- dp0286 Product Market Competition Wages and Productivity: International Evidence from Establishment-Level Data
by David Blanchflower & Stephen Machin - dp0285 New Technology and Jobs: Comparative Evidence from a Two Country Study
by David Blanchflower & Simon Burgess - dp0284 Youth Labour Markets in 23 Countries: A Comparison Using Micro Data
by David Blanchflower - dp0283 Putting Training in Perspective: A Longitudinal Case Study Approach
by C Dougherty - dp0282 Job Creation and Job Destruction in a Transition Economy: Ownership
by M Schaffer - dp0281 Intergenerational Mobility in Britain
by Lorraine Dearden & Stephen Machin & H Reed - dp0280 Twin Peaks: Growth and Convergence in Models of Distribution Dynamics
by Danny Quah - dp0279 The Spread of Industry: Spatial Agglomeration in Economic Development
by Diego Puga - dp0278 Trade Unions and Training Practices in British Workplaces
by F Green & Stephen Machin & D Wilkinson - dp0277 Innovation and Economic Growth
by G Cameron - dp0276 Would Cutting Payroll Taxes on the Unskilled Have a Significant Effect on Unemployment?
by B Bell & Stephen Nickell - dp0275 Aggregate and Regional Disaggregate Fluctuations
by Danny Quah - dp0274 Regional Convergence Clusters Across Europe
by Costas Megir & Danny Quah - dp0273 Annual Review 1994-95
by Cep
- dp0272 Politics and the Effectiveness of Foreign Aid
by Peter Boone - dp0271 The Changing Distribution of Male Wages in the UK
by A Gosling & Stephen Machin - dp0270 Public Policy Towards R&D in Oligopolistic Industries
by D Leahy & J.P. Neary - dp0269 Why is Consumption so Seasonal?
by Andrew Scott - dp0268 The Labour Market in Bulgaria
by I Beleva & Richard Jackman & M Nenova-Amar - dp0267 Preferential Trading Arrangements and Industrial Location
by Diego Puga & Anthony J. Venables - dp0266 How Does Financial Pressure Affect Firms?
by Stephen Nickell & D Nicolitsas - dp0265 Economic Polices
by Richard Jackman - dp0264 Technological Progress
by Dale T. Mortensen & Christopher A. Pissarides - dp0263 Accounting for Strikes; Evidence from UK Manufacturing in the 1980s
by D Nicolitsas - dp0262 Regional Migration in Britain
by Richard Jackman & S Savouri - dp0261 Macroeconomic Policy During a Transition to Monetary Union
by W.H. Buiter - dp0260 The British Disease Overcome? Living Standards
by Peter Robinson - dp0259 The Decline of the Swedish Model and the Limits to Active Labour Market Policy
by Peter Robinson - dp0258 Trade Union Strength
by S Milner & G Nombela - dp0257 Convergence Empirics across Economies with (Some) Capital Mobility
by Danny Quah - dp0256 Job Flow Dynamics and Firing Restrictions
by P Garibaldi - dp0255 Labour Market Dynamics in OECD Countries
by Stephen Nickell - dp0254 Measuring Core Inflation
by Danny Quah & Danny Quah & Shaun P. Vahey - dp0253 Empirics for Economic Growth and Convergence
by Danny Quah - dp0252 Dynamics of the Income Distribution across OECD Countries
by J Andres & A Lamo - dp0251 Learning by Doing
by D Leahy & J.P. Neary - dp0250 Industrial Disputes and the Law in Spain
by S Milner - dp0249 Patterns of Employee Particpation and Industrial Democracy in UK ESOPs
by J McDonald & A Pendleton & A Robinson & N Wilson - dp0248 Factor Mobility and International Trade
by J.P. Neary - dp0247 Budgetary Aspects of Stabilization and Strucutral Adjustment in India: The Painful Road to a Sustainable Fiscal-Financial-Monetary Plan
