2019, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 416-421 Turkish Adaptation of Generalized Expectancy for Success Scale: Reliability and Validity Studies
by Nilay Çelik Ercoşkun & Ceyhun Ozan & Remzi Y Kincal - 422-428 Cognitive Structure Determination of Prospective Science Teacher via Word Association Test
by Ecir Yilmaz - 429-439 High School Mathematics’ Teachers’ Knowledge, Opinions, and Preferences about Types of Problems (An Example from Turkey)
by Seval Deniz KILIÇ - 440-446 The Relationship between Motivation and Flow States in Sports Faculty Students
by Pelin AKYOL & Osman İMAMOĞLU - 447-453 Reasons for Choosing the Profession of Teacher
by Sayime Erben Keçici - 454-458 Evaluation of Body Composition and Quality of Life of University Students
by Suleyman Sahin & Senay Sahin & Duygu Yildirim & Izzet Kirkaya - 459-466 Humility in Turkish University Student Athletes and Non-Athletes
by Emre Ozan Tingaz & Burcu Güvendi - 467-472 Examining Teaching Styles of Academicians Employed in Faculties of Sports Sciences
by Sevinç NAMLI & Anil TÜRKELİ - 473-481 The Effect of Parents’ Attention on the Technology Usage of Children between the Ages of Four and Six
by Kazim Biber & Ayşe Nur Kayiş & Mehriye Kopuk & Şeyma Dağdeviren - 482-487 Evaluation of the Effects of Core-Quick Strength and Core-Plyometric Studies on Balance, Agility and Strength Traits of Volleyball Players
by Uğur DEVRİM & Kâmil ERDEM - 488-494 A Model Proposal for the Evaluation of Chemistry Education in the Context of Learning Environment
by Mehmet Yüksel - 495-500 Comparison of the Reaction Time Period of Individuals in Sport, Fine Arts and Classroom Education
by H. Bayram TEMUR & Rezan BAYTAR
2019, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 292-298 Impact of Teaching Experience on Teachers Attitude towards the Use of Instructional Television (ITV) in Bayelsa State Nigeria
by Nemine, Ebi-Bulami Bridget & Akinbowale Olakunle Akintunde - 299-308 Evaluation of Academic Self - Efficacy Perceptions and Instructional Dissent Attitudes of Teacher Candidates in Terms of Classroom Management
by Remzi Yıldırım & Hamit Özen - 309-315 The Relationship between Academic Motivation and Academic Achievement of the Students
by Ahmet Haktan SIVRIKAYA - 316-323 Predicting Social Anxiety and Subjective Well-Being Preservice Teachers through Doing Sports
by Ezgi Samar & Fehmi Çalık & Emin Yaşar & Cuma Ece & Murat Şen & Betül Şen & Mihrab Bilir - 324-328 Analysis of Academic Self-Efficacy Levels of University Students Doing Sport Regularly and those Not Doing Sport Regularly
by Egemen Ermiş - 329-334 The Investigation of Ecological Citizenship Levels of Teacher Candidates
by Emre Ünal - 335-342 Study on Relationship between Cultural Intelligence Level and Academic Self-Efficacy of Undergrads
by Mustafa Vural & Alper Tunga Peker - 343-348 The Investigation of Risk-Taking Behavior in Adolescents in Terms of Attachment Styles and Social Problem-Solving
by Melike YILMAZ & Zeliha TRAŞ - 349-362 Which Country is More Effective in Science Teaching? Evidence from PISA 2015 as a Secondary School Assessment Tool
by Gökhan Ilgaz & Menekşe Eskici & Levent Vural - 362-368 Study on High School Teachers’ Self-Esteem in Decision Making and Decision Making Styles
by Yaşar ÇORUH & Mustafa VURAL - 369-373 The Effects of Pilates, Step and Zumba Exercises on Self-esteem, Happiness and Communication Skill Levels
by Serhat Özdenk & Mehmet İmamoğlu - 374-380 Analysis of Secondary School Students’ Digital Game Addiction and Sportsmanship Behavior Levels According to Various Variables
by Kürşat HAZAR & Zekihan HAZAR - 381-385 The Effects of Different Types of Strength Training for Recreational Purposes on the Body Composition and Strength Development of University Students
