March 2011, Volume 49, Issue 2
- 490-490 Promoting Democracy and the Rule of Law: American and European Strategies – Edited by A. Magen, T. Risse and M. McFaul
by Nelli Babayan - 491-491 Wreckers or Builders? A History of Labour MEPs, 1979–1999 – By A. Pollack
by Matthew Broad - 492-492 Judicial Control in the European Union: Reforming Jurisdiction in the Intergovernmental Pillars – By A. Hinarejos
by Alessandra Mignolli - 493-493 The Free Movement of Capital and Foreign Direct Investment: The Scope of Protection in EU Law – By S. Hindelang
by Zoltán Marosi - 494-494 Théories et concepts de l'intégration européenne – By S. Saurugger
by Stefan Seidendorf - 495-495 The Definition of Subsidy and State Aid: WTO and EC Law in Comparative Perspective – By L. Rubini
by Feyza Basar - 496-496 Romani Politics in Contemporary Europe: Poverty, Ethnic Mobilization and the Neoliberal Order – Edited by N. Sigona and N. Trehan
by Boyka Stefanova - 497-497 Uneasy Neighbors: Israel and the European Union – By S. Pardo and J. Peters
by Bruno Oliveira Martins - 498-498 The European Neighbourhood Policy in Perspective: Context, Implementation and Impact – Edited by R.G. Whitman and S. Wolff
by Elena A. Korosteleva‐Polglase - 499-499 Rethinking Germany and Europe: Democracy and Diplomacy in a Semi‐sovereign State – Edited by S. Bulmer, C. Jeffery and S. Padgett
by Jocelyn Mawdsley
January 2011, Volume 49, Issue 1
- 1-21 Security Co‐operation beyond the Nation‐State: The EU's Common Security and Defence Policy
by Chris J. Bickerton & Bastien Irondelle & Anand Menon - 23-42 Realism and the Common Security and Defence Policy
by Sten Rynning - 43-60 The European Union as a Small Power
by Asle Toje - 61-81 Solidifying Constructivism: How Material and Ideational Factors Interact in European Defence
by Christoph O. Meyer & Eva Strickmann - 83-100 Power, Institutions and the CSDP: The Promise of Institutionalist Theory
by Anand Menon - 101-120 Why Institutional Overlap Matters: CSDP in the European Security Architecture
by Stéphanie C. Hofmann - 121-147 Governance and State Power: A Network Analysis of European Security
by Frédéric Mérand & Stéphanie C. Hofmann & Bastien Irondelle - 149-169 From Governance to Governmentality in CSDP: Towards a Foucauldian Research Agenda
by Michael Merlingen - 171-190 Towards a Social Theory of EU Foreign and Security Policy
by Chris J. Bickerton
September 2010, Volume 48, Issue s1
- 1-6 Editorial: 2009, a Turning Point for Europe?
by Nathaniel Copsey & Tim Haughton - 7-19 State of the Union: The Financial Crisis and the ECB's Response between 2007 and 2009
by Jean‐Claude Trichet - 21-54 The JCMS Annual Review Lecture Sustainable Integration: Towards EU 2.0?
by Kalypso Nicolaϊdis - 55-67 The Appointments of Herman van Rompuy and Catherine Ashton
by Tony Barber - 69-80 The Czech Presidency
by Vít Beneš & Jan Karlas - 81-93 The Swedish Presidency
by Lee Miles - 95-118 Institutions and Governance: A New Treaty, a Newly Elected Parliament and a New Commission
by Desmond Dinan - 119-141 Internal Market: Gesture Politics? Explaining the EU's Response to the Financial Crisis
by James Buckley & David Howarth - 143-162 Justice and Home Affairs
by Jörg Monar - 163-181 Legal Developments
by Michael Dougan - 183-204 Relations with the Wider Europe
by Richard G. Whitman & Ana E. Juncos - 205-223 Relations with the Rest of the World
by David Allen & Michael Smith - 225-242 The EU Economy: The Euro Area in 2009
by Dermot Hodson - 243-266 The EU Economy: Member States Outside the Euro Area in 2009
by Richard Connolly - 267-274 Chronology: The European Union in 2009
by Fabian Guy Neuner
November 2010, Volume 48, Issue 5
- 1163-1184 ‘New Europe’: Between Cosmopolitan Dreams and Nationalist Nightmares
by Stefan Auer - 1185-1208 New Parliament, New Cleavages after the Eastern Enlargement? The Conflict over the Services Directive as an Opposition between the Liberals and the Regulators
by Amandine Crespy & Katarzyna Gajewska - 1209-1235 Neighbourhood Europeanization through ENP: The Case of Ukraine
by Andrea Gawrich & Inna Melnykovska & Rainer Schweickert - 1237-1260 Uneven Integration: Economic and Monetary Union in Central and Eastern Europe
by Rachel A. Epstein & Juliet Johnson - 1261-1281 Accountability and Independent Central Banks: Europeans and Distrust of the European Central Bank
by Karl Kaltenthaler & Christopher J. Anderson & William J. Miller - 1283-1306 Europarties: Agenda‐Setter or Agenda‐Follower? Social Democracy and the Disincentives for Tax Harmonization
by Erol Külahci - 1307-1327 Service Liberalization in the Enlarged EU: A Race to the Bottom or the Emergence of Transnational Political Conflict?
