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Ernesto Villanueva

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First Name:Ernesto
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Last Name:Villanueva
RePEc Short-ID:pvi42
[This author has chosen not to make the email address public]
Microeconomic Studies Division Banco de España Alcalá 48 28014 Madrid, SPAIN
+34 91 3386064


Banco de España

Madrid, Spain
RePEc:edi:bdegves (more details at EDIRC)

Research output

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Working papers

  1. Piluca Alvargonzález & Marina Asensio & Cristina Barceló & Olympia Bover & Lucía Cobreros & Laura Crespo & Najiba El Amrani & Sandra García-Uribe & Carlos Gento & Marina Gómez & Paloma Urcelay & Ernes, 2024. "The Spanish Survey of Household Finances (EFF): description and methods of the 2020 wave," Occasional Papers 2405, Banco de España.
  2. Laura Hospido & Carlos Sanz & Ernesto Villanueva, 2023. "Air pollution: a review of its economic effects and policies to mitigate them," Occasional Papers 2301, Banco de España.
  3. Laura Crespo & Najiba El Amrani & Carlos Gento & Ernesto Villanueva, 2023. "Heterogeneidad en el uso de los medios de pago y la banca online: un análisis a partir de la encuesta financiera de las familias (2002-2020)," Occasional Papers 2308, Banco de España.
  4. Piluca Alvargonzález & Marina Gómez & Carmen Martínez-Carrascal & Myroslav Pidkuyko & Ernesto Villanueva, 2022. "Analysis of labor flows and consumption in Spain during COVID-19," Occasional Papers 2202, Banco de España.
  5. Cristina Barceló & Mario Izquierdo & Aitor Lacuesta & Sergio Puente & Ana Regil & Ernesto Villanueva, 2021. "Los efectos del salario mínimo interprofesional en el empleo: nueva evidencia para España," Occasional Papers 2113, Banco de España.
  6. Effrosyni Adamopoulou & Ernesto Villanueva, 2020. "Wage determination and the bite of collective contracts in Italy and Spain: evidence from the metal working industry," Working Papers 2036, Banco de España.
  7. Martínez Matute, Marta & Villanueva, Ernesto, 2020. "Task Specialization and Cognitive Skills: Evidence from PIAAC and IALS," IZA Discussion Papers 13555, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
  8. Olympia Bover & Laura Hospido & Ernesto Villanueva, 2019. "The survey of financial competences (ECF): description and methods of the 2016 wave," Occasional Papers 1909, Banco de España.
  9. Olympia Bover & Laura Hospido & Ernesto Villanueva, 2018. "The impact of high school financial education on financial knowledge and choices: evidence from a randomized trial in Spain," Working Papers 1801, Banco de España.
  10. Cristina Barceló & Ernesto Villanueva, 2018. "The risk of job loss, household formation and housing demand: evidence from differences in severance payments," Working Papers 1849, Banco de España.
  11. Juan Francisco Jimeno & Aitor Lacuesta & Marta Martínez-Matute & Ernesto Villanueva, 2016. "Education, Labour Market Experience and Cognitive Skills: A First Approximation to the PIAAC Results," OECD Education Working Papers 146, OECD Publishing.
  12. Juan Francisco Jimeno & Aitor Lacuesta & Marta Martínez-Matute & Ernesto Villanueva, 2016. "Education, labour market experience and cognitive skills: evidence from PIAAC," Working Papers 1635, Banco de España.
