- 563824000000000062 A Test for Rational Altruism in a Public Goods Experiment
by John R Carter & Brian J Drainville & Rob P Poulin - 563824000000000051 Altruism, Reputation and Noise in Public Goods Experiments
by Thomas R Palfrey & Jeffrey E Prisbrey - 563824000000000045 Majority Rule
by Dan Usher - 563824000000000039 A Strategic Calculus of Voting
by Thomas R Palfrey & Howard Rosenthal - 563824000000000033 Voter Turnout as a Participation Game: An Experimental Investigation
by Arthur Schram & John Sonnemans - 563824000000000027 The War of Attrition
by John M Smith - 563824000000000021 The Bioeconomic Causes of War
by Jack Hirshleifer - 563824000000000017 Assessment Strategy and the Evolution of Fighting Behavior
by G A Parker - 563824000000000011 Conflict Without Misperceptions or Incomplete Information: How the Future Matters
by Michelle R Garfinkel & Stergios Skaperdas - 391749000000000339 An Analysis of the Principal-Agent Problem
by Sanford J Grossman & Oliver D Hart - 391749000000000153 Health Care
by Alan M Garber - 391749000000000010 Learning To Play Games In Extensive Form By Valuation
by Philippe Jehiel & Dov Samet - 391749000000000005 Arms Races and Negotiations
by Sandeep Baliga & Tomas Sjostrom - 391749000000000001 Signals, Evolution and the Explanatory Power of Transient Information
by Brian Skyrms - 7667 Risk Aversion and Expected Utility Theory: A Calibration Theorem
by Matthew Rabin - 7571 Subjective Uncertainty Over Behavior Strategies: A Correction
by Eddie Dekel & Drew Fudenberg & David K Levine - 2106 Information Aggregation, Currency Swaps, and the Design of Derivative Securities
by Bhagwan Chowdhry & Mark Grinblatt & David K Levine - 511 Incorporating Fairness into Game Theory and Economics
by M. Rabin - 78 Does Market Incompleteness Matter
by David K. Levine & William Zame - 122247000000001080 Global Games: Theory and Applications
by Stephen Morris & Hyun S Shin
- 7640 Is It 'Economics and Psychology?' : The Case of Hyperbolic Discounting
by Ariel Rubinstein - 7616 Risk, Ambiguity, and the Separation of Utility and Beliefs
by Paolo Ghirardato & Massimo Marinacci - 7605 Risk, Ambiguity and the Savage Axioms
by Daniel Ellsberg - 7599 Two Stage Lotteries Without the Reduction Axiom
by Uzi Segal - 7591 A Definition of Subjective Probability
by F J Anscombe & R J Aumann - 7561 Ecologies of Preferences with Envy As An Antidote to Risk Aversion in Bargaining
by Nittai Bergman & Yaacov Z Bergman - 7553 Extensive Form Games and Strategic Complementarities
by Federico Echenique - 2133 Incomplete Markets, Transitory Shocks and Welfare
by Felix Kubler & Karl Schmedders - 2127 Introduction: The Dynamic Games Special Issue
by David K Levine & Aldo Rustichini - 2122 Evolution Through Imitation in a Single Population
by David K Levine & Wolfgang Pesendorfer - 2121 On the Choice of Stocking Rate and Time in Range Management
by Amitrajeet A Batabyal & Basudep Biswas & E B Godfrey - 2080 Risk Sharing and Market Incompleteness
by David K Levine & William R Zame - 2068 The Castle on the Hill
by David K Levine - 2049 social Norms, Local Interaction and Neighborhood Planning
by Matthew Haag & Roger Lagunoff - 1996 Perfectly Competitive Innovation
by Michele Boldrin & David K Levine - 1980 Welfare Effects of Bankruptcy
by Tarun Sabarwal - 1974 Lotteries, Sunspots and Incentive Constraints
by Timothy J. Kehoe & David K. Levine & Edward Prescott - 162 Evolution and Information in a Gift Giving Game
by Philip Johnson & David K. Levine & Wolfgang Pesendorfer - 14 Liquidity Constrained vs. Debt Constrained Markets
by Timothy J. Kehoe & David K. Levine
- 2232 Increasing Returns and Long-Run Growth
by Paul M Romer - 2135 Endogenous Technological Change
by Paul M Romer - 2116 Causal Assessment, Equilibrium and Ambiguity in Games
by Michael D Ryall - 2114 Long Run Policy Analysis and Long Run Growth
by Sergio Rebelo - 2113 Evolution with Mutations Driven by Control Costs
by Eric Van Damme & Jorgen W Weibull - 2112 Efficient Equilibrium Selection in Evolutionary Games with Random Matching
by Arthur J Robson & Fernando Vega-Redondo - 2107 Repeated Games with Almost Public Monitoring
by George J Mailath & Stephen Morris - 2105 Contingent Social Utiltiy in the Prisoner's Dilemma
by Robert Gibbons & Leaf Van Boven - 2101 Making a Miracle
by Robert E Lucas - 2100 Is Price Discrimination Really Efficient?
