September 2016, Volume 62, Issue 3
- 13-19 Assessment of the State of Competition in the Banking Market in the Russian Federation
by Rabdanova Anna & Bulatova Vera - 20-28 Payment Cards
by Kantnerová Liběna - 29-38 Seven or Fewer Core Contents of Social Responsibility?
by Zore Mira & Bastič Majda & Mulej Matjaž - 39-51 Impact of ICTs on Innovation Activities: Indication for selected European countries
by Zoroja Jovana - 52-60 Analyzing Hotel Innovation Behavior in the Balaton Region of Hungary to Identify Best Practices
by Gyurácz-Németh Petra & Horn Nikolett & Friedrich Nóra
June 2016, Volume 62, Issue 2
- 3-11 Does Grade Level Matter for the Assessment of Business Process Management Maturity?
by Gabryelczyk Renata - 12-24 Big Data for Business Ecosystem Players
by Perko Igor & Ototsky Peter - 25-32 Nonprofit Organizations from the Perspective of Organizational Development and Their Influence on Professionalization
by Dobrai Katalin & Farkas Ferenc - 33-41 The Analysis of Barriers in Succession Processes of Family Business with the Use of Grey Incidence Analysis (Polish Perspective)
by Więcek-Janka Ewa & Mierzwiak Rafał & Kijewska Joanna - 42-50 Testing the Performance of Cubic Splines and Nelson-Siegel Model for Estimating the Zero-coupon Yield Curve
by Lorenčič Eva - 51-60 The Relationship between Spiritual Intelligence and Work Satisfaction among Leaders and Employees
by Koražija Maja & Šarotar Žižek Simona & Mumel Damijan
March 2016, Volume 62, Issue 1
- 3-11 Spread and Liquidity Issues: A markets comparison
by Strašek Sebastjan & Bricelj Bor - 12-26 Capabilities of Statistical Residual-Based Control Charts in Short- and Long-Term Stock Trading
by Žmuk Berislav - 27-36 The Examination of Factors Relating to the Leadership Style of Nursing Leaders in Hospitals
by Lorber Mateja & Treven Sonja & Mumel Damijan - 37-45 Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intentions in ICT Industry: Gender and country of origin perspective
by Pejić Bach Mirjana & Merkač Skok Marjana & Suša Dalia - 46-55 Identification of Czech Metropolitan Regions: How to improve targeting of innovation policy
by Klímová Viktorie & Žítek Vladimír - 56-62 Understanding Management Concepts through Development of their Tool Box: The case of total quality management
by Ćwiklicki Marek
December 2015, Volume 61, Issue 6
- 3-11 Economic Growth and Public Indebtedness in the Last Four Decades: Is Portugal different from the other PIIGS’ economies?
by Ferraz Ricardo & Duarte António Portugal - 12-18 Tax Policy and Income Inequality in the Visegrad Countries
by Moździerz Anna - 19-27 The Influence of Employees’ Values on the Acquisition of Knowledge in Organizations
by Pivec Nataša & Potočan Vojko - 28-37 Relationships among Store Image and Store Loyalty in Slovenia
by Grah Miran & Tominc Polona
October 2015, Volume 61, Issue 5
- 3-11 State Aid for the Coal Sector in the European Union: Pre- and post-crisis perspective / Državna pomoč za premogovni sektor v Evropski uniji – pred- in pokrizna perspektiva
by Podsiadło Piotr - 12-22 Model for Determining the Stability of Retail Deposits with Higher Outflow Rates / Model za izračun stabilnosti vlog na drobno z višjo stopnjo odliva
by Murks Bašič Aleksandra - 23-31 Reduction of the Mean Hedging Transaction Costs / Redukcija povprečnih transakcijskih stroškov hedging tehnike
by Mastinšek Miklavž - 32-39 Conceptual Framework for the Definition and Regulation of Virtual Currencies: International and Russian practices / Konceptualni okvir za definicijo in regulacijo virtualnih valut: mednarodne in ruske prakse
by Belomyttseva Olga S.
August 2015, Volume 61, Issue 4
- 3-13 Similarities and Differences of Health-promoting Leadership and Transformational Leadership
by Dunkl Anita & Jiménez Paul & Šarotar Žižek Simona & Milfelner Borut & Kallus Wolfgang K. - 14-22 Controllership Influences on the Restructuring of Slovenian Companies
by Lebar Danijel & Kolar Iztok - 23-31 Training Programs for Managing Well-being in Companies
by Treven Sonja & Treven Urška & Šarotar Žižek Simona - 32-40 The Role of Accounting in a Society: Only a techn(olog)ical solution for the problem of economic measurement or also a tool of social ideology?
by Horvat Robert & Korošec Bojana
June 2015, Volume 61, Issue 3
- 3-21 Kalman Filter or VAR Models to Predict Unemployment Rate in Romania?
by Simionescu Mihaela - 22-31 Examining the Export-led Growth Hypothesis: The case of Croatia
by Bilas Vlatka & Bošnjak Mile & Franc Sanja - 32-40 Safeguarding Creditors in the Course of Simplified Reduction of Subscribed Capital
by Drnovšek Gregor - 41-50 Is Trust in Banks in Slovenia Put to the Test?
by Taškar Beloglavec Sabina & Šebjan Urban
April 2015, Volume 61, Issue 2
- 3-14 Training on Sustainable Use of Water in the Processing Industry / Usposabljanje o trajnostni rabi vode v predelovalni industriji
by Moretti Melita & Markič Mirko - 15-23 E-business in Micro Companies: Lessons learned / E-poslovanje v mikro podjetjih – nova spoznanja
by Zabukovšek Simona Sternad & Šišovska Irena & Mravljak Monika & Bobek Samo - 24-34 Advantages and Disadvantages of the Single European Patent / Prednosti in slabosti enotnega evropskega patenta
by Glazer Klara - 35-44 Effect of Rurality and Human Capital Resources in the Entrepreneurial Opportunity Identification Process / Vpliv ruralnega okolja in človeškega kapitala v procesu zaznavanja podjetniških priložnosti
by Kedmenec Irena & Šebjan Urban & Tominc Polona
March 2015, Volume 61, Issue 1
- 3-12 Mobbing in Slovenia: Prevalence, Mobbing Victim Characteristics, and the Connection with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
by Mumel Damijan & Jan Sanja & Treven Sonja & Malc Domen - 13-24 Examining Determinants of Leadership Style Among Montenegrin Managers
by Lojpur An൭elko & Aleksić Ana & Vlahović Sanja & Pejić Bach Mirjana & Peković Sanja - 25-36 Measuring Efficiency of Nations in Multi Sport Events: A case of Commonwealth Games XIX
by Debnath Roma Mitra & Malhotra Ashish - 37-50 The Effect of the Combination of Different Methods of Stock Analysis on Portfolio Performance
by Trančar Vesna