- 122247000000002381 Axiomatic Theory of Equilibrium Selection in Signalling Games with Generic Payoffs
by Srihari Govindan & Robert Wilson - 122247000000002376 Axiomatic Models of Bargaining
by Alvin E Roth - 122247000000002358 Ambiguity and Extremism in Elections
by Alberto Alesina & Richard Holden - 122247000000002352 Can News Be a Major Source of Aggregate Fluctuations? A Bayesian DSGE Approach
by Ippei Fujiwara & Yasuo Hirose & Mototsugu Shintani - 122247000000002346 Comparing Models of Strategic Thinking in Van Huyck, Battalio, and Beil’s Coordination Games
by Miguel A Costa-Gomes & Vincent P Crawford & Nagore Iriberri - 122247000000002340 The Dynamic Pivot Mechanism
by Dirk Bergemann & Juuso Välimäki - 122247000000002336 Rationalization and Cognitive Dissonance: Do Choices Affect or Reflect Preferences?
by M. Keith Chen - 122247000000002330 Should Central Banks Burst Bubbles? Some Microeconomic Issues
by John R. Conlon - 122247000000002324 Confronting the Robinson Crusoe paradigm with household-size heterogeneity
by Christos Koulovatianos & Carsten Schröder & Ulrich Schmidt - 122247000000002317 Learning-Theoretic Foundations for Equilibrium Analysis
by Drew Fudenberg & David K Levine - 122247000000002312 The Relationship Between Classical and Quantum Correlation in Games
by Adam Brandenburger - 122247000000002307 Repeated Relationships with Limits on Information Processing
by Olivier Compte & Andrew Postlewaite - 122247000000002301 Job Market Signalling and Job Search
by Andriy Zapechelnyuk & Ro'i Zultan - 122247000000002297 The sure-thing principle and independence of irrelevant knowledge
by Dov Samet - 122247000000002291 Affective Decision Making and the Ellsberg Paradox
by Anat Bracha & Donald Brown - 122247000000002286 Robust Implementation in General Mechanisms
by Dirk Bergemann & Stephen Morris - 122247000000002281 New York City Cabdrivers’ Labor Supply Revisited: Reference-Dependent Preferences with Rational-Expectations Targets for Hours and Income
by Vincent P Crawford & Juanjuan Meng - 122247000000002276 Prejudice and Immigration
by Paolo E Giordani & Michele Ruta - 122247000000002269 Market Structure and Property Rights in Open Source Industries
by Michele Boldrin & David K Levine - 122247000000002262 Appropriation and Intellectual Property
by Michele Boldrin & David K Levine - 122247000000002258 Essays in Aggregate Information, The Media and Special Interests
by Zacharias Maniadis - 122247000000002254 Essays on Political Economy
by Paulo Melo-Filho - 122247000000002250 Essays on Learning and Macroeconomics
by Guillermo Ordonez - 122247000000002243 Essays in Applied Theory
by Viola Chen - 122247000000002236 Secret Contracts for Efficient Partnerships
by Ichiro Obara & David Rahman - 122247000000002230 Reforming Social Security with Progressive Personal Accounts
by John Geanakoplos & Stephen P Zeldes - 122247000000002225 Overlapping Generations Models of General Equilibrium
by John Geanakoplos - 122247000000002219 Pareto Improving Taxes
by John Geanakoplos & H M Polemchakis - 122247000000002215 Bayesian games: games of incomplete information
by Shmuel Zamir - 122247000000002211 Economics and Common Sense
by Gil Kalai - 122247000000002205 Bargaining and Cooperation in Strategic Form Form Games
by Sergiu Hart & Andreu Mas-Colell - 122247000000002199 Altruism, Partner Choice, and Fixed-Cost Signalling
by Andriy Zapechelnyuk & Ro'i Zultan - 122247000000002192 Political Economy of Ramsey Taxation
by Daron Acemoglu & Michael Golosov & Aleh Tsyvinski - 122247000000002185 Measurable Ambiguity
by Faruk Gul & Wolfgang Pesendorfer - 122247000000002175 Optimal Insurance with Adverse Selection
by Hector Chade & Edward Schlee - 122247000000002167 Quality, Upgrades, and (the Loss of) Market Power in a Dynamic Monopoly Model
by James J Anton & Gary Biglaiser - 122247000000002161 Revealed Conflicting Preferences
by Attila Ambrus & Kareen Rozen - 122247000000002142 Overconfidence?