by Aaron S Edlin & Mario Epelbaum & Walter P Heller - 2092 Financial Contagion
by Franklin Allen & Douglas Gale - 2091 Introduction to Learning in Games: A Symposium in Honor of David Blackwell
by Dean Foster & David K Levine & Rakesh Vohra - 2084 On Non-Nash Equilibria
by Mario Gilli - 2028 Growth Cycles and Market Crashes
by Michele Boldrin & David K. Levine - 626 Reputation and Equilibrium Characterization in Repeated Games of Conflicting Interests
by K. Schmidt - 571 Maintaining a Reputation when Strategies are Imperfectly Observed
by D. Fudenberg & D. K. Levine - 521 An experimental study of the centipede game
by Richard McKelvey & Thomas Palfrey - 512 Agreeing to Disagree
by Robert J Aumann - 500 Learning, Mutation and Long Run Equilibria in Games
by M. Kandori & G. Mailath & R. Rob - 485 The Evolution of Conventions
by P. Young - 238 Reputation and Imperfect Information
by David Kreps & Robert Wilson - 172 Payoff Information and Self-Confirming Equilibrium
by Eddie Dekel & Drew Fudenberg & David K. Levine - 81 Efficiency and Observability with Long-Run and Short-Run Players
by Drew Fudenberg & David K Levine
- 2222 Learning in Games
by Drew Fudenberg & David K. Levine - 2138 Evolution and Information in a Prisoner's Dilemma Game
by Phillip Johnson & David K Levine & Wolfgang Pesendorfer - 2065 Learning by Doing and the Choice of Technology
by Larry Karp & In Ho Lee - 2062 Competitive Equilibria with Asymmetric Information
by Alberto Bisin & Piero Gottardi - 2060 Strategy and Equity: An ERC Analysis of the Guth-van Damme Game
by Gary E. Bolton & Axel Ockenfels - 2055 The Monetary Transmission Mechanism
by Jess Benhabib & Roger Farmer - 628 Notes on Discrete Dynamic Programming
by David K. Levine - 625 Inflation and Reputation
by D. Backus & J. Driffil - 618 Repeated Principal Agent Games With Discounting
by R. Radner - 617 Monitoring Cooperative Agreements in a Repeated Principal-Agent Relationship
by R. Radner - 608 Repeated Games with Long-run and Short-run Players
by D. Fudenberg & D. M. Kreps & E. Maskin - 603 Monopoly and Credibility in Asset Markets
by D. Fudenberg & D. K. Levine - 602 Reputation Acquisition in Debt Markets
by Douglas W. Diamond - 600 Sustainable Plans
by V. V. Chari & Patrick J Kehoe - 451 Considerations of fairness and strategy: experimental data from sequential games
by V. Prasnikar & A. Roth - 445 On the Strategic Stability of Equilibria
by E. Kohlberg & J.-F. Mertens - 344 Bargaining and market behavior in Jerusalem, Liubljana, Pittsburgh and Tokyo: an experimental study
by Alvin E. Roth & V. Prasnikar & M. Okuno-Fujiwara & S. Zamir - 331 An experimental study of sequential bargaining
by J. Ochs & Alvin E. Roth - 299 An experimental evaluation of weakest link/best shot models of public goods
by Glen W. Harrison & Jack Hirshleifer - 245 Limit Pricing and Entry Under Incomplete Information: An Equilibrium Analysis
by Paul Milgrom & John Roberts - 237 Sequential Equilibria
by David Kreps & Robert Wilson - 224 The Folk Theorem for Repeated Games with Discounting and Incomplete Information
by Drew Fudenberg & Eric Maskin - 209 Sovereign Debt: Is to Forgive to Forget
by Jeremy Bulow & Kenneth Rogoff - 114 Self-Fulfilling Debt Crises
by Harold L. Cole & Timothy J. Kehoe
- 2047 Modeling Altruism and Spitefulness in Experiments
by David K Levine - 1987 Reputation with Noisy Precommitment
by David K. Levine & Cesar Martinelli - 1908 On the Impossibility of Informationally Efficient Markets
by Sanford J Grossman & Joseph E Stiglitz - 1889 A Theory of Equity, Reciprocity, and Competition
