July 2012, Volume 50, Issue 4
- 632-652 Cross-border Inter-firm Networks in the European Union's Eastern Neighbourhood: Integration via Organizational Learning
by Ekaterina Turkina & Evgeny Postnikov - 653-669 The EU an Actor Sui Generis? A Comparison of EU and ASEAN Actorness
by Jens-Uwe Wunderlich - 670-683 National or European Parliamentarians? Evidence from a New Survey of the Members of the European Parliament
by Roger Scully & Simon Hix & David M. Farrell - 684-684 The Delphic Oracle on Europe: Is there a Future for the European Union? – Edited by L. Tsoukalis and J.A. Emmanouilidis
by Desmond Dinan - 685-686 Sociology of the European Union – Edited by A. Favell and V. Guiraudon
by Helen Drake - 686-687 An Inside View of the CAP Reform Process: Explaining the MacSharry, Agenda 2000 and Fischler Reforms – By A. Cunha with A. Swinbank
by Michael Geary - 687-687 Regional Representations in the EU: Between Diplomacy and Interest Mediation – By C. Rowe
by Anna-Lena Högenauer - 688-688 Converging Europe: Transformation of Social Policy in the Enlarged European Union and in Turkey – Edited by I.E. Vural
by Monika Mura - 688-689 The High Representative for the EU Foreign and Security Policy: Review and Prospects – Edited by G. Müller-Brandeck-Bocquet and C. Rüger
by Annemarie Peen Rodt - 689-690 Italy and the European Union – By F. Bindi
by Simona Piattoni
May 2012, Volume 50, Issue 3
- 367-384 A Partnership with Dictatorship: Explaining the Paradigm Shift in European Union Policy towards Belarus
by Giselle Bosse - 385-402 Justifying Enlargement in a Multi‐level Polity: A Discursive Institutionalist Analysis of the Elites–Public Gap over European Union Enlargement
by Anna Herranz‐Surrallés - 403-421 Representativeness: A Tool to Structure Interest Intermediation in the European Union?
by Nieves Pérez‐Solórzano Borragán & Stijn Smismans - 422-440 Norwegian Euroscepticism: Values, Identity or Interest
by Marianne Sundlisæter Skinner - 441-456 When Failure isn't Failure: European Union Constitutionalism after the Lisbon Treaty
by Nicole Scicluna - 457-474 Still Punching below Its Weight? Coherence and Effectiveness in European Union Foreign Policy
by Daniel C. Thomas - 475-491 Roma and the Politics of EU Citizenship in France: Everyday Security and Resistance
by Owen Parker - 492-507 European Union Meets South Korea: Bureaucratic Interests, Exporter Discrimination and the Negotiations of Trade Agreements
by Manfred Elsig & Cédric Dupont - 508-522 Can Justice Dethrone Democracy in the European Union? A Reply to Jürgen Neyer
by Danny Nicol - 523-529 Who's Afraid of Justice? A Rejoinder to Danny Nicol
by Jürgen Neyer - 530-530 Political Allegiance after European Integration – By J. White
by Marion Demossier - 530-531 Market Integration and Public Services in the European Union – Edited by M. Cremona
by Scott L. Greer - 531-532 Governing the Euro Area in Good Times & Bad – By D. Hodson
by David Howarth - 532-532 The Evolution of EU Law – Edited by P. Craig and G. de Búrca
by Patrícia Jerónimo - 533-533 The Making of a European Public Sphere: Media Discourse and Political Contention – Edited by R. Koopmans and P. Statham
by Elisabeth Kuebler - 533-534 Europe, Regions and European Regionalism – Edited by R. Scully and R. Wyn Jones
by Rajeesh Kumar - 534-535 Engineering Equality: An Essay on European Anti‐discrimination Law – By A. Somek
by Amy Ludlow - 535-536 German National Identity in the Twenty‐First Century: A Different Republic After All? – By R. Wittlinger
by Ton Nijhuis - 536-536 The Europeanisation of the Western Balkans: EU Justice and Home Affairs in Croatia and Macedonia – By F. Trauner
by Lyubka Savkova - 537-537 European Economic Governance and Policies: Volume I (Commentary on Key Historical & Institutional Dynamics) and Volume II (Commentary on Key Policy Documents) – Edited by K. Dyson and L. Quaglia
by Aneta Spendzharova - 537-538 European Foreign Policy: Legal and Political Perspectives – Edited by P. Koutrakos
by Joren Verschaeve
March 2012, Volume 50, Issue 2
- 195-197 JCMS Fiftieth Anniversary
by Michelle Cini & Amy Verdun - 198-213 Determinants of the Formation of a European Identity among Children: Individual‐ and School‐Level Influences
by Orhan Agirdag & Petra Huyst & Mieke Van Houtte - 214-230 The SWIFT Affair and the Global Politics of European Security
by Marieke De Goede - 231-249 European Union Economies Facing ‘Baumol's Disease’ within the Service Sector
by Rafael Fernandez & Enrique Palazuelos - 250-266 Competitive Liberalization and the ‘Global Europe’ Services and Investment Agenda: Locating the Commercial Drivers of the EU–ACP Economic Partnership Agreements
by Tony Heron & Gabriel Siles‐Brügge - 267-282 Subsidiarity and the European Court of Justice: Missing Pieces in the Subsidiarity Jigsaw?
