May 2014, Volume 104, Issue 5
- 489-494 Growth, Adoption, and Use of Mobile E-Commerce
by Liran Einav & Jonathan Levin & Igor Popov & Neel Sundaresan - 495-500 Stochastic Choice: An Optimizing Neuroeconomic Model
by Michael Woodford - 501-506 Benefits of Neuroeconomic Modeling: New Policy Interventions and Predictors of Preference
by Ian Krajbich & Bastiaan Oud & Ernst Fehr - 507-513 Rational Attention and Adaptive Coding: A Puzzle and a Solution
by Camillo Padoa-Schioppa & Aldo Rustichini - 514-518 (Dis)organization and Success in an Economics MOOC
by Abhijit V. Banerjee & Esther Duflo - 519-522 The Industrial Organization of Online Education
by Tyler Cowen & Alex Tabarrok - 523-527 Equalizing Superstars: The Internet and the Democratization of Education
by Daron Acemoglu & David Laibson & John A. List - 528-533 The Economics of Online Postsecondary Education: MOOCs, Nonselective Education, and Highly Selective Education
by Caroline M. Hoxby - 534-537 Discounting and Growth
by Christian Gollier - 538-543 Declining Discount Rates
by Maureen L. Cropper & Mark C. Freeman & Ben Groom & William A. Pizer - 544-546 Fat Tails and the Social Cost of Carbon
by Martin L. Weitzman - 547-551 On Not Revisiting Official Discount Rates: Institutional Inertia and the Social Cost of Carbon
by Cass R. Sunstein - 552-556 Selected International Aspects of Carbon Taxation
by Charles E. McLure Jr. - 557-562 The Costs and Consequences of Clean Air Act Regulation of CO2 from Power Plants
by Dallas Burtraw & Josh Linn & Karen Palmer & Anthony Paul - 563-568 Tax Policy Issues in Designing a Carbon Tax
by Donald B. Marron & Eric J. Toder - 569-574 How Effective Are US Renewable Energy Subsidies in Cutting Greenhouse Gases?
by Brian C. Murray & Maureen L. Cropper & Francisco C. de la Chesnaye & John M. Reilly - 575-580 Powering Up China: Income Distributions and Residential Electricity Consumption
by Maximilian Auffhammer & Catherine D. Wolfram - 581-585 The Economic Cost of Global Fuel Subsidies
by Lucas W. Davis - 586-590 Why Are Power Plants in India Less Efficient Than Power Plants in the United States?
by Hei Sing (Ron) Chan & Maureen L. Cropper & Kabir Malik - 593-594 Minutes of the Annual Business Meeting: Philadelphia, PA, January 4, 2014
by Peter L. Rousseau - 595-598 Report of the Secretary
by Peter L. Rousseau - 599-602 Report of the Treasurer
by Peter L. Rousseau - 603-607 American Economic Association Universal Academic Questionnaire Summary Statistics
by Charles E. Scott & John J. Siegfried
April 2014, Volume 104, Issue 4
- 1091-1119 A Grand Gender Convergence: Its Last Chapter
by Claudia Goldin - 1120-1148 Vertical Integration and Input Flows
by Enghin Atalay & Ali Horta?su & Chad Syverson - 1149-1171 Misallocation and Growth
by Boyan Jovanovic - 1172-1210 Search, Liquidity, and the Dynamics of House Prices and Construction
by Allen Head & Huw Lloyd-Ellis & Hongfei Sun - 1211-1243 Spatial Development
by Klaus Desmet & Esteban Rossi-Hansberg - 1244-1287 The Role of Local Officials in New Democracies: Evidence from Indonesia
by Monica Martinez-Bravo - 1288-1319 Bidding for Incomplete Contracts: An Empirical Analysis of Adaptation Costs
by Patrick Bajari & Stephanie Houghton & Steven Tadelis - 1320-1349 Do Physicians' Financial Incentives Affect Medical Treatment and Patient Health?
