- 1074 Macroeconomic effectiveness of non-standard monetary policy and early exit. A model-based evaluation
by Lorenzo Burlon & Andrea Gerali & Alessandro Notarpietro & Massimiliano Pisani - 1073 Search costs and the severity of adverse selection
by Francesco Palazzo - 1072 Bank quality, judicial efficiency and borrower runs: loan repayment delays in Italy
by Fabio Schiantarelli & Massimiliano Stacchini & Philip Strahan - 1071 Boulevard of broken dreams. The end of the EU funding (1997: Abruzzi, Italy)
by Guglielmo Barone & Francesco David & Guido de Blasio - 1070 Some reflections on the social welfare bases of the measurement of global income inequality
by Andrea Brandolini & Francesca Carta - 1069 Individual trust: does quality of public services matter?
by Silvia Camussi & Anna Laura Mancini - 1068 The labor market channel of macroeconomic uncertainty
by Elisa Guglielminetti - 1066 The heterogeneous response of domestic sales and exports to bank credit shocks
by Ines Buono & Sara Formai - 1065 Productivity effects of eco-innovations using data on eco-patents
by Giovanni Marin & Francesca Lotti - 1065 How excessive is banks’ maturity transformation?
by Anatoli Segura & Javier Suarez - 1064 EAGLE-FLI. A macroeconomic model of banking and financial interdependence in the euro area
by Nikola Bokan & Andrea Gerali & Sandra Gomes & Pascal Jacquinot & Massimiliano Pisani - 1063 Informational contagion in the laboratory
by Marco Cipriani & Antonio Guarino & Giovanni Guazzarotti & Federico Tagliati & Sven Fischer - 1062 Market timing and performance attribution in the ECB reserve management framework
by Francesco Potente & Antonio Scalia - 1061 An evaluation of the policies on repayment of Government’s trade debt in Italy
by Leandro D’Aurizio & Domenico Depalo - 1060 Intergenerational mobility in the very long run: Florence 1427-2011
by Guglielmo Barone & Sauro Mocetti - 1059 Estimating the money market microstructure with negative and zero interest rates
by Edoardo Rainone & Francesco Vacirca - 1058 The quantity of corporate credit rationing with matched bank-firm data
by Lorenzo Burlon & Davide Fantino & Andrea Nobili & Gabriele Sene - 1057 The real effects of credit crunch in the Great Recession: evidence from Italian provinces
by Guglielmo Barone & Guido de Blasio & Sauro Mocetti - 1056 Retirement, pension eligibility and home production
by Emanuele Ciani - 1055 Bank internationalization and firm exports: evidence from matched firm-bank data
by Raffaello Bronzini & Alessio D'Ignazio - 1054 Labor force participation, wage rigidities, and inflation
by Francesco Nucci & Marianna Riggi - 1053 Estimation of counterfactual distributions with a continuous endogenous treatment
by Santiago Pereda Fernández - 1052 Adaptive models and heavy tails
by Davide Delle Monache & Ivan Petrella - 1051 How does bank capital affect the supply of mortgages? Evidence from a randomized experiment
by Valentina Michelangeli & Enrico Sette - 1050 Contagion and fire sales in banking networks
by Sara Cecchetti & Marco Rocco & Laura Sigalotti - 1049 Debt maturity and the liquidity of secondary debt markets
by Max Bruche & Anatoli Segura - 1048 Heterogeneous peer effects in education
by Eleonora Patacchini & Edoardo Rainone & Yves Zenou - 1047 A new method for the correction of test scores manipulation
by Santiago Pereda Fernández - 1046 Carry trades and exchange rate volatility: a TVAR approach
by Alessio Anzuini & Francesca Brusa - 1045 Optimal inflation weights in the euro area
by Daniela Bragoli & Massimiliano Rigon & Francesco Zanetti
- 1044 The supply side of household finance
by Gabriele Foà & Leonardo Gambacorta & Luigi Guiso & Paolo Emilio Mistrulli - 1043 Exposure to media and corruption perceptions
by Lucia Rizzica & Marco Tonello - 1042 Multitask agents and incetives: the case of teaching and research for university professors
by Marta De Philippis - 1041 The use of fixed-term contracts and the (adverse) selection of public sector workers
by Lucia Rizzica - 1040 The macroeconomic effects of low and falling inflation at the zero lower bound
by Stefano Neri & Alessandro Notarpietro - 1039 Shoe-leather costs in the euro area and the foreign demand for euro banknotes
by Alessandro Calza & Andrea Zaghini - 1038 Young adults living with their parents and the influence of peers
by Effrosyni Adamopoulou & Ezgi Kaya - 1037 Deconstructing the gains from trade: selection of industries vs. reallocation of workers
by Stefano Bolatto & Massimo Sbracia - 1036 Domestic and international macroeconomic effects of the Eurosystem expanded asset purchase programme
by Pietro Cova & Patrizio Pagano & Massimiliano Pisani - 1035 The time varying effect of oil price shocks on euro-area exports
by Marianna Riggi & Fabrizio Venditti - 1034 Procyclicality of credit rating systems: how to manage it
by Tatiana Cesaroni - 1033 Does trend inflation make a difference?
