November 2019, Volume 43, Issue 6
September 2019, Volume 43, Issue 5
- 816-832 Hamburg's Spaces of Danger: Race, Violence and Memory in a Contemporary Global City
by Key MacFarlane & Katharyne Mitchell - 833-847 ‘Get out of Traian Square!’: Roma Stigmatization as a Mobilizing Tool for the Far Right in Timişoara, Romania
by Remus Creţan & Thomas O'brien - 848-869 Experiences of Urban Militarism: Spatial Stigma, Ruins and Everyday Life
by Silvia Pasquetti - 870-887 The Neighbourhood in Pieces: The Fragmentation of Local Public Space in a Swedish Housing Area
by Mattias Kärrholm & Johan Wirdelöv - 888-913 Residents’ Responses to ‘Territorial Stigmatization’: Visual Research in Berlin
by Cécile Cuny - 914-929 Embedded Enclaves: Cultural Mimicry and Urban Social Exclusion in Iran
by Manata Hashemi - 930-946 The Nomad, The Squatter and the State: Roma Racialization and Spatial Politics in Italy
by Gaja Maestri - 947-962 Ethnic Disparities in Neighbourhood Selection: Understanding the Role of Income
by Rory Coulter & William A.V. Clark - 963-982 The Spatial Pattern of Residential Mobility in Guangzhou, China
by Si‐Ming Li & Sanqin Mao - 983-999 Welcoming Refugees and the Cultural Wealth of Cities: Intersections of Urban Development and Refugee Humanitarianism
by Jake Watson - 1000-1001 Martin J. Murray 2017: The Urbanism of Exception: The Dynamics of Global City Building in the Twenty‐First Century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
by Roger Keil - 1001-1003 Samuel Stein 2019: Capital City: Gentrification and the Real Estate State. London: Verso
by Erin McElroy - 1003-1005 Jan Lin 2019: Taking Back the Boulevard: Art, Activism, and Gentrification in Los Angeles. New York: New York University Press
by Walter Nicholls - 1005-1006 Martin Jones 2019: Cities and Regions in Crisis: The Political Economy of Sub‐National Development. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
by Donald Planey - 1007-1008 Maureen M. Donaghy 2018: Democratizing Urban Development: Community Organizations for Housing across the United States and Brazil. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press
by Benjamin H. Bradlow - 1008-1010 Rosalind Fredericks 2018: Garbage Citizenship: Vital Infrastructures of Labor in Dakar, Senegal. Durham, NC: Duke University Press
by Colin McFarlane - 1011-1012 Gokçe Günel 2019: Spaceship in the Desert: Energy, Climate Change and Urban Design in Abu Dhabi. Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press
by Gerardo del Cerro Santamaría
July 2019, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 617-632 Recombinant Urbanization: Agrarian–urban Landed Property and Uneven Development in India
by Sai Balakrishnan - 633-648 Accumulation without Dispossession? Land Commodification and Rent Extraction in Peri‐urban China
by Karita Kan - 649-665 Legal Technologies of Primitive Accumulation: Judicial Robbery and Dispossession‐by‐Restitution in Warsaw
by Joanna Kusiak - 666-684 How Subordinate Financialization Shapes Urban Development: The Rise and Fall of Warsaw's Służewiec Business District
by Mirjam Büdenbender & Manuel B. Aalbers - 685-704 Financialization, Urban Governance and the Planning System: Utilizing ‘Development Viability’ as a Policy Narrative for the Liberalization of Ireland's Post‐Crash Planning System
by Richard Waldron - 705-723 Lisbon After the Crisis: From Credit‐fuelled Suburbanization to Tourist‐driven Gentrification
by Iago Lestegás - 724-740 New Geographies of Residential Capitalism: Financialization of the Turkish Housing Market Since the Early 2000s
by Isil Erol - 741-759 Dismantled Spatial Fixes in the Aftermath of Recession: Capital Switching and Labour Underutilization in the Greek Capital Metropolitan Region
