November 2017, Volume 41, Issue 6
- 868-887 Sunken Cities: Climate Change, Urban Futures and the Imagination of Submergence
by Paul Dobraszczyk - 888-903 Worlding Water Supply: Thinking Beyond the Network in Jakarta
by Kathryn Furlong & Michelle Kooy - 904-925 Urban Warfare Ecology: A Study of Water Supply in Basrah
by Mark Zeitoun & Heather Elaydi & Jean‐Philippe Dross & Michael Talhami & Evaristo de Pinho‐Oliveira & Javier Cordoba - 926-945 Spatial Practices and the Institutionalization of Water Sanitation Services in Southern Metropolises: The case of Jakarta and its Kampung Kojan
by Prathiwi W. Putri & Frank Moulaert - 946-961 Writing Across Contexts: Urban Informality and the State in Tallinn, Bafatá and Berlin
by Hanna Hilbrandt & Susana Neves Alves & Tauri Tuvikene - 962-975 Spatial Spillovers Revisited: Innovation, Human Capital and Local Dynamics
by Tuzin Baycan & Peter Nijkamp & Roger Stough - 976-996 Towards a New Conceptualization of Innovation in Space: Territorial Patterns of Innovation
by Roberta Capello - 997-1009 Creating an Environment for Economic Growth: Creativity, Entrepreneurship or Human Capital?
by Alessandra Faggian & Mark Partridge & Edward J. Malecki - 1010-1027 The Geography of Innovation in China and India
by Riccardo Crescenzi & Andrés Rodríguez‐Pose - 1028-1029 Richard Florida 2017: The New Urban Crisis: How Our Cities are Increasing Inequality, Deepening Segregation, and Failing the Middle Class –– and What We Can Do About It. New York: Basic Books
by Robert Beauregard - 1029-1030 Stephen Graham 2016: Vertical: The City from Satellites to Bunkers. London: Verso
by Christopher Harker - 1031-1032 Oliver Coutard and Jonathan Rutherford (eds.) 2016: Beyond the Networked City: Infrastructure Reconfigurations and Urban Change in the North and South. London: Routledge
by Eric Verdeil - 1032-1034 Martina Löw 2016: The Sociology of Space: Materiality, Social Structures, and Action. New York: Palgrave Macmillan
by Margarethe Kusenbach - 1034-1035 Antonio Loris 2015: Water, State and the City. London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan
by José Esteban Castro - 1035-1037 Rowland Atkinson and Sarah Blandy 2017: Domestic Fortress: Fear and the New Home Front. Manchester: Manchester University Press
by Don Mitchell - 1037-1039 Françoise Montambeault 2016: The Politics of Local Participatory Democracy in Latin America: Institutions, Actors, and Interactions. Stanford: Stanford University Press
by Wagner de Melo Romão - 1039-1040 Robert Saliba (ed.) 2015: Urban Design in the Arab World: Re‐conceptualizing Boundaries. Farnham and Burlington, VT: Ashgate
by Yaser Abunnasr
September 2017, Volume 41, Issue 5
- 708-725 Spaces of the Expelled as Spaces of the Urban Commons? Analysing the Re-emergence of Squatting Initiatives in Rome
by Cesare Di Feliciantonio - 727-748 Fragmentation in Urban Movements: The Role of Urban Planning Processes
by Esin Özdemir & Ayda Eraydin - 749-766 From 'A Frontier Land' to 'A Piece of North Africa in Italy': The Changing Politics of 'Tunisianness' in Mazara del Vallo, Sicily
by Ilaria Giglioli - 767-785 ‘It is the People that Have Made Glen Innes’: State-led Gentrification and the Reconfiguration of Urban Life in Auckland
by Renee Gordon & Francis L. Collins & Robin Kearns - 786-803 Urban Fortunes and Skeleton Cityscapes: Real Estate and Late Urbanization in Kigali and Addis Ababa
by Tom Goodfellow - 804-820 ‘Ruins of Modernity’: The Critical Implications of Unfinished Public Works in Italy
by Pablo Arboleda - 821-837 Fast Parallels? Contesting Mobile Policy Technologies
by Sally Weller - 838-854 Historicizing Urban Sustainability: The Shifting Ideals Behind Forus Industrial Park, Norway
by Håvard Haarstad & Stina Ellevseth Oseland - 855-856 Margit Mayer, Catharina Thörn and Håkan Thörn (eds.) 2016: Urban Uprisings: Challenging Neoliberal Urbanism in Europe. London: Palgrave Macmillan
by Bettina Engels - 856-858 Walter J. Nicholls and Justus Uitermark 2017: Cities and Social Movements: Immigrant Right Activism in the United States, France, and the Netherlands, 1970-2015. Chichester, West Sussex: Studies in Social and Urban Change series, Wiley-Blackwell
