- 374 When pressure sinks performance: Evidence from diving competitions
by Eleni Garbi & Christos Genakos & Mario Pagliero - 373 The measurement of production: lessons from the engineering industry in Italy, 1911
by Stefano Fenoaltea - 372 Industrial employment in Italy, 1911: the burden of the census data
by Stefano Fenoaltea - 371 The Impact of Maximum Markup Regulation on Prices
by Christos Genakos & Pantelis Koutroumpis & Mario Pagliero - 361 The Quantile Performance Of Statistical Treatment Rules Using Hypothesis Tests To Allocate A Population To Two Treatments
by Charles F. Manski & Aleksey Tetenov - 359 Complex organizations, tax policy and financial stability
by Giovanna Nicodano & Luca Regis - 358 The fruits of disaggregation: the general engineering industry in Italy, 1861-1913
by Stefano Fenoaltea - 357 The Early Growth of the Engineering Industry in Italy’s Regions
by Carlo Ciccarelli & Stefano Fenoaltea - 356 War with Crazy Types
by Avidit Acharya & Edoardo Grillo - 355 Do Actions Speak Louder than Words?
by Luca Anderlini & Dino Gerardi & Roger Lagunoff - 354 A Theory of Political Entrenchment
by Gilles Saint-Paul & Davide Ticchi & Andrea Vindigni - 353 Reference Dependence and Politicians' Credibility
by Edoardo Grillo - 352 Technology Shocks and Asset Pricing: The Role of Consumer Confidence
by Vincenzo Merella & Stephen E. Satchell - 351 A class of multivariate marked Poisson processes to model asset returns
by Petar Jevtic & Patrizia Semeraro - 346 The Effects of Merit-Based Financial Aid on Drinking in College
by Benjamin W. Cowan & Dustin R. White - 345 Testing for Educational Credit Constraints using Heterogeneity in Individual Time Preferences
by Benjamin W. Cowan
- 341 Politicization without democratization: The impact of the Eurozone crisis on EU constitutionalism
by Nicole Scicluna - 340 Screening as a Unified Theory of Delinquency, Renegotiation, and Bankruptcy
by Natalia Kovrijnykh & Igor Livshits - 339 Two-sided reputation in certification markets
by Matthieu Bouvard & Raphael Levy - 338 Do women prefer pink? The effect of a gender stereotypical stock portfolio on investing decisions
by Henriette Prast & Mariacristina Rossi & Costanza Torricelli & Cristina Druta - 337 Mean-variance target-based optimisation in DC plan with stochastic interest rate
by Francesco Menoncin & Elena Vigna - 336 Non-standard work, low-paid work and employment dynamics: evidence from an occupational perspective
by Fabio Berton & Matteo Richiardi & Stefano Sacchi - 335 The Value of Connections: Evidence from the Italian-American Mafia
by Giovanni Mastrobuoni - 334 Fishing for Complementarities: Competitive Research Funding and Research Productivity
by Hanna Hottenrott & Cornelia Lawson - 333 Who Migrates and Why?
