- dp0088 Hedging, Multiple Contracting Equilibria& Nominal Contracts
by Daron Acemoglu - dp0087 The Determinants of Investment in Employee Owned Firms: Evidence from France
by S Estrin & D Jones - dp0086 Economic and Monetary Union
by C Bean - dp0085 Some Simple Dynamics of Transition from Command to Market Economy
by Meghnad Desai & S Estrin - dp0084 Nonlinear Dynamics, Entitlement Rules and the Cyclical Behaviour of the Personal Income Distribution
by A Brandolini - dp0083 A Proposal on How to Introduce a Currency Board Based Monetary System in the Republic of Latvia
by J Rostowski - dp0082 Delegation through Managerial Contracts: Is Hiring a Manager a Good Idea?
by Daron Acemoglu - dp0081 Unemployment in the OECD Countries
by Richard Layard & Stephen Nickell - dp0080 Minimum Wages
by Stephen Machin & Alan Manning - dp0079 The Employer Size-Wage Effect: Is Monopsony the Explanation?
by Francis Green & Stephen Machin & Alan Manning - dp0078 Training at Work: A Comparison of US and US and British Youths
by David Blanchflower & L Lynch - dp0077 Wages, Unions, Insiders and Product Market Power
by Stephen Nickell & J Vainiomaki & S Wadhwani - dp0076 Dispute Deterrence: Evidence on Final-Offer Arbitration
by S Milner - dp0075 Motivation and Performance Related Pay in the Public Sector: A Case Study of the Inland Revenue
by David Marsden & R Richardson - dp0074 Search Unemployment with on-the-job Search
by Christopher A. Pissarides - dp0073 Unemployment Benefits and Labour Market Transitions in Britain
by Jonathan Wadsworth - dp0072 Learning about Others Actions and the Investment Accelerator
by Daron Acemoglu - dp0071 European Unemployment: A Survey
by C Bean - dp0070 Matching and Unemployment Dynamics in a Model of Competition Between Employed and Unemployed Job Searchers
by Simon Burgess - dp0069 A Simple Model of Disinflation and the Optimality of doing Nothing
by G Milesi-Feretti - dp0068 Banking in Transition: Development and Current Problems in Hungary
by S Estrin & P Hare & M Suranyi - dp0067 The Economy of Poland
by M Schaffer - dp0066 The Economic Effects of Multiple Unionism: Evidence from the 1984 Workplace Industrial Relations Survey
by Stephen Machin & M Stewart & John Van Reenen - dp0065 How Robust is the Microeconomic theory of the Trade Union?
by Alan Manning - dp0064 Pay-Setting, Self-Employment and the Unions: Themes of the 1980s
by A Oswald - dp0063 Productivity Growth, Wage Setting and the Equilibrium Rate of Unemployment
by Alan Manning - dp0062 Wage Bargaining and the Phillips Curve: The Identification and Specification of Aggregate Wage Equations
by Alan Manning - dp0061 An Endogenous Skill Loss Model of Long-Term Unemployment
by Daron Acemoglu - dp0060 Incomplete Information Bargaining and Business Cycles
by Daron Acemoglu - dp0059 Secondary Currencies in the Russian Hyperinflation and Stabilization of 1921-24
by J Rostowski & J Shapiro - dp0058 Secondary Currencies and High Inflation. Implications for Monetary Theory and Policy
by P Auerbach & G Davison - dp0057 Regional Migration versus Regional Commuting: The Identification of Housing and Employment Flows
by Richard Jackman & S Savouri
- dp0056 Annual Report
by Cep - dp0055 A Longitudinal Analysis of Young Entrepreneurs in Australia and the United States
by David Blanchflower & B Meyer - dp0054 Firms Debt and Finite-Horizon Wage Bargaining
by Alberto Dalmazzo - dp0053 Do Good or Do Well? Public Debt Management in a Two-Party Economy
by G Milesi-Feretti - dp0052 Flow and Stock Analysis of Polish Unemployment: January 1990 - May 1991
by M Gora & H Lehmann - dp0051 Polish Economic Reform: Principles
by Stanislaw Gomulka - dp0050 How to Privatise
by O Blanchard & Richard Layard - dp0049 Signals and Cycles Productivity Growth and Changes in Union Status in British Companies
by Paul Gregg & Stephen Machin & David Metcalf - dp0048 Strike Incidence and Duration in British Manufacturing Industry in the 1980s
by P Ingram & David Metcalf - dp0047 Regional Wage Determination in Great Britain
by Richard Jackman & S Savouri - dp0046 How Valuable is Patent Protection? Estimates by Technology Field Using Patent Renewal Data
by Mark Schankerman - dp0045 A Simple Estimation of the NAIRU in the Japanese Economy: 1953-85
by Y Kurosaka - dp0044 Some Strange Properties of Panel Data Estimators
