- 480 Cost efficiency in the retail payment networks: first evidence from the Italian credit card system
by Guerino Ardizzi - 479 The effects of bank mergers on credit availability: evidence from corporate data
by Emilia Bonaccorsi di Patti & Giorgio Gobbi - 478 Dealing with unexpected shocks to the budget
by Elena Gennari & Raffaela Giordano & Sandro Momigliano - 477 La composizione familiare e l�imposta sul reddito delle persone fisiche: un�analisi degli effetti redistributivi e alcune considerazioni sul benessere sociale
by Maria Rosaria Marino & Chiara Rapallini - 476 Tests of seasonal integration and cointegration in multivariate unobserved component models
by Fabio Busetti - 475 The Italian overnight market: microstructure effects, the martingale hypothesis and the payment system
by Emilio Barucci & Claudio Impenna & Roberto Reno - 474 Identifying the Sources of Local Productivity Growth
by Federico Cingano & Fabiano Schivardi - 473 Revisiting the Implications of Heterogeneity in Financial Market Participation for the C-CAPM
by Monica Paiella - 472 Gaussian inference on certain long-range dependent volatility models
by Paolo Zaffaroni - 471 tax credit policy and firms' behaviour: the case of subsidy to open-end labour contract in italy
by cipollone piero & Anita Guelfi - 470 Testing against stochastic trend and seasonality in the presence of unattended breaks and unit roots
by Fabio Busetti & A. M. Robert Taylor - 469 Sunk Costs of Exports
by Matteo Bugamelli & Luigi Infante - 468 Transaction Technology Innovation and Demand for Overnight Deposits in Italy
by Francesco Columba - 467 Evoluzione del sistema bancario e finanziamento dell�economia nel Mezzogiorno
by Fabio Panetta - 466 What do we learn from recall consumption data?
by Erich Battistin & Raffaele Miniaci & Guglielmo Weber
- 465 Human capital, technical change and the welfare state
by Ronald Benabou - 464 Consolidation and efficiency in the financial sector: a review of the international evidence
by Dean Amel & Colleen Barnes & Fabio Panetta & Carmelo Salleo - 463 Metodologie di stima dell�economia sommersa: un�applicazione al caso italiano
by Roberta Zizza - 462 Non-response behaviour in the Bank of Italy�s Survey of Household Income and Wealth
by Giovanni D'Alessio & Ivan Faiella - 461 Macroeconomics of international price discrimination
by Giancarlo Corsetti & Luca Dedola - 460 Dealing with forward-looking expectations and policy rules in quantifying the channels of transmission of monetary policy
by Filippo Altissimo & Alberto Locarno & Stefano Siviero - 459 Cross-country differences in self-employment rates: the role of institutions
by Roberto Torrini - 458 The economic consequences of euro area modelling shortcuts
by Libero Monteforte & Stefano Siviero - 457 Monetary Policy Rules for the Euro Area: What Role for National Information?
by Paolo Angelini & Paolo Del Giovane & Stefano Siviero & Daniele Terlizzese - 456 Real-time GDP forecasting in the euro area
by Alberto Baffigi & Roberto Golinelli & Giuseppe Parigi - 455 Heterogeneity in Human Capital and Economic Growth
by Stefania Zotteri - 454 Italian households' debt: determinants of demand and supply
by Silvia Magri - 453 Labor market pooling: evidence from Italian industrial districts
by Guido De Blasio & Sabrina Di Addario - 452 Misura e determinanti dell�agglomerazione spaziale nei comparti industriali in Italia
by Marcello Pagnini - 451 Liquidity and Announcement Effects in the Euro Area
by Paolo Angelini - 450 Un�analisi critica delle definizioni di disoccupazione e partecipazione in Italia
by Eliana Viviano - 449 Contemporaneous aggregation of GARCH processes
by Paolo Zaffaroni - 448 Are Mergers Beneficial to Consumers? Evidence from the Market for Bank Deposits
by Dario Focarelli & Fabio Panetta - 447 The size of the equity premium
