- dp0484 Zipfs Law for Cities: An Empirical Examination
by Y Ioannides & Henry Overman - dp0483 Cross Sectional Evolution of the US City Size Distribution
by Y Ioannides & Henry Overman - dp0482 Spatial Evolution of the US Urban System
by Y Ioannides & Henry Overman - dp0481 Neighbourhood Effects in Small Neighbourhoods
by Henry Overman - dp0480 Pension Problems and Reforms in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Romania
by Stanislaw Gomulka - dp0479 A Picture of Job Insecurity Facing British Men
by Patricia Tracy Jones & Stephen Nickell & Glenda Quintini - dp0478 Numeracy, Literacy and Earnings: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
by C Dougherty - dp0477 The Viability of Trade Union Organisation: A Bargaining Unit Analysis
by P Willman - dp0476 Why Does Performance Pay De-Motivate: Financial Incentives versus Perfrormance Appraisal
by Stephen French & Katsuyuki Kubo & David Marsden - dp0475 Macroeconomic Policies and Achievements in Transition Economies, 1989-1999
by Stanislaw Gomulka - dp0474 Unemployment Dynamics, Duration and Equilibrium: Evidence from Britain
by Simon Burgess & H Turon - dp0473 Factor Residuals in SUR Regressions: Estimating Panels Allowing for Cross Sectional Correlation
by Donald Robertson & James Symons - dp0472 Wage Equations, Wage Curves and All That
by B Bell & Stephen Nickell & Glenda Quintini - dp0471 Whence Reform? A Critique of the Stiglitz Perspective
by M Dabrowski & Stanislaw Gomulka & J Rostowski - dp0470 Looking Into the Black Box: A Survey of the Matching Function
by Barbara Petrongolo & Christopher A. Pissarides - dp0469 Monetary Misconceptions
by W.H. Buiter - dp0468 Trade Unions and Industrial Injury in Great Britain
by A. S. Litwin - dp0467 Currency Areas, Policy Domains, and the Institutionalization of Fixed Exchange Rates
by Peter B. Kenen - dp0466 A Simple Model of the Transformational Recession Under a Limited Mobility Constraint
by Stanislaw Gomulka & John Lane - dp0465 Working on the Chain Gang? An Examination of Rising Effort Levels in Europe in the 1990s
by F Green & Steven McIntosh - dp0464 R&D in Developing Countries: What Should Governments Do?
by J.P. Neary - dp0463 Employment Protection and Unemployment in an Efficiency Wage Model
by Maia Güell - dp0462 Optimal Currency Areas: Why Does the Exchange Rate Regime Matter? (With an Application to UK Membership in EMU)
by W.H. Buiter - dp0461 Fixed-Term Contracts and Unemployment: An Efficiency Wage Analysis
by Maia Güell - dp0460 Per Capita Income Demand for Variety, and International Trade: Linder Reconsidered
by P Ramezzana - dp0459 Tenures that Shook the World: Worker Turnover in Russia, Poland and Britain
by H Lehmann & Jonathan Wadsworth - dp0458 Mapping the Two Faces of R&D: Productivity Growth in a Panel of OECD Industries
by Rachel Griffith & Stephen Redding & John Van Reenen - dp0457 Gender, Motivation, Experience and Wages
by Joanna Swaffield - dp0456 Impact of Work Experience and Training in the Current and Previous Occupations on Earnings: Micro Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
by C Dougherty - dp0455 Union Decline in Britain
by Stephen Machin - dp0454 Teachers Before the Threshold
by David Marsden - dp0453 The Right to Know: Disclosure of Information for Collective Bargaining and Joint Consultation
by Howard Gospel & G Lockwood & P Willman - dp0452 Unions and the Sword of Justice: Unions and Pay Systems, Pay Inequality, Pay Discrimination and Low Pay
by A Charlwood & K Hansen & David Metcalf - dp0451 Financial Integration and Asset Returns
by P Martin & H Rey - dp0450 Financial Super-Markets: Size Matters for Asset Trade
by P Martin & H Rey - dp0449 Labour Supply, Search and Taxes
by Alan Manning - dp0448 Employment Patterns in OECD Countries