by Donald Robertson & James Symons - dp0043 Output, Inflation and the ERM
by Donald Robertson & James Symons - dp0042 Real Wage Determination and Rent-Sharing in Collective Bargaining Agreements
by L Christofides & A Oswald - dp0041 Efficient and Inefficient Employment Outcomes: A Study Based on Canadian Contract Data
by L Christofides & A Oswald - dp0040 Financial Control in the Transition to a Market Economy
by R McKinnon - dp0039 An Empirical Study of Unemployment and the Number of Children in Care
by A Carruth & A Oswald - dp0038 A Test of the Effect of Benefits on Search Activity in a Model of Endogenous Job Offer Arrivals
by John Schmitt & Jonathan Wadsworth - dp0037 Nonlinear Dynamics in a Structural Model of Employment
by Simon Burgess - dp0036 A Note in the Polish State-Owned Enterprise Sector in 1990
by M Schaffer - dp0035 Endogenous Separations in a Matching Model
by A Newell & James Symons - dp0034 Ageing and Economic Performance
by Paul Johnson - dp0033 The Causes of Recession following Stabilization
by Stanislaw Gomulka & Paul Johnson - dp0032 The Causes of Irelands Unemployment
by Andrew Newell & James Symons - dp0031 Privatization in Hungary
by I Grosfeld & P Hare - dp0030 Self-Employment and Mrs Thatchers Enterprise
by David Blanchflower & A Oswald - dp0029 Efficiency Wages and Local Versus Central Bargaining
by A Rodseth - dp0028 Are Employment Policies Counterproductive When Wage Setting is Centralised?
by A Rodseth - dp0027 Regional Migration in Britain: An Analysis of Gross Flows using NHS Central Register Data
by Richard Jackman & S Savouri - dp0026 Productivity Growth in UK Companies
by Stephen Nickell & S Wadhwani & M Wall - dp0025 The Costs of Employee Share Ownership Schemes
by J Barnes & R Richardson - dp0024 The Impact of Employee Share Ownership on Worker Attitudes. A Longitudinal Case Study
by P Dewe & S Dunn & R Richardson - dp0023 Survivability and Degeneration in Employee-Owned Firms: Evidence from France
by S Estrin & D Jones - dp0022 A Century of UK Strike Activity: An Alternative Perspective
by David Metcalf & S Milner - dp0021 Authority in Employment Contracts: A Bilateral Bargaining Model
by Alan Manning - dp0020 The Effects of union Density of Wages and Employment: A Dynamic Monopoly Union Model
by Alan Manning - dp0019 Pre-Strike Ballots and Wage-Employment Bargaining
by Alan Manning - dp0018 The Effects of Changes in a Firms Product Market Power on Wages
by J Vainiomaki & S Wadhwani - dp0017 Labour Managed vs Private Firms: An Empirical Comparison of Cooperatives and Private Firms in Central Italy
by W Bartlett & J Cable & S Estrin & D Jones & C Smith - dp0016 Annual Review 1989-1990
by CEP & Richard Blundell - dp0015 An Aggregate Model of the Canadian)
by Manfred Keil & James Symons
- dp0014 A New Method of Long-Run Growth Accounting with Applications to the Soviet Economy 1928-87 and the US Economy 1949-78
by Stanislaw Gomulka & M Schaffer - dp0013 Macroeconomic Adjustment and Poverty in Selected Developed Countries
by Christopher A. Pissarides - dp0012 Who are the Unemployed?
by Christopher A. Pissarides & Jonathan Wadsworth - dp0011 Labour Market Policies and Unemployment in the OECD
by Richard Jackman & Christopher A. Pissarides & S Savouri - dp0010 The External Constraint in the UK
by C Bean - dp0009 Female Labour Supply and On-the-Job Search: An Empirical Model Estimated using Complementary Data Sets
by M Arellano & Costas Megir & Mary Silles - dp0008 Wage Determination: An Assessment of Returns to Education, Occupation, Region and Industry in Great Britain
by R Moghadam - dp0007 Another Look at the Instrumental Variable Estimation of Error-Components Models
by M Arellano & O Bover - dp0006 Labour Hoarding and Future Open Unemployment in Eastern Europe: The Case of Polish Industry
by M Rutowski - dp0005 Going different ways: Unionism in the US and other advanced OECD CountriesF
by David Blanchflower & Richard Freeman - dp0004 Understanding Unemployment
by Richard Layard - dp0003 Economic Change in Poland
by O Blanchard & Richard Layard - dp0002 Wage Bargaining and Incomes Policy: Possible lessons for Eastern Europe
by Richard Layard & Diane J. Reyniers - dp0001 Mismatch: A Framework for Thought
by Richard Jackman & Richard Layard & S Savouri