by Nicole Lindstrom - 1329-1349 The Diminishing Returns to Trade Policy in the European Union
by Steven M. Mcguire & Johan P. Lindeque - 1351-1365 Beyond Intergovernmentalism: European Security and Defence Policy and the Governance Approach
by Per M. Norheim‐Martinsen - 1367-1390 Mission Impossible? The Potential for Franco–German Leadership in the Enlarged EU
by Joachim Schild - 1391-1408 An Empirical Assessment of Economic and Political Challenges of European Union Accession
by Artur Tamazian & Davit N. Melikyan
September 2010, Volume 48, Issue 4
- 775-786 The Denationalization of Cabinets in the European Commission
by Morten Egeberg & Andreas Heskestad - 787-810 Europeanization or EU‐ization? The Transfer of European Norms across Time and Space
by Trine Flockhart - 811-833 Bicameral Politics in the European Union
by Sara Hagemann & Bjørn Høyland - 835-857 The Euro–Mediterranean Partnership: Trade in Services as an Alternative to Migration?
by Bernard Hoekman & Çağlar Özden - 859-880 European Energy Security Co‐operation: Between Amity and Enmity
by Emil Kirchner & Can Berk - 881-901 Voice or Loyalty? The Evolution of the European Environment Agency (EEA)
by Maria Martens - 903-921 Justice, Not Democracy: Legitimacy in the European Union
by Jürgen Neyer - 923-943 Climate Change and the European Union's Leadership Moment: An Inconvenient Truth?
by Charles F. Parker & Christer Karlsson - 945-965 Acts of European Citizenship: A Political Sociology of Mobility
by Claudia Aradau & Jef Huysmans & Vicki Squire - 967-991 Open‐Ended Membership Prospect and Commitment Credibility: Explaining the Deadlock in EU–Turkey Accession Negotiations
by Mehmet Ugur - 993-1013 Across the EU Studies–New Regionalism Frontier: Invitation to a Dialogue
by Alex Warleigh‐Lack & Ben Rosamond - 1015-1038 Europe in the Political Imagination
by Jonathan White - 1039-1063 The Nordics, the EU and the Reluctance Towards Supranational Judicial Review
by Marlene Wind - 1065-1081 Impact Assessment and the Liberalization of the EU Energy Markets: Evidence‐Based Policy‐Making or Policy‐Based Evidence‐Making?