by Konstantinos Gourzis & Stelios Gialis - 760-775 Forefronts of the Sharing Economy: Uber in Cape Town
by Andrea Pollio - 776-785 Why ‘Good Governance’ Fails: Lessons from Regional Economic Development in Colombia
by Tobias Franz - 786-793 Beyond Circular Thinking: Geographies of Transit‐Oriented Development
by Mattias Qviström & Nik Luka & Greet De Block - 794-805 Florida in the Global South: How Eurocentrism Obscures Global Urban Challenges—and What We Can Do about It
by Seth Schindler & Jonathan Silver - 806-807 Barry D. Solomon and Kirby E. Calvert (eds.) 2017: Handbook on the Geographies of Energy. Cheltenham/Northampton: Edward Elgar
by Ludger Gailing - 807-809 Anke Schwarz 2017: Demanding Water: A Sociospatial Approach to Domestic Water Use in Mexico City. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag
by Alejandro De Coss‐Corzo - 809-810 Chiara Tornaghi and Chiara Certomà (eds.) 2019: Urban Gardening as Politics. Abingdon and New York: Routledge
by Lucilla Barchetta - 811-812 Gordon C.C. Douglas 2018: The Help‐yourself City: Legitimacy and Inequality in DIY Urbanism. New York: Oxford University Press
by Margaret Dewar - 812-814 Amanda Huron 2018: Carving out the Commons: Tenant Organizing and Housing Cooperatives in Washington, DC. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press
by Miguel A. Martínez
May 2019, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 405-422 State Theory from the Street Altar: The Muscles, the Saint and the Amparo
by Julie‐Anne Boudreau - 423-441 ‘The City of Our Dream’: Owambe Urbanism and Low‐income Women's Resistance in Ibadan, Nigeria
by Grace Adeniyi Ogunyankin - 442-459 Governmentality and Spatial Strategies: Towards Formalization of Street Vendors in Guangzhou, China
by Gengzhi Huang & Desheng Xue & Yang Wang - 460-475 Uncertainty and the Governance of Street Vending: A Critical Comparison Across the North/South Divide
by Jennifer Lee Tucker & Ryan Thomas Devlin - 476-496 Reconceptualizing Informal Work Practices: Some Observations from an Ethnic Minority Community in Urban UK
by Peter Rodgers & Muhammad Shehryar Shahid & Colin C. Williams - 497-516 The Dark Side of Urban Informality in the Global North: Housing Illegality and Organized Crime in Northern Italy
by Francesco Chiodelli - 517-534 Displacing Informality: Rights and Legitimacy in Belo Horizonte, Brazil
by Mara Nogueira - 535-550 Weird Exoskeletons: Propositional Politics and the Making of Home in Underground Bucharest
by Michele Lancione - 551-562 Urban Informality and the State: Geographical Translations and Conceptual Alliances
by Christian G. Haid & Hanna Hilbrandt - 563-568 The Myth of Formality in the Global North: Informality‐as‐Innovation in Dutch Governance
by Rivke Jaffe & Martijn Koster - 569-575 Informality as Structure or Agency? Exploring Shed Housing in the UK as Informal Practice
by Melanie Lombard - 576-581 Sovereignty Beyond the State: Exception and Informality in a Western European City
by Giovanni Picker - 582-588 Juggling Legitimacies: Informal Places for Burials and Worship in Hong Kong
by Josefine Fokdal - 589-596 Rule of Law and Rules‐Lawyering: Legal Corruption and ‘Reprivatization Business’ in Warsaw
by Joanna Kusiak - 597-604 Informalization of the State: Reflections from an Urban World of Translations
by Julie‐Anne Boudreau - 605-606 Richard Sennett 2018: Building and Dwelling: Ethics for the City. London: Penguin Books
by Robert Beauregard - 606-608 Nikhil Anand, Akhil Gupta and Hannah Appel (eds.) 2018: The Promise of Infrastructure. Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press
