December 2024, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 99-108 Tax Avoidance of Companies in The Sri Kehati Index
by Dwi Septa Aryani & Crystha Armereo - 109-119 The Relationship between Macroeconomic Variables and South African Commercial Bank Performance
by Fabian Moodley & Babatunde Lawrence & Surendran Pilla - 120-135 Evaluating the Reality and Prospects of IPSAS Implementation in Algeria
by Widad Benzine - 136-144 Capital adequacy and return ratios of banks in Bulgaria in mergers and acquisitions transactions
by Daniel Valentinov Dimitrov - 145-158 Global investor sentiment and bank performance: Evidence from African banks
by Damilola Tope Oyetade & Hilary Tinotenda Muguto & Paul-Francois Muzindutsi - 159-179 Economic policy uncertainty, financial reporting quality, and accounting enforcement: International evidence
by Catalin Robert Mos - 180-195 “The Magnificent Seven” Technology Stocks and Their Impact on the S&P 500: A Review 4 Years Later
by Dimiter Nenkov - 196-205 Decision-Making by Individual Investors in Japan: Verification Using a Binary Response Model with Survey Data
by Shin Fukuda & Luna Akahira - 206-216 The Multifund System – Is It an Option for Raising the Sustainability of The Bulgarian Pension System?
by Jeko Milev & Kremena Choutilova-Yochkolovska - 217-227 Using Artificial Intelligence to Improve the Efficiency of the Market Valuation Method
by Stoyan Stoyanov - 228-239 Does Urban Fixed-Line Telecommunication Density Influence Profitability and Operational Efficiency in Greece's Telecommunications Industry?
by Emmanouil Taxiarchis Gazilas - 240-251 Dividend policy of selected public companies from the manufacturing sector in Bulgaria
by Valya Vasileva
May 2024, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-11 70 Years Value Added Tax
by Rumen Yordanov Brussarski - 12-33 The Guiding Reasons Why Public Interest Entities in Europe Elect a Particular Audit Firm and Auditors versus the Cost of the Audit
by Darko Dachevski & Barry Ackers - 34-41 Financial Reporting in The Public Sector in The Republic of Bulgaria under The Conditions of European Harmonization and Global Legitimacy of IPSAS
by Daniela Feschiyan & Radka Andasarova - 42-52 The Phenomenon of Government Audit Delay in Indonesia
by Stela Petrisia & EvadaDewata & Yevi Dwitayanti & Hadi Jauhari - 53-63 Driving Sustainable Business Models in Indonesian Emerging Markets: An Empirical Analysis
by Muhammad Asif Khan & Adler Haymans Manurung - 64-73 Assessment of Regional Economic Integration in Bulgaria Through EU Funding and Implementation of Financial Instruments Under The Operational Program"Regions in Growth" 2014-2020
by Mladen Dilov - 74-85 Do Economic and Geopolitical Risks Matter for Banks’ Lending Decisions, Credit Risk, Performance, and Stability in South Africa?
by Damien Kunjal & Ananda Rao Suvvari - 86-98 The asymmetric effect of stokvel on banking sector liquidity: Evidence from a nonlinear ARDL approaches
by Lindiwe Ngcobo & Joseph Chisasa & Mantepu Tshepo MaseTshaba
December 2023, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 90-101 The Correlation of Budgeting, Decentralization and Work Motivation on the Performance of Local Government Organizations in East Java Province, Indonesia
by Ninik Srijan & Siti Aisyah - 102-112 Does geopolitical risk matter for ETF flows in emerging markets?
