2017, Volume 44, Issue 4
- 178-185 The effects of plant density and irrigation on phenolic content in cauliflower
by Alina Kałużewicz & Jolanta Lisiecka & Monika Gąsecka & Włodzimierz Krzesiński & Tomasz Spiżewski & Anna Zaworska & Barbara Frąszczak - 186-194 An efficient in vitro propagation protocol for snowdrop anemone (Anemone sylvestris L.)
by Jana Šedivá & Pavla Zahumenická & Eloy Fernández Cusimamani - 195-200 Effect of gibberellic acid concentration and number of treatments on yield components of "Einset Seedless" grapevine cultivar
by Magdalena Kapłan & Agnieszka Najda & Piotr Baryła & Kamila Klimek - 201-212 Agricultural practices, biology and quality of eggplant cultivated in Central Europe. A review
by Gianluca Caruso & Robert Pokluda & Agnieszka Sękara & Andrzej Kalisz & Aleš Jezdinský & Tomáš Kopta & Aneta Grabowska
2017, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 113-119 Lower nitrogen nutrition determines higher phenolic content of organic apples Juozas Lanauskas1, Darius Kviklys1, Mindaugas Liaudanskas2, Valdimaras
by Juozas Lanauskas & Darius Kviklys & Mindaugas Liaudanskas & Valdimaras Janulis & Nobertas Uselis & Jonas Viškelis & Pranas Viškelis - 120-125 Determination of antioxidant activities of some apple cultivars
by Lütfi Pirlak & Gülüstan Ünüvar & Nilda Ersoy - 126-132 Evaluation of several dessert cultivars of plum, new under climatic conditions of Poland
by Agnieszka Głowacka & Elżbieta Rozpara - 133-140 Germination of red raspberry seeds as affected by origin and chemical scarification
by Edward Żurawicz & Agnieszka Masny & Jolanta Kubik & Mariusz Lewandowski - 141-147 Newly introduced strawberry genotypes for Nordic Baltic conditions
by Ave Kikas & Liina Arus & Hedi Kaldmäe & Asta-Virve Libek - 148-155 Effect of combined seasonal coverage on northern production of strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch)
by Eivind Uleberg & Inger Martinussen & Ragnar Samuelsen - 156-161 Landscape changes of Prague outskirts from 1990 to 2012
by Tomáš Veith & Matouš Jebavý
2017, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 55-63 Effect of polyploidization on morphology in two apple (Malus × domestica) genotypes
by Niek Hias & Leen Leus & Mark W. Davey & Stijn Vanderzande & Johan Van Huylenbroeck & Johan Keulemans - 64-72 How does sharka affect the phenolics of plum fruit (Prunus domestica L.)?
by Valentina Usenik & Franci Stampar & Damijana Kastelec & Mojca Virscek Marn - 73-81 Salicylic acid treatment saves quality and enhances antioxidant properties of apricot fruit
by Ahmed Ezzat & Amin Ammar & Zoltán Szabó & Imre J. Holb - 82-90 Exogenous auxin improves root morphology and restores growth of grafted cucumber seedlings
by Astrit Balliu & Glenda Sallaku - 91-98 Effects of cultural cycle and nutrient solution electrical conductivity on plant growth, yield and fruit quality of 'Friariello' pepper grown in hydroponics
by Carmine Amalfitano & Laura Del Vacchio & Silvano Somma & Antonio Cuciniello & Gianluca Caruso - 99-104 Comparative analysis of photosynthetic indicators in freesia hybrids on the Black sea coast of Krasnodar region
by Oksana Belous & Kristina Klemeshova & Olga Pashchenko - 105-111 Germination of Corylopsis seeds evaluated by X-ray imaging and cold stratification
by Ji Hee Kim & Kyung Ok Kim & Ae Kyung Lee & Mark S. Roh & Jeung Keun Suh
2017, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 1-1 List Of Reviewers 2017
by editors - 1-5 Effects of economically important virus diseases on the expression of some pomological traits and nutritional compounds in GM plum cultivar HoneySweet (Prunus domestica L.)