by Jeffrey Clemens & Joshua D. Gottlieb - 1350-1367 Cycles of Conflict: An Economic Model
by Daron Acemoglu & Alexander Wolitzky - 1368-1391 Frictionless Technology Diffusion: The Case of Tractors
by Rodolfo E. Manuelli & Ananth Seshadri - 1392-1416 Investment Dispersion and the Business Cycle
by R?diger Bachmann & Christian Bayer - 1417-1438 Knowledge Is (Less) Power: Experimental Evidence from Residential Energy Use
by Katrina Jessoe & David Rapson - 1439-1445 Stock Prices, News, and Economic Fluctuations: Comment
by Andr? Kurmann & Elmar Mertens - 1446-1460 Heterogeneity and Aggregation: Implications for Labor-Market Fluctuations: Comment
by Shuhei Takahashi - 1461-1466 Heterogeneity and Aggregation: Implications for Labor-Market Fluctuations: Reply
by Yongsung Chang & Sun-Bin Kim
March 2014, Volume 104, Issue 3
- 721-752 Monetary Policy and Rational Asset Price Bubbles
by Jordi Gal? - 753-792 Fiscal Stimulus in a Monetary Union: Evidence from US Regions
by Emi Nakamura & J?n Steinsson - 793-831 Trade Adjustment and Productivity in Large Crises
by Gita Gopinath & Brent Neiman - 832-867 Do Prices and Attributes Explain International Differences in Food Purchases?
by Pierre Dubois & Rachel Griffith & Aviv Nevo - 868-897 The Economics of Predation: What Drives Pricing When There Is Learning-by-Doing?
by David Besanko & Ulrich Doraszelski & Yaroslav Kryukov - 898-930 Strategic Interaction and Networks
by Yann Bramoull? & Rachel Kranton & Martin D'Amours - 931-962 How University Endowments Respond to Financial Market Shocks: Evidence and Implications
by Jeffrey R. Brown & Stephen G. Dimmock & Jun-Koo Kang & Scott J. Weisbenner - 963-990 When the Levee Breaks: Black Migration and Economic Development in the American South
by Richard Hornbeck & Suresh Naidu - 991-1013 School Choice, School Quality, and Postsecondary Attainment
by David J. Deming & Justine S. Hastings & Thomas J. Kane & Douglas O. Staiger - 1014-1039 Do Employers Use Unemployment as a Sorting Criterion When Hiring? Evidence from a Field Experiment
by Stefan Eriksson & Dan-Olof Rooth - 1040-1046 Risk and Precautionary Saving in Two-Person Households
by Patricia Apps & Yuri Andrienko & Ray Rees - 1047-1062 Does Money Illusion Matter? Comment
by Luba Petersen & Abel Winn - 1063-1071 Does Money Illusion Matter? Reply
by Ernst Fehr & Jean-Robert Tyran - 1072-1089 The Dynamic Behavior of the Real Exchange Rate in Sticky Price Models: Comment
by Jens Iversen & Ulf S?derstr?m
February 2014, Volume 104, Issue 2
- 343-378 Collateral Crises
by Gary Gorton & Guillermo Ordo?ez - 379-421 A Macroeconomic Model with a Financial Sector
by Markus K. Brunnermeier & Yuliy Sannikov - 422-458 Finance and Misallocation: Evidence from Plant-Level Data
by Virgiliu Midrigan & Daniel Yi Xu - 459-494 Tracing Value-Added and Double Counting in Gross Exports
by Robert Koopman & Zhi Wang & Shang-Jin Wei - 495-536 Market Size, Competition, and the Product Mix of Exporters
by Thierry Mayer & Marc J. Melitz & Gianmarco I. P. Ottaviano - 537-563 Do Consumers Respond to Marginal or Average Price? Evidence from Nonlinear Electricity Pricing
by Koichiro Ito - 564-608 Time to Build and Fluctuations in Bulk Shipping
by Myrto Kalouptsidi - 609-623 Time Allocation and Task Juggling
