May 2020, Volume 58, Issue 3
- 654-671 Networks as First Best? Network Entrepreneurship and Venue Shifting in the Establishment of the Network of Euro–Mediterranean Energy Regulators
by Francesca Pia Vantaggiato - 672-687 High Public Debt in the Euro Area: A Tale of Belgium and Italy
by André Sapir - 688-705 Transformation All the Way Down? European Union Integration and the Professional Socialization of Municipal Health Officials in Serbia
by Adam Fagan & Indraneel Sircar - 706-722 On the Social Status of the European Union
by Pål Røren - 723-739 EU Policies and Populist Radical Right Parties' Programmatic Claims: Foreign Policy, Anti‐discrimination and the Single Market
by Gerda Falkner & Georg Plattner - 740-756 The Effects of Crises and European Fiscal Governance Reforms on the Budgetary Processes of Member States
by Ringa Raudla & Sebastian Bur & Kati Keel - 757-775 Humanitarian Protection as a European Public Good: The Strategic Role of States and Refugees
by Philipp Lutz & David Kaufmann & Anna Stünzi - 776-777 Research Handbook on the European Union and International Organizations, edited by R. A. Wessel and J. Odermatt (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2019, ISBN 9781786438928); xii+702pp., £230.00 hb
by Aleksandra Spalińska - 777-778 The European Union's Influence in Central Asia: Geopolitical Challenges and Responses, by O. A. Spaiser (New York: Lexington, 2018, ISBN 9781498542234); xxiv+245pp., £70.00 hb
by Marcus Walsh‐Führing - 778-779 The Age of ESMA: Governing EU Financial Markets, by N. Moloney (Oxford: Hart, 2018, ISBN 9781509921775); xxx+362pp., £85.00 hb
by David L. Cleeton - 779-780 Crisis in the Eurozone Periphery: The Political Economies of Greece, Spain, Ireland and Portugal, edited by O. Parker and D. Tsarouhas (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, ISBN 9783319697208); xi+219pp., €122.00 hp
by Vanessa Bilancetti - 780-781 Shaping Parliamentary Democracy: Collected Memories from the European Parliament, edited by A. De Feo and M. Shackleton (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, ISBN 9783030272128); xi+135pp., €52.00 hb
by Anja Thomas - 781-782 Research Handbook on EU Sports Law and Policy, edited by J. Anderson, R. Parrish and B. García (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2018, ISBN 9781784719494); xi+474pp., £140.00 hb (£22.00 eBook)
by Jürgen Mittag
March 2020, Volume 58, Issue 2
- 217-234 Towards an Antifederalist Theory of the EU: Democratic Federal Lessons for the European Union
by Dirk Jörke & Jared Sonnicksen - 235-255 Did the Governance of EU Funds Help Italian Regional Labour Markets during the Great Recession?
by Roberta Arbolino & Paolo Di Caro & Ugo Marani - 256-275 The Road to Trust. A Vignette Study on the Determinants of Citizens' Trust in the European Commission
by Simon Schafheitle & Antoinette Weibel & Nadine Meidert & Dirk Leuffen - 276-291 Astrategic Europe
by Andrew Cottey - 292-308 Fish Fingers and Measles? Assessing Complex Gender Equality in the Scenarios for the Future of Europe
by Petra Ahrens & Anna van der Vleuten - 309-327 Regional Integration Support: A Positive Externality toward Migration Attitudes
by Tobias Böhmelt & Vincenzo Bove - 328-344 Overcoming Dissent: Socialization in the EU's Political and Security Committee in a Context of Crises
by Anna Michalski & August Danielson - 345-364 Legislative Control over Executive Law‐making: Delegation of Quasi‐legislative Powers to the European Commission
by Nikoleta Yordanova & Asya Zhelyazkova - 365-383 Delivering on Promises? The Expected Impacts and Implementation Challenges of the Economic Partnership Agreements between the European Union and Africa
by Bernhard Tröster & Rudiger von Arnim & Cornelia Staritz & Werner Raza & Jan Grumiller & Hannes Grohs - 384-401 Too Effective for Europe? The UK, Norm Advocacy and the Case of EU International Cooperation
by Sebastian Steingass - 402-418 Behind the EU's Energy and Climate Policy Conundrum: Erroneous Power Toolbox, Deadlocks and the Way Forward
by Filippos Proedrou - 419-437 Incoherence in Regime Complexes: A Sentiment Analysis of EU‐IMF Surveillance
by Michael Breen & Dermot Hodson & Manuela Moschella - 438-454 Consumption Taxation in the European Economic Community: Fostering the Common Market or Financing the Welfare State?
