- 2018-09 Momentum and contrarian effects on the cryptocurrency market
by Krzysztof Kość & Paweł Sakowski & Robert Ślepaczuk - 2018-08 Environmental attitudes and place identity as simultaneous determinants of preferences for environmental goods
by Michela Faccioli & Mikołaj Czajkowski & Klaus Glenk & Julia Martin-Ortega - 2018-07 Unraveling the economic performance of the CEEC countries: the role of exports and global value chains
by Jan Hagemejer & Jakub Mućk - 2018-06 Do cultural differences affect voluntary payment decisions? Evidence from guided tours
by Anna Kukla-Gryz & Peter Szewczyk & Katarzyna Zagórska - 2018-05 Time and money transfers: social networks and kinship in migration
by Anna Nicińska - 2018-04 A New Baseline Model for Estimating Willingness to Pay from Discrete Choice Models
by Richard T. Carson & Mikołaj Czajkowski - 2018-03 Verifying the representativeness heuristic: A field experiment with real-life lottery tickets
by Michał Wiktor Krawczyk & Joanna Rachubik - 2018-02 Economic growth on the periphery: Estimates of GDP per capita of the Congress Kingdom of Poland (for years 1870−1912)
by Piotr Koryś & Maciej Tymiński - 2018-01 Disentangling the effects of policy and payment consequentiality and risk attitudes on stated preferences
by Ewa Zawojska & Anna Bartczak & Mikołaj Czajkowski
- 2017-30 Macroeconomic consequences of the demographic and educational transition in Poland
by Aleksandra Kolasa - 2017-29 Is CAViaR model really so good in Value at Risk forecasting? Evidence from evaluation of a quality of Value-at-Risk forecasts obtained based on the: GARCH(1,1), GARCH-t(1,1), GARCH-st(1,1), QML-GARCH(1,1), CAViaR and the historical simulation models depending on the stability of financial markets
by Mateusz Buczyński & Marcin Chlebus - 2017-28 Income inequality and the Great Recession in Central and Eastern Europe
by Michal Brzezinski - 2017-27 Diagnosing unhappiness dynamics: Evidence from Poland and Russia
by Michal Brzezinski - 2017-26 Innovation and endogenous growth over business cycle with frictional labor markets
by Marcin Bielecki - 2017-25 The Impact of Parenthood on the Gender Wage Gap – a Comparative Analysis of 26 European Countries
by Ewa Cukrowska-Torzewska & Anna Lovasz - 2017-24 Do anchors hold for real? Anchoring effect and hypothetical bias in declared WTP
by Magdalena Brzozowicz & Michał Krawczyk & Przemysław Kusztelak - 2017-23 The output employment elasticity and the increased use of temporary contracts: evidence from Poland
by Krzysztof Bartosik & Jerzy Mycielski - 2017-22 Long shadows of financial shocks: an endogenous growth perspective
by Marcin Bielecki - 2017-21 The problem of non-optimal management of urban green areas in Warsaw
by Zbigniew Szkop - 2017-20 Hyperbolic grids and discrete random graphs
by Eryk Kopczyński & Dorota Celińska - 2017-19 Business cycles, innovation and growth: welfare analysis
by Marcin Bielecki - 2017-18 Simulation error in maximum likelihood estimation of discrete choice models
by Mikołaj Czajkowski & Wiktor Budziński - 2017-17 How much consumers value on-line privacy? Welfare assessment of new data protection regulation (GDPR)
by Maciej Sobolewski & Michał Paliński - 2017-16 Choosing the future: economic preferences for higher education using discrete choice experiment method
by Mikołaj Czajkowski & Tomasz Gajderowicz & Marek Giergiczny & Gabriela Grotkowska & Urszula Sztandar-Sztanderska - 2017-15 Belief-based and taste-based gender discrimination. Evidence from a game show
by Michał Krawczyk & Natalia Starzykowska - 2017-14 The strength of the anchoring effect on Pay What You Want payments: Evidence from a vignette experiment
by Anna Kukla-Gryz & Katarzyna Zagórska - 2017-13 Business Cycle Dating after the Great Moderation: A Consistent Two – Stage Maximum Likelihood Method