  13. Luis Diéz-Catalán & Ernesto Villanueva, 2015. "Contract staggering and unemployment during the great recession: evidence from Spain," Working Papers 1431, Banco de España.
  14. Laura Hospido & Ernesto Villanueva & Gema Zamarro, 2015. "Finance For All: The Impact Of Financial Literacy Training In Compulsory Secondary Education In Spain," Working Papers 1502, Banco de España.
  15. Olympia Bover & Jose Maria Casado & Ernesto Villanueva & Sonia Costa & Philip Du Caju & Yvonne McCarthy & Eva Sierminska & Panagiota Tzamourani & Tibor Zavadil, 2013. "The distribution of debt across euro area countries: the role of individual characteristics, institutions and credit conditions," Working Papers 1320, Banco de España.
  16. Ignacio Hernando & Ernesto Villanueva, 2012. "The recent slowdown of bank lending in Spain: are supply-side factors relevant?," Working Papers 1206, Banco de España.
  17. Giacomo Masier & Ernesto Villanueva, 2011. "Consumption and Initial Mortgage Conditions: Evidence From Survey Data," BCL working papers 52, Central Bank of Luxembourg.
  18. Aitor Lacuesta & Sergio Puente & Ernesto Villanueva, 2011. "The schooling response to a sustained increase in low-skill wages: evidence from Spain 1989-2009," Working Papers 1208, Banco de España.
  19. Cristina Barceló & Ernesto Villanueva, 2010. "The response of household wealth to the risk of losing the job: evidence from differences in firing costs," Working Papers 1002, Banco de España.
  20. Juan Ayuso & Juan F. Jimeno & Ernesto Villanueva, 2007. "The effects of the introduction of tax incentives on retirement savings," Working Papers 0724, Banco de España.
  21. Mario García-Ferreira & Ernesto Villanueva, 2007. "Employment risk and household formation: evidence from differences in firing costs," Working Papers 0737, Banco de España.
  22. Nuno Martins & Ernesto Villanueva, 2006. "Does limited access to mortgage debt explain why young adults live with their parents?," Working Papers 0628, Banco de España.
  23. Ernesto Villanueva & Joseph G. Altonji, 2005. "Estimating the Response of Bequests to Early and Late Income Shocks," 2005 Meeting Papers 17, Society for Economic Dynamics.
  24. Ernesto Villanueva, 2004. "Compensating wage differentials and voluntary job changes: Evidence from West Germany," Economics Working Papers 738, Department of Economics and Business, Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
  25. Nuno C. Martins, 2003. "The Impact of Interest-rate Subsidies on Long-term Household Debt: Evidence from a Large Program," Working Papers w200314, Banco de Portugal, Economics and Research Department.
  26. Joseph G. Altonji & Ernesto Villanueva, 2003. "The Marginal Propensity to Spend on Adult Children," Working Papers 90, Barcelona School of Economics.
  27. Ernesto Villanueva, 2003. "Parental altruism under imperfect information: theory and evidence," Working Papers 19, Barcelona School of Economics.
  28. Effrosnyi Adamopoulou & Luis Diez-Catalan & Ernesto Villanueva, "undated". "Staggered Contracts and Unemployment During Recessions," CRC TR 224 Discussion Paper Series crctr224_2022_379, University of Bonn and University of Mannheim, Germany.