by Decio Coviello & Andrea Ichino & Nicola Persico - 624-655 How Financial Incentives Induce Disability Insurance Recipients to Return to Work
by Andreas Ravndal Kostol & Magne Mogstad - 656-671 Outside Options and the Failure of the Coase Conjecture
by Simon Board & Marek Pycia - 672-686 Raising Retailers' Profits: On Vertical Practices and the Exclusion of Rivals
by John Asker & Heski Bar-Isaac - 687-706 Are Private Markets and Filtering a Viable Source of Low-Income Housing? Estimates from a "Repeat Income" Model
by Stuart S. Rosenthal - 707-719 Income and Democracy: Comment
by Matteo Cervellati & Florian Jung & Uwe Sunde & Thomas Vischer
January 2014, Volume 104, Issue 1
- 1-26 Sales Taxes and Internet Commerce
by Liran Einav & Dan Knoepfle & Jonathan Levin & Neel Sundaresan - 27-65 Risk Shocks
by Lawrence J. Christiano & Roberto Motto & Massimo Rostagno - 66-83 Aligned Delegation
by Alexander Frankel - 84-122 Immigration and the Diffusion of Technology: The Huguenot Diaspora in Prussia
by Erik Hornung - 123-148 Violence and Risk Preference: Experimental Evidence from Afghanistan
by Michael Callen & Mohammad Isaqzadeh & James D. Long & Charles Sprenger - 149-182 Consumption Risk-Sharing in Social Networks
by Attila Ambrus & Markus Mobius & Adam Szeidl - 183-223 Risk Sharing and Transactions Costs: Evidence from Kenya's Mobile Money Revolution
by William Jack & Tavneet Suri - 224-251 Estimating a Structural Model of Herd Behavior in Financial Markets
by Marco Cipriani & Antonio Guarino - 252-276 Worktime Regulations and Spousal Labor Supply
by Dominique Goux & Eric Maurin & Barbara Petrongolo - 277-290 One Swallow Doesn't Make a Summer: New Evidence on Anchoring Effects
by Zacharias Maniadis & Fabio Tufano & John A. List - 291-307 Partnerships versus Corporations: Moral Hazard, Sorting, and Ownership Structure
by Ayca Kaya & Galina Vereshchagina - 308-322 Social Ideology and Taxes in a Differentiated Candidates Framework
by Stefan Krasa & Mattias Polborn - 323-337 Term Premia and Inflation Uncertainty: Empirical Evidence from an International Panel Dataset: Comment
by Michael D. Bauer & Glenn D. Rudebusch & Jing Cynthia Wu - 338-341 Term Premia and Inflation Uncertainty: Empirical Evidence from an International Panel Dataset: Reply
by Jonathan H. Wright
December 2013, Volume 103, Issue 7
- 2643-2682 Adverse Selection and Inertia in Health Insurance Markets: When Nudging Hurts
by Benjamin R. Handel - 2683-2721 Using Differences in Knowledge across Neighborhoods to Uncover the Impacts of the EITC on Earnings
by Raj Chetty & John N. Friedman & Emmanuel Saez - 2722-2751 Intertemporal Price Discrimination in Storable Goods Markets
by Igal Hendel & Aviv Nevo - 2752-2789 Two Perspectives on Preferences and Structural Transformation
by Berthold Herrendorf & Richard Rogerson & ?kos Valentinyi - 2790-2810 "Reverse Bayesianism": A Choice-Based Theory of Growing Awareness
by Edi Karni & Marie-Louise Vier? - 2811-2847 Dynamic Deception
by Axel Anderson & Lones Smith - 2848-2874 Debt Contracts with Partial Commitment
by Natalia Kovrijnykh - 2875-2910 Information and Quality When Motivation Is Intrinsic: Evidence from Surgeon Report Cards
by Jonathan T. Kolstad - 2911-2934 When Do Secondary Markets Harm Firms?