by Jean Pierre Benoit & Juan Dubra - 122247000000002137 Advertising, Entry Deterrence, and Industry Innovation
by Shi Qi - 122247000000002121 Elections Can be Manipulated Often
by Ehud Friedgut & Gil Kalai & Noam Nisan - 122247000000002115 Condorcet Jury Theorem: The Dependent Case
by Bezalel Peleg & Shmuel Zamir - 122247000000002102 Moderating Political Extremism: Single vs. Dual Ballot Elections
by Massimo Bordignon & Guido Tabellini - 122247000000002091 Can a Preferential Trade Agreement Benefit Neighbor Countries without Compensating Them?
by Masahiro Endoh & Koichi Hamada & Koji Shimomura - 122247000000002086 Conflict Leads to Cooperation in Nash Bargaining
by Kareen Rozen - 122247000000002080 A ‘Dual’-Improved Shortcut to the Long Run
by Kareen Rozen - 122247000000002074 Emerging Markets in an Anxious Global Economy
by Ana Fostel & John Geanakoplos - 122247000000002067 The Virtues and Vices of Equilibrium and the Future of Financial Economics
by J. Doyne Farmer & John Geanakoplos - 122247000000002062 Foundations of Intrinsic Habit Formation
by Kareen Rozen - 122247000000002055 Morals and Mores? Experimental Evidence on Equity and Equality from the US and Japan
by James Konow & Tatsuyoshi Saijo & Kenju Akai - 122247000000002049 Collateral, default penalties and almost finite-time solvency
by Felipe Martins-da-Rocha & Yiannis Vailakis - 122247000000002045 Kludged
by Jeffrey C Ely - 122247000000002038 Firm Reputation and Horizontal Integration
by Hongbin Cai & Ichiro Obara - 122247000000002028 Learning in the Credit Card Market
by Sumit Agarwal & John C Driscoll & Xavier Gabaix & David Laibson - 122247000000002021 Optimal Mortgage Refinancing: A Closed Form Solution
by Sumit Agarwal & John C Driscoll & David Laibson - 122247000000002014 Why Does the Law of One Price Fail? An Experiment on Index Mutual Funds
by James J Choi & David Laibson & Brigitte C Madrian - 122247000000002006 A Theory of Liquidity and Regulation of Financial Intermediation
by Emmanuel Farhi & Mikhail Golosov & Aleh Tsyvinski - 122247000000001997 Network Architecture, Salience and Coordination
by Syngjoo Choi & Douglas Gale & Shachar Kariv & Thomas Palfrey - 122247000000001989 Estimating Ambiguity Aversion in a Portfolio Choice Experiment
by David Ahn & Syngjoo Choi & Douglas Gale & Shachar Kariv - 122247000000001984 Comments on Neuroeconomics
by Ariel Rubinstein - 122247000000001976 Probabilities in Economic Modelling
by Itzhak Gilboa & Andrew Postlewaite & David Schmeidler - 122247000000001970 Simplicity and Likelihood: An Axiomatic Approach
by Itzhak Gilboa & David Schmeidler - 122247000000001964 Green in Simpler than Grue
by Itzhak Gilboa - 122247000000001959 Free Will: A Rational Illusion
by Itzhak Gilboa - 122247000000001950 Objective and Subjective Rationality
by Itzhak Gilboa & Fabio Maccheroni & Massimo Marinacci & David Schmeidler - 122247000000001945 Learning Effectiveness and Memory Size
by Abraham Neyman - 122247000000001940 Kludged
by Jeffrey C Ely - 122247000000001935 Critical Types
by Jeffrey C Ely & Marcin Peski - 122247000000001929 The Role of Judicial Discretion in Dispute Settlement
by James Andreoni & Ray D Madoff - 122247000000001920 Monopoly and the Incentive to Innovate When Adoption Involves Switchover Disruptions
by Thomas J Holmes & David K Levine & James A Schmitz Jr - 122247000000001915 Neuroeconomics: A Critical Reconsideration
by Glenn W Harrison - 122247000000001909 Edgar Allen Poe's Riddle: Do Guessers Outperform Misleaders in a Repeated Matching Pennies Game?
