2025, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-12 Influence of professional motivation and digital competence on teachers’ career satisfaction
by Arzu Altin & Zuhal Topcu - 13-21 World language communities of practice: Bridging universities with internationalization at home
by Amy Corrinne Roberts & Dilnoza Khasilova - 22-30 Degree of teachers' adaptation to digital skills sustainable development
by Fadi Bani Ahmad
2024, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 162-172 Ethnographic lens: Understanding managerial and operational level perspectives on ESP teachers roles
by Dwi Poedjiastutie & Masduki & Velmi Mayaputri - 173-180 Development of a creative digital curriculum for the elderly: A participatory approach to enhance potential for alternative career opportunities in the digital era
by Parit Saisee & Sukontip Supachant & Omthong Patthanaphong & Jaruwan Limphaiboon & Pongwat Fongkanta
2024, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 131-140 Exploring the multifaceted roles of English for specific purposes practitioners within the transformative paradigm in higher education
by Traithana Chaovanapricha & Wilawan Champakaew - 141-145 The development of a science, technology and society phenomenon-based learning model for promoting grade 12 students’ problem-solving in geohazard
by Prom Pookduang & Khajornsak Buaraphan - 146-153 Using machine learning techniques to study of stress, depression, and academic performance of grade 12th students
by Wudhijaya Philuek - 154-161 An experimental study on improving reading comprehension and analytical writing skills of twelfth-grade students on lexical and collaborative learning in Chinese language courses
by Deng Renjie & Suwisa Jarutkamolpong & Nirat Jantharajit
2024, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 81-88 Parent-school collaboration based on the frequency of visits to their child's school
by Demirali Yasar Ergin & Coskun Dogan & Semih Cayak - 89-103 A scientometrics analysis and systematic review of STEAM education with gamification
by Thada Jantakoon & Thiti Jantakun & Kitsadaporn Jantakun - 104-109 The impact of short-term training in qualitative research methods delivered to emerging researchers in disability education in India
by Richard Rose & Jayanthi Narayan & Ratika Malkani - 110-117 The ideal school for mainstreaming students' dreams
by Serdal Deniz & Ridvan Karabulut - 118-123 Scholastic achievement among adolescents: Role of unique aspects of home and school conditions
by Yashpal Singh & Davinder Singh Johal - 124-130 Examining the measurement invariance of the satisfaction with life scale across different age groups
by Hatice Kumandas Ozturk & Esra Calik Var
2024, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-9 The leadership development model influencing drug prevention management and performance of schools under the local administrative organization
by Vivat Phuttanu & Parisha Marie Cain & Kathanyoo Kaewhanam & Phimlikid Kaewhanam - 10-17 Collaborative inquiry-based instructional model to enhance mathematical analytical thinking and reasoning skills for fourth-grade students
by Siliang Yu & Nirat Jantharajit & Sarit Srikhao - 18-26 The role of information technology in STEM education
by Trung Chi Nguyen & Thang Chien Nguyen & Hau Bui Nguyen - 27-32 Classroom management in the online environment: A case study of Thai TESOL staff in Thai university context
by Parussaya Kiatkheeree - 33-39 Requirements for information technology application competence for Vietnam agro-forestry students in the time of the 4th technology revolution
by Hua Thi Toan & Trinh Thanh Hai & Do Trung Kien - 40-47 Attitude of clinical teachers towards the use of innovative technology in teaching and learning in the university of Port Harcourt medical school, South Nigeria
by Ugboma Enighe Wananyo & Awotua-Efebo Ebi & Erekosima Ibi - 48-54 The need for values education programs for both pre-service teachers and in-service teachers in Vietnam
by Quynh Thi Nhu Nguyen & Son Van Huynh - 55-61 Investigating errors made by English as a foreign language students during online collaborative writing
by Jitlada Moonma - 62-75 Improve speaking skills with Duolingo’s mobile game-based language learning
by Ibrahim Yasar Kazu & Murat Kuvvetli - 76-80 Assessment of the prevention and problem solving of drug problem with participation in schools under the local administrative organization in Sisaket province
by Vivat Phuttanu & Parisha Marie Cain & Kathanyoo Kaewhanam & Phimlikid Kaewhanam