by W.H. Buiter & U Patel - dp0246 A Center-Periphery Model of Monetary Coordination and Exchange Rate Crises
by W.H. Buiter & G Corsetti & P Pesenti - dp0245 Capital Mobility
by W.H. Buiter & K Kletzer - dp0244 Employment Protection Legislation and Labour Market Outcomes in Spain
by David Metcalf & S Milner & G Nombela - dp0243 Unemployment and Liquidity Constraints
by V A Hajivassiliou & Y Ioannides - dp0242 Trade Unions and Financial Performance
by Stephen Machin & M Stewart - dp0241 Management Practices and Unemployment
by David Marsden - dp0240 The Impact of Industrial Relations Practices on Employment and Unemployment
by David Marsden - dp0239 Corporate Control and Balance of Powers
by Daron Acemoglu - dp0238 How Much Unemployment is Needed for Restructuring?: The Russian Experience
by Richard Layard & Ansgar Richter - dp0237 Generational Accounts
by W.H. Buiter - dp0236 Search in the Labor Market
by Daron Acemoglu - dp0235 Unemployment and Wage Inequality in OECD Countries
by Richard Jackman - dp0234 Banks, Firms, Bad Debts and Bankruptcy in Hungary 1991-4
by J Bonin & M Schaffer - dp0233 Enterprise Adjustment in Poland: Evidence from a Survey of 200 Private
by M Belka & S Estrin & M Schaffer & I.J. Singh - dp0232 Participation
by Sue Fernie & David Metcalf - dp0231 Doing It Right? The US Labour Market Response to the 1980s/1990s
by Richard Freeman - dp0230 Does It Fit? Drawing Lessons from Differing Labor Practices
by Richard Freeman - dp0229 Cross-Sectional Firm Dynamics: Theory and Empirical Results from the Chemical Sector
by R Koopmans & A Lamo - dp0228 Generating Equality and Eliminating Poverty the Swedish Way
by A Bjorklund & Richard Freeman - dp0227 Remuneration Systems
by J Jerger & J Michaelis - dp0226 What Can Active Labour Market Policy Do?
by Richard Jackman - dp0225 Economic Integration
by Mary Amiti - dp0224 An Exploration of Entry to and Exit from Self-Employment
by P Abell & H Khalaf & D Smeaton - dp0223 The Provision of Social Benefits in State Owned
by S Estrin & M Schaffer & I.J. Singh - dp0221 Changes in the Relative Demand for Skills in the UK Labour Market
by Stephen Machin - dp0220 Gender
by N Millward & S Woodland - dp0208 Strategic Games Modles of Economic Integration
by H Haller & Y Ioannides - dp0207 Monetary Union or Else?
by H Haller & Y Ioannides
- dp0222 The Role in Demand Management Policies in Reducing Unemployment
by C Bean - dp0219 Wages
by Stephen Nickell & D Nicolitsas - dp0218 Labour Market Imperfrections and Thick Market Externalities from Innovation
by Daron Acemoglu - dp0217 The Impact of the Law on Industrial Disputes in the 1980s: Report of a Survey of Public Transport Employers
by J Elgar & R Simpson - dp0216 The Impact of the Law on Industrial Disputes in the 1980s: Report of a Survey of Managers in the National Health Service
by J Elgar & R Simpson - dp0215 Charting the Coverage of Collective Pay Setting Institutions 1895-1990
by S Milner - dp0214 Labour Markets with Company Wage Policies
by Alan Manning - dp0213 The Yugoslav Hyperinflation and Stabilization of 1992-4
by J Rostowski - dp0212 The Dynamics of Urbanisation
by Diego Puga - dp0211 Training for Older Managers
by P Warr - dp0210 Dumping on Free Trade: The US Import Trade Laws
by P Orzag & Joseph Stiglitz - dp0209 An Aggregate Time Series Analysis of Non-Agricultural Self-Employment in the UK
by P Abell & R Crouchley & D Smeaton - dp0206 Is there an Explanation for Rising Pay Inequality in the UK?