by Lukas Haffert & Daniel F. Schulz - 455-471 Business Interest in the EU: Integration without Supranationalism?
by Beate Kohler‐Koch & David A. Friedrich - 472-490 Normative Power Europe? The EU's Embrace of the Responsibility to Protect in a Transitional International Order
by Edward Newman & Cristina G. Stefan - 491-492 Europe and the End of the Age of Innocence, by F. M. Bongiovanni (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, ISBN 9783319743691); xiv+318pp., €43.00 pb
by Vadim Kononenko - 492-493 The Crisis behind the Eurocrisis: The Eurocrisis as a Multidimensional Systemic Crisis of the EU, edited by E. Nanopoulos and F. Vergis (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019, ISBN 9781108470346); xviii+455pp., £95.00 hb
by Paulo Vila Maior - 493-494 Leadership in the Eurozone: The Role of Germany and EU Institutions, by M. G. Schoeller (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, ISBN 9783030127039); xiii+223pp., €68.00 hb
by Mário Rodrigues Pontes - 494-495 Features and Challenges of the EU Budget: A Multidisciplinary Analysis, edited by L. Zamparini and U. Villani‐Lubelli (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2019, ISBN 9781788971911); vii+225pp., £85.00 hb
by Alfredo De Feo - 495-496 Evidence Standards in EU Competition Enforcement: The EU Approach, by A. Kalintiri (Oxford: Hart, 2019, ISBN 9781509919666); xxix+249pp., £65.00 hb
by Günter Walzenbach - 496-497 The Europeanisation of the Western Balkans: A Failure of EU Conditionality?, edited by J. Džankić, S. Keil and M. Kmezić (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, ISBN 9783319914114); xvii+251pp., €106.00 hb
by Olga Burlyuk - 497-498 Regional Organizations in International Society: ASEAN, the EU and the Politics of Normative Arguing, by K. Spandler (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, ISBN 9783319968957); xiv+205pp., €68.00 hb
by Luigi Lonardo
January 2020, Volume 58, Issue 1
- 3-20 Collective Identities and the Integration of Core State Powers: Introduction to the Special Issue
by Theresa Kuhn & Francesco Nicoli - 21-40 Identity Politics, Core State Powers and Regional Integration: Europe and beyond
by Tanja A. Börzel & Thomas Risse - 41-55 Collective Identity as a Legal Limit to European Integration in Areas of Core State Powers
by Sacha Garben - 56-75 Juncker's Curse? Identity, Interest, and Public Support for the Integration of Core State Powers
by Björn Bremer & Philipp Genschel & Markus Jachtenfuchs - 76-95 Collective Identities, European Solidarity: Identification Patterns and Preferences for European Social Insurance
by Francesco Nicoli & Theresa Kuhn & Brian Burgoon - 96-115 Mind the Gap: Southern Exit, Northern Voice and Changing Loyalties since the Euro Crisis
by Matthias Matthijs & Silvia Merler - 116-137 Let Us Europeans Move: How Collective Identities Drive Public Support for Border Regimes inside the EU
by Felix Karstens - 138-154 Don't Mention the War! Second World War Remembrance and Support for European Cooperation
by Catherine E. De Vries - 155-171 In Search of Lost Time: Memory‐framing, Bilateral Identity‐making, and European Security
by Stephanie C. Hofmann & Frédéric Mérand - 172-188 Democracy and Collective Identity in the EU and the USA
by Kathleen R. McNamara & Paul Musgrave - 189-205 Beyond Sovereign Reason: Issues and Contestations in Contemporary African Identity
by Michael Onyebuchi Eze & Katja van der Wal - 206-207 Europe, China and the Limits of Normative Power, by Z. A. Ferenczy (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2019, ISBN 9781788975810); ix+181pp., £75.00 hb
by Marcus Walsh‐Führing - 207-208 Commercial Realism and EU Trade Policy: Competing For Economic Power in Asia and the Americas, by K. L. Meissner (Abingdon: Routledge, 2018, ISBN 9781138485945), xii + 215pp., £115.00 hb
by Aukje van Loon - 208-209 The European Union's Approach to Conflict Resolution: Transformation or Regulation in the Western Balkans, by L. Cooley (London and New York: Routledge, 2018, ISBN 9781138487192); x + 229pp., £115.00 hb
by Soeren Keil - 209-210 After Austerity: Welfare State Transformation in Europe after the Great Recession, edited by P. Taylor‐Gooby, B. Leruth and H. Chung (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017, ISBN 9780198790266); xiii+229pp., £65.00 pb