2023, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 88-97 Thailand’s higher education ESP practitioners: Problems, solutions and a potential practices model
by Traithana Chaovanapricha & Wilawan Champakaew - 98-107 Development of a self-directed workplace learning program to enhance cultural competence for the registered nurses from the international hospitals in Thailand
by Dech-siri Nopas - 108-116 The knowledge management and the guidelines of learning instruction on emergency medical services by local administrative organizations in northeastern Thailand
by Sukhumvit Saiyasopon & Thananchakorn Pakittawichit & Chula Chareonvong & Phrapalad Peerapong Chotnok & Suchin Chansungnern & Thongphon Promsaka Na Sakolnakorn & Akkakorn Chaiyapong & Wanchai Dhammasaccakarn - 117-123 An experimental study: An integrative strategy of PBL combined with an organ-systems-based curriculum to improve academic achievement and career maturity
by Cheng Yao & Yu Yang & Siliang Yu - 124-129 A development of the training curriculum for learning design to promote sexuality education awareness for students of teachers at the high school level
by Nipitpon Nanthawong & Artid Saokham - 130-135 Blending of collaborative and active learning instructional methods to improve academic performance and self-motivation of vocational students
by Li Ruijuan & Sarit Srikhoa & Nirat Jantharajit - 136-141 The management of cooperative and work-integrated education for academic institutions of higher education in Thailand
by Lertlak Jaroensombut & Wanchai Chuaboon & Thongphon Promsaka Na Sakolnakorn & Pongsatean Luengalongkot & Kanokwan Auiwong & Surakarn Boonkawin & Sakda Yekpiewpong & Wanchai Dhammasaccakarn & Sukhumvit Saiyasopon & Thananchakorn Pakittawichit & Akkakorn Chaiyapong - 142-150 An analysis of the learning outcomes of the 2018 geography curriculum for 9th and 10th grades according to Webb’s depth of knowledge
by Nurcan Demiralp & Hulya Yigit Ozudogru
2023, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 66-74 The relationship between teacher candidates' lifelong learning tendencies and their digital competencies
by Ismail Keskin - 75-80 Bilingual and monolingual students’ out-of-school learning environment in Turkey: A comparative study based on PISA 2018 data
by Cenan Isci Karamese - 81-87 The interplay of Turkish EFL teachers’ academic optimism, psychological well-being, and self-efficacy
by Busra Turan Tas & Seden Eraldemir Tuyan
2023, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 33-41 Students’ and examiners’ perception of feedback practices following OSCE in Uniport
by Alex-Hart, Balafama Abinye & Arigbede Abiodun Olabisi & Chinnah Tudor - 42-47 Investigation of middle school teachers' open-ended question writing skills
by Hatice Kumandas Ozturk - 48-53 No need to renew: The end of Japan’s teacher license renewal system and the future
by Julian Chapple - 54-58 The contribution of the hidden curriculum to gender inequality in teaching and learning materials: Experiences from Tanzania
by Bertha Erasto Losioki & Hemed Karani Mdee - 59-65 The development of digital tools to assess and enhance the ethic children development in early childhood development centers
by Pratana Govittayangkull & Benjamas Phutthima & Somchai Muangmool
2023, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-6 Examination of the relationship between trait anxiety and mental toughness in sailing athletes
by Merve Ceylan - 7-14 The development of social interaction for early childhood in Lampang province by using virtual reality application
by Somchai Muangmool & Kedthip Sirichaisin - 15-22 Examination of pre-service teachers' perceptions of the concept of fraction using the word association test
by Mehtap Tastepe - 23-32 Investigating the influence of formative assessment on the learning process in the English language classroom
by Rachid EL YAZIDI
2022, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 100-105 Impact of Academic Self-Efficacy on Entrepreneurial Intention of Faculty of Sport Sciences' Students: Bayburt University
by Eda Adatepe & Yilmaz Unlu - 106-113 Determination of Exercise Attitudes of Pregnant Women
by Sevgi Acari & Omer Sivrikaya - 114-120 The Relationship of Mental Toughness and Emotional Eating: The Example of a Female Wrestler
by Burcu Guvendi & Burcak Keskin & Sema Arslan Kabasakal & Selman Kaya - 121-130 GeoGebra Assisted Multiple Representations for Enhancing Students’ Representation Translation Abilities in Calculus
by Nigusse Arefaine & Kassa Michael & Shimelis Assefa - 131-138 Do Self-Efficacy and Moral Intelligence have a Role in the Formation of Sportsmanship Behavior?