by Catharina Thörn - 858-859 Amy Starecheski 2016: Ours to Lose: When Squatters Became Homeowners in New York City. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
by Amanda Huron - 859-861 Costis Hadjimichalis 2014: Κρίση χρέους και εκποίηση γης [Debt Crisis and Land Dispossession]. Athens: ΚΨΜ Publications
by John Sayas - 862-863 Andrey Makarychev and Alexandra Yatsyk (eds.) 2016: Mega Events in Post-Soviet Eurasia: Shifting Borderlines of Inclusion and Exclusion. New York: Palgrave Macmillan
by Sven Daniel Wolfe - 863-866 Nikhil Anand 2017: Hydraulic City: Water and the Infrastructures of Citizenship in Mumbai. Durham, NC: Duke University Press
by Sneha Annavarapu
July 2017, Volume 41, Issue 4
- 542-554 The Variegated Financialization of Housing
by Manuel B. Aalbers - 555-571 Privatization, Financialization and State Restructuring in Eastern Germany: The case of Am südpark
by Matthias Bernt & Laura Colini & Daniel Förste - 572-587 The Financialization of A Social Housing Provider
by Manuel B. Aalbers & Jannes Van Loon & Rodrigo Fernandez - 588-603 Unwilling Subjects of Financialization
by Desiree Fields - 604-622 Financialization of Housing in Brazil: New Frontiers
by Alvaro Luis Dos Santos Pereira - 623-641 The Financialization of Housing Production in Brussels
by Alice Romainville - 642-657 Real Geographies, Real Economies and Soft Spatial Imaginaries: Creating a ‘More than Manchester’ Region
by Stephen Hincks & Iain Deas & Graham Haughton - 659-675 Using the Past to Construct Territorial Identities in Regional Planning: The Case of Mälardalen, Sweden
by Luciane Aguiar Borges - 676-693 Killing the Regional Leviathan? Deinstitutionalization and Stickiness of Regions
by Kaj Zimmerbauer & Sulevi Riukulehto & Timo Suutari - 694-698 Jonathan Crush, Abel Chikanda and Caroline Skinner (eds.) 2015: Mean Streets: Migration, Xenophobia and Informality in South Africa . Cape Town: Southern African Migration Programme, the African Center for Cities and the International Development Research Center Daniel Goldstein 2016: Owners of the Sidewalk: Security and Survival in the Informal City . Durham, NC: Duke University Press
by Claire Benit-Gbaffou - 698-699 Thomas J. Main 2016: Homelessness in New York City: Policymaking from Koch to de Blasio . New York: New York University Press
by Tom Baker - 699-701 Tracy Neumann 2016: Remaking the Rust Belt: The Postindustrial Transformation of North America . Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press
by L. Owen Kirkpatrick - 701-703 Robert Argenbright 2016: Moscow under Construction. City Building, Place-Based Protest, and Civil Society . Lanham, MD: Lexington Books
by Oleg Golubchikov - 703-704 Rosemary Wakeman 2016: Practicing Utopia: An Intellectual History of the New Town Movement . Chicago: University of Chicago Press
by Allan Cochrane - 704-706 Martin van der Velde and Ton van Naerssen (eds.) 2015: Mobility and Migration Choices: Thresholds to Crossing Borders . Aldershot: Ashgate
by Felicitas Hillmann
May 2017, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 379-395 Creating Space For Citizenship: The Liminal Politics of Undocumented Activism
by Thomas Swerts - 396-413 A Socio-Technical Perspective To The Right To The City: Regularizing Electricity Access in Rio de Janeiro's Favelas
by Francesca Pilo' - 414-425 Food Deserts and Real-Estate-Led Social Policy
by Laura Wolf-Powers - 426-442 Is This What The Democratic City Looks Like? Local Democracy, Housing Rights and Homeownership in the Portuguese Context
by Ana Drago - 443-463 When Social Infrastructure Deficits Create Displacement Pressures: Inner City Schools and the Suburbanization of Families in Melbourne
by Megan Nethercote - 464-465 Preface to an Interventions Forum on Contextual Urban Theory and The ‘Appeal’ of Gentrification
by Carolyn Cartier - 466-477 Contextual Urban Theory and the ‘Appeal’ of Gentrification: Lost in Transposition?