by Kfir Eliaz & Ariel Rubinstein - 122247000000001859 On Forward Induction
by Srihari Govindan & Robert Wilson - 122247000000001695 Heterogeneous Beliefs and Local Information in Stochastic Fictitious Play
by Drew Fudenberg & Satoru Takahashi
- 843644000000000381 Dynamic Assignment of Heterogeneous Objects: A Mechanism Design Approach
by Alex Gershkov & Benny Moldovanu - 843644000000000241 Incentive Reversal
by Eyal Winter - 843644000000000034 Regular Infinite Economies
by Enrique Covarrubias - 843644000000000022 Self Confirming Equilibrium and the Lucas Critique
by Drew Fudenberg & David K Levine - 814577000000000009 Repeated Games with Frequent Signals
by Drew Fudenberg & David K Levine - 814577000000000002 A Large Deviation Theorem for Triangular Arrays
by Drew Fudenberg & David K Levine - 784828000000000713 Review: Beyond Individual Choice by Michael Bacharach with Natalie Gold and Robert Sugden
by David K Levine - 784828000000000706 All the Interesting Questions, Almost All the Wrong Reasons
by Michele Boldrin & David K Levine - 699152000000000028 Continuous Time Limits of Repeated Games with Imperfect Public Monitoring
by Drew Fudenberg & David K Levine - 618897000000001057 The Slippery Slope of Concession
by Jack Hirshleifer & Michele Boldrin & David K Levine - 618897000000000935 Policy Platforms, Campaign Spending and Voter Participation
by Helios Herrera & David K Levine & Cesar Martinelli - 321307000000000974 Culture and Institutions: Economic Development in the Regions of Europe
by Guido Tabellini - 321307000000000969 The Growth Effects of Democracy: Is It Heterogenous and How Can It Be Estimated?
by Torsten Persson & Guido Tabellini - 321307000000000880 Electoral Rules and Government Spending in Parliamentary Democracies
by Torsten Persson & Gerard Roland & Guido Tabellini - 321307000000000875 Bureaucrats or Politicians? Part II: Multiple Policy Tasks
by Alberto Alesina & Guido Tabellini - 321307000000000870 Bureaucrats or Politicians? Part I: A Single Policy Task
by Alberto Alesina & Guido Tabellini - 321307000000000866 The Scope of Cooperation: Norms and Incentives
by Guido Tabellini - 321307000000000825 'On Forward Induction
by Srihari Govindan & Robert Wilson - 321307000000000478 Copyright Duration and the Supply of Creative Work
by Ivan Png & Qiu-hong Wang - 122247000000001778 Does Movie Violence Increase Violent Crime?
by Gordon Dahl & Stefano DellaVigna - 122247000000001725 A Connection Between Correlation in Game Theory and Quantum Mechanics
by Adam Brandenburger - 122247000000001708 Network Structure in a Link-formation Game: An Experimental Study
by Alexander Elbittar & Rodrigo Harrison & Roberto Muñoz - 122247000000001648 On Definability in Multimodal Logic II. Defining Knowledge in Terms of Belief
by Joseph Y Halpern & Dov Samet & Ella Segev - 122247000000001600 More Secrecy...More Knowledge Disclosure? On Disclosure Outside of Patents
by Carlos J Ponce - 122247000000001594 Reason, Emotion, and Information Processing in the Brain
by Isabelle Brocas & Juan D Carrillo - 122247000000001525 Incentive Reversal
by Eyal Winter - 122247000000001436 Learning to play partially-specified equilibrium
by Ehud Lehrer & Eilon Solan - 122247000000001428 The Value of Life Near its End and Terminal Care
by Gary Becker & Kevin Murphy & Tomas Philipson - 122247000000001423 Innovation, Firm Dynamics, and International Trade
by Andrew Atkeson & Ariel Burstein - 122247000000001419 How Important is Money in the Conduct of Monetary Policy?
