February 2014, Volume 1
- 324-327 A Study About The Consumer Attitudes Towards Tourism Services In Baile Herculane
by Dinu Loredana - 328-331 Brief Incursion In The Evolution Of Intern Audit
by Dutescu Mihaela - 332-335 Nature Of Electoral Marketing In Romania
by Dinu Gabriel
December 2013, Volume 6
- 6-12 The Visibility And Performance Of The Romanian Scientific Research
by Steliana Sandu - 13-20 Consumer Confidence As A Determinant Of Household Propensity To Save
by ANETA MARIA KLOPOCKA Author-Workplace-Name: UNIVERSITY OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT IN WARSAW, POLAND - 21-27 Performance-Reliability – The Main Subject Of The Banking Analysis Of The Credited Societies
by Avram (Boitos) Camelia & Belenesi (Bumba) Marioara - 28-31 Maximizing Profit - Optical Traditional Travel Agencies Exceeded
by Enea Constanta & Enea Constantin - 32-37 The Role Of Small And Medium Enterprises In The Regionalization Process – Case Study
by Amalia Venera Todorut - 38-43 Organization Of Romanian Universities On The Principles Of Corporate Governance
by Dobrota Gabriela & Ungureanu Dragos Mihai & Chirculescu Maria Felicia - 50-54 An Investigation Of The Dinig-Out Behavior Of Romanian Young People
by Baltescu Codruta Adina & Boscor Dana - 55-61 Evolution Of Main Structures Of Social Economy In Romania
by Busan Gabriela & Ecobici Nicolae & Chirtoc Irina-Elena - 62-74 A Comparison Between Three Predictive Models Of Computational Intelligence
by Dumitru Ciobanu & Bar Mary Violeta - 75-78 Health Of Environment And Health Of Economy
by Cirnu Doru & Danacica Daniela Emanuela - 79-86 Elaboration Of A Judicial Accounting Expertise Report. An Example
by Deaconu Sorin-Constantin - 87-94 Signalling Green Technology Through Price And Eco-Label
by Sladana Pavlinovic - 95-100 Economic Aspects Of The Romanian Agriculture Evolution
by Cecilia Irina Rabontu & Ana-Gabriela Babucea - 101-104 Analysis Of Exports Of Goods On Trade Credit Consignment From An Accounting Perspective
by Paliu-Popa Lucia - 105-110 The Financial Crisis And Its Impact On Bank Liquidity
by Ciurlau Loredana & Caruntu Genu Alexandru - 111-115 Need Of Financial Institutions Supervision Through An Single Framework Of Macro-Prudential Supervision
by Medar Lucian-Ion & Chirtoc Irina-Elena - 116-120 Some Aspects Regarding The Globalisation Phenomenon
by Ceausescu Ionut - 121-124 Management Survey In Terms Of Responsability Centers
by Romanescu Marcel Laurentiu - 125-130 Analysis, Selection And Ranking Of Foreign Markets. A Comprehensive Approach
by Liviu Neamtu & Adina Claudia Neamtu - 131-135 Measuring Competitiveness Of Economic Entities
by Mungiu-Pupazan Mariana Claudia - 136-143 The Impact Of The Economic Crisis To Employment And Unemployment Rate In Romanian Macroregion
by Aniela Balacescu & Marian Zaharia - 144-153 The Analysis Of Total Expenses At 1000 Lei Total Revenues And Of The Result Of The Growth Of Their Efficiency
by Lapadusi Mihaela Loredana & Caruntu Constantin - 154-158 Welfare Study Using Models In A Global Economy
by Stegaroiu Carina-Elena - 159-164 Financial Diagnosis Of A Company’S Activities
by Suciu Gheorghe & Barsan Pipu-Nicolae - 165-169 Role Of Tourism In The Growth Of Economic Competitiveness
by Tanase Diana & Tanase Adrian & Frant Florin - 170-173 Basel Iii – Implications Of The New Agreement Upon The Banking Systems
by Vlada Ramona Ioana & Banu Ioana Madalina - 174-179 Economic Aspects Regarding The Global Dimension Of Poverty In The Xxi Century
by Paul Bogdan Zamfir - 180-184 Analysis And Planning Of Regional Development - Contextual Variables To Develop A Model For Monitoring Financial Indicators At Regional Level
by Cristina Gradea - 185-188 The Romanians Are The Poorest Of The European
by Maria Mirabela Florea Ianc - 189-191 Critical Analysis Of Their Risk Financial Instruments
by Caruntu Genu Alexandru & Holt Gheorghe - 192-198 Convergences And Divergences Of Employment Rate In Ue28 A Statistical Analysis Of 2000-2012 Period
by Marian Zaharia & Aniela Balacescu - 199-205 Coordinates Of The Fiscal Policy In The Member States Of Eu
by Dobrota Gabriela & Chirculescu Maria Felicia & Ungureanu Dragos Mihai - 206-212 Role Of Human Capital Formation In Economic Development
by Tanase Diana - 213-218 Social Businesses-The Main Actors In The Process Of Sustainable Community Development
by Busan Gabriela & Ecobici Nicolae & Dina Claudia Ionela - 219-226 The Education – An Important Factor On Unemployment And Profession
by Costescu Emilia Mihaela - 227-232 The Management And Content Of Managerial Functions In Romanian Universities
by Avram Marioara & Dragusin Cristina-Petrina - 233-238 About General Infrastructure And Accommodation System In Romanian Balneology