by Matias Castrén - 210-211 European Citizenship in Perspective: History, Politics and Law, edited by J. van der Harst, G. Hoogers and G. Voerman (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2018, ISBN 9781786435798); xiv + 191pp., £85.00 hb
by Özlem Sefer - 211-212 The Quality of Divided Democracies: Minority Inclusion, Exclusion, and Representation in the New Europe, by L. Cianetti (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2019, ISBN 9780472131167); xii + 250pp., US$ 75.00 hb
by Timofey Agarin - 212-213 Brexit, Language Policy and Linguistic Diversity, by D. Mac Giolla Chríost and M. Bonotti (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, ISBN 9783319787251); ix + 84pp., € 52.00 hb
by Ursula Lanvers
September 2019, Volume 57, Issue S1
- 1-15 Eu Snapshots: The 2018 Kaleidoscope
by Nikolaos Gkotsis Papaioannou - 5-12 Sailing through Troubled Waters and towards ‘Someplace …’
by Theofanis Exadaktylos & Roberta Guerrina & Emanuele Massetti - 13-27 How the EU27 Came to Be
by Brigid Laffan - 28-39 House United, House Divided: Explaining the EU's Unity in the Brexit Negotiations
by Mads Dagnis Jensen & Jesper Dahl Kelstrup - 40-48 Making the Eurozone Sustainable by Financial Engineering or Political Union?
by Paul De Grauwe & Yuemei Ji - 49-61 The Juncker Presidency: The ‘Political Commission’ in Practice
by Hussein Kassim & Brigid Laffan - 62-76 European Integration and Disintegration: Feminist Perspectives on Inequalities and Social Justice
by Emanuela Lombardo & Johanna Kantola - 77-89 Euroscepticism behind the Victory of Eurosceptic Parties in the 2018 Italian General Election? Not Exactly
by Nicola Maggini & Alessandro Chiaramonte - 90-102 “Don't Mention the War!” how Populist Right‐Wing Radicalism Became (Almost) Normal in Germany
by Kai Arzheimer - 103-113 The Geopoliticization of European Trade and Investment Policy
by Sophie Meunier & Kalypso Nicolaidis - 114-127 Double Trouble: Trump, Transatlantic Relations and European Strategic Autonomy
by Lisbeth Aggestam & Adrian Hyde‐Price - 128-140 The EU in Russia's House of Mirrors
by Maxine David & Tatiana Romanova - 141-151 The Calm after the Storm: Plurilateral Challenges to the Post‐2020 EU–ACP Partnership
by Maurizio Carbone
November 2019, Volume 57, Issue 6
- 1211-1227 ‘The Troika is Dead, Long Live the Domestic Troikas?': The Diffusion of National Fiscal Councils in the European Union
by Tobias Tesche - 1228-1246 Determinants of Trust in Institutions in Times of Crisis: Survey‐Based Evidence from the European Union
by Konstantinos Drakos & Christos Kallandranis & Socrates Karidis - 1247-1261 The ECJ's Construction of an EU Mobility Regime‐Judicialization and the Posting of Third‐country Nationals
by Ninke Mussche & Dries Lens - 1262-1273 Revisiting Public Support for the Euro, 1999–2017: Accounting for the Crisis and the Recovery
by Felix Roth & Edgar Baake & Lars Jonung & Felicitas Nowak‐Lehmann D. - 1274-1291 The Re‐Emergence of Partisan Effects on Social Spending after the Global Financial Crisis
by Ian P. McManus - 1292-1309 Canada's Trade Policy Developments after NAFTA: Sources and Implications
by Davit Sahakyan - 1310-1332 Calling on Europe? Secessionist Political Parties and Their Communications to the European Union
by Brandon M. Boylan & Ekaterina Turkina - 1333-1348 The Role of the New Goods Margin for New EU Countries Trade
by Ignacio del Rosal - 1349-1365 From Containment to Realpolitik and Back Again: A Realist Constructivist Analysis of Turkey–EU Relations and the Migration Issue
by Natalie Martin - 1366-1382 Against Associate EU Citizenship
by Martijn van den Brink & Dimitry Kochenov - 1383-1394 Differentiated Integration and Disintegration in the EU after Brexit: Risks versus Opportunities
by Benjamin Leruth & Stefan Gänzle & Jarle Trondal - 1395-1406 On the Methodology of Studying Differentiated (Dis)integration: Or How the Potential Outcome Framework Can Contribute to Evaluating the Costs and Benefits of Opting In or Out
by Marian Burk & Dirk Leuffen - 1407-1418 The End of Exceptionalism and a Strengthening of Coherence? Law and Legal Integration in the EU Post‐Brexit
