May 2013, Volume 103, Issue 3
- 289-292 Earnings Inequality and the Intersectionality of Gender and Ethnicity in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of Tanzanian Manufacturing
by Juliet U. Elu & Linda Loubert - 293-297 Access to Credit by Firms in Sub-Saharan Africa: How Relevant Is Gender?
by Elizabeth Asiedu & Isaac Kalonda-Kanyama & Leonce Ndikumana & Akwasi Nti-Addae - 298-302 Fidelity Networks and Long-Run Trends in HIV/AIDS Gender Gaps
by Roland Pongou & Roberto Serrano - 303-308 The Informational Role of Voluntary Certification: Evidence from the Mexican Clean Industry Program
by Andrew D. Foster & Emilio Gutierrez - 309-313 Liquidity Constraints and Deforestation: The Limitations of Payments for Ecosystem Services
by Seema Jayachandran - 314-319 What Does Reputation Buy? Differentiation in a Market for Third-Party Auditors
by Esther Duflo & Michael Greenstone & Rohini Pande & Nicholas Ryan - 320-325 A Numerical Investigation of the Potential for Negative Emissions Leakage
by Niven Winchester & Sebastian Rausch - 326-331 Linking Numerical and Analytical Models of Carbon Leakage
by Jared C. Carbone - 332-337 Leakage, Welfare, and Cost-Effectiveness of Carbon Policy
by Kathy Baylis & Don Fullerton & Daniel H. Karney - 338-343 Natural Gas: From Shortages to Abundance in the United States
by Paul L. Joskow - 344-349 Transportation Fuels Policy since the OPEC Embargo: Paved with Good Intentions
by Christopher R. Knittel - 350-355 Efficient Retail Pricing in Electricity and Natural Gas Markets
by Steven L. Puller & Jeremy West - 356-361 Transaction Networks: Evidence from Mobile Money in Kenya
by William Jack & Adam Ray & Tavneet Suri - 362-368 Behavioral Biases and Firm Behavior: Evidence from Kenyan Retail Shops
by Michael Kremer & Jean Lee & Jonathan Robinson & Olga Rostapshova - 369-374 The Home Economics of E-Money: Velocity, Cash Management, and Discount Rates of M-Pesa Users
by Isaac Mbiti & David N. Weil - 375-380 Informal Risk Sharing, Index Insurance, and Risk Taking in Developing Countries
by Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak & Mark R. Rosenzweig - 381-386 Profitability of Fertilizer: Experimental Evidence from Female Rice Farmers in Mali
by Lori Beaman & Dean Karlan & Bram Thuysbaert & Christopher Udry - 387-392 Deposit Collecting: Unbundling the Role of Frequency, Salience, and Habit Formation in Generating Savings
by Suresh de Mel & Craig McIntosh & Christopher Woodruff - 393-397 Benefit-Cost Analysis for Financial Regulation
by Eric Posner & E. Glen Weyl - 398-401 Financial Innovation and Portfolio Risks
by Alp Simsek - 402-405 Reflections on Finance and the Good Society
by Robert J. Shiller - 406-411 Can Financial Engineering Cure Cancer?
by David E. Fagnan & Jose Maria Fernandez & Andrew W. Lo & Roger M. Stein - 412-417 Health Care Usage and Health Status of Immigrant Children: The Effects of Nativity versus Citizenship
by Mónica García-Pérez - 418-422 The Effects of Job Corps Training on Wages of Adolescents and Young Adults
by German Blanco & Carlos A. Flores & Alfonso Flores-Lagunes - 423-427 The Poverty Gap in School Spending Following the Introduction of Title I
by Elizabeth U. Cascio & Sarah Reber - 428-432 Achieving the DREAM: The Effect of IRCA on Immigrant Youth Postsecondary Educational Access
by Kalena E. Cortes - 433-438 HIV Risk and Adolescent Behaviors in Africa
by Anne Case & Christina Paxson - 439-444 Learning from Others' HIV Testing: Updating Beliefs and Responding to Risk
by Susan Godlonton & Rebecca L. Thornton - 445-450 Do Sex Workers Respond to Disease? Evidence from the Male Market for Sex
by Manisha Shah - 451-455 Inheritances, Intergenerational Transfers, and the Accumulation of Health
by Katherine Grace Carman - 456-461 Adult Antiretroviral Therapy and Child Health: Evidence from Scale-Up in Zambia
by Adrienne M. Lucas & Nicholas L. Wilson - 462-466 SSI for Disabled Immigrants: Why Do Ethnic Networks Matter?