by Boris Krška & Klára Gogolková & Jana Horsáková & Jaroslav Polák - 6-13 Allelic variation of simple sequence repeats markers linked to PPV resistance in Chinese apricot
by Qiu-Ping Zhang & Wei-Sheng Liu & Ning Liu & Yu-Ping Zhang & Ming Xu & Shou Liu & Xiao-Xue Ma & Yu-Jun Zhang - 14-20 A screening test for the determination of cut flower longevity and ethylene sensitivity of carnation
by Juan Manuel Sánchez Díaz & Silvia Jiménez-Becker & Manuel Jamilena - 21-42 Interactions among genotype, environment and agronomic practices on production and quality of storage onion (Allium cepa L.) - A review
by Agnieszka Sekara & Robert Pokluda & Laura Del Vacchio & Silvano Somma & Gianluca Caruso - 43-48 Salt-tolerant trees usable for Central European cities - Review
by Božena Šerá - 49-52 Distribution of viruses in the shallot germplasm collection of the Czech Republic - Short Communication
by Kateřina Smékalová & Helena Stavělíková & Karel Dušek
2016, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 159-166 Comparison of physicochemical traits of red-fleshed, commercial and ancient apple cultivars
by C. Contessa & R. Botta - 167-174 Precocity and a long-term cropping in apple progenies grown on M 9 rootstock
by J. Blažek & L. Zelený & J. Křelinová - 175-180 Evaluation of 'Sun Protect' in protecting apples (Malus × domestica Borkh.) against sunburn
by T. Sotiropoulos & A. Petridis & M. Koukourikou-Petridou & S. Koundouras - 181-187 Evaluation of dormancy break in some selected peach (Prunus persica) cultivars
by J. Horsáková & B. Krška - 188-194 Water deficit effects on grapevine woody tissue pigmentations
by D. Grossi & L. Rustioni & G. Simone Di Lorenzo & O. Failla & L. Brancadoro - 195-202 Effect of mycorrhizal inoculation of leek Allium porrum L. on mineral nitrogen leaching
by L. Kučová & J. Záhora & R. Pokluda - 203-210 Testing the winter hardiness of selected chrysanthemum cultivars of Multiflora type
by L. Augustinová & J. Doležalová & P. Matiska & Z. Wimmerová & T. Kodetová
2016, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 105-111 The influence of biofertilization on the growth, yield and fruit quality of cv. Topaz apple trees
by Walid Fediala Abd El-Gleel Mosa & Lidia Sas Paszt & Mateusz Frąc & Paweł Trzciński & Michał Przybył & Waldemar Treder & Krzysztof Klamkowski - 112-116 Impact of insecticides treatment on phytoplasma infection risk in apple orchards
by D. Šafářová & M. Starý & P. Válová & M. Opatíková & L. Bílková & M. Navrátil - 117-125 Effect of controlled atmosphere storage on production of volatiles and ethylene from cv. Zaosuli pears
by J. Goliáš & J. Létal & J. Balík & J. Kožíšková - 126-133 Tolerance of peach flower buds to low sub-zero temperatures in winter
by M. Szymajda & E. Żurawicz - 134-141 Changing of the flower bud frost hardiness in three Hungarian apricot cultivars
by L. Szalay & M. Ladányi & V. Hajnal & A. Pedryc & M. Tóth - 142-148 Effects of garlic genotype on cloves formation under in vitro conditions
by H. Fišerová & T. Vyhnánek & Z. Staňková & V. Kozák & M. Klemš & L. Havel - 149-157 Sequential abiotic stress applied to juvenile eggplant modifies the seedlings parameters, plant ontogeny and yield
by A. Sękara & R. Bączek-Kwinta & M. Gawęda & A. Kalisz & R. Pokluda & A. Jezdinský
2016, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 51-58 Sensory typology of apples used to evaluate scab-resistant cultivars as compared to known commercial apples
by P. Jankowski & K. Tomala & E. Szpadzik & N. Baryłko-Pikielna & G. Wasiak-Zys - 59-66 Morphogenesis and productivity of Cucumis sativus L. hybrids under the thermic polyethylene films modified by coating of metals by magnetron sputtering
by A.S. Minich & I.B. Minich & N.L. Chursina & A.E. Ivanitckiy & E.S. Butsenko & E.A. Rozhdestvenskiy - 67-75 Timer versus moisture sensor-based irrigation control of soilless lettuce: Effects on yield, quality and water use efficiency
by F.F. Montesano & M.W. van Iersel & A. Parente - 76-83 Impact of fertilization strategies on the growth of lavender and nitrates leaching to environment
by B. Matysiak & A. Nogowska - 84-91 Effect of warm and cold stratification, and ethanol treatment on germination of Corylopsis seeds
by J.H. Kim & A.K. Lee & J.K. Suh - 92-99 Effects of rootstock genotypes on compatibility, biomass, and the yield of Welschriesling
by S. Vršič & B. Pulko & L. Kocsis - 100-104 Molecular cloning and characterization of allele d ‒ a newly identified allele of the 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase 1 (ACO1) gene in apple - Short Communication
by S. Marić
2016, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 1-9 Changes in gene expression profile during fruit development determine fruit quality
by S.E. Keller-Przybyłkowicz & K.P. Rutkowski & D.E. Kruczyńska & K. Pruski - 10-16 Plum cultivars Zlatka and Pozna Plava (Prunus domestica L.) bred at the Fruit Research Institute in Čačak
by I. Glišić & Ž. Karaklajić-Stajić & S.A. Paunović & M. Lukić - 17-24 Phenolic composition and antioxidant capacity of integrated and conventionally grown strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.)