by Serhat Özbay - 386-391 Turkish EFL Teacher Candidates’ Early Teacher Identity
by M. Pinar BABANOĞLU & Reyhan AĞÇAM - 392-396 The Effect of Cultural Intelligence and Creative Thinking on the Practical Technical Capabilities of Trabzon University Physical Education Students
by Elif Aydin
2019, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-7 The Contributions of School Principals as Constructivist Leaders to Their Schools’ Organizational Change
by M. Cevat YILDIRIM & Ahmet KAYA - 8-17 Evaluating the Student-Teacher Relationship in Elementary Schools: “My Teacher & I-Child”
by Aysegul Sukran Oz & Sevda Dolapçıoğlu - 18-24 Comparison of Participation Constraints in Recreational Physical Activity of the Teachers Working Iğdir and Erzurum Provinces
by Mehmet Ali ÖZTÜRK - 25-30 The Effects of Recreative Activities on Adjustment Levels of Young People
by Kenan Sivrikaya - 31-38 An Analysis of the Relationship between Digital Game Playing Motivation and Digital Game Addiction among Children
by Zekihan HAZAR - 39-43 Examination of the Correlation between Dynamic Balance and Leg Strength of 11 and 12-Year-Old Children Who Have Fencing Training
by Meryem Gülaç - 44-49 Examining the Effects of Aesthetic Education Program on Aesthetic Judgment Development of Five-Year-Old Children
by Esra ÜNLÜER & Rengin ZEMBAT - 50-55 The Relationship between Exercise Addiction, Physical Activity Level and Body Mass Index of the Students Who are Studying at Physical Education and Sports College
by Adem GUN & Ozturk AGIRBAS - 56-62 Investigation of Academic Self Efficacy of University Students in the Sports Area
by Çalık Veli KOÇAK & Umut CANLI - 63-69 Psychological Resilience and Positivity as Predictors of Self-Efficacy
by Tuğba Yılmaz Bingöl & Meryem Vural Batık & Rumeysa Hoşoğlu & Aynur Fırıncı Kodaz - 70-73 The Relationship between Attitudes towards Physical Activity and Self-Esteem of High School Students
by H. Fatih KUCUKIBIS & Mehmet GUL - 74-79 Examining the Social Appearance Anxiety and Self-Esteem Levels of Students of the Sport Management Department
by Ramazan TOPUZ & Ziya BAHADIR & Çağrı Hamdi ERDOĞAN - 80-85 Using Information Retrieval Activities to Foster Analytical Thinking Skills in Higher Education in Thailand: A Case Study of Local Wisdom Education
by Puchit Puchumni & Sumalee Tungpradabkul & Ratana Magee - 86-92 Teacher Retention: A Review of Policies for Motivating Rural Basic School Teachers in Ghana
by Phinihas Acheampong & Juliana Fosua Gyasi - 93-96 The Relationship between Positivity and Fear of Happiness in People Applying to Graduate Programs in Physical Education and Sports Department
by Osman Tolga TOGO & Çağdaş CAZ - 97-105 Kyrgyzstan Universities' Profile in Terms of Preparing Students for the Future: Student Opinions
by Yavuz Ercan Gul - 106-111 Investigation of the Physical Education and Sport Teacher Candidates’ Attitudes towards Teaching Practice Course
by Fatih Murathan - 112-120 Investigation of Social Support Perception and Self-Esteem as Predictors of Psychological Resilience of Parents Who Have Children with Special Educational Needs
by Erkan Karaman & Erkan Efilti - 121-133 The Rights and Responsibilities of Parents According to the Views of Teachers
by Bilgen Kiral - 134-139 The Relationship between Daily Lifestyle and Anthropometric Parameters in Secondary School Student
by Esin Güllü & Abdullah Güllü - 140-145 An Analysis of Conflict Styles in Terms of Various Variables among Athletes Participated in Turkey Inter-Unıversities Wushu Championship