by Michael Woodford - 122247000000001414 Bubbles in Prices of Exhaustible Resources
by Boyan Jovanovic - 122247000000001409 Strategic Judicial Decision Making
by Pablo T Spiller & Rafael Gely - 122247000000001404 Adaptive Minimax-Regret Treatment Choice, with Application to Drug Approval
by Charles F Manski
- 784828000000000698 Bankruptcy and Collateral in Debt Constrained Models
by Timothy J Kehoe & David K Levine - 784828000000000690 Intellectual Property and the Efficient Allocation of Surplus from Innovations
by Michele Boldrin & David K Levine - 784828000000000683 An Economists Perspective on Multi-Agent Learning
by Drew Fudenberg & David K Levine - 784828000000000676 Regret Testing Leads to Nash Equilibrium
by Dean P Foster & Peyton Young - 784828000000000587 The Brother in Law Effect
by David K Levine & Federico Weinschelbaum & Felipe Zurita - 699152000000000019 Maintaining A Reputation Against A Patient Opponent
by Marco Celentani & Drew Fudenberg & David K Levine & Wolfgang Pesendorfer - 618897000000001068 Deterrence in the Cold War and the War on Terror
by David K Levine & Robert A Levine - 618897000000001053 Restraining the Genuine Homo Economicus
by Stergios Skaperdas - 618897000000001048 Caves, Temples, Palaces and Bazaars Building with Jack Hirshleifer’s bricks
by Juan C Martinez-Coll - 618897000000001044 Ideology and the Evolution of Vital Institutions: A Synopsis
by Earl A Thompson - 618897000000001039 Long Term Relationships as Safeguards
by Rafael Rob & Huanxing Yang - 618897000000001035 A General Equilibrium Model of Signaling and Exchange
by Kjell Hausken - 618897000000001030 Reversal of Misfortune: Parodox in Optimization Across Contingencies
by Martin C McGuire & Gary S Becker - 618897000000001015 Can A Turing Player Identify Itself?
by David K Levine & Balázs Szentes - 618897000000001010 Games with Imperfectly Observable Actions in Continuous Time
by Yuliy Sannikov - 618897000000000954 Perfectly Competitive Innovation
by Michele Boldrin & David K Levine - 321307000000000706 Electoral Rules and Government Spending in Parliamentary Democracies
by Torsten Persson & Gerard Roland & Guido Tabellini - 321307000000000618 On Forward Induction
by Srihari Govindan & Robert Wilson - 321307000000000590 Comparative Testing of Experts
by Nabil I. Al-Najjar & Jonathan Weinstein - 321307000000000484 Copyright: A Plea for Empirical Research
by Ivan Png - 321307000000000466 Culture and institutions: economic development in the regions of Europe
by Guido Tabellini - 321307000000000451 On Public Opinion Polls and Voters' Turnout
by Esteban F. Klory & Eyal Winter - 321307000000000378 Equilibrium Selection, Similarity Judgments and the“Nothing to Gain/Nothing to Lose”Effect
by Jonathan W. Leland - 321307000000000249 Electoral Rules and Government Spending in Parliamentary Democracies
by Torsten Persson & Gerard Roland & Guido Tabellini - 321307000000000241 Culture and institutions: economic development in the regions of Europe
by Guido Tabellini - 321307000000000219 Agreeing to disagree without the countable additivity axiom
by Jo˜ao Correia-da-Silva - 122247000000001355 Willpower and Optimal Control of Visceral Urges
by Emre Ozdenoren & Stephen Salant & Dan Silverman - 122247000000001334 Who is “Behavioral”? Cognitive Ability and Anomalous Preferences
by Daniel J. Benjamin & Sebastian A. Brown & Jesse M. Shapiro - 122247000000001328 Globalization, Intellectual Property, and Economic Prosperity
by Michele Boldrin & David K Levine - 122247000000001285 Robert Aumann’s Game and Economic Theory
by Sergiu Hart - 122247000000001237 Incorporating Fairness in Generalized Games of Matching Pennies
by Richard T. Boylan & Simon Grant - 122247000000001218 Reputational Wars of Attrition with Complex Bargaining Postures
by Dilip Abreu & David G. Pearce - 122247000000001162 The distribution of wealth and redistributive policies
by Jess Benhabib & Alberto Bisin - 122247000000001156 If multi-agent learning is the answer, what is the question?