by Carolyn Cartier - 478-486 Beneath the Appearance of Gentrification: Probing Local Complexities
by Tai-Lok Lui - 487-499 Beyond Gentrification: Hegemonic Redevelopment in Hong Kong
by Wing-Shing Tang - 500-507 Institutionalization of ‘The Property Mind’
by Anne Haila - 508-5517 Gentrifying China's Urbanization? Why Culture and Capital Aren't Enough
by Luigi Tomba - 518-525 Ain't Talkin' ‘Bout Gentrification: The Erasure of Alternative Idioms of Displacement Resulting from Anglo-American Academic Hegemony
by Alan Smart & Josephine Smart - 526-528 Rebecca Neaera Abers and Margaret E. Keck 2013: Practical Authority: Agency and Institutional Change in Brazilian Water Politics. New York: Oxford University Press Lisa Björkman 2015: Pipe Politics, Contested Waters: Embedded Infrastructures of Millennial Mumbai. Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press
by Ross Beveridge - 528-530 Rivke Jaffe 2016: Concrete Jungles: Urban Pollution and the Politics of Difference in the Caribbean. New York: Oxford University Press
by Colin Clarke - 530-531 Chiara Tornaghi and Sabine Knierbein 2014: Public Space and Relational Perspectives: New Challenges for Architecture and Planning. London: Routledge
by Sophie Watson - 532-533 Faranak Miraftab 2016: Global Heartland: Displaced Labor, Transnational Lives and Local Placemaking. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press
by Clara Irazábal - 533-535 Brian J. McCabe 2016: No Place Like Home: Wealth, Community and the Politics of Homeownership. New York: Oxford University Press
by Rowan Arundel - 535-537 Eduardo Marques (ed.) 2016: São Paulo in the Twenty-First Century: Spaces, Heterogeneities, Inequalities. New York and London: Routledge
by Alvaro Luis dos Santos Pereira - 537-539 Kristin V. Monroe 2016: The Insecure City: Space, Power, and Mobility in Beirut. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press
by Mona Fawaz - 539-540 Erik Harms 2016: Luxury and Rubble: Civility and Dispossession in the New Saigon. Berkeley: University of California Press
by Jamie Gillen
March 2017, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 194-212 Family or Money? The False Dilemma in Property Dispossession in Shanghai
by Yunpeng Zhang - 213-234 Idioms of Accumulation: Corporate Accumulation by Dispossession in Urban Zimbabwe
by Beacon Mbiba - 235-250 Negotiating the Politics of Exclusion: Georges Candilis, Housing and the Kuwaiti Welfare State
by Asseel Al-Ragam - 251-265 The Weakness Of Symbolic Boundaries: Handling Exclusion Among Montevideo's Squatters
by María José Álvarez-Rivadulla - 266-281 Breaking With Neoliberalization by Restricting The Housing Market: Novel Urban Policies and the Case of Hamburg
by Anne Vogelpohl & Tino Buchholz - 282-297 Informal Housing in the United States
by Noah J. Durst & Jake Wegmann - 298-317 Governed Through Ghost Jurisdictions: Municipal Law, Inner Suburbs and Rooming Houses
by Lisa Freeman - 318-333 ‘Generation Rent’ and The Fallacy of Choice
by Kim Mckee & Tom Moore & Adriana Soaita & Joe Crawford - 334-352 The High-Rise Home: Verticality as Practice in London
by Richard Baxter - 353-365 Critically Interrogating Eco-Homes
by Jenny Pickerill - 366-367 Carolyn Gallaher 2016: The Politics of Staying Put: Condo Conversion and Tenant Right-to-buy in Washington, DC. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press
by Derek Hyra - 367-369 Robert J. Chaskin and Mark L. Joseph 2015: Integrating the Inner City: The Promise and Perils of Mixed-income Public Housing Transformation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
by David Wilson - 369-370 Peter Herrle, Astrid Ley and Josefine Fokdal (eds.) 2015: From Local Action to Global Networks: Housing the Urban Poor. Farnham: Ashgate