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  1. Laura Crespo & Marina Gómez-García & Pau Jovell & Blanca Rivera & Ernesto Villanueva, 2023. "Income and employment losses during the COVID-19 pandemic and the financial situation of households: evidence from the EFF," Economic Bulletin, Banco de España, issue 2023/Q4.
  2. Brindusa Anghel & Cristina Barceló & Ernesto Villanueva, 2023. "The growth in permanent contracts and its potential impact on spending," Economic Bulletin, Banco de España, issue 2023/Q1.
  3. Marta Martínez-Matute & Ernesto Villanueva, 2023. "Task specialization and cognitive skills: evidence from PIAAC and IALS," Review of Economics of the Household, Springer, vol. 21(1), pages 59-93, March.
  4. Laura Crespo & Marina Gómez-García & Pau Jovell & Blanca Rivera & Ernesto Villanueva, 2023. "Pérdidas de ingresos y de empleo durante la pandemia de COVID-19 y situación financiera de los hogares: evidencia de la EFF," Boletín Económico, Banco de España, issue 2023/T4.
  5. Ernesto Villanueva & Effrosyni Adamopoulou, 2022. "Employment and wage effects of extending collective bargaining agreements," IZA World of Labor, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA), pages 136-136, April.
  6. Adamopoulou, Effrosyni & Villanueva, Ernesto, 2022. "Wage determination and the bite of collective contracts in Italy and Spain," Labour Economics, Elsevier, vol. 76(C).
  7. Marina Gómez-García & Ernesto Villanueva, 2022. "The effect of workplace pension schemes on households' private savings," Economic Bulletin, Banco de España, issue 2/2022.
  8. Marina Gómez-García & Ernesto Villanueva, 2022. "El efecto de los planes de pensiones de empresa sobre el ahorro privado de los hogares," Boletín Económico, Banco de España, issue 2/2022.
  9. Cristina Barceló & Ernesto Villanueva & Elena Vozmediano, 2021. "Los tipos de interés de los préstamos personales y las características de los hogares: España y los países de nuestro entorno," Boletín Económico, Banco de España, issue 2/2021.
  10. Cristina Barceló & Ernesto Villanueva & Elena Vozmediano, 2021. "Personal loan rates and household characteristics: Spain compared with other euro area countries," Economic Bulletin, Banco de España, issue 2/2021.
  11. Pilar Alvargonzález & Myroslav Pidkuyko & Ernesto Villanueva, 2020. "The financial position of the workers most affected by the pandemic: an analysis drawing on the Spanish Survey of Household Finances," Economic Bulletin, Banco de España, issue 3/2020.
  12. Aitor Lacuesta & Sergio Puente & Ernesto Villanueva, 2020. "The schooling response to a sustained increase in low-skill wages: evidence from Spain 1989–2009," SERIEs: Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, Springer;Spanish Economic Association, vol. 11(4), pages 457-499, December.
  13. Pilar Alvargonzález & Myroslav Pidkuyko & Ernesto Villanueva, 2020. "La situación financiera de los trabajadores más afectados por la pandemia: un análisis a partir de la Encuesta Financiera de las Familias," Boletín Económico, Banco de España, issue 3/2020.
  14. Olympia Bover & María Torrado & Ernesto Villanueva, 2019. "La ratio préstamo-valor de la vivienda en España durante el período 2004-2016," Boletín Económico, Banco de España, issue MAR.
  15. Olympia Bover & María Torrado & Ernesto Villanueva, 2019. "The loan to value ratio for housing in Spain over the period 2004-2016," Economic Bulletin, Banco de España, issue MAR.
  16. Brindusa Anghel & Cristina Barceló & Ernesto Villanueva, 2019. "The household saving rate in Spain between 2007 and 2016: decomposition by population group and possible determinants," Economic Bulletin, Banco de España, issue DEC.
  17. Brindusa Anghel & Cristina Barceló & Ernesto Villanueva, 2019. "La tasa de ahorro en España entre 2007 y 2016: descomposición por grupos de población y posibles determinantes," Boletín Económico, Banco de España, issue DIC.
  18. Juan Ayuso & Juan F. Jimeno & Ernesto Villanueva, 2019. "The effects of the introduction of tax incentives on retirement saving," SERIEs: Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, Springer;Spanish Economic Association, vol. 10(3), pages 211-249, November.