by Damien Kunjal - 113-126 Environmental Accounting and its Impact to Firm Value: Study of Environmentally Sensitive Companies in Indonesia
by Diajeng Fitri Wulan & Reni Oktavia & Usep Syaipudin & Adilah Sabrina Muti’ah - 127-138 Implementation of The Money Follow Program Concept in Performance-Based Budgeting in Indonesia
by Siti Karlina & Ira Novianty - 139-146 Unveiling Hidden Losses and Valuation Shifts: Accounting Policy Implications during and after COVID-19 in a Dynamic Price Environment
by Valentina Mirkovic & Cedomir Gligoric & MilosLjubisaPavlovic & Milos Lutovac - 147-158 The Effect of Profitability and Leverage on Tax Avoidance Moderated by Firm Size: Evidence from Property and Real Estate Companies in Indonesia
by Sasiska Rani & Meti Zuliyana & Rizal Effendi - 159-172 The Impact of COVID-19 on the Risk Factors Affecting the South African Bond Market
by Mmakganya Mashoene & Mishelle Doorasamy - 173-187 Evaluating Current Stage of Equity Crowdfunding Adoption in Indonesia: An Exploratory Study
by Muhammad Ramadhani Sanjaya & Deddy Priatmodjo Koesrindartoto
June 2023, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-13 Company Valuation: The Most Widely Used Valuation Methods in Bulgaria
by Dimiter Nenkov Nenkov - 14-27 Tax Knowledge, Tax Complexity and Tax Compliance in South Africa
by Baneng Naape - 28-38 Social Welfare: Bulgaria (2007-2021)
by Rumen Yordanov Brussarski - 39-48 The Relationship Between Parenting Styles and Parental Financial Socialisation
by Adam Aifheli Ndou - 49-59 Financial Performance of Air Transport Operators in the Conditions of Digital Transformation Processes
by Petya Koralova-Nozharova - 60-69 Accounting Conservatism and Earnings Responsiveness: An Empirical Study of Public Companies in Indonesia
by Adi Gunanto - 70-78 Defined Contribution Pension Schemes in Central and Eastern European (CEE) Countries – Current Issues And Future Perspectives
by Jeko Milev - 79-89 Financial Aspects, Corporate Governance and Disclosure of Financial Risk: Case of Indonesia
by Irine Herdjiono & Mira Yanti
November 2022, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 83-89 The Analysis of Transaction Costs and Revenue of Cayenne Pepper Farming: An Empirical Study in Semarang District
by Sucihatiningsih Dian Wisika Prajanti & Etty Puji Lestari & Fauzul Adzim - 90-98 Dynamics of Bank Credits to Private Sector in the Central and Eastern European Countries
by Gergana Ilieva Mihaylova-Borisova - 99-107 Applying a Binary Logistic Regression Analysis to Evaluate the Distinction between Conventional and Islamic Banks: A Case Study of Djiboutian Banks
by Sadik Aden Dirir - 108-117 Analysis of Financial Indicators Compared with Main Characteristics of Hospital Based Medical Care in Bulgaria
by Velimira Georgieva Chupetlovska - 118-126 The End of the Negative Interest Rates
by Elena Ralinska - 127-136 The End of the Negative Interest Rates
by Moh. Mukhsin & Syarifaturrodiyah Syarifaturrodiyah - 137-147 Is There A Trade-Off Between Economic and Environmental Factors in Traditional Oil Mine Management?