by Gilbert Mbara - 2017-12 Striking a balance: optimal tax policy with labor market duality
by Gilbert Mbara & Joanna Tyrowicz & Ryszard Kokoszczynski - 2017-11 Personality and Economic Choices
by Christopher Boyce & Mikołaj Czajkowski & Nick Hanley - 2017-10 Is Forest Landscape Restoration Socially Desirable? A Discrete Choice Experiment Applied to the Scandinavian Transboundary Fulufjället National Park Area
by Sviataslau Valasiuk & Mikołaj Czajkowski & Marek Giergiczny & Tomasz Żylicz & Knut Veisten & Askill Harkjerr Halse & Iratxe Landa Mata & Marine Elbakidze & Per Angelstam - 2017-09 Are Bilateral Conservation Policies for the Białowieża Forest Unattainable? Analysis of Stated Preferences of Polish and Belarusian Public
by Sviataslau Valasiuk & Mikołaj Czajkowski & Marek Giergiczny & Tomasz Żylicz & Knut Veisten & Marine Elbakidze & Per Angelstam - 2017-08 Probability weighting under time pressure: applying the double-response method
by Katarzyna Gawryluk & Michal Krawczyk - 2017-07 Stated Preferences for Conservation Policies under Uncertainty: Insights on Individuals’ Risk Attitudes in the Environmental Domain
by Michela Faccioli & Laure Kuhfuss & Mikołaj Czajkowski - 2017-06 An Institutional Approach to Trade Unions’ Density. The Case of Legal Origin and Political Ideology
by Jacek Lewkowicz & Anna Lewczuk - 2017-05 Financial education and financial literacy in Gen Y - Alternative forms of financing
by Aneta Ewa Waszkiewicz - 2017-04 Financial Capacity: Do students know what they need to know?
by Ewa Mazurek-Krasodomska & Gabriela Golawska & Anna Rzeczycka - 2017-03 Financial and insurance literacy in Poland
by Marcin Kawiński & Piotr Majewski - 2017-02 Diversification of Research on Economic Awareness and Education of Poles
by Ewa Cichowicz & Agnieszka K. Nowak - 2017-01 Stated Preference valuation methods: an evolving tool for understanding choices and informing policy
by Nick Hanley & Mikołaj Czajkowski
- 2016-38 Partial decentralization and its influence on local governments’ spending policy. An analysis of spending for teachers and other resources needed for schools
by Agnieszka Kopańska - 2016-37 Are school-provided skills useful at work? Results of the Wiles test
by Jacek Liwiński - 2016-36 Gain and loss of money in a choice experiment. The impact of financial loss aversion and risk preferences on willingness to pay to avoid renewable energy extarnalities
by Anna Bartczak & Susan Chilton & Mikołaj Czajkowski & Jürgen Meyerhoff - 2016-35 Can fiscal decentralisation curb fiscal imbalances?
by Grażyna Bukowska & Joanna Siwińska-Gorzelak - 2016-34 On a way to overcome strategic overbidding in open-ended stated preference surveys: A recoding approach
by Ewa Zawojska & Pierre-Alexandre Mahieu & Romain Crastes & Jordan Louviere - 2016-33 Rewarding truthful-telling in stated preference studies
by Pierre-Alexandre Mahieu & Romain Crastes & Jordan Louviere & Ewa Zawojska - 2016-32 A Turbine is not only a Turbine: The Role of Social Context and Fairness Characteristics for the Local Acceptance of Wind Power
by Ulf Liebe & Anna Bartczak & Jürgen Meyerhoff - 2016-31 Economic valuation of ecosystem services provided by the Wilanów Park: A benefit transfer study
by Ewa Zawojska & Zbigniew Szkop & Mikołaj Czajkowski & Tomasz Żylicz - 2016-30 Linking perceived choice complexity with scale heterogeneity in discrete choice experiments: home heating in Finland
by Enni Ruokamo & Mikołaj Czajkowski & Nick Hanley & Artti Juutinen & Rauli Svento - 2016-29 De jure and de facto institutions – disentangling the interrelationships
by Jacek Lewkowicz & Katarzyna Metelska-Szaniawska - 2016-28 Educational mismatches and earnings: are the graduates more penalized for being overeducated?