by Sonia Roitman - 370-372 Michaël Tatham 2016: With, Without, or Against the State? How European Regions Play the Brussels Game. Oxford: Oxford University Press
by Nicole Bolleyer - 372-373 Eugenie L. Birch, Shahana Chattaraj and Susan M. Wachter (eds.) 2016: Slums: How Informal Real Estate Markets Work. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press
by Richard Harris - 374-375 Philip Harrison, Graeme Gotz, Alison Todes and Chris Wray (eds.) 2014: Changing Space, Changing City: Johannesburg after Apartheid. Johannesburg: Wits University Press
by Alexandra Parker - 375-376 Filip de Boeck and Sammy Baloji 2016: Suturing the City. Living Together in Congo's Urban Worlds. London: Autograph ABP
by Kacper Pobłocki - 376-378 Amale Andraos, Nora Akawi and Caitlin Blanchfield (eds.) 2016: The Arab City: Architecture and Representation. New York: Columbia Books on Architecture and the City, Columbia University Press
by Aya Nassar
January 2017, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-18 Theorizing the Politicizing City
by Mustafa Dikeç & Erik Swyngedouw - 19-36 The Work of a Few Trees: Gezi, Politics and Space
by Sinan Erensü & Ozan Karaman - 37-53 From Occupying Plazas to Recuperating Housing: Insurgent Practices in Spain
by Melissa García-Lamarca - 54-69 Staging Equality in Greek Squares: Hybrid Spaces of Political Subjectification
by Lazaros Karaliotas - 70-83 The Tunisian Revolution: Neoliberalism, Urban Contentious Politics and the Right to the City
by Sami Zemni - 84-103 Urban Operating Systems: Diagramming the City
by Simon Marvin & Andrés Luque-Ayala - 104-125 Toward The Networked City? Translating Technological ideals and Planning Models in Water and Sanitation Systems in Dar es Salaam
by Jochen Monstadt & Sophie Schramm - 126-144 Sisyphean Dilemmas of Development: Contrasting Urban Infrastructure and Fiscal Policy Trends in Maputo, Mozambique
by Gabriella Y. Carolini - 145-161 How to Mend a Fragmented City: a Critique of ‘Infrastructural Solidarity'
by Laura Cesafsky - 162-180 Experimental Infrastructure: Experiences in Bicycling in Quito, Ecuador
by Julie Gamble - 181-182 Anne Haila 2016: Urban Land Rent: Singapore as a Property State. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell
by Callum Ward - 182-184 Asher D. Ghertner 2015: Rule By Aesthetics: World-class City Making in Delhi. Oxford: Oxford University Press
by Austin Zeiderman - 184-186 James Farrer and Andrew David Field 2015: Shanghai Nightscapes: A Nocturnal Biography of a Global City. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press
by Laam Hae - 186-188 Kate Maclean 2015: Social Urbanism and the Politics of Violence: The Medellín Miracle. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
by Catalina Ortiz - 188-189 Talja Blokland, Carlotta Giustozzi, Daniela Krüger and Hannah Schilling (eds.) 2016: Creating the Unequal City: The Exclusionary Consequences of Everyday Routines in Berlin. Farnham: Ashgate
by Ares Kalandides - 189-191 Nicholas Phelps 2016: Sequel to Suburbia: Glimpses of America's Post-suburban Future. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
by Meg Holden
November 2016, Volume 40, Issue 6
- 1075-1093 The Eurozone Crisis and Emerging-Market Expansion: Capital Switching and the Uneven Geographies of Spanish Urbanization
by William Kutz - 1094-1111 Value at Risk in the Suburbs: Eminent Domain and the Geographical Politics of the US Foreclosure Crisis
by Christopher Niedt & Brett Christophers - 1112-1133 Financing China's Suburbanization: Capital Accumulation through Suburban Land Development in Hangzhou