by Stephen Nickell & Luca Nunziata - dp0447 The Fallacy of the Fiscal Theory of the Price Level
by W.H. Buiter - dp0446 The Determinants Of Cross-Border Equity Flows
by R Portes & H Rey - dp0445 Nursery Cities: Urban Diversity, Process Innovation and the Life-Cycle of Products
by Gilles Duranton & Diego Puga - dp0444 UK Philips Curves and Monetary Policy
by Andrew Haldane & Danny Quah - dp0443 The Relative Economic Importance of Academic, Psychological and Behavioural Attributes Developed on Chilhood
by L Feinstein - dp0442 Cross Country Growth Comparison: Theory to Empirics
by Danny Quah - dp0441 Internet Cluster Emergence
by Danny Quah - dp0440 The Multi-Dimensional Nature of Labour Demmand and Skill Biased Technical Change
by E Mellander - dp0439 Computers are even more important than you thought: An Analysis of the changing skill-intensity of jobs
by A Felstead & D Gallie & F Green - dp0438 Workers Transitions from Temporary to Permanent Employment: the Spanish Case
by Maia Güell & Barbara Petrongolo - dp0437 The Dynamics of International Specialisation
by Stephen Redding
- dp0436 The Effectiveness of Top Management Groups in Manufacturing Organisations
by J Dawson & Stephen Nickell & M Patterson & M West - dp0435 Overeducation and Skills - Clarifying the Concepts
by F Green & Steven McIntosh & Anna Vignoles - dp0434 Unemployment Clusters Across European Regions and Countries
by Henry Overman & Diego Puga - dp0433 Diversity and Specialisation in Cities: Why, Where and When does it Matter?
by Gilles Duranton & Diego Puga - dp0432 A Cross-Country Comparison of the Determinants of Vocational Training
by Steven McIntosh - dp0431 Looking into the Qualifications Black Box: What can International Surveys Tell Us About Basic Competence?
by Hilary Steedman - dp0430 On the Home Market Effect: Theory and Empirical Evidence
by F Trionfetti - dp0429 Does Tax Smoothing Imply Smooth Taxes?
by Andrew Scott - dp0428 Productivity Growth, Convergence, and Trade in a Panel of Manufacturing Industries
by G Cameron & J Proudman & Stephen Redding - dp0427 The Currency Denomination of Public Debt and the Choice of the Monetary Regime
by E Falcetti & S Milner - dp0426 Short Employment Spells in Italy, Germany and the UK: Testing the Port of Entry Hypothesis
by B Contini & l Pacelli & C Villosio - dp0425 UDROP: A Small Contribution to the International Financial Architecture
by W.H. Buiter & A Sibert - dp0424 Path Dependence, Endogenous Innovation and Growth
by Stephen Redding - dp0423 Alice in Euroland
by W.H. Buiter - dp0422 The Economic Case for Reforming A Levels
by Peter Dolton & Anna Vignoles - dp0421 Job Reallocation, Employment Fluctuations and Unemployment
by Dale T. Mortensen & Christopher A. Pissarides - dp0420 Within-Firm Seniority Structure and Firm Performance
by F Kramartz & S Roux - dp0419 The British National Minimum Wage
by David Metcalf - dp0418 Pretty Vacant: Recruitment in Low Wage Labour Markets
by Alan Manning - dp0417 The Weightless Economy in Economic Development
by Danny Quah - dp0416 The Reallocation of Labour: An International Comparison Using Job Tenure
by Simon Burgess - dp0415 Fickle Investors: An Impediment to Growth
by Andrew Scott & Harald Uhlig - dp0414 Labour Reallocation, Labour Flaws and Labour Market Institutions: Evidence from Spain
by J Jimeno & C Serrano - dp0412 Just Cant Get Enough:More On Skill-Biassed Change and Labour Market Performance
by Marco Manacorda & Alan Manning
- dp0413 The Mercantilist Index of Trade Policy
by J Anderson & J.P. Neary - dp0411 Labor Supply Dynamics, Unemployment and Human Capital Investments
by E Wasmer - dp0410 Can Labour Supply Explain the Rise in Unemployment and Intergroup Wage Inequality in the OECD?