by Leszek Wincenciak - 2016-27 Strategic use of external benefits for entry deterrence: the case of a mobile telephony market
by Mikołaj Czajkowski & Maciej Sobolewski - 2016-26 Understanding the distribution of economic benefits from improving coastal and marine ecosystems
by Kristine Pakalniete & Juris Aigars & Mikołaj Czajkowski & Solvita Strake & Ewa Zawojska & Nick Hanley - 2016-25 Does it pay to study abroad? Evidence from Poland
by Jacek Liwiński - 2016-24 Exports and growth in the New Member States. The role of global value chains
by Jan Hagemejer - 2016-23 Up or down the value chain? The comparative analysis of the GVC position of the economies of the new EU member states
by Jan Hagemejer & Mahdi Ghodsi - 2016-22 A side effect of a university boom: rising incidence of overeducation among tertiary-educated workers in Poland
by Jan Baran - 2016-21 Post-Socialist Constitutions: The De Jure - De Facto Gap, Its Effects and Determinants
by Katarzyna Metelska-Szaniawska - 2016-20 Information and Learning in Stated-Preference Studies
by Mikołaj Czajkowski & Nick Hanley & Jacob LaRiviere & William S. Neilson & Katherine Simpson - 2016-19 Public-private wage differential in a post-transition economy: A copula approach to the switching regression model
by Gabriela Grotkowska & Leszek Wincenciak & Tomasz Gajderowicz - 2016-18 Reassessing the Economic Effects of Post-Socialist Constitutions Using the Synthetic Control Method
by Katarzyna Metelska-Szaniawska - 2016-17 Using geographically weighted choice models to account for spatial heterogeneity of preferences
by Wiktor Budziński & Danny Campbell & Mikołaj Czajkowski & Urška Demšar & Nick Hanley - 2016-16 Returns to vocational education. Evidence from Poland
by Paweł Strawiński & Paulina Broniatowska & Aleksandra Majchrowska - 2016-15 Who is forked on GitHub? Collaboration among Open Source developers
by Dorota Celińska - 2016-14 The wage premium from parents’ investments in the education of their children in Poland
by Emilia Bedyk & Jacek Liwiński - 2016-13 Evolution of the public-sector wage premium in Poland
by Gabriela Grotkowska & Leszek Wincenciak & Tomasz Gajderowicz - 2016-12 What is the Causal Impact of Knowledge on Preferences in Stated Preference Studies?
by Jacob LaRiviere & Mikolaj Czajkowski & Nick Hanley & Katherine Simpson - 2016-11 Public Acceptability of Climate Change Mitigation Policies: A Discrete Choice Experiment
by Milan Ščasný & Iva Zvěřinová & Mikolaj Czajkowski & Eva Kyselá & Katarzyna Zagórska - 2016-10 Applying Exogenous Variables and Regime Switching To Multifactor Models on Equity Indices
by Paweł Sakowski & Robert Ślepaczuk & Mateusz Wywiał - 2016-09 Can We Invest Based on Equity Risk Premia and Risk Factors from Multi-Factor Models?