by Paul James Cardwell - 1419-1430 Differentiated (Dis)integration in Practice: The Diplomacy of Brexit and the Low Politics of High Politics
by Øyvind Svendsen & Rebecca Adler‐Nissen - 1431-1442 Rethinking Britain's Role in a Differentiated Europe after Brexit: A Comparative Regionalism Perspective
by Philomena Murray & Alex Brianson - 1443-1444 The History of the European Union: Constructing Utopia, edited by G. Amato, E. Moavero‐Milanesi, G. Pasquino and L. Reichlin (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2019, ISBN 9781509917419); xi+574pp., £120.00 hb
by Nandor Revesz - 1444-1445 The Rise and Fall of the European Constitution, edited by N. W. Barber, M. Cahill and R. Ekins (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2019, ISBN 9781509910984); viii+231pp., £60.00 hb
by Andriy Tyushka - 1445-1446 The Building of Civil Europe 1951–1972, by S. Pukallus (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, ISBN 9783030032661); xx+318pp., US$ 90.00 hb
by Alice Cunha - 1446-1447 European Enlargement across Rounds and Beyond Borders, edited by H. A. Ikonomou, A. Andry and R. Byberg (Abingdon: Routledge, 2019 (1st edn. 2017), ISBN 9780367173777); x+263pp., £37.00 pb
by Maryna Rabinovych - 1447-1448 Populocracy: The Tyranny of Authenticity and the Rise of Populism, by C. Fieschi (Newcastle‐upon‐Tyne: Agenda Publishing, 2019, ISBN 9781788210256); x+182pp., £20.35 pb
by James Dunne - 1448-1449 Shadow Networks: Financial Disorder and the System that Caused the Crisis, by F. Louçã and M. Ash (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, ISBN 9780198828211); xi+401pp., £30.00 hb
by Alexandros Kyriakidis - 1449-1450 The Greco‐German Affair in the Euro Crisis: Mutual Recognition Lost? by C. Sternberg, K. Gartzou‐Katsouyanni and K. Nicolaïdis (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, ISBN 9781137547507); xvii+151pp., € 42.00 hb
by Vanessa Bilancetti - 1450-1451 The European Banking Union and Constitution: Beacon for Advanced Integration or Death‐knell for Democracy? edited by S. Grundmann and H.‐W. Micklitz (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2019, ISBN 9781509907540); xiii+318pp., £75.00 hb
by Sebastian Heidebrecht
September 2019, Volume 57, Issue 5
- 921-938 Liberty: Security dilemmas and party cohesion in the European Parliament
by Mihail Chiru & Valentin Stoian - 939-955 The Role of Informal International Organizations in Resolving the Iranian Nuclear Crisis (2003–15)
by Tom Sauer - 956-976 Finding Common Ground? European Union and European Civil Society Framing of the Role of Trade in the Sustainable Development Goals
by Patrick Holden - 977-994 New Tensions over Social Europe? The European Pillar of Social Rights and the Debate within the European Parliament
by Patrik Vesan & Francesco Corti - 995-1011 Resilience as an Emergent European Project? The EU's Place in the Resilience Turn
by Jonathan Joseph & Ana E. Juncos - 1013-1030 Exploring Differentiated Disintegration in a Post‐Brexit European Union
by Benjamin Leruth & Stefan Gänzle & Jarle Trondal - 1031-1050 Challenging the Notion of the East‐West Memory Divide
by Mano Toth - 1051-1070 Can Euroscepticism Contribute to a European Public Sphere? The Europeanization of Media Discourses on Euroscepticism across Six Countries
by Anamaria Dutceac Segesten & Michael Bossetta - 1071-1090 Go for Gigabit? First Evidence on Economic Benefits of High‐speed Broadband Technologies in Europe
by Wolfgang Briglauer & Klaus Gugler - 1091-1110 International Courts and Public Opinion: Explaining the CJEU's Role in Protecting Terror Suspects' Rights
by Michael F. Harsch & Vladislav Maksimov - 1111-1129 Regional Intergovernmental Organizations as Catalysts for Transnational Policy Diffusion: The Case of UNASUR Health
by Giovanni Agostinis - 1130-1147 Inter‐organizational Contestation and the EU: Its Ambivalent Profile in Human Rights Protection
by Ryuya Daidouji - 1148-1164 For Whom the Bell Trolls: Shifting Troll Behaviour in the Twitter Brexit Debate
by Clare Llewellyn & Laura Cram & Robin L. Hill & Adrian Favero - 1165-1181 What Has Nonviolence Got To Do With The EU?