by M. Pešaković & S. Milenković & D. Đukić & L. Mandić & Ž. Karaklajić-Stajić & J. Tomić & N. Miletić - 25-32 Resveratrol and piceid isomers concentrations in grapevine shoots, leaves, and tendrils
by J. Lachman & Z. Kotíková & A. Hejtmánková & V. Pivec & O. Pšeničnaja & M. Šulc & R. Střalková & M. Dědina - 33-41 Salt tolerance of spinach as related to seasonal climate
by S. Ors & D.L. Suarez - 42-49 Headed Chinese cabbage growth and yield influenced by different manure types in organic farming system
by E. Laczi & A. Apahidean & E. Luca & A. Dumitraş & P. Boancă
2015, Volume 42, Issue 4
- 1-1 Index of volume 42
by editors - 167-175 Effect of two-spotted spider mite population (Tetranychus urticae Koch) on growth parameters and yield of the summer apple cv. Katja
by W. Warabieda - 176-184 Biochemical and pomological assessment of European pear accessions from Bosnia and Herzegovina
by G. Đurić & M. Žabić & M. Rodić & S. Stanivuković & B. Bosančić & B. Pašalić - 185-192 Medium strength in inorganics and PVP concentration effects on cherry rootstocks in vitro rooting
by V. Sarropoulou & K. Dimassi-Theriou & I. Therios - 193-202 Influence of rootstocks on different sweet cherry cultivars and accumulation of heavy metals in leaves and fruit
by A. Stachowiak & M. Bosiacki & S. Świerczyński & M. Kolasiński - 203-208 Effects of the growing season extension on Polish primocane-fruiting raspberry cultivars
by M. Lewandowski & E. Żurawicz & K. Pruski - 209-214 Biodegradation of composites based on maltodextrin and wheat B-starch in compost
by L. Růžek & M. Růžková & M. Koudela & L. Bečková & D. Bečka & Z. Kruliš & E. Šárka & K. Voříšek & Š. Ledvina & B. Šalounová & J. Venyercsanová - 215-218 Comparison of field efficacy of four natural fungicides and metiram against late blight (Phytophthora infestans [Mont.] de Bary) on tomato - Short Communication
by T. Bohinc & D. Žnidarčič & S. Trdan
2015, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 107-113 Evaluation of pear (Pyrus communis L.) cultivars in Latvia
by B. Lace & G. Lacis - 114-118 Molecular analysis of native cultivars of sweet cherry in Southern Italy
by C. Di Vaio & C. Villano & N. Marallo - 119-124 Fruit set and quality of self-fertile sweet cherries as affected by chemical flower thinning
by B. Milić & Z. Keserović & M. Dorić & V. Ognjanov & N. Magazin - 125-131 Combined effects of deficit irrigation and fresh-cut processing on quality and bioactive compounds of nectarines
by N. Falagán & F. Artés & P.A. Gómez & F. Artés-Hernández & A. Pérez-Pastor & J.M. de la Rosa & E. Aguayo - 132-140 Biostimulant usage for preserving strawberries to climate damages
by I. Bogunovic & B. Duralija & J. Gadze & I. Kisic - 141-148 Stability of Verticillium dahliae resistance in tissue culture-derived strawberry somaclones
by I. Sowik & M. Markiewicz & L. Michalczuk - 149-158 Nut and kernel growth and shell hardening in eighteen hazelnut cultivars (Corylus avellana L.)