by Serhat Turan & Ugur Alemdar & Esra Comert & Hacer Ozcan & Kerem Osmanoglu
2022, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 69-76 Examination of Secondary School Students' Attitudes towards Communication and Collaboration Skills in Terms of Some Variables
by Berrak Kocaman - 77-84 Sink or Float: Experiencing Distance Learning Education through the Lens of College Students
by Vivian Grace L Kitongan & Joselito C Gutierrez - 85-94 Creation of Learning Strategies for Development of English Reading Skill by the Extensive Reading in EFL Classroom
by Sajeerat Wutthisingchai - 95-99 Investigation of Anaerobic Power, Static Balance, and Speed Performances in 10-12 Years Old Children Doing or Not Doing Sports
by Ali Kemal TASKIN
2022, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 34-42 Early Grade Mathematics in Ethiopia: Alignment of Contents in the Textbooks with the Corresponding Syllabuses
by Aynalem Tesfaye Tsebella & Kassa Michael W/Yesus & Solomon Areaya Kassa - 43-50 Integrated PjBL-STEM in Scientific Literacy and Environment Attitude for Elementary School
by Endang Widi WINARNI & Mageswary KARPUDEWAN & Bhakti KARYADI & Gumono GUMONO - 51-59 The Relationship between Argumentation Skills and Cognitive Flexibility of Pre-Service Science Teachers
by Ozlem Cankaya & Nilay Aydogan - 60-68 The Development of Practice Packages on Chinese Pronunciation Skills through Seesaw Online Classroom for Students Majoring in Chinese Language Teaching
by Pantipa Chanpeng
2022, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-7 Examining of Conservatory Students' Mental Well-Being Levels Aspects of Various Variables
by Sibel Celik & Alper Semih Sari - 8-14 A Study of Critical Thinking Skills Practice in Collaborative Writing in EFL Context
by Jitlada Moonma & Chittima Kaweera - 15-21 Old but Gold: Secondary School Students’ Communication Attitude Scale
by Serkan BOYRAZ - 22-33 The Relationship Between EFL Teachers’ Professional Identity and Professional Autonomy
by Ekru Dilek & Betul Altas
2021, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 204-215 Comparing Collaborative Writing Activity in EFL Classroom: Face-to-Face Collaborative Writing versus Online Collaborative Writing Using Google Docs
by Jitlada Moonma - 216-225 The Level of Passion for Knowledge among High School Students while Learning Social Studies in Saudi Arabia
by Hanan A Najmuldeen - 226-234 Peer Scaffolding Behaviors in English as a Foreign Language Writing Classroom
by Jittiporn Chairinkam & Rattana Yawiloeng - 235-243 Enhancing Thai EFL Students’ EFL Vocabulary Knowledge through the Use of Task-Based Language Teaching and Storytelling Technique Adopting Thai Folktales
by Khomkrit Tachom - 244-249 The Effect of Online Homework (IXL) on Students' Mathematics Achievement
by Kawai Liu & Julius Wu - 250-259 Conservatory Students’ Music Performance Anxiety and Educational Expectations: A Qualitative Study
by Hepsen Okan & Buse Usta
2021, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 163-168 Examining the Individual Innovativeness and Online Learning Attitudes of Academic Staff in Institutions Providing Sports Training at the Level of Bachelor Degree
by Alparslan Muharrem Kurudirek & Irfan Muhammet Kurudirek - 169-178 Vertical Articulation and Content Relevance of the Senior High School Economics Curriculum: Case of Ghana
by Bernard Yaw Sekyi Acquah & Anthony Akwesi Owusu - 179-188 Collaborative Writing in EFL Classroom: Comparison on Group, Pair, and Individual Writing Activities in Argumentative Tasks
by Jitlada Moonma & Chittima Kaweera - 189-194 The Effect of Leisure Benefits on Loneliness of University Students
by Alpaslan Baki ERTEKIN - 195-203 Views of Academic Staff in Universities on Lifelong Learning and Adult Education
by Berna Karakoc