by Amin Pujiati & Tri Anggana Putra & Nadia Damayanti - 148-152 A Women Empowerment Model in Improving Food Security of Agribusiness Communities
by Lili Marliyah & Eko Heri Widiastuti & Agus Sutriyanto & Marhaeni Dwi Satyarini & Dwi Asih K Handayani
July 2022, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-17 Effect of Earnings Quality Properties on The Performance of Companies: Empirical Evidence from South Africa
by Nyanine Chuele Fonou Dombeu - 18-25 Covid-19 Influence on The Digitalization of Travel Agencies' Training Policy
by Nikola Tanakov & Daniel Parushev & Angel Stoykov - 26-33 The Consequences of Covid-19 on Youth Unemployment in The Bulgaria
by Stanimir Stamatev & Vasil Bozev - 34-42 The Reform of the European Union System of Own Resources – Challenges and Prospects
by Nelly Popova - 43-51 Promotion Analysis Through Media Social to Improvement of Small Business and Medium
by Femei Purnamasari & Weny Rosilawati & Dania Hellin Amrina - 52-59 The Relationship Between Retirement Perceptions and Savings Behaviour Among Early Adult Workers in Palembang
by Nuzulul Aini & Jaizah Othman & Hafizah Sudin & Sahrullizuannizam Salehuddin & Siti Balqis Amran & Noreha Halid & Aimi Anuar - 60-66 The Role of Accounting Information Systems in Supporting Work from Home Policy during The Covid-19 Pandemic
by Ayi Astuti & Indri Utami & Mentari Puteri & Tamy Ali Januarty - 67-82 The Effect of Risk Management Reporting on Financial Efficiency
by Maryam Yousefinejad & Tahani Ali Hakami & Ahmed Abdulkareem Salloom Al-bazi & Tamy Jaizah Othman & Abdullah Alhadadi
December 2021, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 96-106 Comparative Study of Major Central Bank’s Monetary Policy in Response to the Pandemic Crisis
by Gergana Ilieva Mihaylova-Borisova - 107-119 Behavior Finance Perspectives for Climate Investments on Bulgarian Market – Empirical Study
by Nikoleta Karamileva - 120-130 Tax Revenue Structure and Its Components in Bulgaria: Where Does Tax Revenue Come From?
by Diyana Metalova & Presiana Nenkova - 131-148 Non-Performing Loans in Bulgaria and Alleviations for Debtors in Times of Covid-19 Pandemic
by Violeta Todorova - 149-158 The Influence of Audit Tenure and Audit Market Concentration on Sharia Audit Quality
by Fadhila Rizki Afifah & Tulus Suryanto & Yetri Martika Sari - 159-170 Impact of Sharia Financing Life Insurance Products on Sharia Banking Performance and Sharia Insurance Industry
by Reza Ronaldo & Yul Maulini - 171-175 Determinants of Bounded Rationality Theory to The Use of Indonesian Accounting Standards for Non-Publicly-Accountable Entities in SMEs
by Siti Maghfiroh & Dona Primasari - 176-179 The Influence of Internal Audit Activities and Business Complexity on the Amount of Fees for External Auditors (Case Study of Manufacturing Companies on the IDX)
by Arum Ardianingsih & Hidayatul Affifah
April 2021, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-11 The Bulgarian Flat Tax is No Longer What It Was
by Rumen Brussarski - 12-30 Public Finances on the Balkan Peninsula – A Comparative Study of Twelve Countries
by Presiana Nenkova & Nelly Popova & Diyana Metalova - 31-40 The Impact of Tax Burden and Tax Structure on the Economic Growth of the Balkan Region
by Angel Angelov & Velichka Nikolova - 41-55 The Image of the European Economy at the Time of the Pandemic Crisis
by Grazyna Musial - 56-66 US Stock Market at the Background of the Covid-19 Pandemic: Implication for Valuation
by Dimiter Nenkov - 67-73 Fundamental and Technical Factors on Stock Prices in Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Companies
by Suyanto Suyanto & Julia Safitri & Arif Prasetya Adji - 74-80 Environmental Performance and Company Size on the Financial Performance of Sharia Companies in Indonesia
by Nur Wahyu Ningsih & Rego Putrawan & Evi Ekawati & Ahmad Isnaeni - 81-95 Effect of Good Corporate Governance Audit Quality Management and Earnings As A Moderating Variable
by Wati Aris Astuti & Sekar Mayangsari
July 2020, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 65-71 Political Connections and Characteristics of The LQ-45 Index Companies in Indonesia