by Gary E Bolton & Axel Ockenfels - 1833 The Equity Premium Puzzle and the Risk-Free Rate Puzzle
by Phillippe Weil - 1639 Finite automata play the repeated prisioners dilemma
by Ariel Rubinstein - 1631 The rule of information in bargaining: an experimental study
by Alvin E Roth & J K Murnighan - 1629 Toward a theory of bargaining: an experimental study in economics
by Alvin E Roth - 1594 Rational Expectations Equilibrium: Generic Existence and the Information Revealed by Prices
by Roy Radner - 1578 General Competitive Analysis in an Economy with Private Information
by Edward C Prescott & Robert M Townsend - 1560 Voting Behavior and Information Aggregation in Elections With Private Information
by Timothy Feddersen & Wolfgang Pesendorfer - 1544 Altruism, reputation and noise in linear public goods experiments
by Thomas R Palfrey & Jeffrey E Prisbrey - 1493 Risk Aversion and Bargaining: Some Preliminary Results
by J K Murnighan & Alvin E Roth & Francoise Schoumaker - 1460 Predation, reputation , and entry deterrence
by Paul Milgrom & John Roberts - 1406 Comparison of different Stackelberg solutions in a deterministic dynamic pollution control
by Thomas Vallée - 1403 Private Experience in Adaptive Learning Models
by Felipe Perez - 1265 Bandwagon effects and long run technology choice
by Michihiro Kandori & Rafael Rob - 1256 Private observation and Communication and Collusion
by Michihiro Kandori & Hitoshi Matsushima - 1225 Tacit coordination games, strategic uncertainty, and coordination failure
by John B Van Huyck & Raymond C Battalio & Richard O Beil - 1205 Moral Hazard and Observability
by Bengt Holmstrom - 1175 Games with incomplete information played by "bayesian" players
by John C Harsanyi - 1160 Ultimatum bargaining behavior: a survey and comparison of experimental results
by Werner Guth & Reinhard Tietz - 1147 Noncooperative Collusion Under Imperfect Price Information
by Edward J Green & Robert H Porter - 1115 An Introduction to General Equilibrium with Incomplete Asset Markets
by John Geanakoplos - 1009 Is the Corner Electronics Store Violationg the Antitrust Laws? (or Why the Good Guys Aren't)
by Aaron S. Edlin - 1000 A Folk Theorem for Stochastic Games
by Prajit K. Dutta - 912 Valuation equilibrium with Clubs
by Harold L Cole & Edward C Prescott - 896 Signaling Games and Stable Equilibria
by In-Koo Cho & David M. Kreps - 845 Laws of Large Numbers for Dynamical Systems with Random Matched Individuals
by Richard T. Boylan - 792 Testing Non-Cooperative Bargaining Theory: A Preliminary Study
by Ken Binmore & A. Shaked & J. Sutton - 771 Evolution with state-dependent Mutations
by J Bergin & B L Lipman - 672 Giving according to GARP: an experimental study of rationality and altruism
by James Andreoni & John H Miller - 671 Warm-glow versus cold-prickle: the effect of positive and negative framing on cooperation in experiments
by James Andreoni - 670 Rational Cooperation in the finitely repeated prisoner's dilemma: experimental evidence
by James Andreoni & John H Miller - 648 Asset Returns with transaction costs and uninsured individual risk
by S Rao Aiyagari & Mark Gertler - 636 Information and timing in repeated partnerships
by Dilip Abreu & Paul Milgrom & David Pearce - 633 Folk Theorems for Repeated Games: A NEU Condition
by Dilip Abreu & Prajit K Dutta & Lones Smith - 632 Optimal Cartel Equilibria with Imperfect monitoring
by Dilip Abreu & David Pearce & Ennio Stacchetti - 629 Learning in the Stock Flow Model
by David K. Levine - 598 Loss of Commitment? An Evolutionary Analysis of Bagwell’s Example