by N. Valentini & S.T. Moraglio & L. Rolle & L. Tavella & R. Botta - 159-166 Methodology of compositional assessment in the beech vegetation zone and its application
by I Zamrzlová & D Doleželová & O Vacek
2015, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 53-60 Results of public tastings of apple novelties at the end of the storage seasons during the last 10 years
by J. Blažek & F. Paprštein & L. Zelený & J. Křelinová - 61-69 In vitro storage of plum germplasm by slow growth
by S. Gianní & F. Sottile - 70-82 Studies on the interspecific crossing compatibility among three Prunus species and their hybrids
by M. Szymajda & B. Napiórkowska & M. Korbin & E. Żurawicz - 83-93 Multivariate assessment of cultivars' biodiversity among the Polish strawberry core collection
by L. Sieczko & A. Masny & K. Pruski & E. Żurawicz & W. Mądry - 94-101 Improving phosphorus use efficiency for snap bean production by optimizing application rate
by G.D. Liu & K. Morgan & B. Hogue & Y.C. Li & D. Sui - 102-106 In vitro multiplication of lingonberry - Short Communication
by F. Paprštein & J. Sedlák
2015, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 1-1 List of Reviewers 2014
by editors - 1-12 Early tree growth, productivity, fruit quality and leaf nutrients content of sweet cherry grown in a high density planting system
by T. Milošević & N. Milošević & I. Glišić & R. Nikolić & J. Milivojević - 13-21 Identification of S-genotypes of sweet cherry cultivars from Central and Eastern Europe
by A. Lisek & E. Rozpara & A. Głowacka & D. Kucharska & M. Zawadzka - 22-28 Long-term evaluation of growth and yield of Stanley and Cacanska lepotica plum cultivars on selected rootstocks
by M. Mészáros & J. Kosina & L. Laňar & J. Náměstek - 29-36 Development of greenhouse soilless system for production of strawberry potted plantlets
by W. Treder & A. Tryngiel-Gać & K. Klamkowski - 37-46 Early seedling growth response of lettuce, tomato and cucumber to Azospirillum brasilense inoculated by soaking and drenching
by J.S. Mangmang & R. Deaker & G. Rogers - 47-51 Cytoplasmic genome diversity in the cultivated apple - Short Communication
by T. Mikami & K. Kitazaki & Y. Kishima
2014, Volume 41, Issue 4
- 153-159 Allele-specific PCR detection of sweet cherry self-incompatibility alleles S3, S4 and S9 using consensus and allele-specific primers in the Czech Republic
by K. Sharma & P. Sedlák & D. Zeka & P. Vejl & J. Soukup - 160-166 Seed genotypes for harvesting seeds in the production of generative rootstocks for peach cultivars
by M. Szymajda & E. Żurawicz - 167-174 New strawberry genotypes tested for organic production on a Verticillium-infested site
by H. Weissinger & H. Flachowsky & A. Spornberger - 175-184 Fingerprinting of Vaccinium corymbosum cultivars using DNA of fruits
by M. Carvalho & M. Matos & V. Carnide - 185-191 Alternate partial root-zone drying irrigation improves fruit quality in tomatoes
by Y. Sun & P.E. Holm & F. Liu - 192-200 Evaluation of some pepper genotypes as rootstocks in water stress conditions
by C. Penella & S.G. Nebauer & S. López-Galarza & A. San Bautista & A. Rodríguez-Burruezo & A. Calatayud - v:41:y:2014:i:4:id:7741-hortsci Index Of Volume 41
by Science Horticultural
2014, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 101-106 Growth, phenology and fruit set of Prunus armeniaca L. (cv. Ninfa) grafted on two rootstocks in organic and conventional management
by L.F. Pérez-Romero & F.T. Arroyo & C. Santamaría & J.F. Herencia & A. Daza - 107-113 Occurrence of potential vectors of phytoplasma in pear orchards with different plantation management
by E. Chroboková & J. Suchá & H. Ludvíková & P. Lauterer - 114-121 Ascorbate metabolism in vegetative and reproductive organs of "cherry" tomato
by G. Tsaniklidis & N. Nikoloudakis & C. Delis & G. Aivalakis - 122-130 Evaluation of caraway essential oil from different production areas of Serbia
by M.G. Aćimović & S.I. Oljača & V.V. Tešević & M.M. Todosijević & J.N. Djisalov - 131-137 Productivity and nutritional value of dill and parsley
by R. Karkleliené & E. Dambrauskiené & D. Juškevičiené & A. Radzevičius & M. Rubinskiené & P. Viškelis - 138-146 Growth, physiology and yield responses of cabbage to deficit irrigation
by C. Xu & D.I. Leskovar - 147-151 Vitis cv. Zilga is a vine for the northern temperate climate - Short communication
by J. Karvonen
2014, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 49-54 Tergitol as a possible thinning agent for peach cv. Redhaven