by Kamilia Syaputra & Ernie Hendrawaty - 72-82 Trends and Determinants of Municipal Fiscal Disparities in Bulgaria
by Presiana Nenkova - 83-91 Analysis of Stock Split Volatility in Stock Price on Indonesia Sharia Stock Index
by Femei Purnamasari & Miftahul Jannah & M. Ridhanoyudistira - 92-101 Effects of Coronavirus Pandemic on the Economic Performance of Bulgaria and the EU
by Gergana Ilieva Mihaylova-Borisova - 102-111 What Determine Accounting information System Implementation? Evidence From Indonesia
by Sri Dewi Anggadini - 112-118 Bulgarian Pension System – Is It A Sustainable Social Security Structure in The Long Term
by Jeko Nikolaev Milev - 119-126 Cultivation of Accounting-Based Financial Management Technology and E-Commerce Adoption on the Development of MSMEs in Banyumas Regency (An Approach to Planned Behavior Theory)
by Dona Primasari & Siti Magfiroh & Sudjono Sudjono - 127-132 Bulgaria: Economic Impacts of Exchange Rate Mechanism II and Banking Union Participation
by Dimitar Chobanov
May 2020, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-10 Impact Profit When Implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
by Surtikanti Surtikanti - 11-16 Audit Opinion : Implication from Audit Evidence Evaluation in Using Professional Proficiency with Cautiousness and Accuracy
by Ely Suhayati - 17-24 Audit Opinion : Modern World and Economic Interactions in The Light of The Science of Economics As Well As Finances and Accounting
by Grazyna Musial - 25-34 Influence Analysis of The Active Part of Human Resources on The GDP of The Level 2 Regions in Bulgaria
by Nikola Tanakow & Georgi Tsolov - 35-41 Welfare and Basic Income: Theoretical Implication in The Slemrod / Work-Leisure Model, Graphical Interpretation
by Ivaylo Beev & Yanko Hristozov - 42-51 Some Observations of Bank Interest Rates and The Impact of Negative Interest Rates
by Diyana Miteva - 52-57 Managing Risk in A Crisis Situation in The Company
by Galina Kurteva - 58-64 The Effectiveness Budget Control Government of Ogan Ilir Regency: The Impact on Supervision and Competence
by Periansya Periansya & Sopiyan AR & Tria Ajeng Pratiwi
July 2019, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 112-116 Sustainability of CEE on a Comparative Basis
by Peter Chobanov & Diyana Miteva - 117-125 The Global Reference Rates Reform and Its Impact on The Bulgarian Banking Industry
by Darina Koleva - 126-137 Monetary Policy’s Instruments in Vietnam: Basis and Evolution in A Difficult International Financial Context
by Quang Nguyen - 138-144 The Structure of Euro Plus Pact. A Path for Measuring It's Adoption
by Marios Psychalis - 145-151 Corporate Entrepreneurship in Improving Company Performance
by Ahmad Hadi Fauzi & Sam`un Jaja Raharja & Rusdin Tahir - 175-187 The Effect of Talent Management on Job Satisfaction in Lebanese Universities-Nabatieh
by Ghadeer Jaffal & Malak Aoun & Abbas Issa - 188-194 On the Role of Information Technology Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Kota Blitar
by Anna Widayani & Ika Rachmawati & Rani Arifah Normawati
February 2019, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-21 The Dynamic Relationship Between Trading Volume, Stock Return, and Volatility-Domestic and Cross-Country: South Asian Markets
by M.R. Miseman & M. H. Yahya & Hasri Mustafa & Yok-Yong Lee - 22-32 The Influence of The Performance Evaluation on Salary
by Dhiaa Shamki & Aisha Al Shehemi - 33-52 Bulgarian SOFIX Levels in 2017 According to The “Price-to-Sales” and “Enterprise Value-to-Sales” Ratios
by Dimiter Nenkov - 53-63 Some Issues Confroting Bulgarian Economy
by Petar Chobanov - 65-72 Bulgarian Universal Pension Funds – Are They a Real Source for Financing the State Budget Deficit
by Jeko Milev - 78-90 Strategies for The Exploration of Agribusiness Policies and Initiation for Poverty Reduction in Nigeria
by Umar Farouk Musa & Musa Umar Adam - 91-114 The Fiscal Policy of Bulgaria In The Process of Integration to The European Union
by Tatiana Houbenova Delisivkova