by Laura Kemmer - 608-609 Erik Swyngedouw 2018: Promises of the Political: Insurgent Cities in a Post‐Political Environment. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
by Jenny Mcarthur - 610-611 Barbara Schönig and Sebastian Schipper (eds.) 2016: Urban Austerity: Impacts of the Global Financial Crisis on Cities in Europe. Berlin: Theater der Zeit
by Camerin Federico - 611-613 Giovanni Picker 2017: Racial Cities: Governance and the Segregation of Romani People in Urban Europe. Abingdon: Routledge—Advances in Sociology Series
by Ali Madanipour - 613-614 Andrew J. Diamond 2017: Chicago on the Make: Power and Inequality in a Modern City. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press
by Larry Bennett - 615-616 Tim Bunnell and Daniel P.S. Goh (eds.) 2018: Urban Asias: Essays on Futurity Past and Present. Berlin: Jovis
by Monika Grubbauer
March 2019, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 207-226 Futures of Crisis, Futures of Urban Political Theory: Flooding in Asian Coastal Megacities
by Gavin Shatkin - 227-249 Evicting Slums, ‘Building Back Better’: Resiliency Revanchism and Disaster Risk Management in Manila
by Maria Khristine Alvarez & Kenneth Cardenas - 250-272 Urban Waterscapes: The Hydro‐Politics of Flooding in a Sinking City
by Kian Goh - 273-291 Resilient Growth: Fantasy Plans and Unplanned Developments in India's Flood‐Prone Coastal Cities
by Liza Weinstein & Andrew Rumbach & Saumitra Sinha - 292-312 When Diverse Norms Meet Weak Plans: The Organizational Dynamics of Urban Rubble Clearance in Post‐Earthquake Haiti
by Michael Hooper - 313-336 Silence and Voice in Nigeria's Hybrid Urban Water Markets: Implications for Local Governance of Public Goods
by Charisma Shonté Acey - 337-353 Irregular Connections: Everyday Energy Politics in Catalonia
by James Angel - 354-376 Recovering Sociology from the Trash Heap: Of Waste Politics and the Spatialization of Local Representation in Lagos
by Côme Salvaire - 377-392 Problematizing Urban Shit(ting): Representing Human Waste as a Problem
by Angela Oberg - 393-394 Loretta Lees and Martin Phillips (eds.) 2018: Handbook of Gentrification Studies. Cheltenham and Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing
by Aysegul Can - 394-396 Ugo Rossi 2017: Cities in Global Capitalism. Cambridge: Polity Press
by Alan Walks - 396-398 Verónica Gago (ed.) 2017: Neoliberalism from Below: Popular Pragmatics and Baroque Economies. Durham, NC: Duke University Press
by María Cervantes & Nick Middeldorp - 398-399 Miguel A. Martinez Lopez (ed.) 2018: The Urban Politics of Squatters' Movements. New York: Palgrave Macmillan
by Basak Tanulku - 399-400 Maria Jose Alvarez‐Rivadulla 2017: Squatters and the Politics of Marginality in Uruguay. New York: Palgrave Macmillan
by Robert Gay - 401-402 Verónica Herrera 2017: Water and Politics: Clientelism and Reform in Urban Mexico. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press
by Felipe De Alba - 402-403 Richard Webber and Roger Burrows 2018: The Predictive Postcode: The Geodemographic Classification of British Society. London: Sage Publications Ltd
by Benjamin N. Jacobsen
January 2019, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 2-13 Necrotecture: Lifeless Dwellings and London's Super‐Rich
by Rowland Atkinson - 14-29 The Forever Frontier of Urbanism: Historicizing Persian Gulf Cities
by Alex Boodrookas & Arang Keshavarzian - 30-45 Placing Property: Theorizing the Urban from Settler Colonial Cities
by Naama Blatman‐Thomas & Libby Porter - 46-62 Constructing Cityscapes: Locality, Materiality and Territoriality on the Urban Construction Site in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, Northwest China
by Madlen Kobi - 63-75 Urban Political Ecology Beyond Methodological Cityism