by Jiawei Chen & Susanna Esteban & Matthew Shum - 2935-2959 Time as a Trade Barrier
by David L. Hummels & Georg Schaur - 2960-3000 Vertical Integration and Exclusivity in Platform and Two-Sided Markets
by Robin S. Lee - 3001-3021 Conclusions Regarding Cross-Group Differences in Happiness Depend on Difficulty of Reaching Respondents
by Ori Heffetz & Matthew Rabin - 3022-3044 The Demand for Youth: Explaining Age Differences in the Volatility of Hours
by Nir Jaimovich & Seth Pruitt & Henry E. Siu - 3045-3070 News, Noise, and Fluctuations: An Empirical Exploration
by Olivier J. Blanchard & Jean-Paul L'Huillier & Guido Lorenzoni - 3071-3083 Polarization and Ambiguity
by Sandeep Baliga & Eran Hanany & Peter Klibanoff - 3084-3101 Social Preferences under Risk: Equality of Opportunity versus Equality of Outcome
by Kota Saito - 3102-3114 Taxes, Cigarette Consumption, and Smoking Intensity: Reply
by J?r?me Adda & Francesca Cornaglia
October 2013, Volume 103, Issue 6
- 2052-2086 Understanding the Mechanisms through Which an Influential Early Childhood Program Boosted Adult Outcomes
by James Heckman & Rodrigo Pinto & Peter Savelyev - 2087-2120 The Effect of Education on Adult Mortality and Health: Evidence from Britain
by Damon Clark & Heather Royer - 2121-2168 The China Syndrome: Local Labor Market Effects of Import Competition in the United States
by David H. Autor & David Dorn & Gordon H. Hanson - 2169-2195 Trade Liberalization and Embedded Institutional Reform: Evidence from Chinese Exporters
by Amit K. Khandelwal & Peter K. Schott & Shang-Jin Wei - 2196-2226 Does the Classic Microfinance Model Discourage Entrepreneurship among the Poor? Experimental Evidence from India
by Erica Field & Rohini Pande & John Papp & Natalia Rigol - 2227-2264 How the West "Invented" Fertility Restriction
by Nico Voigtl?nder & Hans-Joachim Voth - 2265-2295 Identifying Supply and Demand Elasticities of Agricultural Commodities: Implications for the US Ethanol Mandate
by Michael J. Roberts & Wolfram Schlenker - 2296-2327 Urban Accounting and Welfare
by Klaus Desmet & Esteban Rossi-Hansberg - 2328-2351 Managing Conflicts in Relational Contracts
by Jin Li & Niko Matouschek - 2352-2383 The Cost of Contract Renegotiation: Evidence from the Local Public Sector
by Philippe Gagnepain & Marc Ivaldi & David Martimort - 2384-2411 Competition with Exclusive Contracts and Market-Share Discounts
by Giacomo Calzolari & Vincenzo Denicol? - 2412-2436 Spontaneous Discrimination
by Marcin P?ski & Bal?zs Szentes - 2437-2465 Incarceration and Incapacitation: Evidence from the 2006 Italian Collective Pardon
by Paolo Buonanno & Steven Raphael - 2466-2498 Word-of-Mouth Communication and Percolation in Social Networks
by Arthur Campbell - 2499-2529 The Nature of Risk Preferences: Evidence from Insurance Choices
by Levon Barseghyan & Francesca Molinari & Ted O'Donoghue & Joshua C. Teitelbaum - 2530-2553 Consumer Spending and the Economic Stimulus Payments of 2008
by Jonathan A. Parker & Nicholas S. Souleles & David S. Johnson & Robert McClelland - 2554-2584 Trading Away Wide Brands for Cheap Brands
by Swati Dhingra - 2585-2611 Surplus Maximization and Optimality
by Edward E. Schlee - 2612-2632 News Shocks and the Slope of the Term Structure of Interest Rates
by Andr? Kurmann & Christopher Otrok - 2633-2642 Do We Follow Others When We Should? A Simple Test of Rational Expectations: Comment