by B. Ambrožič Turk & N. Fajt & M. Stopar - 55-63 Cryopreservation of cherry rootstock Gisela 5 using vitrification procedure
by Dj. Ružić & T. Vujović & R. Cerović - 64-70 Nutritional and sensory value of conventionally vs organically grown Chinese radish (Raphanus sativus L. var. longipinnatus)
by M. Jurica & K. Petříková - 71-79 Chilling stress applied to broccoli transplants of different age affects yield of the plants cultivated in summer
by A. Grabowska & E. Kunicki & A. Kalisz & R. Wojciechowska & M. Leja & A. Sękara - 80-88 Seasonal dynamics of the cabbage armyworm (Mamestra brassicae [L.]) and the bright-line brown-eyes moth (Mamestra oleracea [L.]) in Slovenia
by M. Devetak & T. Bohinc & M. Kač & S. Trdan - 89-94 Effect of bulb size on growth, flowering and bulb formation in lachenalia cultivars
by A. Kapczyńska - 95-99 In vitro elimination of Black raspberry necrosis virus from black raspberry (Rubus occidentalis) - Short Communication
by E.J. Cheong & A.R. Jeon & J.W. Kang & R. Mock & G. Kinard & R. Li
2014, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-9 Relationship between tree nutritional status and apple quality
by C. Jivan & F. Sala - 10-18 Development of fruit quality within top apple cultivars based on the consumer preference testing in last 34 years
by J. Blažek & F. Paprštein - 19-26 Effects of pre- and postharvest factors on browning in Braeburn
by D. Hatoum & K. Buts & M.L.A.T.M. Hertog & A.H. Geeraerd & A. Schenk & J. Vercammen & B.M. Nicolai - 27-33 Detection and molecular characterization of phytoplasmas infecting apple trees in Poland
by M. Cieślińska & D.E. Kruczyńska - 34-43 Effect of root pruning and irrigation regimes on pear tree: growth, yield and yield components
by Y. Wang & S. Travers & M.G. Bertelsen & K. Thorup-Kristensen & K.K. Petersen & F. Liu - 44-47 Mouldy, musty earthy off-odour of apple fruits - Short communication
by K. Kaack - v:41:y:2014:i:1:id:7288-hortsci List of Reviewers 2013
by editors
2013, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 1-1 Index of Volume 40
by editors - 145-148 Evaluation of time demands of pruning selected apricot varieties and rootstocks
by I Ondrášek & L Dokoupil & B Krška - 149-153 Main characteristics of new plum cultivars bred at Holovousy
by J. Blažek & M. Šecová - 154-161 Fruit quality of red raspberry cultivars and selections grown in Western Serbia
by A. Leposavić & M. Janković & D. Đurović & B. Veljković & Z. Keserović & B. Popović & O. Mitrović - 162-171 Behaviour of consumers of conventional and organic flowers and ornamental plants in Italy
by E. Schimmenti & A. Galati & V. Borsellino & C. Ievoli & C. Lupi & S. Tinervia - 172-176 Post-harvest longevity of leaves of the sea lavender (Limonium latifolium (Sm.) Kuntze) after application of growth regulators
by B. Janowska & R. Grabowska & E. Ratajczak - 177-185 Effect of short-term exposure to red and blue light on dill plants growth
by B. Frąszczak - 186-190 Results of in vitro chemotherapy of apple cv. Fragrance - Short communication
by F. Paprštein & J. Sedlák & L. Svobodová & J. Polák & S. Gadiou
2013, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 93-101 Grouping of 24 apple cultivars on the basis of starch degradation rate and their fruit pattern
by L. Szalay & M. Ordidge & G. Ficzek & P. Hadley & M. Tóth & N.H. Battey - 102-110 Physico-chemical changes and volatile constituents observed in 10 apricot cultivars during post-harvest ripening
by J. Goliáš & J. Létal & L. Dokoupil & B. Krška - 111-118 Effect of Humisol on survival and growth of nursery grafted walnut (Juglans regia L.) plants
by S.M. Paunović & R. Miletić & D. Janković & S. Janković & M. Mitrović - 119-125 Interaction of soil moisture and excess of boron and nitrogen on lettuce growth and quality
by G. Ouzounidou & C. Paschalidis & D. Petropoulos & A. Koriki & P. Zamanidis & A. Petridis - 126-130 Effect of mycorrhization on the flowering of the Zantedeschia albomaculata /Hook./ Baill. cv. Albomaculata
by B. Janowska & R. Andrzejak & T. Kosiada & T. Trelka & B. Frąszczak - 131-137 Importance of population size for offspring fitness at conservation of the gene pool of cultivars
by H. Urbánek & V. Benetka - 138-144 Fungi associated to grapevine trunk diseases in young plants in Asturias (Northern Spain)
by P. Moreno-Sanz & G. Lucchetta & A. Zanzotto & M.D. Loureiro & B. Suarez & E. Angelini
2013, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 45-51 Efficacy loss of strobilurins used in protection against apple scab in Czech orchards