by Delia Furtado & Nikolaos Theodoropoulos - 467-471 Boys' Cognitive Skill Formation and Physical Growth: Long-Term Experimental Evidence on Critical Ages for Early Childhood Interventions
by Tania Barham & Karen Macours & John A. Maluccio - 472-477 Incentive Effects of Inheritances and Optimal Estate Taxation
by Wojciech Kopczuk - 478-483 The Estate Tax and Inter Vivos Transfers over Time
by Kathleen McGarry - 484-488 Income and Substitution Effects of Estate Taxation
by James R. Hines - 489-495 Estate Taxation with Altruism Heterogeneity
by Emmanuel Farhi & Iván Werning - 496-501 Optimal Progressive Labor Income Taxation and Education Subsidies When Education Decisions and Intergenerational Transfers Are Endogenous
by Dirk Krueger & Alexander Ludwig - 502-507 Optimal Pension Systems with Simple Instruments
by Mikhail Golosov & Ali Shourideh & Maxim Troshkin & Aleh Tsyvinski - 508-511 Some Basic Economics of National Security
by Kevin M. Murphy & Robert H. Topel - 512-517 Modest, Secure, and Informed: Successful Development in Conflict Zones
by Eli Berman & Joseph H. Felter & Jacob N. Shapiro & Erin Troland - 518-522 Insurgent Compensation: Evidence from Iraq
by Benjamin W. Bahney & Radha K. Iyengar & Patrick B. Johnston & Danielle F. Jung & Jacob N. Shapiro & Howard J. Shatz - 523-527 An Analysis of Economic Warfare
by Jeffrey Clemens - 528-533 Genetic Diversity and the Origins of Cultural Fragmentation
by Quamrul Ashraf & Oded Galor - 534-538 Social Organizations, Violence, and Modern Growth
by Avner Greif & Murat Iyigun - 539-544 Not the Opium of the People: Income and Secularization in a Panel of Prussian Counties
by Sascha O. Becker & Ludger Woessmann - 545-549 From Stagnation to Sustained Growth: The Role of Female Empowerment
by Claude Diebolt & Faustine Perrin - 550-556 Nonparametric Instrumental Variables Estimation
by Whitney K. Newey - 557-562 What Do Instrumental Variable Models Deliver with Discrete Dependent Variables?
by Andrew Chesher & Adam M. Rosen - 563-569 Control Functions and Simultaneous Equations Methods
by Richard Blundell & Dennis Kristensen & Rosa L. Matzkin - 570-574 What Goes Up Must Come Down? Experimental Evidence on Intuitive Forecasting
by John Beshears & James J. Choi & Andreas Fuster & David Laibson & Brigitte C. Madrian - 575-579 Estimating the Effect of Salience in Wholesale and Retail Car Markets
by Meghan R. Busse & Nicola Lacetera & Devin G. Pope & Jorge Silva-Risso & Justin R. Sydnor - 580-585 Distinguishing Probability Weighting from Risk Misperceptions in Field Data
by Levon Barseghyan & Francesca Molinari & Ted O'Donoghue & Joshua C. Teitelbaum - 586-590 The Importance of Being Marginal: Gender Differences in Generosity
by Stefano DellaVigna & John A. List & Ulrike Malmendier & Gautam Rao - 591-597 Two Happiness Puzzles
by Angus Deaton & Arthur A. Stone - 598-604 Subjective Well-Being and Income: Is There Any Evidence of Satiation?
by Betsey Stevenson & Justin Wolfers - 605-610 Aggregating Local Preferences to Guide Marginal Policy Adjustments
by Daniel J. Benjamin & Ori Heffetz & Miles S. Kimball & Nichole Szembrot - 611-616 The Psychology of Tail Events: Progress and Challenges
by Nicholas Barberis - 617-622 An Approach to Incorporating Psychology into Economics
by Matthew Rabin - 623-628 Salience and Asset Prices
by Pedro Bordalo & Nicola Gennaioli & Andrei Shleifer - 629-635 Views among Economists: Professional Consensus or Point-Counterpoint?