by Michele Loberto & Chiara Perricone - 1032 Sovereign debt exposure and the bank lending channel: impact on credit supply and the real economy
by Margherita Bottero & Simone Lenzu & Filippo Mezzanotti - 1031 The predictive content of business survey indicators: evidence from SIGE
by Tatiana Cesaroni & Stefano Iezzi - 1030 Female employment and pre-kindergarten: on the uninteded effects of an Italian reform
by Francesca Carta & Lucia Rizzica - 1029 European structural funds during the crisis: evidence from Southern Italy
by Emanuele Ciani & Guido de Blasio - 1028 The impact of CCPs� margin policies on Repo markets
by Arianna Miglietta & Cristina Picillo & Mario Pietrunti - 1027 On the conditional distribution of euro area inflation forecast
by Fabio Busetti & Michele Caivano & Lisa Rodano - 1026 Follow the value added: bilateral gross export accounting
by Alessandro Borin & Michele Mancini - 1025 Tail comovement in option-implied inflation expectations as an indicator of anchoring
by Sara Cecchetti & Filippo Natoli & Laura Sigalotti - 1024 Accessorizing. The effect of union contract renewals on consumption
by Effrosyni Adamopoulou & Roberta Zizza - 1023 Understanding policy rates at the zero lower bound: insights from a Bayesian shadow rate model
by Marcello Pericoli & Marco Taboga - 1022 Testing information diffusion in the decentralized unsecured market for euro funds
by Edoardo Rainone - 1021 Decomposing euro area sovereign spreads: credit, liquidity and convenience
by Marcello Pericoli & Marco Taboga - 1020 Forecaster heterogeneity, surprises and financial markets
by Marcello Pericoli & Giovanni Veronese - 1019 Why is inflation so low in the euro area?
by Antonio M. Conti & Stefano Neri & Andrea Nobili - 1018 Statistical matching and uncertainty analysis in combining household income and expenditure data
by Pier Luigi Conti & Daniela Marella & Andrea Neri - 1017 A note on social capital, space and growth in Europe
by Luciano Lavecchia - 1016 Short term inflation forecasting: the M.E.T.A. approach
by Giacomo Sbrana & Andrea Silvestrini & Fabrizio Venditti - 1015 Inflation, financial conditions and non-standard monetary policy in a monetary union. A model-based evaluation
by Lorenzo Burlon & Andrea Gerali & Alessandro Notarpietro & Massimiliano Pisani - 1014 Women as ‘gold dust’: gender diversity in top boards and the performance of Italian banks
by Silvia Del Prete & Maria Lucia Stefani - 1013 Bankruptcy law and bank financing
by Gicoamo Rodano & Nicolas Serrano-Velarde & Emanuele Tarantino - 1012 Sovereign debt and reserves with liquidity and productivity crises
by Flavia Corneli & Emanuele Tarantino - 1011 Foreign direct investment and firm performance: an empirical analysis of Italian firms
by Alessandro Borin & Michele Mancini - 1010 Every cloud has a silver lining. The sovereign crisis and Italian potential output
by Andrea Gerali & Alberto Locarno & Alessandro Notarpietro & Massimiliano Pisani - 1009 Social capital and the cost of credit: evidence from a crisis
by Paolo Emilio Mistrulli & Valerio Vacca - 1008 Rethinking the crime reducing effect of education? Mechanisms and evidence from regional divides
by Ylenia Brilli & Marco Tonello - 1007 The macroeconomic effects of the sovereign debt crisis in the euro area
by Stefano Neri & Tiziano Ropele - 1006 Inward foreign direct investment and innovation: evidence from Italian provinces
by Roberto Antonietti & Raffaello Bronzini & Giulio Cainelli - 1005 Strategy and tactics in public debt management
by Davide Dottori & Michele Manna - 1004 Ownership networks and aggregate volatility
