2008, Volume 55, Issue 3
- 353-367 Choix des politiques de change dans les pays en developpements: Etude de la competitivite de la Tunisie
by Hend Sfaxi Benahji - 369-381 Les réformes financières dans la région MENA, une approche comparative : cas de la Tunisie, l’Algérie, le Maroc et l’Egypte
by Ahmed Alouani - 383-398 Econometric Model of Interest Rates on Deposits in Montenegro
by Ivana Stešević - 399-402 Kosta Josifidis, Ekonomija: nauka ili metafizika, nekoliko metodoloških po(r)uka
by Alpar Lošonc
2008, Volume 55, Issue 2
- 135-156 Goodbye Washington Consensus, Hello Washington Confusion? A Review of the World Bank’s Economic Growth in the 1990s: Learning from a Decade of Reform
by Dani Rodrik - 157-166 Evaluation of the Income Convergence Hypothesis in Ten New Members of the European Union. A Panel Unit Root Approach
by Ranjpour Reza & Karimi Takanlou Zahra - 167-184 Full Employment as a Possible Objective for EU Policy II. Review of Some Empirical Aspects
by Massimo Cingolani - 185-218 Electoral Rules, Forms of Government, and Political Budget Cycles in Transition Countries
by Marko Klašnja - 219-231 Decomposition of External Capital Inflows and Outflows in the Small Open Transition Economy (The Case Analysis of the Slovak Republic)
by Rajmund Mirdala - 233-248 A New Era for the Music Industry: How New Technologies and the Internet Affect the Way Music is Valued and have an Impact on Output Quality
by Tassos Patokos - 249-252 Reading Statistics and Research by Schuyler W. Huck
by Mirko Savić
2008, Volume 55, Issue 1
- 3-37 Politička ekonomija nominalnih makroekonomskih poremećaja
by Shanker Satyanath & Arvind Subramanian - 39-67 Money Creation, Employment and Economic Stability: The Monetary Theory of Unemployment and Inflation
by Alain Parguez - 69-88 L’impact de la libéralisation commerciale sur le travail des femmes. Une analyse comparative entre l’Afrique du Sud et l’Ethiopie a l’aide d’une approche en Equilibre Général Calculable
by Mitik Lulit & Berthomieu Claude - 89-114 Full Employment as a Possible Objective for EU Policy I. A Perspective From the Point of View of The Monetary Circuit
by Massimo Cingolani - 115-128 Economic Freedom and New Economic Paradigm
by Veselin Vukotić - 129-132 Socialism after Hayek by Theodore A. Burczak
by Alpar Lošonc
2007, Volume 54, Issue 4
- 367-395 Central Bank Independence and Monetary Policymaking Institutions: Past, Present, and Future
by Alex Cukierman - 397-427 «Quels régimes de change pour les marchés émergents ? Les solutions de coins en questions»
by Jean-Pierre Allegret - 429-443 Analysis of Effects of Foreign Bank Entry on Credit Interest Rate Behavior in Serbia
by Đorđe Đukić - 445-467 More Employers, More Jobs, More Money: An Empirical Analysis of Local Economic Development Policy Impacts in U.S. Cities
by Stuart Strother - 469-487 Social Protection Convergence in the European Union: Impact of Maastricht Treaty
by Nicole Attia & Valérie Berenger - 489-500 Does Politics Matter in the Conduct of Fiscal Policy? Political Determinants of the Fiscal Sustainability: Evidence from Seven Individual Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC)
by Srdjan Redžepagić & Matthieu Llorca - 501-505 Central banking in theory and practise Nikola Fabris (Central bank of Montenegro, Podgorica 2006)
by Emilija Beker - 507-515 Central and Eastern European Countries and the European Union Edited by Michael Artis, Anindya Banerjee and Massimiliano Marcellino (Cambridge University Press, 2006)
by Valentina Ivanić
2007, Volume 54, Issue 3
- 249-270 Optimal Exchange Rate Regimes: Turning Mundell-Fleming's Dictum on its Head
by Amartya Lahiri & Rajesh Singh & Carlos A. Vegh - 271-301 Volatilité des chocs et degré de flexibilité du taux de change
by Jean-Pierre Allegret & Mohamed Ayadi & Leila Haouaoui - 303-324 The International Transmission of Monetary Shocks in a Dollarized Economy: The Case of USA and Lebanon
by Jean François Goux & Charbel Cordahi - 325-346 The Money Market in Montenegro - Conditions, Development and Outlook
by Danijela Vukajlović-Grba - 347-357 Questions About Household Consumption in Surveys
by Mirko Savić - 359-362 M. Aglietta and A. Rebérioux, Corporate Governance Adrift. A Critique of Shareholder Value (Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2005)
by Alpar Lošonc
2007, Volume 54, Issue 2
- 127-158 Current Account Deficits in Rich Countries
by Olivier Blanchard - 159-184 Équilibres multiples et poids de l’histoire: quelle responsabilité pour la politique économique?