by Roger Gordon & Gordon B. Dahl - 636-642 Economic Experts versus Average Americans
by Paola Sapienza & Luigi Zingales - 643-647 Course Requirements for Bachelor's Degrees in Economics
by William Bosshardt & Michael Watts & William E. Becker - 648-653 One Essay on Dissertation Formats in Economics
by Wendy A. Stock & John J. Siegfried - 654-658 How Economists Allocate Time to Teaching and Research
by Sam Allgood & William B. Walstad - 659-663 Economic Understanding in US High School Courses
by William B. Walstad - 667-668 Minutes of the Annual Business Meeting: San Diego, CA, January 5, 2013
by Peter L. Rousseau - 669-672 Report of the Secretary
by Peter L. Rousseau - 673-677 Report of the Treasurer
by Peter L. Rousseau - 678-682 American Economic Association Universal Academic Questionnaire Summary Statistics
by Charles E. Scott & John J. Siegfried - 683-683 List of Online Reports
by Peter L. Rousseau - 685-691 Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee: Chicago, IL, April 27, 2012
by John J. Siegfried - 692-700 Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee: San Diego, CA, January 3, 2013
by Peter L. Rousseau - 701-712 Report of the Editor: American Economic Review
by Pinelopi Koujianou Goldberg - 713-715 Report of the Editor: Journal of Economic Literature
by Janet Currie - 716-718 Report of the Editor: Journal of Economic Perspectives
by David Autor - 719-722 Report of the Editor: American Economic Journal: Applied Economics
by Esther Duflo - 723-726 Report of the Editor: American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
by Alan J. Auerbach - 727-731 Report of the Editor: American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics
by John Leahy - 732-734 Report of the Editor: American Economic Journal: Microeconomics
by Andrew Postlewaite - 735-737 Report of the Director: Job Openings for Economists
by John J. Siegfried - 738-743 Report: Committee on Economic Education
by Sam Allgood - 744-755 Report: Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession
by Marjorie B. McElroy - 756-766 Report: Committee on the Status of Minority Groups in the Economics Profession
by Cecilia Rouse - 767-768 Report: American Economic Association Committee on Statistics
by Robert Feenstra - 769-771 Report: Committee on Government Relations
by Robert Moffitt - 772-773 Report: Ad Hoc Committee on Criterion for the John Bates Clark Medal
by Jonathan Gruber & Chris Paxson & Valerie Ramey & Michael Woodford - 774-774 Report: Ad Hoc Search Committee for the Editor of the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
by David Cutler & Amy Finkelstein & Adriana Lleras-Muney & James Poterba & David Romer & Robert Shimer - 775-775 Report: Ad Hoc Search Committee for the Editor of the Journal of Economic Literature
by Anil Kashyap
April 2013, Volume 103, Issue 2
- 563-584 Paper Money
by Christopher A. Sims - 585-623 Designing Random Allocation Mechanisms: Theory and Applications
by Eric Budish & Yeon-Koo Che & Fuhito Kojima & Paul Milgrom - 624-662 Inferring Strategic Voting
by Kei Kawai & Yasutora Watanabe - 663-689 Dynamic Matching and Bargaining Games: A General Approach
by Stephan Lauermann - 690-731 The Effect of Language on Economic Behavior: Evidence from Savings Rates, Health Behaviors, and Retirement Assets
by M. Keith Chen - 732-770 Intermediary Asset Pricing
by Zhiguo He & Arvind Krishnamurthy - 771-803 Job Selection and Wages over the Business Cycle
by Marcus Hagedorn & Iourii Manovskii - 804-830 Optimal Expectations and Limited Medical Testing: Evidence from Huntington Disease
by Emily Oster & Ira Shoulson & E. Ray Dorsey - 831-862 Public Monopoly and Economic Efficiency: Evidence from the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board's Entry Decisions
by Katja Seim & Joel Waldfogel - 863-896 Commercial Imperialism? Political Influence and Trade during the Cold War
by Daniel Berger & William Easterly & Nathan Nunn & Shanker Satyanath - 897-947 Assessing the Incidence and Efficiency of a Prominent Place Based Policy
by Matias Busso & Jesse Gregory & Patrick Kline - 948-980 Selection, Agriculture, and Cross-Country Productivity Differences
by David Lagakos & Michael E. Waugh - 981-1005 Testing for Racial Differences in the Mental Ability of Young Children
by Roland G. Fryer & Steven D. Levitt - 1006-1033 Merger Policy with Merger Choice
by Volker Nocke & Michael D. Whinston - 1034-1053 Inferior Good and Giffen Behavior for Investing and Borrowing