by Creighton Connolly - 76-93 Infrastructure's Expenditures: Changi Airport, Food Cargo and Capital's Technosphere
by Weiqiang Lin - 94-111 Fungible Space: Competition and Volatility in the Global Logistics Network
by Martin Danyluk - 112-132 Greening Displacements, Displacing Green: Environmental Subjectivity, Slum Clearance, and the Embodied Political Ecologies of Dispossession in Mumbai
by Sapana Doshi - 133-156 Grabbed Urban Landscapes: Socio‐spatial Tensions in Green Infrastructure Planning in Medellín
by Isabelle Anguelovski & Clara Irazábal‐Zurita & James J.T. Connolly - 157-178 Cooperative Islands in Capitalist Waters: Limited‐equity Housing Cooperatives, Urban Renewal and Gentrification
by Lorenzo Vidal - 179-194 Contested Development: Homeless Property, Police Reform, and Resistance in Skid Row, LA
by Deshonay Dozier - 195-197 Phil Hubbard 2017: The Battle for the High Street: Retail Gentrification, Class and Disgust. London: Palgrave MacmillanSara González (ed.) 2018: Contested Markets, Contested Cities: Gentrification and Urban Justice in Retail Spaces. Abingdon: Routledge
by Anthony Miro Born - 197-198 Miriam Greenberg and Penny Lewis (eds.) 2017: The City is the Factory: New Solidarities and Spatial Strategies in an Urban Age. Ithaca, NY: Cornwell University Press
by Catharina Thörn - 199-200 AbdouMaliq Simone and Edgar Pieterse 2017: New Urban Worlds: Inhabiting Dissonant Times. Cambridge: Polity Press
by Michele Lancione - 200-202 Winifred Curran 2018: Gender and Gentrification. New York: Routledge
by Rachel Weber - 202-203 Melody L. Hoffmann 2016: Bike Lanes are White Lanes: Bicycle Advocacy and Urban Planning. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press
by Alan Latham - 204-205 Marie Cartier, Isabelle Coutant, Olivier Masclet and Yasmine Siblot 2016: The France of the Little‐middles. A Suburban Housing Development in Greater Paris. New York and Oxford: Berghahn
by Max Rousseau - 205-206 Jaime A. Alves 2018: The Anti‐black City: Police Terror and Black Urban Life in Brazil. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press
by Graham Denyer Willis
November 2018, Volume 42, Issue 6
- 967-985 From Camp Town to International City: Us Military Base Expansion and Local Development in Pyeongtaek, South Korea
by Bridget Martin - 986-1007 Asĺ No (Not Like This): Resisting Postpolitics on Mexico City's Avenida Chapultepec
by Ben A. Gerlofs - 1008-1029 The Spatial‐Political Outcome of Urban Development Conflicts: Emancipatory Dynamics of Protests against Gentrification in Peñalolén, Santiago de Chile
by Corinna Hölzl - 1030-1047 ‘Problem Spaces’ and Struggles Over the Right to the City: Challenges of Living Differentially in a Gentrifying Istanbul Neighborhood
by Özlem Öz & Mine Eder - 1048-1063 Hopeful City: Meritocracy and Affect in Global Cairo
by Harry Pettit - 1064-1079 Village Redevelopment and Desegregation as a Strategy for Metropolitan Development: Some Lessons from Guangzhou City
by Siu Wai Wong & Bo‐Sin Tang & Jinlong Liu - 1080-1095 The Quest for Water, Rights and Freedoms: Informal Urban Settlements in India
by Francesco M. Gimelli & Briony C. Rogers & Joannette J. Bos - 1096-1113 The Jewel in the Crown: Co‐optive Capacity and Participation During Austerity in Cardiff and San Sebastián‐Donostia
by Valeria Guarneros‐Meza & Imanol Tellería & Asier Blas & Madeleine Pill - 1114-1126 Beyond the Enclave of Urban Theory
by Austin Zeiderman - 1127-1139 Knowledge of Metropolitan Governance in the South
by Richard Tomlinson & Philip Harrison - 1140-1151 Three Metals and the ‘Post‐Socialist City’: Reclaiming the Peripheries of Urban Knowledge
by Michael Gentile - 1152-1153 Derek Hyra 2017: Race, Class, and Politics in the Cappuccino City. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
