- 95 Intercorporate guarantees, leverage and taxes
by Elisa Luciano & Giovanna Nicodano - 94 Some preliminary remarks on the relevance of topological essentiality in general equilibrium theory and game theory
by Stefano Demichelis & Jean-Jacques Herings & Dries Vermeulen - 93 When NGOs Go Global: Competition on International Markets for Development Donations
by Gani Aldashev & Thierry Verdier - 92 Awareness and AIDS: A Political Economy Model
by Gani Aldashev & Jean-Marie Baland - 91 On-the-Job Search, Minimum Wages, and Labor Market Outcomes in an Equilibrium Bargaining Framework
by Christopher Flinn & James Mabli - 90 Complexity and Bounded Rationality in Individual Decision Problems
by Theodoros M. Diasakos - 89 The Labor Market of Italian Politicians
by Antonio Merlo & Vincenzo Galasso & Massimiliano Landi & Andrea Mattozzi - 88 Trading Favors: Optimal Exchange and Forgiveness
by Christine Hauser & Hugo Hopenhayn - 87 Efficient Risk Sharing in the Presence of a Public Good
by Christine Hauser - 86 Policy with Dispersed Information
by George-Marios Angeletos & Alessandro Pavan - 85 Truthful Revelation Mechanisms for Simultaneous Common Agency Games
by Alessandro Pavan & Giacomo Calzolari - 84 Dynamic Mechanism Design: Incentive Compatibility, Profit Maximization and Information Disclosure
by Alessandro Pavan & Ilya Segal & Juuso Toikka - 83 Statute Law or Case Law?
by Luca Anderlini & Leonardo Felli & Alessandro Riboni - 82 Communication and Learning
by Luca Anderlini & Dino Gerardi & Roger Lagunoff - 81 The Role of Quality Ladders in a Ricardian Model of Trade with Nonhomothetic Preferences
by Esteban Jaimovich & Vincenzo Merella - 80 Complete Monotone Quasiconcave Duality
by Simone Cerreia-Vioglio & Fabio Maccheroni & Massimo Marinacci & Luigi Montrucchio - 79 On the Computation of Optimal Monotone Mean-Variance Portfolios via Truncated Quadratic Utility
by Ales Cerný & Fabio Maccheroni & Massimo Marinacci & Aldo Rustichini - 78 Adverse Selection and Entrepreneurship in a Model of Development
by Esteban Jaimovich - 77 Uncertainty Averse Preferences
by Simone Cerreia-Vioglio & Fabio Maccheroni & Massimo Marinacci & Luigi Montrucchio - 76 Choosing the Optimal Annuitization Time Post Retirement
by Russell Gerrard & Bjarne Højgaard & Elena Vigna - 75 Household Membership Decisions of Adult Children: Does Gender and Institutions Matter?
by Maria Concetta Chiuri & Daniela Del Boca - 74 A Theory of Military Dictatorships
by Daron Acemoglu & Davide Ticchi & Andrea Vindigni - 73 Objective and Subjective Rationality in a Multiple Prior Model
by Itzhak Gilboa & Fabio Maccheroni & Massimo Marinacci & David Schmeidler - 72 Comparative Statics of Asset Prices
by Theodoros Diasakos - 71 Social Decision Theory: Choosing within and between Groups
by Fabio Maccheroni & Massimo Marinacci & Aldo Rustichini - 70 The Political Economy of the Disability Insurance. Theory and Evidence of Gubernatorial Learning from Social Security Administration Monitoring
by Radha Iyengar & Giovanni Mastrobuoni - 69 Ownership links, leverage and credit risk
by Elisa Luciano & Giovanna Nicodano - 68 Costly information acquisition. Part I: better to toss a coin?
by Matteo Triossi
- 67 Equity Premium: Interaction of Belief Heterogeneity and Distribution of Wealth?