by Ilie Rotariu & Alexandre Kostov - 253-259 THE TOURIST ATTRACTIONS - FACTORS OF RURAL TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN THE REGION CRISANA? Abstract: In this paper we try to show the perception of the main stakeholders on the rural tourism field on the importance of rural tourism attractions factor on the development of economic activities and to show as well the main factors of the development of rural tourism in order to establish priorities in the joint action of local people, entrepreneurs, tourists and local and national administrations. In many countries, the tourism industry fall within government priority. Tourism has been identified as one of the primary industries with potential to support local communities in developing economic diversity. Rural tourism has developed due to revenue growth (it is mostly discretionary income), due to increased leisure life and diversification motivations and desires of tourists. Tourism development is favored by improving infrastructure, historical monuments and architectural restoration and promotion of environmental conservation. Rural areas have a special attraction for tourists because of the distinct characteristics associated with mystical, cultural, historical, ethnic and geographical. For progress together with profit for those involved, it requires several components: attractions, investment, appropriate infrastructure, services and diversified hospitality promotion. To run this set of factors need to join entrepreneurs and public administrations. From the literature we can draw a number of necessary conditions for the development of rural tourism and a number of motivations for its support
by Barbu Ionel - 267-270 SERVICE QUALITY ANALYSIS - HOTEL ALPIN (POIANA BRASOV) Abstract: Hotel Alpin was built in 1971 in Poiana Brasov resort and has a 4 star quality ranking at the moment with the apart hotel having a 5 stars ranking. At the moment in the tourism market the service quality and client satisfaction are very important for being successful. This paper is analyzing through market research, clients’ satisfaction towards the service quality provided by Hotel Alpin. The purpose of this research is to validate the reputation of the hotel
October 2013, Volume 5
- 5-9 Financial Micromanagement For Bse Firms
by Lupu Dan - 10-17 Brics-Just An Acronim?
by Botis Sorina - 18-23 Correcting Accounting Errors And Acknowledging Them In The Earnings To The Period
by BUSUIOCEANU STELIANA Author-Workplace-Name: Transilvania University of Brasov, Faculty of Economic Sciences and Business Administration - 24-33 ESTIMATED DATE OF COMPLETION OF THE PLANNED MOTORWAY SEGMENTS IN THE CENTRAL, NORTH-WESTERN AND WESTERN REGIONS OF ROMANIA Abstract: Romania’s highways are standing ahead of considerably high investments. In the last few decades the transport infrastructure has been pushed into the background due to lack of financial support. The 21st Century has brought important breakthroughs in the building of highways. In the report on global risks in 2013 published by WEF (World Economic Forum) the "The prolonged neglect of infrastructure" is being considered such a risk. Our study focuses on the construction works that have been carried out in the Central, North- Western and Western regions of Romania. The highways of the above mentioned regions will be analysed based on three main points of focus: highways that have already been built, highways currently under construction and highways that are planned to be built. The aim is to present and compare the 3 regions’ highway infrastructure, determination of an approximate end date for the highways that are currently under construction. It has been concluded, that until 2013 the construction work on segments funded by the EU progressed much faster, than the ones funded by the government. The results of the study refer to how soon could the construction works reach an end on segments currently in progress
by CSUTAK ISTVAN Author-Workplace-Name: BABES - BOLYAI UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - 34-38 QUALITY - ABILITY, PROPERTY OR CAPACITY OF SATISFYING SOME NEEDS Abstract: For the notion of quality, they have made numerous definitions, with a degree of detail higher or lower, or interpretive statements that have evolved over time with increased environmental concerns in the field of quality and which have to concepts such as: degree, excellency, degree of excellence. A movement much more widely in a worldwide have theories which I appeal to properties, skills, or attributes of goods and services in respect of which they are distinguished in terms of quality