by Paweł Sakowski & Robert Ślepaczuk & Mateusz Wywiał - 2016-08 Do Multi-Factor Models Produce Robust Results? Econometric And Diagnostic Issues In Equity Risk Premia Study
by Paweł Sakowski & Robert Ślepaczuk & Mateusz Wywiał - 2016-07 Determinants of Polish Enterprises' Propensity to Lease
by Anna Białek-Jaworska & Natalia Nehrebecka - 2016-06 EWS-GARCH: New Regime Switching Approach to Forecast Value-at-Risk
by Marcin Chlebus - 2016-05 Are all researchers male? Gender misattributions in citations
by Michał Krawczyk - 2016-04 Time Pressure and Risk Taking in Auctions: A Field Experiment
by Anouar El Haji & Michał Krawczyk & Marta Sylwestrzak & Ewa Zawojska - 2016-03 The role of bank credit in business financing in Poland
by Anna Białek-Jaworska & Natalia Nehrebecka - 2016-02 Publication selection bias in the sources of financing the enterprises research? A Meta-Regression Analysis
by Natalia Nehrebecka & Aneta Dzik-Walczak - 2016-01 One-Day Prediction of State of Turbulence for Portfolio. Models for Binary Dependent Variable
by Marcin Chlebus
- 2015-43 Gender, beauty and support networks in academia: evidence from a field experiment
by Michał Krawczyk & Magdalena Smyk - 2015-42 Productivity spillovers in the GVC. The case of Poland and the New EU Member States
by Jan Hagemejer - 2015-41 Valuing the benefits of improved marine environmental quality under multiple stressors
by Heidi Tuhkanen & Evelin Urbel-Piirsalu & Tea Nõmmann & Mikołaj Czajkowski & Nick Hanley - 2015-40 Regional differences in gender wage gaps in Poland
by Aleksandra Majchrowska & Paweł Strawiński - 2015-39 Cross-Sectional Returns With Volatility Regimes From Diverse Portfolio of Emerging and Developed Equity Indices
by Paweł Sakowski & Robert Ślepaczuk & Mateusz Wywiał - 2015-38 Think not calculate! Implementation of Felix Klein postulates in economic education with CAS software
by Tomasz Kopczewski - 2015-37 Use and non-use values in an applied bioeconomic model of fisheries and habitat connections
by Claire W. Armstrong & Viktoria Kahui & Godwin K. Vondolia & Margrethe Aanesen & Mikołaj Czajkowski - 2015-36 Utilizing the Discrete Choice Experiment Approach for Designing a Socially Efficient Cultural Policy: The case of municipal theaters in Warsaw
by Aleksandra Wiśniewska & Mikołaj Czajkowski - 2015-35 Does the number of discrete choice alternatives matter for respondents’ stated preferences? The case of tap water quality improvements
by Mikołaj Czajkowski & Marek Giergiczny & Ewa Zawojska - 2015-34 Selling timber in Poland
by Marek Giergiczny & Natalia Nehrebecka & Tomasz Zylicz - 2015-33 Economic Effects of Post-Socialist Constitutions Revisited (nearly) 25 Years from the Outset of Transition
by Katarzyna Metelska-Szaniawska - 2015-32 She Cares and He Earns? The Family Gaps in Poland
by Ewa Cukrowska-Torzewska - 2015-31 Addressing empirical challenges related to the incentive compatibility of stated preference methods
by Mikołaj Czajkowski & Christian A. Vossler & Wiktor Budziński & Aleksandra Wiśniewska & Ewa Zawojska - 2015-30 Choice experiment assessment of public preferences for forest structural attributes
by Marek Giergiczny & Mikołaj Czajkowski & Tomasz Żylicz & Per Angelstam - 2015-29 Differences in the Estimates of Gender Wage Gap Over The Life Cycle
by Joanna Tyrowicz & Lucas van der Velde & Irene van Staveren - 2015-28 Performance of different approaches in international benefit transfer: Insights from a nine country experiment
by Heini Ahtiainen & Janne Artell & Mikołaj Czajkowski & Jürgen Meyerhoff - 2015-27 Exploring the role of deliberation time in non-selfish behaviour: the Double Response method
by Marta Dyrkacz & Michal Krawczyk - 2015-26 "Thou shalt not leech" Are digital pirates conditional cooperators?