by Cristian Bartolucci & Mathis Wagner & Claudia Villosio - 332 BetterWorkers Move to Better Firms: A Simple Test to Identify Sorting
by Cristian Bartolucci & Francesco Devicienti - 331 Reference Dependence, Risky Projects and Credible Information Transmission
by Edoardo Grillo - 330 Policy choices and socioeconomic divides: long-term changes in Italy’s democratic quality
by Stefano Sacchi - 329 Upgrading in Spain: An Institutional Perspective
by Angela Garcia Calvo - 328 Optimal Stealing Time
by Andrea Gallice - 327 Equilibrium selection through pu-dominance
by Andrea Gallice - 322 Financial synergies and the Organization of Bank Affiliates; A Theoretical Perspective on Risk and Efficiency
by Elisa Luciano & Clas Wihlborg - 316 Corruption, Accountability and Efficiency. An Application to Municipal Solid Waste Services
by Graziano Abrate & Federico Boffa & Fabrizio Erbetta & Davide Vannoni - 315 Asset Prices in an Ambiguous Economy
by Daniele Pennesi - 314 Endogenous Status Quo
by Daniele Pennesi - 312 Bargaining over a Divisible Good in the Market for Lemons
by Dino Gerardi & Lucas Maestri - 309 Preferences With Grades of Indecisiveness
by Stefania Minardi & Andrei Savochkin - 308 Efficient versus inefficient hedging strategies in the presence of financial and longevity (value at) risk
by Elisa Luciano & Luca Regis - 307 Dependence Calibration and Portfolio Fit with FactorBased Time Changes
by Elisa Luciano & Marina Marena & Patrizia Semeraro - 305 Penny Auctions are Unpredictable
by Toomas Hinnosaar - 304 Calendar mechanisms
by Toomas Hinnosaar - 303 What Does Politics Have to Do with Innovation? Economic Distribution and Innovation Policy in OECD Countries
by Dan Breznitz & Amos Zehavi - 300 Democracy, Dictatorship and the Cultural Transmission of Political Values
by Davide Ticchi & Thierry Verdier & Andrea Vindigni - 298 Uncertainty and the Politics of Employment Protection
by Andrea Vindigni & Simone Scotti & Cristina Tealdi - 297 Do more financially literate households invest less in housing? Evidence from Italy
by Riccardo Calcagno & Maria Cesira Urzì Brancati - 296 Competition and dynamics of takeover contests
by Riccardo Calcagno & Sonia Falconieri - 295 Labor Market Search and Schooling Investment
by Christopher Flinn & Joseph Mullins - 294 Voter Turnout and Political Rents
by Gani Aldashev - 293 Brothers in alms? coordination between nonprofits on markets for donations
by Gani Aldashev & Marco Marini & Thierry Verdier
- 292 Assignment procedure biases in randomized policy experiments
by Gani Aldashev & Georg Kirchsteiger & Alexander Sebald - 291 On the Numerical Solution of Equilibria in Auction Models with Asymmetries within the Private-Values Paradigm
by Timothy P. Hubbard & Harry J. Paarsch - 289 Housing wealth decumulation, portfolio composition and financial literacy among the European elderly
by Agnese Romiti & Mariacristina Rossi - 286 Beneath the Surface: the Decline in Gender Injury Gap
by Tiziano Razzolini & Roberto Leombruni & Giovanni Mastrobuoni & Mario Pagliero - 283 Default risk in business groups
by Elisa Luciano & Giovanna Nicodano - 282 Patterns of induced diffusion of renewable energy capacity: The role of regulatory design and decentralization
by Sergio Giaccaria & Silvana Dalmazzone - 281 Preempting versus Postponing: the Stealing Game
by Andrea Gallice - 280 Employment Risk over the Life Cycle
by Carolina Fugazza - 279 Strategic announcements of reference points in disputes and litigations
by Andrea Gallice - 278 On the local labor market determinants of female university enrolment in European regions
by Alessandra Casarico & Paola Profeta & Chiara Pronzato - 277 Mothers’ labour market participation: Do grandparents make it easier?
by Bruno Arpino & Chiara D. Pronzato & Lara P. Tavares - 275 The Costs of Corruption in the Italian Solid Waste Industry
by Graziano Abrate & Fabrizio Erbetta & Giovanni Fraquelli & Davide Vannoni - 274 Size and Density Economies in Refuse Collection
by Graziano Abrate & Fabrizio Erbetta & Giovanni Fraquelli & Davide Vannoni - 273 Transfers to Households with Children and Child Development
by Daniela Del Boca & Christopher Flinn & Matthew Wiswall - 272 Income drawdown option with minimum guarantee
by Marina Di Giacinto & Salvatore Federico & Fausto Gozzi & Elena Vigna - 269 Life-Cycle Portfolio Choice with Liquid and Illiquid Financial Assets
by Claudio Campanale & Carolina Fugazza & Francisco Gomes - 268 Price as a signal of product quality: some experimental evidence
by Giovanni Mastrobuoni & Franco Peracchi & Aleksey Tetenov - 267 Imputing Individual Effects in Dynamic Microsimulation Models. An application of the Rank Method
by Matteo Richiardi & Ambra Poggi - 266 Optimal life-cycle portfolios for heterogeneous workers
by Fabio C. Bagliano & Carolina Fugazza & Giovanna Nicodano - 265 Self investments of adolescents and their cognitive development
by Daniela Del Boca & Chiara Monfardini & Cheti Nicoletti - 264 Mortality Surface by Means of Continuous Time Cohort Models
by Petar Jevtic & Elisa Luciano & Elena Vigna - 263 Dynamically Stable Preferences
by Anna Gumena & Andrei Savochkin - 261 Poor Institutions, Rich Mines: Resource Curse and the Origins of the Sicilian Mafia
by Paolo Buonanno & Ruben Durante & Giovanni Prarolo & Paolo Vanin - 260 Long Term Youth Unemployment or Disposable Workforce?