by Zühal Kılınç & Nevzat Dinçer - 146-150 An Analysis of Social Media Usage Levels among Students at School of Physical Education and Sport in Some Variables
by Nevzat Dinçer & Zühal Kilinç - 151-158 Analysis on Sportspersonship Orientations of Students Studying in Faculty of Sports Sciences/School of Physical Education and Sports
by Özgür Karataş & Buğra Çağatay Savaş - 159-165 Analysis on Loneliness Levels of Students in Summer School of Physical Education and Sports School
by Nahit Ozdayi & Ali Serdar Yücel & Mehmet Burak Demir - 166-175 An Investigation into the Logic Textbooks Written in Accordance with the 2009 Logic Curriculum
by Ekrem Ziya Duman & Gamze Aslan - 176-182 Developing a Test to Measure Drawing a Shape-Schema and Making a Table Skills of Prospective Teachers
by Ibrahim Yuksel & Muhammed Ali Savas - 183-192 The Effect of Place-Based Education Integrated Project Studies on Students’ Problem-Solving and Social Skills
by Yavuz Akbaş & Safiye Çakmak - 193-197 The Effect of Body Mass Index on Physical Activity Level in Children between 10-11 Years of Age
by Gökmen Kilincarslan - 198-206 Strategies for Developing the 21st Century Skills of School Principals under Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office
by Kongnaren Phonsa & Somkid Sroinam & Phongnimit Phongphinyo - 207-212 Investigation of the Teachers’ Restraint and Satisfaction Perceptions in their Free Times
by Engin Yönet & Fehmi Çalık & Fikret Soyer & Ezgi Samar & Cuma Ece & Meliha Seviç - 213-223 Teacher Candidates' Socialization Process: A Grounded Theory Study
by Fatma Köybaşı & Celal Teyyar Uğurlu - 224-228 Mental Toughness of Students: Levels of Hockey Players Mental Toughness of the Athletes
by Nas Kazim & Temel Veysel - 229-235 Investigation of the Relationship between Leisure Satisfaction and Smartphone Addiction of University Students
by Fikret Soyer & Ersan Tolukan & Abdullah Dugenci - 236-242 The Development of an Appropriate Knowledge Management Model for Public University Lecturers
by Chomsupak Cruthaka - 243-247 Investigation of the Relationship between Social Connectedness Level and Just World Beliefs of Prospective Teachers
by Yakup Akyel & Ersan Tolukan - 248-254 Awareness Level and Self-Efficacy Beliefs of Pre-service Primary School Teachers Regarding Syrian Students’ Education in Turkey
by Sevda Kubilay & Remzi Kılıç - 255-259 Examining the Personality Traits and Empathetic Tendency Levels of Students of the Coaching Education Department
by Kazım Kaya & Çağrı Hamdi Erdoğan & Ziya Bahadir - 260-268 Effect of Stem-Based Activities Conducted in Science Classes on Various Variables
by Barış Çaycı & Gizem Tabaru Örnek - 269-274 The Effect of Personality Characteristics of Students on Positive Perception Level: A Study to Hockey Super League Players
by Temel Veysel & Nas Kazim - 275-279 The Relationship between the Body Mass Index and Different Education Times in Secondary Schools
by Soner Karadeniz & Sema Can - 280-286 Investigation of Relationship between Communication in Academic Environment and Quality of Work Life among Academic Staff
by Özden Tepeköylü Öztürk & Mümine Soytürk & Hüseyin Gökçe - 287-291 An Analysis on Problem Solving Skills of Students Studying in Balikesir University School of Physical Education and Sports
by Nahit Özdayi
2018, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 250-256 Readability of Texts in Secondary School Mathematics Course Books
by Gökhan ÇETİNKAYA & Arzu AYDOĞAN YENMEZ & Tuğba ÇELİK & İlknur ÖZPINAR - 257-265 Research on Social Anxiety Level and Communication Skills of Secondary School Students
by Mustafa KOÇ & Aykut DÜNDAR - 266-271 The Relationship between School Administrators’ In-House Communication and Conflict Management Strategies According to Physical Education Teachers’ Perceptions