by Lorenzo Burlon - 1003 You've come a long way, baby. Effects of commuting times on couples' labour supply
by Francesca Carta & Marta De Philippis - 1002 Structural reforms and zero lower bound in a monetary union
by Andrea Gerali & Alessandro Notarpietro & Massimiliano Pisani - 1001 How does foreign demand activate domestic value added? A comparison among the largest euro-area economies
by Rita Cappariello & Alberto Felettigh - 1000 Sectoral differences in managers’ compensation: insights from a matching model
by Emanuela Ciapanna & Marco Taboga & Eliana Viviano - 999 Looking behind mortgage delinquencies
by Sauro Mocetti & Eliana Viviano - 998 Changing labour market opportunities for young people in Italy and the role of the family of origin
by Gabriella Berloffa & Francesca Modena & Paola Villa
- 997 Macroeconomic effects of simultaneous implementation of reforms after the crisis
by Andrea Gerali & Alessandro Notarpietro & Massimiliano Pisani - 996 Current account "core-periphery dualism" in the EMU
by Tatiana Cesaroni & Roberta De Santis - 995 Dynasties in professions: the role of rents
by Sauro Mocetti - 994 Trade liberalization and domestic suppliers: evidence from Chile
by Andrea Linarello - 993 Optimal monetary policy rules and house prices: the role of financial frictions
by Alessandro Notarpietro & Stefano Siviero - 992 Informed trading and stock market efficiency
by Taneli M�kinen - 991 The scapegoat theory of exchange rates: the first tests
by Marcel Fratzscher & Dagfinn Rime & Lucio Sarno & Gabriele Zinna - 990 How much of bank credit risk is sovereign risk? Evidence from the eurozone
by Junye Li & Gabriele Zinna - 989 The determinants of household debt: a cross-country analysis
by Massimo Coletta & Riccardo De Bonis & Stefano Piermattei - 988 The interest-rate sensitivity of the demand for sovereign debt. Evidence from OECD countries (1995-2011)
by Giuseppe Grande & Sergio Masciantonio & Andrea Tiseno - 987 Large banks, loan rate markup and monetary policy
by Vincenzo Cuciniello & Federico M. Signoretti - 986 An estimated DSGE model with search and matching frictions in the credit market
by Danilo Liberati - 985 Dif-in-dif estimators of multiplicative treatment effects
by Emanuele Ciani & Paul Fisher - 984 Natural Expectations and Home Equity Extraction
by Roberto Pancrazi & Mario Pietrunti - 983 Science and Technology Parks in Italy: main features and analysis of their effects on the firms hosted
by Danilo Liberati & Marco Marinucci & Giulia Martina Tanzi - 982 Informational Effects of Monetary Policy
by Giuseppe Ferrero & Marcello Miccoli & Sergio Santoro - 981 The academic and labor market returns of university professors
by Michela Braga & Marco Paccagnella & Michele Pellizzari - 980 Sharing information on lending decisions: an empirical assessment
by Ugo Albertazzi & Margherita Bottero & Gabriele Sene - 979 Quantile aggregation of density forecasts
by Fabio Busetti - 978 Does issuing equities help R&D activity? Evidence from unlisted Italian high-tech manufacturing firms
by Silvia Magri - 977 Financial indicators and density forecasts for US output and inflation
by Piergiorgio Alessandri & Haroon Mumtaz - 976 Multidimensional poverty and inequality
by Rolf Aaberge & Andrea Brandolini - 975 Hedonic value of Italian tourism supply: comparing environmental and cultural attractiveness
by Valter di Giacinto & Giacinto Micucci - 974 Identification and estimation of outcome response with heterogeneous treatment externalities
by Tiziano Arduini & Eleonora Patacchini & Edoardo Rainone - 973 Inequality and trust: new evidence from panel data
by Guglielmo Barone & Sauro Mocetti - 972 Are Sovereign Wealth Funds contrarian investors?