by Fabio Fornari - 446 Currency crises and uncertainty about fundamentals
by Alessandro Prati & Massimo Sbracia - 445 Is money informative? Evidence form a large model used for policy analysis
by Filippo Altissimo & Eugenio Gaiotti & Alberto Locarno - 444 On the 'conquest' of inflation
by Andrea Gerali & Francesco Lippi - 443 Rational ignorance and the public choice of redistribution
by Valentino Larcinese - 442 Introduction to social choice and welfare
by Kotaro Suzumura - 441 Forecasting the industrial production index for the euro area through forecasts for the main countries
by Roberta Zizza - 440 Bootstrap bias-correction procedure in estimating long-run relationships from dynamic panels, with an application to money demand in the euro area
by Dario Focarelli - 439 Durable goods, price indexes and quality change: an application to automobile prices in Italy, 1988-1998
by Gian Maria Tomat - 438 Financial crises, moral hazard and the "speciality" of the international interbank market: further evidence from the pricing of syndicated bank loans to emerging markets
by Francesco Spadafora
- 437 The use of preliminary data in econometric forecasting: an application with the Bank of Italy Quarterly Model
by Fabio Busetti - 436 A real time coincident indicator of the euro area business cycle
by Filippo Altissimo & Antonio Bassanetti & Riccardo Cristadoro & Mario Forni & Marco Lippi & Lucrezia Reichlin & Giovanni Veronese - 435 A core inflation index for the euro area
by Riccardo Cristadoro & Mario Forni & Lucrezia Reichlin & Giovanni Veronese - 434 The construction of coincident and leading indicators for the euro area business cycler of the euro area business cycle
by Filippo Altissimo & Antonio Bassanetti & Riccardo Cristadoro & Lucrezia Reichlin & Giovanni Veronese - 433 Monetary policy transmission in the euro area: what do aggregate and national structural models tell us?
by Peter van Els & Alberto Locarno & Julian Morgan & Jean-Pierre Villetelle - 432 Fynancial Systems and the Role of Banks in Monetary Policy Transmission in the Euro area
by Michael Ehrmann & Leonardo Gambacorta & Jorge Mart�nez-Pag�s & Patrick Sevestre & Andreas Worms - 431 Firm investment and monetary transmission in the euro area
by J. B. Chatelain & Andrea Generale & I. Hernando & U. von Kalckreuth & P. Vermeulen - 430 Bank-Specific Characteristics and Monetary Policy Transmission: The Case of Italy
by Leonardo Gambacorta - 429 Does monetary policy have asymmetric effects? A look at the investment decisions of Italian firms
by Eugenio Gaiotti & Andrea Generale - 428 Nuove tecnologie e cambiamenti organizzativi: alcune implicazioni per le imprese italiane
by Sandro Trento & Massimo Warglien - 427 Earnings Dispersion, Low Pay and Household Poverty in Italy, 1977-1998
by Andrea Brandolini & Piero Cipollone & Paolo Sestito - 426 Consumption and fiscal policies: medium-run non-Keynesian effects
by Giorgio Rodano & Enrico Saltari - 425 Assessing the effects of monetary and fiscal policy
by Stefano Neri - 424 Labor effort over the business cycle
by Domenico J. Marchetti & Francesco Nucci - 423 Tax reforms to influence corporate financial policy: the case of the Italian business tax reform of 1997-98
by Alessandra Staderini - 422 Multifactor Productivity and Labour Quality in Italy, 1981-2000
by Andrea Brandolini & Piero Cipollone - 421 Struttura dell�offerta e divari territoriali nella filiera dell�information and communication technologies in Italia
by Giovanni Iuzzolino - 420 Barriers to investment in ICT
by Matteo Bugamelli & Patrizio Pagano - 419 ICT accumulation and productivity growth in the United States: an analysis based on industry data
by Paola Caselli & Francesco Patern� - 418 Ingredients for the New Economy: How Much does finance matter?