by Peter Robinson - dp0205 International Trade and Scale Economies - A New Analysis
by W Baumol & R Gomory - dp0204 The Effect of Minimum Wages on UK Agriculture
by Richard Dickens & Stephen Machin & Alan Manning & David Metcalf & Jonathan Wadsworth & S Woodland - dp0203 Estimating the Effect of Minimum Wages on Employment from the Distribution of Wages: A Critical View
by Richard Dickens & Stephen Machin & Alan Manning - dp0202 The British Labour Market in Historical Perspective: Changes in the Structure of Employment and Unemployment
by Peter Robinson - dp0201 Internal Migration and the Unemployment in Germany: An Anglo-Irish Perspective
by Manfred Keil & A Newell - dp0200 Who Gains and Who Loses from Russian Credit Expansion
by Richard Layard & Ansgar Richter - dp0199 Mergers
by P Abell & M Cranna & J Samuels - dp0198 Spanish Pay Setting Institutions and Performance Outcomes
by David Metcalf & S Milner - dp0197 The Impact of the Law on Industrial Disputes in the 1980s: Report of a Survey of Education Authorities
by J Elgar & R Simpson - dp0196 The Impact of the Law on Industrial Disputes in the 1980s: Report of a Survey of Construction Companies
by J Elgar & R Simpson - dp0195 How do we Know that Real Wages are Too High?
by Alan Manning - dp0194 The Impact of the Law on Industrial Disputes in the 1980s: Report of a Survey of Printing Employers
by J Elgar & R Simpson - dp0193 The Reallocation of Employment and the Role of Employment Protection Legislation
by Simon Burgess - dp0192 Where did Europe Fail? A Disaggregate Comparison of Net Job Generation in the USA and Europe
by Simon Burgess - dp0191 Government Financial Transfers and Enterprise Adjustments in Russia
by M Schaffer - dp0190 Whatever Happened to Apprenticeship Training
by Howard Gospel - dp0189 The Decline of Apprenticeship Training in Britain
by Howard Gospel - dp0188 Unemployment, Oil Prices and the Real Interest Rate: Evidence from Canada and the UK
by A Carruth & M Hooker & A Oswald - dp0187 External Shocks
by J.P. Neary - dp0186 Measuring the Restrictiveness of Trade Policy
by J Anderson & J.P. Neary - dp0185 The Effect of Managerial Ownership of Shares and Voting Concentration on Performance
by R Curcio - dp0184 Seasonality in Dynamic Regression Models
by Andrew C Harvey & Andrew Scott - dp0183 The Effects of Minimum Wages on Employment: Theory and Evidence from Britain
by Richard Dickens & Stephen Machin & Alan Manning
- dp0182 Competition and Corporate Performance
by Stephen Nickell - dp0181 Real Interest Rates and Index Linked Gilts
by Donald Robertson & James Symons - dp0180 The Legacy of Communist Labor Relations
by David Blanchflower & Richard Freeman - dp0179 Domestic Distortions and International Trade
by J Anderson & J.P. Neary - dp0178 Hayek on Trade Unions: Social Philosopher or Propagandist?
by R Richardson - dp0177 Location Choice
by S Van Wijnbergen & Anthony J. Venables - dp0176 Job Creation and Job Destruction in the UK Manufacturing Sector
by J Konings - dp0175 Does the Regulatory System Matter? : A Comparison of Workplace Industrial Relations in Australia and Britain
by W Brown & P Marginson & K Whitfield - dp0174 Annual Review 92-93
by Cep - dp0173 A New Approach to Evaluating Trade Policy
by J Anderson & J.P. Neary - dp0172 Intergration
by P Krugman & Anthony J. Venables - dp0171 Union Negotiators
by J Elgar & R Simpson - dp0170 Can Russia Control Inflation?
by Richard Layard - dp0169 The Political Economy of Capital Controls
by A Alesina & V Grilli & G Milesi-Feretti - dp0168 Did the Thatcher Reforms Change British Labour Market Performance?