by Yong Liu & Wenze Yue & Peilei Fan & Yi Peng & Zhengtao Zhang - 1134-1151 China's Emergent City-Region Governance: A New Form of State Spatial Selectivity through State-orchestrated Rescaling
by Fulong Wu - 1152-1169 Self-Organization and Urban Development: Disaggregating the City-Region, Deconstructing Urbanity in Amsterdam
by Federico Savini - 1170-1185 Beyond a Liberal Critique of ‘Trickle Down': Urban Planning in the City of Malmö
by Ståle Holgersen & Guy Baeten - 1186-1204 The Situations of Urban Inquiry: Thinking Problematically about the City
by Clive Barnett & Gary Bridge - 1205-1220 Justice As Subject and Object of Planning
by Robert W. Lake - 1221-1235 Accessing the Urban Commons Through the Mediation of Information: The Eliana Silva Occupation, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
by Denise Morado Nascimento - 1236-1237 Shane Ewen 2016: What is Urban History? Cambridge and Malden, MA: Polity Press
by Andrew Lees - 1237-1239 Rowland Atkinson and Keith Jacobs 2016: House, Home and Society. London: Palgrave
by Christine Barwick - 1239-1240 Carlo Fanelli 2016: Megacity Malaise: Neoliberalism, Public Services and Labour in Toronto. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing
by Paul Bocking - 1240-1242 Dan Immergluck 2015: Preventing the Next Mortgage Crisis: The Meltdown, the Federal Response, and the Future of Housing in America. New York and London: Rowman and Littlefield
by Kevin Fox Gotham - 1242-1244 Michael Peter Smith and L. Owen Kirkpatrick (eds.) 2015: Reinventing Detroit: The Politics of Possibility. Comparative Urban and Community Research Series, Volume 11. New Brunswick and London: Transaction Publishers
by David Bieri - 1244-1245 Peter F. Burns and Matthew O. Thomas 2015: Reforming New Orleans: The Contentious Politics of Change in the Big Easy. Ithaca: Cornell University Press
by Megan French-Marcelin - 1246-1247 Christoph Haferburg and Marie Huchzermeyer (eds.) 2015: Urban Governance in Post-apartheid Cities: Modes of Engagement in South Africa's Metropoles. UKZN Press, Pietermaritzburg (first published in German by Gebr. Borntrager Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, 2014)
by Laurence Piper - 1247-1250 Graham Denyer-Willis 2015: The Killing Consensus: Police, Organized Crime, and the Regulation of Life and Death in Urban Brazil. Durham: Duke University Press
by Jaime Amparo Alves
September 2016, Volume 40, Issue 5
- 899-917 Technologies of Translocality: Vegetables, Meat and Dresses in Arab Muslim Detroit
by Kimberley Kinder - 918-935 Organizing The Ordinary City: How Labor Reform Strategies Travel to the US Heartland
by Marc Doussard - 936-957 ‘No Condition IS Permanent': Informal Transport Workers and Labour Precarity in Africa's Largest City
by Daniel E. Agbiboa - 958-982 Rethinking Urban Epidemiology: Natures, Networks and Materialities
by Meike Wolf - 983-999 Controlling Mobility and Regulation in Urban Space: Muslim Pilgrims to Mecca in Colonial Bombay, 1880–1914
by Nick Lombardo - 1000-1016 A Transposition of Territory: Decolonized Perspectives in Current Urban Research
by Anke Schwarz & Monika Streule - 1017-1035 Urban Political Ecologies and Children's Geographies: Queering Urban Ecologies of Childhood
by Laura J. Shillington & Ann Marie F. Murnaghan - 1036-1043 ‘Tuning Out' or ‘Tuning in'? Mobile Music Listening and Intensified Encounters with the City
by Allan Watson & Dominiqua Drakeford-Allen - 1044-1060 Urban Sensing by Crowdsourcing: Analysing Urban Trip behaviour in Zurich
by Dongyoun Shin - 1061-1062 Ananya Roy and Emma Shaw Crane (eds.) 2015: Territories of Poverty. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press