by Curelar Mirabela Rely Odette - 39-44 CONTRIBUTION OF SPORTS ADAPT TO LABOUR MARKET INSERTION OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Abstract: People with different types of disabilities, still face significant barriers and prejudices that lead to the failure of their rights and in terms of labour market access is difficult due to the fact that these people do not receive enough support in their transition from education to employment form. The company must give greater importance to the role of sport in social policy and strategy on protection of the disabled person. This is because the sport a positive impact on people and especially on people with disabilities in many areas, including the labour market insertion. Keywords: labour market, people with disabilities, adapted sports, exercise Journal: Constatin Brancusi University of Targu Jiu Annals - Economy Series
by DURBACEA-BOLOVAN MARIAN Author-Workplace-Name: Constantin Brancusi University of Targu Jiu, Romania - 45-52 USING MULTICRITERIAL RANKING MODELS IN CASE OF SOLUTIONS REGARDING THE SUPPLY OF THERMAL ENERGY FOR RESIDENTIAL GROUPS OF BUILDINGS Abstract: In this paper we analyze the way of choosing the technical solutions concerning the supply of thermal energy for residential groups of buildings, using the Multicriterial Ordinal Ranking Model, the Relative Distance Comparison model in relation with the maximum performance and the Relative Distance Comparison model in relation with the average performance. The paper ends with the presentation of the numerical results and a few conclusions. The models proposed may be used in practice in case of feasibility studies, for master degree theses as well as for Ph.D. theses
by LIVIU NEAMTU & ADINA CLAUDIA NEAMTU Author-Workplace-Name: Constatin Brancusi University of Targu Jiu, ROMANIA - 57-63 Analysis Of Evolution Educational Services In Romania In The Period 1992 - 2011
by RABONTU CECILIA IRINA Author-Workplace-Name: Constantin Brancusi University of Targu Jiu, Romania & BALACESCU ANIELA Author-Workplace-Name: Constantin Brancusi University of Targu Jiu, Romania - 64-84 PERFORMANCE TREND AND PERFORMANCE CURRENT RATINGS BY ECONOMIC VALUE ADDED (EVA) Abstract: The Economic Value Added (EVA) is an index of „durable development.” It was proposed by the Stern-Stewart Office and represents the true economic profit of companies. A company reports economic profit only if the reported accounting profit is higher than the opportunity cost of equity. The authors of the EVA model (Stern-Stewart) have also proposed the ways of restating the financial statements to get a “fair image” of the results, thus eliminating the “accounting distortions.” Based on the performance indexes calculated based on EVA and second-generation indexes relating to EVA, we calculated two types of rating: Rating Performance Current and Rating Performance Trend. The rating is calculated by means of the percentiles technique and the results are split into 22 rating classes. The used database is Russell 3000
by ALEXANDRU BOGEANU Author-Workplace-Name: The Bucharest University of Economic Studies & ELENA CLAUDIA SERBAN Author-Workplace-Name: The Bucharest University of Economic Studies & VASILE ROBU Author-Workplace-Name: The Bucharest University of Economic Studies - 85-90 CHANGES INSIDE THE ROMANIAN BANKING SYSTEM IN THE FRAME OF THE FINANCIAL AND BANKING CRISIS Abstract: After the year 1990, bashfully at first, but then more and more prominently, the countries of Central and Eastern Europe have become major loan recipients from foreign banks, either cross-border, or local through open subsidiaries in the emerging European countries. The Romanian banking system continues to be among the most dynamic economic areas in Romania. Further on characterized by a relatively low level of financial intermediation, the Romanian banking market is considered to have potential for the possible buyers, especially in the crisis period when many small banks looked for a merger with another small or medium bank for consolidation reasons. Although the Romanian banking system faced crisis pretty well comparative with the rest of the world countries, if we consider its equity, its profits kept on decreasing every year and the rate of the non-performing loans increased. Keywords: banking system consolidation, market share, profitability, Romania Journal: Constatin Brancusi University of Targu Jiu Annals - Economy Series