by Roberto Baldoli & Claudio M. Radaelli - 1182-1199 ‘There Are Voices in Every Direction’: Organizational Decoupling in Frontex
by Nina Perkowski - 1200-1201 Reclaiming Constitutionalism: Democracy, Power and the State, by M. Tzanakopoulou (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2018, ISBN 9781509916122); xvii+211pp., £58.00 hb
by David Gazsi - 1201-1202 New Conservatives in Russia and East Central Europe, edited by K. Bluhm and M. Varga (Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2019, ISBN 9781138496866); xii+309pp., £115.00 hb/£40.00 eBook
by Joanna Rak - 1202-1203 Alarums and Excursions: Improvising Politics on the European Stage, by L. Van Middelaar, (Newcastle Upon Tyne: Agenda, 2019, ISBN 99781788211727); xviii+301pp., £25.00 hb
by Mark Gilbert - 1203-1204 The Principle of Subsidiarity and its Enforcement in the EU Legal Order: The Role of National Parliaments in the Early Warning System, by K. Granat (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2018, ISBN 9781509908677); x+262pp., US$135.00 hb
by Thomas Larue - 1204-1205 Legal Foundations of EU Economic Governance, by A. Estella (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018, ISBN 9781107141018); xix+268pp., £72.00 hb
by Ignacio Herrera Anchustegui - 1205-1206 Central Banking in Turbulent Times, by F. Papadia with T. Välimäki (foreword by C. Goodhart) (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, 9780198806196); xxvi+320pp., £60.00 hb
by Etienne Farvaque - 1206-1207 Energy Security in Europe: Divergent Perceptions and Policy Challenges, edited by K. Szulecki (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 9783319649634); xv+351pp., €97.00 hb
by Francesca Vantaggiato
July 2019, Volume 57, Issue 4
- 659-674 The Economic Impact of Forming a European Company
by Lars Hornuf & Abdulkadir Mohamed & Armin Schwienbacher - 675-691 The Role of the EU Institutions in Establishing the European Stability Mechanism: Institutional Leadership under a Veil of Intergovernmentalism
by Sandrino Smeets & Alenka Jaschke & Derek Beach - 692-709 The Trio Presidency and the Efficiency of Council Decision‐Making: An Empirical Study
by Philippe van Gruisen - 710-728 Foreground Liberalism, Background Nationalism: A Discursive‐institutionalist Account of EU Leverage and ‘Democratic Backsliding’ in East Central Europe
by James Dawson & Seán Hanley - 729-748 Analysing Crisis Parliamentary Discourse in Greece: Whom Should We Blame?
by Stella Ladi & Vasiliki Tsagkroni - 749-767 EU Rules Beyond its Borders: The Policy‐specific Effects of Transgovernmental Networks and EU Agencies in the European Neighbourhood
by Karina Shyrokykh & Dovilė Rimkutė - 768-786 Gendering the Representative Work of the European Parliament: A Political Analysis of Women MEP's Perceptions of Gender Equality in Party Groups
by Johanna Kantola & Lise Rolandsen Agustín - 787-804 Ordoliberalism: The Next Generation. What Do Prospective Social Science Teachers in Germany Think About the Euro Crisis?