by Jacopo Torriti - 1083-1106 Agreeing in Principle: Utilitarianism and Economic Values as Support for the European Union in Central and Eastern Europe
by Matthew Loveless - 1107-1126 Who Controls Whom? Dynamics of Power Delegation and Agency Losses in EU Trade Politics
by Eugénia Da Conceição - 1127-1147 Civil Aviation and European Integration: Creating the Seemingly Impossible SEAM
by Alan Dobson - 1149-1149 Exploring the Sociology of Europe – By M. Roche
by Gerard Mccann - 1150-1150 What Makes the EU Viable? European Integration in the Light of the Antebellum US Experience – By A. Glencross
by Michael Burgess - 1151-1151 Heath, Nixon and the Rebirth of the Special Relationship: Britain, the US and the EC, 1969–74 – By N.H. Rossbach
by Roger Morgan - 1152-1152 From Dual to Co‐operative Federalism: The Changing Structure of European Law – By R. Schütze
by Panos Stasinopoulos - 1153-1153 International Relations: A European Perspective – By M. Telò
by Paweł Frankowski - 1154-1154 EU External Relations and Systems of Governance: The CFSP, Euro–Mediterranean Partnership and Migration – By P.J. Cardwell
by Bruno Oliveira Martins - 1155-1155 The Political Economy of State–Business Relations in Europe. Interest Mediation, Capitalism and EU Policy‐Making – By R. Eising
by Nieves Pérez‐Solórzano Borragán - 1156-1156 Europeanism and European Union. Interests, Emotions, and Systemic Integration in the Early European Economic Integration – By J. Vanke
by Wolfram Kaiser - 1156-1157 Air Transport and the European Union: Europeanization and its Limits – By H. Kassim and H. Stevens
by Helene Dyrhauge - 1157-1158 Privatization Against the European Social Model: A Critique of European Policies and Proposals for Alternatives – Edited by M. Frangakis, C. Hermann, J. Huffschmid and K. Lóránt
by Sotiris Zartaloudis - 1158-1159 The European Union and the Social Dimension of Globalization. How the EU Influences the world – Edited by J. Orbie and L. Tortell
by Federico Pancaldi - 1159-1160 The International Politics of Intelligence Sharing – By J.I. Walsh
by Claudia Hillebrand - 1160-1161 The Role of the European Union in Asia: China and India as Strategic Partners – Edited by B. Gaens, J. Jokela and E. Limnell
by Aukje Van Loon - 1161-1162 The European Public Sphere and the Media: Europe in Crisis – Edited by A. Triandafyllidou, R. Wodak and M. Krzyżanowski
by Stephanie Bergbauer
June 2010, Volume 48, Issue 3
- 455-474 The EU as a Global Actor: Grand Strategy for a Global Grand Bargain?
by Jolyon Howorth - 475-500 From Policy to Polity: Can the EU's Special Relations with its ‘Neighbourhood’ be Decentred?
by Dimitar Bechev & Kalypso Nicolaïdis - 501-528 European Regional Structural Funds: How Large is the Influence of Politics on the Allocation Process?
by Florence Bouvet & Sandy Dall'Erba - 529-556 Patterns of Welfare State Indicators in the EU: Is there Convergence?
by Koen Caminada & Kees Goudswaard & Olaf Van Vliet - 557-578 Bargaining Power and Negotiation Tactics: The Negotiations on the EU's Financial Perspective, 2007–13
by Andreas Dür & Gemma Mateo - 579-616 Normative Power Europe and the State of Israel: An Illegitimate EUtopia?
by Guy Harpaz & Asaf Shamis - 617-640 How to Spend it: Putting a Labour Market Modernization Fund in Place of the European Globalization Adjustment Fund
by Nikos Koutsiaras - 641-660 Dynamics of Equity Market Integration in Europe: Impact of Political Economy Events
by Raj Aggarwal & Brian Lucey & Cal Muckley - 661-685 Labour Market Policies and Outcomes in the Enlarged EU
by Randolph L. Bruno & Riccardo Rovelli - 687-708 The Maastricht Inflation Criterion: What is the Effect of European Union Enlargement?
by John Lewis & Karsten Staehr - 709-736 The Role of Working Groups of Commissioners in Co‐ordinating Policy Implementation: The Case of Trans‐European Networks (TENs)
by Paul J. Stephenson - 737-758 Explaining the Enforcement of Democracy by Regional Organizations: Comparing EU, Mercosur and SADC
by Anna Van Der Vleuten & Andrea Ribeiro Hoffmann - 759-760 Remaking Global Order: The Evolution of Europe–China Relations and its Implications for East Asia and the United States – By N. Casarini
by Maureen Benson‐Rea - 760-761 Competition Policy in the EU. Fifty Years on from the Treaty of Rome – Edited by Xavier Vives
by Laurent Warlouzet - 761-761 Business, Government, and EU Accession: Strategic Partnership and Conflict – By E.A. Iankova