2021, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 103-114 Effectiveness of the Reinforcement Parent Education Program Designed for Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder on Supporting Positive Behaviours
by Ahsen Ela KIZILKAYA & Hakan SARI - 115-125 English Teachers' Views on the Use of Web 2.0 Tools in Educational Environments
by Imam Bakir ARABACI & Ceyda AKILLI - 126-135 Evaluating the Effectiveness of Training Program Developed for Teachers Working with Dyslexic Students on their Competencies
by Hasan KIZILKAYA & Hakan SARI - 136-145 Velocity Approaches for Scales in Classical Guitar Education
by Kaan Oztutgan - 146-162 Determining the Teacher Education Needs for the Treatment of the Problem Behaviors of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
by Fatih Kocak & Hakan Sari
2021, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-6 The Learning Disciplines for Support Personnel to Build a Learning Organization of Ramkhamhaeng University
by Duangduen Chancharoen & Chomsupak Cruthaka - 7-12 The Impact of University Level Sports Education on Social Media Addiction
by Bilal Okudan & Ömür Fatih Karakullukçu - 13-24 Developing a Values Teaching Education Program for Preservice Teachers and Evaluating its Effectiveness
by Aynur PALA & Derya Göğebakan Yildiz - 25-29 The Relationship between Optimism and Happiness of Physical Education Teachers’ Candidates: The Mediator Role of Life Satisfaction
by Nazmi Bayköse & Barbaros Serdar Erdoğan - 30-35 Use of Digital Assessments how to Utilize Digital Bloom to Accommodate Online Learning and Assessments?
by Farhat N. Husain - 36-45 The Effect of History Teaching Supported by Dramatization Technique on Students’ Achievement and Permanence Level
by S. Gulin Karabag & Okan Aydogan - 46-50 Examination of the Relationship between Mood and Achievement Goal Orientations of the Students Studying at Faculty of Sports Sciences
by Barbaros Serdar Erdogan & Nazmi Baykose - 51-59 Determination of Physical Education and Sports Teachers' Nutrition Habits and Physical Activity Levels in the Global Epidemic (Covid-19) Process
by Ramazan Erdogan & Metin Yilmaz & Isa Aydemir - 60-69 Evaluation of the Metaphoric Perceptions of the Faculty of Sports Sciences Students Regarding the Concept of Physical Education
by Abdurrahman KEPOĞLU & Mihriay MUSA & Gülsün DİVRİK - 70-73 The Washback Effect of Reformed CET 6 Listening Comprehension Test
by Xie Jiamin & Lu Jinyan & Ma Tianyi - 74-81 The Effect of Traditional Games on the Language Development of Pre-School Children in Pre-School Education
by Dilan Kenanoğlu & Munise Duran - 82-90 The Relationship between the Sports Manager Behavior and Locus of Control of Students Taking Sports Management Education
by Abdurrahman Kepoglu - 91-95 The Effect of Self-Esteem on Leadership Orientation: A Study on Students of Sports Management Department
by Ilker Gunel - 96-102 The Effect of Dry-Land Quickness Training on Swimming Performance of 14-16 Ages Students
by Mine GUL & Semihcan AYDOGAN
2020, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 583-591 Comparison of the Socialization Levels of Secondary School Students In Terms of Some Variables
by Alp Eren Aydin & Nuri Topsakal & Nurper Ozbar - 592-601 Problems and Needs in English Language Teaching from the Viewpoints of Pre-service English Teachers in Thailand
by Nutcha Oeamoum & Chuanpit Sriwichai - 602-607 An Examination of Abroad Experienced Students’ Coping Strategies
by Leyla Esentürk-Ercan - 608-615 Examination of Self-Confidence and Metacognition Levels of High School Students Case of Karabuk Province
by Huseyin Aslan & Musa Sahin - 616-626 The Effect of Sports Science Students’ Social Media Addictions on Redundant Purchasing Behavior
