- 2012-04 Investment strategies beating the market. What can we squeeze from the market?
by Robert Ślepaczuk & Grzegorz Zakrzewski & Paweł Sakowski - 2012-03 Municipal Wastewater Treatment in Poland – Efficiency, Costs and Returns to Scale
by Krzysztof Berbeka & Mikołaj Czajkowski & Agnieszka Markowska - 2012-02 Cointegration Based Trading Strategy For Soft Commodities Market
by Piotr Arendarski & Łukasz Postek - 2012-01 Tactical allocation in falling stocks: Combining momentum and solvency ratio signals
by Piotr Arendarski
- 2011-26 The cost of reducing CO2 emissions: Integrating abatement technologies into economic modeling
by Olga Kiuila & Thomas F. Rutherford - 2011-25 Dynamic caliper matching
by Paweł Strawiński - 2011-24 Inequality decomposition by population subgroups for ordinal data
by Martyna Kobus & Piotr Miłoś - 2011-23 Multidimensional poverty analysis in Polish gminas
by Marta Anacka & Martyna Kobus - 2011-22 International Openness and Social Development as Endogenous Determinants of Growth
by Łukasz Goczek - 2011-21 The Effectiveness of Preferential Trade Liberalization in Central and Eastern Europe
by Andrzej Cieślik & Jan Hagemejer - 2011-20 Measuring progress in reading achievement between primary and secondary school across countries
by Maciej Jakubowski & Artur Pokropek - 2011-19 Accounting for recent trends in absolute poverty in Poland: A decomposition analysis
by Michał Brzeziński - 2011-18 Has recent economic growth in Poland been pro-poor?
by Michał Brzeziński - 2011-17 Institutional uncertainty and retirement decisions in Poland
by Grzegorz Kula & Anna Ruzik-Sierdzińska - 2011-16 Interactions between trade and environmental policies in the Czech economy
by Olga Kiuila - 2011-15 Overconfident for real? Proper scoring for confidence intervals
by Michał Krawczyk - 2011-14 Framing in the field. A simple experiment on the reflection effect
by Michał Krawczyk - 2011-13 To answer or not to answer? A field test of loss aversion
by Michał Krawczyk - 2011-12 Approximation of Marginal Abatement Cost Curve
by Olga Kiuila & Thomas F. Rutherford - 2011-11 An experimental study on multi-dimensional spatial product differentiation
by Przemysław Kusztelak - 2011-10 Educational Aspirations
by Paweł Strawiński - 2011-09 Does a change of occupation lead to higher earnings?
by Barbara Liberda & Marek Pęczkowski - 2011-08 Earning and saving competences of individuals in a local community in Poland
by Barbara Liberda & Magdalena Szymczak - 2011-07 Known Knowns and Known Unknowns of Immigrant Self-employment. Selected issues
by Joanna Nestorowicz - 2011-06 Analysis of Polish business demography using Markov chains
by Natalia Nehrebecka - 2011-05 Returns from income strategies in rural Poland
by Jan Fałkowski & Maciej Jakubowski & Paweł Strawiński - 2011-04 Demand linkages and spatial agglomeration of Indian states
by Andrzej Cieślik & Sadananda Prusty - 2011-03 How do we value our income from which we save?
by Barbara Liberda & Marek Pęczkowski & Ewa Gucwa-Leśny - 2011-02 Impact of GDP volatility on current account balances
by Michał Brzozowski & Sadananda Prusty - 2011-01 The coincident and the leading business cycle indicators for Poland
by Rafał Woźniak
- 2010-17 Economic determinants of sport participation in Poland
by Paweł Strawiński - 2010-16 Which Option Pricing Model is the Best? High Frequency Data for Nikkei225 Index Options
by Ryszard Kokoszczyński & Paweł Sakowski & Robert Ślepaczuk - 2010-15 Midquotes or Transactional Data? The Comparison of Black Model on HF Data
by Ryszard Kokoszczyński & Paweł Sakowski & Robert Ślepaczuk - 2010-14 Crises and Joint Employment-Productivity Dynamics: A Comparative Perspective for European Countries
by Enrico Marelli & Marcello Signorelli & Joanna Tyrowicz - 2010-13 Impact Of Social Capital On Individual Well-Being In Poland. Proxy-Based Approach
by Anna Grochowska & Paweł Strawiński - 2010-12 Not all that glitters. The direct effects of privatization through foreign investment