by Maren Becker - 762-762 The External Dimension of EU Justice and Home Affairs: Governance, Neighbours, Security – Edited by T. Balzacq
by Vicky Reynaert - 763-763 Changing European Employment and Welfare Regimes: The Influence of the Open Method of Co‐ordination on National Reforms – Edited by M. Heidenreich and J. Zeitlin
by Evangelos G. Manouvelos - 764-764 The Path to European Defence. New Roads, New Horizons – Edited by K. von Wogau
by Bjørn Olav Knutsen - 764-765 The Unfinished Democratization of Europe – by E. Eriksen
by Ramin Shafagatov - 765-766 Central Banks in the Age of the Euro: Europeanization, Convergence and Power – Edited by K. Dyson and M. Marcussen
by David G. Mayes - 766-767 The Politics of European Union Health Policies – By S. L. Greer
by Trygve Ugland - 767-768 The Legitimacy of the European Union after Enlargement – Edited by J. Thomassen
by Oya Dursun‐Ozkanca - 768-769 Les députés européens et leur rôle: Sociologie interprétative des pratiques parlementaires – By J. Navarro
by Steven Van Hecke - 769-770 European Media in the Digital Age: Analysis and Approaches – By R. Rooke
by Peter J. Humphreys - 770-771 Social Movements and Europeanization – By D. della Porta and M. Caiani
by Roland Erne - 771-772 European Integration – Sharing of Experiences – By J. Ø. Møller
by Georg Wiessala - 772-773 The Outer Limits of European Union Law – Edited by C. Barnard and O. Odudu
by Declan J. Walsh - 773-774 Ideas, Institutions and Trade: The WTO and the Curious Role of EU Farm Policy in Trade Liberalization – By C. Daugbjerg and A. Swinbank
by M. Sait Akman
March 2010, Volume 48, Issue 2
- 191-219 European Governance: Negotiation and Competition in the Shadow of Hierarchy
by Tanja Börzel - 221-241 Re‐engineering Legal Opportunity Structures in the European Union? The Starting Line Group and the Politics of the Racial Equality Directive
by Rhonda Evans Case & Terri E. Givens - 243-264 Explaining Non‐Compliance with European Union Procurement Directives: A Multidisciplinary Perspective
by Kees Gelderman & Paul Ghijsen & Jordie Schoonen - 265-291 Migration Creation and Diversion in the European Union: Is Central and Eastern Europe a ‘Natural’ Member of the Single Market for Labour?
by Helena Marques - 293-318 Benchmarking Europe's Lab Benches: How Successful has the OMC been in Research Policy?
by Nina Mcguinness & Conor O'Carroll - 319-345 How are the Eurosystem's Monetary Policy Decisions Prepared? A Roadmap
by Alexander Jung & Francesco Paolo Mongelli & Philippe Moutot - 347-372 The 2007–13 Financial Perspective: Domination of National Interests
by Vasja Rant & Mojmir Mrak - 373-395 EU Enlargement and Migration: Assessing the Macroeconomic Impacts
by Ray Barrell & John Fitzgerald & Rebecca Riley - 397-416 Power is Always in Fashion: State‐Centric Realism and the European Security and Defence Policy
by Zachary Selden - 417-444 Measuring and Comparing the Europeanization of National Legislation: A Research Note
by Annette Elisabeth Töller - 445-446 European Union Intergovernmental Conferences: Domestic Preference Formation, Transgovernmental Networks and the Dynamics of Compromise – By P.W. Thurner and F.U. Pappi
by Christine Reh - 446-447 European Multi‐Level Governance: Contrasting Images in National Research – Edited by B. Kohler‐Koch and F. Larat
by Anil Awesti - 447-448 Minority Nationalist Parties and European Integration: A Comparative Study – By A. Elias
by Marcus Hoppe - 448-449 Monetary Integration in the European Union – By M. Chang
by David Howarth - 449-450 Small States and EU Governance: Leadership through the Council Presidency – By S. Bunse
by Elli Siapkidou - 450-451 EU Criminal Law – By V. Mitsilegas
by Samuli Miettinen - 451-452 Constitutionalizing the European Union – By T. Christiansen and C. Reh
by Lars Hoffmann - 452-453 European Employment Models in Flux: A Comparison of Institutional Change in Nine European Countries – Edited by G. Bosch, S. Lehndorff and J. Rubery
by Jörg Michael Dostal - 453-454 Protectors of Privacy: Regulating Data in the Global Economy – By A.L. Newman
by Nicholas Platten
January 2010, Volume 48, Issue 1
- 1-19 Political Myth, Mythology and the European Union
by Vincent Della Sala - 21-44 Studying Contemporary Constitutionalism: Memory, Myth and Horizon
by Hannes Hansen‐Magnusson & Antje Wiener - 45-66 The European Union's Fundamental Rights Myth
by Stijn Smismans - 67-87 Global Europa: Mythology of the European Union in World Politics
by Ian Manners - 89-109 The Economic Mythology of European Integration