by E Wasmer - dp0409 Strategic Trade and Industrial PolicyTowards Dynamic Oligopolies
by D Leahy & J.P. Neary - dp0408 Beat Em or Join Em: Export Subsidies versus International Research Joint Ventures in Oligopolistic Markets
by J.P. Neary & P O''Sullivan - dp0407 Labour Market Institutions and Economic Performance
by Richard Layard & Stephen Nickell - dp0406 Re-employment Probabilities and Returns to Matching
by Barbara Petrongolo - dp0405 If Youre Happy and You Know It...Job Satisfaction in the Low Wage Service Sector
by D Brown & Steven McIntosh - dp0404 Pre-school Educational Inequality? British Children in the 1970 Cohort
by L Feinstein - dp0403 Grime and Punishment: Job Insecurity and Wage Arrears in the Russian Federation
by A Aquisti & H Lehmann & Jonathan Wadsworth - dp0402 Regional Imbalances and Aggregate Performance in a Leading Sector Model of the Labour Market: An analysis of Italian data 1977-1991
by Marco Manacorda & Barbara Petrongolo - dp0401 Globalisation, Productive Systems, and Inequalities
by Gilles Duranton - dp0400 The Causes and Consequences of Long-Term Unemployment in Europe
by Stephen Machin & Alan Manning - dp0399 Growing Skills in Europe: the Changing Skill Profiles of France, Germany, Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden and the UK
by A Murray & Hilary Steedman - dp0398 The Economics of Productive Systems: Segmentation and Skill-Biased Change
by Gilles Duranton - dp0397 Child Development and Success or Failure in the Youth Labour Market
by Paul Gregg & Stephen Machin - dp0396 Sticky Prices and Volatile Output: or when is a Phillips Curve not a Phillips Curve?
by M Ellison & Andrew Scott - dp0395 The Real Exchange Rate in Transition Economies
by C Grafe & C Wyplosz - dp0394 Technological Innovations Slumps and Booms
by Leonardo Felli & F Ortalo-Magne - dp0393 The Demand for Post-Compulsory Education in Four European Countries
by Steven McIntosh - dp0392 Explaining International Differences in Male Wage Inequality by differences in Demand and Supply of Skill
by E Leuven & Hessel Oosterbeek & H van Ophern - dp0391 Technology in Growth
by Louise C. Keely & Danny Quah - dp0390 (Not)Hanging on the Telephone: Payment systems in the New Sweatshops
by Sue Fernie & David Metcalf - dp0389 Something in the way She Movcs: A Fresh Look at an Old Gap
by Alan Manning & Helen Robinson - dp0388 The Emergence of the Euro as an International Currency
by G Alogoskoufis & R Portes & H Rey - dp0387 Do wage subsidies Enhance Employability? Evidence from Australian Youth
by J Richardson - dp0386 Partial De-Regulation: Fixed-Term Contracts in Italy and Spain
by P Adam & P Canziani - dp0385 Basic Competence in Mathematics: Swedish and English 16 Year Olds
by Hilary Steedman & Alison Wolf - dp0384 The New Empirics of Economic Growth
by S Durlauf & Danny Quah - dp0383 Mighty Good Thing: The Returns to Tenure
by Alan Manning - dp0382 Pre-School Education and Attainment in the NCDS and BCS
by L Feinstein & Donald Robertson & James Symons - dp0380 Movin On Up: Interpreting the Earnings Experience Profile
by Alan Manning
- dp0381 Annual Review 96-97
by Cep - dp0379 Regional Convergence from Local Isolated Actions: II Conditioning
by Danny Quah - dp0378 Regional Convergence from LocalIsolated Actions: I Historical Outcomes
by Danny Quah - dp0377 Agglomeration and Economic Development: Import Substitution versus Trade Liberalisation
by Diego Puga & Anthony J. Venables - dp0376 How to Compete: The Impact of Workplace Practices and Information Technology on Productivity
by S Black & L Lynch - dp0375 The Wage Curve in Italy and Spain. Are European Wages Flexible?
by P Canziani - dp0374 A Simple Test of the Shirking Model
by Alan Manning & J Thomas - dp0373 The Survival of National Bargaining in the Electrical Contracting Industry: A Deviant Case?
by J Druker & Howard Gospel - dp0372 The Revival of Apprenticeship Training in Britain
by Howard Gospel - dp0371 Incentives
by Eric Maskin & Yingyi Qian & Chenggang Xu - dp0370 Human Capital Investment and Innovation: What Are The Connections?