by Aysegul Can - 1062-1064 Andrew R. Highsmith 2015: Demolition Means Progress: Flint, Michigan and the Fate of the American Metropolis. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
by Joshua Akers - 1064-1066 Kimberley Kinder 2016: DIY Detroit: Making Do in a City without Services. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press
by Samuel Walker - 1066-1067 Rachel Weber 2015: From Boom to Bubble: How Finance Built the New Chicago. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
by Brett Christophers - 1067-1069 Michael Storper, Thomas Kemeny, Naji Makarem and Taner Osman 2015: The Rise and Fall of Urban Economies: Lessons from San Francisco and Los Angeles. Stanford: Stanford University Press
by Jürgen Essletzbichler - 1069-1071 Clarence N. Stone and Robert P. Stoker (eds.) in collaboration with John Betancur, Susan E. Clarke, Marilyn Dantico, Martin Horak, Karen Mossberger, Juliet Musso, Jefferey M. Sellers, Ellen Shiau, Harold Wolman and Donn Worgs 2015: Urban Neighborhoods in a New Era: Revitalization Politics in the Postindustrial City. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
by Sébastien Lambelet - 1071-1072 Lars Maier (ed.) 2015: Migrant Professionals in the City: Local Encounters, Identities, Inequalities. New York and London: Routledge
by Ana Aceska - 1073-1074 Margarethe Kusenbach and Krista E. Paulsen (eds.) 2013: Home: International Perspectives on Culture, Identity, and Belonging. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang
by Peer Smets
July 2016, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 717-735 Urbanization and the City Image in Lowry at Tate Britain: Towards a Critique of Cultural Cityism
by Gareth Millington - 736-756 Avoiding the ‘SoHo Effect’ in Baltimore: Neighborhood Revitalization and Arts and Entertainment Districts
by Meghan Ashlin Rich & William Tsitsos - 757-775 The Limits to Artist-Led Regeneration: Creative Brownfields in the Cities of High Culture
by Lauren Andres & Oleg Golubchikov - 776-799 Reappearance of the Public: Placemaking, Minoritization and Resistance in Detroit
by Alesia Montgomery - 800-816 Spatial Dislocation and Affective Displacement: Youth Perspectives on Gentrification in London
by Melissa Butcher & Luke Dickens - 817-832 The Ecology Of Neighborhood Participation and The Reproduction Of Political Conflict
by Andrew Deener - 833-848 From Occupation to Recuperation: Property, Politics and Provincialization in Contemporary Madrid
by Sophie Gonick - 849-865 Residential Enclosure, Power and Relationality: Rethinking Sociopolitical Relations in Southeast Asian Cities
by Gabriel Fauveaud - 866-883 Durable Domestic Dreams: Exploring Homes in Estonian Socialist-era Summerhouse Settlements
by Mari Nuga & Kadri Leetmaa & Tiit Tammaru - 884-886 AbdouMaliq Simone 2014: Jakarta: Drawing the City Near. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press
by Helga Leitner - 886-887 Javier Auyero and María Fernanda Berti 2015: In Harm's Way: The Dynamics of Urban Violence. Princeton: Princeton University Press
by Christopher Bauer - 887-888 Paul Watt and Peer Smets (eds.) 2014: Mobilities and Neighbourhood Belonging in Cities and Suburbs. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
by Jan Willem Duyvendak - 889-890 Michael A. Pagano (ed.) 2015: Return of the Neighborhood as an Urban Strategy. Urbana: University of Illinois Press
by Richard Harris - 890-892 Craig Willse 2015: The Value of Homelessness: Managing Surplus Life in the United States. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press
by Eric Goldfischer - 892-893 Thilo Lang, Sebastian Henn, Wladimir Sgibnev and Kornelia Ehrlich (eds.) (2015): Understanding Geographies of Polarization and Peripheralization. Perspectives from Central and Eastern Europe and Beyond. New York: Palgrave Macmillan