by Seckin Doganer & Halil Erdem Akoglu - 627-635 A Comparative Study of the Leadership Behavior of Freshman and Final Year Undergraduate Students
by Mihriay Musa - 636-641 Examining for Leisure Barriers for Female Students Studying in the Faculty of Sports Science
by Mustafa KIZILKOCA & Akif BOZKIR - 642-650 Development of an Attitude Scale of Mathematics and Science Teachers towards Mistake and Instant Feedback to the Mistake: A Validity and Reliability Study
by Ali Turkdogan - 651-657 Analysis of the Graduate Studies in Different Disciplines Prepared for Music Education in Turkey
by Zuluf Oztutgan & Kaan Oztutgan - 658-663 The Impact of Online Teaching during the Coronavirus Pandemic on the Lives of Teachers and Parents
by Kashaf Aqeel Zaidi & Afreenish Gul & Farah Ahmad - 664-670 Examining the Reading Aloud Speeds of the Secondary School Students
by Gulsah Mete - 671-682 Perceived Roles of Skills in Growth and Transformation of Ready Made Garments and Pharmaceutical Industries in Bangladesh: Results from an Industry Survey
by Md. Abul Kalam & Sheikh Shahana Shimu
2020, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 341-346 The Acute Effects of Pre-Conditioning Activities with a Weighted Vest on Subsequent Linear Sprint and Change of Direction Performance in Physical Education Students
by Celil Kaçoğlu & Izzet Kirkaya - 347-355 A Recommendation for New Diction Rhymes to be used in Turkish Diction Education Studies
by Ismail COBAN - 356-361 A Research on the Fair Play Behaviors of Students Participating in School Sports (The Case of Düzce Province)
by Levent GORUN - 362-383 Evaluation of Preservice Teachers’ Skills in Solving Non-Routine Mathematical Problems through Various Strategies
by Neslihan Usta - 384-396 Kaizen Perspective in Curriculum Development
by Volkan Duran & Hüseyin Mertol - 397-405 An Analysis of the Effects of School Practice Courses (School Experience, Teaching Practice) on Prospective Physical Education Teachers' Attitudes towards Physical Education Teaching as a Profession (Case of Düzce University)
by Kadir Tiryaki - 406-411 The Effect of Empathy Levels of Female School of Physical Education and Sports Students on Problem Solving Skill Levels
by Öznur Akpinar - 412-420 The Industrial Attachment Programme - History, Benefits, Challenges and its Adoption in Zimbabwe: A Review
by J. Dondofema & J. Mwenje & L. Musemwa - 421-425 Investigation of Self-Esteem Levels of the Candidates Participated in Special Talent Exam
by Ilker Ozmutlu & Erhan Kara - 426-432 An Examination of the Athletic Identities of High School Students
by Anil Turkeli - 433-442 Needs Analysis for ESP Course Development: Thai Civil Engineering Students’ Perspectives
by Benjaporn Thepseenu - 443-447 Perceptions of Organizational Cynicism in Academics who teach in the Field of Sports in Higher Education Institutions
by Hulya Bingol - 448-455 Self-Concealment and Emotional Intelligence as Predictors of Seeking Psychological Help among Undergraduate Students
by Ramazan Demir & Mehmet Murat & Recep Bindak - 456-460 Attitudes of Sport Science Students Regarding to Gender Roles
by Nedim Malkoc - 461-467 Examination of Pre-Service Teachers’ Stress Levels towards Academic Expectations and Goal Commitment in Terms of Various Variables
by Yesim Bayrakdaroglu & Hakan Hekim - 468-473 Investigation of Leisure Strategies of Sports Educated Students
by Huseyin Aslan & Osman Imamoglu - 474-478 Investigation of the Effects of Sports Education on University Students' Stress Coping Strategies
by Erol Dogan - 479-484 Investigation of Leisure Time Attitude of University Students According to Some Parameters (Example of Northern Cyprus)
by Mehmet Sukru Rona & Ali Emre Erol - 485-492 Sports in Gaining Life Skills: A Study on 10-14 Years Old Students