by Thomas Horsley - 283-299 Cross‐Border Resolution of Failed Banks in the European Union after the Crisis: Business as Usual
by Zdenek Kudrna - 300-314 Completing the European Union Customs Union: The Effects of Trade Procedure Harmonization
by Yves Bourdet & Maria Persson - 315-334 Is More ‘Brussels’ the Solution? New European Union Member States' Preferences about the European Financial Architecture
by Aneta Spendzharova - 335-356 The European Union at Work? The European Employment Strategy from Crisis to Crisis
by Tim Van Rie & Ive Marx - 357-357 European Integration and Its Limits, Intergovernmental Conflicts and Their Domestic Origins – By D. Finke
by Isabel Camisão - 357-358 Ethnic Citizenship Regimes: Europeanization, Post‐war Migration and Redressing Past Wrongs – By A. Maatsch
by Jelena Dzankic - 358-359 Religion and the Public Order of the European Union – By R. McCrea
by Stephie Fehr - 359-360 Transaction Costs and Security Institutions: Unravelling the ESDP – By M. Weiss
by An D. Jacobs - 360-360 The Others in Europe – Edited by S. Bonjour, A. Rea and D. Jacobs
by Anita Lavorgna - 361-361 The Europeanization of Party Politics in Ireland, North and South – Edited by K. Hayward and M.C. Murphy
by Zoe Lefkofridi - 361-362 EU Constitutional Law: An Introduction – By A. Rosas and L. Armati
by Juan A. Mayoral - 362-363 The External Dimension of Justice and Home Affairs: A Different Security Agenda for the European Union? – Edited by S. Wolff, N. Wichmann and G. Mounier
by Mark Rhinard - 363-364 Europe United: Power Politics and the Making of the European Community – By S. Rosato
by Nick Robinson - 364-364 The Influence of the European Union on Turkish Foreign Policy – By O. Terzi
by Kivanç Ulusoy - 364-365 Shaping the Post‐Soviet Space? EU Policies and Approaches to Region‐Building – By L. Delcour
by Gözde Yilmaz
January 2012, Volume 50, Issue 1
- 1-20 Europe and Its Empires: From Rome to the European Union
by Gary Marks - 21-36 The European Union and International Criminal Justice: Living Up to Its Normative Preferences?
by Elena Aoun - 37-53 Mapping the Field of UK–EU Policing
by Felix Berenskoetter - 54-70 Enlargement and the Environment: The Changing Behaviour of the European Parliament
by Charlotte Burns & Neil Carter & Nicholas Worsfold - 71-86 Does the EU Need a Navel? Implicit and Explicit Identification with the European Union
by Laura Cram - 87-111 Images of Europe: How Commission Officials Conceive Their Institution's Role
by Liesbet Hooghe - 112-128 Regional Integration and Economic Convergence in the Post‐Soviet Space: Experience of the Decade of Growth
by Alexander Libman & Evgeny Vinokurov - 129-150 Lobbying Institutional Key Players: How States Seek to Influence the European Commission, the Council Presidency and the European Parliament
by Diana Panke - 151-168 How Effective is the European Union's Savings Tax Directive? Evidence from Four EU Member States
by Thomas Rixen & Peter Schwarz - 169-186 Explaining EU Activism and Impact in Global Climate Politics: Is the Union a Norm‐ or Interest‐Driven Actor?