by Wojciech Hardy & Michal Krawczyk & Joanna Tyrowicz - 2015-25 Pushed by the crowd or pulled by the leaders? Peer effects in Pay-What-You-Want
by Michal Krawczyk & Anna Kukla-Gryz & Joanna Tyrowicz - 2015-24 Digital piracy and the perception of price fairness
by Michal Krawczyk & Anna Kukla-Gryz & Joanna Tyrowicz - 2015-23 Friends or foes? A meta-analysis of the link between "online piracy" and sales of cultural goods
by Wojciech Hardy & Michal Krawczyk & Joanna Tyrowicz - 2015-22 In the search for the optimal path to establish a funded pension system
by Marcin Bielecki & Krzysztof Makarski & Joanna Tyrowicz & Marcin Waniek - 2015-21 Political (In)Stability of Social Security Reform
by Krzysztof Makarski & Joanna Tyrowicz - 2015-20 Should we pay, and to whom, for biodiversity enhancement in private forests? An empirical study of attitudes towards payments for forest ecosystem services in Poland
by Anna Bartczak & Katarzyna Metelska-Szaniawska - 2015-19 Marine trade-offs: comparing the benefits of off-shore wind farms and marine protected areas
by Aljona Karlõševa & Sulev Nõmmann & Tea Nõmmann & Evelin Urbel-Piirsalu & Wiktor Budziński & Mikołaj Czajkowski & Nick Hanley - 2015-18 Talent workers as entrepreneurs: a new approach to aspirational self-employment
by Joanna Tyrowicz & Barbara Liberda & Magdalena Smyk - 2015-17 Liberalization of trade flows under TTIP from a small country perspective. The case of Poland
by Jan Hagemejer - 2015-16 Inequalities in an OLG economy with heterogeneity within cohorts and pension systems
by Marcin Bielecki & Joanna Tyrowicz & Krzysztof Makarski & Marcin Waniek - 2015-15 Do pirates play fair? Ethical judgment of unauthorized sports broadcasts
by Michał Krawczyk & Joanna Tyrowicz & Anna Kukla-Gryz & Wojciech Hardy - 2015-14 What is the Causal Effect of Knowledge on Preferences?
by Jacob LaRiviere & Mikołaj Czajkowski & Nick Hanley & Katherine Simpson - 2015-13 The effects of emotions on preferences and choices for public goods
by Christopher Boyce & Mikołaj Czajkowski & Nick Hanley & Charles Noussair & Michael Townsend & Steve Tucker - 2015-12 The Individual Travel Cost Method with Consumer-Specific Values of Travel Time Savings
by Mikołaj Czajkowski & Marek Giergiczny & Jakub Kronenberg & Jeffrey Englin - 2015-11 Productivity and Inequality Effects of Rapid Labor Reallocation – Insights from a Meta-Analysis of Studies on Transition
by Jan Svejnar & Joanna Tyrowicz & Lucas van der Velde - 2015-10 Crowding (out) the retirees? RDD application to raising effective retirement age in Poland
by Paweł Strzelecki & Joanna Tyrowicz - 2015-09 Occupational structure in the Polish territories at the turn of the 20th (1895-1900) century
by Piotr Koryś & Maciej Tymiński - 2015-08 Re-examining empirical evidence on contingent valuation – Importance of incentive compatibility
by Ewa Zawojska & Mikołaj Czajkowski - 2015-07 Is the income elasticity of the willingness to pay for pollution control constant?
by Edward S. Barbier & Mikołaj Czajkowski & Nick Hanley - 2015-06 Spatial heterogeneity of willingness to pay for forest management
by Mikołaj Czajkowski & Wiktor Budziński & Danny Campbell & Marek Giergiczny & Nick Hanley - 2015-05 Why do users choose Open Source software? Analysis of the network effect
by Dorota Celińska & Mirosława Lasek - 2015-04 Women in transition and today: what do they want, realize, and experience in the labor market?