by Felix Kubler & Larry Selden & Xiao Wei - 1054-1070 Misclassification Errors and the Underestimation of the US Unemployment Rate
by Shuaizhang Feng & Yingyao Hu - 1071-1090 Self-Enforcing Trade Agreements: Evidence from Time-Varying Trade Policy
by Chad P. Bown & Meredith A. Crowley - 1091-1107 A Theory of Charitable Fund-Raising with Costly Solicitations
by Alvaro J. Name-Correa & Huseyin Yildirim
February 2013, Volume 103, Issue 1
- 1-46 The 'Out of Africa' Hypothesis, Human Genetic Diversity, and Comparative Economic Development
by Quamrul Ashraf & Oded Galor - 47-79 Pandering to Persuade
by Yeon-Koo Che & Wouter Dessein & Navin Kartik - 80-106 School Admissions Reform in Chicago and England: Comparing Mechanisms by Their Vulnerability to Manipulation
by Parag A. Pathak & Tayfun Sönmez - 107-144 Coercive Contract Enforcement: Law and the Labor Market in Nineteenth Century Industrial Britain
by Suresh Naidu & Noam Yuchtman - 145-177 Price Discrimination and Bargaining: Empirical Evidence from Medical Devices
by Matthew Grennan - 178-219 Selection on Moral Hazard in Health Insurance
by Liran Einav & Amy Finkelstein & Stephen P. Ryan & Paul Schrimpf & Mark R. Cullen - 220-256 Are Consumers Myopic? Evidence from New and Used Car Purchases
by Meghan R. Busse & Christopher R. Knittel & Florian Zettelmeyer - 257-276 The Impact of Medical Liability Standards on Regional Variations in Physician Behavior: Evidence from the Adoption of National-Standard Rules
by Michael Frakes - 277-304 Innovation and Institutional Ownership
by Philippe Aghion & John Van Reenen & Luigi Zingales - 305-334 Cross-Country Differences in Productivity: The Role of Allocation and Selection
by Eric Bartelsman & John Haltiwanger & Stefano Scarpetta - 335-359 Making Sense of Nonbinding Retail-Price Recommendations
by Stefan Buehler & Dennis L. Gärtner - 360-377 Entropy and the Value of Information for Investors
by Antonio Cabrales & Olivier Gossner & Roberto Serrano - 378-414 Technological Diversification
by Miklós Koren & Silvana Tenreyro - 415-437 Dictating the Risk: Experimental Evidence on Giving in Risky Environments
by J. Michelle Brock & Andreas Lange & Erkut Y. Ozbay - 438-471 Children's Resources in Collective Households: Identification, Estimation, and an Application to Child Poverty in Malawi
by Geoffrey R. Dunbar & Arthur Lewbel & Krishna Pendakur - 472-500 Cultural Change as Learning: The Evolution of Female Labor Force Participation over a Century
by Raquel Fernández - 501-509 Submission Fees and Response Times in Academic Publishing
by Christopher Cotton - 510-531 Impatience and Uncertainty: Experimental Decisions Predict Adolescents' Field Behavior
by Matthias Sutter & Martin G. Kocher & Daniela Glätzle-Rützler & Stefan T. Trautmann - 532-548 Preferences for Truthfulness: Heterogeneity among and within Individuals
by Rajna Gibson & Carmen Tanner & Alexander F. Wagner - 549-553 Fairness and Redistribution: Comment
by Rafael Di Tella & Juan Dubra - 554-561 Fairness and Redistribution: Reply
by Alberto Alesina & George-Marios Angeletos & Guido Cozzi
December 2012, Volume 102, Issue 7
- 3111-3139 The Spending and Debt Response to Minimum Wage Hikes
by Daniel Aaronson & Sumit Agarwal & Eric French - 3140-3183 Offshoring and the Role of Trade Agreements
by Pol Antràs & Robert W. Staiger - 3184-3213 Information and Employee Evaluation: Evidence from a Randomized Intervention in Public Schools
by Jonah E. Rockoff & Douglas O. Staiger & Thomas J. Kane & Eric S. Taylor - 3214-3248 Pricing and Welfare in Health Plan Choice
by M. Kate Bundorf & Jonathan Levin & Neale Mahoney - 3249-3276 Diagnosing Consumer Confusion and Sub-optimal Shopping Effort: Theory and Mortgage-Market Evidence
by Susan E. Woodward & Robert E. Hall - 3277-3316 Lost in Transit: Product Replacement Bias and Pricing to Market
by Emi Nakamura & Jón Steinsson - 3317-3332 Imperfect Public Monitoring with Costly Punishment: An Experimental Study
by Attila Ambrus & Ben Greiner - 3333-3356 Estimating Time Preferences from Convex Budgets
by James Andreoni & Charles Sprenger - 3357-3376 Risk Preferences Are Not Time Preferences
by James Andreoni & Charles Sprenger - 3377-3405 Married with Children: A Collective Labor Supply Model with Detailed Time Use and Intrahousehold Expenditure Information
by Laurens Cherchye & Bram De Rock & Frederic Vermeulen - 3406-3438 Exports, Export Destinations, and Skills
by Irene Brambilla & Daniel Lederman & Guido Porto - 3439-3461 Who Matters in Coordination Problems?