by Matteo Bugamelli & Patrizio Pagano & Francesco Patern� & Alberto Franco Pozzolo & Fabiano Schivardi & Salvatore Rossi - 417 Personal Saving and Social Security in Italy: Fresh Evidence from a Time Series Analysis
by Francesco Zollino - 416 Decentramento fiscale e perequazione regionale. Efficienza e redistribuzione nel nuovo sistema di finanziamento delle regioni a statuto ordinario
by Giovanna Messina - 415 Limited Financial Market Participation: A Transaction Cost-Based Explanation
by Monica Paiella - 414 Insurance within the Firm
by Luigi Guiso & Luigi Pistaferri & Fabiano Schivardi - 413 Equilibrium Welfare and Government Policy with Quasi-Geometric Discounting
by Per Krusell & Burhanettin Kuruscu & Anthony A. Smith Jr. - 412 Political Institutions and Policy Outcomes: What are the Stylized Facts?
by Torsten Persson & Guido Tabellini - 411 Why is the Business-Cycle Behavior of Fundamentals Alike Across Exchange-Rate Regimes?
by Luca Dedola & Sylvain Leduc - 410 International Transmission Via Trade Links: Theoretically Consistent Indicators of Interdependence for Latin America and South-East Asia
by Chiara Bentivogli & Paola Monti - 409 The Role of the Banking System in the International Transmission of Shocks
by Massimo Sbracia & Andrea Zaghini - 408 Correlation Analysis of Financial Contagion: What One Should Know before Running a Test
by Giancarlo Corsetti & Marcello Pericoli & Massimo Sbracia - 407 A Primer on Financial Contagion
by Marcello Pericoli & Massimo Sbracia - 406 The Evolution of Confidence for European Consumers and Businesses in France, Germany and Italy
by Paolo carnazza & Giuseppe Parigi - 405 Money demand in the euro area: do national differences matter?
by Luca Dedola & Eugenio Gaiotti & Luca Silipo - 404 The Effects of Bank Consolidation and Market Entry on Small Business Lending
by Emilia Bonaccorsi di Patti & Giorgio Gobbi - 403 Seasonality and Capacity: an Application to Italy
by Guido de Blasio & Federico Mini - 402 Il modello di specializzazione internazionale dell'Italia e dei principali paesi europei: omogeneit� e convergenza
by Matteo Bugamelli - 401 Optimal Debt Maturity under EMU
by Raffaela Giordano - 400 Is the Italian Labour market segmented?
by cipollone piero - 399 Labor Income and Risky Assets under Market Incompleteness: Evidence from Italian Data
by Giuseppe Grande & Luigi Ventura - 398 La convergenza dei salari manifatturieri in Europa
by Piero Cipollone - 397 A Simple Approach to the Estimation of Continuous Time CEV Stochastic Volatility Models of the Short-Term Rate
by Fabio Fornari & Antonio Mele - 396 Recovering the Probability Density Function of Asset Prices Using GARCH as Diffusion Approximations
by Fabio Fornari & Antonio Mele - 395 Macroeconomic forecasting: Debunking a few old wives' tales
by Stefano Siviero & Daniele Terlizzese - 394 Firm Size Distribution and Growth
by Patrizio Pagano & Fabiano Schivardi - 393 The Stability of the Relation between the Stock Market and Macroeconomic Forces
by Fabio Panetta - 392 Unobserved Factor Utilization, Technology Shocks and Business Cycles
by Domenico J. Marchetti & francesco Nucci
- 391 Expectations and information in second generation currency crises models
by Massimo Sbracia & Andrea Zaghini - 390 Disuguaglianza dei redditi individuali e ruolo della famiglia in Italia
by Giovanni D'Alessio & Luigi Federico Signorini - 389 The monetary transmission mechanism; evidence from the industries of five OECD countries
by Luca Dedola & Francesco Lippi - 388 La "credit view" in economia aperta: un�applicazione al caso italiano
by Paolo Chiades & Leonardo Gambacorta - 387 The multimarket contacts theory; an application to Italian banks
by Riccardo De Bonis & Annalisa Ferrando - 386 Revisiting the Case for a Populist Central Banker
by Francesco Lippi - 385 Testing for Stochastic Trends in Series with Structural Breaks
by Fabio Busetti - 384 Will a Common European Monetary Policy Have Asymmetric Effects?