by RADULESCU MAGDALENA Author-Workplace-Name: University of Pitesti, Faculty of Economics - 91-94 CONSIDERATIONS ON INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL USAGES Abstract: International commercial relations have their own dynamics which are individualised by the rapidity of operations. The permanent changes imposed by the requirements of the world market are not always accompanied by the elaboration of some corresponding regulations, a fact that determined the international practice to create certain unwritten rules which, accepted by free will and repeatedly applied, have become norms used in international trade, having an important place in the framework of international economical relations. This paper wants to accomplish a presentation of the international commercial usages and of their importance in international trade. Keywords: international commercial usages, international trade, international trade law, law source Journal: Constatin Brancusi University of Targu Jiu Annals - Economy Series
by LAURA MAGDALENA TROCAN Author-Workplace-Name: Constantin Brancusi University of Targu Jiu, Romania - 95-98 FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENT IN AGRICULTURE AND THE POTENTIAL TO MISLEAD Abstract: Applying fair value measurement to tangible and intangible assets in agriculture cannot be risk free. Twofold reasons can be brought into attention for the above statement: fair value estimation and the specific of agriculture field. The purpose of this discussion paper is to underline potential creative accounting demarches that can appear in this context. The paper concludes based on the discussions approached in the literature. Further avenues of research are discussed. Keywords: IAS 41, creative accounting, fair value, accounting treatment Journal: Constatin Brancusi University of Targu Jiu Annals - Economy Series
by Vladu Alina Beattrice - 99-102 LICENCE, DESIGN AND MARKETING EXPERIENCE RELATING TO A PRODUCT OR PROCESS Abstract: Contracting a licence is buying or selling contract of technology, design and marketing experience relating to a product or process, and involves the contracting of knowledge and know-how. The granting of an international licence takes place when a company provides, in return for a fee or royalties, technology needed by another firm to run business operations on a foreign market. When in this form, the granting of the licence requires at least one of the following items: a brand name; operating experience; manufacturing technology; access to patents and trade secrets/industrial. Company that grants the licence get access on a foreign market with very low investment and, in many cases, the benefits of investment and market knowledge of a competent local firms. The company that received the licence get access to foreign technology, with a very small investment. There are several very obvious advantages of activity under the license on international markets. The granting of a licence can improve cash flow situation for the company that attaches. Because the license on technology allows companies to bring products to market faster, the company enjoys early advantage of a positive balance of cash flow. In addition, obtaining a license means lower development costs. The licensed activity may mean fewer profits in the long run. Immediate benefits of easy access to new technology, lower costs and the development of an early cash flow are attractive advantages of contracting a licence. Keywords: IAS 41, creative accounting, fair value, accounting treatment Journal: Constatin Brancusi University of Targu Jiu Annals - Economy Series
by LIVIU NEAMTU Author-Workplace-Name: CONSTANTIN BRANCUSI UNIVERSITY OF TARGU JIU, ROMANIA & ADINA CLAUDIA NEAMTU Author-Workplace-Name: CONSTANTIN BRANCUSI UNIVERSITY OF TARGU JIU, ROMANIA - 103-109 SPORTS TOURISM, LEISURE METHOD Abstract: The process of using free time in nature tourism as recreation or sport activity and is a socio-economic phenomenon of mass, including relationships and activity occurring within a country and the material and spiritual flow between countries. Sports tourism is a subset of an industry generating capital, jobs and creating the image of a country / region. This article is aimed primarily a statistical analysis of this form of tourism at national and European level with which we wish to note that although Romania has various forms of relief , and such an arrangement it is a big advantage, though no have been major investments in this type of tourism . The development of increasingly high global sports movement, the emergence of new destinations, the development of road and air transport modes and infrastructure and the development of the Internet, all contribute to the development of sports tourism. Keywords: tourism, leisure, sport tourism, regional development Journal: Constatin Brancusi University of Targu Jiu Annals - Economy Series