by Anthony Ziegelmeyer & Christoph March & Sebastian Kr?gel
August 2013, Volume 103, Issue 5
- 1553-1597 The Growth of Low-Skill Service Jobs and the Polarization of the US Labor Market
by David H. Autor & David Dorn - 1598-1628 Ownership Consolidation and Product Characteristics: A Study of the US Daily Newspaper Market
by Ying Fan - 1629-1663 Trade, Tastes, and Nutrition in India
by David Atkin - 1664-1696 Time Use during the Great Recession
by Mark Aguiar & Erik Hurst & Loukas Karabarbounis - 1697-1727 The Great Diversification and Its Undoing
by Vasco Carvalho & Xavier Gabaix - 1728-1758 Asset Prices and Institutional Investors
by Suleyman Basak & Anna Pavlova - 1759-1796 The Political Resource Curse
by Fernanda Brollo & Tommaso Nannicini & Roberto Perotti & Guido Tabellini - 1797-1829 Does Disability Insurance Receipt Discourage Work? Using Examiner Assignment to Estimate Causal Effects of SSDI Receipt
by Nicole Maestas & Kathleen J. Mullen & Alexander Strand - 1830-1861 When Should Sellers Use Auctions?
by James W. Roberts & Andrew Sweeting - 1862-1891 Early Life Health Interventions and Academic Achievement
by Prashant Bharadwaj & Katrine Vellesen L?ken & Christopher Neilson - 1892-1924 Taxation and International Migration of Superstars: Evidence from the European Football Market
by Henrik Jacobsen Kleven & Camille Landais & Emmanuel Saez - 1925-1959 Immigration, Offshoring, and American Jobs
by Gianmarco I. P. Ottaviano & Giovanni Peri & Greg C. Wright - 1960-1976 Regional Effects of Trade Reform: What Is the Correct Measure of Liberalization?
by Brian K. Kovak - 1977-2002 Limited Life Expectancy, Human Capital and Health Investments
by Emily Oster & Ira Shoulson & E. Ray Dorsey - 2003-2020 Intergenerational Occupational Mobility in Great Britain and the United States since 1850: Comment
by Yu Xie & Alexandra Killewald - 2021-2040 Intergenerational Occupational Mobility in Great Britain and the United States since 1850: Comment
by Michael Hout & Avery M. Guest - 2041-2049 Intergenerational Occupational Mobility in Great Britain and the United States since 1850: Reply
by Jason Long & Joseph Ferrie - 2050-2051 Matching with Contracts: Comment
by Orhan Ayg?n & Tayfun S?nmez
June 2013, Volume 103, Issue 4
- 1109-1137 Intergenerational Occupational Mobility in Great Britain and the United States since 1850
by Jason Long & Joseph Ferrie - 1138-1171 Why Don't the Poor Save More? Evidence from Health Savings Experiments
by Pascaline Dupas & Jonathan Robinson - 1172-1211 Unconventional Fiscal Policy at the Zero Bound
by Isabel Correia & Emmanuel Farhi & Juan Pablo Nicolini & Pedro Teles - 1212-1247 The Dynamic Effects of Personal and Corporate Income Tax Changes in the United States
by Karel Mertens & Morten O. Ravn - 1248-1288 A Theory of Strategic Voting in Runoff Elections
by Laurent Bouton - 1289-1324 Going to a Better School: Effects and Behavioral Responses
by Cristian Pop-Eleches & Miguel Urquiola - 1325-1359 The Lure of Authority: Motivation and Incentive Effects of Power
by Ernst Fehr & Holger Herz & Tom Wilkening - 1360-1397 Preferences and Incentives of Appointed and Elected Public Officials: Evidence from State Trial Court Judges
by Claire S. H. Lim - 1398-1413 Just Luck: An Experimental Study of Risk-Taking and Fairness