by Luigi Guiso & Anil K. Kashyap & Fabio Panetta & Daniele Terlizzese - 383 (Fractional) Beta Convergence
by Claudio Michelacci & Paolo Zaffaroni - 382 Endogenous Growth with Intertemporally Dependent Preferences
by Giuseppe Ferraguto & Patrizio Pagano - 381 The Determinants of Cross-Border Bank Shareholdings; an Analysis with Bank-Level Data from OECD Countries
by Dario Focarelli & Alberto Franco Pozzolo - 380 Bank Competition and Regulatory Reform: The Case of the Italian Banking Industry
by Paolo Angelini & Nicola Cetorelli - 379 Promise and Pitfalls in the Use of 'Secondary' Data-Sets: Income Inequality in OECD Countries
by Anthony B. Atkinson & Andrea Brandolini - 378 Stock Values and Fundamentals; Link or Irrationality?
by Fabio Fornari & Marcello Pericoli - 377 The Italian Business Cycle; Coincident and Leading Indicators and Some Stylized Facts
by Filippo Altissimo & Domenico J. Marchetti & Gian Paolo Oneto - 376 Do Better Institutions Mitigate Agency Problems? Evidence from Corporate Finance Choices
by Mariassunta Giannetti - 375 EMU fiscal rules: Is there a gap?
by Fabrizio Balassone & Daniela Monacelli - 374 Strategic Monetary Policy with Non-Atomistic Wage-Setters
by Francesco Lippi - 373 Tassazione e costo del lavoro nei paesi industriali
by Maria Rosaria Marino & Roberto Rinaldi - 372 Investment and Growth in Europe and in the United States in the Nineties
by Paola Caselli & Patrizio Pagano & Fabiano Schivardi - 371 The Seasonal Adjustment of the harmonised Index of Consumer Prices for the Euro Area: a Comparison of Direct and Indirect Methods
by Riccardo Cristadoro & Roberto Sabbatini - 370 Forecasting Industrial Production in the Euro Area
by Giorgio Bodo & Roberto Golinelli & Giuseppe Parigi - 369 Banking System, International Investors and Central Bank Policy in Emerging Markets
by Mariassunta Giannetti - 368 Information Spillovers and Factor Adjustment
by Luigi Guiso & Fabiano Schivardi - 367 An Investment-Function-Based Measure of Capacity Utilisation. Potential Output and Utilised Capacity in the Bank of Italy's Quarterly Model
by Giuseppe Parigi & Stefano Siviero - 366 On the Mechanics of Migration Decisions; Skill Complementarities and Endogenous Price Differentials
by Mariassunta Giannetti - 365 Labor Markets and Monetary Union; a Strategic Analysis
by Alex Cukierman & Francesco Lippi
- 364 Rigidity in the labour market, unemployment and growth
by Fabiano Schivardi - 363 The transmission of monetary policy shocks in Italy
by Eugenio Gaiotti - 362 Markup and the Business Cycle: Evidence from Italian Manufacturing Branches
by Domenica J. Marchetti - 361 Why Do Banks Merge?
by Dario Focarelli & Fabio Panetta & Carmelo Salleo - 360 The cost and availability of credit for firms in industrial districts
by Paolo Finaldi Russo & Paola Rossi - 359 Does Market Transparency Matter? a Case Study
by Antonio Scalia & Valerio Vacca - 358 The Impact of News on the Exchange Rate of the Lira and Long-Term Interest Rates
by Fabio Fornari & Carlo Monticelli & Marcello Pericoli & Massimo Tivegna - 357 Are model-based inflation forecasts used in monetary policymaking? A case study
by Stefano Siviero & Daniele Terlizzese & Ignazio Visco - 356 What is the Optimal Institutional Arrangement for a Monetary Union?
by Leonardo Gambacorta - 355 The economyc policy of fiscal consolidations: The european experience
by Andrea Zaghini - 354 How deep are the deep parameters?
by Filippo Altissimo & Stefano Siviero & Daniele Terlizzese - 353 Is there an Equity Premium Puzzle in Italy? A Look at Asset Returns, Consumption and Financial Structure Data over the Last Century
by Fabio Panetta & Roberto Violi - 352 Errors and omissions in the balance of payments, capital exports and the financial openness of Italy
by Marco Committeri - 351 Median Voter Preferences, Central Bank Independence and Conservatism
by Francesco Lippi - 350 The Distribution of Personal Income in Post-War Italy: Source Description, Data Quality, and the Time Pattern of Income Inequality
by Andrea Brandolini - 349 The economic effects of the new rules for the taxation of income from financial investment
by Riccardo Cesari - 348 Atypical working hours in Italy: an analysis based on Istat�s survey on the use of time
by Roberto Torrini - 347 Industrial District and Local Banks: Do the Twins Ever Meet?