by József Sákovics & Jakub Steiner - 3462-3482 Loss Leading as an Exploitative Practice
by Zhijun Chen & Patrick Rey - 3483-3515 Human Capital Prices, Productivity, and Growth
by Audra J. Bowlus & Chris Robinson - 3516-3530 Political Aid Cycles
by Michael Faye & Paul Niehaus - 3531-3560 Human Capital Investment and the Gender Division of Labor in a Brawn-Based Economy
by Mark M. Pitt & Mark R. Rosenzweig & Mohammad Nazmul Hassan - 3561-3573 The 11-20 Money Request Game: A Level-k Reasoning Study
by Ayala Arad & Ariel Rubinstein - 3574-3593 Who Gets the Job Referral? Evidence from a Social Networks Experiment
by Lori Beaman & Jeremy Magruder - 3594-3627 Innovation and Foreign Ownership
by Maria Guadalupe & Olga Kuzmina & Catherine Thomas - 3628-3651 The Effect of Evaluation on Teacher Performance
by Eric S. Taylor & John H. Tyler - 3652-3673 The Impact of Pollution on Worker Productivity
by Joshua Graff Zivin & Matthew Neidell - 3674-3700 Self-Fulfilling Risk Panics
by Philippe Bacchetta & Cédric Tille & Eric van Wincoop - 3701-3730 Life Insurance and Household Consumption
by Jay H. Hong & José-Víctor Ríos-Rull - 3731-3748 Revolving Door Lobbyists
by Jordi Blanes i Vidal & Mirko Draca & Christian Fons-Rosen - 3749-3760 The Economic Impacts of Climate Change: Evidence from Agricultural Output and Random Fluctuations in Weather: Comment
by Anthony C. Fisher & W. Michael Hanemann & Michael J. Roberts & Wolfram Schlenker - 3761-3773 The Economic Impacts of Climate Change: Evidence from Agricultural Output and Random Fluctuations in Weather: Reply
by Olivier Deschênes & Michael Greenstone - 3774-3777 Growth Dynamics: The Myth of Economic Recovery: Comment
by Hannes Mueller
October 2012, Volume 102, Issue 6
- 2381-2409 The Collateral Channel: How Real Estate Shocks Affect Corporate Investment
by Thomas Chaney & David Sraer & David Thesmar - 2410-2436 Modeling the Change of Paradigm: Non-Bayesian Reactions to Unexpected News
by Pietro Ortoleva - 2437-2471 Markups and Firm-Level Export Status
by Jan De Loecker & Frederic Warzynski - 2472-2508 The Evolution of Brand Preferences: Evidence from Consumer Migration
by Bart J. Bronnenberg & Jean-Pierre H. Dube & Matthew Gentzkow - 2509-2539 The Contribution of Large and Small Employers to Job Creation in Times of High and Low Unemployment
by Giuseppe Moscarini & Fabien Postel-Vinay - 2540-2569 The Rise of the Service Economy
by Francisco J. Buera & Joseph P. Kaboski - 2570-2605 Liquidity, Monetary Policy, and the Financial Crisis: A New Monetarist Approach
by Stephen D. Williamson - 2606-2638 How General Are Risk Preferences? Choices under Uncertainty in Different Domains
by Liran Einav & Amy Finkelstein & Iuliana Pascu & Mark R. Cullen - 2639-2673 Sinking, Swimming, or Learning to Swim in Medicare Part D
by Jonathan D. Ketcham & Claudio Lucarelli & Eugenio J. Miravete & M. Christopher Roebuck - 2674-2699 Maturity, Indebtedness, and Default Risk
by Satyajit Chatterjee & Burcu Eyigungor - 2700-2733 Trade Costs, Asset Market Frictions, and Risk Sharing
by Doireann Fitzgerald - 2734-2766 Disaster Risk and Business Cycles
by Francois Gourio - 2767-2797 But Who Will Monitor the Monitor?
