March 2025, Volume 48, Issue 1
- 5-39 Democracy and stock market returns
by Xun Lei & Tomasz Piotr Wisniewski - 41-72 Debt dispersion and corporate liquidity
by Goutham Abotula & Douglas (DJ) Fairhurst - 73-102 VC ownership post‐IPO: When, why, and how do VCs exit?
by Anup Basnet & Kuntara Pukthuanthong & Harry Turtle & Thomas Walker - 103-131 Social media and cost of debt financing: Evidence from stock forum text analysis
by Qingxi Meng & Shenwei Mo & Xiaofeng Quan & Joseph H. Zhang - 133-148 The asset growth return premium and anchoring on the 52‐week high
by Benjamin M. Blau & Brad Cannon - 149-166 Project risk and the bank monitored credit line
by Eric Van Tassel - 167-194 Predictable time‐series biases in analyst target prices and stock returns
by Ahmadreza Vafaeimehr - 195-226 Import competition, credit reallocation, and small business lending
by Saiying Deng & Xiaoling Pu - 227-265 Who can see the iceberg's peak? How icebergs are used by information and liquidity traders
by Paul Lajbcygier & Van Hoang Vu - 267-293 Income and balance sheet diversification effects on banks' cost and profit efficiency: Evidence from the United States
by Faisal Abbas & Ghulame Rubbaniy & Shoaib Ali & Walayet A. Khan - 295-319 MIDAS and dividend growth predictability: Revisiting the excess volatility puzzle
by Enoch Quaye & Radu Tunaru & Nikolaos Voukelatos - 321-350 Synthetic long stock and option trading: Evidence from stock splits
by Yifan Liu & Louis R. Piccotti - 351-385 The role of existing shareholders in private equity placements in China
by Yini Liu & Di Lu & Suhua Tian - 387-423 Asset versus equity acquisitions by financial institutions
by Jennifer Brodmann & Charles Armah Danso & Surendranath Rakesh Jory & Thanh Ngo
December 2024, Volume 47, Issue 4
- 947-980 Climate risk and credit ratings
by Nhu Tran & Cihan Uzmanoglu - 981-1020 CEO extraversion and the cost of equity capital
by Biljana Adebambo & Robert M. Bowen & Shavin Malhotra & Pengcheng Zhu - 1021-1054 Bond pairs and the term structure
by Antonio Diaz & Miles Livingston - 1055-1082 Sink or swim? Managerial ability and trade credit
by Md Mahmudul Hasan & Sayan Sarkar & Andrew C. Spieler - 1083-1117 Impacts of firm life cycle on bond ratings and yields
by Kelly Cai & Heiwai Lee & Hui Zhu - 1119-1134 Military independent directors and merger activity
by Zhe Li & Megan Ramsey - 1135-1163 Social connections and innovation in diversified conglomerates
by Tomas Jandik & Tatiana Salikhova - 1165-1206 Threats to human capital: The effect of health risk on corporate financial policy
by Özde Öztekin - 1207-1227 Tax‐loss selling and the January effect revisited: Evidence from municipal bond closed‐end funds and exchange‐traded funds
by Allen Carrion & Jiang Zhang - 1229-1244 Toeholds and information quality in common‐value takeover auctions
by Anna Dodonova - 1245-1276 How does the JOBS act affect the rule 144A market?