by Alessio Ciarlone & Valeria Miceli - 971 Random switching exponential smoothing and inventory forecasting
by Giacomo Sbrana & Andrea Silvestrini - 970 Academic performance and the Great Recession
by Effrosyni Adamopoulou & Giulia Martina Tanzi - 969 Stock market efficiency in China: evidence from the split-share reform
by Andrea Beltratti & Bernardo Bortolotti & Marianna Caccavaio - 968 Price pressures in the UK index-linked market: an empirical investigation
by Gabriele Zinna - 967 : Measuring spatial effects in presence of institutional constraints: the case of Italian Local Health Authority expenditure
by Vincenzo Atella & Federico Belotti & Domenico Depalo & Andrea Piano Mortari - 966 Bank bonds: size, systemic relevance and the sovereign
by Andrea Zaghini - 965 Behind and beyond the (headcount) employment rate
by Andrea Brandolini & Eliana Viviano - 964 Foreign exchange reserve diversification and the "exorbitant privilege"
by Pietro Cova & Patrizio Pagano & Massimiliano Pisani - 963 Technical progress, retraining cost and early retirement
by Lorenzo Burlon & Montserrat Vilalta-Buf� - 962 Cooperative R&D networks among firms and public research institutions
by Marco Marinucci - 961 Public expenditure distribution, voting, and growth
by Lorenzo Burlon - 960 The impact of R&D subsidies on firm innovation
by Raffaello Bronzini & Paolo Piselli - 959 A tale of an unwanted outcome: transfers and local endowments of trust and cooperation
by Antonio Accetturo & Guido de Blasio & Lorenzo Ricci - 958 The intergenerational transmission of reading: is a good example the best sermon?
by Anna Laura Mancini & Chiara Monfardini & Silvia Pasqua - 957 Are the log-returns of Italian open-end mutual funds normally distributed? A risk assessment perspective
by Michele Leonardo Bianchi - 956 Political selection in the skilled city
by Antonio Accetturo - 955 My parents taught me. Evidence on the family transmission of values
by Giuseppe Albanese & Guido de Blasio & Paolo Sestito - 954 Two EGARCH models and one fat tail
by Michele Caivano & Andrew Harvey - 953 The impact of local minimum wages on employment: evidence from Italy in the 1950s
by Guido de Blasio & Samuele Poy - 952 School cheating and social capital
by Marco Paccagnella & Paolo Sestito - 951 On bank credit risk: systemic or bank-specific? Evidence from the US and UK
by Junye Li & Gabriele Zinna - 950 The cost of firms� debt financing and the global financial crisis
by Daniele Pianeselli & Andrea Zaghini - 949 Natural disasters, growth and institutions: a tale of two earthquakes
by Guglielmo Barone & Sauro Mocetti - 948 Trade and finance: is there more than just 'trade finance'? Evidence from matched bank-firm data
by Silvia Del Prete & Stefano Federico - 947 Time series models with an EGB2 conditional distribution
by Michele Caivano & Andrew Harvey - 946 Information acquisition and learning from prices over the business cycle
by Taneli M�kinen & Bj�rn Ohl - 945 Simple banking: profitability and the yield curve
by Piergiorgio Alessandri & Benjamin Nelson - 944 Calibrating the Italian smile with time-varying volatility and heavy-tailed models
by Michele Leonardo Bianchi & Frank J. Fabozzi & Svetlozar T. Rachev
- 943 Sovereign risk, monetary policy and fiscal multipliers: a structural model-based assessment
by Alberto Locarno & Alessandro Notarpietro & Massimiliano Pisani - 942 Supply tightening or lack of demand? An analysis of credit developments during the Lehman Brothers and the sovereign debt crises
by Paolo Del Giovane & Andrea Nobili & Federico Maria Signoretti - 941 The trend-cycle decomposition of output and the Phillips curve: Bayesian estimates for Italy