by David Blanchflower & Richard Freeman - dp0167 Endogenous Growth and Intermediation in an Archipelago Economy
by F Zilibotti - dp0166 A Rostovian Model of Endogenous Growth and Underdevelopment Traps
by F Zilibotti - dp0165 The Conditions of Life
by A Illarionov & Richard Layard & P Orzag - dp0164 Wage Determination in Historically Planned Economies: The Case of Poland
by J Rutkowski - dp0163 A Theory of Economic Fluctuations: Increasing Returns and Temporal Agglomerations
by Daron Acemoglu & Andrew Scott - dp0162 Failure Buy-outs and Buy-Out Failure
by C Ennew & K Robbie & N Wilson & M Wright - dp0161 Labour Market Flows and the Evaluation of Labour Market Policies in Poland
by H Lehmann - dp0160 The TUCs Bridlington Principles and Interunion Competition
by J Elgar & R Simpson - dp0159 The Implications of Rapid Private Sector Growth in Poland
by J Rostowski - dp0158 Are Workers Paid their Marginal Product? Evidence from a Low Wage Labour Market
by Stephen Machin & Alan Manning & S Woodland - dp0157 What Direction for Labor Market Institutions in Eastern and Central Europe?
by Richard Freeman - dp0156 Industry and Firm Size Wage Differentials and Employment in Eastern Germany
by L Bellmann - dp0155 Chinese Township Village Enterprises as Vaguely Defined Cooperations
by M Weitzman & Chenggang Xu - dp0154 Why Chinas Economic Reforms Differ: The M-Form Hierarchy and Entry/Expansion of the Non-State Sector
by Yingyi Qian & Chenggang Xu - dp0153 The Equal Pay Act as an Experiment to Test Theories of the Labour Market
by Alan Manning - dp0152 Mass Unemployment: International Experience and Lessons for Policy
by Richard Jackman - dp0151 Transformation of British Industrial Relations? Institutions, Conduct and Outcomes 1980-1990
by David Metcalf - dp0150 The Impact of Law on Industrial Disputes in the 1980s: Report of a Survey of Engineering Employers
by J Elgar & R Simpson - dp0149 The Dimensionality and Stability of Organizational Commitment: A Longitudinal Examination of Cook and Walls (1980) Organizational Commitment Scale (BOCS)
by D Guest & R Peccei - dp0148 Job Search Activity and Changing Unemployment Benefit Entitlement: Pseudo-Panel Estimates for Britain
by John Schmitt & Jonathan Wadsworth - dp0147 Unemployment Generosity and Unemployment
by P Fortin & Manfred Keil & James Symons - dp0146 Asymmetries in the Cyclical Behaviour of UK Markets
by Daron Acemoglu & Andrew Scott - dp0145 Uses of the Workplace Industrial Relations Surveys by British Labour Economists
by N Millward - dp0144 A Comparison of Changes in the Structure of Wages in Four OECD Countries
by David Blanchflower & L Katz & G Loveman - dp0143 Reward Structures and the Allocation of Talent
by Daron Acemoglu - dp0142 The Inter-Enterprise Debt Explosion in the Former Soviet Union: Causes, Consequences, Cures
by J Rostowski - dp0141 Creating Stable Monetary Systems in Post-Communist Economies
by J Rostowski - dp0140 Trade Unions and the Dispersion of Earnings in UK Establishments
by A Gosling & Stephen Machin - dp0139 The Effectiveness of the Restart Programme and Enterprise Allowance Scheme
by H Lehmann - dp0138 Evidence of Efficiency Wage Payments in UK Firm Level Panel Data
by J Konings & Patrick Paul Walsh - dp0137 Equilibrium Locations of Vertically Linked Industries
by Anthony J. Venables - dp0136 Strikes and Non-Strike Action: Evidence on Relative Incidence
by S Milner - dp0135 Adaptive Forecasts
by George W. Evans & Seppo Honkapohja - dp0134 Entrepreneurship
by David Blanchflower & A Oswald - dp0133 Five Weeks in the Life of the Pound: Interest Rates
by Donald Robertson & James Symons - dp0132 A Dynamic Index Model for Large Cross Sections
by Danny Quah & Thomas J. Sargent - dp0131 The Effect of Lower Hours of Work on Wages and Employment
by G Houpis - dp0130 What has Happened to Union Recognition in Britain?