by Silvia Blum & Till van Treeck - 805-822 EU Aggregate Demand As a Way out of Crisis? Engaging the Post‐Keynesian Critique
by Andreas Bieler & Jamie Jordan & Adam David Morton - 823-837 Women's Representation across Different Generations: A Longitudinal Analysis of the European Parliament
by Daniel Stockemer & Aksel Sundström - 838-856 MEP Responses to Democratic Backsliding in Hungary and Poland. An Analysis of Agenda‐Setting and Voting Behaviour
by Maurits J. Meijers & Harmen van der Veer - 857-876 Subordinate Resolution ‐‐ An Empirical Analysis of European Union Subsidiary Banks
by Thomas Conlon & John Cotter - 877-893 Supranational, National and Local Dimensions of Voter Turnout in European Parliament Elections
by Nadia Fiorino & Nicola Pontarollo & Roberto Ricciuti - 894-911 Accountability in Post‐Crisis Eurozone Governance: The Tricky Case of the European Stability Mechanism
by David Howarth & Aneta Spendzharova - 912-913 European Disintegration?: The Politics of Crisis in the European Union, by D. Webber (Basingstoke: Red Globe Press, 2018, ISBN 9781137529473); xxix+254pp., £32.99 pb
by Louise Wylie - 913-913 Democratic Empowerment in the European Union, edited by D. Levi‐Faur and F. van Waarden (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2018, ISBN 9781788113557); xvii+292pp., £100.00 hb/£22.00 eBook
by Chris Stafford - 914-914 Policy Experiments, Failures and Innovations: Beyond Accession in Central and Eastern Europe, edited by A. Batory, A. Cartwright and D. Stone (Cheltenham and Northampton: Edward Elgar, 2018, ISBN 9781785367489); xiii+206pp., £80.00 hb/£22.00 eBook
by Mihai Varga - 915-916 European Security in Integration Theory: Contested Boundaries, by K. Zwolski (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, ISBN 9783319695167); ix+215pp., £101.00 pb
by Cornelia‐Adriana Baciu - 916-917 The European Union and China, by T. Christiansen, E. Kirchner and U. Wissenbach (Basingstoke: Red Globe Press, 2019, ISBN 9781137308290); xvii+219pp., £32,99 pb
by Andreas Weiß - 917-917 International Law: A European Perspective, by J. Wouters, C. Rygaert, T. Ruys and G. De Baere (Oxford: Hart, 2018, ISBN 9781849464161); xcv+1038pp., £39.99 pb
by Dáire McCormack‐George
May 2019, Volume 57, Issue 3
- 431-447 Euroscepticism and the Early Warning System
by Martijn Huysmans - 448-467 The MNC‐Coalition Paradox: Issue Salience, Foreign Firms and the General Data Protection Regulation
by Nikhil Kalyanpur & Abraham L. Newman - 468-485 Organizing Transmission Belts: The Effect of Organizational Design on Interest Group Access to EU Policy‐making
by Adrià Albareda & Caelesta Braun - 486-501 Renegotiation Versus Brexit: The Question of the UK's Constitutional Relationship with the EU
by Sofia Vasilopoulou & Dan Keith - 502-514 EU Geoeconomics: A Framework for Analyzing Bilateral Relations in the European Union
by Thomas Sattich & Tor Håkon Jackson Inderberg - 515-532 New Directions in EU Foreign Policy Governance: Cross‐loading, Leadership and Informal Groupings
by Lisbeth Aggestam & Federica Bicchi - 533-550 Public Support for European Solidarity: Between Euroscepticism and EU Agenda Preferences?
by Sharon Baute & Koen Abts & Bart Meuleman - 551-562 Do Self‐employment Rates Converge? Evidence from European OECD Countries
by George Saridakis & Miguel A. Mendoza Gonzalez & Rebeca I. Muñoz Torres & Chris Hand - 563-579 Whose Side Are You On? Explaining the Extent to which National Interest Groups Support States in Global Politics
by Marcel Hanegraaff - 580-598 Praying on Brexit? Unpicking the Effect of Religion on Support for European Union Integration and Membership
by Ekaterina Kolpinskaya & Stuart Fox - 599-615 The Effect that Structural and Investment Funds have on Voter Behaviour in European Parliamentary Elections
by Nathan Henceroth & Rafael Oganesyan - 616-633 The Crisisification of Policy‐making in the European Union
by Mark Rhinard - 634-650 Signals to Their Parliaments? Governments’ Use of Votes and Policy Statements in the EU Council
by Sara Hagemann & Stefanie Bailer & Alexander Herzog - 651-652 Workers without Borders: Posted Work and Precarity in the EU, by I. Wagner (Ithaca and London: ILR Press, 2018, ISBN 9781501729157); xiv + 168pp., $49.95 hb
by Caterina Francesca Guidi - 652-653 In the Red: The Politics of Public Debt Accumulation in Developed Countries, by Z. Barta (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2018, ISBN 9780472130641); xiv + 210pp., $70.00 hb
by Alison Johnston - 653-654 Moving Beyond Barriers: Prospects for EU Citizenship, edited by S. Seubert, M. Hoogenboom, T. Knijn, S. de Vries and F. van Waarden (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2018, ISBN 9781788113632), xviii+352pp., £90.00 hb/£22 eBook
