- 294 An Empitical Analysis of Political and Informative Trends on Municipalities of an Italian Region
by Raffaella SANTOLINI - 293 Assessing the Behaviour of Non-Survey Methods of Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables through a Monte Carlo Simulation
by Andrea BONFIGLIO & Francesco CHELLI - 292 Finanza internazionale e distribuzione del reddito
by Pietro ALESSANDRINI & Alberto NICCOLI - 291 Microsimulation applied to Pension System: Redistribution effect od Reforms in Italy
by Francesco MARCHIONNE - 290 La citta' come "sistema progressivo": evoluzione strutturale e sviluppo economico
by Antonio G. CALAFATI - 289 Testing similarities of short-run inflation dynamics among EU countries after the Euro
by Giulio PALOMBA & Emma SARNO & Alberto ZAZZARO - 288 On the Relationship Between RTA Expansion and Openness
by Michele FRATIANNI & Chang HOON HO - 287 Karl Brunner il monetarista
by Michele FRATIANNI - 286 The Dynamics of Unemployment, Temporary and Permanent Employment in Italy
by Matteo PICCHIO - 285 Plutocratic and Democratic Consumer Price Indexes: an Estimation of a Democratic Index for Italy 1995-2005
by Francesco CHELLI & Elvio MATTIOLI - 284 Research Joint Ventures e Welfare: Una Rassegna sulla Letteratura Teorica
by Marco MARINUCCI - 283 Inequality and Underground Economy: A Not so Easy Relationship
by Enzo VALENTINI - 282 Borders and the Constraints of Globalization
by Michele FRATIANNI - 281 La valutazione del lavoro scientifico nelle scienze sociali
by Antonio G. CALAFATI - 280 Milton Friedman's Epistemology
by Antonio G. CALAFATI - 279 Who Is Runninc the IMF: Critical Shareholders or the Staff?
by Michele FRATIANNI & John PATTISON - 278 Horizontal Interaction on Local Councils' Expenditures. Evidence from Italy
by Barbara ERMINI & Raffaella SANTOLINI - 277 Mass Tertiary Education, Higher Education Standard and University Reform: A Theoretical Analysis
by Massimiliano BRATTI & Chiara BROCCOLINI & Stefano STAFFOLANI
- 276 L'esperienza delle Unioni di Comuni in Italia e nelle Marche. Focus sulla gestione associata di funzioni e servizi
by Barbara ERMINI & Samuele SALVUCCI - 275 Price-Induced Technical Progress in Italian Agriculture
by Roberto ESPOSTI & Pierpaolo PIERANI - 274 The Balassa Index Meets the Dissimilarity Theil Index: a Decomposition Methodology for Location Studies
by Eleonora CUTRINI - 273 Mutual Loan-Guarantee Societies in Credit Markets with Adverse Selection: Do They Act as a Sorting Device?
by Giovanni BUSETTA & Alberto ZAZZARO - 272 Temporary Jobs and State Dependence in Italy
by Matteo PICCHIO - 271 Domanda aggregata e crescita
by Riccardo MAZZONI - 270 Accelerated Internationalisation by Emerging Multinationals: the Case of White Goods Sector
by Federico BONAGLIA & Andrea GOLDSTEIN & John MATHEWS - 269 Comparing Environmental Impact of Alternative CAP Scenarios Estimated Through an Artificial Neural Network
by Andrea BONFIGLIO - 268 Do Temporary Workers Suffer a Wage Penalty? Investigating the Italian Case Using a Panel Data Approach
by Matteo PICCHIO - 267 Multivariate GARCH models and Black-Litterman approach for tracking error constrained portfolios: an empirical analysis
by Giulio PALOMBA - 266 Banks, Distances and Financing Constraints for Firms
by Pietro ALESSANDRINI & Andrea PRESBITERO & Alberto ZAZZARO - 265 Domanda di istruzione ed efficienza del sistema universitario. Una rassegna della letteratura
by Chiara BROCCOLINI - 264 Asset Restructuring Strategies in Bank Acquisitions: Evidence from the Italian Banking Industry