by Fabio Busetti & Michele Caivano - 940 Heterogenous firms and credit frictions: a general equilibrium analysis of market entry decisions
by Sara Formai - 939 Shadow banks and macroeconomic instability
by Roland Meeks & Benjamin Nelson & Piergiorgio Alessandri - 938 Tax deferral and mutual fund inflows: evidence from a quasi-natural experiment
by Giuseppe Cappelletti & Giovanni Guazzarotti & Pietro Tommasino - 937 The effect of tax enforcement on tax morale
by Antonio Filippin & Carlo V. Fiorio & Eliana Viviano - 936 The Italian financial cycle: 1861-2011
by Riccardo De Bonis & Andrea Silvestrini - 935 Ita-coin: a new coincident indicator for the Italian economy
by Valentina Aprigliano & Lorenzo Bencivelli - 934 Central bank and government in a speculative attack model
by Giuseppe Cappelletti & Lucia Esposito - 933 The management of interest rate risk during the crisis: evidence from Italian banks
by Lucia Esposito & Andrea Nobili & Tiziano Ropele - 932 The role of regulation on entry: evidence from the Italian provinces
by Francesco Bripi - 931 Economic insecurity and fertility intentions: the case of Italy
by Francesca Modena & Concetta Rondinelli & Fabio Sabatini - 930 Uncertainty and heterogeneity in factor models forecasting
by Matteo Luciani & Libero Monteforte - 929 Forecasting aggregate demand: analytical comparison of top-down and bottom-up approaches in a multivariate exponential smoothing framework
by Giacomo Sbrana & Andrea Silvestrini - 928 Central bank refinancing, interbank markets, and the hypothesis of liquidity hoarding: evidence from a euro-area banking system
by Massimiliano Affinito - 927 Macroeconomic and monetary policy surprises and the term structure of interest rates
by Marcello Pericoli - 926 The procyclicality of foreign bank lending: evidence from the global financial crisis
by Ugo Albertazzi & Margherita Bottero - 925 Down and out in Italian towns: measuring the impact of economic downturns on crime
by Guido de Blasio & Carlo Menon - 924 Trade elasticity and vertical specialisation
by Ines Buono & Filippo Vergara Caffarelli - 923 Do euro area countries respond asymmetrically to the common monetary policy?
by Matteo Barigozzi & Antonio M. Conti & Matteo Luciani - 922 Marshallian labor market pooling: evidence from Italy
by Monica Andini & Guido de Blasio & Gilles Duranton & William C. Strange - 921 Should monetary policy lean against the wind? An analysis based on a DSGE model with banking
by Leonardo Gambacorta & Federico M. Signoretti - 920 Tracking world trade and GDP in real time
by Roberto Golinelli & Giuseppe Parigi - 919 Skill upgrading and exports
by Antonio Accetturo & Matteo Bugamelli & Andrea Lamorgese - 918 Macroeconomic effects of precautionary demand for oil
by Alessio Anzuini & Patrizio Pagano & Massimiliano Pisani - 917 Relationship and transaction lending in a crisis
by Patrick Bolton & Xavier Freixas & Leonardo Gambacorta & Paolo Emilio Mistrulli - 916 The effect of organized crime on public funds
by Guglielmo Barone & Gaia Narciso - 915 Local development that money can�t buy: Italy�s Contratti di Programma
by Monica Andini & Guido de Blasio - 914 When the baby cries at night. Inelastic buyers in non-competitive markets
by Giacomo Calzolari & Andrea Ichino & Francesco Manaresi & Viki Nellas - 913 Forward-looking robust portfolio selection
by Sara Cecchetti & Laura Sigalotti - 912 Tempered stable Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes: a practical view
by Michele Leonardo Bianchi & Svetlozar T. Rachev & Frank J. Fabozzi - 911 Trust and preferences: evidence from survey data
by Giuseppe Albanese & Guido de Blasio & Paolo Sestito - 910 Geography, productivity and trade: does selection explain why some locations are more productive than others?