by Bruno Contini & Elisa Grand - 259 Better Workers Move to Better Firms: A Simple Test to Identify Sorting
by Cristian Bartolucci & Francesco Devicienti - 258 Evolution of coupled lives' dependency across generations and pricing impact
by Elisa Luciano & Jaap Spreeuw & Elena Vigna - 257 Single and cross-generation natural hedging of longevity and financial risk
by Elisa Luciano & Luca Regis & Elena Vigna - 255 Ambiguity in the small and in the large
by Paolo Ghirardato & Marciano Siniscalchi - 254 Household Behavior and the Marriage Market
by Daniela Del Boca & Christopher J. Flinn - 252 Resuscitating Businessman Risk: A Rationale for Familiarity-Based Portfolios
by Doriana Ruffino - 251 Does breastfeeding support at work help mothers and employers at the same time?
by Emilia Del Bono & Chiara Daniela Pronzato - 250 Advocatus, et non Latro? Testing the Supplier-Induced Demand Hypothesis for the Italian Courts of Justice
by Paolo Buonanno & Matteo M. Galizzi - 248 A Robustly Efficient Auction
by Kyungmin Kim & Antonio Penta - 247 Rational Suicides: Evidence from Changes in Inmates' Expected Sentence Length
by Nadia Campaniello & Theodoros Diasakos & Giovanni Mastrobuoni - 246 Thank you for not smoking: evidence from the Italian smoking ban
by Paolo Buonanno & Marco Ranzani - 245 Aggregate Uncertainty Can Lead to Herds
by Ignacio Monzón - 244 Police and Crime: Evidence from Dictated Delays in Centralized Police Hiring
by Paolo Buonanno & Giovanni Mastrobuoni - 242 Import Diversification along the Growth Path
by Esteban Jaimovich
- 237 A General Behavioural Model of Random Choice
by Paola Manzini & Marco Mariotti - 234 On the Efficiency of Partial Information in Elections
by Jon X. Eguia & Antonio Nicolò - 232 The Costs of Disposal and Recycling. An Application to Italian Municipal Solid Waste Services
by Graziano Abrate & Fabrizio Erbetta & Giovanni Fraquelli & Davide Vannoni - 231 The determinants of board compensation in SOEs. An application to Italian local public utilities
by Anna Menozzi & Fabrizio Erbetta & Giovanni Fraquelli & Davide Vannoni - 228 Interpreting employment policy change in Italy since the 1990s: nature and dynamics
by Stefano Sacchi & Patrik Vesan - 227 A Bayesian copula model for stochastic claims reserving
by Luca Regis - 223 Self-serving biased reference points
by Andrea Gallice - 222 Capitalists Against Crisis: Employers and Short Time Work in Germany and Italy, 2008-2010
by Federico Pancaldi - 221 Equilibrium price of immediacy and infrequent trade
by Riccardo Giacomelli & Elisa Luciano - 220 Optimal Criminal Behavior and the Disutility of Jail: Theory and Evidence On Bank Robberies
by Giovanni Mastrobuoni - 219 Changing Paths to Adulthood in Italy. Men and Women Entering Stable Work and Family Careers
by Letizia Mencarini & Cristina Solera - 218 On Intergenerational Transmission of Reading Habits in Italy: Is a Good Example the Best Sermon?
by Anna Laura Mancini & Chiara Monfardini & Silvia Pasqua - 217 A Bayesian nonparametric approach to modeling market share dynamics
by Igor Prünster & Matteo Ruggiero - 216 Love for Quality, Comparative Advantage, and Trade
by Esteban Jaimovich & Vincenzo Merella - 215 Efficient Nash Equilibrium under Adverse Selection
by Theodoros M. Diasakos & Kostas Koufopoulos - 214 Exploring the impacts of public childcare on mothers and children in Italy: does rationing play a role?