by Pietro ALESSANDRINI & Giorgio CALCAGNINI & Alberto ZAZZARO - 263 Georgescu Roegen allievo di Schmpeter? Unanota sulla metodologia nella Teoria Economica
by Sabatino Massimo LONGOBARDI & Alberto BERTON - 262 La scomparsa dei centri decisionali dal sistema bancario meriodionale
by Alberto ZAZZARO - 261 Forecasting US bond yields at weekly frequency
by Riccardo LUCCHETTI & Giulio PALOMBA - 260 Innovation, Knowledge and Regional Economic Performances: Regularities and Differences in the EU
by Alessandro STERLACCHINI - 259 ICT and Productivity Resurgence: a growth model for the Information Age
by Francesco VENTURINI - 258 Entrepreneurship, Inherited Control and Firm Performance in Italian SMEs
by Marco CUCCULELLI & Giacinto MICUCCI - 257 Wage Differentials between Temporary and Permanent Workers in Italy
by Matteo PICCHIO - 256 Il CAPM: il caso dell'Italia
by Giuseppe RICCIARDO LAMONICA - 255 I comportamenti riproduttivi nelle societa' post-transizionali: un puzzle di teorie. Un tentativo di sistemazione teorica
by Barbara ZAGAGLIA - 254 The Long-Run Impact of ICT
by Francesco VENTURINI - 253 Is Europe becoming a knowledge-driven economy? Evidence from EU developed regions
by Alessandro STERLACCHINI & Francesco VENTURINI - 252 Sviluppo locale e sviluppo regionale: il caso delle Marche
by Antonio G. CALAFATI & Francesca MAZZONI - 251 Is '3+2' Equal to 4? University Reform and Student Academic Performance in Italy
by Massimiliano BRATTI & Chiara BROCCOLINI & Stefano STAFFOLANI - 250 Efficiency and Productivity Changes of the Italian Agrifood Cooperatives: a Malmquist Index Analysis
by Andrea BONFIGLIO - 249 Manovre fiscali regionali e livello di occupazione
by Fabio FIORILLO & Francesca SEVERINI - 248 Bequest Taxation, allocation of talents, education and efficiency
- 247 Trends in European Manufacturing Location: Country versus Region
by Eleonora CUTRINI - 246 "Traditional knowledge" and local development trajectories
by Antonio G. CALAFATI - 245 Regional Policy from a Supra-Regional Perspective
by Ugo FRATESI - 244 Una prima valutazione degli effetti della riforma universitaria: il caso dell'Universita' Politecnica delle Marche
by Chiara BROCCOLINI - 243 The Debt-Growth Nexus: a Dynamic Panel Data Estimation
by Andrea PRESBITERO - 242 Riforma universitaria e performance accademica: Un'analisi empirica presso la Facolta' di Economia dell'Universita' Politecnica delle Marche
by Chiara BROCCOLINI & Stefano STAFFOLANI - 241 From 'territory' to 'city': the conceptualisation of space in Italy since 1950
by Antonio G. CALAFATI - 240 Public Expenditure and Economic Growth. A critical extension of Barro's (1990) model
by Renato BALDUCCI - 239 Claudio Napoleoni ad Ancona: Lezioni di Economia politica
by Sabatino Massimo LONGOBARDI & Stefano LUCARELLI - 238 Price, Private Demand and Optimal Provision of Public R&D in Italian Agriculture
by Roberto ESPOSTI & Pierpaolo PIERANI - 237 Sector Potentiality and Sources of Growth. An Analysis of Structural Changes in Italy in the Nineties
by Andrea BONFIGLIO - 236 I fattori demografici come determinanti della crescita economica: un'analisi empirica
by Gabriele MORETTINI - 235 The Growth Impact of Structural Reforms in Latin America. Another Look
by Alessia LO TURCO - 234 L'influsso deo fattori demografici sull'economia italiana. Un'analisi empirica nel periodo 1951-2001
by Gabriele MORETTINI - 233 Crescita d'impresa, dimensione ed eta' nelle imprese high-tech
by Barbara ERMINI & Massimo G. COLOMBO - 232 Modelling the Impact of 2003 CAP Reform on Crop Production. The Case of Durum Wheat in Italy