by Louise Van Schaik & Simon Schunz - 187-187 Europe, the USA and Political Islam: Strategies for Engagement – Edited by M. Pace
by Francis Baert - 187-188 Using Europe: Territorial Party Strategies in a Multi‐level System – By E. Hepburn
by Stephanie Bergbauer - 188-189 Constructing and Imagining Labour Migration: Perspectives of Control from Five Continents – Edited by E. Guild and S. Mantu
by Saskia Bonjour - 189-190 The EU and Federalism: Polities and Policies Compared – Edited by F. Laursen
by Andrew Duff - 190-190 Investment Incentives and the Global Competition for Capital – By K.P. Thomas
by Adriana Giurgiu - 191-191 Which Europe? The Politics of Differentiated Integration – Edited by K. Dyson and A. Sepos
by Sieglinde Gstöhl - 191-192 Political Theory of the European Union – Edited by J. Neyer and A. Wiener
by Ben Rosamond - 192-193 The European Union as a Leader in International Climate Change Politics – Edited by R.K.W. Wurzel and J. Connelly
by Israel Solorio - 193-193 Central Banking and Financialization: A Romanian Account of How Eastern Europe became Subprime – By D. Gabor
by Zbigniew Truchlewski - 193-194 Asymmetry and Aggregation in the EU – By D. Mayes and M. Virén
by Paulo Vila Maior
September 2012, Volume 50
- 1-5 Editorial: Desperate, but not Serious – The EU in 2011
by Nathaniel Copsey & Tim Haughton - 6-35 The European Central Bank as Lender of Last Resort for Sovereigns in the Eurozone
by Willem Buiter & Ebrahim Rahbari - 36-48 On the Stability of Public Debt in a Monetary Union
by Daniel Gros - 49-52 1989: The Missed Opportunity
by Douglas Hurd - 53-67 The JCMS Annual Review Lecture
by Erik Jones - 68-75 The Hungarian Rhapsodies: The Conflict of Adventurism and Professionalism in the European Union Presidency
by Attila Ágh - 76-84 Poland in the Driving Seat: A Mature Presidency in Turbulent Times
by Karolina Pomorska & Sophie Vanhoonacker - 85-98 Governance and Institutions: Impact of the Escalating Crisis
by Desmond Dinan - 99-115 Internal Market: The Ongoing Struggle to ‘Protect’ Europe from Its Money Men
by James Buckley & David Howarth & Lucia Quaglia - 116-131 Justice and Home Affairs
by Jörg Monar - 132-146 Legal Developments
by Fabian Amtenbrink - 147-161 The Arab Spring, the Eurozone Crisis and the Neighbourhood: A Region in Flux
by Richard G. Whitman & Ana E. Juncos - 162-177 Relations with the Rest of the World
by David Allen & Michael Smith - 178-194 The Eurozone in 2011
by Dermot Hodson - 195-209 Developments in the Economies of Member States Outside the Eurozone
by Richard Connolly - 210-216 Chronology: The European Union in 2011
by Guy Neuner Fabian
September 2011, Volume 49, Issue Supplement 1
- 1-6 Editorial: 2010, Kill or Cure for the Euro?
by Nathaniel Copsey & Tim Haughton - 7-18 State of the Union: Three Cheers for the Lisbon Treaty and Two Warnings for Political Parties
by Jerzy Buzek - 19-44 The JCMS Annual Review Lecture. The Shattering of Illusions – And What Next?
by Loukas Tsoukalis - 45-55 Faltering Ambitions and Unrequited Hopes: The Battle for the Euro Intensifies
by David Marsh - 57-75 The Reluctant Hegemon? Germany Moves Centre Stage in the European Union
by William E. Paterson - 77-89 Spain's EU Presidency: Ambitions beyond Capacity?
by Paul M. Heywood - 91-102 Ceci n'est pas une présidence: The 2010 Belgian Presidency of the EU
by Edith Drieskens - 103-121 Governance and Institutions: Implementing the Lisbon Treaty in the Shadow of the Euro Crisis
by Desmond Dinan - 123-143 Internal Market: Regulating the So‐Called ‘Vultures of Capitalism’
by James Buckley & David Howarth - 145-164 Justice and Home Affairs
by Jörg Monar - 165-186 Legal Developments
by Fabian Amtenbrink - 187-208 Relations with the Wider Europe
by Richard G. Whitman & Ana E. Juncos - 209-230 Relations with the Rest of the World
by David Allen & Michael Smith - 231-249 The EU Economy: The Eurozone in 2010
by Dermot Hodson - 251-273 Developments in the Economies of Member States Outside the Eurozone
by Richard Connolly - 275-283 Chronology: The European Union in 2010
by Fabian Guy Neuner
November 2011, Volume 49, Issue 6
- 1153-1182 Is the Economic Crisis Impairing Convergence in Innovation Performance across Europe?