by Loretta Lees - 1153-1155 Stavros Stavrides 2016: Common Space: The City as Commons. London: Zed Books
by Francesco Zuddas - 1155-1156 John J. Betancur and Janet L. Smith 2016: Claiming Neighborhood: New Ways of Understanding Urban Change. Urbana: University of Illinois Press
by Sebastian Juhnke - 1156-1158 Justin B. Hollander 2018: A Research Agenda for Shrinking Cities. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing
by Daniel Florentin - 1158-1159 Alan Mayne 2017: Slums: The History of a Global Injustice. London: Reaktion Books Ltd
by Eugénie L. Birch - 1159-1160 Gavin Shatkin 2017: Cities for Profit: The Real Estate Turn in Asia's Urban Politics. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press
by Michael R. Glass - 1160-1162 Luna Khirfan (ed.) 2017: Order and Disorder: Urban Governance and the Making of Middle Eastern Cities. Montreal: McGill‐Queen's University Press
by Rayya El Zein - 1162-1164 Scott McQuire 2017: Geomedia: Networked Cities and the Future of Public Space. Cambridge: Polity
by Claudio Coletta
September 2018, Volume 42, Issue 5
- 751-768 San Francisco Through Bogotá’s Eyes: Leveraging Urban Policy Change through the Circulation of Media Objects
by Sergio Montero - 769-784 Machinic Assemblages of Publicness
by Michael Buser - 786-806 Assemblages of Urban Leisure Culture in Inner‐City Bucharest
by Hans‐Joachim Bürkner & Silviu G. Totelecan - 807-827 Weeds, Pheasants and Wild Dogs: Resituating the Ecological Paradigm in Postindustrial Detroit
by Paul Draus & Juliette Roddy - 828-844 Producing Localized Commodity Frontiers at the End of Cheap Nature: An Analysis of Eco‐scalar Carbon Fixes and their Consequences
by Seth Schindler & J. Miguel Kanai - 845-863 Low‐Carbon Gentrification: When Climate Change Encounters Residential Displacement
by Stefan Bouzarovski & Jan Frankowski & Sergio Tirado Herrero - 864-881 Linear Parks and the Political Ecologies of Permeability: Environmental displacement in São Paulo, Brazil
by Nate Millington - 882-913 Coastal Urban Planning in The ‘Green Republic’: Tourism Development and the Nature–Infrastructure Paradox in Costa Rica
by Clara Irazábal - 914-933 Governing ‘Sustainable Urban Development’ Through Self‐Build Groups and Co‐Housing: The Cases of Hamburg and Gothenburg
by David Scheller & Håkan Thörn - 934-951 Metropolitan Strategies and Climate Governance: Towards New Evaluative Approaches
by Thi Minh Phuong Nguyen & Kathryn Davidson & Brendan Gleeson - 952-953 Robert A. Beauregard 2018: Cities in the Urban Age: A Dissent. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
by Enora Robin - 953-955 Willem Salet 2018: Public Norms and Aspirations: The Turn to Institutions in Action. New York and London: Routledge–RTPI Library Series
by Laura Lieto - 955-956 Andrea Fischer‐Tahir and Sophie Wagenhofer (eds.) 2017: Disciplinary Spaces: Spatial Control, Forced Assimilation and Narratives of Progress since the 19th Century. Bielefeld: Transcript
by Benjamin Zachariah - 956-958 Leslie Sklair 2017: The Icon Project: Architecture, Cities and Capitalist Globalization. New York: Oxford University Press
by Gerardo del Cerro Santamaría - 958-960 Marc Pares, Sonia M. Ospina and Joan Subirats 2017: Social Innovation and Democratic Leadership: Communities and Social Change from Below. Cheltenham and Northampton: Edward Elgar
by Marisol Garcia - 960-962 Dallas Rogers 2017: The Geopolitics of Real Estate: Reconfiguring Property, Capital and Rights. London and New York: Rowman & Littlefield
by Gabriel Fauveaud - 962-963 Jesse Goldstein 2018: Planetary Improvement: Cleantech Entrepreneurship and the Contradictions of Green Capitalism. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press