by Roberto ESPOSTI & Antonello LOBIANCO - 231 The Italian Auction for Radio Spectrum Licences
by David BARTOLINI - 230 Ca Non-survey Methods Substitute for Survey-based Models ? A Performance Analysis of Indirect Techniques of Estimating I-O Coefficients and Multipliers
by Andrea BONFIGLIO - 229 Integration Agreements, FDI and Structural Reforms. An Analysis of the Determinants of European Investment in Latin America
by Alessia LO TURCO - 228 Gli effetti della riforma fiscale: nuova IRE e potenziali scenari a confronto
by Maurizio CIASCHINI & Claudio SOCCI & Enzo VALENTINI - 227 Specializzazione commerciale e prospettive di crescita nei paesi del mediterraneo meridionale
by Massimo TAMBERI - 226 Analysing EU Accession Effects in Romania by a Multiregional I-O Model
by Andrea BONFIGLIO - 225 Psychological Factors in Job Satisfaction
by Enzo VALENTINI - 224 The EU-Mercosur Association Process. An Analysis of Bilateral Trade
by Alessia LO TURCO - 223 Ancora a proposito di funzioni di utilita' di una fondazione bancaria
by Francesco CHELLI & Alberto NICCOLI - 222 The Study of Competition Among Local Areas: A Functional Analysis Approach
by Francesco CHELLI
- 221 Una contabilita' della crescita di stampo keynesiano
by Riccardo MAZZONI - 220 Regional Convergence, Structural Funds and the Role of Agricolture in the EU. A Panel-Data Approach
by Stefania BUSSOLETTI & Roberto ESPOSTI - 219 An Empirical Analysis of Methods to Construct Indices for Consistent Multiple Comparisons
by Elvio MATTIOLI & Giuseppe RICCIARDO LAMONICA - 218 An Impact Analysis of SAPARD in Rural Areas by Alternative Methods of Regionalization
by Andrea BONFIGLIO & Francesco CHELLI - 217 The Determinants of Economic Development Insitution or Geography ?
by Andrea PRESBITERO - 216 Sussidio di disoccupazione, tassazione ed economia sommersa
by Enzo VALENTINI - 215 Diritti televisivi, oligopolio ed intervento antitrust nella Pay-TV: il caso Telepiu'-Stream
by Nicola MATTEUCCI - 214 Identification of Covariance Structures
by Riccardo LUCCHETTI - 213 Managerial Incentives and Competition with Fully Stratecic Principals: Comments on Raith
by Domenico SCALERA & Alberto ZAZZARO - 212 Crescita endogena e siondacato. Una rassegna della letteratura
by Davide DOTTORI - 211 Analisi della Student Satisfaction nella Facolta' di Economia "G. Fua'" di Ancona
by Giuseppe RICCIARDO LAMONICA - 210 Monetary Models of Exchange Rate and the Random Walk: the Italian Case Over the Recent Float
by Gianluca LAGANA' - 209 Assetti proprietari delle banche e attivita' economica: possiamo affidarci a Coase?
by Alberto ZAZZARO - 208 Reddito nazionale, vita media e benessere: una nota
by Paolo ERCOLANI - 207 Etica ed Economia
by Adelino ZANINI - 206 La riforma delle pensioni: un approccio territoriale
by Alberto NICCOLI - 205 From regulation to free market: the experience of the European motor insurance market
by Domenico SCALERA & Alberto ZAZZARO - 204 Regional Economies, Innovation and Competitiveness in a System Dynamics Representation
by Ugo FRATESI - 203 Effort-Based Career Opportunities and Working Time
by Massimiliano BRATTI & Stefano STAFFOLANI - 202 Is There Skill-Biased Technological Change in Italian Manufacturing? Evidence from Firm-Level Data
by Massimiliano BRATTI & Nicola MATTEUCCI - 201 Country pair-correlations as a measure of financial integration: the case of the Euro equity markets
by Manuela CROCI - 200 Monetary profits within the circuit: Ponzi finance oer "mors tua, vita mea"?