by Stephen Nickell & D Nicolitsas - dp0369 Competition for Jobs in a Growing Economy and the Emergence of Dualism
by E Wasmer - dp0368 Equilibrium Urban Unemployment
by E Wasmer & Y Zenou - dp0367 Implications of Skill-Biased Technological Change: International Evidence
by E Berman & J Bound & Stephen Machin - dp0366 GCSE Grades and GNVQ Outcomes: Results of a Pilot Study
by P Rudd & Hilary Steedman - dp0365 Caught In A Trap? Wage Mobility in Great Britain: 1975-94
by Richard Dickens - dp0364 The Labour Market over the Business Cycle: Can Theory Fit the Facts?
by S Millard & Andrew Scott & M Sensier - dp0363 Specialisation Patterns in Europe
by Mary Amiti - dp0362 Beyond the Incidence of Training
by S Black & L Lynch - dp0361 The Impact of Employment Tax Cuts on Unemployment and Wages: The Role of Unemployment Benefits and Tax Structure
by Christopher A. Pissarides - dp0360 Job Reallocation: Theory and Workplace Evidence
by Karen Mumford & P Smith - dp0359 The Hiring Function Reconsidered: On Closing the Circle
by Karen Mumford & P Smith - dp0358 Firing Costs and Stigma: An Empirical Analysis
by P Canziani - dp0357 Imperfect Information
by P Canziani - dp0356 Agglomeration in a global Economy: A Survey
by G Ottaviano & Diego Puga - dp0355 Measure for Measure: A Critical note on the National Targets for Education and Training and International Comparisons of Educational Attainment
by Peter Robinson - dp0354 The Myth of Parity of Esteem: Earnings and Qualifications
by Peter Robinson - dp0353 Recent Trends in Engineering and Construction Skill Formation - UK and Germany Compared
by Hilary Steedman - dp0352 Trade Liberalisation and Factor Mobility: An Overview
by Anthony J. Venables - dp0351 Long-Run Growth and Business Cycle Volatility
by C Michelacci - dp0350 Demand and Supply: The Relationship between Price Elasticities and Profitability in the UK
by N Menezes-Filho - dp0349 European versus US Unemployment: Different Responses to Increased Demand for skill?
by Richard Jackman & Richard Layard & Marco Manacorda & Barbara Petrongolo - dp0348 Random or Non-Random matching? Implications for the use of the UV 234 curve as a measure of matching effectiveness
by Paul Gregg & Barbara Petrongolo - dp0347 Wage Subsidies for the Long Term Unemployed: A Search Theoretic Analysis
by J Richardson - dp0346 Pitfalls in the Theory of International Trade Policy: Concertina Reforms of Tariffs and Subsidies to High Technology Industries
by J.P. Neary - dp0345 R&D Spillovers and the Case for Industrial Policy in an Open Economy
by D Leahy & J.P. Neary - dp0344 Phillips Curves
by P Clark & D Laxton - dp0343 Corporate Governance and Shareholder Rights in Russia
by D Willer - dp0342 Is Europe an Optimum Currency Area? A Reconsideration of the Evidence
by M Nikolaki - dp0341 Attainment in Secondary School
by L Feinstein & James Symons - dp0340 Enterprises in Transition: Macroeconomic Influences on Enterprise Decision-Making and Performance
by W.H. Buiter & R Lagos & H Rey - dp0339 Some Dimensions of the Quality of Life during the British Industrial Revolution
by Nicholas Crafts - dp0338 Labour Market Policy and the Reallocation of Labour Across Sectors
by Richard Jackman & C Pauna - dp0337 Domestic Jobs and Foreign Wages: Labour Demand in Swedish Multinationals
by J Hatzius - dp0336 Foreign Direct Investment
by J Hatzius - dp0335 Promoting an Effective Market Economy in a Changing World
by W.H. Buiter & R Lagos & N Stern - dp0334 Wage Bargaining in Japan: Why Employers and Unions Value Industry-Level Co-ordination
by M. Sako - dp0333 Aspects of Fiscal Performance in Some Transition Economies Under Fund-Supported Programs
by W.H. Buiter - dp0331 Can Active Labour Market Policy Work? Some Theoretical Considerations
by J Richardson - dp0330 Qualifications and the Labour Market in Britain: 1984-1994 Skill Biased Change in the Demand for Labour or Credentialism?