by Erik Jones - 111-132 Myths and Myth‐Making in the European Union: The Institutionalization and Interpretation of EU Competition Policy
by Pinar Akman & Hussein Kassim - 133-154 The Myth of a Green Europe
by Andrea Lenschow & Carina Sprungk - 155-174 The EU as a Gender Equal Polity: Myths and Realities
by Heather Macrae - 175-175 Germany's Gathering Crisis: The 2005 Federal Election and the Grand Coalition – Edited by A. Miskimmon, W.E. Paterson and J. Sloan
by Carine Germond - 176-176 Transnational Activism in the UN and the EU: A Comparative Study – Edited by J. Joachim and B. Locher
by Kalin Ivanov - 176-177 Agenda‐Setting in the European Union – By S. Princen
by Andrew Judge - 177-178 Clash or Co‐operation of Civilizations? Overlapping Integration and Identities – Edited by W. Zank
by Mireia Delgado - 178-179 Political Accountability and European Integration – Edited by L. Verhey, P. Kiiver and S. Loeffen
by Thomas Larue - 179-180 50 Years of the European Treaties: Looking Back and Thinking Forward – Edited by M. Dougan and S. Currie
by Marcin Roth - 180-181 Political Responsibility and the European Union – By M. Tsakatika
by Mariya Shisheva - 181-182 Europe's Global Role: External Policies of the European Union – Edited by J. Orbie
by Sevilay Kahraman - 182-183 Real Convergence in Central, Eastern and South‐Eastern Europe – Edited by R. Martin and A. Winkler
by Paul Hare - 183-184 The European Social Model and Transitional Labour Markets: Law and Policy – Edited by R. Rogowski
by Federico Pancaldi - 184-185 EU Labour Migration since Enlargement: Trends, Impacts and Policies – Edited by B. Galgoczi, J. Leschke and A. Watt
by Julie Porter - 185-186 The Europeanization of National Foreign Policy: Continuity and Change in European Crisis Management – By E. Gross
by Simon J. Smith - 186-187 Europe in Question: Referendums on European Integration – By S. Binzer Hobolt
by Petra Huyst - 187-188 Lobbying the European Union – Edited by D. Coen and J. Richardson
by Holly Jarman - 188-189 Development Aid in Russia: Lessons from Siberia – By J. Marquand
by Jackie Gower - 189-189 The Politics of Unemployment in Europe: Policy Responses and Collective Action – Edited by M. Giugni
by Monika Mura - 190-190 Free Movement of Goods and Limits of Regulatory Autonomy in the EU and WTO – By T. Perišin
by Zoltán Marosi
September 2009, Volume 47, Issue s1
- 1-5 The Gathering Storm: A Drama in Two Acts
by Nathaniel Copsey & Tim Haughton - 7-16 State of the Union: Delivering a ‘Europe of Results’ in a Harsh Economic Climate
by José Manuel Barroso - 17-42 Re‐Envisioning the European Union: Identity, Democracy, Economy
by Vivien A. Schmidt - 43-62 Corruption and Compliance in the EU's Post‐Communist Members and Candidates
by Milada Anna Vachudova - 63-87 The Financial Turmoil and EU Policy Co‐operation in 2008
by Lucia Quaglia & Robert Eastwood & Peter Holmes - 89-98 The Slovenian Presidency: Meeting Symbolic and Substantive Challenges
by Sabina Kajnč - 99-111 The French Presidency
by Renaud Dehousse & Anand Menon - 113-132 Institutions and Governance: Saving the Lisbon Treaty – An Irish Solution to a European Problem
by Desmond Dinan - 133-150 Greening the Internal Market in a Difficult Economic Climate
by David Howarth - 151-170 Justice and Home Affairs
by Jörg Monar - 171-192 Legal Developments
by Michael Dougan - 193-212 European Union's Relations with the Wider Europe
by Richard G. Whitman & Ana E. Juncos - 213-232 Relations with the Rest of the World
by David Allen & Michael Smith - 233-257 Economic Developments in the Euro Area
by Amy Verdun - 259-276 Developments in the Economies of Member States Outside the Euro Area
by Debra Johnson & Colin Turner - 277-283 Chronology: The European Union in 2008
by Nicola Corkin
November 2009, Volume 47, Issue 5
- 939-953 European Perspectives on the Global Financial Crisis: Introduction
by Dermot Hodson & Lucia Quaglia - 955-975 The Old and the New Politics of International Financial Stability
by Louis W. Pauly - 977-996 The Global Financial Crisis: Causes and Cures
by Jacopo Carmassi & Daniel Gros & Stefano Micossi - 997-1015 Did Recent Experience of a Financial Crisis Help in Coping with the Current Financial Turmoil? The Case of the Nordic Countries
by David G. Mayes - 1017-1039 Die Krise but not La Crise? The Financial Crisis and the Transformation of German and French Banking Systems
by Iain Hardie & David Howarth - 1041-1061 UK Economic Policy and the Global Financial Crisis: Paradigm Lost?