by Alberto Baffigi & Marcello Pagnini & Fabio Quintiliani - 346 A homogeneous reconstruction of regional data: household accounts and disposable income, 1970-1995
by Pierpaolo Berrettoni & Roberto Delogu & Carmine Pappalardo & Paolo Piselli
- 345 Reallocation and Learning over the Business Cycle
by Fabiano Schivardi - 344 Investment and the Exchange Rate
by Francesco Nucci & Alberto Pozzolo - 343 What Caused the Asian Currency and Financial Crisis?
by Giancarlo Corsetti & Paolo Pesenti & Nouriel Roubini - 342 Energy Consumption, Survey Data and the Prediction of Industrial Production in Italy
by Domenico J. Marchetti & Giuseppe Parigi - 341 "Enemy of None but a Common Friend of All"? An International Perspective on the Lender-of-Last-Resort Function
by Curzio Giannini - 340 Heterogeneous "Credit Channels" and Optimal Monetary Policy in a Monetary Union
by Leonardo Gambacorta - 339 The Probability Density Function of Interest Rates Implied in the Price of Options
by Fabio Fornari & Roberto Violi - 338 Nonlinear VAR: Some Theory and an Application to US GNP and Unemployment
by Filippo Altissimo & Giovanni Luca VIolante - 337 Foreign direct investment and trade: complements or substitutes?
by Alessandra Mori & Valeria Rolli - 336 Fiscal Consolidations under Fixed Exchange Rates
by Paola Casell - 335 Signaling Fiscal Regime Sustainability
by Francesco Drudi & Alessandro Prati - 334 Budgetary policy in the countries of the European Union in the 1990s
by Paola Caselli & Roberto Rinaldi - 333 The demand for bank loans in Italy at national and macro-regional level (1984-96)
by Dario Focarelli & Paola Rossi - 332 Central Bank Independence, Centralization of Wage Bargaining, Inflation and Unemployment: Theory and Evidence
by Alex Cukierman & Francesco Lippi - 331 Research and Development, Regional Spillovers, and the Location of Economic Activities
by Alberto Pozzolo - 330 The problem of increasing fragility in the “financial instability hypothesis” from a Kaleckian perspective
by Gennaro Corbisiero - 329 Results and problems of five years of incomes policy: an initial quantitative evaluation
by Silvia Fabiani & Alberto Locarno & Gianpaolo Oneto & Paolo Sestito - 328 The Behaviour of the Dollar and Exchange Rates in Europe: Empirical Evidence and Possible Explanations
by Paolo del Giovane & Alberto Franco Pozzolo - 327 International Risk Sharing and European Monetary Unification
by Bent E. S�rensen & Oved Yosha - 326 Adverse Selection of Investment Projects and the Business Cycle
by Pietro Reichlin & Paolo Siconolfi - 325 Style, Fees and Performance of Italian Equity Funds
by Riccardo Cesari & Fabio Panetta
- 317 Sensitivity of VaR measures to different risk models
by Francesco Drudi & Andrea Generale & Giovanni Majnoni - 315 Tassi bancari attivi e struttura finanziaria in Italia: un'analisi empirica
by Carlo Cottarelli & Giovanni Ferri & Andrea Generale
- 265 Il recupero dei crediti: costi, tempi e comportamenti delle banche
by Andrea Generale & Giorgio Gobbi
- 231 Un’analisi empirica della relazione tra tassi del mercato interno e dell’eurolira
by Chiara Bentivogli & Andrea Generale - 227 Un’analisi empirica della relazione tra tassi del mercato interno e dell’eurolira
by Giovanni Ferri & Andrea Generale
- 1328 Board composition and performance of state-owned enterprises: Quasi-experimental evidence
by Audinga Baltrunaite & Mario Cannella & Sauro Mocetti & Giacomo Roma