannes Mehring, Blätter der deutschen Gesellschaft für Versicherungsmathematik, Wurzburg, October 1962
by Anonymous - 455-456 Casualty Actuarial Society - Der optimale Bonus, by Max Gürtler, Zeitschrift für die gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft, Berlin1962
by M. D.,
September 1962, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 182-197 Some Analyses of Car Insurance Claim-Rates
by Munden, J. M. - 198-207 On the Use of Linear Discriminant Functions in the Realm of Industrial Accident Insurance
by van Klinken, J. - 208-221 Application of Game Theory to Some Problems in Automobile Insurance*)
by Borch, Karl - 222-240 Sur les événements en chaîne et la distribution binomiale négative généralisée*)
by Campagne, Cornelis - 241-256 Le test de la majorité confirmée et son utilisation dans l'inference statistique*)
by Franckx, Edouard - 257-260 Minimum Variance Reinsurance*)
by Vajda, Stefan - 261-270 Experience Rating A New Application of the Collective Theory of Risk*)
by Ammeter, Hans - 271-286 Assurances Automobiles et Revenus Financiers*)
by Sousselier, Jean - 287-296 Note sur la gestion automatique de la réserve pour sinistres en assurance automobile*)
by Petit, Jean - 297-297 Automobile Insurance Rate Making (380 pages. Casualty Actuarial Society, New York1961; $ 7.50)
by Anonymous - 297-297 St. Vitus's Dance. Presidential Address by Dudley M. Pruitt
by Anonymous - 297-297 Compulsory Automobile Insurance in Europe by Frank Astill of the staff of the Pearl Assurance Company of London
by Anonymous - 298-298 Liability Insurance for the Nuclear Energy Hazard, by Richard H. Butler
by Anonymous - 298-298 Some Further Notes on Estimating Ultimate Incurred Losses in Auto Liability Insurance, by Frank Harwayne
by Anonymous - 298-298 Notes of Some Actuarial Problems of Property Insurance, by L. H. Longley-Cook
by Anonymous - 298-298 Ocean Marine Rate Making, by D. Douglas Robertson
by Anonymous - 298-299 A Review of the Experience of Massachusetts Workmen's Compensation Experience Rated Risks, by Waldo A. Stevens
by Anonymous - 300-300 Automobile Physical Damage Ratemaking, by Luther L. Tarbell Jr
by Anonymous - 300-300 An Actuarial Note on the Credibility of Experience of a Single Private Passenger Car by Robert A. Bailey and LeRoy J. Simon
by Anonymous - 300-300 Some Considerations on Automobile Rating Systems Utilizing Individual Driving Records, by Lester B. Dropkin
by Anonymous - 300-301 The Actuarial Aspects of Blue Cross Plans, by J. Edward Faust Jr
by Anonymous - 301-301 Merit Rating in Private Passenger Automobile Liability Insurance and the California Driver Record Study, by Frank Harwayne
by Anonymous - 301-301 Multiple Peril Rating Problems—Some Statistical Considerations, by Robert L. Hurley
by Anonymous - 301-302 OASDI Cost Estimates and Valuations, by Robert J. Myers
by Anonymous - 302-302 Credibility of 10/20 Experience as Compared with 5/10 Experience, by Lewis H. Roberts
by Anonymous - 302-302 Commutation Functions for Individual Policies Providing for Hospital, Surgical and Medical Care Benefits after Retirement, by Henry W. Steinhaus
by Anonymous - 303-303 Towards Statistically Based Fidelity Rates, by Zenas M. Sykes Jr
by Anonymous - 303-303 The Compensation Experience Rating Plan—A Current Review, by Dunbar R. Uhthoff
by Anonymous - 303-303 Quelques considérations sur la probabilité de „Ruine” du point de vue discontinué, by C. Campagne Het Verzekerings-Archief, Actuariëel Bijvoegsel, January 1959. 's Gravenhage
by Anonymous - 304-304 Some significance tests for identifying deviation risks of large industrial enterprises, by J. Van Klinken, Actuariële Studiën, January 1961, 's Gravenhage
by Anonymous - 304-304 A method for inquiring whether the Gamma-distribution represents the frequency distribution of industrial accidents costs, by J. Van Klinken Actuariële Studiën, July 1961. 's Gravenhage
by Anonymous - 304-305 Un modèle pour apprecier le risque atomique, by C. Campagne Actuariële Studiën, April 1961. 's Gravenhage