by Utku Isik & Hakan Sunay & Recep Cengiz - 272-279 Assessing Student Reflection in a Malaysian Classroom
by Marianne Estabella Fung & May Siaw-Mei Liu - 280-283 Investigation of Depression Level of Middle School Students’ According to Some Variables
by Nurullah Emir EKİNCİ - 284-289 Effect of Computer Simulations on Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement in Chemistry in Anambra State
by Okwuduba Emmanuel Nkemakolam & Offiah Francisca Chinelo & Madichie Chinyere Jane - 290-294 Goal Orientation and Motivational Climate in University Student-Athletes
by Eylem GENCER & Arda ÖZTÜRK - 295-301 The Analysis of Problem-Solving Skills and Related Factors for Some Students Studying at Different Schools of Physical Education and Sports
by Bekir Barış CİHAN - 302-308 Examination of the Effect of the Instructional Styles of Pre-Service Physical Education and Sports Teachers on the Ability of Self-Regulation
by Mehmet Behzat TURAN & Kenan KOÇ - 309-318 Comparison of the University Students in Turkey and Central Asia with Regards to Their Characteristics of Thinking, Decision Making and Cognitive Closure
by Hasan Yilmaz - 319-325 An Analysis of the Effect of Educational Game Training on Some Physical Parameters and Social Skills of the Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
by Nurgül TEZCAN KARDAŞ & Reşat SADIK - 326-335 The Effect of Performing Reading Activities with Critical Reading Questions on Critical Thinking and Reading Skills
by Sefa YILDIRIM & Yusuf SÖYLEMEZ - 336-346 An Analysis of the Multi-Cultural Characteristics of the Pre-Service Teachers in Terms of the Values They Have
by Suat POLAT - 347-355 Investigation of Physical Activity Levels of Physical Education and Sports School Students
by Mehmet YILDIRIM - 356-362 A Study on Developing Special Teaching Methods Attitude Scale for Pre-service Music Teachers
by Ceren Saygı Gerçeker - 363-370 The Comparison of High School Students’ Level of Aggression Based on Demographic Features
by Oktay ÇOBAN & Mehmet YILDIRIM - 371-379 Analyzing the Relationship between the Students’ Stress-Coping Styles and School Attachment
by Neslin İhtiyaroğlu & Öznur Tulunay Ateş - 380-390 Examination of the Aggression Levels of Physical Education and Sport School Students
by Mehmet YILDIRIM & Oktay ÇOBAN - 391-395 Zest for Work in Physical Education and Sport Teachers’ Perceptions of Success
by Aydın KARAÇAM - 396-402 Happiness Level of Teachers and Analyzing its Relation with Some Variables
by Münevver Mertoğlu
2018, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 156-160 The Analysis of Stress Levels of the Female Wrestlers Studying in Higher Education (A Case of Batman Provice)
by Nevzat DİNÇER & Zühal KILINÇ - 161-169 Sources of Reading Anxiety among the Learners of Turkish as a Foreign Language
by Hatice ALTUNKAYA & Ayşe ATEŞ - 170-175 The Physical Education and Sport Studies in the Framework of Social Demands-Institutional Structuring and Teacher Training the Developments Before and During Turkey Training Community Alliance Period (1922 - 1936)
by Murat ÖZMADEN & Fikret SOYER & Harun ÖZMADEN - 176-181 Examination of the Level of Participation of Secondary School Students in Extracurricular Sports Activities [Burdur Example]
by Mehmet ŞAHİN - 182-185 Effects of 8-Week Core Exercises on Free Style Swimming Performance of Female Swimmers Aged 9-12
by Yıldırım Gökhan GENCER - 186-196 Investigation of Aggression Levels of University Students (Kocaeli University Case)
by Özlem Keskin & Hakan Akdeniz - 197-200 Does Motivational Music Influence Maximal Bench Press Strength and Strength Endurance?