by Alexander W. Cappelen & James Konow & Erik ?. S?rensen & Bertil Tungodden - 1414-1444 The Gravity of Knowledge
by Wolfgang Keller & Stephen Ross Yeaple - 1445-1462 Nonconvexities, Retirement, and the Elasticity of Labor Supply
by Richard Rogerson & Johanna Wallenius - 1463-1489 Lemons Markets and the Transmission of Aggregate Shocks
by Pablo Kurlat - 1490-1506 Placebo Reforms
by Ran Spiegler - 1507-1528 Discretionary Tax Changes and the Macroeconomy: New Narrative Evidence from the United Kingdom
by James Cloyne - 1529-1535 Even (Mixed) Risk Lovers Are Prudent
by David Crainich & Louis Eeckhoudt & Alain Trannoy - 1536-1537 Even (Mixed) Risk Lovers Are Prudent: Comment
by Sebastian Ebert - 1538-1539 Investment Behavior, Observable Expectations, and Internal Funds: Corrigendum
by Jason G. Cummins & Kevin A. Hassett & Stephen D. Oliner
May 2013, Volume 103, Issue 3
- 1-1 President's Foreword
by Claudia Goldin - 1-1 Editor's Introduction
by William R. Johnson & Samantha Bennett - 1-42 A Nation of Gamblers: Real Estate Speculation and American History
by Edward L. Glaeser - 43-47 Glass-Steagall: A Requiem
by Robert E. Lucas - 48-54 Shifting Mandates: The Federal Reserve's First Centennial
by Carmen M. Reinhart & Kenneth S. Rogoff - 55-60 The Most Dangerous Idea in Federal Reserve History: Monetary Policy Doesn't Matter
by Christina D. Romer & David H. Romer - 61-65 Not Just the Great Contraction: Friedman and Schwartz's A Monetary History of the United States 1867 to 1960
by Michael D. Bordo & Hugh Rockoff - 66-72 The Missing Transmission Mechanism in the Monetary Explanation of the Great Depression
by Christina D. Romer & David H. Romer - 73-78 Shadowy Banks and Financial Contagion during the Great Depression: A Retrospective on Friedman and Schwartz
by Kris James Mitchener & Gary Richardson - 79-85 Married to Intolerance: Attitudes toward Intermarriage in Germany, 1900-2006
by Nico Voigtländer & Hans-Joachim Voth - 86-92 The Transmission of Democracy: From the Village to the Nation-State
by Paola Giuliano & Nathan Nunn - 93-98 The Persistence of Inferior Cultural-Institutional Conventions
by Marianna Belloc & Samuel Bowles - 99-104 Cyclical Variation in Labor Hours and Productivity Using the ATUS
by Michael C. Burda & Daniel S. Hamermesh & Jay Stewart - 105-110 Comparisons of Weekly Hours over the Past Century and the Importance of Work-Sharing Policies in the 1930s
by Todd C. Neumann & Jason E. Taylor & Price Fishback - 111-116 The Life-Cycle Profile of Time Spent on Job Search
by Mark Aguiar & Erik Hurst & Loukas Karabarbounis - 117-120 Growth Forecast Errors and Fiscal Multipliers
by Olivier J. Blanchard & Daniel Leigh - 121-124 Using State Pension Shocks to Estimate Fiscal Multipliers since the Great Recession
by Daniel Shoag - 125-128 How Much Would US Style Fiscal Integration Buffer European Unemployment and Income Shocks? (A Comparative Empirical Analysis)
by James Feyrer & Bruce Sacerdote - 129-134 Are Government Spending Multipliers Greater during Periods of Slack? Evidence from Twentieth-Century Historical Data
by Michael T. Owyang & Valerie A. Ramey & Sarah Zubairy - 135-140 The Mystique Surrounding the Central Bank's Balance Sheet, Applied to the European Crisis
by Ricardo Reis - 141-146 Output Spillovers from Fiscal Policy
by Alan J. Auerbach & Yuriy Gorodnichenko - 147-152 Forecasting the Recovery from the Great Recession: Is This Time Different?