by Anonymous - 305-305 Een eenvoudige brandverzekeringsstatistiek, by P. D. Pestman, Het Verzekerings-Archief, 1958, pp. 178–195, 's Gravenhage
by Anonymous - 305-305 On some simple stochastic processes of special use in actuarial statistics, by J. Van Klinken, Verzekerings-Archief 1958, Actuariëel Bijvoegsel1958, pp. 107*–117*, 's Gravenhage
by Anonymous - 305-305 De kennis van de verzekeraar op het gebied van de kernenergie, by P. D. Pestman, Het Verzekerings-Archief, April 1959, 's Gravenhage
by Anonymous - 305-306 Steekproefmethoden en Verzekeringsbedrijf, by L. J. Smid Het Verzekerings-Archief, April 1961, 's Gravenhage
by Anonymous - 306-306 Enige aspecten met betrekking tot het solvabiliteitsvraagstuk in het schadeverzekeringsbedrijf, by C. Campagne, Het Verzekerings-Archief. January 1959. 's Gravenhage
by Anonymous - 306-306 Winstgevendheid en Winstkansen bij Valuta-arbitrage, by C. van de Panne and A. Stranders Statistica Neerlandica, 1960, p. 187–204, 's Gravenhage
by van K., J. - 306-307 The safety loading of reinsurance premiums by Karl Borch, Bergen, Skandinavisk Aktuarietidskrift 1960
by Anonymous - 307-308 Some Applications of Collective Risk Theory to Reinsurance and Group Experience Rating, by Paul Markham Kahn, University of Michigan, 1961
by Anonymous - 308-309 An Introduction to Credibility Theory, by L. H. Longley-Cook, published by the Casualty Actuarial Society, 200 E. 42nd Street, New York 17, N.Y. (price $ 1.50)
by Anonymous - 309-309 The Classification of Accident Risks, by J. Van Klinken (Internationale Zeitschrift für versicherungsmathematische und statistische Probleme der sozialen Sicherheit, Nr. 5-6, 1960)
by Anonymous
January 1962, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 5-8 Remarks on Statistical Distribution of Intensity of Chance Damages
by Banasinski, Antoni & Wanatowski, Antoni - 9-23 The Lognormal Model for the Distribution of one Claim
by Benckert, Lars-Gunnar - 24-29 Notes sur la distribution conditionnée du montant d'un sinistre par rapport à l'hypothèse qu'il y a eu un sinistre dans l'assurance automobile
by Benktander, Gunnar - 30-44 Variation de la prime d'assurance de l'assistance pharmaceutique en fonction de la participation de l'assure au coût de l'assistance
by Cannella, Salvatore - 45-61 A propos de la distribution des cas de maladie entre les assurés et par rapport à la durée
by Coppini, Mario Alberto - 62-73 Distribution du coût d'un sinistre dans l'assurance sociale contre les accidents
by Latscha, R. - 76-83 Optimum Structure of Trends of Activities to prevent Chance Damages
by Banasinski, Antoni - 84-95 Sur L'efficacité des critères de tarification de l'assurance contre les accidents d'automobiles
by Delaporte, Pierre - 96-101 Novelties in Swedish Automobile Insurance Rating
by Lanteli, Gunnar - 102-108 A Numerical Method of Finding a Suitable Bonus Scale
by Pesonen, Erkki - 109-119 Quelques réflexions sur la réforme du tarif français d'assurance automobile
by Thepaut, Andre - 120-124 Intervention De M. Thepaut Au Colloque A.S.T.I.N. Le Samedi 17 Juin 1961 Sujet: Assurance Automobile
by Anonymous - 125-151 Assurance Automobiles — Statistique et tarifs
by Cannet, Alexandre - 152-160 Problems in Motor Insurance — Claim Reserves
by Masterson, Norton E. - 161-173 Reserves of Motor-Vehicle Insurance in Finland
by Pentikäinen, Teivo - 174-176 Reinsurance of Third Party Motor Insurance and Motor Insurance in Finland
by Pentikäinen, Teivo
July 1961, Volume 1, Issue 5
- 245-255 The Utility Concept Applied to the Theory of Insurance
by Borch, Karl - 256-264 Note on the Background to the Subject: Theory of Risk, Fundamental Mathematics and Applications
by Philipson, Carl - 265-272 Some Remarks on a Recent Paper by Borch*)
by Kahn, Paul Markham - 273-278 Caisse nationale suisse d'assurance en cas d'accidents: résultats de la Statistique des Accidents de la Huitième Période Quinquennale 1953–1957
by Koch, Hans