by Manfred Kühn - 893-895 Barrie Needham 2014: Dutch Land-use Planning: The Principles and the Practice. Farnham: Ashgate
by Fred Hobma - 895-897 Pedro Fiori Arantes: 2012: Arquitetura na Era Digital-financeira: Desenho, Canteiro e Renda da Forma. São Paulo: Editora 34
by Daniela Sandler
May 2016, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 487-506 Entrepreneurial Religion in the Age of Neoliberal Urbanism
by Stephan Lanz & Martijn Oosterbaan - 507-523 Building, Marketing and Living in an Islamic Gated Community: Novel Configurations of Class and Religion in Istanbul
by Ayşe Çavdar - 524-540 Building God's City: The Political Economy of Prayer Camps in Nigeria
by Asonzeh Ukah - 541-558 The Born-Again Favela: The Urban Informality of Pentecostalism in Rio de Janeiro
by Stephan Lanz - 559-577 Trump in Scotland: A Study of Power-Topologies and Golf Topographies
by Erik Jönsson - 578-600 Modernist Ideas and Local Reception: The company towns of Piazzola sul Brenta and Borgonyà, 1895–1930
by Francesco Visentin - 601-620 Unseeing Chinatown: Universal Zoning, Planning Abstraction and Space of Difference
by Napong Tao Rugkhapan - 621-639 ‘Post-Third-World City' or Neoliberal ‘City of Exception'? Rio de Janeiro in the Olympic Era
by Matthew Aaron Richmond & Jeff Garmany - 640-657 Planning in Turbulent Times: Exploring Planners' Agency in Jerusalem
by Jonathan Rokem & Marco Allegra - 658-678 Recentralization as an Alternative to Urban Dispersion: Transformative Planning in a Neoliberal Societal Context
by Pierre Filion & Anna Kramer & Gary Sands - 679-701 Beyond the Urban–Suburban Divide: Urbanization and the Production of the Urban in Zurich North
by Rahel Nüssli & Christian Schmid - 702-704 Luna Khirfan 2014: World Heritage, Urban Design and Tourism: Three Cities in the Middle East. Burlington: Ashgate
by Erica Avrami - 704-706 Ola Söderström 2014: Cities in Relations: Trajectories of Urban Development in Hanoi and Ouagadougou. Chichester: Studies in Urban and Social Change, Wiley Blackwell
by Mélissa Côté-Douyon - 706-707 Roger Keil and Pierre Hamel (eds.) 2015: Suburban Governance: A Global View. Toronto: Toronto University Press
by Stijn Oosterlynck & Federico Savini - 707-709 Romain Pasquier 2015: Regional Governance and Power in France: The Dynamics of Political Space. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan
by Deborah Galimberti - 709-711 James M. Lindgren 2014: Preserving South Street Seaport: The Dream and Reality of a New York Urban Renewal District. New York: New York University Press
by Robert Beauregard - 711-712 Edward Chell 2013: Soft Estate. Liverpool: The Bluecoat
by Matthew Gandy - 712-713 Jürgen Von Mahs 2013: Down and Out in Los Angeles and Berlin. The Sociospatial Exclusion of Homeless People. Philadelphia: Temple University Press
by Katharina Schmidt - 714-716 Christine Hentschel 2015: Security in the Bubble: Navigating Crime in Urban South Africa. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press
by Laura Nkula-Wenz
March 2016, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 263-283 The Structural Origins of Territorial Stigma: Water and Racial Politics in Metropolitan Detroit, 1950s–2010s
by Dana Kornberg - 284-298 Solidarity in Climate/Immigrant Justice Direct Action: Lessons from Movements in the US South
by Sara Thomas Black & Richard Anthony Milligan & Nik Heynen - 299-320 Politicizing Undocumented Immigrants One Corner at a Time: How Day Laborers Became a Politically Contentious Group
by Walter Nicholls - 321-339 Institutionalization and Depoliticization of the Right to the City: Changing Scenarios for Radical Social Movements