by DURBACEA-BOLOVAN MARIAN Author-Workplace-Name: Constantin Brancusi University of Targu Jiu, Romania - 110-114 THE OFFENSEN FACTORS Abstract: The study discusses the offense conduct external factors act on the subject, subjects, time and place of the offense. As the name indicates, pre-existing conditions are at the time of execution of the deed prior acts, which constitute the offense, fulfill the conditions required by the rules incriminating. Keywords: legal object, material object, active subject, passive subject, individual person, legal person, celebrating the place and time of the offense
by ELENA-GIORGIANA SIMIONESCU Author-Workplace-Name: Faculty Of International Relations, Law And Administration, Constantin Brancusi University Of Targu-Jiu, Romania - 115-119 EARNINGS MANGEMENT OCCURENCE IN TIMES OF CRISIS: INSIGHTS FROM THE LITERATURE Abstract: This paper discusses the main findings in the literature and offers interesting insights in order to understanding the behavior of firms in times of financial distress. In this respect the occurrence and magnitude of earnings management activities are examined via global financial crisis, bringing into attention the contextual earnings management studies. The main discussions are related to the impact of economic environment on earnings management and further on value relevance of earnings in times of crisis. Since prior research is inconclusive in terms of earnings management occurrence and magnitude in times of financial crisis, future springs of research should be conducted in order to examine if there is a relationship between the financial crisis and earnings management practices. Keywords: Earnings management, Global financial crisis, contextual earnings management studies
August 2013, Volume 4
- 6-11 From The Value Of Freedom To The Value Of Harmony. An Ecolonomic Approach
by Constantin Popescu & Alexandru Tasnadi & Miltiade Stanciu - 12-20 Labour Market Insertion Of Young People In South-West Oltenia Development Region
by Mariana Balan & Raluca Iorgulescu - 21-24 Eco - Efficiency - Driver Of Sustainable Development Strategy
by Dorin Cosma & Alina Georgiana Holt - 25-28 Innovation - The Way To A Sustainable Global Economy
by Vasile Popeanga - 29-34 Analysis Of Financial Balace Using Rates
by Suciu Gheorghe - 36-43 Critical Analysis Of The Management Accounting System And Of The Cost Calculation In The Electrotechnical Industry
by Popescu Luminita Nicoleta - 44-48 Romania-Advantages And Disadvantages Of Introducing The Euro
by Dorel Dumitru Chiritescu - 49-53 Distributism - Way For Sustainable Economic Recovery
by Butanescu-Volanin Remus Constantin - 54-62 The Current State Of Convergence In The Eastern European Countries. Romania’S Strategy For Changeover
by Radulescu Magdalena - 63-67 The Importance Of Land Bank For Agricultural Development And The Technique Of Granting Rural Land Loan
by Lucian-Ion Medar & Irina-Elena Chirtoc - 68-72 The Implications Of The Fiscal Policies In The Macroeconomic Adjustment
by Tudor Ion - 73-76 Study On Foreign Direct Investments In Romania In 2011
by Mungiu-Pupazan Mariana Claudia & Enea Constanta - 77-84 An Exploratory Research Regarding Customer Orientation And Performance In Hospitality Industry
by Flavia Dana Oltean - 85-92 The Role Of Education In The Economic Development
by Tudose Mihaela Brindusa & Cadiş Mihaela Narciza - 93-99 The Macro-Risk Of Doing Business In Central And Eastern Europe
by Bodislav Dumitru-Alexandru - 100-106 The Price On The Organic Product Market
by Atanasoaie George Sebastian - 107-110 Legal Form Of Business Organization - A Method Of Fiscal Optimization
by Popa Mihaela - 111-115 Accounting And Fiscal Treatments Specific For The Lending Of Population Through Pawnshops
by Dina Ionela Claudia & Marica Valeria & Blendea Marian - 116-120 E European Parliament’S Role In The European Union. Is There A Real Parliamentary Democracy In The European Union?
by Tescasiu Bianca - 121-126 The ‘Forecast’ Function Use For The ‘Standard And Poor’S 500’ Index Prognosis
by Hada Teodor & Lazar Petru - 127-131 International Payment Methods And Techniques From The Accounting Perspective
by Adriana Iota & Magdalena Mihai & Oana Staiculescu - 132-138 The Analysis Of Profitability Indicators
by Suciu Gheorghe - 139-147 General Aspects Related To The Technology Transfer, The Main Source Of Innovation And Development Among Economic Operators
by Felicia Diana Nicoara & Dorin Maier & Andreea Maier - 148-153 Budgetary Policy - A Tool For Mitigating Cyclic Fluctuations. Study Case For Romania, 1996-2011