by Kelly Cai & Hui Zhu - 1277-1292 Intraday variation in trading costs: Evidence from the TSPP
by Justin Cox & Bonnie Van Ness & Robert Van Ness
June 2024, Volume 47, Issue 2
- 249-274 Institutional investors and mispricing of unionized firms
by Viktoriya Lantushenko & Dalia Marciukaityte & Samuel H. Szewczyk - 275-315 Lending and risk controls for BHCs after the Dodd–Frank act
by Marta Degl'Innocenti & Si Zhou & Yue Zhou - 317-365 CEO–board connections and the cost of equity capital: International evidence
by Md Nazmul Hasan Bhuyan & David Javakhadze - 367-399 Active mutual funds and their passive ETF investments
by Hsiu‐Lang Chen - 401-433 Excess cash and equity option liquidity
by Min Deng & Minh Nguyen - 435-470 Corporate cash holdings and industry risk
by Jinsook Lee - 471-495 The role of the dual holder in mitigating underinvestment
by Roman Bohdan & Tarun Mukherjee - 497-533 Predicting corporate restructuring and financial distress in banks: The case of the Swiss banking industry
by Daniel Boos & Nikolaos Karampatsas & Wolfgang Garn & Lampros K. Stergioulas
March 2024, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 5-25 Cultural, trust, and transparency effects on the use of anchoring in mergers and acquisitions
by Stephen P. Ferris & Narayanan Jayaraman & Min‐Yu (Stella) Liao - 27-60 The impact of labor on the performance of founder‐family firms
by Murali Jagannathan & Brett W. Myers & Xu Niu - 61-88 Are stress‐tested banks in the United States becoming similar? Evidence from convergence tests
by Destan Kirimhan & Saban Nazlioglu & James E. Payne - 89-121 Interstate migration networks and stock return comovement
by Suin Lee & Christos Pantzalis & Jung Chul Park - 123-146 The causal effect of corporate governance on employee satisfaction
by Marco Menner & Frederic Menninger - 147-177 Executive compensation, internal control quality, and corporate social responsibility in China
by Junnan Hu & Xuan Lin & Feixue Xie - 179-209 Managing other people's money: An agency theory in financial management industry
by Dimitris Papadimitriou & Konstantinos Tokis & Georgios Vichos & Panos Mourdoukoutas - 211-242 Capital gain overhang and risk–return trade‐off: An international study
by Dazhi Zheng & Huimin Li & Fengyun Li
December 2023, Volume 46, Issue S1
- 5-6 A European perspective on climate change and political tensions and conflicts
by William B. Elliott - 7-27 Board structure and market performance: Does one solution fit all?
by Milena Petrova - 29-58 Market impacts of the 2020 short selling bans
by Alessandro Spolaore & Caroline Le Moign - 59-106 Climate transition risk and bank lending
by Brunella Bruno & Sara Lombini - 107-131 Does environmental investment pay off?—portfolio analyses of the E in ESG during political conflicts and public health crises
by Jiancheng Shen & Chen Chen & Zheng Liu - 133-162 New ESG rating drivers in the cross‐section of European stock returns
by Ian Berk & Massimo Guidolin & Monia Magnani - 163-182 Firm reaction to geopolitical crises: Evidence from the Russia‐Ukraine conflict
by MD ASIF UL ALAM & Erik Devos & Zifeng Feng - 183-203 Can central banks be heard over the sound of gunfire?
by Ge Gao & Alex Nikolsko‐Rzhevskyy & Oleksandr Talavera - 205-271 European equity markets volatility spillover: Destabilizing energy risk is the new normal
by Zsuzsa R. Huszár & Balázs B. Kotró & Ruth S. K. Tan
December 2023, Volume 46, Issue 4
- 905-924 Treasury return predictability and investor sentiment
by Chen Gu & Xu Guo & Ruwan Adikaram & Kam C. Chan & Jing Lu - 925-947 Managerial characteristics and performance of eurozone mutual funds
by Konstantinos Tolikas & Marc Callonnec - 949-991 Board gender diversity and acquisition choices
by Abeyratna Gunasekarage & Mehdi Khedmati & Kristina Minnick & Syed Shams - 993-1019 Ambiguity and risk factors in bank stocks
by Luis García‐Feijóo & Ariel M. Viale - 1021-1045 CEO prior uncertainty and pay–performance sensitivity
by Jiyoon Lee - 1047-1102 Financial analysts' bundling across firms: Target prices and stock recommendations
by Yu‐An Chen & Dan Palmon - 1103-1140 The effect of liquidity and arbitrage on the price efficiency of Chinese ETFs
by Yuan Fu & Christine Jiang - 1141-1163 Different momentum effects across countries: An explanation based on investors' behavior
