September 2008, Volume 41, Issue 5
- 161-173 Organisational Effectiveness and Customer Satisfaction
by Ambrož Milan & Praprotnik Martina - 174-184 The Impact of Management Control Systems - Strategy Interaction on Performance Management: A Case Study
by Peljhan Darja & Tekavčič Metka - 185-193 Organization in Finance Prepared by Stochastic Differential Equations with Additive and Nonlinear Models and Continuous Optimization
by Taylan Pakize & Weber Gerhard-Wilhelm
July 2008, Volume 41, Issue 4
- 127-135 Organizational Mental Map and Conative Competences
by Kovač Darko & Bertoncelj Andrej - 136-143 Internet Marketing Communication and Schools: The Slovenian Case Study
by Tankosić Aleš & Trnavčevič Anita - 144-152 The Role of Information for Recognising Business Opportunities
by Skerbinjek Andreja - 153-158 Cost Optimal Project Scheduling
by Klanšek Uroš & Pšunder Mirko
May 2008, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 81-90 Innovation and Human Resource Management: the Greek Experience
by Katou Anastasia - 91-98 How Public Relations Impact on a Company's Effectiveness
by Jerman Damjana & Vukovič Goran & Završnik Bruno - 99-107 Corruption in Public Administration Units and Organizational Measures to Prevent and Fight Corruption
by Mevc Andrejka & Pagon Milan - 108-115 Fuzzy SERVQUAL Analysis in Airline Services
by Aydin Ozlem & Pakdil Fatma - 116-124 Forecasting the Primary Demand for a Beer Brand Using Time Series Analysis
by Bratina Danijel & Faganel Armand
March 2008, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 43-49 The Influence of Organizational Absorptive Capacity on Product and Process Innovation
by Murovec Nika & Prodan Igor - 50-61 A Best Practice Model for Useful Suggestions Management
by Prodan Igor & Ahlin Branka - 62-70 Innovativeness as Precondition for Business Excellence in Public Utility (Communal) Companies
by Škafar Branko & Mulej Matjaž - 71-78 Teaching Information System Technology in Partnership with IT Companies
by Mahnič Viljan
January 2008, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 3-13 Can Marketing Resources Contribute to Company Performance?
by Milfelner Borut & Gabrijan Vladimir & Snoj Boris - 14-21 The Job Satisfaction of Detectives Investigating Economic Crime in the Police Directorates of Ljubljana-Maribor and Some Reasons for their Fluctuation
by Gorenak Vinko & Željko Božidar - 22-30 The Management of Complaints in Slovene Public Administration
by Stare Janez & Gruden Barbara & Kovač Polonca - 31-40 Integration as a Tool of Destination Management - The Case of Rural and Rural Fringe Areas
by Juvan Emil & Ovsenik Rok