by Pitorac Ruxandra Ioana - 154-159 The Current State Of Structural Funds Absorption In Romania Through Operational Programme Environment
by Vasile Popeanga & Alina Georgiana Holt - 160-168 Theoretical Study Of The Possibilities Of Modeling The Productivity In Medical Services
by Jivan Alexandru & Toth Maria & Sipos Ciprian - 169-171 Proficiency In English And Career Opportunities In The Labour Market
by Simion Minodora Otilia - 172-175 From Leu To Euro
by Suciu Titus - 176-194 Clustering Techniques In Financial Data Analysis Applications On The U.S. Financial Market
by Elena Claudia Serban & Alexandru Bogeanu & Eugeniu Tudor - 195-199 Institutional Evolution Of European Union Toward The Enlargement. Reforming Aspects Of The Institutional System
by Tescasiu Bianca - 200-204 Influence Of The Size Of Revenue Direct Taxation Salary For Different Categories Of Taxpayers
by Chirculescu Maria Felicia - 205-212 Importance Of Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises In Romanian Economy
by Balanescu Madalina - 213-218 Globalization Perspectives In Post-Communist Romania
by Soponaru Camelia & Bobalca Claudia & Oana Tugulea (Ciobanu) - 219-224 Costs And Profitability In Food Processing: Pastry Type Units
by Dumitrana Mihaela & Glavan Elena Mariana - 225-228 Business Competitors And Competitive Advantage
by Suciu Titus
June 2013, Volume 3
- 6-10 Vulnerability Of Companies
by Armean Andreea - 11-16 Community Supported Agriculture (Csa)
by Atanasoaie George Sebastian - 17-23 Economic Crisis Impact On The Labor Market In The Region South-West Oltenia
by Busan Gabriela & Ciurlau Loredana & Florea Ianc Maria Mirabela - 24-29 The Evolution Of The Main Macroeconomic Indicators Of The Romanian Ecomony
by Caruntu Andreea Laura - 30-35 Public Debt: Structure And Characteristics Romania’S Case
by Caruntu Roxana Corina - 36-39 Budget Deficit And Public Debt, Indicators Of Nominal Convergence Of Romania With European Union
by Dorel Dumitru Chiritescu - 40-44 Necessity Of Audit Sampling In The Audit Of Financial Statements. Non-Statistical Sampling Versus Statistical Sampling
by Chis Anca-Oana - 45-48 Opportunities For Economic Development Relative To The Specific Of South West Oltenia Region Of Development
by Ciobanu Dumitru & Vasilescu Maria - 49-53 Analysis Of The Employment Opportunities For The Workforce In The South-West Oltenia Region In Complementary Activities Such As E-Work
by Daniela Enachescu - 54-57 Oltenia Northern Medical Tourism And Development In Terms Of The Possibility Of Regional Sustainability
by Constanta Enea & Claudia Mariana Mungiu Pupazan - 58-63 International Services Flows Under The Impact Of The Eu-27
by Gheorghe Camelia Monica & Maniu Laura Cristina - 64-70 Unesco Label – Promoter A Cultural Tourism Development
by Iordache Maria Carmen - 71-75 Mechanism Transfer Pricing And The Need Introduction Common Consolidated Corporate Income Tax Transnational
by Gheorghe Grigorescu & Constantin Enea & Constanta Enea - 76-89 Natality In Romania Within The Context Of The Demographic Evolution After 1989
by Jemboiu George-Nicolae - 90-96 The Impact Of The Financial And Economic Crisis On The Evolution And Structure Of Unemployment In Romania
by Lazar Mirela & Lazar Cornel - 97-100 Research On Romanian Manager Training In Pre-University Education
by Tusa Ana & Voinia Claudiu Sorin & Danut Dumitru Dumitrascu - 101-109 Comparative Aspects Of Employment Rates By Educational Level In South-West Oltenia, Romania And Eu
by Marian Zaharia & Cristina Oprea - 110-116 Social Responsability Of Insurance Companies
by Maracine Mihaela Simona - 117-125 Measurement Of Territorial Convergence. An Analysis In The Case Of Romania
by Olimpia Neagu - 126-136 Strategy Versus Strategic System
by Liviu Neamtu & Adina Claudia Neamtu - 137-145 The Internationalization Of Smes. A Synthetic Analysis Of The Decisional Factors And Process
by Livia Oltean - 146-150 Features Of Human Resources In The Oltenia Energy Complex Important Part Of The County'S Labor Market Resources Gorj County
by Paunescu Alberto Nicolae - 151-157 Requirements For A General Interpretation Theory
by Anda Laura Lungu Petruescu - 158-172 The Independence Of Central Banks In Central And Eastern Europe-A Monetary Policy Strategy Based Approach
by Popescu Iulian Vasile - 173-181 Labour Market In Development Region South West Oltenia – Realities And Perspectives
by Rabontu Cecilia Irina & Costescu Emilia Mihaela - 182-189 New Challenges Of Risk Management In Banks In The Globalisation Context
by Catalin SABAU - 190-194 Employees’ Benefits, Between Theory And Practice