by Fabienne Bonetto - 185-195 Serbian Identity and the Concept of Europeanness
by Irena Ristić - 197-217 Global Capital Markets - An Updated Profile
by Miroslava Filipović - 219-233 Monetary Strategies from the Perspective of Intermediate Objectives
by Marianna Neupauerová & Ján Vravec - 235-242 Bureaucratic Behavior: A Review of the Theory and its Application to Serbian Public Administration
by Jelena Žarković-Rakić - 243-246 Jean-Pierre Allegret: Exchange Rate Regimes for Emerging Countries. Perspectives for the 21st Century (Vuibert Editions, 2005)
by Irene Andreou & Aleksandra Zdzienicka
2007, Volume 54, Issue 1
- 5-27 Does Political Instability Lead to Higher and More Volatile Inflation? A Panel Data Analysis
by Ari Aisen & Francisco José Veiga - 29-51 Why Foreign Aid Fails
by Miroslav Prokopijević - 53-67 La these de Feldstein-Horioka: une mesure de la mobilité internationale du capital
by João Sousa Andrade - 69-86 La persistance des ecarts de richesse au sein de l’europe elargie: l’apport de l’econometrie des panels heterogenes non-stationnaires
by Anna Tykhonenko - 87-101 Comparison of Real Development Levels of Countries – Genesis and Perspectives
by Zora Prekajac - 103-118 Privatization in Economic Theory
by Maja Drakić - 119-122 Susan Senior Nello: The European Union: Economics, Policies and History (The McGraw Hill Companies, Berkshire, 2005)
by Alpar Lošonc
2006, Volume 53, Issue 4
- 359-388 Monetary Policy Strategy: How Did We Get here ?
by Frederic S. Mishkin - 389-405 Inflation Targeting With Special Review on Application in Serbia
by Nikola Fabris - 407-425 Is There an Opportunity to Establish the Social-Capitalism in the Post Socialist Transition?
by Alpar Lošonc - 427-437 Principal Components Analysis of Employment in Eastern Europe
by Mirko Savić - 439-456 Macroeconomic aspects of financial liberalization
by Rajmund Mirdala - 457-470 Agriculture of Central and Eastern European countries in the European Union
by Srđan Redžepagić - 471-485 EU Environmental Policy and Competitiveness
by Boban Stojanović & Snežana Radukić - 487-490 Douglass C. North: Understanding the Process of Economic Change (Princeton University Press, 2005)
by Tadija Tadić
2006, Volume 53, Issue 3
- 239-256 Internal Globalization of Western Balkan
by Veselin Vukotić - 257-281 Social Exclusion in Central-Eastern Europe. Concept, measurement and policy interventions (2)
by Orsolya Lelkes - 283-298 Mechanisms for Development of Property Rights Institutions
by Jelena Žarković - 299-311 Public Private Partnership as a Last Resort for Traditional Public Procurement
by Viktorija Bojović - 313-334 Exchange Rate Regime Choice
by Emilija Beker - 335-347 p-Charts in the Quality Control of the Grading Process in the High Education
by Mirko Savić - 349-355 Peter Calvocoressi, World Politics 1945-2000 (Pearson Education Ltd, Eight edition 2001)
by Miroslava Filipović
2006, Volume 53, Issue 2
- 111-130 Is New Labour's ‘Third Way' New or Just Hot Air in Old Bottles?
by Grazia Ietto-Gillies - 131-159 Social Exclusion in Central-Eastern Europe. Concept, measurement and policy interventions
by Orsolya Lelkes - 161-178 The World of Water, or Testing Neoliberalism: Is Water a Common Good or Private Property?
