2002, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 99-104 Effect of infection by viruses on vegetative and reproductive growth of sweet cherry on Damil and Inmil rootstocks
by D. Andersone & H. Wustenberghs & N.C. Cook & J. Keulemans - 105-113 Production weight and its variability in 24 apricot genotypes over six years
by Z. Vachůn - 114-118 Comparison of selected Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris ssp. cicla L.) varieties
by R. Pokluda & J. Kuben - 119-123 Genus Hyssopus L. - recent knowledge: A review
by M. Jankovský & T. Landa
2002, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 41-50 Synergistic effect of benzolinone with IBA and fungicides on the vegetative propagation of ornamental plants, park, and fruit woody species
by M. Henselová - 51-55 Nutrient element variability of peach trees and tree mortality in relation to cultivars and rootstocks
by C.G. Tsipouridis & A.D. Simonis & S. Bladenopoulos & A.M. Issakidis & D.C. Stylianidis - 56-83 Description of morphological characters of wild Lactuca L. spp. genetic resources (English-Czech version)
by I. Doležalová & E. Křístková & A. Lebeda & V. Vinter
2002, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-3 Influence of infection of a tree by Plum pox virus on further spread of the disease within a plum orchard
by J. Blažek & R. Karešová - 4-11 Wine volatiles composition in the sensory evaluation of bouquet and flavour of two vine cultivars
by J. Balík & J. Goliáš & J. Veverka & M. Kyseláková & A. Němcová & L. Šuderlová & J. Vejrosta - 12-16 Effect of hydration treatments on seed parameters of different lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) seed lots
by J. Pazdera & V. Hosnedl - 17-22 Sucrase in immobilized cells of Cucumis sativus L
by S.I. Ignatova & L.M. Kušč & L. Bilisics & L. Trinh & N.N. Tiuliaeva & M.G. Sedova - 23-25 Evaluation of some dwarf apple rootstocks
by J. Kosina - 26-34 Adaptation of peach-nectarine varieties to different soil and climatic conditions of Greece
by C.G. Tsipouridis & X. Papanikolaou & D.C. Stylianidis - 35-40 Ploidy identification of doubled chromosome number plants in Viola × wittrockiana Gams. M 1-generation
by I. Ajalin & F. Kobza & J. Doležel
0000, Volume preprint
- 32953 Determination of the variation in volatile components during the ripening of Sorbus domestica L. fruit
by Engin Gür & Mehmet Ali Gündoğdu & Tuba Başaran - 41186 Selection of high-quality tree peony varieties suitable for the south Yangtze River area
by Zijian Li & Yuxuan Zhu & Xinai Yang & Yajun Xiang & Ying Zhang & Hongbing Wang & Zheng Wang & Shuiyan Yu & Yonghong Hu - 41285 Harnessing CRISPR/Cas9 system to engineer disease resistance in solanaceous crops: Current progress and future prospects
by Shiuli Ahmed & Wan Aina Sakeenah Wan Azizan & Farahziatul Roshidah Nazri & Muhammad Asyraf Md Hatta