by Alexandru Salceanu - 195-198 Correlation Between Economic Growth And Unemployment
by Savu Mihaela & Bursugiu Mihaela - 199-202 Sustainable Development Of The Labor Market In South-West Oltenia In The Current Economic Circumstances
by Stegaroiu Carina-Elena - 203-206 Electronic Commerce An Alternative To The Labor Market
by Ciobanu Dumitru & Dinuca Elena Claudia - 207-210 Economic And Financial Crisis Impact On Romania Along Time
by Gheorghe GRIGORESCU & Gabriel SANDA - 211-224 Labour Market Amid The Changes In Light Industry
by Jemboiu George-Nicolae - 225-228 The Necessity Of Implementing Reforms In The Field Of Local Public Finance
by Vezure Oana Sabina - 229-233 The Concept Of Sustainable Development Through Economic Growth And Diversification Of The Labour Market In The Industrial Areas Affected By Restructuring
by Marius Eremia VLAICU POPA & Valeriu PLESEA & Ciprian NIMARA
April 2013, Volume 2
- 6-9 Information And Their Power In Advertisement On Internet
by Mubarak Omar Musa Musa - 10-15 Drivers Of Knowledge Economy In The Eu’S Developing Countries
by Burja Vasile & Burja Camelia - 16-23 Graphical Analysis Of Laffer'S Theory For European Union Member States
by Liliana Bunescu & Carmen Comaniciu - 24-30 Visible Costs And Hidden Costs In The Baking Industry
by Criveanu Maria & Taicu Marian - 31-36 The Importance Of Money Market Interest Formation And Its Role In Credit Cost
by Medar Lucian-Ion & Irina- Elena Chirtoc - 37-41 Considerations Regarding The Purpose Of Direct Costing Method In A Company`S Management
by Ionescu Ion - 42-46 The Representative Economic Agent – An Epistemological Approach
by Patrascu Diana – Ramona - 47-55 An Empirical Study Of Economic Alternatives For The Elderly In Romania
by Podoaba Lucia & Oprean Delia - 56-64 Investments And Services On The Rural Development In Romania
by Popa Ana & Vasilescu Laura - 65-72 Place Of The Health Services In Romanian Economy
by Rabontu Cecilia-Irina & Babucea Ana-Gabriela - 73-79 Customer Services And Product Quality
by Neamtu Liviu & Neamtu Adina Claudia - 80-85 Olaf'S Role In The Implementation Of Community Policies For The Prevention And Detection Of Fraud
by Mihaela Adina Apostolache & Mihai Cristian Apostolache - 86-91 The Quality Of Human Resources – A Request For Hotel Industry Development. A Theoretical Approach
by Arustei Carmen Claudia - 92-95 Ethical Business Solution For Reviving The Economy
by Avram Laurentia Georgeta & Naftanaila Cristina Alina - 96-101 History And Criteria Of The European Monetary Integration
by Dorel Dumitru Chiritescu - 102-108 Marketing Planning In Healthcare Industry
by Bobeica Ana Amaria - 109-114 Improving Management Accounting And Cost Calculation In Dairy Industry Using Standard Cost Method
by Bogdanoiu Cristiana-Luminita - 115-122 Correlations Between The Economic Value Added And The Price Of Shares
by Bogeanu Alexandru - 123-129 The Cost Of Production Under Direct Costing And Absorption Costing – A Comparative Approach
by Bunea Bontas Cristina Aurora - 130-135 Public Services From The Effectiveness Of Social Security Policies Perspective In The European Union
by Burz Razvan-Dorin - 136-139 Income Tax – A Product Of The Reconciliation Between The Accounting Result And Tax Result
by Caruntu Genu Alexandru & Holt Gheorghe - 140-147 Study On The Development Of Commercial Activities In Romania
by Ceausescu Ionut - 148-154 The Evolution Of Insurance Market In Romania
by Florea Ianc Maria Mirabela & Busan Gabriela - 155-159 Efficiency Models Of The Cross-Functional Teams
by Dinca Laura & Criveanu Radu - 160-171 Model Of Management Accounting For Merchandises Sector Companies
by Glavan Elena Mariana & Dumitrana Mihaela - 172-180 The Impact Of The Financial Crisis On The Theory And Practice Of Financial System Supervision
by Roxana Hetes & Alexandru Crasneac & Alexandru Avram - 181-185 The Continuity Of The European Project And The New Governance
by Lupu Iulia & Criste Adina - 186-196 The Implications Of Marketing Activity In Risk Analysis, Core Element Of Lending Policy To Commercial Banks
by Magda Florin-Mihai - 197-203 Crisis Effects On Tangible Assets Revaluations A Study Over Romanian Buildings
by Muresan Diana - 204-209 Analiza Relatiei Dintre Descentralizarea Fiscala Si Cresterea Economica In Romania
by Nuta Alina Cristina & Nuta Florian Marcel - 210-214 The Romanian Tourism In The Context Of Sustainable Development
by Claudia Elena Paicu - 215-220 Management Of Susteinable Development And Economic Revival Of Mining Areas Affected By Restructuring
by Valeriu Plesea & Marius Eremia Vlaicu Popa & Ciprian Nimara - 221-226 The Financial And Budgetary Discipline In Romania – The Arrears Of The Local Public Authorities