by Dermot Hodson & Deborah Mabbett - 1063-1083 The ‘British Plan’ as a Pace‐Setter: The Europeanization of Banking Rescue Plans in the EU?
by Lucia Quaglia - 1085-1105 Output Legitimacy and the Global Financial Crisis: Perceptions Matter
by Erik Jones - 1107-1128 Regulation and Supervision of Financial Intermediaries in the EU: The Aftermath of the Financial Crisis
by Iain Begg - 1129-1133 Leaderless Europe – Edited by Jack Hayward What's Wrong with the European Union and How to Fix It – By Simon Hix Europe: The State of the Union – By Anand Menon
by John Peterson - 1133-1134 Contradictions and Limits of Neoliberal European Governance: From Lisbon to Lisbon – Edited by B. van Apeldoorn, J. Drahokoupil and L. Horn
by Peter Slominski - 1134-1135 Europe and Asia: Regions in Flux – Edited by P. Murray
by Fabienne Bossuyt - 1135-1136 EU Cohesion Policy after Enlargement – Edited by M. Baun and D. Marek
by Rafał Riedel - 1136-1137 Unveiling the Council of the European Union: Games Governments Play in Brussels – Edited by D. Naurin and H. Wallace
by Martin Westlake - 1137-1138 Globalization, Development and Integration: A European Perspective – Edited by P. Della Posta, M. Uvalic and A. Verdun
by Aukje Van Loon - 1138-1139 Reflections on European Integration: 50 Years of the Treaty of Rome – Edited by D. Phinnemore and A. Warleigh‐Lack
by Trevor C. Salmon - 1139-1140 Illiberal Politics in Neoliberal Times: Culture, Security and Populism in the New Europe – By M. Berezin
by William M. Downs - 1140-1141 The Search for a European Identity: Values, Policies and Legitimacy of the European Union – Edited by F. Cerutti and S. Lucarelli
by Stanisław Konopacki - 1141-1142 European Union and New Regionalism: Regional Actors and Global Governance in a Post‐Hegemonic Era – Edited by M. Telò
by Philippe De Lombaerde - 1142-1143 Adapting to European Integration? Kaliningrad, Russia and the European Union – Edited by S. Gänzle, G. Müntel and E. Vinokurov
by Kari Liuhto - 1143-1144 The European Commission and Interest Groups: Towards a Deliberative Interpretation of Stakeholder Involvement in EU Policy‐Making – By I. Tanasescu
by Martyn Bond - 1144-1145 The Euro: The Politics of the New Global Currency – By David Marsh
by Nathaniel Copsey - 1145-1146 In Search of Structural Power: EU Aid Policy as a Global Political Instrument – By Patrick Holden
by Stefan Cibian
September 2009, Volume 47, Issue 4
- 693-717 Legal and Economic Issues in Completing the EU Internal Market for Services: An Interdisciplinary Perspective
by Harald Badinger & Niklas Maydell - 719-740 The EU Comitology System: Intergovernmental Bargaining and Deliberative Supranationalism?
by Jens Blom‐Hansen & Gijs Jan Brandsma - 741-766 Dollar Dominance, Euro Aspirations: Recipe for Discord?
by Benjamin J. Cohen - 767-787 Everything But Arms: Much More than Appears at First Sight
by Gerrit Faber & Jan Orbie - 789-809 The Application of Neofunctionalism to the Enlargement Process: The Case of Turkey
by Catherine Macmillan - 811-830 Shocks to New and Old Europe: How Symmetric?
by Peter Mikek - 831-862 From ‘Civilian Power’ to ‘Global Power’: Explicating the European Union's ‘Grand Strategy’ Through the Articulation of Discourse Theory
by James Rogers - 863-889 Competition and Antitrust Policy in the Enlarged European Union: A Level Playing Field?
by Jens Hölscher & Johannes Stephan - 891-910 Does Bilateralism Foster Co‐operation in Europe? An Experimental Approach of Comparative Merits of Bilateralism and Multilateralism
by Kene Boun My & Alban Verchere & Stephane Bertrand - 911-917 Dimensions of Euroscepticism
by Chris Flood - 919-920 European Union Foreign Policy in a Changing World – By K.E. Smith
by Stephan Keukeleire