by Guoxiao Xia & Changsheng Hu & Huosong Xia & Yangchun Chi - 1165-1185 Cyclicality of liquidity creation: Nonlinear evidence from US bank holding companies
by Ghulame Rubbaniy & Ali Awais Khalid & Shoaib Ali & Efstathios Polyzos
February 2023, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 7-30 Bailouts and the modeling of bank distress
by Koresh Galil & Margalit Samuel & Offer Moshe Shapir & Wolf Wagner - 31-62 Homemade international diversification under economic policy uncertainty
by Jing Chen & Junxiong Fang & Chunqiu Zhang & Yi Zhou - 63-97 The role of bank lenders in firm leverage adjustments
by Wenlian Gao & Feifei Zhu & Kai Chen - 99-130 Signaling effects of recurrent list‐price reductions on the likelihood of house sales
by Lawrence Kryzanowski & Yanting Wu - 131-149 Balancing liquidity and returns through interbank markets: Endogenous interest rates and network structures
by Di Xiao & Andreas Krause - 151-167 Social media and price discovery: The case of cross‐listed firms
by Rui Fan & Oleksandr Talavera & Vu Tran - 169-202 Dual‐class share structure and innovation
by Lindsay Baran & Arno Forst & M. Tony Via - 203-215 Sentiment or habits: Why not both?
by Eric Tham - 217-246 CDS contract initiations: REIT board monitoring and corporate decision outcomes
by Vishaal Baulkaran & Pawan Jain
December 2022, Volume 45, Issue 4
- 759-795 Director reputational penalties when shareholders disapprove of executive compensation
by Mary Elizabeth Badgett & Kelly R. Brunarski & T. Colin Campbell & Yvette S. Harman - 797-816 Boundary of the firm with endogenous firm structure
by Qing Ma & Susheng Wang - 817-854 Economic policy uncertainty and insider trading
by Sadok El Ghoul & Omrane Guedhami & Robert Nash & He (Helen) Wang - 855-879 Valuing the speed of adjustment of capital structure
by Brian Clark - 881-909 The cost of rate caps: Evidence from Arkansas
by Onyumbe Enumbe Ben Lukongo & Thomas W. Miller - 911-939 Executive networks and global stock liquidity
by Jared F. Egginton & Garrett A. McBrayer & William R. McCumber - 941-959 Improving portfolio investment performance with distance‐based portfolio‐combining algorithms
by Hongseon Kim & Soonbong Lee & Seung Bum Soh & Seongmoon Kim - 961-985 Should lenders also advise? Evidence from project loans
by Gabriel J. Power & Djerry C. Mbianda Tandja - 987-1016 How does air pollution affect corporate information environment?
by He Xiao
September 2022, Volume 45, Issue 3
- 471-512 Comoment risk in corporate bond yields and returns
by Pascal François & Stephanie Heck & Georges Hübner & Thomas Lejeune - 513-549 Portfolio returns and consumption growth covariation in the frequency domain, real economic activity, and expected returns
by Louis R. Piccotti - 551-578 Bond covenants and investment policy
by Sandrine Docgne - 579-605 Social capital and managerial opportunism: Evidence from option backdating
by Atul Gupta & Kristina Minnick - 607-631 Passive insider trading before pension freezes
by Wei Huang & Bin Qiu - 633-693 The credit channel of monetary policy before and after the zero lower bound: Evidence from the US equity market
by Mira Farka - 695-718 Seasoned equity offerings and payout policy
by Mark D. Walker & Keven Yost - 719-754 Do credit market accessibility and legal protection shape corporate innovation?
by Danlin Shen & Carl R. Chen & Xinyan Yan & Zhihong Yi
June 2022, Volume 45, Issue 2
- 205-228 Preopening price indications and market quality: Evidence from NYSE Rule 48
by Kee H. Chung & Chairat Chuwonganant & Youngsoo Kim - 229-246 Investment horizon for private‐value assets: Evidence from the art market
by Milad Nozari - 247-279 Informed trading of out‐of‐the‐money options and market efficiency
by Chang‐Mo Kang & Donghyun Kim & Junyong Kim & Geul Lee - 280-312 Bank–client cross‐ownership of bank stocks: A network analysis
by James R. Barth & Sunghoon Joo & Kang‐Bok Lee - 313-338 Short selling and options trading: A tale of two markets
by George D. Cashman & David M. Harrison & Hainan Sheng - 339-383 Permanent private equity: Market performance and transactions
by Maurice McCourt - 384-421 Reference point formation: Does the market whisper in the background?