by Jelena Dzankic - 654-655 The European Court of Justice and the Policy Process: The Shadow of Case Law, by S. K. Schmidt (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, ISBN 978019871775); xv + 294pp., £65.00 hb
by Dáire McCormack‐George - 655-656 The Handbook of European Defence Policies and Armed Forces, edited by H. Meijer and M. Wyss (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, ISBN 9780198790501); xxxvi+960pp., £135.00 hb
by Richard Maher
March 2019, Volume 57, Issue 2
- 185-204 The Religious Foundations of the European Crisis
by Josef Hien - 205-222 Competence Creep Revisited
by Sacha Garben - 223-241 From Outsiders to Insiders: A Civil Society Perspective on EU Financial Reforms
by Lisa Kastner - 242-259 Public Attention, Governmental Bargaining, and Supranational Activism: Explaining European Integration in Response to Crises
by Hanno Degner - 260-277 Governing Labour Standards through Free Trade Agreements: Limits of the European Union's Trade and Sustainable Development Chapters
by James Harrison & Mirela Barbu & Liam Campling & Ben Richardson & Adrian Smith - 278-297 Hidden Security: EU Public Research Funds and the Development of European Drones
by Bruno Oliveira Martins & Christian Küsters - 298-316 Political Science and the Eurozone Crisis. A Review of Scientific Journal Articles 2004–15
by Oliver Höing & Tobias Kunstein - 317-335 Why Do Farm Animal Welfare Regulations Vary Between EU Member States? A Comparative Analysis of Societal and Party Political Determinants in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK
by Colette S. Vogeler - 336-352 Could the Boom‐Bust in the Eurozone Periphery Have Been Prevented?
by Marcin Bielecki & Michał Brzoza‐Brzezina & Marcin Kolasa & Krzysztof Makarski - 353-370 Of Principal(s') Interest? A Disaggregated, Multiple Principals' Approach to Commission Discretion
by Markus Gastinger & Johan Adriaensen - 371-387 Euroscepticism among Dutch Leftist and Rightist Populist Constituencies: How can the U‐Curve be Understood?
by Samira van Bohemen & Willem de Koster & Jeroen van der Waal - 388-405 EU Regional Policy and the Neighbour's Curse: Analyzing the Income Convergence Effects of ESIF Funding in the Presence of Spatial Spillovers
by Philipp Breidenbach & Timo Mitze & Christoph M. Schmidt - 406-423 Transnational Learning and Civil Society Empowerment in the EU Enlargement Process
by Natasha Wunsch - 425-426 Single Supervisory Mechanism: A Practitioner's Guide, by K. Lackhoff (München, Oxford and Baden‐Baden: C.H. Beck, Hart and Nomos, 2017, ISBN 9781509918300); xvii+264 pp., £160.00 hb
by Tobias Tesche - 426-427 National Identities and Foreign Policy in the European Union. The Russia Policy of Germany, Poland, and Finland, by M. Siddi (Colchester: ECPR Press, 2017, ISBN 9781785522796); xiii+224 pp., €45.00 hb
by Vadim Kononenko - 427-428 Centre‐left Parties and the European Union: Power, Accountability, and Democracy, by I. Hertner (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2018, ISBN 9781526120335); xxii+200 pp., £80.00 hb
by Johannes Karremans - 428-429 The Evolving Role of National Parliaments in the European Union. The Case of Ireland, by G. Barrett (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2018, ISBN 9781784993214); xvi+342pp., £80.00 hb
by Alexander Strelkov - 429-430 Gender Budgeting in Europe: Developments and Challenges, edited by A. O'Hagan and E. Klatzer (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, ISBN 9783319648903); xvii+378 pp., €120.00 hb
by Mieke Verloo
January 2019, Volume 57, Issue 1
- 3-12 Rethinking the European Social Market Economy: Introduction to the Special Issue
by Rutger Claassen & Anna Gerbrandy & Sebastiaan Princen & Mathieu Segers - 13-27 Debating the EU's Raison d'Être: On the Relation between Legitimacy and Justice
by Andrea Sangiovanni - 28-43 Equality of Opportunity in a European Social Market Economy
by Juri Viehoff - 44-59 European Duties of Social Justice: A Kantian Framework
by R.J.G. (Rutger) Claassen - 60-76 Eclipsing Atlantis: Trans‐Atlantic Multilateralism in Trade and Monetary Affairs as a Pre‐History to the Genesis of Social Market Europe (1942–1950)
by Mathieu Segers - 77-93 The EEC/EU as an Evolving Compromise between French Dirigism and German Ordoliberalism (1957–1995)
by Laurent Warlouzet - 94-110 Cross‐National Solidarity and Political Sustainability in the EU after the Crisis
by Maurizio Ferrera & Carlo Burelli - 111-126 The Social Market Economy and Restriction of Free Movement Rights: plus c'est la même chose?