  19. José María Casado & Ernesto Villanueva, 2018. "Spanish household debt defaults: results of the Spanish Survey of Household Finances (2002-2014)," Financial Stability Review, Banco de España, issue Autumn.
  20. José María Casado & Ernesto Villanueva, 2018. "Retrasos en el pago de la deuda de los hogares españoles: resultados de la Encuesta Financiera de las Familias (2002-2014)," Revista de Estabilidad Financiera, Banco de España, issue Otoño.
  21. Juan Jimeno & Aitor Lacuesta & Marta Martínez & Ernesto Villanueva, 2017. "La formación del capital humano en el mercado de trabajo," Boletín Económico, Banco de España, issue DIC.
  22. Juan Jimeno & Aitor Lacuesta & Marta Martínez & Ernesto Villanueva, 2017. "Human capital formation in the labour market," Economic Bulletin, Banco de España, issue DEC.
  23. Olympia Bover & Jose Maria Casado & Sonia Costa & Philip Du Caju & Yvonne McCarthy & Eva Sierminska & Panagiota Tzamourani & Ernesto Villanueva & Tibor Zavadil, 2016. "The Distribution of Debt across Euro-Area Countries: The Role of Individual Characteristics, Institutions, and Credit Conditions," International Journal of Central Banking, International Journal of Central Banking, vol. 12(2), pages 71-128, June.
  24. Barceló, Cristina & Villanueva, Ernesto, 2016. "The response of household wealth to the risk of job loss: Evidence from differences in severance payments," Labour Economics, Elsevier, vol. 39(C), pages 35-54.
  25. Ernesto Villanueva, 2015. "Collective bargaining, wage rigidities and employment: an analysis using microeconomic data," Economic Bulletin, Banco de España, issue APR, pages 1-6, April.
  26. Ignacio Hernando & Ernesto Villanueva, 2014. "The recent slowdown in bank lending in Spain: are supply-side factors relevant?," SERIEs: Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, Springer;Spanish Economic Association, vol. 5(2), pages 245-285, August.
  27. Ignacio Hernando & Ernesto Villanueva, 2013. "Changes in bank capital and lending: a microeconomic approach," Economic Bulletin, Banco de España, issue FEB, pages 9-14, February.
  28. Aitor Lacuesta & Sergio Puente & Ernesto Villanueva, 2012. "Sectoral change and implications for occupational mismatch in Spain," Economic Bulletin, Banco de España, issue JUL, pages 97-105, July.
  29. Nuno Martins & Ernesto Villanueva, 2009. "Does High Cost of Mortgage Debt Explain Why Young Adults Live with Their Parents?," Journal of the European Economic Association, MIT Press, vol. 7(5), pages 974-1010, September.
  30. Ernesto Villanueva, 2007. "Estimating Compensating Wage Differentials Using Voluntary Job Changes: Evidence from Germany," ILR Review, Cornell University, ILR School, vol. 60(4), pages 544-561, July.
  31. Altonji Joseph G & Villanueva Ernesto, 2007. "The Marginal Propensity to Spend on Adult Children," The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, De Gruyter, vol. 7(1), pages 1-52, February.
  32. Martins, Nuno C. & Villanueva, Ernesto, 2006. "The impact of mortgage interest-rate subsidies on household borrowing," Journal of Public Economics, Elsevier, vol. 90(8-9), pages 1601-1623, September.
  33. Ernesto Villanueva, 2005. "Inter vivos transfers and bequests in three OECD countries [‘Precautionary savings and accidental bequests’]," Economic Policy, CEPR, CESifo, Sciences Po;CES;MSH, vol. 20(43), pages 506-565.
  34. Ernesto Villanueva, 2005. "Inter vivos transfers and bequests in three OECD countries [‘Precautionary savings and accidental bequests’]," Economic Policy, CEPR, CESifo, Sciences Po;CES;MSH, vol. 20(43), pages 506-565.


  1. Josep Amer & Olympia Bover & Laura Hospido & Ernesto Villanueva, 2018. "Measuring financial competences in a large-scale survey: the Spanish Survey of Financial Competences," IFC Bulletins chapters, in: Bank for International Settlements (ed.), The role of data in supporting financial inclusion policy, volume 47, Bank for International Settlements.
  2. Nuno C. Martins & Ernesto Villanueva, 2006. "The Impact of Credit Constraints on Household Formation," Chapters, in: Julián Messina & Claudio Michelacci & Jarkko Turunen & Gylfi Zoega (ed.), Labour Market Adjustments in Europe, chapter 7, Edward Elgar Publishing.

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