by Bereket KÖSE - 201-209 School Administrators Who Serve in Different Institutions Ethical Dilemmas and Their Attitudes towards These Dilemmas
by Saffet Karayama - 210-215 Examination of Body Composition, Flexibility, Balance, and Concentration Related to Dance Exercise
by Gulsum Bastug - 216-219 The Relationship among Somatotype Structures, Body Compositions and Estimated Oxygen Capacities of Elite Male Handball Players
by İrfan MARANGOZ & Sevde Mavi VAR - 220-223 The Determination of the Relationship between Somatotypes and Speed of Sub-Elite Athletes
by İrfan MARANGOZ - 224-227 Comparison of Time Management Perception of Students Studying at Department of Physical Education and Sports Teaching and Program in Primary School Education
by Osman GUMUSGUL - 228-232 Investigation of the Health Significance of 4th Grade Students in Physical Education and Sport Department
by Aykut DÜNDAR & Mustafa KOÇ - 233-245 The Views of Classroom Teachers on Project Tasks
by Davut KÖĞCE & Buket ASLANDAĞ - 246-249 The Analysis of Teacher Candidates’ Self-Sufficiency about Their Teaching Abilities at Different Departments
by Levent VAR
2018, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 62-69 Analysis of Use of Virtual Reality Technologies in History Education: A Case Study
by Gürkan YILDIRIM & Mehmet ELBAN & Serkan YILDIRIM - 70-74 The Impact of Thematic Learning Integrated ICT in Tabot Bengkulu as Cultural Ceremony toward Social Interaction Knowledge in Elementary School
by Endang Widi WINARNI & Endina Putri PURWANDARI & Herman LUSA & Sri DADI - 75-79 The Effect of Motor Performance on Sportive Performance of Children in Different Sports Branches
by Zait Burak AKTUG & Ruckan IRI - 80-84 Examination of the Attitudes of School of Physical Education and Sports Students towards Teaching Profession in Terms of Various Variables
by Turan ÇETİNKAYA & Abdurrahman KIRTEPE & Fatih Mehmet UĞURLU - 85-90 Using Generalizability Theory to Assess the Score Reliability of Communication Skills of Dentistry Students
by N. Bilge Uzun & Mehtap Aktaş & Semih Aşiret & Seha Yorulmaz - 91-101 STEM Education through the Perspectives of Secondary Schools Teachers and School Administrators in Turkey
by Mustafa ÇEVİK & Esma ÖZGÜNAY - 102-107 The Influence of Information Technology on Student’s Behavioural Nature in the Class Room
by Liaqat Ali - 108-113 A Study on the Relationship between the Performance Characteristics and the Body Mass Index of 8-10 Year-Old Children
by Vedat Ayan - 114-120 Flow Experiences in Physical Education Classes: The Role of Perceived Motivational Climate and Situational Motivation
by Elif Nilay ADA & Zisan Kazak ÇETİNKALP & M.Ersin ALTIPARMAK & F.Hülya AŞÇI - 121-127 The ‘Push and Pull’ Factors of Distributed Leadership: Exploring Views of Headteachers across Two Countries
by Dandy George Dampson & Evelyn Ama Frempong - 128-131 Socialization Effect of Physical Activity in Students Who Need Special Education
by Mehmet Ilkım & Halil Tanır & Mehmet Özdemir - 132-136 The Effect of the Web Based Digital Story Applications on the Digital Literacy Levels of Turkish Teacher Candidates
by Halil Erdem ÇOCUK & Tugba YANPAR YELKEN - 137-145 The Effect of the Training Program to Promote the Knowledge and Awareness of Prospective Preschool Teachers on Emotional Neglect and Abuse
by Mehmet Kanak & Neslihan Avcı - 146-149 Contribution of Plays and Toys to Children’s Value Education
by Mustafa ÖNDER - 150-155 Investigation of Proactive Personality Characteristics of the Students of High School of Physical Education and Sports through Various Variables
by Burhan Ozkurt & Cemal Berkan Alpay
2018, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-8 Software Solution of Web Questionnaires for the Analysis of the Economy in Relation to the Competence of Students