by Tianyang Wang & Robert G. Schwebach & Sriram V. Villupuram - 422-444 Policy uncertainty and cash dynamics
by Daniel Tut - 445-465 Periodicity of trading activity in foreign exchange markets
by Tao Chen & Kam C. Chan & Haodong Chang
March 2022, Volume 45, Issue 1
- 5-16 Negative bubbles and the market for “dreams”: “Lemons” in the looking glass
by Douglas R. Emery - 17-52 Mutual fund performance and changes in factor exposure
by Wolfgang Bessler & Thomas Conlon & Diego Víctor de Mingo‐López & Juan Carlos Matallín‐Sáez - 53-91 Interbank borrowing and bank liquidity risk
by Zongyuan Li & Rose Neng Lai - 92-123 Does amortization matter? Evidence from the syndicated loan market
by Ca Nguyen - 124-161 Industry tournament incentives and corporate innovation strategies
by Lingfei Kong & Gunratan Lonare & Ahmet Nart - 162-199 CEO overconfidence and debt covenant violations
by Theophilus Lartey & Albert Danso
December 2021, Volume 44, Issue 4
- 695-723 The U.S. syndicated loan market: Matching data
by Gregory J. Cohen & Jacob Dice & Melanie Friedrichs & Kamran Gupta & William Hayes & Isabel Kitschelt & Seung Jung Lee & W. Blake Marsh & Nathan Mislang & Maya Shaton & Martin Sicilian & Chris Webster - 725-752 Do more active funds still earn higher performance? Evidence from Active Share over time
by Viktoriya Lantushenko & Edward Nelling - 753-788 Religious differences and households' investment decisions
by Hohyun Kim & Kyoung T. Kim & Seung H. Han - 789-814 Liquidity risk and the beta premium
by Cynthia M. Gong & Di Luo & Huainan Zhao - 815-837 Hedging uncertainty with cryptocurrencies: Is bitcoin your best bet?
by Dimitrios Koutmos & Timothy King & Constantin Zopounidis - 839-874 The benefit of being public: Evidence from survival analysis of corporate financing
by Takashi Yoshida
September 2021, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 469-495 Round‐number biases on trading time: Evidence from international markets
by Tao Chen - 497-512 Trump's tweets: Sentiment, stock market volatility, and jumps
by Yusaku Nishimura & Xuyi Dong & Bianxia Sun - 513-552 The effect of investor attention on fraud discovery and value loss in securities class action litigation
by Anna Abdulmanova & Stephen P. Ferris & Narayanan Jayaraman & Pratik Kothari - 553-585 It's the tone, stupid! Soft information in credit rating reports and financial markets
by Florian Kiesel - 587-606 Bank size and performance: An analysis of the industry in the United States in the post‐financial‐crisis era
by Srinivas Nippani & Ran Ling - 607-639 The real effects of earnout contracts in M&As
by Leonidas G. Barbopoulos & Jo Danbolt - 641-669 When it rains, it pours: Multifactor asset management in good and bad times
by Marie Brière & Ariane Szafarz - 671-689 The factor market spillover effects of shareholder activism
by Zhan Li
June 2021, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 215-247 On regulation and excess reserves: The case of Basel III
by Stephen Matteo Miller & Blake Hoarty - 249-278 Inequality, autocracy, and sovereign funds as determinants of foreign portfolio equity flows
by David M. Kemme & Bhavik Parikh & Tanja Steigner - 279-298 The relative number of anti‐takeover provisions and the market for corporate control
by Ivan Obaydin & Ralf Zurbruegg & Paul Brockman & Grant Richardson - 299-341 New institutional investors in the IPO secondary market: Sentiment or fundamentals?