by Daniele Archibugi & Andrea Filippetti - 1183-1204 Normative Power Europe, Once Again: A Conceptual Analysis of an Ideal Type
by Tuomas Forsberg - 1205-1225 The Union for the Mediterranean: An Intergovernmentalist Challenge for the European Union?
by Richard Gillespie - 1227-1248 Characterizing the European Union's Strategic Culture: An Analytical Framework
by Alessia Biava & Margriet Drent & Graeme P. Herd - 1249-1270 Voting in the Council of the European Union after the 2004 Enlargement: A Comparison of Old and New Member States
by Madeleine O. Hosli & Mikko Mattila & Marc Uriot - 1271-1293 National Preferences and the European Union Presidency: The Case of German Energy Policy towards Russia
by Emma C. Verhoeff & Arne Niemann - 1295-1316 Multilayered Citizenship in Extended European Orders: Kurds Acting as European Citizens
by Bahar Rumelili & Fuat Keyman & Bora Isyar - 1317-1338 Invariably Suboptimal: An Attempt to Improve the Voting Rules of the Treaties of Nice and Lisbon
by Werner Kirsch & Jessica Langner - 1339-1361 Following the Money: European Union Funding of Civil Society Organizations
by Christine Mahoney & Michael J. Beckstrand - 1363-1364 European Foreign Policies: Does Europe Still Matter? – Edited by R. Tiersky and J. Van Oudenaren
by Tom Casier - 1364-1364 European Identity and the Second World War – Edited by M. Spiering and M. Wintle
by Recep Demir - 1365-1365 The Regimes of European Integration: Constructing Governance of the Single Market – By S. Donnelly
by Laurence Gormley - 1365-1366 EU Counterterrorism Policy: A Paper Tiger? – By O. Bures
by Claudia Hillebrand - 1366-1367 Transnational Networks in Regional Integration: Governing Europe, 1945–83 – Edited by W. Kaiser, B. Leucht and M. Gehler
by Carrie Humphreys - 1367-1368 European Union Foreign Policy: From Effectiveness to Functionality – By Christopher J. Bickerton
by Cristian Nitoiu - 1368-1369 European Stories: Intellectual Debates on Europe in National Contexts – Edited by J. Lacroix and K. Nicolaïdis
by Craig Parsons - 1369-1370 The Process of Politics in Europe: The Rise of European Elites and Supranational Institutions – By K. Seidel
by Adam Trusner
September 2011, Volume 49, Issue 5
- 923-947 Supranationalism in a Transnational Bureaucracy: The Case of the European Commission
by Antonis A. Ellinas & Ezra N. Suleiman - 949-970 Exploring Corporate Social Responsibility Policy in the European Union: A Discursive Institutionalist Analysis
by Jenny Fairbrass - 971-994 From Rhetorical Action to Policy Learning: Understanding the European Commission's Elaboration of the Flexicurity Concept
by Mads Peter Klindt - 995-1018 Instruments of the EU's External Democracy Promotion
by Peter Kotzian & Michèle Knodt & Sigita Urdze - 1019-1042 Bottom‐Up Europeanization Exposed: Social Movement Theory and Non‐state Actors in France
by DARREN McCAULEY - 1043-1064 A New Role for For‐Profit Actors? The Case of Anti‐Money Laundering and Risk Management
by Maria Bergström & Karin Svedberg Helgesson & Ulrika Mörth - 1065-1087 Energy Co‐operation in the Wider Europe: Institutionalizing Interdependence
by Stephen Padgett - 1089-1111 Cohesion Policy in the European Union: Growth, Geography, Institutions
by Thomas Farole & Andrés Rodríguez‐Pose & Michael Storper - 1113-1140 What Should We Expect of ‘Erasmus Generations’?