by Vlado Simeunović & Sanja Milic - 9-12 Examination of Athletes’ Anxiety, Motivation, Imagination Value in Competitions with Different Severity Level
by Mustafa SALLAYICI & İpek EROĞLU KOLAYİŞ & İnci KESİLMİŞ & Mehmet Melih KESİLMİŞ - 13-17 Effect of Verbal Feedback in Twelve Weeks Handball Training on Self-Efficacy and Life Satisfaction
by Turhan TOROS - 18-28 Test of Achievement in Quantitative Economics for Secondary Schools: Construction and Validation Using Item Response Theory
by Lydia I. Eleje & Nkechi P.M. Esomonu - 29-34 Burnout Levels of Handball Players with Respect to Age, Gender and Experience
by Turhan TOROS - 35-40 Modeling and Mapping Personal Learning Environment of Thai International Higher Education Students
by Mohamed Ali Sharafuddin & Buncha Panacharoen Sawad & Sarun Wongwai - 41-44 The Investigation of the Relationship between Children’s 50m Freestyle Swimming Performances and Motor Performances
by Zait Burak AKTUG & Ruckan IRI & Elif TOP - 45-50 Home Field Advantage Calculation for Physical Education and Sport Students
by Tuğbay Inan - 51-55 Practical Example of Introductory Engineering Education Based on the Design Process and Teaching Methodology Using a Gyro Bicycle
by Yoshikazu HIGA & Ken SHIMOJIMA - 56-61 Scenario-Based Case Study Method and the Functionality of the Section Called ‘from Production to Consumption’ from the Perspective of Primary School Students
2017, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 82-85 A Look at the Relationship of Curriculum and Instruction and the Art and Science of Teaching
by Lee Hatch Flake - 86-91 Utilization of Educational Programmes in Reformation of Prison Inmates in Nigeria
by Ogbaka, Luke Chidiebele & Ewelum, Johnson Nnadi & Apiti Anthony - 92-96 Building Research Ethos from the Ground up Using McKinsey 7-S Framework: The Case of the Modern College of Business and Science
by Rene Y Paquibut - 97-104 The Effectiveness of the Chemistry PBL Method via Facebook on the Soft Skills of College Students
by Mohd Shahir Mohamed Sunar & Ahmad Jelani Shaari - 105-109 Preparedness of Interns for Hospital Practice before and after an Orientation Programme
by Zayapragassarazan Z - 110-117 Patriotism among Secondary School Students and Its Relationship with their Interests towards Learning History
by Subadrah Madhawa Nair & Rajeswary P. Sinasamy - 118-123 The Relationship between Fathers’ Parenting Attitudes and Their Child’s Emotional Competence for Taiwan Example
by Ching-Sheue FU & Jia-Yi GAO - 124-130 Investigation of Effects of Theoretical and Applied Education on Success and Recall Level in Analytical Chemistry
by Ayşen Demir Mülazımoğlu - 131-134 University Education for Physical Education Students at Pedagogical Faculties in the Czech Republic - New Findings about First Aid for Spinal Injury
by Ladislav Pysny & Jana Pysna & Dominika Petru & Karol Gőrner - 135-146 Measuring Self-Identity Change Related to English Language Learning and Bilingual Education among Chinese-Speaking College Students: An Exploratory Study
by Fuhui Tong & Yue Min & Yi-chun Liu & Haitao Guo
2017, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-5 Homeroom Teachers or Specialist Teachers?: Considerations for the Workforce for Teaching English as a Subject at Elementary Schools in Japan
by Shinji Okumura - 6-17 Development and Validation of Economics Achievement Test for Secondary Schools
by Lydia Ijeoma Eleje & Chidiebere Christopher Abanobi & Emma Obasi - 18-24 Providing Academic Leadership in Universities in Cross River State, Nigeria: Assessment of Departmental Heads’ Effectiveness