by Xudong Fu & Janet Hamilton & Qin Lian & Tian Tang & Qiming Wang - 343-369 Which economic uncertainty measure matters for households' portfolio decision?
by Kiryoung Lee & Yoontae Jeon & Insik Kim - 371-402 Cash flow growth and stock returns
by Benjamin A. Jansen - 403-429 Information‐driven stock price comovement
by Travis Box & Danjue Shang - 431-463 Active share: A blessing and a curse
by Brandon N. Cline & Collin Gilstrap
April 2021, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 5-23 ISO order imbalances and individual stock returns
by Justin Cox - 25-52 Is social capital a determinant of board gender diversity?
by Renee Oyotode‐Adebile & Nacasius U. Ujah - 53-79 Leverage target and payout policy
by Sharier Azim Khan - 81-119 Institutional monitoring and litigation risk: Evidence from employee disputes
by Blake Rayfield & Omer Unsal - 121-144 Financial clusters, industry groups, and stock return correlations
by Andy Fodor & Randy D. Jorgensen & John D. Stowe - 145-177 Debt covenants and asset versus equity acquisitions
by Surendranath Rakesh Jory & Thanh Ngo & Ca Nguyen - 179-209 Corporate governance, life cycle, and payout precommitment: An emerging market study
by Thomas Flavin & Abhinav Goyal & Thomas O'Connor
December 2020, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 737-765 Do Stock Market Fluctuations Affect Suicide Rates?
by Tomasz Piotr Wisniewski & Brendan John Lambe & Keshab Shrestha - 767-820 How Did The Financial Crisis Affect Small‐Business Lending In The United States?
by Rebel A. Cole & Jason Damm - 821-845 Managing For Ratings: Real Effects Of A Corporate Ratings Criteria Change
by Emmanuel Alanis & Janet Payne & Joerg Picard - 847-893 Ceo Extraversion And Capital Structure Decisions: The Role Of Firm Dynamics, Product Market Competition, And Financial Crisis
by Theophilus Lartey & Kwabena Kesse & Albert Danso - 895-932 Do Well‐Connected Boards Invest Optimally In R&D Activities?
by Subramanian R. Iyer & Harikumar Sankaran & Yan Zhang - 933-964 Does Speed Matter? The Role Of High‐Frequency Trading For Order Book Resiliency
by Benjamin Clapham & Martin Haferkorn & Kai Zimmermann - 965-998 The Comovements Of Stock, Bond, And Cds Illiquidity Before, During, And After The Global Financial Crisis
by Xinjie Wang & Yangru Wu & Zhaodong (Ken) Zhong
August 2020, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 459-489 U.S. Political Corruption And Loan Pricing
by Ashrafee Tanvir Hossain & Lawrence Kryzanowski & Xiao Bing Ma - 491-542 Stock Market Consequences Of Political Vibrancy
by Christos Pantzalis & Jung Chul Park - 543-573 Is Diversification A Job Safety Net For Sell‐Side Analysts?