by Alpar Lošonc - 179-190 The Globalization Debate: The Sceptics
by Tadija Tadić - 191-221 Privatization Processes in Banking - Motives and Models
by Života Ristić - 223-230 Some of the Unanswered Questions in Finance
by Dragana M. Đurić - 231-235 Aidis, Ruta, Laws and Customs: Entrepreneurship, Institutions and Gender During Economic Transition
by John B. Hall
2006, Volume 53, Issue 1
- 5-18 What Is Neoclassical Economics? The three axioms responsible for its theoretical oeuvre, practical irrelevance and, thus, discursive power
by Christian Arnsperger & Yanis Varoufakis - 19-30 Reflexion sur l’origine du processus de segmentation du marche du travail
by Nicole Attia - 31-49 Exchange rate arrangements – from extreme to normal
by Emilija Beker - 51-63 Debata o globalizaciji: Globalisti
by Tadija Tadić - 65-77 European Social Model vs Directive Bolkestein
by Srđan Redžepagić - 79-87 The Optimal Monetary Rule for the Slovak Republic
by Marianna Neupauerová - 89-103 On the multiplier concept in regional analysis
by Novica Supić - 105-108 J. Baylis, S. Smith: The Globalization of World Politics – An introduction to international relations (Oxford University Press, New York 2005)
by Miroslava Filipović
0000, Volume 0, Issue 0
- 1-19 The Influences of the US Stock Market on Virtual Currency Price under US Monetary Policy Threshold
by Tzu-Yi Yang & Eddy Lie & Chien-Chung Lu - 1-21 A Monetary Model of Exchange Rate Beats the Random Walk Forecast Even at a Short Horizon: Evidence from the Serbian Hyperinflation at Daily Frequency
by Pavle Petrović & Zorica Mladenović - 1-21 The Nexus Between Household Consumption, Consumer Protection, and Consumer Confidence in European Countries. A Statistical-Mathematical Analysis
by Rosa Ferrentino & Luca Vota - 1-21 The Relationship Between Public Debt and Income Inequality in Advanced and Developing Economies: Empirical Evidence on the Difference
by Van Bon Nguyen - 1-22 Using Bootstrap Fourier Granger Causality Test in Quantiles to Re-examine Pollution Haven/Halo Hypotheses in China and G3 Countries
by Chang Tsangyao & Sheng-Tung Chen & Mei-Chih Wang - 1-23 The Yield Curve as a Leading Indicator of Recession: Austrian Economics Insights
by Miguel Angel Alonso Neira & Antonio Sanchez-Bayon - 1-25 A Qualitative and Quantitative Approach to the Drivers of Economic Growth in the EU
by Elena-Alexandra Sinoi - 1-27 The Application of Quasi-Experimental Approaches to the Analysis of the Relationship Between Employment and Health
by Maria Kaneva - 1-28 Assessing the Impacts of Financial Stress on the Yield Spreads of Poland, Mexico and South Africa
by Oguzhan Ozcelebi - 1-30 Contıngent Claıms Analysıs as a Credıt Rısk Metrıc: Evıdence from Turkey
by Burcu Bahcecı Baskurt & Şaban Çelik - 1-31 The Redistribution of Freedom: Normative Analysis of the Universal Basic Income
by Juan-Francisco Albert - 1-32 The Perpetuation of Stratification in Market Environments – Markets and Corporate Power, Institutions, and Complex Systems Dynamics
by Henning Schwardt - 1-33 Evaluating the Critical Factors of Tax Evasion in Business Tax Using a Novel Network Decision Support Model
by Yeh-Cheng Yang & Wen-Sheng Shieh & Chun-Yueh Lin - 1-35 Expansionary Monetary Policy vs. Bank Concentration: The Eurozone & Other European Countries
by Zeljko Jovic - 1-36 Efficiency Evaluation of Taiwan’s Commercial Banks after IFRS Adoption: A Two-System Network Data Envelopment Approach
by Nan-Hsing Hsiung & Chuang-Min Chao & Ming-Miin Yu - 1-38 The Effects of the Volatilities in Global Determinants on the Istanbul Stock Exchange
by Nezir Köse & Emre Ünal - 1-38 Revisiting Monetary Policy Effectiveness in Turkey Using a FAVAR Model
by Umurcan Polat - 1-43 The Effects of Structural Change on Economic Growth: A Panel Data Analysis
by Ivan D. Trofimov - v:0:y:0:i:0:id:1729 The Asymmetric Effects of Third-Country Exchange Rate Volatility on Turkish-German Commodity Trade
by Waqar Khalid & Irfan Civcir & Hüseyin Özdeşer - v:0:y:0:i:0:id:1781 The Relationship Between Public Expenditures and Economic Growth in the Scope of Economic Classification: The Case of Turkiye
by Ali Balkı & Serkan Göksu