by P. Sedlák & R. Vávra & P. Vejl & S. Boček & J. Kloutvorová - 52-57 Apple cultivars bred in Holovousy. Part 2 - Fruit characteristics and their storage potential
by J. Blažek & J. Křelinová & M. Šecová - 58-64 Evaluation of susceptibility level of pear cultivars to fire blight (Erwinia amylovora) in the Czech Republic
by J. Korba & J. Šillerová & F. Paprštein & J. Sedlák & E. Prokinová & P. Hošková - 65-71 Testing of self-(in)compatibility in apricot cultivars from European breeding programmes
by D. Milatović & D. Nikolić & B. Krška - 72-77 Tree and orchard variability of Silver King nectarine (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) fruit quality components
by G. Liguori & V. Farina & G. Gullo & P. Inglese - 78-82 Effect of growth regulators on flower and leaf yield of the calla lily (Zantedeschia Spreng.)
by B. Janowska - 83-87 Survey and molecular detection of Bois noir in vineyards of the Czech Republic- Short communication
by M. Starý & P. Válová & D. Šafářová & P. Lauterer & P. Ackermann & M. Navrátil - 88-91 Evaluation of blackberry and hybrid berry cultivars new to Polish climate - Short communication
by J. Wójcik-Seliga & E. Wójcik-Gront
2013, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 1-7 Evaluation of raspberry cultivars grown in the western Serbia region
by A. Leposavić & D. Đurović & Z. Keserović & B. Popović & O. Mitrović & N. Miletić & N. Magazin - 8-15 Apple cultivars bred in Holovousy. Part 1 - Characteristics of the orchard
by J. Blažek & J. Křelinová - 16-21 Yields, quality and nutritional parameters of radish (Raphanus sativus) cultivars when grown organically in the Czech Republic
by T. Kopta & R. Pokluda - 22-30 Effect of polyploidy and pollination methods on capsule and seed set of pansies (Viola × wittrockiana Gams)
by A.L. Dalbato & F. Kobza & L.M. Karlsson - 31-36 Results of ten-year rootstock testing with apple cultivar Rubin on fertile soil
by C. Piestrzeniewicz & A. Sadowski & R. Dziuban & S. Odziemkowski & D. Wrona - 37-39 Cherry virus A infecting cherries and plums in the Czech Republic - Short communication
by D. Šafářová & M. Navrátil & F. Paprštein & T. Candresse & A. Marais - 40-43 Effects of the red:far-red light ratio on photosynthetic characteristics of greenhouse cut Chrysanthemum - Short communication
by Z.Q. Yang & Y.X. Li & J.B. Zhang & J. Zhang & J. Zhu & L.L. Gu & B. Zhang - v:40:y:2013:i:1:id:6665-hortsci List of Reviewers - 2012
by editors
2012, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 149-157 Genetic diversity of Czech apple cultivars inferred from microsatellite markers analysis
by J. Patzak & F. Paprštein & A. Henychová & J. Sedlák - 158-163 Early performance of cv. Jonagold apple on M.9 in five tree training systems
by Y. Ozkan & K. Yildiz & E. Küçüker & Ç. Çekiç & M. Özgen & Y. Akça - 164-171 Coloration, anthocyanin profile and metal element content of Yunnan Red Pear (Pyrus pyrifolia)
by X.D. Zhang & A.C. Allan & X.Q. Chen & L. Fan & L.M. Chen & Q. Shu & J. Su & K.Z. Li - 172-180 Effect of low oxygen and high carbon dioxide atmospheres on the formation of volatiles during storage of two sweet cherry cultivars
by J. Goliáš & J. Létal & O. Veselý - 181-187 Impact of pruning time on tree vigour and productivity of three sweet cherry cultivars grown on two semi-dwarf rootstocks
by J. Blažková & I. Drahošová - 188-194 The effect of salinity and high boron on growth, photosynthetic activity and mineral contents of two ornamental shrubs
by S. Bañón & J. Miralles & J. Ochoa & M.J. Sánchez-Blanco - 195-198 Aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) affects cv. Royal Gala apple fruit quality at harvest and after storage - Short communication
by N. Magazin & Z. Keserović & B. Milić & M. Dorić - v:39:y:2012:i:4:id:6429-hortsci Index of Volume 39
by editors
2012, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 101-107 In vitro shoot multiplication as influenced by repeated subculturing of shoots of contemporary fruit rootstocks
by T. Vujović & Dj. Ružić & R. Cerović - 108-115 Final evaluation of nine plum cultivars grafted onto two rootstocks in a trial established in 1998 at Holovousy
by J. Blažek & I. Pištěková - 116-122 Characterization of M. laxa and M. fructigena isolates from Hungary with MP-PCR
by Sz. Sződi & H. Komjáti & Gy. Turóczi - 123-128 Nutritional values of new Czech cultivars of Saskatoon berries (Amelanchier alnifolia Nutt.)