by Vadim S. Balashov & Zhanel B. DeVides - 575-613 Activity Strategies, Agency Problems, And Bank Risk
by Dung V. Tran & M. Kabir Hassan & Isabelle Girerd‐Potin & Pascal Louvet - 615-647 Corporate Bonds And Product Market Competition
by Katarzyna Platt - 649-673 Predicting Systematic Risk With Macroeconomic And Financial Variables
by Tolga Cenesizoglu & Denada Ibrushi - 675-703 Economic Policy Uncertainty And Board Monitoring: Evidence From Ceo Turnovers
by Melissa B. Frye & Duong T. Pham - 705-731 Jumps, News, And Subsequent Return Dynamics: An Intraday Study
by Yuewen Xiao & Xiangkang Yin & Jing Zhao
May 2020, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 231-262 What Happened To The Willingness Of Companies To Invest After The Financial Crisis? Evidence From Latin American Countries
by Aydin Ozkan & Roberto J. Santillán‐Salgado & Yilmaz Yildiz & María del Rocío Vega Zavala - 263-303 Islamic Banking, Costly Religiosity, And Competition
by Saad Azmat & A. S. M. Sohel Azad & M. Ishaq Bhatti & Hamza Ghaffar - 305-344 What'S In A Name? A Cautionary Tale Of Profitability Anomalies And Limits To Arbitrage
by R. Jared DeLisle & H. Zafer Yüksel & Gulnara R. Zaynutdinova - 345-372 Optimal Timing And Terms In A Vertical Merger With Two Sources Of Uncertainty
by Zhuming Chen & Sijia Zhang & Tao Lin - 373-406 Stock Market Openness And Market Quality: Evidence From The Shanghai–Hong Kong Stock Connect Program
by Ke Xu & Xinwei Zheng & Deng Pan & Li Xing & Xuekui Zhang - 407-454 POSTCRISIS M&As AND THE IMPACT OF FINANCIAL CONSTRAINTS
by Sean Cleary & Ashrafee Hossain
March 2020, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 5-36 Earnings Conference Calls And Institutional Monitoring: Evidence From Textual Analysis
by Arash Amoozegar & Dave Berger & Xueli Cao & Kuntara Pukthuanthong - 37-62 Correlated Behavior In Limit Order Cancellations, Comovement In Asset Returns, And Commonality In Liquidity
by Jared Egginton & Ethan D. Watson - 63-93 Accruals And Momentum
by Ming Gu & Yangru Wu - 95-119 On Industry Momentum Strategies
by Klaus Grobys & James Kolari - 121-151 Soft Information Production In Sme Lending
by Belinda L. Del Gaudio & Mark D. Griffiths & Gabriele Sampagnaro - 153-184 Price Pressure Of Trading And Equity Prices In Hedge Fund Activism
by Atanas Mihov - 185-225 Implications Of Unsustainable Dividends
by Oneil Harris & Thanh Ngo & Jurica Susnjara
December 2019, Volume 42, Issue 4
- 675-711 Commonality In Liquidity Of Nearby Firms
by Chengcheng Li & Xiaoqiong Wang - 713-733 Insider Demand And Industry Trends
by Collin Gilstrap & Alex Petkevich & Kainan Wang - 735-756 When Elections Fail To Resolve Uncertainty: The Case Of The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election
by Justin S. Cox & Todd G. Griffith - 757-788 The Roles Of Institutional Investors In The Failure Of Newly Public Stocks
by Hong Qian & Santhosh Ramalingegowda & Zhaodong (Ken) Zhong - 789-816 Heads I Win, Tails You Lose: Institutional Monitoring Of Executive Pay Rigidity
by Paul Moon Sub Choi & Chune Young Chung & Ji Hoon Hwang & Chang Liu - 817-865 External Governance And The Cost Of Equity Financing
by Syrine Sassi & Samir Saadi & Sabri Boubaker & Lamia Chourou
September 2019, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 449-489 Labor Market Consequences For Busy Directors: Evidence From International Mergers And Acquisitions
by Stephen P. Ferris & Narayanan Jayaraman & Min‐Yu (Stella) Liao - 491-523 Revisiting Bookbuilding Versus Auction Ipos: A Perspective Of Informationally Efficient Prices In The Aftermarket
by Hyeongsop Shim & Junyoup Lee & Ha‐Chin Yi - 525-552 Measuring Limits Of Arbitrage In Fixed‐Income Markets
by Jean‐Sébastien Fontaine & Guillaume Nolin - 553-587 Operating Leverage And Underinvestment
by Feng Jiao & Michi Nishihara & Chuanqian Zhang - 589-608 Portfolio Management: The Role Of Calibration, Sharpness, And Uncertainty
by Shui Ki Wan - 609-636 Differential Risk‐Taking Implications Of Performance Incentives From Stock And Stock Option Holdings
by Tanseli Savaşer & Elif Şişli‐Ciamarra - 637-669 Corporate Liquidity And Nber Recession Announcements
by Anna‐Leigh Stone & Benton E. Gup
July 2019, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 213-242 Do Investors Care About Presidential Company‐Specific Tweets?