by Marcello MESSORI & Alberto ZAZZARO
- 199 The measurement of coherence in the evaluation of criteria and its effects or ranking problems illustrated using a multicriteria decision method
by Elvio MATTIOLI - 198 Complementarita' innovative e tragedia degli anticommons. Il caso delle agrobiotecnologie
by Roberto ESPOSTI - 197 An empirical analysis of international equity market co-movements: implications for informational efficiency
by Manuela CROCI - 196 Reciprocita' e stato sociale: una spiegazione delle differenze tra Stati Uniti ed Europa
by Enzo VALENTINI - 195 Indicatori di sviluppo sostenibile e qualita' della vita
by Francesco CHELLI - 194 Un capitalismo incerto. Incertezza e normazione nel pensiero di J.M. Keynes (1921-1939)
by Adelino ZANINI - 193 ICT and Employment Growth in Italian Industries
by Nicola MATTEUCCI & Alessandro STERLACCHINI - 192 Fua' e la scuola di Economia di Ancona
by Pietro ALESSANDRINI & Marco CRIVELLINI - 191 Produzione e distribuzione del reddito in una Social Accounting Matrix biregionale
by Claudio SOCCI - 190 South-South Regional Trade Agreements and Growth. A Panel Data Approach to the Evaluation of Three Latin American Trade Agreements
by Alessia LO TURCO - 189 Differences in Early Occupational Earnings of UK Male Graduates by Degree Subject: Evidence from the 1980-1993 USR
by Massimiliano BRATTI & Luca MANCINI - 188 Short-Run Bargaining, Factors Shares and Growth
by Renato BALDUCCI & Stefano STAFFOLANI - 187 Entry Deterrence and Multidimentional Competition in the Satellite Pay-TV Market
by Nicola MATTEUCCI - 186 Innovation Diffusion and the Evolution of Regional Disparities
by Ugo FRATESI - 185 GARCH multivariati e approccio di Black.Litterman nell'asset allocation tattica: un'analisi empirica
by Giulio PALOMBA - 184 La valutazione delle attivito' della pubblica amministrazione. Una rassegna di metodi
by Giuseppe RICCIARDO LAMONICA - 183 Public Spending and Economic Growth
by Renato BALDUCCI - 182 Computer, Wages and Working Hours in Italy
by Riccardo LUCCHETTI & Stefano STAFFOLANI & Alessandro STERLACCHINI - 181 Should Courts Enforce Credit Contracts Strictly ?
by Alberto ZAZZARO - 180 Structural Convergence of Macroeconomic Time Series: Evidence for Inflation Rates in EU Countries
by Emma SARNO & Alberto ZAZZARO - 179 Economia della citta' dispersa
by Antonio G. CALAFATI
- 178 Quale politica fiscale regionale? Analisi del federalismo italiano attraverso un modello CGE
by Fabio FIORILLO & Claudio SOCCI - 177 Una citta' in nuce nelle Marche
by Antonio G. CALAFATI & Francesca MAZZONI - 176 Public R&D Investment and Cost Structure in Italian Agriculture 1960-1995
by Roberto ESPOSTI & Pierpaolo PIERANI - 175 Banche, territorio e sviluppo
by Pietro ALESSANDRINI & Luca PAPI & Alberto ZAZZARO - 174 Parents' Current Income, Long-term Characteristics and Children's Education: Evidence from the 1970 British Cohort
by Massimiliano BRATTI - 173 Conservazione e sviluppo locale nei parchi naturali: un'agenda di ricerca
by Antonio G. CALAFATI - 172 Il territorio dei parchi nazionali italiani
by Fabiano COMPAGNUCCI & Francesca MAZZONI - 171 Conservation Policies as Local Development Policies: The Case of the Italian National Parks
by Antonio G. CALAFATI & Francesca MAZZONI - 170 Student Time Allocation and Educational Production Functions
by Massimiliano BRATTI & Stefano STAFFOLANI - 169 Matlab Implementation of the AIM Algorithm: A Beginner's Guide
by Paolo ZAGAGLIA - 168 Sviluppo senza crescita: il sistema locale del Casentino
by Fabiano COMPAGNUCCI - 167 The Enigma of Medieval Craft Guilds: A Model of Social Inertia and Technological Change
by Maria Rosaria CARILLO & Alberto ZAZZARO - 166 Regolamentazione delle Innovazioni Biotecnologiche in Agricoltura e Accordi Multilaterali: Conflitti, Negoziazione e Innovazione Istituzionale
by Roberto ESPOSTI & Alessandro SORRENTINO - 165 La funzionalita' nelle zone omogenee delle Marche
by Giuseppe RICCIARDO LAMONICA - 164 Monetary Policy Shocks and the Role of House Prices Across European Countries
by Massimo GIULIODORI - 163 How Heterodox is the Heterodoxy of the Monetary Circuit Theory? The Nature of Money and the Microeconomy of the Circuit
by Alberto ZAZZARO - 162 On (Sub)Optimal Monetary Policy Rules under Untied Fiscal Hands
by Paolo ZAGAGLIA - 161 Financial Constraints and the Balance Sheet Channel: a Re-Interpretation
by Marco GALLEGATI - 160 Il modello di specializzazione italiano: normalita' e asimmetria
by Luca DE BENEDICTIS & Massimo TAMBERI - 159 The Liberal Paradox and Non-Welfarist Theories: To What Extent is There a Compatibility?