by Dustin Gray & Grace Newton & Sherry Yang - 963-965 Richard Walkers 2018: Pictures of a Gone City: Tech and the Dark Side of Prosperity in the San Francisco Bay Area. Oakland, CA: PM Press
by Erin McElroy
July 2018, Volume 42, Issue 4
- 547-572 Re‐Thinking Territorial Cohesion in the European Planning Context
by Teresa Sá Marques & Miguel Saraiva & Gonçalo Santinha & Paula Guerra - 573-593 Engineering the Financialization of Urban Entrepreneurialism: The JESSICA Urban Development Initiative in the European Union
by Dimitar Anguelov & Helga Leitner & Eric Sheppard - 594-611 State‐Led Financial Regulation and Representations of Spatial Fixity: The Example of the Spanish Real Estate Sector
by Ismael Yrigoy - 612-632 Demolishing the Present to Sell off the Future? The Emergence of ‘Financialized Municipal Entrepreneurialism’ in London
by Joe Beswick & Joe Penny - 633-650 The Neoliberalization of Municipal Land Policy in Sweden
by Lina Olsson - 651-665 Old Wine in Private Equity Bottles? The Resurgence of Contract‐for‐Deed Home Sales in US Urban Neighborhoods
by Dan Immergluck - 666-683 Urban Redevelopment Policies on the Move: Rethinking the Geographies of Comparison, Exchange and Learning
by Kevin Ward - 684-702 A Small Entrepreneurial City in Action: Policy Mobility, Urban Entrepreneurialism, and Politics of Scale in Jiyuan, China
by Shenjing He & Lingyue Li & Yong Zhang & Jun Wang - 704-722 Public–Private Partnerships and the Design Process: Consequences for Architects and City Building
by Martijn van den Hurk & Matti Siemiatycki - 723-737 China's Urban Speed Machine: The Politics of Speed and Time in a Period of Rapid Urban Growth
by Shiuh‐shen Chien & Max D. Woodworth - 738-739 Talja Blokland 2017: Community as Urban Practice. Cambridge: Polity Press
by Garry Robson - 739-741 Roger Keil 2018: Suburban Planet: Making the World Urban from the Outside In. Cambridge and Medford, MA: Polity Press
by Diego García Mejuto - 741-742 Els de Graauw 2016: Making Immigrant Rights Real: Nonprofits and the Politics of Integration in San Francisco. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press
by Thomas Swerts - 742-744 Dimitris Dalakoglou 2017: The Road: An Ethnography of (Im)Mobility, Space, and Cross‐border Infrastructures in the Balkans. Manchester: Manchester University Press
by Nataša Gregorič Bon - 744-745 Lucy Earle 2017: Transgressive Citizenship and the Struggle for Social Justice: The Right to the City in São Paulo. London: Palgrave Macmillan
by Michael Cohen - 746-747 Hans‐Liudger Dienel, M. Reza Shirazi, Sabine Schröder and Jenny Schmithals (eds.) 2017: Citizens’ Participation in Urban Planning and Development in Iran. London and New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
by Kian Tajbakhsh - 747-749 Serhat Unaldi 2016: Working Towards the Monarchy: The Politics of Space in Downtown Bangkok. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press
by Keng‐Khoon Ng
May 2018, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 373-389 Sex Work, Sensory Urbanism and Visual Criminology: Exploring the Role of the Senses in Shaping Residential Perceptions of Brothels in Blackpool
by Emily Cooper & Ian R. Cook & Charlotte Bilby - 390-407 Urban Politics as the Unfolding of Social Relations in Place: The Case of Sexually Transmitted Disease Investigation in Mid†Twentieth†Century Gay Seattle
by Larry Knopp & Michael Brown & Will Mckeithen - 408-422 Urban Vigilantism: A Study of Anti†Terror Law, Politics and Policing in Istanbul
by Deniz Yonucu - 423-441 The Power of Group Stigmatization: Wealthy Roma, Urban Space and Strategies of Defence in Post†socialist Romania
by Remus Creţan & Ryan Powell - 442-460 How Interspersion Affects Class Relations