by Felix D. Nwi-ue & Basil A. Akuegwu - 25-29 A Comparative Study on the Teaching Effects of TRIZ Courses for the Humanities
by LUO Lingling & LI Peng & ZHANG Ping - 30-42 Youth Development and Conflict Resolution in Nigeria: Assessment and Intervention Strategies
by Victor E. Dike & Ngozi I. Dike - 43-52 Truancy and its Influence on Students’ Learning in Dormaa Senior High School
by Gyimah Henry & Daniel Yelkpieri - 53-63 Influence and Challenges of the Capitation Grant on Education Delivery in Basic Schools in Ghana
by Edison Pajibo & Emmanuel M. J. Tamanja - 64-68 Poverty and Brain Development in Children: Implications for Learning
by Victor E. Dike - 69-73 Enhancing Completion Rates in Public Day Secondary Schools in Kenya; the Role of Government Bursary Subsidy
by Githaka Mwangi & Selpher K. Cheloti - 74-81 Activities at Early Childhood Centers in Ghana: Observations of Early Childhood Teacher-Trainees
by Ahmed Abdulai
2016, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 34-38 The Use of Sculptures to Augment Naming of Buildings in Honor of Heroes and Heroines in Ho Polytechnic, Ho, Ghana
by Adja-Koadade Mokpokpo - 39-43 Home-Learning Practices in Kenya: Views of Parents and Education Officers
by Benard Omenge Nyatuka - 44-52 Secondary School Students’ Conceptual Understanding of Physical and Chemical Changes
by Hanson, R. & Twumasi, A. K. & Aryeetey, C. & Sam, A. & Adukpo, G. - 53-62 College Students’ Perspectives of E-Learning System Use in High Education
by Ju-Yin Yanga & Yen-Chen Yenb - 63-69 The Role of Peer Counselors in the Promotion of Student Discipline in Ugunja Sub-County, Kenya
by John Mark Osodo & Joseph Osodo & Jane Wagumba Mito & Pamela Raburu & Peter Aloka - 70-77 Assessment of an Integrated Nutrition Communication Approach to Educate the School Going Adolescent Girls Living In Urban Slums of Hyderabad, Telangana State, India
by D. Raghunatha Rao & T. Vijayapushpam & N. Amulya Rao & Anilkumar Dube & K. Venkaiah - 78-83 Awareness on Learning Disabilities among Elementary School Teachers
by Seema Menon K.P - 84-87 Improvement of Vocational Education Curriculum Implementation through Instructional Materials Production and Utilization in Upper Basic Education in Nigeria
by Titus M. Owoh
2016, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-6 The Perception of Malaysian ESL Tertiary Level Students on the IELTS Test
by Dhiya Amalina Zahari & Jeremiah Dhayaalan Jackson Dhayaalan - 7-10 Elementary School Male Aggression: Framing Aggression Reduction Programs for Effectiveness
by Jamel A. Gibson - 11-15 Smart Schools an Innovation in Education: Malaysian's Experience
by Hassan Mirzajani & Mehraneh Delaviz Bayekolaei & Meysam Rajaby Kookandeh & Seyede Safoora Razzaghpoor Rezaee & Ali Akbar Kamalifar & Hassan Razaghi Shani - 16-22 Perspectives upon Integrating Music into Freshman English Pronunciation Training Classroom
by Ai-Hwa Chen - 23-33 The Effect of Storytelling and Retelling and Higher Order Thinking on Oral Performance of Elementary Students in English as Foreign Language (EFL) Program: A Pilot Study in Mainland China and Taiwan
by Pei-lin Yang & Fuhui Tong & Beverly J. Irby & Rafael Lara-Alecio & Norma Ramos & Miranda Nava-Walichowski
2015, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 14-20 Evolving Policy Initiatives for Effective Vocational Technical Education in North Central Zone, Nigeria
by Danjuma A. Ombugus & Francis Adams Angbre
2015, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-7 Using Mobile Phone Technologies to Maintain Quality of Education in Ethiopia: A View beyond the Prevalence of Academic Dishonesty
by Mebratu Mulatu Bachore - 8-13 Quality Assurance of University Education: Whose Responsibility?
by Ibijola, Elizabeth Yinka