by Ylenia Brilli & Daniela Del Boca & Chiara Pronzato - 213 Competition and Post-Transplant Outcomes in Cadaveric Liver Transplantation under the MELD Scoring System
by Harry J. Paarsch & Alberto M. Segre & John P. Roberts & Jeffrey B. Halldorson - 212 Labor Market Search and Schooling Investment
by Christopher Flinn - 211 A Simple Characterization of Dynamic Completeness in Continuous Time
by Theodoros M. Diasakos - 210 Other Assets' Risk: Asset-Prices and Perceptions of Asset-Risk
by Theodoros M. Diasakos - 209 Community Matters: How the Volunteering of Others Affects One's Likelihood of Engaging in Volunteer Work
by Theodoros M. Diasakos & Florence Neymotin - 208 Migration Restrictions and Criminal Behavior: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
by Giovanni Mastrobuoni & Paolo Pinotti - 207 Using Economic Theory to Guide Numerical Analysis: Solving for Equilibria in Models of Asymmetric First-Price Auctions
by Timothy P. Hubbard & Rene Kirkegaard & Harry J. Paarsch - 206 Observational Learning with Position Uncertainty
by Ignacio Monzon & Michael Rapp - 205 Business Cycles and Wage Rigidity
by Cristian Bartolucci - 204 Income and Democracy: Revisiting the Evidence
by Enrique Moral-Benito & Cristian Bartolucci - 203 Credible Threats in a Wage Bargaining Model with on-the-job Search
by Cristian Bartolucci - 202 Network Effects on Migrants' Remittances
by Ainhoa Aparicio - 199 The Economic Crisis as a Trigger of Convergence? Short-time work in Italy, Germany and Austria
by Stefano Sacchi & Federico Pancaldi & Claudia Arisi - 196 Interim Rank, Risk Taking and Performance in Dynamic Tournaments
by Christos Genakos & Mario Pagliero
- 194 Financial Shocks and the Labour Markets: Should Economic Policy Save Jobs?
by Tito Boeri & Pietro Garibaldi - 193 The Lighthouse Effect and Beyond
by Tito Boeri & Pietro Garibaldi & Marta Ribeiro - 192 International diversification and industry-related labor income risk
by Carolina Fugazza & Maela Giofre & Giovanna Nicodano - 191 Ex Post Portfolio Performance with Predictable Skewness and Kurtosis
by Massimo Guidolin & Giovanna Nicodano - 190 1/N and Long Run Optimal Portfolios: Results for Mixed Asset Menus
by Carolina Fugazza & Massimo Guidolin & Giovanna Nicodano - 188 On the sub-optimality cost of immediate annuitization in DC pension funds
by Marina Di Giacinto & Elena Vigna - 186 On the Asymptotic Distribution of the Transaction Price in a Clock Model of a Multi-Unit, Oral, Ascending-Price Auction within the Common-Value Paradigm
by Han Hong & Harry J. Paarsch & Pai Xu - 185 Board Composition, Political Connections and Performance in State-Owned Enterprises
by Anna Menozzi & María Gutierrez Urtiaga & Davide Vannoni - 183 The Appropriateness of the Poolability Assumption for Multiproduct Technologies: Evidence from the English Water and Sewerage Utilities
by Anna Bottasso & Maurizio Conti & Massimiliano Piacenza & Davide Vannoni - 178 Child labor, school attendance and access to health care services by children: evidence from Ghana
by Vincenzo Atella & Mariacristina Rossi - 174 Probabilistic Sophistication, Second Order Stochastic Dominance, and Uncertainty Aversion
by Simone Cerreia-Vioglio & Fabio Maccheroni & Massimo Marinacci & Luigi Montrucchio - 173 The Dynamics and Persistence of Poverty: Evidence from Italy
by Francesco Devicienti & Valentina Gualtieri & Mariacristina Rossi - 172 Kosher Pork
by Allan Drazen & Ethan Ilzetzki - 171 Interest Rate Rules, Endogenous Cycles, and Chaotic Dynamics in Open Economies
by Marco Airaudo & Luis-Felipe Zanna - 170 Learning About Inflation Measures for Interest Rate Rules
by Marco Airaudo & Luis-Felipe Zanna - 169 Rational Preferences under Ambiguity