by Karolina Goraus & Magdalena Smyk & Lucas van der Velde - 2015-03 Bivariate GARCH models for single asset returns
by Tomasz Skoczylas - 2015-02 Inequality of opportunity in Europe before and after the Great Recession
by Michał Brzeziński - 2015-01 Are we all overconfident in the long run? Evidence from one million marathon participants
by Michał Krawczyk & Maciej Wilamowski
- 2014-31 Why are women paid less than men? An investigation into gender wage gap in Poland
by Aleksandra Majchrowska & Paweł Strawiński & Karolina Konopczak & Agnieszka Skierska - 2014-30 Generalized Momentum Asset Allocation Model
by Piotr Arendarski & Paweł Misiewicz & Mariusz Nowak & Tomasz Skoczylas & Robert Wojciechowski - 2014-29 Teaming up or writing alone - authorship strategies in leading Polish economic journals
by Grażyna Bukowska & Jan Fałkowski & Beata Łopaciuk-Gonczaryk - 2014-28 Can We Really Explain Worker Flows in Transition Economies?
by Joanna Tyrowicz & Lucas van der Velde - 2014-27 Options delta hedging with no options at all
by Juliusz Jabłecki & Ryszard Kokoszczyński & Paweł Sakowski & Robert Ślepaczuk & Piotr Wójcik - 2014-26 Volatility as a new class of assets? The advantages of using volatility index futures in investment strategies
by Juliusz Jabłecki & Ryszard Kokoszczyński & Paweł Sakowski & Robert Ślepaczuk & Piotr Wójcik - 2014-25 Simple heuristics for pricing VIX options
by Juliusz Jabłecki & Ryszard Kokoszczyński & Paweł Sakowski & Robert Ślepaczuk & Piotr Wójcik - 2014-24 Within- and between- sample tests of preference stability and willingness to pay for forest management
by Mikołaj Czajkowski & Anna Bartczak & Wiktor Budziński & Marek Giergiczny - 2014-23 Internet piracy and book sales: a field experiment
by Wojciech Hardy & Michał Krawczyk & Joanna Tyrowicz - 2014-22 Technical Barriers to Trade Notifications and Dispute Settlement of the WTO
by Mohammad Mahdi Ghodsi & Jan J. Michałek - 2014-21 Language and (the Estimates of) the Gender Wage Gap
by Karolina Goraus & Joanna Siwińska & Joanna Tyrowicz & Lucas van der Velde - 2014-20 Small assumptions (can) have a large bearing: evaluating pension system reforms with OLG models
by Marcin Bielecki & Karolina Goraus & Jan Hagemejer & Krzysztof Makraski & Joanna Tyrowicz - 2014-19 Buying spatially-coordinated ecosystem services and biodiversity conservation on forest land: an experiment on the role of auction format and communication
by Anna Bartczak & Michał Krawczyk & Nick Hanley & Anne Stenger - 2014-18 Does historical volatility term structure contain valuable in-formation for predicting volatility index futures?
by Juliusz Jabłecki & Ryszard Kokoszczyński & Paweł Sakowski & Robert Ślepaczuk & Piotr Wójcik - 2014-17 Social norms, morals and self-interest as determinants of pro-environment behaviour
by Mikołaj Czajkowski & Nick Hanley & Karine Nyborg - 2014-16 Are children driving the gender wage gap? Comparative evidence from Poland and Hungary
by Ewa Cukrowska & Anna Lovasz - 2014-15 Probability weighting in different domains: the role of stakes, fungibility, and affect
by Michał Krawczyk - 2014-14 Measuring the Causal Effect of Privatization on Firm Performance
by Jan Hagemejer & Joanna Tyrowicz & Jan Svejnar - 2014-13 Determinants of saving in Poland: Are they different than in other OECD countries?
by Aleksandra Kolasa & Barbara Liberda - 2014-12 The Sooner The Better - The Welfare Effects of the Retirement Age Increase Under Various Pension Schemes
by Marcin Bielecki & Karolina Goraus & Jan Hagemejer & Joanna Tyrowicz - 2014-11 Gender Wage Gap in Poland – Can It Be Explained by Differences in Observable Characteristics?