by Antonio Accetturo & Valter Di Giacinto & Giacinto Micucci & Marcello Pagnini - 909 Credit supply during a sovereign debt crisis
by Marcello Bofondi & Luisa Carpinelli & Enrico Sette - 908 Asking income and consumption questions in the same survey: what are the risks?
by Giulia Cifaldi & Andrea Neri - 907 Public-private wage differentials in euro area countries: evidence from quantile decomposition analysis
by Domenico Depalo & Raffaela Giordano & Evangelia Papapetrou - 906 Price discovery in the Italian sovereign bonds market: the role of order flow
by Alessandro Girardi & Claudio Impenna - 905 Family firms and the Great Recession: out of sight, out of mind?
by Leandro D�Aurizio & Livio Romano - 904 Pure or wake-up-call contagion? Another look at the EMU sovereign debt crisis
by Raffaela Giordano & Marcello Pericoli & Pietro Tommasino - 903 Limited credit records and market outcomes
by Margherita Bottero & Giancarlo Spagnolo - 902 Evaluating the efficacy of European regional funds for R&D
by Davide Fantino & Giusy Cannone - 901 Banking consolidation and bank-firm credit relationships: the role of geographical features and relationship characteristics
by Enrico Beretta & Silvia Del Prete - 900 The causal effect of credit guarantees for SMEs: evidence from Italy
by Alessio D'Ignazio & Carlo Menon - 899 A spatial competitive analysis: the carbon leakage effect on the cement industry under the European Emissions Trading Scheme
by Elisabetta Allevi & Giorgia Oggioni & Rossana Riccardi & Marco Rocco - 898 Firm size and judicial efficiency: evidence from the neighbour's court
by Silvia Giacomelli & Carlo Menon - 897 Collective action clauses: how do they weigh on sovereigns?
by Alfredo Bardozzetti & Davide Dottori - 896 Short-term GDP forecasting with a mixed frequency dynamic factor model with stochastic volatility
by Massimiliano Marcellino & Mario Porqueddu & Fabrizio Venditti - 895 What is a prime bank? A Euribor � OIS spread perspective
by Marco Taboga - 894 Incentives through the cycle: microfounded macroprudential regulation
by Giovanni di Iasio & Mario Quagliariello
- 893 Externalities in interbank network: results from a dynamic simulation model
by Michele Manna & Alessandro Schiavone - 892 A dynamic default dependence model
by Sara Cecchetti & Giovanna Nappo - 891 The predictive power of Google searches in forecasting unemployment
by Francesco D'Amuri & Juri Marcucci - 890 Start-up banks� default and the role of capital
by Massimo Libertucci & Francesco Piersante - 889 Does corporate taxation affect cross-country firm leverage?
by Antonio De Socio & Valentina Nigro - 888 Monetary policy in a model with misspecified, heterogeneous and ever-changing expectations
by Alberto Locarno - 887 A structural model for the housing and credit markets in Italy
by Andrea Nobili & Francesco Zollino - 886 Immigration, jobs and employment protection: evidence from Europe before and during the Great Recession
by Francesco D'Amuri & Giovanni Peri - 885 Parties, institutions and political budget cycles at the municipal level
by Marika Cioffi & Giovanna Messina & Pietro Tommasino - 884 Collaboration between firms and universities in Italy: the role of a firm�s proximity to top-rated departments
by Davide Fantino & Alessandra Mori & Diego Scalise - 883 Learning, incomplete contracts and export dynamics: theory and evidence from French firms
by Romain Aeberhardt & Ines Buono & Harald Fadinger - 882 An empirical comparison of alternative credit default swap pricing models
by Michele Leonardo Bianchi - 881 On detecting end-of-sample instabilities
by Fabio Busetti - 880 The micro dynamics of exporting: evidence from French firms
by Ines Buono & Harald Fadinger - 879 Industry dynamics and competition from low-wage countries: evidence on Italy
by Stefano Federico - 878 Do food commodity prices have asymmetric effects on Euro-Area inflation?
by Mario Porqueddu & Fabrizio Venditti - 877 Exporters and importers of services: firm-level evidence on Italy
by Stefano Federico & Enrico Tosti