by Simone Cerreia-Vioglio & Paolo Ghirardato & Fabio Maccheroni & Massimo Marinacci & Marciano Siniscalchi - 160 International Capital Flows and Credit Market Imperfections: a Tale of Two Frictions
by Alberto Martin & Filippo Taddei - 159 The Relative Utility Hypothesis With and Without Self-reported Reference Wages
by Adrian de la Garza & Giovanni Mastrobuoni & Atsushi Sannabe & Katsunori Yamada - 158 High-School Dropouts and Transitory Labor Market Shocks: The Case of the Spanish Housing Boom
by Ainhoa Aparicio - 157 Using a Microeconometric Model of Household Labour Supply to Design Optimal Income Taxes
by Rolf Aaberge & Ugo Colombino - 156 Equilibrium policy simulations with random utility models of labour supply
by Ugo Colombino - 155 Constrained portfolio choices in the decumulation phase of a pension plan
by Marina Di Giacinto & Salvatore Federico & Fausto Gozzi & Elena Vigna - 154 On efficiency of mean-variance based portfolio selection in DC pension schemes
by Elena Vigna - 153 Invalid Ballots and Electoral Competition
by Gani Aldashev & Giovanni Mastrobuoni - 152 Understanding Organized Crime Networks: Evidence Based on Federal Bureau of Narcotics Secret Files on American Mafia
by Giovanni Mastrobuoni & Eleonora Patacchini - 151 The Role of Commitment in Bilateral Trade
by Dino Gerardi & Johannes Horner & Lucas Maestri - 150 Understanding the Native-Immigrant Wage Gap Using Matched Employer-Employee Data. Evidence from Germany
by Cristian Bartolucci - 149 Household Choices and Child Development
by Daniela Del Boca & Christopher Flinn & Matthew Wiswall - 148 Social Ties and the Job Search of Recent Immigrants
by Deepti Goel & Kevin Lang - 147 Price Reveal Auctions on the Internet
by Andrea Gallice - 146 The Climatic Origins of the Neolithic Revolution: Theory and Evidence
by Quamrul Ashraf & Stelios Michalopoulos - 145 Trade and Geography in the Economic Origins of Islam: Theory and Evidence
by Stelios Michalopoulos & Alireza Naghavi & Giovanni Prarolo - 144 A more robust definition of multiple priors
by Paolo Ghirardato & Marciano Siniscalchi - 143 Measurement Matters: Perspectives on Education Policy from an Economist and School Board Member
by Kevin Lang - 142 Political Institutions and the Dynamics of Public Investment
by Marco Battaglini & Salvatore Nunnari & Thomas R. Palfrey - 141 Do Leaders Affect Government Spending Priorities?
by Adi Brender & Allan Drazen - 140 Migration, Remittances and Capital Accumulation: Evidence from Rural Mexico
by Vera Chiodi & Esteban Jaimovich & Gabriel Montes-Rojas - 139 The Role of Information for Retirement Behavior: Evidence based on the Stepwise Introduction of the Social Security Statement
by Giovanni Mastrobuoni - 138 Liquidity and Economic Fluctuations
by Filippo Taddei
- 137 Job to Job Movements in a Simple Search Model
by Pietro Garibaldi & Espen R. Moen - 136 Home-leaving Decision of Daughters and Sons
by Maria Concetta Chiuri & Daniela Del Boca - 135 Real-Time Search in the Laboratory and the Market
by Meta Brown & Christopher Flinn & Andrew Schotter - 134 On the posterior distribution of classes of random means
by Lancelot F. James & Antonio Lijoi & Igor Prünster - 133 On a Gibbs sampler based random process in Bayesian nonparametrics
by Stefano Favaro & Matteo Ruggiero & Stephen G. Walker - 132 Nonparametric priors for vectors of survival functions
by Ilenia Epifani & Antonio Lijoi - 131 The Heterogeneous Labor Market Effects of Immigration
by Mathis Wagner - 130 A class of neutral to the right priors induced by superposition of beta processes
by Pierpaolo De Blasi & Stefano Favaro & Pietro Muliere - 129 Models beyond the Dirichlet process
by Antonio Lijoi & Igor Prünster - 128 Flexible contracts