by Kathryn M. E. Dominguez & Matthew D. Shapiro - 153-157 Extreme Wage Inequality: Pay at the Very Top
by Brian D. Bell & John Van Reenen - 158-162 Family, Education, and Sources of Wealth among the Richest Americans, 1982-2012
by Steven N. Kaplan & Joshua D. Rauh - 163-167 Bailouts and the Optimal Taxation of Bonus Pay
by Timothy Besley & Maitreesh Ghatak - 168-172 Income Inequality, Mobility, and Turnover at the Top in the US, 1987-2010
by Gerald Auten & Geoffrey Gee & Nicholas Turner - 173-177 Deconstructing Income and Income Inequality Measures: A Crosswalk from Market Income to Comprehensive Income
by Philip Armour & Richard V. Burkhauser & Jeff Larrimore - 178-183 Consumption and Income Inequality and the Great Recession
by Bruce D. Meyer & James X. Sullivan - 184-188 Measuring the Trends in Inequality of Individuals and Families: Income and Consumption
by Jonathan D. Fisher & David S. Johnson & Timothy M. Smeeding - 189-192 The Scale and Selectivity of Foreign-Born PhD Recipients in the US
by Jeffrey Grogger & Gordon Hanson - 193-197 Immigration and Employer Transitions for STEM Workers
by Sari Pekkala Kerr & William R. Kerr - 198-202 Why Do Programmers Earn More in Houston Than Hyderabad? Evidence from Randomized Processing of US Visas
by Michael A. Clemens - 203-207 Pathways to Adjustment: The Case of Information Technology Workers
by John Bound & Breno Braga & Joseph M. Golden & Sarah Turner - 208-213 A Trapped-Factors Model of Innovation
by Nicholas Bloom & Paul M. Romer & Stephen J. Terry & John Van Reenen - 214-219 Sources of Wage Inequality
by Anders Akerman & Elhanan Helpman & Oleg Itskhoki & Marc-Andreas Muendler & Stephen Redding - 220-225 The Geography of Trade and Technology Shocks in the United States
by David H. Autor & David Dorn & Gordon H. Hanson - 226-231 Long-Term Neighborhood Effects on Low-Income Families: Evidence from Moving to Opportunity
by Jens Ludwig & Greg J. Duncan & Lisa A. Gennetian & Lawrence F. Katz & Ronald C. Kessler & Jeffrey R. Kling & Lisa Sanbonmatsu - 232-237 Achieving Escape Velocity: Neighborhood and School Interventions to Reduce Persistent Inequality
by Roland G. Fryer & Lawrence F. Katz - 238-243 Place Based Policies with Unemployment
by Patrick Kline & Enrico Moretti - 244-250 Career, Family, and the Well-Being of College-Educated Women
by Marianne Bertrand - 251-256 Female Labor Supply: Why Is the United States Falling Behind?
by Francine D. Blau & Lawrence M. Kahn - 257-262 Shocking Labor Supply: A Reassessment of the Role of World War II on Women's Labor Supply
by Claudia Goldin & Claudia Olivetti - 263-268 Is Ignorance Bliss? The Effect of Asymmetric Information between Spouses on Intra-household Allocations
by Carolina Castilla & Thomas Walker - 269-273 Trade Liberalization and Gender Inequality
by Chinhui Juhn & Gergely Ujhelyi & Carolina Villegas-Sanchez - 274-278 Sexual Violence against Women and Labor Market Outcomes
by Joseph J. Sabia & Angela K. Dills & Jeffrey DeSimone - 279-283 The Effects of School Calendar Type on Maternal Employment across Racial Groups: A Story of Child Care Availability
by Jennifer Graves - 284-288 The Impact of Crime and Insecurity on Trust in Democracy and Institutions
by Luisa Blanco & Isabel Ruiz