by Popeanga Vasile Nicolae - 227-230 Influence Of Fiscal Policy Dynamics On Output Management
by Predescu Antoniu & Popescu Maria-Loredana - 231-234 The Influence Of Local Autonomy On The Local Public Services
by Romanescu Marcel Laurentiu - 235-240 The Social Responsibility Of The Firms And Ethics In Business
by Scutaru Liliana - 241-252 Study Regarding The Successful Management Practice And The Changes In Management Approach Due To Financial Crisis
by Natalia Silas & Ciprian Sipos & Calin Silas - 253-256 New Approaches To Teaching Business English For Tourism Students
by Simion Otilia Minodora - 257-261 Managerial Implications In Promotion Politics Of Tourism Units (Example In S.C. Turist Suior S.R.L. Baia Sprie)
by Sirbu Janetta - 262-265 The Electronic Market Liberalization In A Knowledge Based Economy
by Stegaroiu Carina-Elena - 266-272 Evolution Of The Romanian Residential Market After Outbreak Of The Current Economic And Financial Crisis
by Steliac Nela - 273-280 Diagnosis Of Financial Equilibrium After Outbreak Of The Current Economic And Financial Crisis
by Suciu Gheorghe - 281-286 Analysis Of The Deviations From Standard Costs And Information Use At The Company Management Level After Outbreak Of The Current Economic And Financial Crisis
by Taicu Marian & Criveanu Maria - 287-293 Specific Accounting Policies On Public Institutions Related To Provisions, Contigent Liabilities And Contigent Assets
by Tenovici Cristina Otilia - 294-299 Loans And The Deposits Evolution And Structure Of The Economic Agents In The Arges County, During July 2011 - July 2012
by Naftanaila Cristina Alina & Avram Laurentia Georgeta - 300-308 Conceptual And Accounting Aspects Relating Construction Contracts In Public Entities
by Tenovici Cristina Otilia - 309-313 Futures Options: Universe Of Potential Profit
by Teselios Delia - 314-318 Organizational Change And Employees’ Reactions – A Theoretical And Practical Framework
by Vosloban Raluca Ioana - 319-322 Economic Influence Of Possible Restructuring Plan Within Oltenia Energy Complex In Gorj County
by Dumitru Ciobanu & Maria Vasilescu - 323-328 Decentralization, Eligibility Of Authorities And Consultation Of Citizens - Evidence Of The Occurrence Of Autonomy In Local Public Administration Management
by Zaharia Petronela - 329-334 Romania Alignment To Eu Requirements Concerning The Services Integration In The Internal Market
by Paul-Bogdan Zamfir - 335-344 Classification Of Companies From The Performance Standpoint Using Ward’S Method
by Bogeanu Alexandru - 345-349 The Insolvency Phenomenon And The Non Performing Loans
by Lupu Dan - 350-354 Theoretical And Practical Aspects Regarding The Ias-36 Application To “The Impairment Of Assets” To C.E. Oltenia
by Holt Gheorghe & Caruntu Genu Alexandru
February 2013, Volume 1
- 6-12 The Impact Of Cultural Events On Tourism Development: Sibiu - The European Cultural Capital
by Greg Richards & Ilie Rotariu - 13-18 The Role Of The Annual Financial Statements In The Management Of The Company
by Avram Marioara - 19-27 Contribution Of Foreign Direct Investment For The Region Development
by Katarína Čulková & Katarína Teplická - 28-37 Re-Examination Of Wagner’S Law For Oecd Countries
by Korhan Gokmenoglu - 38-51 Are Excessive Legislative Restrictions Of Pension Fund’S Investments Required To Ensure These Funds’ Operational Stability And Minimum Guaranted Return?
by Tanja Markovic Hribernik & Igor Jakopanec - 52-59 The Development Of Services Rendered To The Population And To Enterprises In Romania
by Cecilia-Irina Rabontu & Ana-Gabriela Babucea - 60-65 Protective Guarantees And Other Requirements To Strengthen Development Of The Bank-Customer Contractual Relationship
by Medar Lucian-Ion & Irina- Elena Chirtoc - 66-73 Accounting, An Essential Component Of The Information System
by Paliu -Popa Lucia - 74-81 Identification And Evaluation Of Audit Risk In Projects Financed From European Funds
by Avram Veronel & Togoe Greti Daniela - 82-87 Analysis Model For Return On Capital Employed
by Burja Camelia - 88-91 Who Benefits From The Vat Cash Accounting System In Romania As Of January 1, 2013?
by Ecobici Nicolae - 92-101 Romania Measures Undertaken To Overcome The Crisis Macroeconomic Policies Through
by Mungiu-Pupazan Mariana Claudia - 102-108 Synthetic Analysis Of Credit Risk - Prevention And Management
by Lapadusi Mihaela Loredana - 109-115 Open Marketing - A Specific Form Of Monetary Policy In Order To Monetary Volume Adjustment
by Chirtoc Irina- Elena & Medar Lucian-Ion - 116-123 Particularities Of Organizing Management Accounting In The Case Of Coal Extraction Units
by Dina Ionela-Claudia