by Enrico GUZZINI - 158 A note on the Balassa Index of Revealed Comparative Advantage
- 157 The Allocation of Entrepreneurial Talent under Imeperfect Lending Decisions
by Alberto ZAZZARO - 156 Youth Unemployment and Self-Employment in Italy
by Francesco CHELLI & L. ROSTI - 155 Factors Affecting the Adoption of ICTs Among SMEs: Evidence From an Italian Survey
by Riccardo LUCCHETTI & Alessandro STERLACCHINI - 154 Labour Force Participation and Marital Fertility of Italian Women: The Role of Education
by Massimiliano BRATTI - 153 Un Modello CGE per l'analisi del federalismo fiscale all'italiana
by Fabio FIORILLO & Giulio PALOMBA - 152 Performance accademica e scelta della facolta' universitaria: aspetti teorici e evidenza empirica
by Massimiliano BRATTI & Stefano STAFFOLANI - 151 Oltre la scuola dell'obbligo. Un'analisi empirica della decisione di proseguire nell'istruzione post-obbligatoria in Italia
by Massimiliano BRATTI - 150 On Short-term Contracts Regulations
by Luca NUNZIATA & Stefano STAFFOLANI - 149 European Business Cycles: 1960-1998
by Marco GALLEGATI & Mauro GALLEGATI - 148 Innovazione, ricerca della rendita e prestigio sociale: verso una teoria dinamica delle professioni
by Maria Rosaria CARILLO & Alberto ZAZZARO - 147 Conservazione, sviluppo locale e politiche agricole nei parchi naturali
by Antonio G. CALAFATI & Francesca MAZZONI - 146 Il sistema economico locale di Fabriano e le sue articolazioni funzionali
by Francesco TROMBETTA - 145 Building the Knowledge Stock: Lags, Depreciation and Uncertainty in Agricultural R&D
by Roberto ESPOSTI & Pierpaolo PIERANI
- 144 The Role of Subsidies in Promoting Italian Joint Ventures in Least Developed and Transition Economies
by Giorgio BARBA NAVARETTI & Enrico SANTARELLI & Marco VIVARELLI - 143 Quota del lavoro e occupazione in presenza di contrattazione efficiente
by Renato BALDUCCI & Stefano STAFFOLANI - 142 The determinants of export performance: A firmlevel study in Italian Manufacturing
by Alessandro STERLACCHINI - 141 Can Market Power influence Employment, Wage Inequality and Growth?
by Alberto BUCCI & Fabio FIORILLO & Stefano STAFFOLANI - 140 Inconsistency Of Naive GMM Estimation For QR Models With Endogenous Regressors
by Riccardo LUCCHETTI - 139 Alcuni vincoli del processo di accumulazione
by Riccardo MAZZONI - 138 Growth Maximizing Patent Lifetime
by Alberto BUCCI & H. Cagri SAGLAM - 137 L'accesso alle professioni regolamentate: un' analisi empirica sui laureati degli atenei marchigiani
by Alessandro STERLACCHINI - 136 Public R&D Design and Technological Spill-Ins. A Dynamic Model
by Roberto ESPOSTI - 135 How Does the EU Agenda Influence Economies Outside the EU? The Case of Tunisia
by Luca PAPI & Alberto ZAZZARO - 134 On Scale Effects, Market Power and Growth when Human and Technological Capital are Complements
by Alberto BUCCI - 133 On Industrial Districts
by Antonio G. CALAFATI - 132 Albert O. Hirschman on Economic Evolution
by Antonio G. CALAFATI - 131 How Do Collective Agents Think?