by David Rahman - 2798-2825 Reset Price Inflation and the Impact of Monetary Policy Shocks
by Mark Bils & Peter J. Klenow & Benjamin A. Malin - 2826-2858 Physician Agency and Adoption of Generic Pharmaceuticals
by Toshiaki Iizuka - 2859-2896 Is the Volatility of the Market Price of Risk Due to Intermittent Portfolio Rebalancing?
by YiLi Chien & Harold Cole & Hanno Lustig - 2897-2922 The Strategy of Manipulating Conflict
by Sandeep Baliga & Tomas Sjostrom - 2923-2954 Credit Market Consequences of Improved Personal Identification: Field Experimental Evidence from Malawi
by Xavier Gine & Jessica Goldberg & Dean Yang - 2955-2980 Testing Models of Consumer Search Using Data on Web Browsing and Purchasing Behavior
by Babur De Los Santos & Ali Hortacsu & Matthijs R. Wildenbeest - 2981-3003 Inequality at Work: The Effect of Peer Salaries on Job Satisfaction
by David Card & Alexandre Mas & Enrico Moretti & Emmanuel Saez - 3004-3032 Credit Traps
by Efraim Benmelech & Nittai K. Bergman - 3033-3058 Economic Growth with Bubbles
by Alberto Martin & Jaume Ventura - 3059-3076 The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development: An Empirical Investigation: Comment
by David Y. Albouy - 3077-3110 The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development: An Empirical Investigation: Reply
by Daron Acemoglu & Simon Johnson & James A. Robinson
August 2012, Volume 102, Issue 5
- 1773-1804 A Field Study on Matching with Network Externalities
by Mariagiovanna Baccara & Ayse Imrohoroglu & Alistair J. Wilson & Leeat Yariv - 1805-1831 Pay for Percentile
by Gadi Barlevy & Derek Neal - 1832-1856 Europe's Tired, Poor, Huddled Masses: Self-Selection and Economic Outcomes in the Age of Mass Migration
by Ran Abramitzky & Leah Platt Boustan & Katherine Eriksson - 1857-1897 Social Capital and Social Quilts: Network Patterns of Favor Exchange
by Matthew O. Jackson & Tomas Rodriguez-Barraquer & Xu Tan - 1898-1926 A Rational Expectations Approach to Hedonic Price Regressions with Time-Varying Unobserved Product Attributes: The Price of Pollution
by Patrick Bajari & Jane Cooley Fruehwirth & Kyoo il Kim & Christopher Timmins - 1927-1956 The Impact of Family Income on Child Achievement: Evidence from the Earned Income Tax Credit
by Gordon B. Dahl & Lance Lochner - 1957-1985 Bundling and Competition for Slots
by Doh-Shin Jeon & Domenico Menicucci - 1986-2017 Fund Managers, Career Concerns, and Asset Price Volatility
by Veronica Guerrieri & Peter Kondor - 2018-2047 Organ Allocation Policy and the Decision to Donate
by Judd B. Kessler & Alvin E. Roth - 2048-2082 Katrina's Children: Evidence on the Structure of Peer Effects from Hurricane Evacuees
by Scott A. Imberman & Adriana D. Kugler & Bruce I. Sacerdote - 2083-2110 What Do You Think Would Make You Happier? What Do You Think You Would Choose?
by Daniel J. Benjamin & Ori Heffetz & Miles S. Kimball & Alex Rees-Jones - 2111-2146 Industrial Structure and Capital Flows
by Keyu Jin - 2147-2182 Spatial Differentiation and Vertical Mergers in Retail Markets for Gasoline
by Jean-Francois Houde - 2183-2205 Revealed Attention
by Yusufcan Masatlioglu & Daisuke Nakajima & Erkut Y. Ozbay - 2206-2236 Heuristic Thinking and Limited Attention in the Car Market
by Nicola Lacetera & Devin G. Pope & Justin R. Sydnor - 2237-2271 The Multi-unit Assignment Problem: Theory and Evidence from Course Allocation at Harvard
by Eric Budish & Estelle Cantillon - 2272-2300 Durable Consumption and Asset Management with Transaction and Observation Costs
by Fernando Alvarez & Luigi Guiso & Francesco Lippi - 2301-2326 Credit Supply and Monetary Policy: Identifying the Bank Balance-Sheet Channel with Loan Applications
by Gabriel Jimenez & Steven Ongena & Jose-Luis Peydro & Jesus Saurina - 2327-2348 Skill Dispersion and Trade Flows
by Matilde Bombardini & Giovanni Gallipoli & German Pupato