by Tamer Karademir - 493-498 Examination of Goal Commitment and Subjective Happiness Levels of the Students Studying at the Faculty of Sport Sciences According to Gender, Active Sport Participation and Sports Type Variables
by Erkan Bingol & Duygu Yarali Bingol - 499-504 Investigation of the Problem Solving and Excellence Levels of the Secondary School Students Who Do Sports and Does Not
by Israfil Yasin & Metin Tan & Filiz Fatma Colakoglu & Muhammed Sahin - 505-513 Research of Flipped Classroom based on Students’ Perceptions
by İbrahim Yasar Kazu & Cemre Kurtoğlu - 514-519 Investigation of the Motivational Persistence Levels of the Students Studying at the Faculty of Sport Sciences According to Some Demographic Characteristics
by Yavuz Onturk & Yasin Yildiz - 520-526 Occupational Anxiety of Prospective Physical Education and Sports Teachers in Turkey
by Zeki Coşkuner & Fatih Mehmet Uğurlu - 527-535 Investigation of Psycho-Social Variables Affecting the Professional Life of Persons after the Coaching Education
by Seckin Doganer & Halil Erdem Akoglu - 536-540 Efficiency Predictive Factors for Professional Ability of Ramkhamhaeng University Lecturers for ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community
by Chomsupak Cruthaka & Duangduen Chancharoen & Taviga Tungprapa & Apinya Ingard & Pornkul Suksod - 541-545 Investigation of Social Appearance Anxiety of Students of Faculty of Sport Sciences and Faculty of Education in Terms of Some Variables
by Tarik SEVINDI - 546-555 An Experimental Study Intended for Musical Listening Training
by Zuluf Oztutgan - 556-568 Evaluation of Students’ Views on the Covid-19 Distance Education Process in Music Departments of Fine Arts Faculties
by Burcu Ozer & Emre Ustun - 569-582 Examining the Water Literacy Levels of High School Students According to Some Variables
by Ufuk SÖZCÜ & Abdullah TÜRKER
2020, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 117-121 An Analysis on Digital Literacy Level of Faculty of Sports Science Students
by Mehmet Haluk Sivrikaya - 122-129 Investigation of the Multicultural Perception Levels of Pre-service Physical Education Teachers: The Case of Western Black Sea
by Isa Dogan - 130-135 Suggestions for Solutions to the Problems of Interrupting, Speaking at the Same Time, Inability to be Pleasant-Spoken and Debonair within the Context of Action Research in Education
by Orhan Bozdemir - 136-143 Determining the Attitudes and Metaphoric Perception of Prospective Science Teachers toward Biology Courses
by Sule Firat Durdukoca & Arzu Önel - 144-148 Investigation of Stress Perceptions of Physical Education Teachers
by Çağrı Hamdi ERDOĞAN & Ramazan TOPUZ - 149-160 An Analysis of Grammar Teaching in Secondary School in Terms of Success, Attitude and Teachers 'Views
by Ayşegül Kayar & Fatih Veyis - 161-168 The Effect of Sport on Life Skills in High School Students
by Serkan DÜZ & Tahir Volkan ASLAN - 169-175 Investigation of Internet Addiction Levels of Physical Education Teachers
by Çağrı Hamdi Erdoğan & Ramazan Topuz - 176-180 Examination of Cognitive Flexibility and Social Appearance Anxiety Levels of Physical Education and Primary School Teachers
by Metin KARAYOL & Yahya DOĞAR - 181-185 Analysis of Internet Addiction Levels of University Students in Terms of the State of Doing Sport
by Menderes KABADAYI - 186-195 Serious Leisure Perspectives in Sports: Professional Athletes’ Career Progress via Serious Leisure
by Ali Selman Özdemir - 196-201 Relationship between Digital Game Playing Motivation and Problem Solving Skill
by Enes BELTEKİN & İhsan KUYULU - 207-212 Serious Leisure Inventory and Measurement (Short Form): Validity and Reliability Analysis
by Ali Selman Özdemir & Tebessüm Ayyildiz Durhan & Beyza Merve Akgül - 213-218 A Study on the Relationship between the Levels of Loneliness and Smartphone Addiction of Students who are Studying at the Faculty of Sports Science
