July 1961, Volume 1, Issue 5
- 279-286 Bemerkungen zur Berechnung der Schwankungsrückstellung in der Brandversicherung
by Hofmeister, Emmi - 287-296 Aperçu du champ d'application de la théorie du risque dans l'assurance de choses en Autriche
by Neumann, L. - 297-297 Automobile Bodily Injury Liability Rates—Use of 10/20 Experience in the Establishment of Territorial Relativities, by Martin Bondy
by Anonymous - 297-297 The Employment of Property and Casualty Actuaries, by L. H. Longley-Cook
by Anonymous - 297-297 The Advantages of Calendar-Accident Year Experience and the Need for Appropriate Trend and Projection Factors in the Determination of Automobile Liability Rates, by Paul Benbrook
by Anonymous - 298-298 A Uniform Statistical Plan and Integrated Rate Filing Procedure for Private Passenger Automobile Insurance, By Stanley C. DuRose Jr
by Anonymous - 298-298 Estimated Ultimate Incurred Losses in Auto Liability Insurance, by Frank Harwayne
by Anonymous - 298-298 Methods of Cost Limitation Under Private Unemployment Benefit Plans, by Murray W. Latimer
by Anonymous - 298-298 Rate Making for Fire Insurance, by Joseph J. Magrath
by Anonymous - 298-298 Rate Revision Adjustment Factors, by LeRoy J. Simon
by Anonymous - 299-299 The Canadian Merit Rating Plan for Individual Automobile Risks, by Herbert E. Wittick
by Longley-Cook, L. H. - 299-301 Accidents to Young Motor Cyclists—A Statistical Investigation by Christopher Scott and Stuart Jackson
by R.E.B., - 301-302 Some significance tests for identifying deviating accident risks of large industrial enterprises, by J. van Klinken Actuariële Studiën, January 1961
by J. K., - 302-302 Versicherung und Risiko, by Paul Braess, Köln. Betriebswissenschaftlicher Verlag Dr. Th. Gabler, Wiesbaden 1960)
by H. A., - 303-303 Considérations sur une loi analytique de distribution des sinistres corporels dans la branche automobile, et extension de cette loi en cas de fluctuation monétaire, par R. Constant Bulletin de l'I.A.F., Septembre 1959
by P. D., - 303-304 Absterbeordnungen für Kraftfahrzeuge; ihre Problematik, Berechnung und Anwendung, von Eugen Schmitz und Helga Krämer. Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Essen, Schriftenreihe, Neue Folge, Nr. 13
by Anonymous - 304-305 Das subjektive Risiko in der Motorfahrzeugversicherung, by Max Gürtler, Basle. Zeitschrift für die gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft, 49. Band, 1960, Heft 2)
by M. D.,
December 1960, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 170-191 Reciprocal Reinsurance Treaties
by Borch, Karl - 192-217 Two Studies in Automobile Insurance Ratemaking
by Bailey, Robert A. & Simon, LeRoy J. - 218-223 The Harald Cramér Volume
by Philipson, Carl - 224-237 Note on the Application of Compound Poisson Processes to Sickness and Accident Statistics
by Philipson, Carl - 238-238 Une méthode pour calculer une ristourne adéquate pour années sans sinistre par F. Bichsel, Astin Bulletin, Vol. I, part. III
by C. P., - 238-239 Three R's of Insurance—Risk, Retention and Reinsurance by R. E. Beard Journal of the Institute of Actuaries Student's Society, March 1959
by M. D.,
April 1960, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 106-112 Une méthode pour calculer une ristourne adéquate pour années sans sinistres
by Bichsel, F. - 113-122 Théorie du bonus: Consequences de L'Etude de Mr. le Professeur Frechet
by Franckx, - 123-133 Automobile Insurance: Canadian Accident-Free Classification System
by Martin, D. B. - 134-141 The Swedish Systems of Bonus
by Philipson, Carl - 142-162 Contribution a l'etude du bonus pour non sinistre en assurance automobile
by Thyrion, P.
December 1959, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 46-70 L'Étude Mathématique des Assurances non Viagères dans l'Europe Continentale Occidentale
by Ammeter, H. & Depoid, P. & de Finetti, B. - 71-77 A Method for the Estimation of the Risk Premiums in Stop Loss Reinsurance
by Philipson, Carl - 78-78 Casualty Actuarial Society - Automobile Bodily Injury Liability Rate-Making on a Prospective Basis by J. Edward Faust Jr
by Anonymous - 78-79 Casualty Actuarial Society - Principles and Practices in Connection with Classification Rating. Systems for Liability Insurance as Applied to Private Passenger Automobiles by Joseph M. Muir
by Anonymous - 79-79 Casualty Actuarial Society - Graduation of Excess Ratio Distributions by the Method of Moments by Lewis H. Roberts
by Anonymous - 79-80 Casualty Actuarial Society - Revision of Rates Applicable to a Class of Property Fire Insurance by C. Otis Shaver
by Anonymous - 80-80 Society of Actuaries - Les Courants de circulation automobile en France par M. P. Delaporte Journal de la Société de Statistique de Paris, Juin 1957
by Anonymous - 80-81 Society of Actuaries - Recherches relatives au trafic automobile et aux accidents de circulation par M. Pierre Depoid. Journal de la Société de Statistique de Paris, Septembre 1957
by H. A., - 81-81 Society of Actuaries - “Bases of calculations for personal accident insurance” by Koppe, Germany. Jubilee book of the „Württembergischer Versicherungsverein”, Stuttgart, 1958
by H. A., - 81-82 Society of Actuaries - Contribution à l'etude de l'assurance individuelle-maladie par M. Boris Nolde. Bulletin de l'Institut des Actuaires Français, Décembre 1957
by P. D., - 82-82 Society of Actuaries - Etude d'Ordre Statistique et Nosologique par M. René Risser. Bulletin de l'Institut des Actuaires Français, Septembre 1957
by P. D., - 82-88 Society of Actuaries - Principles for Administration Control in Insurance Companies. Summarised by the author, Börje Möller, Stockholm
by Anonymous
December 1958, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 22-27 Actuarial Activity in General Insurance in the Northern Countries of Europe
by Wilhelmsen, L. - 28-31 The Casualty Actuarial Society and Actuarial Studies in development of Non-Life Insurance in North America
by Longley-Cook, L. H. - 32-41 Analytical Expressions of risks Involved in General Insurance
by Philipson, C.