by R Disney & A Gosling & Stephen Machin - dp0129 Industrial Relations and Economic Performance
by David Metcalf - dp0128 The Right to Strike and the Law in Britain
by R Simpson - dp0127 Industrial Relations in Greenfield Sites
by D Guest & P Rosenthal - dp0126 Endogenous Labour Market Segmentation in a Matching Model
by Alan Manning - dp0125 The Disadvantage of Tying Their Hands: On the Political Economy of Policy Commitments
by G Milesi-Feretti - dp0124 On the Credibility of Big Bang Programs: A Note on Wage Claims and Soft Budget Constraints on Economies in Transition
by F Coricelli & G Milesi-Feretti - dp0123 Do Anticipated Tax Changes Matter? Further Evidence from the United Kingdom
by F Bagliano - dp0122 The Changing Structure of Male Earnings in Britain
by John Schmitt - dp0121 Macroeconomic Consequences of Taxation in the 80s
by A Newell & James Symons - dp0120 Cohort Size Effects on the Wages of Young Men in Britain 1961-89
by Stephen Nickell - dp0119 Consumer Confidence and Rational Expectations: Are Agents Beliefs Consistent with the Theory?
by Daron Acemoglu & Andrew Scott - dp0118 Managing without the Closed Shop
by S Dunn & M Wright - dp0117 Wage Indexation and the Time Consistency
by G Milesi-Feretti - dp0116 International Wage Curve
by David Blanchflower & A Oswald - dp0115 Wage Setting and the Tax System: theory and Evidence for the UK
by Ben Lockwood & Alan Manning - dp0114 Patterns of Success: Twentieth Century Entrepreneurs in the Dictionary of Business Biography
by O Blanchard - dp0113 The Shorter Working Week in Engineering: Surrender without Sacrifice
by R Richardson & Marcus Rubin - dp0112 In Search of a Stylised Fact: Do Real Wages Exhibit a Consistent Pattern of Cyclical Variability?
by A Brandolini - dp0110 Job Creation and Job Destruction in the Theory of Unemployment
by Dale T. Mortensen & Christopher A. Pissarides
- dp0111 Information
by George W. Evans & L Reichlin - dp0109 Innovation and Financial Constraints Centralised and Decentralised Economies
by Yingyi Qian & Chenggang Xu - dp0108 Risk Aversion, Rural-Urban Wage Differentiation and Migration
by Chenggang Xu - dp0107 Annual Report 91-92
by Cep - dp0106 Wage Claims, Income Policy and the Path of Output Inflation in a Formerly Centrally Planned Economy
by G Milesi-Feretti - dp0105 How Cynical can a Incumbent be? Strategic Policy in a Model of Government Spending
by E Spolaone - dp0104 The Impact of the Law on Industrial Disputes in the 1980s
by J Elgar & R Simpson - dp0103 Comparing Case Studies: An Introduction to Comparative Narratives
by P Abell - dp0102 The Eastern German Labour Market in Transition: Gross Flow Estimates from Panel Data
by L Bellmann & S Estrin & H Lehmann & Jonathan Wadsworth - dp0101 Innovation, Cultural Values and the Management of Change in British Hospital Management
by N Anderson & M West - dp0100 Unemployment, Consumption and Growth
by C Bean & Christopher A. Pissarides - dp0099 Management Consultancy: Dimensions of Client-Consultancy Relationships
by J Fullerton & M West - dp0098 An Economic Analysis of the Effects of Pre-Strike Ballots
by Alan Manning - dp0097 An Equilibrium Search-Matching Model of Discrimination
by A Rosen - dp0096 Self-Employment: Some Preliminary Findings
by D Smeaton - dp0095 On Elephants and Blind Researchers: Methods for Accessing Culture in Organisations
by V Locatelli & M West - dp0094 Collective Climates: A Test of their Socio-Psychological Significance
by M Patterson & R Payne & M West - dp0093 The Economics of Bankruptcy Reform
by Philippe Aghion & Oliver Hart & John Moore - dp0092 Do Strikes Pay?
by P Ingram & David Metcalf & Jonathan Wadsworth - dp0091 Wage Negotiations and Capital Structure: A Strategic Bargaining Approach
by Alberto Dalmazzo - dp0090 Search Theory at Twenty-One
by Christopher A. Pissarides - dp0089 Firms in Transition: Modelling Enterprise Adjustment
by S Estrin & P Hare