by Nuriye Şeyma Kara & Mehmet Çağrı Çetin & Ahmet Dönmez & Mehmet Kara & Halil İbrahim Genç - 219-225 The Effect of Agility and Speed Training of Futsal Players Attending School of Physical Education and Sports on Aerobic Endurance
by Levent Tanyeri & Sercan Öncen - 226-230 Investigation of the Effect of 8-Week Reformer Pilates Exercise on Flexibility, Heart Rate and Glucose Levels in Sedentary Women
by Gürhan Suna & Kenan Işildak - 231-236 Learning Style Preferences of Prospective Teachers of Physical Education and Sport
by Özgür Bostanci - 237-245 Investigating Measurement Invariance under Different Missing Value Reduction Methods
by Hüseyin Selvi & Devrim Alıcı & Nezaket Bilge Uzun - 246-255 The Investigation of Multiple Intelligence Modalities of University Students Receiving Sports Education
by Mevlüt Yildiz & Yavuz Öntürk & Engin Efek - 256-260 Comparison of Attention Levels in Primary School Students in Terms of Gender and Physical Activity
by Meliha Uzun Dönmez & Osman İmamoğlu - 261-266 Investigation of Attitudes of University Students towards Turkish Language Course and Distance Education
by Halil Erdem Çocuk & Yunus Emre Çekici - 267-273 Investigation of the Compassion Levels of Faculty of Sports Sciences Students
by Yahya DOĞAR & Serkan DÜZ - 274-277 Examination of Exercise Addiction Levels of Physical Education Teacher Candidates According to Some Variables
by Ozan ESMER - 278-283 The Investigation of the Self-Efficacy Levels of Camp Leaders Working in the Youth
by Şakir TÜFEKÇİ & Serkan DÜZ - 284-296 Use of Origami in Mathematics Teaching: An Exemplary Activity
by Davut Köğce - 297-303 Effects of Health-Related Knowledge and Aerobic Exercise on Lower Secondary School Students' Obesity Awareness and Physical Activity Levels
by Gizem Akgül Ertan & Funda Coşkun Özyol - 304-313 Relationship between Smartphone Addiction and Personality Traits
by Ihsan Kuyulu & Enes Beltekin - 314-319 Analysing Motivations for Sports Consumption of Students at School of Physical Education and Sports
by Murat AYGÜN & Elif Kübra Demir - 320-329 Teacher Mentoring: Experiences from International Teacher Mentors in Kazakhstan
by Phillipa Schulleri - 330-340 Chinese Learners Learning Thai Language with an Application: Evidence from an Acoustic Study and a Perception Test
by Phanintra Teeranon
2020, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-11 The Investigation of Social Studies Teacher Candidates Cognitive Flexibility Levels and Metacogniyive Learning Strategies in Terms of Different Variables
by Melek Körükcü - 12-17 The Relationship between Exercise Addiction and Satisfaction with Life in Physical Education and Sport Department Students
by Kürşat Hazar & Kubilay Şenbakar - 18-22 Examination of the Levels of Digital Game Dependency of the Students of the Faculty of Sports
by M. Fatih Karahuseyinoglu & Oguzhan Altungul & Eyyup Nacar & Omer Faruk Tutar - 23-34 Students’ Readiness and Problems in Learning English through Blended Learning Environment
by Chuanpit Sriwichai - 35-40 Examining the Multiple Intelligence Types Based on Academic Success, Age, Gender and Job Experience of Physical Education Teachers in State Schools in Turkey
by Levent Bayram & Deniz Özge Yüceloğlu Keskin - 41-46 Challenges in Transforming Assessments for 21st Century Skills Development: Lecturers’ Perspective
by Thiruchelvi K Murugiah - 47-56 Teaching-Learning Process Self-Efficacy Beliefs Scale (TLPSEBS) for Academic Staff: A Scale Development Study
by Mutlu Uygur & Tuğba Yanpar Yelken - 57-64 Compendium of the Self-Regulated Education Method in Terms of Various Variables in Flute Education
by Emre Ustun - 65-71 Determination the Level of Physical Activity and Eating Behaviors of University Students