by Yoav Shoham & Rob Powers & Trond Grenager - 122247000000001148 Convergence: An Experimental Study
by Wolf Ze'ev Ehrblatt & Kyle Hyndman & Erkut Y. ÄOzbay & Andrew Schotter - 122247000000001055 Bubbles, Collateral and Monetary Equilibrium
by Aloisio Araujo & Mário R. Páscoa & Juan Pablo Torres-Martínez - 122247000000001011 The Asympotic Shapley Value for a Simple Market Game
by Thomas M. Liggett & Steven A. Lippman & Richard P. Rumelt - 122247000000000828 Partisan Politics and Aggregation Failure with Ignorant Voters
by Faruk Gul & Wolfgang Pesendorfer
- 784828000000000638 Bureaucrats or Politicians?
by Alberto Alesina & Guido Tabellini - 784828000000000581 The Case for Mindless Economics
by Faruk Gul & Wolfgang Pesendorfer - 784828000000000576 Menu Choice, Environmental Cues and Temptation: A “Dual Self” Approach to Self-control
by Kalyan Chatterjee & R. Vijay Krishna - 784828000000000557 On Choosing Which Game to Play When Ignorant of the Rules
by Murali Agastya - 784828000000000551 Cheap talk, Efficiency and Egalitarian Cost Sharing In Joint Projects
by Murali Agastya & Flavio Menezes & Kunal Sengupta - 784828000000000422 Economic Survival when Markets are Incomplete
by Pablo F. Beker & Subir Chattopadhyay - 784828000000000413 On the Existence of Monotone Pure Strategy Equilibria in Bayesian Games
by Philip J Reny - 784828000000000244 Does Information Increase Political Support for Pension Reform?
by Tito Boeri & Guido Tabellini - 784828000000000217 No Manipulation Results for Non-Bayesian Tests
by Eddie Dekel & Yossi Feinberg - 784828000000000199 Competitive occupational choices with endogenous health risks
by Alberto Bennardo & Salvatore Piccolo - 784828000000000142 Note: Using the Emergent Seed to Completely Characterize 'Evolution and Information in a Gift Giving Game'
by Kevin Hasker - 784828000000000067 On the Existence of Monotone Pure Strategy Equilibria in Bayesian Games
by Philip J. Reny - 784828000000000040 Partnerships: A Potential Solution to the Common-Property Problem but a Problem for a Antitrust Authorities
by Martin D. Heintzelman & Stephen W. Salant & Stephan Schott - 784828000000000034 Willpower and the Optimal Control of Visceral Urges
by Emre Ozdenoren & Steve Salant & Dan Silverman - 784828000000000024 Electoral Rules and Government Spending in Parliamentary Democracies
by Torsten Persson & Gerard Roland & Guido Tabellini - 666156000000000520 On Information Revelation in Private Value Auctions
by Juan-Jose Ganuza & Jose S. Penalva-Zuasti - 618897000000001000 Quantum Games Have No News For Economics
by David K Levine - 618897000000000992 Supplementary Appendix to: When is Reputation Bad
by Jeffrey Ely & Drew Fudenberg & David K Levine - 618897000000000988 Don't Ask Why Things Went Wrong: Nested Reputation and Scapegoating Inefficiency
by Guillermo Ordonez - 618897000000000982 Auctions and Relationships
by David K Levine - 618897000000000975 Learning and Belief Based Trading
by Drew Fudenberg & David K Levine - 618897000000000968 The Paradox of Voter Participation: A Laboratory Study
by David K Levine & Thomas R Palfrey - 618897000000000950 Essays in Law and Economics
by Richard Scheelings - 618897000000000945 Essays in Political Influence