by Jörg Oechssler & Karl H Schlag - 597 Learning to Perfect Manipulation: Implications for Fertility, Savings, and Old-Age Social Security
by Lakshmi K Raut - 596 Robust Permanent Income and Pricing
by Lars Peter Hansen & Thomas J. Sargent & Thomas D. Tallarini Jr. - 595 Learning and Implementation on the Internet
by Eric J Friedman & Scott Schenker - 594 Fairness in Ultimatum Games with Heterogeneous Receivers
by Jeffrey E Prisbey - 593 Game Theory, On-line Prediction and Boosting
by Yoav Freund & Robert E Shapire - 592 Does Observation of Others Affect Learning in Strategic Environments? An Experimental Study
by John Duffy & Nick Feltovich - 591 A proof of Calibration via Blackwell's Approachability Theorem
by Dean P Foster - 590 Predicting a binary sequence almost as well as the optimal biased coin
by Yoav Freund - 588 Using co-evolutionary programming to simulate strategic behaviour in markets
by Tony Curson Price - 509 Public Goods: A Survey of Experimental Research
by J. Ledyard - 471 Conditional Universal Consistency
by Drew Fudenberg & David K. Levine
- 2059 An Easier Way to Calibrate
by Drew Fudenberg & David K. Levine - 2022 Reputation and Distribution in a Gift Giving Game
by David K. Levine - 2015 Maintaining a Reputation against a Patient Opponent
by Marco Celentani & Drew Fudenberg & David K. Levine & Wolfgang Pesendorfer - 1954 Debt Constraints and Equilibrium in Infinite Horizon Economies with Incomplete Markets
by David K. Levine & William Zame - 624 The Theory of Learning in Games
by Drew Fudenberg & David K. Levine - 548 On the Evolution of Convention: Evidence from Coordination Games
by J. Van Huyck & R. Battalio & F. Rankin - 470 Consistency and Cautious Fictitious Play
by Drew Fudenberg & David K. Levine - 370 Measuring Subject’s Losses in Experimental Games
by Drew Fudenberg & David K. Levine - 180 When are Non-Anonymous Players Negligible
by Drew Fudenberg & David K. Levine & Wolfgang Pesendorfer - 59 Balanced-Budget Mechanisms with Incomplete Information
by Drew Fudenberg & David K. Levine & Eric Maskin
- 103 Reputation and Equilibrium Selection in Games with a Patient Player
by Drew Fudenberg & David K. Levine - 96 When Are Agents Negligible?
by David K. Levine & Wolfgang Pesendorfer
- 2058 The Folk Theorem with Imperfect Public Information
by Drew Fudenberg & David K. Levine & Eric Maskin - 627 Efficiency and Observability with Long-Run and Short-Run Players
by D. Fudenberg & D. K. Levine - 394 The Folk Theorem with Imperfect Public Information
by Drew Fudenberg & David K. Levine & Eric Maskin
- 2147 Self-Confirming Equilibrium
by Drew Fudenberg & David K. Levine - 1276 Debt Constrained Asset Markets
by Timothy J Kehoe & David K Levine - 373 Steady State Learning and Nash Equilibrium
by Drew Fudenberg & David K. Levine - 189 Trembling Invisible Hand Equilibrium
by David K. Levine - 122247000000001088 Global Games and Equilibrium Selection
by Hans Carlsson & Eric van Damme
- 2035 The Optimum Quantity of Money Revisited
by Timothy J. Kehoe & David K. Levine & Michael Woodford - 124 On Characterizing Equilibria of Models with Externalities and Taxes as Solutions to Optimization Problems
by Timothy J. Kehoe & David K. Levine & Paul Romer
- 2057 Gross Substitutes in Large Square Economics
by Timothy J. Kehoe & David K. Levine & Andreu Mas-Colell & Michael Woodford - 607 An Approximate Folk Theorem with Imperfect Private Information
by D. Fudenberg & D. K. Levine - 43 Asset Trading Mechanisms and Expansionary Policy
by David K. Levine