by Marco Manacorda & Peter Robinson - dp0329 True Multilateral Indexes for International Comparisons of Purchasing Power and Real Income
by J.P. Neary - dp0328 International Trade and Internal Organization
by U Patel - dp0327 Free to Choose? Dimensions of Private Sector Wage Contract Re-Negotiation since 1979
by D Brown & P Ingram & Jonathan Wadsworth - dp0326 The Price is Right: Inflation and Nominal Wage Adjustment in Britain
by D Brown & P Ingram & Jonathan Wadsworth - dp0325 Water Under the Bridge: Changes in Employment in Britain and the OECD
by Peter Robinson - dp0324 Empirics for Growth and Distribution
by Danny Quah - dp0323 The Real Exchange Rate in India: Determinants and Targeting
by U Patel & P Srivastava - dp0322 International Trade and Currency Exchange
by H Rey - dp0321 Interpreting the ERM Crisis: Country-Specific and Systemic Issues
by W.H. Buiter & G Corsetti & P Pesenti - dp0320 A Portfolio Approach to a Cross-Sectoral and Cross-National Investment Strategy in Transition Economics
by W.H. Buiter & R Lagos & H Rey - dp0318 Marshalls Trees and the Global Forest: Were Giant Redwoods Different?
by L Hannah
- dp0332 Annual Review 1995/96
by Cep - dp0319 Trading Arrangements and Industrial Development
by Diego Puga & Anthony J. Venables - dp0317 Convergence as Distribution Dynamics (with or without Growth)
by Danny Quah - dp0316 Privatisation versus Competition: Changing Enterprise Behavior in Russia
by J Earle & S Estrin - dp0315 Ownership Structures
by J Earle & S Estrin & L Leshchenko - dp0314 The Rise and Fall of Regional Inequalities
by Diego Puga - dp0313 Skill, Training, Organisational Commitment and Unemployment: The Economics of a Labour Strategy Management
by F Green - dp0312 Self-Selection in The State School System
by Donald Robertson & James Symons - dp0311 Do peer Groups Matter? Peer Groups versus Schooling Effects on Academic Attainment
by Donald Robertson & James Symons - dp0310 The Role and Influence of Trade Unions in the OECD
by David Blanchflower - dp0309 Does Innovation Encourage Investment in Fixed Capital?
by Stephen Nickell & D Nicolitsas - dp0308 What Makes Firms Perform Well?
by N Dryden & Stephen Nickell & D Nicolitsas - dp0307 Skill Mismatch and Unemployment in OECD Countries
by Marco Manacorda & Barbara Petrongolo - dp0306 The Evolution of Individual Male Earnings in Great Britain 1974-1994
by Richard Dickens - dp0305 Urbanisation Patterns: European vs Less Developed Countries
by Diego Puga - dp0304 It Takes Two: Employment Polarisation in the OECD
by Paul Gregg - dp0303 Mind the Gap
by Paul Gregg & Jonathan Wadsworth - dp0302 Measuring the Quality of Educational Outputs: A Note
by Hilary Steedman - dp0301 Gains From the Trade: The Hold Up Problem
by M West - dp0300 Intra-Industry Trade Firm Mobility and the Union Bargaining Game
by M West - dp0299 The Rise of China as an Economic Power
by C Goodhart & Chenggang Xu - dp0298 Everyones A Winner?: Persistence in British Private Sector Wage Settlements
by D Brown & P Ingram & Jonathan Wadsworth - dp0297 Technology and Changes in Skill Structure: Evidence from an International Panel of Industries
by Stephen Machin & A Ryan & John Van Reenen - dp0296 Growing Into Work
by David Blanchflower & Richard Freeman - dp0295 Its Not What You Pay
by Sue Fernie & David Metcalf - dp0294 Political and Gender Oppression as a Cause of Poverty
by Peter Boone - dp0293 Combatting Unemployment: Is Flexibility Enough?
by Richard Jackman & Richard Layard & Stephen Nickell - dp0292 British Economic Policy and Industrial Performance in the Early Post-War Period
by S Broadberry & Nicholas Crafts - dp0291 Observing Labour Market Adjustment: Employment in the US Construction Industry 1983-1990
by C Dougherty - dp0290 Convergence
by Danny Quah - dp0289 No Title
by Withdrawn - dp0288 Measuring the Effects of Credit Market Imperfections: A US Farmland Application
by F Ortalo-Magne - dp0287 Job Creation and Job Destruction in Great Britain in the 1980s
by David Blanchflower & Simon Burgess