by Qi Ge & Alexander Kurov & Marketa Halova Wolfe - 243-270 Financial Experts On The Board: Does It Matter For The Profitability And Risk Of The U.K. Banking Industry?
by Nicholas Apergis - 271-302 Divergence Of Opinion And Long‐Run Performance Of Private Placements: Evidence From The Auction Market
by Jianlei Han & Zheyao Pan & Guangli Zhang - 303-330 Credit Ratings And The Cost Of Issuing Seasoned Equity
by Garrett A. McBrayer - 331-360 Do Insiders Cluster Trades With Colleagues? Evidence From Daily Insider Trading
by Dallin M. Alldredge & Brian Blank - 361-381 Do Firms Seek A Target Board Structure? Evidence From The Post‐Sox Period
by Chune Young Chung & Chang Liu & Donna L. Paul - 383-411 What Drives Investment Flows Into Social Trading Portfolios?
by Florian Röder & Andreas Walter - 413-444 Labor Laws And Corporate Investment
by Dalia Marciukaityte
March 2019, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 5-39 Come On In, The Water'S Fine! An Experimental Examination Of Hybrid Ipo Auctions With A Public Pool
by Charles R. Schnitzlein & Minjie Shao & Ann E. Sherman - 41-69 Can Nonlocal Traders Capture The Local Information Advantage And Profit?
by Artem Meshcheryakov & Drew B. Winters - 71-113 The Reactive Beta Model
by Sebastien Valeyre & Sofiane Aboura & Denis Grebenkov - 115-145 Dividend Policy And Stock Acquisition Announcement Returns: A Test Of Asymmetric Information Theory
by Aymen Turki - 147-180 Factor Crowding And Liquidity Exhaustion
by Joseph M. Marks & Chenguang Shang - 181-201 The Effects Of Activist Investors On Firms’ Mergers And Acquisitions
by Steve Swidler & Tri Trinh & Keven Yost
December 2018, Volume 41, Issue 4
- 415-443 The Impact Of Fhlb Advances On Bank Holding Company Lending Over The Credit Cycle
by Elijah Brewer & William E. Jackson & Thomas S. Mondschean - 445-484 Corporate Governance And Dividend Payout Policy: Beyond Country‐Level Governance
by Bin Chang & Shantanu Dutta & Samir Saadi & PengCheng Zhu - 485-506 Bank Capital, The Announcement Of The Federal Reserve'S Term Auction Facility, And Bank Borrowing During The Financial Crisis Of 2007–2008
by Mujtaba Zia & Imre Karafiath & Niranjan Tripathy - 507-533 Managerial Learning Through Customer–Supplier Links
by Kathleen P. Fuller & Serhat Yildiz
September 2018, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 295-324 An Examination Of 13f Filings
by Anne Anderson & Paul Brockman - 325-350 Labor Unions And Corporate Cash Holdings: Evidence From International Data
by Zhenxu Tong & Hui Huang - 351-381 Price Discovery Of Internationally Cross‐Listed Stocks During The 2008 Financial Crisis
by Jimmy Lockwood & Larry Lockwood & Sie Ting Lau - 383-410 Impact Of New Debt Offerings On Existing Corporate Bondholders
by Fan Chen & Duane R. Stock
June 2018, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 181-212 Do Analysts Who Move Markets Have Better Careers?
by Vadim S. Balashov - 213-236 Informed Options Trading Before Auditor Change Announcements
by Jun Zhang - 237-251 Agency Conflicts In Residential Mortgage Securitization: What Does The Empirical Literature Tell Us?
by W. Scott Frame - 253-289 Does Managerial Opportunism Explain The Differential Pricing Of Level 3 Fair Value Estimates?
by Dahlia Robinson & Thomas Smith & Adrian Valencia
March 2018, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 5-32 Labor Laws And Firm Performance
by Dalia Marciukaityte - 33-65 Competition And Merger Activity In The U.S. Telecommunications Industry
by Kevin Okoeguale & Robert Loveland