by Karolina Goraus & Joanna Tyrowicz - 2014-10 We all do it, but are we willing to admit? Incentivizing digital pirates' confessions
by Anna Kukla-Gryz & Michał Krawczyk & Konrad Siwiński & Joanna Tyrowicz - 2014-09 Happy-go-lucky. Positive emotions boost demand for lotto
by Zuzanna Halicka & Michał Krawczyk - 2014-08 Wildfires in Poland: the impact of risk preferences and loss aversion on environmental choices
by Anna Bartczak & Susan Chilton & Jürgen Meyerhoff - 2014-07 Author's gender affects the rating of academic articles: Evidence from an incentivized, deception-free laboratory experiment
by Michał Krawczyk & Magdalena Smyk - 2014-06 Modeling volatility with Range-based Heterogeneous Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity model
by Tomasz Skoczylas - 2014-05 Power laws in citation distributions: Evidence from Scopus
by Michał Brzeziński - 2014-04 Economic modeling approaches: optimization versus equilibrium
by Olga Kiuila & Thomas F. Rutherford - 2014-03 Does social security reform reduce gains from increasing the retirement age?
by Karolina Goraus & Krzysztof Makarski & Joanna Tyrowicz - 2014-02 Portfolio Performance Implications of Environmental, Social and Governance based Asset Selection
by Florian Mueller - 2014-01 Empirical modeling of the impact factor distribution
by Michał Brzeziński
- 2013-32 Robust estimation of the Pareto index: A Monte Carlo Analysis
by Michał Brzeziński - 2013-31 Parametric modelling of income distribution in Central and Eastern Europe
by Michał Brzeziński - 2013-30 The Value of Familiarity: Effects of Experience, Knowledge and Signals on Willingness to Pay for a Public Good
by Jacob Lariviere & Mikołaj Czajkowski & Nick Hanley & Margrethe Aanesen & Jannike Falk-Petersen & Dugald Tinch - 2013-29 Switching Costs and Network Effects – How Much Do they Really Matter in Mobile Telecommunications?
by Mikołaj Czajkowski & Maciej Sobolewski - 2013-28 What is the true gender wage gap? A comparative analysis using data from Poland
by Lucas Van Der Velde & Joanna Tyrowicz & Karolina Goraus - 2013-27 Age-productivity patterns in talent occupations for men and women: a decomposition
by Barbara Liberda & Joanna Tyrowicz & Magdalena Smyk - 2013-26 Unprivatizing the Pension System: The Case of Poland
by Jan Hagemejer & Krzysztof Makarski & Joanna Tyrowicz - 2013-25 Pirates in the lab. Using incentivized choice experiments to explore preference for (un)authorized content
by Piotr Ćwiakowski & Marek Giergiczny & Michał Krawczyk - 2013-24 Why is online piracy ethically different from theft? A vignette experiment
by Wojciech Hardy & Michał Krawczyk & Joanna Tyrowicz - 2013-23 Efficiency of the pension reform: the welfare effects of various fiscal closures
by Jan Hagemejer & Krzysztof Makarski & Joanna Tyrowicz - 2013-22 Piracy as an ethical decision
by Martyna Kobus & Michał Krawczyk - 2013-21 Long-run interest rate convergence in Poland and the EMU
by Łukasz Goczek & Dagmara Mycielska - 2013-20 The role of altruism in non-market valuation. An application to the Białowieża Forest
by Anna Bartczak - 2013-19 The Goodwill Effect? Female Access to the Labor Market Over Transition: A Multicountry Analysis
by Karolina Goraus & Joanna Tyrowicz - 2013-18 Polish high unemployment and spatial labor turnover. Insights from panel data analysis using unemployment registry data
by Francesco Pastore & Joanna Tyrowicz - 2013-17 Do We Really Need to Start From Scratch? Economic Theory on Economic Crises
by Michał Gradzewicz & Krzysztof Makarski & Joanna Tyrowicz - 2013-16 How to perfectly discriminate in a crowd? A theoretical model of crowdfunding
by Wojciech Hardy - 2013-15 Ethnic Competition or Complementarity: Which Drives (Returns to) Self-employment?