by Marco Garrido - 461-482 Seeing Like a City†State: Behavioural Planning and Governance in Egypt's First Affordable Gated Community
by Nicholas Simcik Arese - 483-499 Making the ‘Invisible’ Visible: Redevelopment†induced Displacement of Migrants in Shenzhen, China
by Ying Liu & Stan Geertman & Frank van Oort & Yanliu Lin - 500-516 Territorial Stigmatization and Territorial Destigmatization: A Cultural Sociology of Symbolic Strategy in the Gentrification of Parkdale (Toronto)
by Mervyn Horgan - 517-532 Global Best Practice or Regulating Fiction? Street Vending, Zero Tolerance and Conflicts Over Public Space in New York, 1980–2000
by Ryan Thomas Devlin - 533-534 Tim Bunnell 2016: From World City to the World in One City: Liverpool through Malay Lives. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell
by Ola Söderström - 534-536 Goran Therborn 2017: Cities of Power: The Urban, the National, the Popular, the Global. London and New York: Verso Books
by Pelin Asci - 536-537 David Madden and Peter Marcuse 2016: In Defense of Housing: The Politics of Crisis. London and New York: Verso Books
by Havva Ezgi Dogru - 537-539 Kevin R. Cox 2016: The Politics of Urban and Regional Development and the American Exception. New York: Syracuse University Press
by Stijn Oosterlynck - 539-541 Fulong Wu 2015: Planning for Growth: Urban and Regional Planning in China. New York: Routledge
by Max D. Woodworth - 541-542 Llerena G. Searle 2016: Landscapes of Accumulation: Real Estate and the Neoliberal Imagination in Contemporary India. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press
by Hanna Hilbrandt - 542-544 Theresa Enright 2016: The Making of Grand Paris: Metropolitan Urbanism in the Twenty†first Century. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
by Antoine Guironnet - 544-545 Justin B. Hollander, Erin Graves, Henry Renski, Cara Foster†Karim, Andrew Wiley and Dibyendu Das 2016: Urban Social Listening: Potential and Pitfalls for Using Microblogging Data in Studying Cities. London: Palgrave Pivot
by Alyson Lloyd
March 2018, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 182-197 Transport Infrastructure and Logistics in the Making of Dubai Inc
by Rafeef Ziadah - 198-209 Global Urban Policymaking in Africa: A View from Angola Through the Redevelopment of the Bay of Luanda
by Sylvia Croese - 210-225 Resisting the 'Long†Arm' of the State? Spheres of Capture and Opportunities for Autonomy in Community Governance
by Paul O’Hare - 226-243 Recasting Urban Governance through Leeds City Lab: Developing Alternatives to Neoliberal Urban Austerity in Co†production Laboratories
by Paul Chatterton & Alice Owen & Jo Cutter & Gary Dymski & Rachael Unsworth - 244-262 Engineering Cities: Mediating Materialities, Infrastructural Imaginaries and Shifting Regimes of Urban Expertise
by Lisa Björkman & Andrew Harris - 263-275 Urban Infrastructure, Imagination and Politics: from the Networked Metropolis to the Smart City
by Antoine Picon - 276-294 The Engineer and The Plumber: Mediating Mumbai's Conflicting Infrastructural Imaginaries
by Lisa Björkman - 295-314 Engineering Formality: Flyover and Skywalk Construction in Mumbai
by Andrew Harris - 315-333 Conduct of Conduits: Engineering, Desire and Government through the Enclosure and Exposure of Urban Water
by Mark Usher - 334-356 Politics of The Ring: Limits to Public Participation in Engineering Practice
by Joseph Hillier - 358-359 Julie†Anne Boudreau 2017: Global Urban Politics. Cambridge: Polity Press
by Melora Koepke - 359-361 Ash Amin and Nigel Thrift 2017: Seeing Like a City. Cambridge and Malden, MA: Polity Press