by Filippo Taddei - 66 Indexed Sovereign Debt: a Survey and a Framework of Analysis
by Guido Sandleris & Filippo Taddei - 65 Liquidity and the Allocation of Credit: Business Cycle, Government Debt and Financial Arrangements
by Filippo Taddei - 64 Collateral, Financial Arrangements and Pareto Optimality
by Filippo Taddei - 63 Mas-Colell Bargaining Set of Large Games
by Massimiliano Amarante & Luigi Montrucchio - 62 An Empirical Assessment of Assortative Matching in the Labor Market
by Rute Mendes & Gerard J. van den Berg & Maarten Lindeboom - 61 Language, meaning and games: a model of communication, coordination and evolution
by Stefano Demichelis & Jörgen W. Weibull - 60 Corporate Control and the Stock Market
by Stefano Demichelis & Klaus Ritzberger - 59 Sectoral Differentiation, Allocation of Talent, and Financial Development
by Esteban Jaimovich - 58 Disputed Lands
by Marco Dall'Aglio & Fabio Maccheroni - 57 Prejudice and Gender Differentials in the U.S. Labor Market in the Last Twenty Years
by Luca Flabbi - 56 Household Search and Health Insurance Coverage
by Matthew Dey & Christopher Flinn - 55 The Incapacitation Effect of Incarceration: Evidence From Several Italian Collective Pardons
by Alessandro Barbarino & Giovanni Mastrobuoni - 54 Information Acquisition and Refunds for Returns
by Steven A. Matthews & Nicola Persico - 53 The Impact of Potential Labor Supply on Licensing Exam Difficulty
by Mario Pagliero - 52 Games of Capacities: A (Close) Look to Nash Equilibria
by Antonio Romero-Medina & Matteo Triossi - 51 Do better–informed workers make better retirement choices? A test based on the Social Security Statement
by Giovanni Mastrobuoni - 50 Identity, Dignity and Taboos: Beliefs as Assets
by Roland Bénabou & Jean Tirole - 49 Converging to Efficiency: the Ramón y Cajal Program Experience
by César Alonso-Borrego & Antonio Romero-Medina & Matteo Triossi - 48 Learning and Disagreement in an Uncertain World
by Daron Acemoglu & Victor Chernozhukov & Muhamet Yildiz - 47 Oligarchic Versus Democratic Societies
by Daron Acemoglu - 46 Unique Solutions of Some Recursive Equations in Economic Dynamics
by Massimo Marinacci & Luigi Montrucchio - 45 Information Sales and Strategic Trading
by Diego Garcia & Francesco Sangiorgi - 44 Revealed Ambiguity and Its Consequences: Updating
by Paolo Ghirardato & Fabio Maccheroni & Massimo Marinacci - 43 Modelling stochastic mortality for dependent lives
by Elisa Luciano & Jaap Spreeuw & Elena Vigna - 42 Extending Time-Changed Lévy Asset Models Through Multivariate Subordinators
by Elisa Luciano & Patrizia Semeraro - 41 Single and joint default in a structural model with purely discontinuous assets
by Filippo Fiorani & Elisa Luciano & Patrizia Semeraro - 40 Business Cycle Comovement in the G-7: Common Shocks or Common Transmission Mechanisms?
by Fabio C. Bagliano & Claudio Morana - 39 Do Larger Severance Payments Increase Individual Job Duration?
by Pietro Garibaldi & Lia Pacelli - 38 College Cost and Time to Complete a Degree: Evidence from Tuition Discontinuities
by Pietro Garibaldi & Francesco Giavazzi & Andrea Ichino & Enrico Rettore - 37 Two Tier Reforms of Employment Protection: A Honeymoon Effect?