by O. Rop & V. Řezníček & J. Mlček & T. Juríková & J. Sochor & R. Kizek & P. Humpolíček & J. Balík - 129-134 Effects of different light intensities on anti-oxidative enzyme activity, quality and biomass in lettuce
by Weiguo Fu & Pingping Li & Yanyou Wu & Juanjuan Tang - 135-138 Effects of field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis L.) and powdery mildew [Leveillula taurica (Lev.) Arn.] on pepper growth and yield - Short communication
by A. Karkanis & D. Bilalis & A. Efthimiadou & N. Katsenios - 139-143 Occurrence of viruses on pepper plantations in the Czech Republic - Short communication
by J. Svoboda & L. Svobodová-Leišová - 144-148 Apricot latent virus - Review
by L. Grimová & P. Ryšánek
2012, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 55-60 Rootstock effect on the performance of sweet cherry cv. Lapins
by J. Lanauskas & N. Uselis & D. Kviklys & N. Kvikliené & L. Buskiené - 61-66 Changes in chemical properties of soil and sour cherry as a result of sewage sludge application
by I. Angin & R. Aslantas & M. Kose & H. Karakurt & G. Ozkan - 67-73 Microelements content in leaves of raspberry cv. Willamette as affected by foliar nutrition and substrates
by Ž. Karaklajić-Stajić & I.S. Glišić & Dj. Ružić & T. Vujović & M. Pešaković - 74-80 Diminished UV radiation reduces the spread and population density of Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) [Hemiptera: Aphididae] in lettuce crops
by S. Legarrea & B.M. Diaz & M. Plaza & L. Barrios & I. Morales & E. Viñuela & A. Fereres - 81-88 Comparison between conventional and organic weed management: growth and yield of leek (Allium porrum L.)
by A. Karkanis & D. Bilalis & A. Efthimiadou & N. Katsenios - 89-96 Attractiveness of flowering plants for natural enemies
by T. Kopta & R. Pokluda & V. Psota - 97-99 Promotive effects of 5-aminolevulinic acid on photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence of tomato seedlings under suboptimal low temperature and suboptimal photon flux density stress - Short communication
by Xiaoqing Guo & Yansu Li & Xianchang Yu - 100-100 An Obituary Notice
by M. Valšíková
2012, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 1-7 Baltic fruit rootstock studies: evaluation of 12 apple rootstocks in North-East Europe
by D. Kviklys & N. Kvikliené & A. Bite & J. Lepsis & T. Univer & N. Univer & N. Uselis & J. Lanauskas & L. Buskiené - 1-53 An Obituary Notice
by E. Pekárková & J. Blažek - 8-20 Phenotypic diversity of autochthonous European (Prunus domestica L.) and Damson (Prunus insititia L.) plum accessions based on multivariate analysis
by T. Milošević & N. Milošević - 21-25 In vitro establishment and proliferation of red currant cultivars
by J. Sedlák & F. Paprštein - 26-32 Effect of salt stress on physiological response of tomato fruit grown in hydroponic culture system
by M.M. Hossain & H. Nonami - 33-37 RAPD-based analysis of differences between male and female genotypes of Asparagus officinalis
by Y. Ii & A. Uragami & Y. Uno & M. Kanechi & N. Inagaki - 38-46 Influence of terroir on the concentration of selected stilbenes in wines of the cv. Riesling in the Czech Republic
by M. Kumšta & P. Pavloušek & J. Kupsa - 47-52 Organic growth supplement stimulants for in vitro multiplication of Cymbidium pendulum (Roxb.) Sw
by Saranjeet Kaur & K.K. Bhutani - v:39:y:2012:i:1:id:4989-hortsci List of Reviewers 2011
by editors
2011, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 1-1 Index Of Volume 38
by editors - 125-133 An analysis of apricot cultivars by random amplified polymorphic DNA and microsatellite primers