- 2193 The Economics of Indeterminacy in Overlapping Generations Models
by Timothy J. Kehoe & David K. Levine - 2082 Long Waves and Short Waves: Growth Through Intensive and Extensive Search
by Boyan Jovanovic & Rafael Rob - 2042 Indeterminacy in Applied Intertemporal General Equilibrium Models
by Timothy J. Kehoe & David K. Levine - 1397 Habit formation: a resolution of the equity premium puzzle
by G. Constantinides - 622 Decentralized Trading, Strategic Behaviour and the Walrasian Outcome
by Arial Rubinstein & Asher Wolinsky - 165 Determinacy of Equilibrium in Dynamic Models with Finitely Many Consumers
by Timothy J. Kehoe & David K. Levine & Paul Romer
- 7662 Subjective Probability and Expected Utility without Additivity
by David Schmeidler - 2161 Efficiency and the Value of Money
by David K. Levine - 508 Reputation and Equilibrium Selection in Games with a Patient Player
by D. Fudenberg & David K. Levine - 201 Reputation in Bargaining and Durable Goods Monopoly
by Larry M. Ausubel & Raymond J. Deneckere - 52 Steady States and Determinacy in Economies with Infinitely Lived Agents
by Timothy J. Kehoe & David K. Levine & Paul Romer - 49 Infinite Horizon Equilibrium with Incomplete Markets
by David K. Levine - 46 Determinacy of Equilibrium in Large Square Economies
by Timothy J. Kehoe & David K. Levine & Andreu Mas-Colell & William Zame
- 227 On the Robustness of Equilibrium Refinements
by Drew Fudenberg & David Kreps & David K. Levine - 221 Open and Closed-Loop Equilibria in Dynamic Games With Many Players
by Drew Fudenberg & David K. Levine
- 2172 Nash Equilibria Equal Competitive Equilibria
by David K. Levine - 229 Incomplete Information Bargaining with Outside Opportunities
by Drew Fudenberg & David K. Levine & Jean Tirole
- 1997 Reverse Regressions for Latent Variable Models
by David K. Levine - 220 Limit Games and Limit Equilibria
by Drew Fudenberg & David K. Levine
- 2005 The Financial Sector in the Planning of Economic Development
by David Backus & Herminio Blanco & David K. Levine - 1873 Comparative Statics and Perfect Foresight in Infinite Horizon Economies
by Timothy J Kehoe & David K Levine - 1098 Infinite-Horizon Models of Bargaining with One-Sided Incomplete Information
by Drew Fudenberg & David K. Levine & Jean Tirole - 623 Equilibrium in a Market with Sequential Bargaining
by Arial Rubinstein & Asher Wolinsky - 86 Estatica comparativa y prevision perfecta en economias con horizonte infinito
by Timothy J. Kehoe & David K. Levine - 84 A Simple Durable Goods Model
by David K. Levine - 48 Sensitivity of MLE to Measurement Error
by David K. Levine
- 2205 Strike Activity, Wage Settlements and Rationality
by Drew Fudenberg & David K. Levine & Paul Ruud - 2184 Regularity in Overlapping Generations Exchange Economies
by Timothy J. Kehoe & David K. Levine - 108 Intertemporal Separability in Overlapping Generations Models
by Timothy J. Kehoe & David K. Levine
- 255 A Multi-stage Model of Bargaining
by Joel Sobel & Takahashi - 219 Subgame-Perfect Equilibria of Finite- and Infinite-Horizon Games
by Drew Fudenberg & David K. Levine - 176 A Remark on Serial Correlation in Maximum Likelihood
by David K. Levine
- 7650 "Expected Utility" Analysis without the Independence Axiom
by Mark J Machina
- 11694000000000183 Chapter 2: Long Run Collusion in a Partially Myopic Industry
by David K Levine - 11694000000000178 Chapter 1 Appendix: The Enforcement of Collusion in Oligopoly
by David K Levine - 11694000000000172 Chapter 1: The Enforcement of Collusion in a Quadratic Symmetric Oligopoly
by David K Levine