by Serkan Düz & Sümeyye Tuba Aytekeli - 72-79 Critical Thinking Dispositions of Social Studies Teacher Candidates
by Salih USLU - 80-92 Reflections of Mathematical and Mathematics Educational Values on Pedagogical Formation Students' Teaching Preferences
by Seher Mandaci Şahin & Ilknur Özpinar - 93-98 Investigation of Relationships between Self Efficacy and Scientific Epistemological Beliefs of Students in Physical Education and Sports
by Sultan Yavuz Eroğlu & Metin Karayol - 99-104 Investigation of Physical Fitness Parameters of 7-9 Years Groups Male Students that have Training in Different Sports Branches
by Meltem Kurt & Alpaslan Kartal - 105-109 A Study on the Job Satisfaction of Physical Education Teachers According to Different Variables
by Deniz Ozge Yuceloglu Keskin & Levent Bayram - 110-116 The Examination of Teacher Candidates' Selfishness Levels Regarding Sportive Activity and Different Variables
by Erdogan Tozoglu & Murat Ozan
2019, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 501-509 Perceptions of Fashion Interns: Roles, Responsibilities, Expectations and Experiences
by Japjee Kaur Kohli - 510-517 Investigation of the Effect of Cognitive Behavioral and Physical Development Levels on the Multiple Intelligence of University Students
by Mahmut Gülle - 518-525 Fine Motor Skills, Writing Skills and Physical Education Based Assistive Intervention Program in Children at Grade 1
by Sinan Akin - 526-530 Investigation of Appearance Anxiety and the Gender Role in Women's Sports Except for Social Gender Norms
by Gulsum Bastug & Taner Yilmaz & Erkan Bingol & Ilker Gunel - 531-537 Investigation of Teacher Candidates’ Competence Perception and Attitude towards Teaching
by Erdi KAYA - 538-547 Pre-service Social Studies Teachers' Opinions on Using Comic Books in Social Studies Teaching
by Ayten Kiriş Avaroğulları & Zeynep Mutlu - 548-554 Trends that Shaping Education in Bangladesh
by Sevinç Tunali - 555-561 Metacognitive Awareness Skill Level of Athletes and Sedentary Turkish University Students in Both Genders
by Sebiha Gölünük Başpinar & Mehmet Akif Ziyagil - 562-568 Knowledge and Attitudes of Preschool Teachers about Speech and Language Disorders in Turkey
by Ayşe Aydin Uysal & Ayşe Hicret Güdük & Gülşah Tura - 569-574 Effects of Recreational Activity on Leisure Barriers between Students
by Yener Aksoy & Oguzhan Arslan - 575-581 Analysis of the Levels of Organizational Culture of Academicians in Terms of Some Variables
by Eyyup NACAR - 582-588 Comparison of Gross Motor Skills of 8-10 Years Old Students Active in Different Sport Branches
by Ebru Aydin & Meryem Gulac - 589-594 Investigation of the Attitudes of Academicians towards Sports
by M. Fatih Karahuseyinoglu - 595-602 An Examination of Preservice Teachers’ 21st Century Learner and Teacher Skills Based on Different Variables
by Siddik Bakir - 603-608 Playing Digital Game Motivations of University Students
by Murat Turgut & Onur Mutlu Yasar - 609-615 Comparative Study on Attitudes of Students Studying in Different Types of High Schools towards Physical Education and Sports Lesson
by Ridvan Dagdemir & Serkan Tevabil Aka - 616-620 The Attitudes of High School Students Studying in Sports High Schools in Turkey toward Addictive Substances
by Yakup Kilic & Zeki Coskuner
2019, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 397-402 The Effect of Spiritual Intelligence and Optimistic on Creativity in Team and Individual Sports Activities of Trabzon University Students
by Elif Aydin - 403-407 The Factor Analysis of Knowledge Management Process for Public University Lecturers in Bangkok
by Chomsupak Cruthaka - 408-415 The Use of Literature Circle Technique in Teachers’ Professional Development
by Süleyman Avci & Mustafa Özgenel