by Sergio Belda-Miquel & Jordi Peris Blanes & Alexandre Frediani - 340-356 Acts of Solidarity: Crossing and Reiterating Israeli–Palestinian Frontiers
by Alexander Koensler - 357-377 Why Local Social Forums Emerge Where They do: Beyond Diffusion, Geographical Appropriation
by Pascale Dufour - 378-394 Reasons of Power: Explaining Non-cooptation in Participatory Budgeting
by Markus Holdo - 395-409 Ponds, Power and Institutions: The Everyday Governance of Accessing Urban Water Bodies in a Small Bengali City
by Natasha Cornea & Anna Zimmer & René Véron - 410-424 Practicing Openness: Investigating the Role of Everyday Decision Making in the Production of Squatted Space
by Joost de Moor - 425-440 Formalization by the State, Re-Informalization by the People: A Gecekondu Transformation Housing Estate as Site of Multiple Discrepancies
by Tahire Erman - 441-450 The Limits of Shrinkage: Conceptual Pitfalls and Alternatives in the Discussion of Urban Population Loss
by Matthias Bernt - 451-471 Why do Graffiti Writers Write on Murals? The Birth, Life, and Slow Death of Freeway Murals in Los Angeles
by Stefano Bloch - 472-473 Kuniko Fujita (ed.) 2013: Cities and Crisis: New Critical Urban Theory. London: Sage Studies in International Sociology
by Marisol Garcia - 474-475 Alberta Andreotti, Patrick Le Galès and Francisco J. Moreno-Fuentes 2015: Globalised Minds, Roots in the City: Urban Upper Middle Classes in Europe. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell
by Gary Bridge - 475-477 Eitan Alimi, Charles Demetriou and Lorenzo Bosi 2015: The Dynamics of Radicalization: A Relational and Comparative Perspective. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press
by Frédérick Nadeau - 477-479 Matthew D. Marr 2015: Better Must Come: Exiting Homelessness in Two Global Cities. Ithaca: Cornell University Press
by Jurgen von Mahs - 479-480 Richard Alba and Nancy Foner 2015: Strangers No More: Immigration and the Challenges of Integration in North America and Western Europe. Princeton: Princeton University Press
by Jared Keyel - 480-482 Aaron Schutz and Mike Miller (eds.) 2015: People Power: The Community Organizing Tradition of Saul Alinsky. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press
by Marnie Brady - 482-483 Edward Murphy 2015: For a Proper Home: Housing Rights in the Margins of Urban Chile, 1960–2010. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press
by Ernesto López-Morales - 483-485 Glen S. Coulthard 2014: Red Skins White Masks: Rejecting the Colonial Politics of Recognition. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press
by Libby Porter
January 2016, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 1-30 Economic Rationality Meets Celebrity Urbanology: Exploring Edward Glaeser's City
by Jamie Peck - 31-45 ‘Asset Price Urbanism’ and Financialization after the Crisis: Ireland's National Asset Management Agency
by Michael Byrne - 46-61 Financializing Desalination: Rethinking the Returns of Big Infrastructure
by Alex Loftus & Hug March - 62-81 World Cities and the Uneven Geographies of Financialization: Unveiling Stratification and Hierarchy in the World City Archipelago
by Michiel Van Meeteren & David Bassens - 82-95 Animating the Urban Vortex: New Sociological Urgencies
by Suzanne Hall & Mike Savage - 96-112 Spaces of Extraction, Metropolitan Explosions: Planetary Urbanization and the Commodity Boom in Latin America
by Martín Arboleda - 113-131 Accounts from behind the Curtain: History and Geography in the Critical Analysis of Urban Theory
by Slavomíra Ferenčuhová - 132-146 Strategies for Comparative Urbanism: Post-socialism as a De-territorialized Concept
by Tauri Tuvikene