by Niamh Nic Shuibhne - 127-142 Rethinking Competition Law within the European Economic Constitution
by Anna Gerbrandy - 143-158 The Transnational Constitution of Europe's Social Market Economies: A Question of Constitutional Imbalances?
by Poul F. Kjaer - 159-174 Four Models of Protecting Citizenship and Social Rights in Europe: Conclusions to the Special Issue ‘Rethinking the European Social Market Economy’
by Rutger Claassen & Anna Gerbrandy & Sebastiaan Princen & Mathieu Segers - 175-176 The Unfinished History of European Integration, by W. van Meurs, R. de Bruin, L. van de Grift, C. Hoetink, K. van Leeuwen and C. Reijnen (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2018, ISBN 9789462988149); iv+328pp., €25.00 pb
by Vladimir Bortun - 176-177 EuroTragedy: A Drama in Nine Acts, by A. Mody (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, ISBN 9780199351381); xix+651pp., £26.00 hb
by Greg Barnes - 177-178 Euroscepticism and the Future of European Integration, by C. E. De Vries (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, ISBN 9780198793380); xix+249pp., £60.00 hb
by Özlem Sefer - 178-179 Absorbing the Blow: Populist Parties and Their Impact on Parties and Party Systems, edited by S. B. Wolinetz and A. Zaslove (London / New York: Rowman & Littlefield International, 2018, ISBN 9781785521492); vi+340pp., £70.00 hb
by Robert A. Huber - 179-180 Reconsidering EU Citizenship: Contradictions and Constraints, edited by S. Seubert, O. Eberl and F. van Waarden (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2018, ISBN 9781788113533); xiv+279pp., £95.00 hb
by Paul Dekker - 180-181 The EU Better Regulation Agenda: A Critical Assessment, edited by S. Garben and I. Govaere (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2018, ISBN, 9781509917334); viii+249pp., £70.00 hb
by Marcus Walsh‐Führing - 181-182 Why Europe Intervenes in Africa: Security, Prestige and Legacy of Colonialism, by C. Gegout (London: Hurst & Company, 2017, ISBN 9781849046930400); xiii+400pp., £35.00 pb
by Paweł Frankowski
September 2018, Volume 56, Issue S1
- 5-10 Editorial: 2017 – A Year in Review
by Theofanis Exadaktylos & Roberta Guerrina & Emanuele Massetti - 11-27 Brexit: Where is the EU–UK Relationship Heading?
by Simon Hix - 28-38 A Different Europe is Possible: The Professionalization of EU Studies and the Dilemmas of Integration in the 21st Century
by Ian Manners & Ben Rosamond - 39-50 Brexit and the 2017 UK General Election
by Sara B. Hobolt - 51-62 The 2017 French and German Elections
by Hanspeter Kriesi - 63-73 A Right‐wing Populist Momentum? A Review of 2017 Elections Across Europe
by Daphne Halikiopoulou - 74-84 Institutional Architecture of the Euro Area
by Amy Verdun - 85-95 Halfway Through the Better Regulation Strategy of the Juncker Commission: What Does the Evidence Say?
by Claudio M. Radaelli - 96-108 European Economic Governance in 2017: A Recovery for Whom?
by Rosalind Cavaghan & Muireann O'Dwyer - 109-119 Austerity and the Politics of Becoming
by Akwugo Emejulu & Leah Bassel - 120-130 The Politics of European Union Migration Governance
by Andrew Geddes - 131-141 Towards a European Security and Defence Union: Was 2017 a Watershed?
by Nathalie Tocci - 142-151 Small States as Agenda‐setters? The Council Presidencies of Malta and Estonia
by Diana Panke & Julia Gurol