by Tito Boeri & Pietro Garibaldi - 36 Heterogeneity in Intra-Monthly Consumption Patterns, Self-Control, and Savings at Retirement
by Giovanni Mastrobuoni & Matthew Weinberg
- 35 On the Efficiency Costs of Detracking Secondary Schools
by Kenn Ariga & Giorgio Brunello & Roki Iwahashi & Lorenzo Rocco - 34 Emergence and Persistence of Inefficient States
by Daron Acemoglu & Davide Ticchi & Andrea Vindigni - 32 International Macroeconomic Dynamics: A Factor Vector Autoregressive Approach
by Fabio C. Bagliano & Claudio Morana - 31 The Mismatch between Employment and Child Care in Italy: the Impact of Rationing
by Daniela Del Boca & Daniela Vuri - 30 Non mean reverting affne processes for stochastic mortality
by Elisa Luciano & Elena Vigna - 29 A Multivariate Jump-Driven Financial Asset Model
by Elisa Luciano & Wim Schoutens - 28 A New Approach to Factor Vector Autoregressive Estimation with an Application to Large-Scale Macroeconometric Modelling
by Fabio C. Bagliano & Claudio Morana - 27 Ambiguity in Asset Markets: Theory and Experiment
by Peter Bossaerts & Paolo Ghirardato & Serena Guarnaschelli & William R. Zame - 25 The Social Security Earnings Test Removal. Money Saved or Money Spent by the Trust Fund?
by Giovanni Mastrobuoni - 24 Implementation with State Dependent Feasible Sets and Preferences: A Renegotiation Approach
by Matteo Triossi & Luis Corchón - 23 Application Costs in Sequential Admission Mechanisms
by Matteo Triossi - 22 Ramón y Cajal: Mediation and Meritocracy
by Matteo Triossi & Antonio Romero-Medina - 21 Reliability and Responsibility: A Theory of Endogenous Commitment
by Matteo Triossi - 20 Life Cycle Employment and Fertility Across Institutional Environments
by Daniela Del Boca & Robert M. Sauer - 19 Mutual Absolute Continuity of Multiple Priors
by Larry G. Epstein & Massimo Marinacci - 18 Voting as a Credible Threat
by John Londregan & Andrea Vindigni - 17 Recursive Smooth Ambiguity Preferences
by Peter Klibanoff & Massimo Marinacci & Sujoy Mukerji - 16 Should Insider Trading be Prohibited when Share Repurchases are Allowed?
by Andrea Buffa & Giovanna Nicodano - 14 Modes of Spousal Interaction and the Labor Market Environment
by Daniela Del Boca & Christopher J. Flinn - 13 Cores of Non-Atomic Market Games
by Massimiliano Amarante & Fabio Maccheroni & Massimo Marinacci & Luigi Montrucchio - 10 Shadow Sorting
by Tito Boeri & Pietro Garibaldi - 9 Refinement Derivatives and Values of Games
by Luigi Montrucchio & Patrizia Semeraro - 7 Hiring Freeze and Bankruptcy in Unemployment Dynamics
by Pietro Garibaldi - 5 On Concavity and Supermodularity
by Massimo Marinacci & Luigi Montrucchio - 4 Coarse Contingencies
by Larry G. Epstein & Massimo Marinacci & Seo Kyoungwon - 3 Path Dependence and Occupations
by Maristella Botticini & Zvi Eckstein - 2 From Farmers to Merchants, Voluntary Conversion and Diaspora: A Human Capital Interpretation of Jewish History
by Maristella Botticini & Zvi Eckstein - 1 Dynamic Variational Preferences
by Fabio Maccheroni & Massimo Marinacci & Aldo Rustichini
- 33 Labor Supply Effects of the Recent Social Security Benefit Cuts: Empirical Estimates Using Cohort Discontinuities
by Giovanni Mastrobuoni - 26 The Euro Changeover and its Effects on Price Transparency and Inflation
by Giovanni Mastrobuoni & Wioletta Dziuda - 15 Large Newsvendor Games
by Luigi Montrucchio & Marco Scarsini - 11 Overconfidence and Market Efficiency with Heterogeneous Agents
by Diego Garcia & Francesco Sangiorgi & Branko Urosevic - 8 Household Time Allocation and Models of Behavior: A Theory of Sorts
by Daniela Del Boca & Christopher J. Flinn
- 12 Ambiguity Aversion, Robustness, and the Variational Representation of Preferences
by Fabio Maccheroni & Massimo Marinacci & Aldo Rustichini - 6 Portfolio Selection with Monotone Mean-Variance Preferences
by Fabio Maccheroni & Massimo Marinacci & Aldo Rustichini & Marco Taboga