by Iain Wilson - 1141-1142 New Modes of Governance in Europe: Governing in the Shadow of Hierarchy – Edited by A. Héritier and M. Rhodes
by Edward Best - 1142-1142 Small States in the European Union: Coping with Structural Disadvantages – By D. Panke
by Peter Bursens - 1143-1143 Representations and Othering in Discourse: The Construction of Turkey in the EU Context – By B.Ç. Tekin
by Eli̇f Çeti̇n - 1143-1144 An Emergent European Executive Order – By J. Trondal
by Anne Corbett - 1144-1145 Understanding Euroscepticism – By C. Leconte
by Yves Meny - 1145-1146 The European Public Sphere: Media and Transnational Communication in European Integration, 1969–1991 – By J.‐H. Meyer
by Asimina Michailidou - 1146-1147 Regime Change in the Yugoslav Successor States: Divergent Paths towards a New Europe – By M.P. Boduszyński
by Inês Sofia De Oliveira - 1147-1148 The Politics of Ends and Means: Policy Instruments in the European Union – By H. Bähr
by Helena Seibicke - 1148-1149 The Black Sea Region and EU Policy: The Challenge of Divergent Agendas – By K. Henderson and C. Weaver
by Didem Soyaltin - 1149-1150 Europeanism – By J. McCormick
by Alexander Strelkov - 1150-1151 Migration and Welfare in the New Europe: Social Protection and the Challenges of Integration – Edited by E. Carmel, A. Cerami and T. Papadopoulos
by Wim Van Lancker - 1151-1152 Mixed Agreements Revisited: The EU and its Member States in the World – Edited by C. Hillion and P. Koutrakos
by Nicholas Wright
July 2011, Volume 49, Issue 4
- 697-717 Re‐visiting the Partnership Principle in Cohesion Policy: The Role of Civil Society Organizations in Structural Funds Monitoring
by Agnes Batory & Andrew Cartwright - 719-739 What Can Currency Crisis Models Tell Us about the Risk of Withdrawal from the EMU? Evidence from ADR Data
by Stefan Eichler - 741-766 Why not Turkey? Attitudes towards Turkish Membership in the EU among Citizens in 27 European Countries
by Jürgen Gerhards & Silke Hans - 767-796 Why Go to France or Germany, if You Could as Well Go to the UK or the US? Selective Features of Immigration to the EU ‘Big Three’ and the United States
by Wido Geis & Silke Uebelmesser & Martin Werding - 797-822 When Does Market‐Making Make Markets? EU Health Services Policy at Work in the United Kingdom and Germany
by Scott L. Greer & Simone Rauscher - 823-843 Is Constitutional Symmetry Enough? Social Models and Market Integration in the US and Europe
by Jonathon W. Moses - 845-869 European Integration and Productivity: Exploring the Early Effects of Completing the Internal Market
by Giovanni Notaro - 871-894 The Euro–Mediterranean Partnership: A Macroeconomic Governance Perspective
by Andreas Kern & Alexander Salhi - 895-915 Contested Accountability Claims and GMO Regulation in the European Union
by Grace Skogstad - 917-918 Gender and the European Union – By J. Kantola
by Gill Allwood - 918-918 Regulating Lobbying: A Global Compariso – By R. Chari, J. Hogan and G. Murphy
by Alan Hardacre - 919-919 Constrained Balancing: The EU's Security Policy – By D. Peters
by Hubertus Juergenliemk - 920-920 The Lisbon Treaty: A Legal and Political Analysis – By J.‐C. Piris
by Josine Polak - 920-921 Poland and European Integration: The Ideas and Movements of Polish Exiles in the West, 1939–91 – By T. Lane and M. Wolański
by Zbigniew B. Rudnicki - 921-922 Cooperation or Conflict? Problematizing Organizational Overlap in Europe – Edited by D. Galbreath and C. Gebhard
by Ramin Shafagatov
May 2011, Volume 49, Issue 3
- 501-524 Incidents along the Path: Understanding the Rationale behind the EU–Chile Association Agreement
by Maria Garcia - 525-540 Euro Area Inflation Differentials: Unit Roots and Nonlinear Adjustment
by Andros Gregoriou & Alexandros Kontonikas & Alberto Montagnoli - 541-562 From the European Coal and Steel Community to Kosovo: Reconciliation and Its Discontents
by Catherine Guisan - 563-584 The Optimal Assignment of Prerogatives to Different Levels of Government in the EU
by Jean‐François Jamet - 585-606 Accelerating Downhill: How the EU Shapes Corporate Tax Competition in the Single Market
by Philipp Genschel & Achim Kemmerling & Eric Seils - 607-629 Still Fashionable Yet Useless? Addressing Problems with Research on the Europeanization of Foreign Policy
by Kyriakos Moumoutzis - 631-651 Reframing the EU Budget Decision‐Making Process
by Susanne Neheider & Indhira Santos - 653-674 The European Commission's Online Consultations: A Success Story?