by Jan Hagemejer & Joanna Tyrowicz - 2010-11 Transition to full-time employment status based on two-equation and three-equation probit model with endogenous switching
by Natalia Nehrebecka - 2010-10 Testing sensitivity of willingness to pay for mortality risk reduction
by Marek Giergiczny - 2010-09 Nature protection in an economically depressed region
by Marek Giergiczny & Sviataslau Valasiuk & Tomasz Żylicz - 2010-08 Irregular behaviour in stating preferences for nature protection. A Choice Experiment in Belarus
by Marek Giergiczny & Sviataslau Valasiuk & Tomasz Żylicz & Pere Riera - 2010-07 Decomposition of Bivariate Inequality Indices by Attributes Revisited
by Martyna Kobus - 2010-06 Latent Variables and Propensity Score Matching
by Maciej Jakubowski - 2010-05 Employed Unemployed? On Shadow Employment During Transition
by Joanna Tyrowicz & Stanisław Cichocki - 2010-04 The Impact of the 1999 Education Reform in Poland
by Maciej Jakubowski & Harry Anthony Patrinos & Emilio Ernesto Porta & Jerzy Wiśniewski - 2010-03 Option Pricing Models with HF Data – a Comparative Study. The Properties of Black Model with Different Volatility Measures
by Ryszard Kokoszczyński & Natalia Nehrebecka & Paweł Sakowski & Paweł Strawiński & Robert Ślepaczuk - 2010-02 Cynicism Starts Young: Age and Entrepreneurship over Transition
by Joanna Tyrowicz & Joanna Nestorowicz - 2010-01 Application of epsilon method to modeling expectations in construction
by Natalia Nehrebecka & Sylwia Grudkowska
- 2009-13 High-Frequency and Model-Free Volatility Estimators
by Robert Ślepaczuk & Grzegorz Zakrzewski - 2009-12 Access to Credit, Factor Allocation and Farm Productivity: Evidence From the CEE Transition Economies
by Jan Fałkowski & Pavel Ciaian & d'Artis Kancs - 2009-11 Emerging versus developed volatility indices. The comparison of VIW20 and VIX indices
by Robert Ślepaczuk & Grzegorz Zakrzewski - 2009-10 (In)Efficiency of Matching - the Case of a Post-transition Economy
by Tomasz Jeruzalski & Joanna Tyrowicz - 2009-09 Analysis of poverty in Poland in 1997 - 2000 using hazard models
by Natalia Nehrebecka & Agata Kocia - 2009-08 Labour Market Racial Discrimination in South Africa Revisited
by Maciej Szelewicki & Joanna Tyrowicz - 2009-07 Shadow Employment In Transition - A Matter of Choice or No Choice?
by Stanisław Cichocki & Joanna Tyrowicz - 2009-06 Blame No One? Investment Decisions Of The Polish Stock-listed Companies
by Joanna Tyrowicz - 2009-05 Teaching quality and decentralization
by Maciej Jakubowski - 2009-04 Nonlinear Stochastic Convergence Analysis of Regional Unemployment Rates in Poland
by Joanna Tyrowicz & Piotr Wójcik - 2009-03 When Eastern Labour Markets Enter Western Europe CEECs. Labour Market Institutions upon Euro Zone Accession
by Joanna Tyrowicz - 2009-02 Is the Impact Really That High? The Effect of FDI in Transition
by Jan Hagemejer & Joanna Tyrowicz - 2009-01 Breeding Ones' Own Subprime Crisis
by Tomasz Daras & Joanna Tyrowicz
- 2008-10 Intra-Provincial Inequalities and Economic Growth in China
by Jacek Kochanowicz & Joanna Rymaszewska & Joanna Tyrowicz - 2008-09 Study on Benefit Transfer in an International Setting. How to Improve Welfare Estimates in the Case of the Countries' Income Heterogeneity?
by Mikołaj Czajkowski & Milan Ščasný - 2008-08 Analysis of HF data on the WSE in the context of EMH
by Paweł Strawiński & Robert Ślepaczuk - 2008-07 Unemployment Convergence in Transition
by David Katrencik & Joanna Tyrowicz & Piotr Wójcik - 2008-06 Foreign Debt and Domestic Savings in Developing Countries
by Luke Emeka Okafor & Joanna Tyrowicz - 2008-05 Shadow economy and its relations with tax system and state budget in Poland 1995 - 2007
by Stanisław Cichocki - 2008-04 How Much (E)S in CSR?
by Anna Sienicka & Joanna Tyrowicz - 2008-03 How to ‘Sell’ an Environmental Good: Using Labels to Investigate Scope Effects
by Mikołaj Czajkowski & Nick Hanley - 2008-02 Valuing Changes in Forest Biodiversity
by Małgorzata Buszko-Briggs & Mikołaj Czajkowski & Nick Hanley - 2008-01 Vertical coordination from the angle of farmer loyalty and access to credit. Evidence from the Polish dairy sector
by Jan Fałkowski