by E. Chroboková & J. Raddová & M. Vachůn & B. Krška & M. Pidra - 134-141 RAPD analysis of genetic relatedness among selected quince (Cydonia oblonga Mill.) accessions from different parts of Turkey
by S. Bayazit & B. Imrak & A. Küden & M. Kemal Güngör - 142-149 Effects of grafting on different rootstocks on tomato fruit yield and quality
by A. Turhan & N. Ozmen & M.S. Serbeci & V. Seniz - 150-158 Biotechnological methods utilized in Cucumis research - A review
by B. Navrátilová & D. Skálová & V. Ondřej & M. Kitner & A. Lebeda - 159-162 Micropropagation of cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) through shoot tip cultures: Short communication
by J. Sedlák & F. Paprštein
2011, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 87-95 Defensive reactions of apple cultivars Angold and HL 1834 after fungal infection
by J. Schovánková & H. Opatová - 96-103 Introgression of yellow flower colour in Buddleja davidii by means of polyploidisation and interspecific hybridisation
by K. Van Laere & J. Van Huylenbroeck & E. Van Bockstaele - 104-112 Chronological changes in plant hormone and sugar contents in cv. Ao-Shuang autumn flowering tree peony
by P.M.P. Mornya & F.Y. Cheng & H.Y. Li - 113-119 A preliminary proposal for an original classification of garden plants based on the study of their phenological periodicity and their side-runs
by P. Bulíř - 120-124 Flower thinning of apple cultivar Braeburn using ammonium and potassium thiosulfate: Short communication
by B. Milić & N. Magazin & Z. Keserović & M. Dorić
2011, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 49-53 The elimination of Plum pox virus in plum cv. Bluefree and apricot cv. Hanita by chemotherapy of in vitro cultures
by A. Hauptmanová & J. Polák - 54-62 Effect of gamma radiation on the male sterility and other quality parameters of peach fruit fly, Bactrocera zonata (Saunders) (Diptera: Tephritidae)
by M.F. Mahmoud & M. Barta - 63-70 Antioxidant and radical oxygen species scavenging activities of 12 cultivars of blue honeysuckle fruit
by O. Rop & V. Řezníček & J. Mlček & T. Juríková & J. Balík & J. Sochor & D. Kramářová - 71-80 Clonal preselection of grapevine cultivars of the appellation "Cangas Quality Wine" (Asturias, Spain)
by M.D. Loureiro & P. Moreno-Sanz & B. Suárez - 81-85 Cauliflower qualities in two irrigation levels with the using of hydrophilic agent
by M. Koudela & F. Hnilička & L. Svozilová & J. Martinková
2011, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1-10 Changes in phenols composition and activity of phenylalanine-ammonia lyase in apples after fungal infections
by J. Schovánková & H. Opatová - 11-20 Tree growth and some other characteristics of new columnar apple cultivars bred in Holovousy, Czech Republic
by J. Blažek & J. Křelinová - 21-26 Differences in the susceptibility of codling moth populations to Cydia pomonella granulovirus in the Czech Republic
by T. Zichová & V. Falta & F. Kocourek & J. Stará - 27-34 Efficiency of SSR markers for determining the origin of melon plantlets derived through unfertilized ovary culture
by A.A. Malik & Li Cui & Shuxia Zhang & Jin-Feng Chen - 35-42 Reducing peat and growth regulator input in camellia pot cultivation
by F. Larcher & A. Berruti & P. Gullino & V. Scariot - 43-47 Non-linear mixed-effects modeling for photosynthetic response of Rosa hybrida L. under elevated CO2 in greenhouses - Short communication
by I. Ozturk & C.O. Ottosen & C. Ritz & J.C. Streibig - v:38:y:2011:i:1:id:2462-hortsci List Of Reviewers 2010
by editors
2010, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 1-1 Index of Volume 37
by editors - 121-126 Effect of dwarfing and semi dwarfing apple rootstocks on growth and productivity of selected apple cultivars
by J. Kosina