by Prathiwi Widyatmi Putri - 361-363 Alistair Cole and Renaud Payre (eds.) 2016: Cities as Political Objects: Historical Evolution, Analytical Categorisations and Institutional Challenges of Metropolitanisation. Cheltenham and Northampton: Edward Elgar
by Mark Davidson - 363-365 Christopher Mele 2017: Race and the Politics of Deception: The Making of an American City. New York: New York University Press
by Corey Dolgon - 365-367 James DeFilippis (ed.) 2016: Urban Policy in the Time of Obama. Minneapolis: The University of Minnesota Press
by Kenneth M. Reardon - 367-368 John Mollenkopf and Manuel Pastor (eds.) 2016: Unsettled Americans: Metropolitan Context and Civic Leadership for Immigrant Integration. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press
by Thomas J. Vicino - 369-370 John Krinsky and Maud Simonet 2017: Who Cleans the Park? Public Work and Urban Governance in New York City. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press
by Oliver Cooke - 370-372 Susan Owens 2015: Knowledge, Policy, and Expertise: The UK Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution 1970–2011. Oxford: Oxford University Press
by Anne Vogelpohl
January 2018, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 1-19 Beyond Space: Spatial (Re)Production and Middle†Class Remaking Driven by Jiaoyufication in Nanjing City, China
by Qiyan Wu & Tim Edensor & Jianquan Cheng - 20-35 Being Good Parents or Being Good Citizens: Dilemmas and Contradictions of Urban Families in Middle†Class Enclaves and Mixed Neighbourhoods in Germany
by Susanne Frank & Sabine Weck - 36-50 Planning Gentrification and the ‘Absent’ State in Athens
by Georgia Alexandri - 51-73 Race and the Production of Extreme Land Abandonment in the American Rust Belt
by Jason Hackworth - 74-89 ‘If I was King of India I would Get All the Horns Out of Cars’: A Qualitative Study of Sound in Delhi
by Maria Patsarika & Tatjana Schneider & Michael Edwards - 90-105 Bourdieu Comes to Town: Pertinence, Principles, Applications
by Loïc Wacquant - 106-114 Social Space and the Genesis of Appropriated Physical Space
by Pierre Bourdieu - 115-125 Social Power and Power Over Space: How the Bourgeoisie Reproduces itself in the City
by Monique Pinçon†Charlot & Michel Pinçon - 126-137 Urban Distinctions: Class, Culture and Sociability in the City of Porto
by VirgÃlio Borges Pereira - 138-149 Emerging Cultural Capital in the City: Profiling London and Brussels
by Mike Savage & Laurie Hanquinet & Niall Cunningham & Johs Hjellbrekke - 150-158 Categorizing Neighborhoods: The Invention of ‘Sensitive Areas’ in France and ‘Historic Districts’ in the United States
by Sylvie Tissot - 160-170 Heavy is the House: Rent Burden among the American Urban Poor
by Matthew Desmond - 172-173 Davide Ponzini and Michele Nastasi 2016: Starchitecture: Scenes, Actors, and Spectacles in Contemporary Cities (Second edition). New York: The Monacelli Press
by Sabrina Puddu - 174-175 Wayne K.D. Davies (ed.) 2015: Theme Cities: Solutions for Urban Problems. London: Springer (GeoJournal Library No. 112)
by Dieter Rink & Annegret Haase - 175-176 Robert Biel 2016: Sustainable Food Systems: The Role of the City. London: UCL Press
by Beatrice Walthall - 176-178 Donna Hornby, Rosalie Kingwill, Lauren Royston and Ben Cousins (eds.) 2017: Untitled: Securing Land Tenure in Urban and Rural South Africa. Pietermaritzburg: University of KwaZulu†Natal Press
by Colin Marx - 178-179 Stefan Gärtner and Franz Flögel 2017: Raum und Banken: Zur Funktionsweise regionaler Banken [Space and Banks: Regarding the Functioning of Regional Banks]. Baden†Baden: Nomos
by Walter Bartl - 179-181 Doreen Lee 2016: Activist Archives: Youth Culture and the Political Past in Indonesia. Durham, NC: Duke University Press
by Rachel Rinaldo