by Matias J Iaryczower - 618897000000000925 Intellectual Property and the Efficient Allocation of Surplus from Creation
by Michele Boldrin & David K Levine - 618897000000000876 A Dual Self Model of Impulse Control
by Drew Fudenberg & David K Levine - 618897000000000836 IP and Market Size
by Michele Boldrin & David K Levine - 618897000000000731 Superstition and Rational Learning
by Drew Fudenberg & David K Levine - 618897000000000016 When is Reputation Bad
by Jeffrey Ely & Drew Fudenberg & David K Levine - 7630 Evolution of Cooperation Through Imitation
by David K Levine & Wolfgang Pesendorfer - 122247000000000960 Is Private Campaign Finance a Good Thing? Estimates of the Potential Informational Benefits
by Andrea Prat & Riccardo Puglisi & James Snyder - 122247000000000899 Non-classical Measurement Theory: a Framework for Behavioral Sciences
by V. I. Danilov & A. Lambert-Mogiliansky - 122247000000000886 Perfectly Competitive Innovation (Growth)
by Michele Boldrin & David K Levine
- 618897000000000900 Ten Little Treasures of Game Theory and Ten Intuitive Contradictions
by Jacob K Goeree & Charles A Holt - 618897000000000896 Circuit Breakers and Price Discovery: Theory and Evidence
by Jong-Won Yoon - 618897000000000892 Essays on Social Learning and Optimal Committee Size
by Sawoong Kang - 618897000000000888 Essays on Information Aggregation and Market Crashes
by In Ho Lee - 618897000000000884 External Debt and Foreign Direct Investment: The Brazilian Experience
by Carolina Leme - 618897000000000865 Perfect Public Equilibrium When Players are Patient
by Drew Fudenberg & David K Levine & Satoru Takahashi - 618897000000000858 Learning, Experimentation and Equilibrium Selection in Games
by Youngse Kim - 618897000000000854 The Role of Counterfactuals in Equilibrium Concepts in Game Theory
by Graciela Rodriguez-Marine - 618897000000000849 Essays on Speculation
by Felipe Zurita - 618897000000000739 Comments on Bruce Smith's Work
by David K Levine & Arthur J Rolnick & Karl Shell - 618897000000000030 The Nash Threats Folk Theorem With Communication and Approximate Common Knowledge in Two Player Games
by Drew Fudenberg & David K Levine - 228400000000000035 Secrecy in the Shadow of Patenting: Firms Use of Continuation Patents, 1975-1994
by Stuart J Graham - 228400000000000030 Was New Zealander First in Flying Machine?
by Bill Taylor - 228400000000000025 The 'Necessary' History of Property and Liberty
by Richard A Epstein - 228400000000000019 Trade in Capital Goods
by Jonathan Eaton & Samuel Kortum - 228400000000000013 Avoiding Suboptimal Behavior in Intellectual Asset Transactions: Economic and Organizational Perspectives on the Sale of Knowledge
by Gavin Clarkson - 228400000000000008 Network Effects in the Microsoft Case
by Timothy F Bresnahan - 228400000000000002 Market Size in Innovation: Theory and Evidence from the Pharmaceutical Industry
by Daron Acemoglu & Joshua Linn - 122247000000000704 Timing Games with Informational Externalities
by Dinah Rosenberg & Eilon Solan & Nicolas Vieille - 122247000000000631 The Economics of Ideas and Intellectual Property
by Michele Boldrin & David K Levine - 122247000000000544 Competition Policy and Innovation
by Carl Shapiro