by Antonio G. CALAFATI - 130 I fattori di competitivita' dei settori tradizionali italiani: sintesi di un dibattito
by Riccardo MAZZONI - 129 Legal System Efficiency, Information Production, and Technological Choice: A Banking Model
by Davide IACOVONI & Alberto ZAZZARO - 128 To redistribute or not? Unemployment benefit, workfare and citizen's income in a dual labour market
by Fabio FIORILLO & Stefano STAFFOLANI - 127 Investment and uncertainty with recursive preferences
by Davide TICCHI
- 126 Scelte residenziali e mercati locali del lavoro. Il caso delle marche
by Davide BERLONI & Roberto ESPOSTI - 125 A study of the differences across universities in students' degree performance: the role of conventional university inputs
by Massimiliano BRATTI - 124 Graduates in the Labour Market, Determinants of Employment Success
by Stefano SANTACROCE - 123 Nel mosaico economico delle marche: origini e trasformazioni
by Massimo TAMBERI - 122 Quanto costa controllare la natura? Il caso Mississippi
by Francesco TROMBETTA - 121 Efficienza del sistema bancario e crescita economica nelle regioni italiane
by Riccardo LUCCHETTI & Luca PAPI & Alberto ZAZZARO - 120 Horizontal innovation, market power and growth
by Alberto BUCCI - 119 Analytic Score for Multivariate GARCH Models
by Riccardo LUCCHETTI - 118 Competizione sui mercati internazionali e misure del potere di mercato. Il caso dell'industria italiana dell'elettrodomestico
by Marco CUCCULELLI - 117 Distribuzione e crescita in un modello di contrattazione con impegno endogeno
by Renato BALDUCCI & Stefano STAFFOLANI - 116 Evoluzione dei sistemi locali e conservazione nei Parchi naturali
by Antonio G. CALAFATI - 115 Crescita endogena e ciclo
by Renato BALDUCCI - 114 Territorial Heterogeneity and Institutional Structures in Shaping Rural Development Policies in Europe
by Roberto ESPOSTI & Franco SOTTE - 113 Foreign Direct Investment in the Banking Sector: a Transitional Economy Perspective
by Luca PAPI & Debora REVOLTELLA - 112 Spillover tecnologici e origine della tecnologia agricola
by Roberto ESPOSTI
- 111 Multinational experience and the creation of linkages with local firms. Evidence from the electronics industry
by Davide CASTELLANI & Antonello ZANFEI - 110 Contratti di lavoro con informazione asimmetrica bilaterale: chi paga i bonus condizionali?
by Stefano STAFFOLANI - 109 Do innovative activities matter to small firms in non-R&D-intensive industries? An application to export performances
by Alessandro STERLACCHINI - 108 Stochastic Technical Change and Procyclical TFP The Italian Agriculture Case
by Roberto ESPOSTI - 107 Does the functional form matter? A sensitivity analysis of female labour supply in the U.K and italy
by Maura FRANCESE & Maria Teresa MONTEDURO - 106 Concertazione tra le parti sociali e disoccupazione
by Renato BALDUCCI - 105 To what extent is the notion of efficiency relevant to Economics? Implications for Ecological Economics
by Tommaso LUZZATI - 104 L'evoluzione dei divari settoriali di valore aggiunto per addetto nei paesi OCSE
by Massimiliano BRATTI - 103 Modelli di previsione a breve termine dei tassi di cambio
by Cristiana PERONI - 102 Financing enterprises in the Czech Republic: the importance of firm-specific variables
- 101 W.E. Hearn on the Industrial Organisation of Society
by Enzo PESCIARELLI - 100 Adam Smith on Relations of Subordination and Personal Incentives
by Enzo PESCIARELLI - 99 Aspects of the Influence of F. Hutcheson on A. Smith
by Enzo PESCIARELLI - 98 Statica comparata nonparametrica: le ambiguita' delle elasticita' di prezzo
by Roberto ESPOSTI - 97 Reputazione di gruppo e discriminazione nel mercato del credito: un modello dinamico con apprendimento
by Domenico SCALERA & Alberto ZAZZARO