by Joanna Nestorowicz & Joanna Tyrowicz - 2013-14 Portfolio selection models based on characteristics of return distributions
by Paweł Wnuk Lipinski - 2013-13 Ready for euro? Empirical study of the actual monetary policy independence in Poland
by Łukasz Goczek & Dagmara Mycielska - 2013-12 Welfare Analysis of a Prohibitive NTM in a Society with a Proportion of Concerned Consumers
by M. Mahdi Ghodsi - 2013-11 Delineating deception in experimental economics: Researchers' and subjects' views
by Michał Krawczyk - 2013-10 Controlling for overlap in matching
by Paweł Strawiński - 2013-09 The Impact of Individual Risk Preferences on Valuing Preservation of Threatened Species: an Application to Lynx Populations in Poland
by Anna Bartczak & Susan Chilton & Jürgen Meyerhoff - 2013-08 Business Demography in Poland: Microeconomic and Macroeconomic Determinants of Firm Survival
by Natalia Nehrebecka & Aneta Maria Dzik - 2013-07 Firm Level Analysis of FDI and Social Development
by Łukasz Goczek - 2013-06 The pricing of options on WIG20 using GARCH models
by Szymon Kamiński - 2013-05 Providing Preference-Based Support for Forest Ecosystem Service Management in Poland
by Mikołaj Czajkowski & Anna Bartczak & Marek Giergiczny & Stale Navrud & Tomasz Żylicz - 2013-04 Relative risk aversion and power-law distribution of macroeconomic disasters
by Michał Brzeziński - 2013-03 Variance estimation for richness measures
by Michał Brzeziński - 2013-02 Accounting for trends in health poverty: A decomposition analysis for Britain, 1991-2008
by Michał Brzeziński - 2013-01 Asymptotic and bootstrap inference for top income shares
by Michał Brzeziński
- 2012-19 Polarization of household saving in Poland during financial crisis 2007-2010
by Barbara Liberda & Marek Pęczkowski - 2012-18 Political Competition and Policy Choices: The Evidence From Agricultural Protection
by Jan Fałkowski & Alessandro Olper - 2012-17 Life Cycle Income and Consumption Patterns in Transition
by Aleksandra Kolasa - 2012-16 Did people "buy" what was "sold"? A qualitative evaluation a Contingent Valuation survey information set for gains in life expectancy
by Rachel Baker & Anna Bartczak & Susan Chilton & Hugh Metcalf - 2012-15 The Effects of Experience on Preference Uncertainty: Theory and Empirics for Public and Quasi-Public Goods
by Mikołaj Czajkowski & Nick Hanley & Jacob LaRiviere - 2012-14 Valuing the chances of survival of two distinct Eurasian lynx populations in Poland – do people want to keep doors open?
by Anna Bartczak & Jürgen Meyerhoff - 2012-13 Small sample properties of matching with caliper
by Paweł Strawiński - 2012-12 Economic effects of differentiated climate action
by Leszek Kąsek & Olga Kiuila & Krzysztof Wójtowicz & Tomasz Żylicz - 2012-11 The economic value of a White Stork nesting colony: a case of ‘stork village’ in Poland
by Mikołaj Czajkowski & Marek Giergiczny & Jakub Kronenberg & Piotr Tryjanowski - 2012-10 More random or more deterministic choices? The effects of information on preferences for biodiversity conservation
by Mikołaj Czajkowski & Nick Hanley - 2012-09 Sex, morals and exam cheating
by Michał Krawczyk - 2012-08 Learning and Fatigue Effects Revisited. The Impact of Accounting for Unobservable Preference and Scale Heterogeneity on Perceived Ordering Effects in Multiple Choice Task Discrete Choice Experiments
by Mikołaj Czajkowski & Marek Giergiczny & William H. Greene - 2012-07 We want to sort! – assessing households’ preferences for sorting waste
by Mikołaj Czajkowski & Tadeusz Kądziela & Nick Hanley - 2012-06 Testing game theory without the social preference confound
by Michał Krawczyk & Fabrice Le Lec - 2012-05 The Idea of Good (Enough) Governance. A Look from Complexity Economics
by Łukasz Hardt