by Christine Quittkat - 675-681 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly in Comparative Regionalism: A Comment on Sbragia
by Philippe De Lombaerde - 683-684 Who Decides and How? Preferences, Uncertainty and Policy Choice in the European Parliament – By N. Ringe
by Giacomo Benedetto - 684-685 The Political Economy of the European Union – By D. McCann
by Rolf Bergs - 685-686 Experimentalist Governance in the European Union: Towards a New Architecture – Edited by C.F. Sabel and J. Zeitlin
by Thijs Etty - 686-687 EU Counter‐terrorism Policies and Fundamental Rights: The Case of Individual Sanctions – By C. Eckes
by Elspeth Guild - 687-688 European Union History: Themes and Debates – Edited by W. Kaiser and A. Varsori
by Thomas Hörber - 688-689 Governing Financial Services in the European Union: Banking, Securities and Post‐trading – By L. Quaglia
by Zdenek Kudrna - 689-690 Europeanization and National Politics – By R. Ladrech
by Stella Ladi - 690-691 The Theory of Multi‐level Governance: Conceptual, Empirical and Normative Challenges – by S. Piattoni
by Evangelos G. Manouvelos - 691-691 Small States in Europe: Challenges and Opportunities – Edited by R. Steinmetz and A Wivel
by Roderick Pace - 692-692 Research Agendas in EU Studies: Stalking the Elephant – Edited by M. Egan, N. Nugent and W.E. Paterson
by Mark. A. Pollack - 693-693 British Government and Politics: Balancing Europeanization and Independence – By M.L. Mannin
by Simon Usherwood - 693-694 European Union Policy towards the Arab–Israeli Peace Process: The Quicksands of Politics – By C. Musu
by Pepijn Van Houwelingen - 694-695 The End of Territoriality? The Impact of ECJ Rulings on British, German and French Social Policy – By A.J. Obermaier
by Samantha Velluti - 695-696 Europe 2030 – Edited by D. Benjamin
by Igor Vidacak
March 2011, Volume 49, Issue 2
- 191-192 Editorial
by Michelle Cini & Amy Verdun - 193-217 The JCMS Annual Lecture: The Greek Sovereign Debt Crisis and EMU: A Failing State in a Skewed Regime
by Kevin Featherstone - 219-241 EuroMed, European Neighbourhood Policy and the Union for the Mediterranean: Overlapping Policy Frames in the EU's Governance of the Mediterranean
by Paul James Cardwell - 243-263 The Third Internal Energy Market Package: New Power Relations among Member States, EU Institutions and Non‐state Actors?
by Per Ove Eikeland - 265-291 Sectors at Different Speeds: Analysing Transposition Deficits in the European Union
by Markus Haverland & Bernard Steunenberg & Frans Van Waarden - 293-313 The Elusive Axis: Assessing the EU–China Strategic Partnership
by Jonathan Holslag - 315-339 ‘Race to the Bottom’ or ‘Race to Brussels’? Environmental Competition in Europe
by Katharina Holzinger & Thomas Sommerer - 341-366 ‘Telling Stories about Politics’: Europeanization and the EU's Council Working Groups
by Julian Clark & Alun Jones - 367-389 Europeanization by Decree? The Case of Police Reform in Bosnia
by Ana E. Juncos - 391-412 The EU as a ‘Framing Actor’: Reflections on Media Debates about EU Foreign Policy
by Petr Kratochvíl & Petra Cibulková & Michal Beník - 413-435 European Financial Integration: Finally the Great Leap Forward?
by Emiliano Grossman & Patrick Leblond - 437-462 Stopping, Shaping and Moulding Europe: Two‐Level Games, Non‐state Actors and the Europeanization of Migration Policies
by Georg Menz - 463-483 The Effects on American Foreign Direct Investment in the United Kingdom from Not Adopting the Euro
by Marcos Sanso‐Navarro - 485-486 A Right to Inclusion and Exclusion? Normative Fault Lines of the EU's Area of Freedom, Security and Justice – Edited by H. Lindahl
by Elspeth Guild - 486-486 An Inconvenient Wait: Ireland's Quest for Membership of the EEC, 1957–73 – By M.J. Geary
by Michael Holmes - 487-487 Illiberal Liberal States: Immigration, Citizenship and Integration in the EU – Edited by E. Guild, K. Groenendijk and S. Carrera
by Tim Bale - 488-488 Neighborhood Challenge: The European Union and Its Neighbors – Edited by B. Demirtaş‐Coşkun and B. Balamir‐Coşkun
by Cigdem Ustun - 489-489 Learning and Change in European Foreign Policy: The Case of the EU Special Representatives – By C. Adebahr
by Scott. A.W. Brown