by Piero Gottardi & Jean-Marc Tallon & Paolo Ghirardato - 127 Dynamic Managerial Compensation: a Mechanism Design Approach
by Daniel Garrett & Alessandro Pavan - 126 A Rational Theory of "Irrational Exuberance"
by George-Marios Angeletos & Guido Lorenzoni & Alessandro Pavan - 125 So you want to run an experiment, now what? Some Simple Rules of Thumb for Optimal Experimental Design
by John A. List & Sally Sadoff & Mathis Wagner - 124 Institutions, Public Debt and Foreign Finance
by Nicola Gennaioli & Alberto Martin & Stefano Rossi - 123 Bayesian nonparametric inference for species variety with a two parameter Poisson-Dirichlet process prior
by Stefano Favaro & Antonio Lijoi & Ramsés H. Mena & Igor Prünster - 122 Asymptotics for posterior hazards
by Pierpaolo De Blasi & Giovanni Peccati & Igor Prünster - 121 Get Out the (Costly) Vote: Institutional Design for Greater Participation
by Dino Gerardi & Margaret A. McConnell & Julian Romero & Leeat Yariv - 120 Distributional properties of means of random probability measures
by Antonio Lijoi & Igor Prünster - 119 Statistical Treatment Choice Based on Asymmetric Minimax Regret Criteria
by Aleksey Tetenov - 118 Excessive Public Employment and Rent-Seeking Traps
by Esteban Jaimovich & Juan Pablo Rud - 117 Admissible strategies in semimartingale portfolio selection
by Sara Biagini & Ales Cerny - 116 Gender Wage Gaps Reconsidered: A Structural Approach Using Matched Employer-Employee Data
by Cristian Bartolucci - 115 A Principal-Agent Model of Sequential Testing
by Dino Gerardi & Lucas Maestri - 114 The effect of education on women's propensity to be childless in Spain: Does the field of education matter?
by Teresa Martín-García - 113 Frictional Matching: Evidence from Law School Admission
by Pascal Courty & Mario Pagliero - 112 Lowest Unique Bid Auctions with Signals
by Andrea Gallice - 111 The Evolution of Entrepreneurial Spirit and the Process of Development
by Oded Galor & Stelios Michalopoulos - 110 The Origins of Ethnolinguistic Diversity
by Stelios Michalopoulos - 109 Endogeneous Household Interaction
by Daniela Del Boca & Christopher Flinn - 108 Mean-variance inefficiency of CRRA and CARA utility functions for portfolio selection in defined contribution pension schemes
by Elena Vigna - 107 Real Estate Prices and the Importance of Bequest Taxation
by Giorgio Bellettini & Filippo Taddei - 106 What Is the Objective of Professional Licensing? Identification of a Static Model of Licensing and Some Evidence from the US Market for Lawyers
by Mario Pagliero - 105 The Impact of Price Discrimination on Revenue: Evidence from the Concert Industry
by Pascal Courty & Mario Pagliero
- 104 Indexed Sovereign Debt: An Applied Framework
by Guido Sandleris & Horacio Sapriza & Filippo Taddei - 103 Risk Sharing in Private Information Models with Asset Accumulation: Explaining the Excess Smoothness of Consumption
by Orazio Attanasio & Nicola Pavoni - 102 Optimal Income Taxation and Hidden Borrowing and Lending: The First-Order Approach in Two Periods
by Árpád Ábrahám & Nicola Pavoni - 101 Liquidity and Competition in Unregulated Markets
by Caroline Fohlin & Thomas Gehrig & Tobias Brünner - 100 Risk Measures: Rationality and Diversification
by Simone Cerreia-Vioglio & Fabio Maccheroni & Massimo Marinacci & Luigi Montrucchio - 99 Child Support Enforcement and Children's Consumption
by Christine Hauser & Giovanni Mastrobuoni - 98 Measuring Precision of Statistical Inference on Partially Identified Parameters
by Aleksey Tetenov - 97 A Generalized Normal Mean Variance Mixture for Return Processes in Finance
by Elisa Luciano & Patrizia Semeraro - 96 Multivariate Variance Gamma and Gaussian dependence: a study with copulas
by Elisa Luciano & Patrizia Semeraro